rel test fourth commandment

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A parent is responsible to uphold a________ in their home and create and environment where they can openly teach their children about the faith.

domestic church

list the obligations that parents have toward the children

fairness and understanding discipline instruction in the Catholic faith. it is part of their Catholic Val that they must raise their children Catholic

"For Christians a special gratitude is due to those from whom they have received the gift of _______." Children grow in _____ when they obey their parents and by extent the Lord."


Having good relationships with your ________ helps you learn how to create relationships with ________.

family; others

respect for parents, it derives from gratitude toward those who, by the gift of life, their love and their work, have brought their children into the world and enabled them to grow in stature, wisdom, and grace. "With all your heart honor your father, and do not forget the birth pangs of your mother. Remember that through your parents you were born; what can you give back to them that equals their gift to you?"

filial piety

Not only do parents teach their children, but their children also help them to ....

grow in their faith

The role that parents play in the education of their children is _______


What is the basis for the obligation to respect the authority of the state?

the fourth Commandment is a basis for the obligation to respect the authority of the state. if it is legitimate and Just Authority then it is a reflection of God's law the laws should be just and there will be safety if it is to protect the individual Dignity of the person.

the fourth Commandment is the only commandment with a promise what is the promise explain what it means

God promises many blessing for those who respectfully love serve and Revere their parents for the parents to raisei their children with faith and love

The family is the________of society and if parents create a loving and strong family, then together all families would create a sturdy foundation for a society with good moral values.

building block

The family should should live in the way that is _______so that their kids can learn to be caring and merciful themselves and take their values with them into life.

caring of others and merciful

Parents have the responsibility to _____ from their own mistakes and be an _______ for their children.


Parents need to respect their child's call and vocation and encourage them to follow it. They should be supportive in their vocation. Parents should teach their children to ________, including themselves.

love God above all things

In what ways might a parent provoke his or her child to anger give examples

parents must try to earn and maintain their specs of their children there is a good medium between laxity and let it leadership and an abusive tyranny on the other the children are the children of God and their parents are to care for them their parents need to give them freedom and rules.

The political community has the responsibility to honor and assist a family by ensuring the freedom to start a family, the protection of marriage, religious freedom, right to ownership of land, right to medical care, right to protection, and freedom of speech. an example may be:

scholarships; things such as no one child policy

_____ should help families fulfill their responsibilities .


Siblings, children, and other members of the family are to " [_______] one another in charity."


Explain the hierarchical or relational aspect of human love

we must love first for those closest to us by reason of Family Ties especially in the case of spouses parents and siblings. the closer the relationship the greater the duty to love. the domestic church is a family where spiritual life is found Love found and family is very important.

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