Read GB 370 Unit 9 People

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Employer-employee relationship

the legal link between employers and employees that exists when a person performs work or services under specific conditions in return for payment.

Personality and skills assessments

- Good to do if hiring sales our customer facing jobs -personality test can tell you how well they work with people, approach a task, communicate, approach change, deal with stress -also Work personality assessments, skill strength assessment, career value indicators

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Federal agency - enforcing Title VII and several other employment-related laws.

Human capital

People as assets

Rewards systems

- framework that an organization (generally via human resources) creates and manages to ensure that employee performance is reciprocated with some sort of reward (e.g., monetary or other extrinsic) that will drive and motivate the employee to continue to perform for the organization.

Temporary Help Companies

- recruit employees and assigns them to client businesses to help with short term work overload or special projects on as needed basis -if understaffed at a busy time of year, big sale, special event, seasonal business

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) of 1988

- requiring employers to provide notification 60 calendar days in advance of plant closings and mass layoffs.

Job Specification

-A listing of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other credentials the incumbent jobholder will need to do a job. Describe the personal requirements you expect from the employee -job title, who the person reports to, summary of the position educational requirements, experience, skills or knowledge, salary range, benefits, physical or special requirements, occupational hazards

Job Analysis

-A systematic analysis of jobs within an organization. -understand the requirements of each job -what skills abilities personality experience and education needed - the physical and mental task (judging, planning, managing, cleaning, lifting, welding) - how the job will be done (methods of equipment used) - reason the job exist (explanation of how the job affects other positions) - qualifications needed (training, knowledge, skills, personality traits)

External Recruiting

Advertising Campus Interviews (career fair) School placement offices employment agencies employee referrals walk-ins executive search firms- headhunter linkedin Intern job bank (groups related to your industry might have a job bank for members) -post notices at senior citizen centers - industry newsletters and publications have a classified ad section -word of mouth 1. Internet - websites indeed, monster, zip recruiter, flex jobs, career builders and social media like LinkedIn 2. Classified ads of local paper

Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act)

Amended NLRA to limit the power of unions and increase management's rights during organizing campaigns. Allows U.S. president to prevent or end a strike that endangers national security.

End of interview

Applicant ask questions Look to see if they have done their homework and researched your company -also tell you what they care about Tell them what they can expect in the next step of the process when they can hear from you -jot down notes during the interview and take 10 min after interview to write down outstanding qualities and evaluate personality and skills against your job description and specifications

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Bi-Partisan Amended the original Civil Rights Act, making it easier to bring discrimination lawsuits while also limiting punitive damages that can be awarded in those lawsuits. Employees who believe they were a victim of job discrimination due to race, religion, sex, or disability are entitled to a trial by jury

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

Federal agency empowered to enforce provisions of the NLRA. (the above act)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990

Forbids discrimination on the basis of disabilities and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for disabled employees.

Strategic Importance of HRM

HRM is increasingly important as firms realize the value of their human capital in improving productivity. HRM is critical to bottom-line performance of the firm. HR planning is now part of the strategic planning process. Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) System of activities arranged to engage employees in a manner that assists the organization in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage.

Pay-for-performance model

tying individual performance levels to rewards levels -reward the best-performing employees to enhance business performance and take care of those who can have the greatest impact.

Society for Human Resource Management

world's largest HR professional society, with more than 285,000 members in more than 165 countries. It is a leading provider of resources serving the needs of HR professionals.

Documentation of the rules and regulations

—employee handbook -one of the most important resources that HR can provide to the organization to mitigate compliance risk. -should be updated regularly -should detail the organization's policies and procedures and how business is to be conducted. -Legal counsel should review any such documentation before it is distributed to ensure that it is up-to-date and appropriate for the audience.

Sample interview questions

• If you could design the perfect job for yourself what would you do and why? - what kind of supervisor gets the best work from you? -how would you describe your current supervisor? How do you structure your time? Three things you like about your current job? Three biggest accomplishments in your last job? What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Alternatives to full-time employees

Leased employees Temporary employees Part-timers Interns

Common Training Methods From PP

Lectures role play and case studies on-the-job and vestibule training web based and electronic


Narrow down to ten candidates or so, and start by preparing a list of basic interview questions in advance. -1st impression good communication skills, neat and clean appearance, friendly cordial manner- gaining a strong impression of their poise, confidence, and level of enthusiasm. -start with small talk -explaining the job and describe in the company business history future plans - have Set a list of standard questions for all candidates. Do not vary the questions up -ask questions and several general areas: related experience, skills, educational training her background, and unrelated jobs -Open ended questions where they can go into more detail -situational questions -Your candidate's response to your questions should give you an idea of their knowledge, attitude, and sense of humor.

