Race, Gender, and Special Populations (Material for Final Exam)

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Colonized/conquered groups face:

- Greater rejection, discrimination, and inequality - Positive change is more difficult - especially when physical appearance is different than the dominant group - Physical characteristics intensify barriers - Colonization intensifies negative experience of minority group (Blauner Hypothesis)

Recent non-Hispanic Immigrant groups from the Caribbean

- Haitians - Jamaicans

Extent of Child Maltreatment

- Hard to detect - Children may be too young to verbalize abuse - Often family-parents, caregivers-are abusers. When/if other family members find out they may not report to police - Some studies have found 1/25 children experience maltreatment (neglect was majority of cases) - Researcher believe this estimate to be low

Risk Factors of Elderly Abuse

-Family with history of DV -Parents who were once abusers may now be abused by children -stress of children who are now taking on caregiving role-dependency theory: as dependency of elderly increase, stress on adult child/caregiver increases which increases risk of maltreatment -nursing aids in institutional housing-work long hours and care for many patients for little pay. Without training and skills abuse and neglect can be the result

Recent studies of second-generation immigration groups supports segmented assimilation according to three factors:

1.) Human capital 2.) Family Structure 3.) Modes of Incorporation Large segments of second-generation immigration groups are destined to assimilate into low-marginalized, or deviant sectors of society

Consequences of Child Maltreatment

1.) Physical, cognitive, and developmental effects 2.) Death 3.) Shaken baby syndrome 4.) Neglect-improper nutrition can cause developmental delays

7 Conceptualization of Fundamentalism

1.) Scriptural literalism (what is written is true for all time and needs no further explanation) 2.) Absolute devotion of absolute truth (establishes pure good and pure evil) 3.) Tireless efforts to enforce divine truth, without negotiation or compromise 4.) Eradication of evil 5.) Culture based on a cosmic battle; particular issues of present become moments in the larger battle against good and evil 6.) The temporal world is a battleground, not meaningful in itself. Success is measured in terms of emotional gratification 7.) Restoration of a glorious past

Women's Liberation Movement

1945-1960 women in home with modern conveniences Stigma of the unmarried woman Movement began in 1960's with other movements: - Equal Rights Amendment (did not pass) - Equal Pay Act - Affirmative Action for Sex Executive Order - Title IX and Educational Equity Act Movement began in 1960's with other movements Changing of laws regarding; use of birth control, no fault divorce, marital rape and domestic violence Cultural feminism- change values and norms associated with the positive view of masculine traits and the negative view of feminine traits.. Before the 1970s and the gender equality movement, women held very few positions in Law Enforcement, Corrections and Courts


A belief system that declares a basic, irreducible essence - a basic property that cannot be broken down into smaller pieces Can be pro-social (Declaration of Independence "unalienable" rights that cannot be taken away) Essentialism can also establish dichotomous beliefs on good and bad people This can become the basis of intolerance and violence


A type of essentialism Refers to a perspective that sacred texts are word for word inerrant, literal Universal, statutory, absolute truth that is ordained by a universal higher power This truth applies to all people, willing or not Fundamentalists view themselves (or their group) as the exclusive holder of truth Differ from one religion to another, and over time and place - but in all cases, fundamentalism is a response to contemporary, modern social conditions

Identity of LGBT

Able to maintain invisibility to some degree Coming out is accepting the stigma Comfortable with sexuality, but choose to be discreet People of color less likely to accept another stigma in their lives

Recent Developments of LGBT

Acceptance and advancements cause people to overestimate the numbers of gay people (Gallup poll estimates group as large as 25%) Acceptance and tolerance vary from region to region - Rhode Island and NE & western stated-most tolerant - Mississippi and southern states-least tolerant - Data suggests many rural and southern Americans remain in the closet due to fear of stigma (based on 2013 data) Variance worldwide on acceptance (allowing gay marriage) to prosecution and execution.

Assimilation and Pluralism of LGBT

Acculturation - Corporate support - Professional athletics - Surveys show acceptance Secondary Structural Assimilation - 3.4% of population identifies as LGBT - More openness about claiming LGBT identity - Ethnicity/race about the same as larger population - More well educated - Couples have higher incomes Primary Structural Assimilation - Coming out still the biggest need and challenge

Important Notes on Delinquency

Age consistently ranks among the strongest correlate for criminal behavior Delinquent involvement during adolescence followed by resistance in early adulthood is well documented Patterns may support some labeling theorists' proposal for radical non-intervention: that juvenile court intervention is unnecessary and may be counter productive Or Should the juvenile justice system heed the findings of research on risk factors and attempt to intervene as soon as possible to prevent future serious/violent/chronic offending later in life? Researchers caution hasty policy implications on risk factors. Even the most sophisticated current analysis is unable to distinguish "persisters" from "experimenters" Association from particular characteristics and later criminal behavior cannot be taken as indicative that youth exposed to risk factors will absolutely be future offenders

