Regulations Review

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Water systems that collect less than ______ coliform samples each month can have 1 positive sample and remain in compliance.


What are examples of Tier III Violations?

Monitoring or testing procedure violations Operating under a variance or exemption Special public notices: fluoride secondary MCL, UCMR results, Cryptosporidium monitoring results, Stage 2 D/DBPR results

Utilities collecting samples more frequently than annually for inorganic contaminants determine MCL compliance by calculating a ____ ______ ______- at each compliance sample point.

running annual average

Lab analysis of pH, turbidity, temperature, and residual disinfectant concentrations must be performed by a person approved by the _______


A Tier _____ violation requires the water system to notify its customers as soon as possible, but within 30 days of learning of the violation and continue _______ notifications as long as the violation persists.

2 quarterly

What are the public notification and reporting requirements?

Systems with routine or repeat samples that are fecal coliform or E. coli positive must notify the state by the end of the day they are notified of the result or by the end of the next business day if the state office is already closed.

Systems using diatomaceous earth filtration are required to have turbidity levels _____ ntu in _____% of the measurements collected each month.

less than or equal to 1.0 95

_____ _______ is the best available technology for removing radium -226 and radium -228 from a water supply

lime softening

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Zinc?

5 mg/L Metallic taste

Water systems avoiding filtration fo source water must show that the turbidity of the source water immediately before the initial point of disinfection has not exceeded _____ NTU in _____% of the samples analyzed in the previous 6 months.

5.0 90

Transient, noncommunity

An establishment that has its own water system and serves water to an average of 25 or more different people each day. Ex: Parks, Motels, restaurants, churches

MRDL/MRDLG (Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal)

For the various forms of chlorine used as a disinfectant, there are maximum residual level goals as well as enforceable maximum residual disinfectant levels. Chlorine and chloramines (4.0 mg/L) Chlorine dioxide (0.8 mg/L)

In addition to the 50 states & D.C., SDWA also applies to:?

Indian lands Puerto Rico Virgin Islands American samoa Guam CW of the northern mariana islands Republic of palau

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Total dissolved solids?

500 mg/L Hardness; deposits; staining; salty taste

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of pH?

6.5-8.5 Low= corrosion; High= Scale deposits

The time from sample collection to initiation of the fecal coliform analysis may not exceed ____ hours.


What are the TCR compliance determinations?

-Compliance is based on the presence or absence total coliforms -Compliance is determined each calendar month the system serves water to the public -The results of routine and repeat samples are used to calculate compliance

What are additional requirements under ISWTR?

-disinfection profiling and benchmarking is required -Construction of uncovered finished water storage facilities is prohibited -Sanitary surveys are required to be conducted by the state for all surface water and GWUDI systems (Every 3 years for CWS and every 5 years for noncommunity water systems)

What are the public notifications and reporting requirements of monthly MCL violations?

-the violation must be reported to the state no later than the end of the next business day after learning of the violation -Public must be notified within 30 days after the system learns the violation

What are the public notifications and reporting requirements of acute MCL violations?

-the violation must be reported to the state no later than the end of the next business day after the system learns of the violation -The public must be notified within 24 hours after the system learns of the violation.

What are the repeat sampling total coliform rule provisions?

-within 24 hours of learning of a total coliform positive routine sample result, at least three repeat samples must be collected an analyzed for total coliform -procedures if a repeat example is total coliform positive

The maximum contaminant level for bromate is ______ mg/L


Solder or flux is considered lead free if it does not contain more than ____% lead


What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Manganese?

0.05 mg/L black or brown color; staining; bitter taste

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Aluminum?

0.05-0.2 mg/L Colored water

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Silver?

0.1 mg/L Skin discoloration; graying of eyes

Systems that collect fewer than 40 total coliform samples each month are allows _____ positive sample without violating the total coliform rule.


A tier ____ violation poses immediate risk to public health and requires a clear notification to the public within ___ _______ of learning of the violation.

1 24 hours

What are the three major steps required by IESWTR

1. determine if the system needs to profile based on TTHM and HAA5 levels 2. Develop a disinfection profile that reflects daily giardia lamblia inactivation for at least one year 3. calculate the lowest monthly inactivation (benchmark) based on the profile and consult with state prior to changing

Samples to be analyzed for total coliforms by the total coliform fermentation technique, must be kept below _____ degrees celsius during transit.


