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Define traditional subtle racism(Recognize racist behavior)

Individual with traditional racist attitudes who acted out bigoted beliefs. Racial attitude measures were comprised of items attempting to assess the presence of prejudice, hostility, and derogatory beliefs.

Describe participation as it relates to combating racism in the military (Identify strategies to combat racism in the military)

An inclusive model of decision-making that is representative of all people promotes diversity and aids in the reduction of racial stereotyping. Active commitment by leadership to initiatives that encourage members of all groups to take advantage of programs and services on base, such as mentoring programs, special interest clubs, and other organizations will also combat racism.

Describe aversive subtle racism(Recognize racist behavior)

Aversive racists put high value on egalitarian beliefs; contradiction between those feelings and racial attitudes was handled by excluding the racist feelings from awareness. Typically avoid close contact with minorities or communicate their underlying negative attitudes in subtle, rationalizable ways. Negativity likely to be demonstrated in discomfort, uneasiness, fear, or avoidance of minorities rather than in outward hostility. Difficult to document aversive racism through the techniques of behavioral research

Describe change as it relates to combating racism in the military (Identify strategies to combat racism in the military)

There have been significant positive changes for most racial groups in this country. However, there is still a long way to go to ensure equal opportunity is afforded to all groups. Through proactive actions EOAs can be change agents or champions of changes.

Describe how leadership plays a role in combating racism in the military. (Identify strategies to combat racism in the military)

Leaders set standards that create an environment for everyone to excel free of hostility, intimidation, and unfair treatment. Climate and behavior of an organization is an indicator about the attitudes and actions demonstrated by leaders.

Describe antilocution as it relates to Allport's intensity levels of hostile actions (Recognize racist behavior)

Most people who have prejudices talk about them to like-minded friends and occasionally with strangers (e.g., bad-mouthing, name calling), but many never go beyond this mild degree of hostile action.

Describe discrimination as it relates to Allport's intensity levels of hostile actions(Recognize racist behavior)

Prejudiced person makes detrimental distinctions by actively excluding all members of the group in question from certain types of employment, residential housing, unequal pay for equal work, giving awards or job assignments based on race, political rights, educational or recreational opportunities, churches, hospitals, or other social privileges.

Define modern subtle racism(Recognize racist behavior)

Symbolic racism renamed as "modern racism" to emphasize the contemporary nature.

Identify what elements comprise the three R syndrome (Identify historical events that contributed to racism in the military)

a. Reject b. Recruit c. Reject

Define overt racism (Recognize the difference between overt and covert racism)

blatant, obvious, and almost always meant to harm; can lead to mental and physical injury, violent destruction, or even death

Identify examples of racism (Recognize racist behavior)

graffiti racial and ethnic slurs jokes intimidation physical violence.

Define covert racism (Recognize the difference between overt and covert racism)

hidden, usually subtle, difficult to document treatment, which proves harmful to members of subordinate racial groups. Originates within established and respected forces in society, therefore, receives far less public condemnation.

What are the 4 forms of subtle racism? (Recognize racist behavior)

Traditional Symbolic Modern Aversive.

Define race

"A division of human beings identified by the possession of traits that are transmissible by descent and that are sufficient to characterize persons possessing these traits as a distinctive human genotype" (DoD Directive 1350.2, 2003, p. 19). A group of people who are generally considered to be physically distinct in some way (e.g., skin color, hair texture, or facial features such as size and shape of the head, eyes, ears, lips, nose, color of eyes) from other groups and are generally considered by themselves and/or others to be a distinct group (Farley, 1995).

What are the 2 types of racism? (Define racism)

1. Individual Racism 2. Institutional Racism

What are the 2 forms of racism?(Recognize the difference between intentional and unintentional racism)

1. Intentional racism 2. Unintentional racism

Describe avoidance as it relates to Allport's intensity levels of hostile actions(Recognize racist behavior)

As prejudice becomes more intense, it leads to avoiding members in the disliked group—even if inconvenient. Prejudiced person does not directly harm the disliked person or group; takes on the burden of accommodation and withdrawal. Examples of avoidance include maintaining separate work areas, leaving the job, or asking for a transfer).