Safe Haven Laws

Allow parents who are in crisis to relinquish their babies anonymously at designated places Intent is for babies to be protected and receive proper care

Responses to Elder Maltreatment

Along with criminalizing abuse and neglect of elderly adults, all states have Adult Protective Services where people can report suspected maltreatment Mandatory reporting-varies by state

New Hispanic Groups: Immigrants from the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Columbia

Although modest by U.S. standards, these immigrants tend to be more educated, urbanized, and skilled than their average population than the nations from, which they come Contrary to widely held belief that these are the poorest of their societies Mainly seeking opportunity not available to them in their home country—both legal and illegal Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Colombia immigrants largest from Central and South America


Approach national norms in education and European in appearance Settle along the East Coast—NY, NJ, FL Migration motivated by economics and job opportunities Mixture of less-skilled workers and educated professionals Major center for the production and distribution of drugs: - Pervasive drug smuggler stereotype - Majority are law-abiding citizens

Liberation Hypothesis

Argues that as the gender gap narrows, female behavior (legitimate and illegitimate) will become more like men. Female crime rates are a product of changes in social roles in society Women's crime rates should increase as they become more liberated Additionally, as women join the workforce they will have more opportunity to commit work related crimes Women are more likely than men to be involved in: - prostitution - running away - Embezzlement


Assumption that every person is heterosexual, this is the "normal" lifestyle, and marginalizing persons who do not identify as heterosexual

Risk and Protective Factors

Attempts have been made to identify risk factors that are predictive of later patterns of offending, and pathways toward escalating antisocial behavior. Researcher examine individual, family, school, peer, and community characteristics that appear to be at least somewhat predictive of later violence (Custom pg. 153) Risk factors differ in their predictive value Children ages 6-11 commission of any juvenile offense was the strongest predictor of serious/violent behavior by ages 15-25 Researchers have observed a cumulative effect of risk factors-multiple risk factors increases the likelihood of offending There are also protective factors that can mitigate the effects of risk factors if they are present (insulate the child from negative influences) Ex: intolerant attitudes towards deviance, supportive relationships with parents, strong commitment to school

Agrarian Society's role on sex-gender relations

Beginning of sex specific tasks - Strength required to operate farm equipment - Beginning of private property and the passing of wealth to next generation Separate Spheres - Men in the field and marketplace - Women domestic and watch children - More children required to keep the farm household running

LGBT and Queer Politics (New Millennium)

Beginnings of acceptance of gay marriage in Europe and civil unions in the US Lawrence v. Texas 2003 overturned sodomy law Same sex partners of federal employees entitled to benefits 2009 Executive Order Matthew Shepard Act 2009 updated federal hate crime law to included gender expression, and sexual identity Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell 2010


Between 1% -5% of babies are born intersexed-anomalies of sexual chromosomes resulting in biological characteristics from more than one sex Some countries-Germany, Australia-allow categories of "indeterminate gender" and "intersex" on public documents Most Global North countries have babies undergo surgery to clarify gender Some countries (India) intersex people have special status, holding honored positions during special religious observances and ceremonies.

Backlash of LGBT stigma after WW2

Case of Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) upheld criminalization of same sex behavior AIDS/HIV set back progress as it was generally viewed as a gay disease Social stigma may have hampered the medical community's ability to develop public health solutions. Many felt gains from 1960s and 1970s were in threat of reverse

Child and Elderly Maltreatment

Child and elder maltreatment share some similarities: - Types of abuse - Common risk factors Differences: - Typical perpetrators - CJS response

Psychological Effects of Child Maltreatment

Common for victims to experience fear, shame, guilt, and anger Children may blame themselves for abuse Abuse may be associated with panic disorders, PTSD, anxiety, depression Physical abuse in some cases is linked with internalizing emotions which leads to anxiety and depression Neglect can lead to social withdrawal Sexually abused children often have trouble maintaining healthy sexual relationships Also more likely to experience anxiety, depression, anger, and substance abuse than non-abused children

Race, Racism, and Sexual Orientation

Complexity in the relationship between traditional minority groups and the LGBT groups. Some religious conservative African Americans have been outspoken about their disagreement that equal rights for people of color and equal right of the LGB community have any parallels Contend being black is not comparable to being gay regarding minority status Many argue that framing African Americans as largely antigay is unfair. In a 2003 survey it was found that when education and religion was controlled, African Americans were no more disapproving of homosexuality than whites

