Regulation of Gene Expression

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(T/F) As long as the repressor is bound to the operator, no mRNA (and, therefore, no proteins) are made


(T/F) If the repressor is BOUND to the operator, the polymerase is blocked and does not produce mRNA


(T/F) In bacteria, the structural genes that encode proteins involved in a particular metabolic pathway are often found sequentially grouped on the chromosome along with the cis-acting elements that regulate the transcription of these genes


(T/F) In yeast, a unicellular organism, the genes required to metabolize galactose are on different chromosomes


(T/F) The lacl gene has its own promoter and is not part of the lac operon.


(T/F) When glucose and lactose are available: RNA pol is unable to effec- tively initiate transcription, even though the repressor is not bound to the 0 site


(T/F) Transcriptional attenuation does not occur in eukaryotes because the presence of a membrane-bound nucleus spatially and temporally separates transcription and translation.


(active/inactive) In the absence of glucose, adenylyl cyclase is_______, and cAMP is made and binds totheCAP.


(positive/negative) trp operon is subjed to______ control.


(stimulation/inhibition) Elevated levels of ppGpp result in_______ of rRNA synthesis

transcription activation domain (TAD)

A domain of the specific transcription factor (STF) that recruits coactivators, such as histone acstyltransfsrasss and the general transcription factors that, along with RNA pol, are required for formation of the transcription initiation complex at the promoter.

lacl gene

A regulatory gene, the_______, codes for the repressor protein (a trans-acting factor) that binds to the O site with high affinity.


Adenylyl cyclase is inactive in the presence of_____


As with the prokaryotes,_______ is the primary site of regulation


Bacteria use_______, if available, as a fuel in preference to any other sugar.


Because repression by Trp is not always complete, the trp operon, unlike the lac operon, is also regulated by a process known as______.

formation of a truncated, nonfunctional peptide product

Because transcription and translation are temporally linked in prokaryotes (seep. 454), attenuation also results in the ________that is rapidly degraded

zinc fingers

Binding of Gal4 to UASGal through______ in itS DBD occurs in both the absence and presence of galactose


Binds Gal80, thereby allowing Gal4 to activate transcription


Binds to a repressor protein, causing a conformational change that prevents the repressor binding to the operator

Gal4 (Gal =galactose)

Coordinated expression is mediated by the protein______, a STF that binds to a short regulatory DNA sequence upstream of each of the genes.

Hormone response elements (HRE)

DNA sequences that bind trans-acting proteins and regulate gene expression in response to hormonal signals in multicellular organisms.

Amino acid biosynthesis

During elevated levels of ppGp, synthesis of mRNa for enzymes required for _______ is not inhibited

galactose circuit

Examples of coordinate regulation in eukaryotes include the _______

zinc finger leucine zipper helix-turn-helix

Examples of structural motifs

r-protein Shine- Dalgarno (SD) sequence

For each operon, one specific______ functions in the repression of 1ranslation of the polycistronic mRNA from that operon. The r-protein does so by binding to the_______ located on the mRNA jus1 upstream of 1he first initia1ing AUG codon (see p. 448) and acting as a physical impediment 10 the binding of the small ribosomal subunit 10 the SD sequence.

Transcription of DNA to RNA

For most genes, the main site of control is the ______

lacY gene

Gene that codes for permease, which facilitates the movement of lactose into the cell

constitutive encode products

Genes required for basic cellular functions and so are expressed at essentially a constant level

Gal4 protein

Glucose prevents the use of glactose by inhibiting expression of ____

reversibly binding a protein known as the repressor

How does the operator regulates the activity pf the structural genes?


How many operons does ecoli have?


If 1he concentration of rRNA falls, the_____ then is available to bind its own mRNA and inhibit its translation.


If Trp becomes scarce, the______ is expressed.

RNA polymerase (RNA pol)

If the operator is NOT BOUND by the repressor,_______ binds the promoter, passes OVER the operator, and reaches the protein-coding genes that it transcribes to mRNA

hairpin (stem-loop) strudure

IfTrp is plentiful, transcription initiation that escaped repression by Trp is attenuated (stopped) by the formation of an attenuator, a ______in the mRNA similar to that seen in rho- independent termination (

lacl general

In contrast to the inducible lacZ, lacY, and lacA genes, whose expression is regulated, the______ is constitutive

specific transcription factor (STF)

In coordinated regulation, it functions as a specific transcription factor (STF) that binds to a cis-acting regulatory consensus sequence on each of the genes in the group even if they are on different chromosomes


In prokaryotes such as the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli), regu- lation of gene expression occurs primarily at the level of________

binding of trans-acting proteins to cis-acting regulatory elements on their single DNA molecule (chromosome)

In prokaryotes such as the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli), regulation of gene expression is mediated by _____


In_________, gene expression also involves extensive posttranscriptional and posttranslational processe


Initiates translation of mRNA as it is being transcribed

excess of 1heir own protein products

Operons for ribosomal pro- teins (r-proteins) can be inhibited by ______


Operons, however, are not found in______, which mus1 use alternate strategies to solve 1he problem of how to coordina1ely regulate all the genes required for a specific response

stringent response

Regulation in response to amino acid starvation is known as the ______

regulatory sequences of DNA

Regulation of transcription is controlled by __________that are usually embedded in the noncoding regions of the genome.