Things to look for in résumé and cover letter

Neatness, professionalism, grammar errors -career patterns, steady progress and promotions, stability

Should you only hire employees just like you

No try to find employees to complement your strengths and weaknesses

Health and Safety Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA)

Obey the safety and health standards established by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). -you have a general duty Provide a place of employment that is free from hazards that may cause death or serious physical harm. -you need to know all possible hazards -learn the published safety standards depending on your industry General Industry standards exits, ventilation, hazardous materials, personal protective equipment like goggles and gloves, sanitation, first aide, and fire safety

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967

Outlaws discrimination against persons older than 40 years of age.

HR and Small Businesses

Outsourcing- cover such tasks as benefits and payroll management. This Fractional HR - the offering of HR services to a company on a part-time or intermittent basis when the company may not be able to justify the cost of a full-time HR resource. -help with the daily/weekly/monthly HR compliance, employee relations, and talent management issues that companies need to address. Most laws don't apply to small companies with less than 15 people

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Oversees federal Safety requirements for businesses

Safety Manual

Put safety practices in a manual -Siri explain what to do if have a fire, explosion, natural disaster, or any other catastrophe, and how to perform task that involve hazardous stuff -keep a fire extinguisher and first aid kits throughout the building -have an insurance professional, a government representative, and an attorney review the finished manual -emphasize safety during meetings, inspections, and incentive programs -could have a safe employee of the month award

Problems with Performance Appraisal From PP

Rater Errors in Performance Appraisal: -recency error (A performance rating error in which the appraisal is based largely most recent behavior rather than on behavior throughout the appraisal period) -errors of leniency and strictness (being to lenient, too strict, or tending to rate all employees as average) -halo error (occurs when one positive performance characteristic causes the manager to rate all other aspects of performance positively)

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993

Requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family and medical emergencies.

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Requires men and women to be paid the same amount for doing the same jobs; exceptions are permitted for seniority and merit pay.

Accomplishment vs responsibility résumé

Responsibility - emphasizes the responsibilities of the job description Ex: managed three accounts, established budgets, developed contests Accomplishment- emphasizes accomplishments and results Ex: cut cost by 50%, that quote of every month

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935 Wagner Act

Set up procedures for employees to vote whether to have a union; if the vote is for a union, management is required to bargain collectively with the union.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938

Sets a minimum wage, requires overtime pay more than 40 hours per wk for non-exempt employees. Salaried professional, executive, and administrative employees are exempt from the Act's minimum wage and overtime provisions.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)

Sets standards for pension plan management and provides federal insurance if pension plans go bankrupt.

Who uses PEOs?

Small businesses - because of economies of scale - they typically pay higher premiums for employee benefits, having to comply with a multitude of employment related statutes -entrepreneurs can get a full human resource department through the PEO

New Trend in Hiring

Some companies sell a video-interpretation service that is supposed to allow the determination of important personality dimensions through artificial intelligence. (Source) It probably doesn't work well Tough to defend in lawsuit because AI is a blackbox

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

Specifically outlaws discrimination on the basis of pregnancy.

Human resources compliance

The HR role to ensure adherence to laws and regulations that govern the employment relationship.

Human Resource Management HRM

The management of people within organizations, focusing on the touchpoints of the employee life cycle. activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective work force.

EEOC Guidelines things you cannot ask

You cannot ask anything not directly related to the job. -age -sex, rice, creed, color, religion, national origin -disabilities of any kind -military discharge -marital status maiden name - children? how old are they? And who will care for them? -psychiatrist psychologist? -Addiction alcoholism? -Arrested? (can ask if they have been convicted) -How many days you were sick last year? -Sexual orientation? -Worker's Compensation?


an employee's ability to demonstrate the behaviors necessary to be successful at the next highest level within the company.

Rewards programs

compensation programs and policies, but can also include employee benefits and other extrinsic rewards that fulfill employee needs.