Contemporary Immigration from Asia

Considerable since the 1960s, averaging close to 300,000 per year and running about 30%-35% of all immigrants Sending nations are considerably less developed Primary motivation for most is economic Also, military presence and interventions in Asia since WWII Asian immigrant stream also includes a large contingent of highly educated professionals


Declaration of Sentiments 1848: - Demand right to vote and own property - Attempt to expand value beyond childcare - Early 1900s Gilman acknowledged that women are the only sex capable of giving birth, but critiqued society for regulated so many domestic tasks to women-tasks easily completed by either sex - Argued that keeping half the population from engaging in productive activity limited human progress

Coming Out

Defined as public disclosing of sexual identity Makes the person part of visible minority National Coming Out Day, began 1987, October 11. Increase visibility and support through recognition that everyone "knows a gay person" Contact hypothesis: stronger support for gay rights if one personally knows someone who is LGB By 1990 Coming Out Day was recognized by all 50 states

Overall Global Notes

Dominant-minority relations are common. Exceptions are homogeneous in racial, cultural, and linguistic makeup (Sweden) Issues are variable: genocide to hate crimes to racism, unfairness, and injustice which are found virtually everywhere Contact situation is frequently the root cause The U.S. is hardly in a unique or unusual position -many nations are dealing with issues and problems with assimilation, pluralism, diversity, and unity.

Fundamentalist Christianity

Dominionism: belief that the US was once a true Christian theocracy, and has fallen from grace Proponents of using the Bible for the basis of all law Blasphemy, homosexuality, adultery, heresy would receive the death penalty Some involved in the movement have proclaimed that a righteous Christian government had the full right and obligation to annihilate competing religions Left Behind series is a vision of reality, not fiction

The case for Segmented Assimilation

Douglas Massey argues traditional perspective in question because: Immigration slowed to a mere trickle after the 1920s due to restrictive legislation, the depression, and WWII Modern transportation and communication will help maintain cultural and linguistic diversity Economy and a labor market is vastly different from that faced by immigrants of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

WW2 and McCarthy Era on LGBT

During McCarthy Era prosecution and diagnosis of homosexuality as an illness was the norm The 1960's and Beyond: Growing Visibility, Backlash and HIV/AIDS 1973 APA (American Psychiatric Association) removes homosexuality from the DSM as a mental illness Works of Becker and Goffman worked to question and to redefine what society views as deviance. Presenting compelling arguments that deviance is socially constructed Encouraged open conversations about human behavior and relationships previously considered taboo

Secondary Structural Assimilation

Education is equal (women majority of college attendees) Political power; more women vote but not represented as office holders. Jobs and income; improvement but some gap remains, the extent of the gap and its causes are of controversy. 1955 women earned 65% of what men made; 2009- 79% Benefits from deindustrialization-more higher paying jobs in service industries, finance, insurance, real estate

Immigrants and Ethnic Enclaves

Enter U.S. society as entrepreneurs, owners of small retail shops, and other businesses Enclaves provide contacts, financial and other services, and social support for the new immigrants of all social classes

Risk Factors of Child Maltreatment

Family: - Living in poverty-possibly leads to stress that causes violence or neglect - Family structure-children who live with two biological parents are at lowest risk - Children living with single parent with co-habituating partner are 10 times more likely to experience abuse - Households of four or more children Individual: - Research indicates in some cases abuse is learned-abusers were victims themselves as children - Young parents: possibly do not have the resources or maturity to deal with stresses of parenthood - Neglect: parents may lack knowledge of care needed, and judgement to make good parenting choices - Children who have disabilities - Substance use by parents: one third to two thirds of maltreatment cases involved substance abuse - Linked to inability or unwillingness to provide physical or emotional support - Substance abuse can co-occur with mental illness, unemployment, stress - Depression particularly has been linked to maltreatment

Who are the victims of Elder Maltreatment

Females more likely than males -people may be more watchful of older women and more likely to report suspected abuse -longer life expectancy=they make up larger proportion of elder population -victim-perpetrator relationship: may be DV related

Charismatic Euthroy

Fundamentalist belief transcends reality Max Weber identified this characteristic as "Charismatic authority" Charisma represents the belief in a power or force that transcends/supersedes this reality (God, nature, higher power) Charisma seeks to reorient a person or group based on perception of the world - primarily emotional perception and reaction (what actions follow emotions)

Sexual Orientation

Gender or genders to which a person is sexually attracted

Middle Eastern and Arab Americans

General category if a region: Lebanese, Egyptian, Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi, Palestinian, Yemeni, and others Grown rapidly recently but still a tiny percentage of U.S. total Rank relatively high in English ability, income, and occupation Overrepresentation in sales underrepresentation in manual labor a reflection of enclave status Arab American women lowest rate of employment among immigrant groups (possibly due to traditional gender roles and family norms) Diversity along a number of dimensions Ex: not all Middle Easterners are Arabic-Iranians are Persian Differing national traditions, cultures, and religion Most are Muslim, many are Christian Highly urbanized-heavy concentration in Michigan - Detroit - Dearborn, Michigan, enclave - Large enclave with wealth and influence, but still faces significant hostility and discrimination since Sept. 11, 2001.