Hairpin structure

Self-complementary sequences in certain regions of the mRNA cause a ______ to form, which attenuates (prematurely terminates) transcription


The 5'-end of the mRNA contains two adjacent codons for_____

cAMP regulatory protein (CRP)

The CAP is sometimes called____

cAMP-CAP trans-acting complex

The ______ binds to the CAP site, causing RNA pol to initiate transcription with high efficiency at the promoter site

alarmone guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp).

The binding of an uncharged transfer RNA (tRNA) to the A site of a ribosome triggers a series of events that leads to the production of the ______.

structural motifs

The binding of proteins to DNA is made through ______

lacl gene

The gene product pd this lac gene, the repressor protein, is always made and is active unless the inducer is present.


The regulatory DNA sequences are called________ because they influence expression of genes on the SAME chromosome as the regulatory sequence


The regulatory molecules are called__________ because they can diffuse (transit) through the cell from their site of synthesis to their DNA-binding sites (

operator (0) and the catabolite activator protein (CAP) sites

The regulatory portion of the operon consists of _______where regulatory pro- teins bind

promoter region

The regulatory portion of the operon consists of the _______where RNA pol binds


The regulatory portion of the operon is______ of the three structural genes.

upstream activating sequence Gal (UASGal)

The sequence is called the________.

stringent factor (RelA)

The synthesis of this unusual derivative of guanosine diphosphate (GDP) is catalyzed by_______, an enzyme physically associated with ribosomes

lac operon

The_______ contains the genes that code for three proteins involved in the catabolism of the disaccharide lactose

Cis-acting elements

These are DNA sequences that are bound by transacting regulatory factors


This compound is an inducer that binds to the repressor protein, changing its conformation so that it can no longer bind to the 0 site.

tryptophan (trp) operon

This operon contains five structural genes that code for enzymes required for the synthesis of the amino acid tryptophan

Galactose circuit

This regulatory scheme allows for the use of galactose when glucose is not available

one r-protein

Thus,______ inhibits synthesis o f all 1he r-proteins of the operon.

polycistronic messenger RNA

Transcription product that results from bacterial operons


Transcriptional attenuation can occur in______ because translation of an mRNA begins before its synthesis is com- plete.

when the O site is empty and the CAP site is bound by a complex of cyclic adenosine monophosphate ([cAMP]

When are the lacZ. lacY, and lacA genes maximally expressed?

catabo- lite repression

When both glucose and lactose are available: Adenylyl cyclase is inhibited in the presence of glucose (a process known as _____)so no cAMP-CAP complex forms, and the CAP site remains empty.

uninduced negligible

When both glucose and lactose are avallable: the lac operon is______, and transcription is_______, even if lactose is present at a high concentration

helix-tum-helix motif

When only glucose Is avallable and the lac operon is repressed (turned off), repression is mediated by the repressor protein binding via a_______ to the O site, which is downstream of the promoter

induced, maximally expressed or turned on

When only lactose is available, the lac operon is _____


When present, galactose activates ____ protein


When the sugar is absent, the regulatory protein ______ binds Gal4 at its TAD, thereby inhibiting gene transcription.

energy is not wasted making unneeded gene products

Why is it that regulating the first step in the expression of a gene in prokayrotes an efficient approach?


With this process, transcription is initiated but is terminated well before completion

chromosome 6 chromosome 11

a protein transcription factor, which is a trans-acting molecule regulates a gene on _________might itself have been produced from a gene on________


a single polycistronic mRNA molecule that contains three sets of start and stop codons

thiogalactoside transacetylase

acetylates lactose

Lactose Glucose

all of the lac gene are maximally produced only when ____ is available to the cell and _____ is not

constitutive encode products

also known as "housekeeping" genes


an isomer of lactose


binds RNA poland alters promoter selection through use of different sigma factors for the pclymerase

r- protein

binds to rRNA and with a higher affinity than for mRNA


causes a 50-fold enhancement over basal expression.]


facilitates the movement of lactose into the cell

use of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) for the synthesis of RNA (transcription)

first step in gene expression

LacZ gene

gene that codes for Beta-galactosidase,

Lac A

gene that codes for thiogalactoside transacetylase, which acetylates lactose

Regulation of transcription

initial step in all gene expression

alternative mRNA splicing and polyadenylation, control of mRNA stability, and control of 1ranslational efficiency

major modes of posttranscrip1ional regulation at the mRNA level are________

Gene expression

multistep process that uhimately results in the production of a functional gene product, either ribonucleic acid (RNA) or protein.

inducible lactose (lac) operon

operpn of Ecoli

synthesis of RNA (transcription)

primary site of regulation in both prokaryotes and eukaryote


segment of DNA that regulates the activity of the structural genes of the operon

Trans-acting factors

synthesized from genes that are DIFFERENT from the genes targeted for regulation


the structural genes that encode proteins involved in a particular metabolic pathway are often found sequentially grouped on the chromosome along with the cis-acting element and the entire package is known as ____

lac Z Lac Y Lac A

what are the genes that code for three proteins involved in the catabolism of the disaccharide lactose

inducer molecule

when an_______ is present, it binds to the repressor, causing the repressor to change shape so that it no longer binds the operator.

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