Education and training

compliance and labor law is critical to ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are being followed. - laws can change from year to year, -many organizations, managers receive training on key rules and regulations (such as FMLA or ADA) so that they have knowledge when dealing with employee situations and potential risk areas.

9-box template SEE TABLE 11.3

plots employee performance vs employee potential -provides the reviewer with 9 distinct options, or boxes, to categorize where the employee is.

potential axis ratings

potential for advancement within the organization: low = not ready to advancemedium = close to readyhigh = ready to advance.- does not equate to the value of an individual within the organization or state the quality of individual. There are likely many strong performers (top contributors) in every company who prefer to stay in their current role for years and be specialists of their own processes. A specialist or expert may not want to manage people, and thus would be rated as low on potential due to the lack of interest in advancement. Advancement may also mean relocation or lifestyle change that an employee is not willing to make at that time, so the employee would be rated low on potential for that reason. Potential can certainly change over time, given people's individual situations and life circumstances. -Potential tends to be the more subjective ratings axis, as it involves some assumptions into what a team member could be capable of based on limited information that is available now.

War for talent

refers to the increasing competition for recruiting and retaining talented employees.

Employee life cycle

stages of engagement of an employee—attraction, recruitment, onboarding, development, retention, separation. hiring and onboarding, to performance management and talent development, all the way through to transitions such as job change and promotion, to retirement and exit.

How to research perspective candidates

-check all their social media Post and profile page


1. Know why you are hiring2. Make a list of job responsibilities

Non-verbal cues

Do they seem alert and interested? Are they checking their watch your phone? Are there clothes wrinkled and stained or clean and neat?

Objective Measures of Performance From PP

-Can be actual output (units produced), scrap rate, dollar volume of sales, and claims processed. -Can become contaminated by outside factors resulting in "opportunity bias" where some have a better chance to perform than others. Ex: Minority members of selection committees -Special performance tests assess each employee under standardized conditions. -Performance tests measure ability and not motivation.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

-Forbids discrimination in the employment relationship. -not required to seek out and hire minorities but they must treat fairly all who apply. making it illegal to discriminate against someone in the workplace due to their race, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or pregnancy status. Adverse impact -When minority group members pass a selection standard at a rate less than 80% of the rate of the majority group.


-Generic application form - develop your own -must conform to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regarding questions you can and cannot ask -contact information, educational background, work experience, salary levels, honors and awards, full-time or part-time, available hours, skills, work references and if it's OK to contact them, personal references From PP Many firms will collect race and gender information on the application This is to ensure that the applicant pool they attract is as representative as possible Many times resumes are not consistent in presenting contact details, so get form data here Painfully long is not a bad thing

The key outputs of the talent review process include:

-Identification of the "high-potential" employees in the organization-Definition of development actions/action plans for each employee-Insight into talent gaps and issues-Input into the succession planning process

Where to get help for safety standards

-Insurance carrier might have a safety specialist who can visit your business to make recommendations -the government can set up safety program -OSHA and state safety organizations of ducks 50 consultation programs -Chamber of Commerce -industry trade associations -private consultants

Affirmative Action

-Intentionally seeking and hiring qualified or qualifiable employees from racial, sexual, and ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the organization. -Several executive orders require federal contractors to develop affirmative action plans and take affirmative action in hiring veterans and the disabled. -First order from Kennedy then Johnson and interacting with state initiatives across the country

Check references and background checks

-Interviews should help you narrow to three to four candidates. -Some applicants lie about their experiences and achievements. To avoid issues later, try calling the person's former supervisor directly. They are allowed to say negative things about the candidate so long as it is job related. People more comfortable on phone and get a better indication from a call rather than a letter - probably be referred to the personnel department who will supply dates of employment title and salary -can try calling the supervisor directly they might be required to send you the personnel or if they feel like talking will talk -Depending on job requirements, you may want to do education, motor vehicle checks, criminal background checks, or credit check. Bunch of services do the background check (google it)

Once the roles for succession planning analysis have been defined, HR and the business leader will define the following elements for each role:

-Name of incumbent-Attrition risk of incumbent-Names of short-term successor candidates (ready in <1 year) -Names of mid-term successor candidates (ready in 1-3 years)-Names of long-term successor candidates (ready in 3+ years) -Optional—9-box rating next to each successor candidate's name- important to include external successor candidates in the succession planning analysis. If there are no candidates that are identified, then the word "EXTERNAL" should automatically be placed next to that role