Elder Maltreatment

Generally persons over the age of 60 Also comes in forms of physical (nonaccidental harm), emotional or psychological (emotional pain or distress), sexual abuse (sexual conduct without consent), and neglect (failure to fulfill caretaking when elderly person is under someone's care) In addition: financial exploitation (illegal or improper use of elderly person's property, assets, or funds Coercing an elderly person into signing documents such as a will, fording signature, cashing check without permission, stealing money


Hatred or fear of LGBT persons: - Blatant and overt, or subtle and indirect - Sometimes can manifest in fear of being mistaken as LGBT Internalized homophobia- socialization makes LGB uncomfortable with their orientation Society is normed and structured toward heterosexuality Men tend to be more likely to be homophobic than women Tends to increase with age, decrease with education Indicates that-like other prejudices-homophobia may be learned and can be unlearned (possibly through education and contact situations)

Fundamentalist Hinduism

Hindutva movement - assumes an essential Hindu foundation to people and activists equate as Hinduness: fundamental essence that true Hindus possess, compared to pretenders and non-Hindus See themselves as great nation builders, but exclude Muslims and Christians Hindutvas oppose India's secular democracy, which advocates for pluralistic tolerance of all religions, languages, cultures

History and Background of Gender-Sex: Hunter and Gatherer

Hunting and Gathering - Survival based - Nomadic - Reproduction was a small part of human's total life course. This is significant b/c much inequality has developed through the divergent expectations of sexes in child rearing - Both sexes must participate equally - Lack of surplus resources-neither sex was able to hold power over the other Early Hunter/Gather societies challenge the ideology that it is primal or natural for dichotomous roles of female as the caregiver and male as the breadwinner

Noel Hypothesis

If two or more groups come together in a contact situation characterized by ethnocentrism, competition, and a differential in power, then some form of racial or ethnic stratification will result The initial meeting (nature, intensity of competition, balance of power between groups) can shape relationships for centuries Fates of minority groups created by colonization and conquest vs. immigration

Current Immigration Stats

Immigrants from more than 200 nations Only 13% from Europe About 1/3 each from North America and Asia Some are recent arrivals, while others have been in United States for over a century Some have a stronger impact on U.S. society than others


Immigration began when laborers recruited to fill the void left by the Chinese Exclusion Act Increased five-fold in the 1970s and tripled between 1980 and 2000, but still less than 0.5% of total population Recent immigrants mostly families and highly educated About 70% Christian Enclave based on small business and retail Helps avoid discrimination from dominant group, but may become target from other urbanized minorities, such as African Americans and Puerto Ricans


In a society where gender is not a basis for social stratification insults like "you throw like a girl" and "Mr. Mom" would have no meaning Gender socialization- process by which boys and girls are taught expectations for appropriate gender behaviors. Sexual scripts-gender based expectations, including sexual behavior Ex: double standard of multiple sex partners Male="stud", female ="slut" Physical appearance/attractiveness is more important within society for women than men. Studies from corporate world reveal appearance matters less for male career success than for women Some argue that if physical appearance wasn't such an important social issue for women, they could spend more time on achievement What is the basis for beauty/attractiveness? Media-realistic?-eating disorders, negative self-concepts

Asian Indians

India second most populous nation in the world Roughly 100 million well-educated Indians seeking careers with credentials More than quadrupled in size between 1980 and 2000, and now the third largest Asian group Overrepresented in prestigious occupations, while others are oriented to commerce and small business Worldwide movement of educated people from less-developed counties to more-developed countries.

Recent Trends and Issues of Gender Equality

Institutional Sex Discrimination "Glass Ceiling" and "Sticky Floor" - 4.6% of Fortune 500 & Fortune 1000 CEO positions - 52.2% PhDs and 67% of college graduates - Earn 80 cents for every dollar than men earn-holds across occupations Like race and ethnic discrimination, gender discrimination can happen independently from overt prejudice or ill will-part of social system In many cases, we are not conscious of gender discrimination 4 female U.S. Supreme Court Justices 2014-first female Warden of Max. Security Prison (IL) Of the nation's 50 largest police departments, only five are led by women. A 2013 survey conducted by the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives found just 169 women leading the more than 1,500 police departments, sheriff's offices and other law enforcement agencies across the U.S. that responded.