Identify Gordon Allport's 5 intensity levels of hostile actions (Recognize racist behavior)

1) Antilocution 2) Avoidance 3) Discrimination 4) Physical Attack 5) Extermination

Identify the 11 leadership actions that can effectively reduce and eliminate racist behavior(Identify strategies to combat racism in the military)

1) Establish policies prohibiting racist behaviors and racial discrimination. 2) Provide thorough investigations of informal and formal complaints. 3) Adhere to established timelines for complaint investigations. 4) Enforce penalties against offenders. 5) Enforce penalties against unit commanders or other superiors who allow racist behaviors to continue. 6) Ensure information moves up the chain of command on problems and incidents relating to racist behaviors. 7) Protect those who make complaints by ensuring reprisal is not occurring. Ensure all information is a need to know basis. 8) Publicize the availability of hotlines for complaints. 9) Publicize the availability of complaint channels. 10) Take extra steps beyond mandatory requirements to understand and correct underlying issues or problems. 11) DEOCS

What are the reasons that racism is often invisible to many White Americans in the U.S.? (Recognize racist behavior)

1) They suffer less from it. 2) They do not attribute their misfortune to race. 3) They do not always see the suffering that minorities endure.

Define racism

1. Prejudice and discrimination based on differences. 2. A belief in the superiority of one over another.

Define symbolic subtle racism(Recognize racist behavior)

Abstract, moral tone, code words, or symbols for races. New surveys tapped into this new form of racism. Replacement items were developed that correlated best with racially relevant behavior

Describe education as it relates to combating racism in the military (Identify strategies to combat racism in the military)

Awareness is facilitated through education. Courses, small group discussions, workshops, guest speakers, and movies provide educational opportunities for the unit. Topics related to racism can be addressed, including how racism dehumanizes people, the tremendous financial costs of racism, and contemporary racism.

Describe individual racism(Define racism)

Belief that one's own race is superior to another (racial prejudice) and exhibits behaviors that suppress the inferior race (racial discrimination).

Describe legislation as it relates to combating racism in the military (Identify strategies to combat racism in the military)

Federal, state, and local programs and laws written to ensure equal opportunity for all U.S. citizens. DoD Directive 1350.2 defines the policy of nondiscrimination in the military. It sets the standard for all programs, chain of command, responsibilities, and etc. for equal opportunity. Legislative programs and laws simultaneously provide benefits for significant parts of the majority and for deprived minorities.

Describe awareness as it relates to combating racism in the military (Identify strategies to combat racism in the military)

Groups are aware and are making others aware of the existence of individual and institutional racism in its contemporary and subtle forms. Within the unit, celebrations such as National American Indian Heritage Month and Black History Month help promote awareness of the contributions these groups have made to the military and the United States.

Describe extermination as it relates to Allport's intensity levels of hostile actions(Recognize racist behavior)

Majority group seeks extermination or removal of minority group. Examples of extermination include the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890, an event that ended the last of the Native American Indian wars in American history, marks the ultimate degree of violent expression of prejudice; the Final Solution towards the later part of WWII killing millions of Jews by the Nazis in Germany; Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia; and Saddam's attempt to exterminate the Kurds in Northern Iraq.

Describe physical attack as it relates to Allport's intensity levels of hostile actions(Recognize racist behavior)

Majority group vandalizes, burns, or destroys minority group property and carries out violent attacks on individuals or groups. Emotional prejudice leads to acts of violence or semi-violence. Examples of physical attacks include knockout games, unwanted family of another race may be forcibly ejected from a neighborhood or so severely threatened that they leave in fear; this was seen in Nazi Germany during WWII. Gravestones in cemeteries may be desecrated or other property vandalized.