Internal Recruiting

-Promotion from within: considering current employees as candidates for openings. -Advantage: can build morale and reduce turnover of high-quality employees. -Disadvantage: can create a "ripple effect" of having to successively fill vacated positions.

performance axis ratings

-Rating: Low = below target, medium = at target, and high = above target.-reflects performance against objectives and the skills and competencies required in the employee's current role and function. -Performance is overall a more objective rating than potential, which leaves the rater to make some assumptions about the future b/c function. Performance can change over time

History of Performance Management

-U.S. military's "merit rating" system, created during World War I to identify poor performers for discharge or transfer -After World War II, about 60% of all U.S. companies were using a performance appraisal process. (By the 1960s nearly 90% of all U.S. companies were using them.) -By the 1960s or so, when we started to see a shortage of managerial talent, companies began to use performance systems to develop employees into supervisors, and managers into executives. 1981, Jack Welch CEO of General Electric, championed the forced-ranking system —. to deal with concern that supervisors failed to label real differences in performance . - to shed the people at the bottom. equated performance with people's inherent capabilities and ignored their potential to grow. -People were categorized as "A" players (to be rewarded), "B" players (to be accommodated), and "C" players (to be dismissed). -"A" players—and those with high potential were chosen to advance to senior positions. 2001, an "Agile Manifesto" emphasized principles of collaboration, self-organization, self-direction, and regular reflection on how to work more effectively, with the aim of prototyping more quickly and responding in real-time to customer feedback and changes in requirements." -incorporated frequent feedback, and delivered performance impacts. Deloitte company that redesign their performance processes. -see performance at the individual level, and thus they ask team leaders about their own future actions and decisions with respect to each individual. They ask leaders what they'd do with their team members, not what they think of them

Writing job ads

-Websites -classified section of online and print publications -research and decide how the Ad is positioned, presented, and amount of space you can afford -understand how the online job portal works and what you will have to pay indeed charges pap per click on your ad

Performance Feedback

-best in a private meeting between the employee and immediate supervisor. -Discussion should focus on the facts: The assessed level of performance How and why the assessment was made. How the employee's performance can be improved. -Properly training managers can help them conduct more effective feedback interviews. Bad ones suck to do happy ones are obviously more fun Treat people fairly and plainly - it is cruel to set them up to fail -be clear and give them ways to fix it don't lose track that you might need to do a bad one for the same person later

Higher-potential employees, display the following competencies:

-business acumen-strategic thinking-leadership skills-people skills-learning agility-technology skills. -Top performance in current job-Success in other positions held-Education/certifications-=Significant accomplishments/events-Willingness and desire to advance

Scheduling HR compliance audits

-company's overall strategy to avoid legal risk. -Noncompliance can cause enormous financial and reputational risk to a company -audits that test the organization's controls and preparedness

After the hire (Onboarding)\

-congratulate your new employee -call or email the other applicants and let them know you chose another candidate - Can offer some detail about why but avoid too much detail - you hurt their feelings, they're probably mad -keep their application on file in case you may want to hire them later. -By law, recruitment some materials must be kept up to six months after the hiring decision is made. Have the new hires office or workstation set up for them before they get started -Your new employee's first day is critical. Be prepared to keep their momentum going and spend time building rapport.


-defined behaviors that an organization might use to define standards for success. Competencies and behaviors are a good indicator of an employee's potential.

Succession planning

-identifying and developing new leaders and high-potential employees to replace current employees at a future time.-follows after a talent review -used to identify the depth of talent on the "bench" and the readiness of that talent to move into new roles. - used to identify gaps or a lack of bench strength at any levels of the organization, but it is usually reserved for leadership roles - human resources will sit down with the group leader to discuss succession planning for his group and create a defined list of leadership and other critical roles that will be reviewed for potential successors.

Job Description

-listing of the job's duties; its working conditions; and the tools, materials, and equipment use to perform the job. -Outline of how the job fits in the company -responsibilities and duties 1. Job Title 2. who will report to 3. job statement- describing what they need to do and how their activities related to other positions

2015 World at Work "Compensation Programs and Practices Report,

-more than 7 in 10 (72%) companies saying that they directly tie pay increases to job performance-two-thirds (67%) indicating increases for top performers are at least 1.5 times the increase for average performers. - employees' understanding of the organization's compensation philosophy improves when there is higher differentiation in increases between average and top performers. The greater differentiation of increases is more visible and drives home the point that the company is serious about pay for performance

Performance Management or Performance Appraisal

-organization ensures that its overall goals are being met by evaluating the performance of individuals within that organization.