Fundamentalist Islam

Islamism or Political Islam-fundamentalist versions Wahhabism/Salafism - practiced in Saudi Arabia Seeks to establish traditional Islam (16th century) Requires traditional clothing, bans on modern entertainment, women are considered second-class Women can't work outside of the home, operate machinery, engage in public conversations Wahhabism demonizes western culture, secular education, cosmopolitan attitudes

New Immigrants and Old Issues

Issues of "traditional" minority groups have not been resolved Racism and discrimination have not disappeared but changed forms Class and gender inequality complicate matters Growing implications for the shift to a service economy and increased immigration

Suffrage Movement on LGBT

Late 19th Century Women's Suffrage movement formed households for emotional support (Boston Marriage) Many women found they could not fulfill the work they felt was most meaningful while serving as a wife As urbanization increased, gay neighborhoods formed Shift from labor-intensive agrarian technology to industrial technology meant a houseful of farmhand children were not needed to economic survival Homosexual behavior became marginalized and even criminal

Pathways to Delinquency

Loeber identified 3 patterns, or pathways, of escalating delinquency: 1.) Authority conflict:Early onset of stubborn, defiant, and disobedient behavior (prior to age 12) Usually targeted at both parents and teachers. Escalate to other activities indicative of authority avoidance such as running away, staying out late, and skipping school 2.) Covert: Initiate offending behavior prior to age 15 Demonstrate early life-course involvement in minor covert criminal activities/deviance (lying and shoplifting) Escalate to property damage and fraud before also moving into more serious delinquency including theft and burglary 3.) Overt: Low level of aggressive behavior initially (bullying) Escalate into more aggressive forms of behavior (physical fighting) Ultimately become involved in serious and violent behavior (assault, robbery, rape)


Low levels of human capital (education) and racially African in appearance Settle along the East Coast—NY, NJ, FL Migration motivated by economics and job opportunities Compete for jobs with other groups in the lower occupational sector High percentage of undocumented send remittances back home to family


Low levels of human capital and Indian in appearance Average number of years of school completed is a little more than 5 Concentrated on the West Coast Migration motivated by political repression and civil war (1980s) Sanctuary Movement-providing refuge to undocumented political refugees High levels of poverty (estimated 36% live below poverty level)

Measuring the extent of Elderly Abuse

Many elderly person do not report abuse to law enforcement : - May be family or loved one - May be dependent on abuser for care - Fearful of retaliation - Forced to live in institution - May be poor witnesses, having trouble with recall and confusion, and may forget about victimization Researchers look to sources outside of police reports 1996 study found that out of 449,924 elderly persons who experienced abuse, 16% reported their cases According to BJS elderly persons experienced violent victimization rates at 3.3 per 1,000 property victimization at rates of 75 per 1,000 One study found 60% of elderly survey respondents were targeted by fraud in the previous year

Illegal Immigration

Many frustrated with ineffective government controls for undocumented immigration Tourist, temporary worker, and student visas Limits on benefits and opportunities - Tougher border security - Guest worker program - Amnesty - Dream Act or similar

Behavioral Habits and Delinquents

Many researchers agree that delinquency and antisocial behavior may be a part of normal adolescent behavior Moffitt's adolescent-limited offending A way for adolescents to cope with the uncomfortable position of attaining biological maturity before the independent privileges of adulthood are extended to them Others look at developmental psychology for answers Adolescents are still developing decision-making capabilities Researcher have examined the impact of psychosocial immaturity has on adolescents' competence to stand trial: In terms of how teenagers differ from adults in cognitive capacity (reasoning ability) and judgement (common sense). Found: although many teenagers were comparable to adults in reasoning abilities by mid-adolescence, judgement is not of the same capacity.

Sexism and Discrimination

Masculine activities are more valued, thus women who engage in them can do so with limited stigma; the reverse is not necessarily true-this is because feminine activities are seen as "less" Men may achieve faster in traditional female occupations (pink collar), than women do in traditional male occupations (glass escalator). Although men do face ridicule in female dominated careers, they are escalated to upper-level positions faster Sexism- a system of oppression that provides overall advantages to men over women in social life Social science data indicates that women are a minority group, both economically and politically Pg. 334: Birdcage: Advantaged group does have "wires"-but generally able to get around them Minority groups face double binds: regardless of choice, there are negative consequences Women crying=stigma of being too emotional & irrational vs. not crying opens accusations of being frigid, uptight, aloof

Substitute Reality

Michael Wieviorka (1993): religious violence occurs when the group subconsciously perceives (but does not admit) that their cause is already lost in this reality Fundamentalists are not insane - but choose alternate realities in which their acts are measured by their contribution to the eternal struggle of good vs. evil.


