racial, ethnic, sex, gender, and work and the economy
Racial/ ethnic definitions used by Census have change over time
"Mulatto" last appeared in 1920 "Hispanic" added in 1970 Option to claim multiracial identity added in 2000
A gender identity that does not fit squarely into the male-female binary classification
"second shift"
Balancing demands of work outside the home with work inside the home
hispanic/latino americans
Became the largest racial/ethnic minority group in th US in 2000, account for about half of all population growth since then Over half of the Hispanic population resides in just five states(CA, TX, FL, NY and AZ) but this is changing rapidly
Gender Nonconformity as Deviant
Because the social construction of gender is normative, nonconformity can be norm-breaking
A changing economy
Changes in labor supply and demand
gender binary
Classification of gender into two discrete and non-overlapping forms of masculine and feminine
Changing norms
Cross-cultural comparisons Changing gender roles such as relationships to paid employment
Decline in industrial and factory-based moving towards something new and different Shift from goods-producing to a service-based economy
William J Wilson
Early periods of Black experience were characterized by overt racial oppression (i.e., slavery, Jim Crow) Victories of the Civil Rights Movement broke down many legal barriers
Economic Restructuring
Economic opportunity structure facing American workers is rapidly changing
Conflict perspective: US economy
Expanding domination of a global corporate elite Does not represent the best interests of the vast majority of people Represents a "race to the bottom"
symbolic interactionist perspective: gender
Gender relations are best understood by observing micro-level interactions
conflict perspective: gender
Gender relations are characterized by unequal power
Functionalist perspective: gender
Gender-role differentiation contributes to social stability
Greater in numbers immigrating to the us today than in any previous period in history
ethnic group
Groupings based on a common geographic origin and distinctive cultural characteristics (i.e., language, religion, dress, and other customs)
racial groups
Groupings based on socially significant physical characteristics and beliefs about a common ancestry
Increasing interdependence of national economies Increasing transnational flows of people, goods, services, capital, and culture Having a profound impact on work and culture around the globe
native americans
Native Americans represent a diverse array of tribal cultures Increasing numbers are claiming native american identity though shrinking as a share of the national population Historical legacy of forced migration and the reservation system
asian americans
One of th fastes growing race/ethnic groups in the US Growth being fueled by immigration Encompass wide array of nationalities
People are born they move around then die
white americans
Refers to people of with origins in Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa Traditionally the racial/ethnic majority group in the US (numerically and socially)
Racial/ethnic status can have profound impacts on life chances
Reflect differences in group owner and other dimensions of social inequality
Relies on social ownership of the means of production and distribution(e.g..State Socialism- where the government owns; or Cooperative Socialism- where workers own)
comparative advantage
Resulting in the most efficient distribution of goods and services worldwide
Contingent workforce
Rise in outsourcing subcontracting and temporary work contracts
Social construction of race/ ethnicity
Social factors (history, culture, politics, economics, etc.) have a major role in shaping the meaning of race
Socially formed traits of masculinity and femininity; presentation of self and social expectations
The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups
Functionalist perspective: US economy
The globalization of capitalism is functional for the world system Allows nations to exercise their comparative advantage
The increasingly dominant form of economic organization worldwide Reliance on the market versus other means of production and distribution Relies on private ownership of the means of production and distribution
african americans
Traditionally the largest racial/ethnic minority group in the US Contemporary inequality rooted in the historical legacy of slavery, Jim Crowe, and other forms of discrimination
Race/ethnicity are ascribed statuses
You as a person don't do anything to receive these statuses but the society around you dictates what it means in the flow of society
Race/ethnicity are often master statuses
a status that has exceptional importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life
social institutions
basic modes of social activity followed by the vast majority of members of society
Social institution
basic modes of social activity followed by vast majority of members of society
biological and anatomical differences, especially based on reproductive organs and structures, distinguishing males from females
Extended family
broader network of relatives connected through blood and marriage
economic restructuring characterized by two trends
deindustrialization and Rise in contingent employment relations
identification/expression of a gender identity that differs from their sex at birth
Does one group dominate the asian american group?
one or more people who occupy a house, apartment, or other residential unit
Nuclear family
parents and unmarried children typically living together
institutional racism/discrimination
racism or discrimination that is built into the workings of societal institutions, can exist without express intention
Massey and Denton
residential segregation
economy is what related to social aspects
social institution
the attribution of superiority or inferiority based on race
tow or more people living together, related by blood, marriage, or adoption
does one group dominate the hispanic population
yes, mexican