Benefits of using temporary help for entrepreneurs

-pre-screened and pre-trained -can you get high quality employees that specialize in this position like engineers, editors, accountants, attorneys, bankers, medical field -help keep overhead low -save time in recruiting -saves in cost of health, employee benefits, workers comp insurance, profit-sharing, vacation time -increasing trend is to use more temporary workers without the risk that the organization may have to eliminate their jobs.

examples of follow-up development activities based on the outputs of the succession and 9-box events include

-training (forum for learning in person or online) -stretch assignments (high potential employee who is being tested for or who wants to take on additional responsibility) -individual assessment (assessments —personality and work style inventories of employees -provide feedback from manager, peers, direct reports, customers) -individual development plans (documents that highlight an individual employee's opportunities for growth and path of action.)


-type of employment agency that seeks out highly qualified people to fill important positions for an employer

strategic recruiting process:

1. Anticipate your future leadership needs based on your strategic business plan. - Every two to three years review of high-level leadership requirements based on the strategic plan. questions to answer : --How many people will we need, and in what positions, in the next few years? --What will the organizational structure look like? --What must our leadership pipeline contain today to ensure that we find and develop tomorrow's leaders? 2. Identify the specific competencies required in each position you need to fill. -Job-based: What capabilities will the job require? -Team-based: Will the applicant need to manage political dynamics? -Firm-based: What resources (supporting, talent, technology) will the organization need to provide the person who fills this role? 3. Develop a sufficiently large candidate pool. making of list of internal and external contacts and potential candidates before the need arises. 4. Assess the candidates. -"behavioral event interview" with each candidate. describe experiences they've had that are like situations they'll face in the organization. -evaluate a broad range of references to ask about results the candidate achieved. 5. Close the deal. -Sharing passion about the company and role, and show interest in the candidate - Acknowledging the opportunities and challenges of the role, differentiating the opportunities at your organization from those of your competitor -Striking a creative balance between salary, bonuses, and other long-term incentives 6. Integrate the newcomer. into the company's culture: - managers and the HR team check new hire. -Assign a mentor (star employee) to provide ongoing support -Check in with the new hire to ensure that they are getting enough support, and inquire about what other support might be needed.

Chronological vs functional résumé

1. Chronological list employment history in reverse chronological order 2. functional does not list dates of employment instead list skills and functions the employee has performed

Establishing pay for performance establish the following elements of the framework:

1. Define the organization's pay philosophy. 2. Review the financial impacts of creating pay-for-performance changes. 3. Identify any gaps that exist in the current processes. If any current human resources and compensation policies conflict with pay for performance, they should be reviewed and changed. 4. Update compensation processes with new pay for-performance elements. how does performance drive the bonus payouts? What is the differential (or multiplier) for each level? 5. Communicate and train managers and employees on the pay for-performance philosophy and process changes.

Compensation and Benefits Laws

1. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 2. Equal Pay Act of 1963 3. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) 4. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) 5. Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA)

The four questions that Deloitte asks of its managers are as follows:

1. Given what I know of this person's performance, and if it were my money, I would award this person the highest possible compensation increase and bonus. 2. Given what I know of this person's performance, I would always want him or her on my team. 3. This person is at risk for low performance. 4. This person is ready for promotion today.

Labor Relations Laws

1. National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935 Wagner Act 2. Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act)

Judgmental Methods of Appraisal From PP

1. Ranking—compares employees to each other. Difficult to do with large numbers of employees. Difficult to make comparisons across work groups. Employees are ranked only on overall performance. Do not provide useful information for employee feedback. The tippie-top people will stop working together - so might be value destroying 2. Rating—compares employee to a fixed standard. Graphic rating scales Behaviorally-anchored rating scale (BARS) Ex: Show up on time rate 1-5

2011 SHRM article by Stephen Miller, entitled "Study: Pay for Performance Pays Off," Top 4 drivers for moving to a pay-for-performance strategy are to:

1. Recognize and reward high performers 2. Increase the likelihood of achieving corporate goals 3. Improve productivity 4. Move away from an entitlement culture -drivers differed depending on whether the company was high performing or lower performing. -Almost half of high-performing organizations indicated that recognizing and rewarding top performers was the main driver of their pay-for-performance strategy, making it number one on the list of primary drivers. -Lower-performing organizations did not appear to be as sure about the drivers behind their strategy. The number one driver among this group was achieving corporate goals.

