RelativityOne Review Pro

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Where can you click to collapse the sidebar?

<< Collapse icon - Click to reduce the widget of the Sidebar and only display the icon for each tab.

You add a search condition to your document list, but notice the expected results do not appear. Why might this be?

A filter is applied to your document list and is limiting the number of documents returned. You have a specific folder selected in the folder browser that does not contain the expected documents.

What is a good example source to use for a concept search?

A paragraph from the case complaint. A paragraph you drafted with relevant example text.

Where can you click to see all tabs in your workspace available to you?

All Tabs menu - Click to view all the tabs in the workspace that you have access to. (this is the three lines on bottom left of screen)

After you review documents using active learning, what documents will you see in your document list view?

All documents in the project that you have reviewed, and documents you have skipped.

What differentiates an email thread group from an email family?

An email thread group is a single conversation that starts with the original email and includes all subsequent replies and forwards, and can include email families.

Which search indexes are available from within the search panel?

Analytics index and dtSearch index

What is the circle with your initials where you access your user profile called?


Where can you click to access your user menu?

Avatar - Access your user menu options, including My Settings, Help, and Logout.

What review strategy does a Review Manager implement if each document should only be reviewed once during first level review?


What step should you take after reviewing all documents in your batch during first level review?

Check In As Completed

A new set of documents is loaded into the workspace and batched out. Your project manager asks you to begin reviewing the documents in the new batch HD_00003 immediately, but you are still reviewing documents in your current batch FLR_00001. What should you do first in order to review documents most efficiently?

Check in batch FLR_00001 as Pending. Check out Batch HD_00003.

With proper permissions, what actions can you take so that your current batch is no longer assigned to you?

Check your batch in as Pending. Assign your batch to a colleague.

What choice option allows you to only select one?

Circle "Radio" Button

You are reviewing a document, and use the related items pane to navigate to a document's duplicate and family documents. Where do you click to return to the document you were reviewing before browsing documents in the related items pane?

Click the "Documents" word in the breadcrumbs

An email thread group is a single conversation that starts with the original email and includes all subsequent replies and forwards, and can include email families.

Click the View Similar Documents button in the viewer.

Where do you click to display all documents in the Custodians folder?

Click the custodian folder on the search panel.

You are reviewing a document family using active learning. One of the documents in the family contains a party's home address, making it the only Responsive document in the family. How should you code this document?

Code the document Responsive because it contains relevant information.

What type of filters are available in Relativity's short message filtering?

Conversations Events Dates

What is a saved page configuration that can include an item list and widgets?


What task can you perform in the review interface?

Display highlighted terms Redact imaged documents Navigate markups

Where do you click to open the saved searches browser?

Document browser menu - Choose whether the browser displays folders or saved searches.

In the following view, what do the thick blue lines separate?

Documents in the same family group.

T/F: To search on a field from the search panel, the field must be visible in your document list view.


T/F: When reviewing documents using active learning, you must submit a coding decision for every document in your review queue, even though the review field is not required.


T/F: When you review documents using active learning, you must only make decisions on documents that are highly ranked.


Where can you click to review duplicates of the current document?

Family Drop down in bottom Right

Where can you click to mark a page as a favorite?

Favorite - Indicates whether a page is favorited. Click to add/remove a page from favorites. (Star icon next to breadcrumbs)

Where can you click to access your recently-viewed pages?

Favorites menu - Contains all your favorites, and the last 10 pages in your browsing history (Recents).

Where can you select a redaction type to apply to the document image?

In the mark-up pane

What can you see using email thread visualization?

Inclusive emails in the current email thread. Duplicate emails in the current email thread. Attachments in the current email thread.

You review the first document in your batch and determine the document isn't Responsive. You change the Responsive coding to Not Responsive, and then notice the Overturned choice is not available on the Responsive Overturned field. What is the best way to handle this situation?

Inform the Review Manager the Overturned choice is not available.

What does the Copy button do in a coding layout?

It copies values from fields with Enable Copy from Previous set on the layout.

What describes an inclusive email?

It has unique content not included in any other email in the thread

What do views control?

Items displayed based on a set of conditions. Fields of information displayed for the returned items. Sort order of the returned items.