Describe mass media as it relates to combating racism in the military (Identify strategies to combat racism in the military)

Media programs have had positive effect in reducing prejudice. It is an excellent medium to attack prejudicial attitudes and prevent discrimination. Public service announcements, public relations materials, and advertisements that positively depict the diversity of the military and that encourage everyone from all walks of life to enlist are beneficial.

What was the impact of Executive Order 9981. (Identify historical events that contributed to racism in the military)

President Harry S. Truman ordered the desegregation of the Armed Services. The order declared equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the Armed Services with regard to race, color, religion, or national origin.

Describe subtle racism.(Recognize racist behavior)

Subtle racism appears nonracial on the surface. Beneath surface are negative attitudes and stereotyped beliefs that affect personal interactions. In organizations, subtle racism has a negative impact on interpersonal relations and breeds institutional racism.

Describe institutional racism(Define racism)

Takes the form of the practices, customs, rules, and standards of organizations, including governments that unnecessarily disadvantage people because of their race, color, or ethnicity.

Describe the military quota system that contributed to racism (Identify historical events that contributed to racism in the military)

The U.S. Navy had a quota of 5% Blacks until it was forced to be lifted during the Civil War because of a massive personnel shortage.

What are the principal tenants of modern subtle racism?(Recognize racist behavior)

a) Discrimination is a thing of the past; blacks now have the freedom to compete in the marketplace and to enjoy those things they can afford. b) Blacks are pushing too hard, too fast, and into places where they are not wanted. c) Tactics and demands of activists are unfair. d) Recent gains are undeserved. e) Prestige granting institutions of society are giving blacks more attention and status than they deserve. f) Racism is bad. g) Beliefs of modern racism do not qualify as racist because they are alleged to be empirically grounded h) Those whose beliefs are described as modern racism do not define their own beliefs and attitudes as racist.

What are the characteristics of a racist? (Recognize racist behavior)

a. A person who believes that a particular race is superior to another b. Someone who does not like or respect people who belong to races that are different from their own and who believes their race is better than others

Describe the characteristics of racist behavior. (Recognize racist behavior)

a. All racist behavior falls into the sociological phenomena of groups and power dynamics. It is a tool for domination and social control, a psychological tool for dominating one group over another. b. Racist behavior can be: 1) Directed toward an individual or group. 2) Intentional (conscious). 3) Unintentional (unconscious). 4) Based on skin color, ethnicity, or race. 5) Perpetrated by an individual and/or an institution.

What are the 5 categories of race? (Define race)

a. American Indian or Alaska Native b. Asian c. Black or African American d. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander e. White Note: Ethnicity: • Hispanic or Latino • Not Hispanic or Latino

Describe how hazardous duties contributed to racism. (Identify historical events that contributed to racism in the military)

a. American Indians fought both for and against the United States during various conflicts, serving as infantrymen, code talkers, sharpshooters, guides, guerrillas, and spies. b. Port Chicago Naval Base, California. July 17, 1944: 202 African American enlisted men were killed and another 233 were injured when two transport vessels loading ammunition suddenly exploded. This accounted for almost 15% of all Black naval casualties during WWII. Protesters were tried and sentenced for mutiny. c. In WWI, Filipinos served as dishwashers, custodians, bed-makers, and valets.

Identify the 6 strategies to combat racism in the military(Identify strategies to combat racism in the military)

a. Awareness b. Education c. Participation d. Legislation e. Mass Media f. Change

What are 3 examples of institutional racism? (Define racism)

a. Consists of established laws, customs, and practices that systematically reflect and produce racial inequalities in U.S. society. b. Is embedded in policies that have generally become accepted as normal, and may or may not have been intentionally written to practice racism. c. More subtle, less visible, and less identifiable than individual acts of racism. Managers may not be racists as individuals, but they may discriminate as part of carrying out their jobs, without being aware their role is contributing to a discriminatory outcome.

What are 3 examples of individual racism? (Define racism)

a. Examples of racist attitudes include bigotry, belittling, and jealousy. b. Examples of racist beliefs include racial stereotyping, classifying people according to race, and thinking that some races are better than others. c. Examples of racist behavior include violence, name-calling, and discrimination in hiring practices.