Mike Davis (2002): observation of American culture to negate reason and embrace "uncanniness" unsettling mysteriousness) Perfection that Americans seek in society is inherently impossible -creates dissatisfaction and ongoing disappointment (Bourgeois utopia) Extraordinary events trigger panic, which arises from underlying insecurities and ongoing disappointment (feeds feelings of uncanniness) Defines the world in terms of the extraordinary, rather than the ordinary Facts, dangers, and joys of the mundane are overtaken by transcendent myths Perception of the world based on the extraordinary allows people to abandon reason and logic in favor of emotion Solutions to mundane crime are complex and require careful study and policy formation that must be implemented within completing political interests

Development, Risk Factors, and Pathways to Delinquency

Moffit's (1993) Developmental Taxonomy Adolescence-limited vs. life-course-persistent offenders While large proportions of youth may engage in delinquent behavior, only a small amount continue to an adult criminal career Moffit describes a pattern of continuity across the life span in the antisocial (criminal) behavior of the life-course-persistent offender Estimated to be 5%-6% of the population


More developed than Haiti Immigrant stream more skilled and educated—"Brain Drain" Loss of educated Jamaicans to migration can exacerbate problems in home nation English language an advantage Do better than Haitians and African Americans, but segmented assimilation a real concern (exclusion from economic mainstream)

Perpetrators of Elderly Abuse

Most likely to be women adult children (one third of all alleged perpetrators) Followed by other family members (22%) and spouses or intimate partners (11%)

Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment

Most likely: biological parents (more than 80%) Mothers are most likely except for sexual abuse Possibly more likely to be responsible for the majority of child caregiving Relatives make up next largest group of perpetrators, followed by unmarried partners of parents Most perpetrators are white (48.5%) between the ages of 20 and 39.

Major Analytical Themes

Most of the difficult and explosive global conflicts have origins in contact situations Many times colonizers were white Europeans and eventual minority groups were people of color By the 1400s, the nations of Europe were the most technologically advanced Europeans used advancements to explore, conquer, and sometimes destroy Many conflicts that continue to exist are a result of this enormous burst of European power The present pattern of white dominance is an accident of history Nations have been conquering, enslaving, persecuting, and oppressing each other since nations were created Dominant-minority relationships tend to change more rapidly and dramatically when there are changes in the level of development and/or basic subsistence technology Ex. U.S. the industrial revolution led to a transition from paternalistic, to rigid competitive group relations, and then continuing modernization has led to the present era of fluid competitive group relations


Offenses in which juvenile courts exercise jurisdiction Generally these are cases where minors are charged with an act that would be a crime if committed by an adult Different from status offenses: activities that would be permissible for an adult but are prohibited for children/adolescents

Gender Dysphoria

One's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex

Arrest Data of Juveniles

Part 1 violent offenses: less than 5% (murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) - 22% robbery, 8% murder Part 2 property offenses: 23% (burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson) - 42% arson African Americans accounted for 17% of juvenile arrests - 35% property offenses, 51% violent offenses African American representation spiked when accounting for robbery (68%) and murder (54%) Females accounted for 29% of juvenile arrests - 36% of property offenses, - 18% violent offenses A 2013 study reported 35% decline in property and violent offense rates of arrest among white, Asian, and American Indian youth African American youth experienced 13% decline for property offenses and 15% decline in violent offenses

Child Abuse Prevention Treatment Act

Passed in 1974 Provides definitions of child abuse and neglect and requires states to pass mandatory reporting laws Important given the difficulty of detecting child abuse

Gender Opposite Behavior

People can be mistaken as gay when they are not or straight when they are not. Hate crimes have been committed against people offenders believed were LGB, but in fact were not. In many cultures men considered feminine are assumed to be gay, and females who act masculine are assumed to have lesbian sexual orientation. In some cases LGB persons may reveal their sexual orientation by exhibiting culturally imbedded masculine or feminine behaviors However there is no direct one-to-one correspondence between gender-opposite behavior and sexual orientation. Ex: Will and Grace characters Jack vs. Will


Poorest country in the Western Hemisphere Less than half the country is literate 1970s and 1980s thousands fled to escape the Duvalier dictatorship High levels of prejudice and discrimination due to non-English language, being Black, Under educated, and Few resources


Power & Control Intent is to intimidate, hurt, dominate, humiliate-used as a weapon of war Research shows that societies have higher rates of rape when they are tolerant of interpersonal violence, hold beliefs of male dominance, and incorporate ways to separate women and men Also more common when gender roles and changing in norms are unclear Many view rape as an individualized act, but social scientists see it as a structural problem-stemming from negative stereotypes of women, subservient positions, patriarchal power structures