A water system is considered public if it has at least _____ service connections or serves _____ or more persons _____ or more days each year.

15 25 60

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Color?

15 color units Visible tint

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Fluoride?

2.0 mg/L Tooth discoloration

Repeat samples for a positive coliform sample are required to be collected within ____ hours.


What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Chloride?

250 mg/L Salty taste

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Sulfate?

250 mg/L Salty taste

A tier ____ violation requires the public water system to notify its customers within 12 months of learning of the violation. This may be accomplished by including the violation in the ________ _________.

3 consumer confidence

Water systems must provide at least _______ removal or inactivation of giardia lamblia cysts between a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer.


The maximum residual disinfection level goal for chlorine is ____-

4 mg/L

A public water system that does not provide filtration must have a disinfection concentration in the distribution system, measured as total chlorine, combined chlorine, or chlorine dioxide, which cannot be undetectable in more than ______% of the samples each month


__ ________ of total coliform samples can be positive, for systems that collect 40 or more samples each month, and the system will remain in compliance

5 percent.

What waterborne disease outbreak prompted additional amendments to the safe drinking water act in 1996?

In 1993, an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis occurred in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This caused over 400,000 people to have illness and killed more than 100 people.

______ and/or _____ in a water supply can discolor laundry, cause a bad taste in the water, and cause taste problems in beverages such as coffee and tea.

Iron, manganese

How must Tier I violations be presented and distributed?

must be issued via radio, TV, hand delivery, posting, or other method specified by primacy agency to reach all persons served PWSs must also initiate consultation with primacy agency within 24 hours Primacy agency may establish additional requirements during consultation

Water systems must provide at least ______ removal or inactivation of viruses between a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer.


What are the regulated contaminants under ISWTR?

Cryptosporidium MCLG =0 99% (2 log) removal required for filtered systems watershed control program required for unfiltered systems

What are the deadlines for corrective action?

public water systems must complete corrective actions: - within 30 days of the assessment triggering event -within the state approved time frame proposed on the assessment form

Where must repeat samples be collected?

-one repeat sample must be collected from the same path as the original sample -One repeat sample must be collected within five service connections upstream -One repeat sample must be collected within 5 service connections downstream *systems that collect one routine sample per month or fewer must collect a fourth repeat sample

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of odor?

3 TON Poor odor: rotten egg; musty; chemical

What is the only state that has not accepted primacy over their drinking water regulation enforcement?


Coliform bacteria

a broad group of bacteria that live in the digestive tracts of people and animals used as an indicator organism to indicate whether or not the treatment processes are not working properly

What are the three types of public water systems?

Community Nontransient, noncommunity Transient, noncommunity

What are level 1 assessment triggers?

- A public water system that collects less than 40 samples per month has two or more total coliform positive routine or repeat samples in the same month -A public water system collecting at least 40 samples per month has greater than 5% of the routine or repeat samples in the same month that are total coliform positive -A public water system that fails to take every required repeat sample after any single total coliform positive sample

What are the TCR compliance determinations (monthly MCL violation)?

- A system that collects less than 40 samples per month violates the total coliform rule if it has more than one routine or repeat sample per month which is total coliform positive -A system that collects 40 or more samples each month violates the total coliform rule if more than 5% of the routine or repeat samples in one month are total coliform positive.

If any repeat samples are positive what are the procedures?

- The system must analyze that total coliform positive culture for fecal coliforms or E. coli -The system must collect another set of repeat samples, as before, unless the MCL has been violated and the system has notified the state

In addition to the required timetable for primary standards, the US EPA is required to:?

-Define an approved treatment technique for each regulated contaminant -Specify criteria for filtration of surface water supplies -Specify criteria for disinfection surface water and groundwater supplies -Prohibit the use of lead products and materials used to convey drinking water.

Level 2 assessment triggers?

-a public water system incurs E. coli MCL violation -A public water system has a second level 1 assessment within a rolling 12 month period -A public water system on state approved annual monitoring has a level 1 assessment trigger in two consecutive years

What are the 10 required elements of violation notifications?