Equal Employment Opportunity Laws

1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964- 2. Pregnancy Discrimination Act 3. Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) 1967 4. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 5. Civil Rights Act of 1991 6. Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act 7. Executive Orders

challenges of performance management system, human resources and business leadership

1. aligning individual and company goals. 2. rewarding performance. 3. The identification of poor performers 4. Avoiding legal troubles 5. "Managing the feedback firehose" and keeping conversations, documentation, and feedback in a place where it can be tracked and utilized is

Prescreening Candidates

1. resume 2. application 3. social media profile

Total rewards strategy

6 elements that collectively define an organization's strategy to attract, motivate, retain and engage employees.1. Compensation2. Benefits (health, income protection, savings, and retirement programs)3. Work-life effectiveness (employees achieve success at both work and home.4. Recognition- (acknowledge or give special attention to)5. Performance Management (establishing expectations, skill demonstration, assessment, feedback, and continuous improvement.)6. Talent Development. (tools to advance their skills and competencies in)

Leasing employees

Contractual arrangement - the leasing company, Professional Employee Organization (PEO), is the official employer - add workers without adding the administrative complexity saving time and money - business owners can get better rates on health insurance and Worker's Compensation coverage because the PEO can pool employees -PEO manages everything compliance with state and federal regulations, payroll, unemployment insurance, W-2 forms, claims processing -paying and reporting wages, employment taxes, retaining rights to the direction and control of the leased employees -the client has one responsibility - Writing one check to the PEO to cover payroll, taxes, benefits, and administrative fees PEO-Business generally turns over all it's personal functions to the outside PEO company which will administer these operations and lease the employees back to the client

Validation - did we hire correctly? From PP

Determining the extent to which a selection device is predictive of future job performance. 1. Predictive validation: -Correlating previously collected test scores of employees with the employees' actual job performance. 2. Content validation - use of logic and job analysis to determine that selection techniques measure the exact skills needed for job performance. -Used to establish the job relatedness of a selection device.

leadership and facilitation of the following key life cycle process areas:

Human resources compliance Employee selection, hiring, and onboarding Performance management Compensation rewards and benefits Talent development and succession planning

Talent development

Integrated HR processes that are created to attract, develop, motivate, and retain employees.

Talent review calibration process

The meeting in which an organization's 9-box matrix is reviewed and discussed, with input and sharing from organizational leadership.-brings together a manager and team to discuss their talent. -Each team member presents the performance and potential (PxP) grid that he prepared on direct reports and briefly describes how each person is rated. Other team members contribute their opinions based on their firsthand interactions with that person. The discussion concludes after they have discussed each person, agreed on their final placement, and identified key development steps for them.- the leadership team should discuss key development actions for each employee.-human resources should keep a master list of the documented outcomes, as well as the development activities that were suggested for everyone. -HR should follow up with each of the leaders to help with the planning and execution of the development activities as needed. The


The process of attracting qualified persons to apply for jobs that are open.

Talent acquisition

The process of finding and acquiring skilled candidates for employment within a company; it generally refers to a long-term view of building talent pipelines, rather than short-term recruitment.

Training & Development From PP

Training -Teaching operational or technical employees how to do the job for which they were hired. Development -Teaching managers and professionals the skills need for both present and future jobs.

evolution of HR work in "waves"

Wave 1 - administrative work of HR personnel, such as the terms and conditions of work, delivery of HR services, and regulatory compliance. Wave 2 focused on the design of innovative HR practice areas such as compensation, learning, communication, and sourcing. Wave 3 HR, over the last 15-20 years or so, has focused on the integration of HR strategy with the overall business strategy. Human resources began to look at the business strategy to determine what HR priorities to work on and how to best use resources.-true partner to the business, Wave 4, HR continues to be a partner to the business, but has also become a competitive practice for responding to external business conditions. looks outside their organizations to customers, investors, and communities to define success—in the form of customer share, investor confidence, and community reputation.

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