Recent Immigration in Historical Context

Powerful force of the continued industrial revolution Direction of movement in recent years has been from south to north and reflects contemporary global inequalities: Labor continues to flow from the less developed nations to the more developed nations

Industrial society's role on sex-gender relations

Primarily adult and male labor Tiered wages and unionization defined ideal worker Generally unions restricted women, immigrants, and nonwhites Family wage - Companies paid men amount high enough to sustain family - Strategy to keep workers from leaving job - Assumed two-parent male headed households WWII major shift to women in traditional male workplaces

Criminal Justice response to Child Maltreatment

Prosecuted similarly to other violent crimes Guardian Ad Litem (GAL): appears on behalf of the child in court to represent the child's best interests Often required in child abuse and neglect cases where a parent is the suspect Children have been allowed to testify through closed-circuit television, two way mirror, and video tape

African Immigration

Quite low over the past 50 years Increase after the 1960s, and comprised about 5% of all immigrants in the past few years More than doubled since 1990 Ethiopians and Nigerians largest groups but still only tiny minorities Compare favorably with national norms in terms of education and skills—"Brain Drain" Nigerians rank higher than Ethiopians on English fluency, Ethiopians more likely political refugees Higher rates of poverty due to reduced ability to transfer skills

Rape Culture

Rape culture is the term for the societal tolerance of male sexual conquest. This concept is deemed as responsible for the high level of sexual victimization of American women. It is estimated that one in four college women have survived sexual assault.


Refugee flow began in 1960s as result of war Flow increased after 1975 with many allies fleeing, including high-ranking officials, educational and occupational elite Later groups of refugees tended to be less educated and more impoverished Largest of southeast Asian refugee groups, and have incomes and educational levels comparable to colonized minority groups Contrary to "model minority" and idea of the Asian American success story


Religion is far more than simply a set of beliefs - it is a lifestyle, a worldview, and a culture. Often connected to political and economic interests Religious intolerance and aggression have become a part of every major religion

Sexual Orientation and the U.S. Military

Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell allowed immediate benefits for gay service members

Self-Report Data

Researchers use self-report surveys as an essential addition to official records Levels of minor crimes have been found by some studies to be as high as 90% for any criminal behavior As high as 30%-40% for male violent behavior; 16%-32% for females Some self-report data shows smaller differences in race and gender offending-but this varies; some studies find no differences

History and background of LGBT

Same sex relationships have existed throughout time Term homosexual did not emerge until the later part of the 19th century Ancient Greece - Not considered deviant during this period - Same sex relations were one of many ways of exploring sexual attraction - Younger men were "wooed" by older men-in some cases a factor of prestige if the older male was of high social standing - Women viewed as inferior, purpose to procreate - Patriarchal society-men were encouraged to take up strong emotional and physical bonds with other men - Term Lesbian originated from poet Sappho, who grew up on the island of Lesbos and ran a school for girls

Filipino Americans

Second largest Asian American group Fewer than 1,000 in 1910, and by 1960, still numbered fewer than 200,000 Earliest immigrants were sugar workers recruited to Hawaii and West Coast Recent diversity indicates bipolar social status More than half since 1965 are professionals, many of them in the health and medical fields About 1/3 of the world's nurses Fillipino

Agrarian to Industrial Society effect on LGBT

Separate Spheres: Agrarian to Industrial Society Traditional family became the norm in agrarian society-where more children were needed for labor Agrarian societies are when sexual behaviors were exclusively channeled to marriage Resulted in highly restricted norms of sexuality Adultery, same sex partners were forbidden


Sex - Biological Difference Gender - Social Characteristics Gender-sex correspondence: role behavior (masculine vs. feminine) Society constructs the meaning of gender Includes definitions by family, religion, schools, media The definition of gender evolves over time People who combine gender traits are sometimes called androgynous.

If people are naturally born a certain way, why does society feel such an urge to clarify one's sex?

Sex is used as a major organizing principle Many parents fear psychological harm will occur on their children if they do not fit into a socially approved category

Female Delinquency

Some have concluded that girls follow the same developmental pathways as boys, and risk factors for males and females are similar. Others have found girls to follow distinctive routes and respond differently to risk and protective factors Remarkable consistency- research on female delinquency points to a cluster of similar life circumstances shared by large proportions of delinquent girls: abuse Run-away screening Study from California JJ System found: - 92% female offenders suffered from prior physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse - 95% lacked stable home environment - 91% experienced school failure Howell proposed six "stepping stones" for girls on the path to delinquency: physical sexual child abuse-mental health problems-drug abuse-running away from home-gang activity-juvenile justice system involvement