1. description of violation 2. when violation occurred 3. any potential adverse health effects 4. Population at risk 5. Whether alternate water supplies should be used 6. actions consumers should take 7. what the PWS is doing to correct situation 8. When the PWS expects return to compliance 9. name, address and phone # of PWS for addt'l info 10. A statement encouraging notice recipients to distribute notice to others, where applicable

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Copper?

1.0 mg/L Metallic taste; blue-green staining

What are level 1 assessments

A level 1 assessment is performed by the public water system every time a level I assessment is triggered The level 1 assessment form must be submitted to the state within 30 days of the level I trigger

What are the additional requirements under total coliform rule provisions?

A positive routine or repeat total coliform result requires a minimum of five routine samples be collected the following month the system provides water to the public unless waived by the state.

How is E.coli MCl violation determined?

A public water system is in violation of the revised total coliform rule when there is any combination of and E. coli positive sample result with a routine or repeat total coliform positive or E. coli positive sample result.

What is the difference is regulations for community and nontransient, noncommunity water systems compared to transient, noncommunity water systems?

Community and nontransient, noncommunity water systems are regulated for contaminants that pose health threats from long or short term exposure. Transient, noncommunity water systems are required to monitor for for contaminants that pose acute health risk ( nitrite, nitrate, microbial)

What are classifications of contaminants?

Turbidity Microbial or indicator organisms radionuclides inorganic contaminants organic contaminants synthetic organic compounds volatile organic compounds disinfection byproducts

Either the ____ or a _____ _____- certifies water treatment plant laboratories for the measurement of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and heterotrophic plate counts.

USEPA State agency

What are the system size classifications?

Very small = 25-500 people Small = 501 - 3,300 people Medium = 3,301 - 10,000 people Large = 10,001 - 100,000 people Very large = > 100,001 people

Community water system classifications

A system that has 15 or more service connections or serves 25 or more year-round residents is classified as a community water system Ex: municipal systems, rural water districts, mobile home parks

Treatment Technique (TT)

A treatment technique may be established in place of an MCL when the establishment of an MCL is impractical or impossible. EX: a TT was established to protect the public from cryptosporidium cysts rather than establishing an MCL for cryptosporidium

What are examples of tier II violations?

All MCL, MRDL, and TT violations except where elevated to Tier I notification requirements by the primacy agency Monitoring violations if elevated to Tier II by primacy agency Failure to comply with variance and exemption conditions

Tier I violations

Any violation of the national primary drinking water regulations that pose an immediate risk to public health requires immediate notification of the water system's customers. The notification must be made within 24 hours of learning of the violation.

What is a public water system?

Any water system that supplies water intended for human consumption to at least 15 service connections or serves 25 or more people for 60 or more days each year and is regulated by SDWA

MCLG (Maximum contaminant level goal)

Concentration of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected health risk. these are non-enforceable public health goals for contaminants that are known to cause adverse health affects in sufficient concentrations.

What are turbidity performance standards under ISWTR?

Conventional and direct filtration combined filter effluent (CFE) less than or equal to 0.3 NTU in 95% of monthly measurements Maximum level of 1 NTU at all times

What must each public notification include?

Must be displayed in a conspicuous way Must not include overly technical language or very small print Must not be formatted in a way that defeats the purpose of the notice Must not include language that nullifies the purpose of the notice

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of corrosivity?

Non-corrosive metallic taste; corroded pipes/ fixture staining

Tier III violations

Require the public water system to notify its customers within 12 months of learning of the violation. This may be accomplished by including the violation in the consumer confidence report

Tier II Violations

Requires the water system to notify its customers as soon as possible, but within 30 days of learning of the violation and continue quarterly notifications as long as the violation persists.

MCL (Maximum contaminant level)

The highest level of a contaminant allowed in drinking water. These are enforceable standards that are set as close as possible to the MCLGs, taking into account the best available treatment technology and the cost of treatment.

