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Francis Cecil Sumner (1895 - 1954)

Father of Black Psych. First AA to earn PhD in psych (1920). From CAU. Dissertation: psychoanalysis of Freud and Adler. Studied under G. Stanley Hall. One of 3 chairs of psych dept. at Howard.

Norman Anderson

First AA CEO of APA in 1992. One of the founders of the department of psychology at UCSD.

Inez Beverly Prosser (1895 - 1934)

First AA woman to receive a PhD in Psych, got it from University of Cincinnati in 1933. Researched race, child development, and segregation. Died early in tragic accident in Shreveport, LA.

Margaret Floy Washburn (1871 - 1939)

First woman to receive a PhD in Psych in 1894 from Cornell University. 2nd President of APA in 1921

Mary Whiton Calkins

Student of William James. First woman to have a research lab. first woman to become president of APA in 1905. Completed doctoral studies but Harvard wouldn't give her a phd because she was a woman.

Mamie Phipps Clark

Kenneth Clark's wife. Studied the effects of segregation and racism on the self esteem of black children. Her work with her husband was used in testimony in Brown v. Board of Education


Making sure that the burdens of research are equally distributed Whenever research supported by public funds leads to the development of therapeutic devices and procedures, justice demands that these not provide advantages only to those who can afford them and shouldn't involve people from groups that aren't likely to be the beneficiaries of subsequent applications of the research

Belmont Report

Summarizes ethical principles and guidelines for research involving human subjects Created as a result of the National Research Act of 1974 Written by the national commission for the protection of human subjects of biomedical and behavioral research

positivist/ post positivist

causes( probably) determine outcomes and we can identify these causes using control - redutionisitc

Christine Ladd Franklin

completed the requirements for her Math/Logic degree in 1883 from JHU but didn't get her degree until 1926. Became leading theorist in color vision. Margaret's mom/˘¯˘ lkiob89i8j.


inquiry needs to be intertwined with politics and political agenda in order to confront social oppression - research should have a political agenda


knowledge is acquired through the correct reasoning process - in research rationalism is used in the hypothesis development process and determining when the hypotheses will or won't be supported

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments: (1932 - 1972

led to the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research who met to determine the ethical principles that should be considered when conducting research; participants were unknowingly injected with syphilli


mean of acquiring knowledge about the world using systematic procedures that produce reliable and valid information - heavily influenced by rationalism and empiricism


meaning is shaped by social or historical influences and interactions with other people - specific context is important - rely on participants view

Reginald Jones

(1931 - 2005): founding member of the Association of Black Psychologists. In 1974, he published the first issue of Black Psychology. Worked with special education and African Americans.

ABP - Association for Black Psychologists

-Founded in 1968 by Joseph White (godfather of psych) -connectedness, deconstruction, confrontation, creativity -wanted to represent the voice of the people, -wanted common people to be able to understand -first convention separate from APA in 1971 some people didn't like the direction to society was going -2005- first convention in Ghana -50th anniversary celebrated in cali in 2018

APA - American Psychology Association

-created in 1892 -G. Stanley Hall served as the first president founded during a progressive time for society-society is becoming more organized -APA restructures itself around WW2, creates divisions, currently has 54 -membership increases 630% between 1945-1970 -GI bill allows vets to go to school for free, lots more people enroll -Norman Anderson becomes the first AA CEO 1992 First black president in 1970

APS - Association for Psychological Science

-created in 1988 -previously known as American Psychology Society -felt APA had shifted too far from the research part of psychology, was too focused on the applied psychology -purpose was to advance scientific psychology and its representation as a science on a national level -membership grew to 5000 in the first month —> 30,000 members all over the world

what to keep in mind

-what claims are being made by researcher -what is the design for the experiment - what methods of data collection/ analysis is being used

Thomas Kuhn and his discussion of paradigms:

Believed that the activities of members of a scientific community are governed by a shared set of beliefs called a paradigm. This paradigmatic, or normal, science continues until an existing paradigm is replaced by another paradigm.

Fidelity and Responsibility

Develop relationships based on trust with other researchers and research participants

Joseph White

Godfather of black psych. Founded the Association of Black Psych in 1968 — Wanted to represent the voice of the people and wanted common people to be able to understand. Advocated for the reform of the education system. *connectedness, deconstruction, confrontation, creativity

Henrietta Lacks (1951)

Her cervical cancer cells were harvested without her family's consent and today, millions of her cells have been used in research without compensation to her family

Respect for Person

Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents They should be able to consider personal goals and act based on said goals Persons with diminished autonomy and entitled to protection When people volunteer to participate in a research study they should do so voluntarily and with accurate info

Nuremberg War Crime Studies and Trial

Nazi war criminals were tried for their extremely unethical experiments, problem was that at the time there were no guidelines for ethical research; Nuremberg code came in 1946 as a set of research ethics principals for experimentation on human subjects

Max Meenes

One of the leaders of the Howard psych department from 1930-1945


Persons are treated in an ethical manner, not only by respecting their decisions and protecting them from harm, but also by making efforts to secure their wellbeing

Alberta Turner (1909 - 2008

PhD in Psychology from Ohio State in 1937. Civil rights and women's activist in the field of psychology

Keturah Whitehurst (1912 - 2000)

PhD in psych in 1952. First AA woman to become a licensed clinical psychologist (Michigan). Chair of psych dept. at Virginia State.

changes in the field of psychology that occurred after World War II

Psych transitions from being research centered to more applied because psychologists were being called on to help war veterans

Stanford Prison Experiment

Ran by Phillip Zimbardo in 1971. Participants were subject to a fake prison environment but were in there way too long, the experiment was terminated after 6 days. Extremely controversial because of ethical issues.


Researchers must strive to maintain integrity in teaching, research, and all other professional activities


a basis for acceptance of information because it is acquired from a highly respected source


acquiring knowledge through observation of real events that is knowing by experiencing through our senses

John Locke and David Hume

all knowledge gained through experience

Tabula rasa

blank state idea

Williams James (1842 -1910

founder of functionalism. Studied how humans use perception to function in our environment. Leader in philosophical movement of Pragmatism

Robert V. Guthrie

founding member of the Association of Black Psychologists

Wade Nobles:

founding member of the Association of Black Psychologists. President from 1994-1995. Founder and executive director of the Institute for the Study of Black Family life and Culture in Oakland.

Paul Feyerbend and his thinking as it pertains to science

he argued that science cannot be described by any set of rules, principles, or standards. (He said that history suggests that scientific progress occurs when individual scientists violate what rules, principles, or standards exist at the time.)

Wilhelm Wundt (1832 - 1920)

opened the first ever psych lab in 1872 at the University of Leipzig. Emphasis on the use of empiricism to understand how the mind operates

Milgram's Studies on Obedience

people were told by a person in authority to shock a confederate but weren't aware that it was a confederate; objective was to see how far participants would go


positivist/ post positivist constructivist transformative pragmatic

Na'im Akbar

president of Association of Black Psychologists from 1987-1988. Criticized euro-centric view of psychology

G. Stanley Hall (1844 -1924)

set up first psych lab in North America. Focused on development and education. Founded the American Journal of Psychology. First PHD in Psych from Harvard in 1878

Kenneth Clark

social psychologist. Contributed to research evidence of internalized racism caused by stigmatization; Studies: Doll experiments- black children chose white dolls. First AA president of APA in 1971.


spirit of the times - has an impact on the type of research that is conducted and receives funding

Willowbrook Study

students at a school for mentally disabled children were infected with Hepatitis in exchange for their enrollment


the act or process of coming to direct knowledge or certainty without reasoning or inferring

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