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Don't have to stop reading to decode words

Fluent readers tend to have better comprehension primarily because they:

grade level standards

High-stakes tests are designed to objectively measure students' ability to meet:

Listen to them read aloud

Of the following, the best way to assess students' reading fluency is to:

the classroom has a collaborative atmosphere

Research suggests that a student's motivation to read increases when:

thinking aloud

Teachers can best model comprehension strategies by:

many opportunities for repeated readings

Teachers can help their students become more fluent readers by providing:

read interesting books at their reading level

The best way to help students apply comprehension strategies is to provide time for them to:

read the novel aloud and discuss with the students who struggle

To encourage book discussions, all of the 6th grade students are asked to read the novel, The Giver. Because a few of her students struggle in reading and are unable to read the book independently, the principal has wisely advised the teacher to:

lexile framework

Used to measure both students' reading levels and the difficulty level of books.

frustration level

When Mary orally read a paragraph from the text, Little House on the Prairie, she stumbled over most of the words and required a great deal of assistance from her teacher. Mary was unable to state the main idea of the selection. This book was at Mary's:

at any grade level

Word Walls are appropriate:

academic vocabulary

Words that are frequently used in language arts, social studies, science and math are called

running record

a first grade student read a page aloud. as she read, her teacher made checkmarks on a copy to indicate each word the student read correctly. this teacher was taking a :

use text structures to complete graphic organizers

a new teacher was introducing text structures. veteran teachers correctly advised her that a teacher's most significant goal should be to help students


ability to orally read sentences expressively, with appropriate phrasing and intonation, is known as


ability to read silently for increasingly longer periods of time is known as reading

word recognition, comprehension, and numerical fluency

an informal reading inventory can be used to measure


ancient peoples created stories to explain natural phenomenal. these stories are known as


bill said he could read the word will because it looked like his name. bill used the strategy of

monitor their understanding

capable readers


children in the town of Ridley park enjoy hearing stories about Claude, the town's first postmaster. stories which have been passed down from generations to generations are known as

during prereading as students activate background knowledge

comprehension is a complicated process which begins


expressions which be translated figuratively such as raining cats and dogs, chip off the old block, and skeleton in the closet are known as

expository text structures

informational books are organized by

context clues

kelly encountered a word that she didn't know, she used the surrounding words and sentences to determine its meaning, in that situation, Kelly used


literature is often organized according to

Provides more information for making daily instructional decisions

one significant way in which high stakes testing and classroom assessment differ is that classroom assessment usually

students learn to generate questions about a text

questions arise as readers engage with a text. research suggests that comprehension improves most significantly when


research suggest that for students, especially those in grades three and up, the activity which leads to the greatest growth in vocabulary is

students with larger vocabularies are more capable readers

research suggests that

the reader and the text

research suggests that comprehension results when there is successful interaction of

instructional level

six year old Madison selected a book from the classroom library. she was able to rad most of the words, but she needed her teacher's help to fully comprehend the story. consequently, this book fit Madison's:

provide periods of sustained silent reading for everyone

some students in the third grade read fluently while others struggle. the best way to help all of the students improve would be to


term which refers to the history of a word is

informal reading inventory

test which is composed of graded word lists, graded passages for students to read, and comprehension questions is known as a

discuss text factors that are present in the book she students are reading

the best way to help students improve their ability to write expository text is

read passages everyday

the best way to help students take responsibility and monitor their vocabulary growth would be to:

the amount and quality of interactions with their parents

the factor which research suggests has the strongest influence on children's language development

reading workshop

the instructional procedure which offers students the most opportunities to make choices is

Post high frequency words on a classroom word wall

the most effective way for a teacher to help his students spell high frequency words correctly would be to


the underlying meaning of a story is referred to as its

spell high frequency words correctly

to become a fluent reader, a student must

model expressive reading when they read aloud

to help students develop prosody in reading, teachers can

appropriate picture books are available for every grade level

when a sixth grader teacher considered using picture books with his class, the school Liberian correctly advised that

a variety of documents such as running records, writing samples and anecdotal notes

when a teacher, principal, and parent met to discuss a child's literacy progress, the teacher brought only the final copy of a poem written by the child. after the meeting, the principal correctly advised the teacher that in the future, it would be best to come to conferences with:


when reading a passage, fluent readers devote most their attention to

poems have unique text factors

while enjoying a book of poetry, a teacher reminded her students that

semantic feature analysis

while reading about the Olympic Games, a fourth grad class made a list of sports related words and then made a grid to classify the words according to their distinguishing characteristics. those students participated in:

historial fiction

while teaching a social studies unit on the Revolutionary War, a fourth grade teacher sought books which would accurately describe the clothing, recreation and culture of this period. to accomplish this goal, the school librarian wisely suggested that a the teacher should select


words that express opposite meanings are known as

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