Total ______ samples must be collected at sites which are representative of water quality throughout the distribution system according to a written ____ _____ ___ subject to state review and revision

coliform sample siting plan

What are acceptable methods of filtration?

conventional treatment Direct filtration slow sand fitration diatomaceous earth filtration reverse osmosis microfiltration

Color gives the water an unappealing appearance and indicates that _______ ________ may be present.

dissolved organics

What are the TCR compliance determinations (Acute MCL violation)?

-Any public water system that has any fecal coliform or E. Coli positive repeat sample is in violation of the total coliform rule -Any public water system that has a fecal coliform or E. Coli positive routine sample followed by total coliform positive repeat sample is in violation of the TCR

What are turbidity monitoring requirements under ISWTR?

-CFE turbidity tests must be performed every 4 hours to ensure compliance with performance standards -IFE turbidity tests are performed continuously (every 15 minutes)

What are the public health benefits to the revised total coliform rule?

-a reduction in pathways which fecal contamination can enter drinking water systems -A reduction in fecal contamination that should reduce the potential risk from all waterborne pathogens including bacteria, viruses, parasitic protozoa, and their associated illness.

What are treatment technique violations?

-failure to conduct a level 1 or 2 assessment within 30 days of a trigger - failure to correct all sanitary defects from a level 1 or 2 assessment within 30 days of a trigger or within the state-approved time frame -Failure of a seasonal system to complete state-approved startup procedures

What are level 2 assessments?

-performed by the state or state approved entity each time a level 2 assessment is triggered -the public water system is responsible for ensuring that the level 2 assessment is conducted regardless of the entity conducting the level 2 assessment -Upon trigger of level 2 assessment, the level 2 assessment form must be submitted to the state within 30 days

What are the routine sample total coliform rule provisions?

-samples must be collected in accordance with a written sample siting plan that has been approved by the primacy agency -Samples collected must be representative of the water quality throughout the distribution system -Samples must be collected at regular time intervals throughout the month except in the case of groundwater systems serving 4,900 people or less -Number of monthly samples required based on the population served -Systems serving 1,000 people or less may qualify for a reduced monitoring frequency provided they have had defect-free sanitary survey within the past 5 years -Each total coliform-positive routine sample must be tested for E.Coli or fecal coliform -If any routine sample is total coliform positive, repeat samples are required.

What are the "other" total coliform rule provisions?

-systems collecting fewer than 5 routine samples per month must have a sanitary survey every 5 years (every 10 years if it is a non-community water system using protected and disinfected groundwater) -Systems using surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GWUDI) that meet the filtration avoidance criteria must collect and have analyzed one coliform sample each day the turbidity of the source water exceeds 1 NTU (this sample must be collected from a tap near the first service connection)

For water systems using conventional treatment or direct filtration, the turbidity level of representative samples of system's filtered water must be less than or equal to ______ NTU in at least 95% of the samples collected each month.


What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of iron?

0.3 mg/L Rusty color; sediment; metallic taste; staining

What are the secondary standard levels and adverse effects of Foaming agents?

0.5 mg/L Frothy, cloudy; bitter taste; odor

Nontransient, noncommunity water systems

Establishments with their own water system that serves 25 or more of the same people (non-residents) for at least 6 months out of the year. Ex: Schools, factories, office buildings

What are the violations that fall under the Tier I notification requirements?

Fecal coliform violation Nitrite or nitrate MCL violation Chlorine dioxide MCL violation Turbidity MCL violation Waterborne disease outbreak or other waterborne emergency Any occurrence determined by the primacy agency as warranting immediate public notification

The turbidity leaving a slow sand filter must be _____ ntu in 95% of the measurements collected each month

less than or equal to 1.0

How must Tier II and Tier III violations be presented and distributed?

must be issued by community water systems via mail or direct delivery and by NCWSs via posting, direct delivery, or mail Primacy agencies may permit alternate methods All PWSs must use additional delivery methods reasonably calculated to reach other consumers not notified by the first method. Notices for individual violations can be combined into an annual notice

How long must a notice be posted?

must remain in place for as long as the violation or situation persists, but in no case for less than seven days, even if the violation or situation is resolved

What are the parameters impacting effectiveness of inactivating giardia cysts and viruses?

type of disinfectant used residual concentration of the disinfectant period of time the water is in contact with the disinfectant water temperature pH of the water

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