Describe the external factors that contribute to racism. (Describe internal and external factors that contribute to racism.)

a. Family, peers, and friends are very important influences on the development of individual racism. b. Social visibility - differences in physical appearance are easiest differences to identify and use for discrimination. c. Contact - the amount and kind of contact develops racial thinking; ideas tend to be vague and partially attributable to ethnocentrism. d. Mass media - television, newspapers, magazines, radio, and the Internet—major sources of stereotypical images. e. Unequal power - when groups of unequal power interrelate, the stronger group tends to dominate the weaker group. The dominant group resists sharing its powers. f. Competition - occurs when two or more individuals are striving for the same, and sometimes scarce, resources; certain groups look at other groups as a threat if they obtain control of one or more of the resources.

Describe what segregation looked like in the military. (Identify historical events that contributed to racism in the military)

a. Hispanic men were placed in either White or colored units based on their skin color. b. Navy Steward's Branch included 72% of all African Americans in the Navy during WWII. c. Even after the Fair Employment Practices Commission was established in 1941, the Marines continued to operate segregated basic and field trainings. d. Japanese Americans serving in WWII were restricted to the European Theatre due to the leadership's allegations of disloyalty and belief they could not be trusted to fight the Japanese in the Pacific Theatre.

Describe the impact of the three R syndrome (Identify historical events that contributed to racism in the military)

a. In colonial times, laws excluded minorities from being provided with arms and/or ammunition. Basis of this was fear of slave revolts that would upset the colonists' economic security and way of life and reverse the roles. b. Militia Act of 1792 restricted militia enrollment to only free and able white male citizens. c. Marine Corps (1798) adopted a policy forbidding the enlistment of Negroes, Mulattos, and American Indians. Policy remained in effect until 1942.

Identify the internal factors that contribute to racism. (Describe internal and external factors that contribute to racism.)

a. Lack of understanding of the history, experiences, values, and perceptions of ethnic groups other than one's own. b. Stereotyping members of an ethnic group without consideration of individual differences within that group. c. Ethnocentrism - judging other ethnic groups according to the standards and values of one's own group. d. Assigning negative attributes to members of other ethnic groups.

What are the contemporary views on racism? (Recognize racist behavior)

a. Many U.S. Americans have widely divergent views on whether a problem even exists. b. Most minorities see racism as a problem and many feel it has gotten worse. c. Racism is often invisible to many White Americans in the U.S.

Identify 3 historical examples of racism in the military. (Identify historical events that contributed to racism in the military)

a. Minorities could only serve in the lower pay grades. b. Some White officers sacrificed higher rank because they refused to command Black men. c. An institutional climate of acceptable discrimination allowed individual racism to flourish.

What are the characteristics of covert racism? (Recognize the difference between overt and covert racism)

a. Often oblivious to the victim, but not as overt as traditional forms of racism. b. Can be individual or institutional. c. More widespread in the United States today than overt racism, but is still very damaging. d. Includes sabotage, tokenism, and is almost always intentional.

Describe the three R syndrome. (Identify historical events that contributed to racism in the military)

a. Reject - Minorities were not allowed to enlist in the armed services at the onset of periods of hostilities. b. Recruit - When the need for military personnel increased because of manpower demands and insufficient numbers, minorities were recruited, usually during a conflict and after enormous casualties. After induction, most minorities were segregated, poorly trained, and/or relegated to low levels or hazardous jobs. c. Reject: When hostilities were over, the units were disbanded and the racial minorities were released from any requirements to serve, despite any desire to continue service. In some cases, minorities were denied veterans' benefits.

Define intentional racism(Recognize the difference between intentional and unintentional racism)

conscious act, usually motivated by prejudice or intent to harm.

Define unintentional racism(Recognize the difference between intentional and unintentional racism)

unconscious act not usually motivated by prejudice or intent to harm. It is still damaging. Prejudice underlies the end result.

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