Race, Ethnicity, & Immigration

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When did the U.S. Census begin identifying multiple-race identities?


Multiracial families defy easy racial classification. Racial categories are rooted in antimiscegenation laws, which prohibited interracial marriage. Contemporary definitions of race are rooted in slavery, as this selection details. In the 1970s in South Africa, consider a son being born to a white father and a black mother. Following laws based on hypodescent, the child would be categorized within which racial group?


During slavery, lighter-skinned blacks were given certain privileges over darker-skinned blacks. When slavery was outlawed, what happened?

Clubs were formed to differentiate between light-skinned and dark-skinned blacks.

Ernesto is a Cuban American living near Miami in South Florida. Which of the following statements about Ernesto is correct?

Ernesto's ethnicity is Cuban

______ in northern industrial cities meant poverty was _____ in communities with a majority of Black residents when good-paying blue-collar jobs were eliminated by corporations

Residential segregation; concentrated

Why is intermarriage of the "litmus test" of racial and ethnic difference?

Its frequency allows the measurement of the integration of two groups.

Figure 3.9 provides a bar chart that illustrates the average number of family members living together by racial-ethnic group. Which choice reflects the correct order from the largest average number of family members to the smallest?

Latino, Asian, American Indian, Black, White

During the period of industrialization within the United States, unions composed of white workers would often collectivize and strike against employers. Employers would sometimes then seek to hire black or Latino workers. Why did employers do this?

White workers would then fight against minorities, making the whites a "buffer class."

Figure 3.2 provides a bar chart of the proportion of the U.S. population who identify with particular racial and ethnic groups. Which list shows the correct order from the largest to the smallest population?

White, Hispanic, Black, Asian, American Indian

James and Natasha identify as African American. Reflecting a dominant pattern for African Americans, they have children together and are not married. Sociologists might explain their family structure as reflecting

a response to social and economic challenges

According to your textbook, the issue of undocumented immigration is less a matter of border security and increasingly a question of how to treat immigrants and their families because

about two-thirds of undocumented immigrants have been in the country 10 years or more

What contributed to the Black "retreat from marriage"?


Jews share a common cultural identification that includes a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, and traditional practices. According to your textbook, Jews are most accurately described as a(n)

ethnic group

Maria, a Latina immigrant, set aside her dreams of continuing her education in order to work to send money to her family in her country of origin. This is an example of the cultural trait of


In 2020, the U.S. Census plans to add a new category, "Middle Eastern of North African". According to your textbook, this is what type of designation?

geographic designation

Contemporary American Indians who live on reservations or other tribal lands are often socially isolated and poor. These social conditions may contribute to

higher rates of suicide, diabetes, and alcoholism

The pattern of high educational achievement and intergenerational living among Asian Americans may be explained by cultural traditions, but also by

highly educated professional parents who provide models and opportunities for their children

Race-based practices like the one-drop rule benefited white Americans by

increasing the number of slaves.

Compared to the U.S. population, how likely are American Indian families to be living in poverty?

more likely

What kind of identities and categories reflect perceptions about physical similarities that are assumed to be innate?


One reason we know race is socially constructed and not a biological given is

racial categories have changed over time

The scholarly view that Black families are resilient and adaptive understands Black family structure as a

reaction to persistent poverty

Consider the types of relationships you have with people of different racial and ethnic groups (neighbors, work colleagues, close friends, a spouse or partner). Sociologist use these relationships (and peoples' attitudes toward them) to measure

social distance

Which of the following best explains the decline in marriage among African Americans in the last several decades?

the lack of suitable marriage partners available for women

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