Criminal Justice System Response to Elderly Abuse

Some jurisdictions have formed multidisciplinary teams to investigate and prosecute elder maltreatment Some jurisdictions have Financial Abuse Specialist Teams designed to investigate the financial exploitation of elderly persons

Costs and Benefits of Immigration

Some problems at the local level, but national studies find that immigrants are not an economic burden Add to the labor supply in disparate areas—from garment industry to college faculty Lower skilled tend to find jobs that few citizens want or in the ethnic enclave Cost less than they contribute in taxes Employers and consumers benefit from immigrant labor

Slavery and Dominionist Theology

Some social institutions that have been outlawed could be reestablished under the reasoning of dominionism because slavery is permitted by the Bible.

Age of Delinquency

State-by-state variations on age group that fall within juvenile court jurisdiction Most stated juvenile is considered 18 and under (NC begins using this standard 12/2019) Avenues exist to transfer juveniles to adult court proceedings Some states have options to extend juvenile court jurisdiction beyond 18, some up to 25 years To confuse matters further: offenses that, by definition, are status offenses sometimes overlap with state statutes that define delinquency Example: Underage drinking can be prosecuted as a misdemeanor

Gay Liberation Movements

Stonewall Rebellion- gay working class violent response to police raid at the Stonewall Inn in NYC Considered the turning point for the Gay Liberation Movement Gay Liberation Movement (Post Stonewall) - Forming of more 'in your face' organizations Gay Liberation Front and Gay Activist Alliance in the 1970's - Gay organizations, publications, public persons, TV shows, all appeared and increased. - Gay or gay-friendly churches - 1970s were a time of action, - 1980s were a time of reaction - 1990s the movement was reinvigorated - Some setbacks; Defense of Marriage Act 1996.

The Role of Youth in Queer Liberation

Term used to address a variety of nontraditional sexual behavior Queer-collection of people whose gender expression and/or sexual identity and practice do not fall in line with societal norms Wider range of possibilities than "gay" or "lesbian"-used to include a variety of nontraditional sexual behavior Some prefer the term "queer" because it is more inclusive Reclaimed slur-common practice of many minority groups, but some feel it represents a painful history of oppression Factors such as age, class, education, and other experiences come in to play

Same Sex Marriage

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) prohibited married same-sex couples from collecting federal benefits. It was overruled on June 26, 2015 by the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. This ruling cited the Fourteenth Amendment equal protection clause, concluding that a denial of marriage rights to same-sex couples is unconstitutional

Current Immigration

The United States experiencing a second wave of mass immigration Beginning in the 1960s and including people not just from Europe but from all over the world Over the past four decades, more than 30 million newcomers have arrived

Sexual Identity

The way people think about themselves as sexual beings

The case against segmented assimilation

Two studies find that most contemporary immigrant groups are acculturating and integrating at the "normal" three-generation pace Gap for structural integration shrinks by generation and level of education Integration is substantial by the third generation and particularly for females

Victims of Child Maltreatment

Typical victim Is young-birth-1 year old have highest rate victimization More than 80% of children that die form maltreatment were under 4 years old White children made up the largest percentage (44%), but African American (21%) and Hispanic (21.8%) children were disproportionately represented

How welcoming are Americans?

We can say that native-born Americans, even those with immigrant parents, have never been particularly open to newcomers Although Americans have a lot of reservations about immigration, it seems that attitudes are somewhat more open now than in the past Support for decreasing immigration strongest among those who see their financial situation as worse. This is due to competition

Sexual Behavior

What people do sexually

Child Neglect

When a child's basic needs are not met

Child Abuse

When a person causes harm to a child. Can be physical, emotional, and/or sexual

Post Modern and Postindustrial Movement for Gender Equality

While Women's Liberation movement made great strides, some felt the movement did not speak for everyone. Multiracial woman- other factors separate needs of women (age, class, race, etc.) In Response the black/women of color "Womanist" Movement was formed (Walker)- "Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender." More inclusive Laid the foundation for intersectionality-accounting for myriad of differences within groups

9/11 and Arab Americans

Years following 1200 people neither named or charged with crimes were detain, about half deported In 2013 cancelled the Dearborn Arab International Festival (had been organized the past 18 years), which was targeted by fundamentalist Christian protesters Increased violence, employment discrimination, denial of service, ethnic profiling Greater restrictions on entering the country Arab terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon, which was followed by a wave of emotions: bewilderment, shock, anger, patriotism, deep sorrow, and intensified prejudice targeted at Middle Eastern, Arab, and Muslim groups 9 weeks following 9/11 more than 700 violent attacks were reported Great majority of Arab and Middle Eastern members denounce and reject terrorism and violence.

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