On what object do you code documents?


When you review a document using active learning and code it Responsive and Suppress Duplicate Documents is set to No, what can happen to that document?

No other reviewers will review that document in their queue. The document you coded, and similar documents, will be ranked.

Review any documents in the same Near Duplicate Group that have a similarity score of 95% or greater if coding decisions are in conflict. what can you determine from the view about the coding for Textual Near Duplicate Group REV01?

Only documents REV01 and REV02 should be reviewed again.

What makes a field within a coding layout required?

Orange wildcard asterisks

Where can you access the search panel?

Panel toggle icons - Change whether the browser, search panel, and/or document preview panel display


Predetermined value that is applied to a field.


Record within a workspace.

You would like to use a search to return other documents that may be closely related to the paragraph above. What should you do to return the best results?

Run a concept search on the entire relevant paragraph.

What does the Save & Next button do on a document layout?

Saves all of your coding decisions on the current document layout and moves to the next document in your view.


Secure data repository in which documents are stored.

You are tasked with coding documents for Responsiveness. After you code the first document Responsive, you see the following message: When you choose Responsiveness, you must also select a choice for the Privilege field. What should you do next to continue review?

Select a coding decision for the Privilege field and proceed to the next document.

What is the most efficient way to navigate to the location of each highlight hit in just the Key Terms set in the document for further investigation?

Select the Key Terms highlight set in the Persistent Highlight Sets card and navigate through the hits using the Go to previous highlight/Go to next highlight buttons

You are instructed to redact a chart embedded in an Excel spreadsheet. How can you do this without imaging the document?

Select the chart in the Redact Markup Navigator card and click the Redact button.

You are instructed to apply a black redaction to a single column in a native Excel file. Using Redact, what is the most efficient way to do this?

Select the column header you want to redact, right-click, then choose Black from the Redact context menu.

What choice option allows you to select multiple?

Square Button


Stores document metadata or coding decisions.

Where do you click to display the document list while in the review interface?

The "documents" panel on the far left

Where do you hover over to view the total number of participants in the conversation?

The conversation pane - this is the vertical list of participants near the top.

Where do you click to change the logic group operator from AND to OR?

The drop down carrot next to the operator

Where can you toggle markup visibility on a PDF native using Redact?

The eye button

Where do you click to toggle the redaction visibility between visible, transparent and invisible?

The eye button

What icon do you click to clear the current filter settings?

The filter with an X icon

While reviewing, you find a document with a large number of key terms, but notice that these terms are not highlighted. Why might the key terms not be highlighted?

The individual terms in the persistent highlight set are unchecked in the Persistent Highlight Sets card. You are currently viewing the document image.

Where do you click to see full email addresses of email recipients in the viewer?

The little vertical arrows next to the recipients on the email

Where can you change the number of documents that appear in the view?

The number drop down per page

Where can you click to open the Markup Navigation pane?

The pin icon next to the primary drop down

Where do you hover over to see the list of participants' reactions to a message?

The reaction event. In this example it is the trophy emoji.

Where do you click to access contextual help?

The small ? button next to metadata

There is at least one Responsive document in each thread, which makes all the documents in the thread Responsive. However, only documents coded Responsive should be coded on the Privilege field. What can you determine from the email thread visualization?

There are Responsive, Unreviewed and Non-Responsive documents in the thread. There is a coding conflict in one of the email families. The non-inclusive email has been coded Responsive.

What functions are available in the Timeline Navigator in the Short Message Viewer?

Track the duration of a conversation. Track message activity within the conversation. Jump to a particular date within the conversation.

Where do you click to mass delete redactions and highlights?

Trash can Icon

T/F: After applying an inverse redaction to an image, you can later apply additional markups to the non-redacted text.


T/F: When reviewing documents using active learning, you can access documents you already coded.


What is the most efficient way to QC coding decisions in an email thread?

Use email thread visualization to highlight the coding decisions in the email thread.

What Relativity feature controls how you see documents in your checked-out batches currently in progress?


What can you do using the thumbnail viewer?

View markups in a document. Navigate to different pages in the document.

What is a customizable list of items in Relativity from which you can sort and filter to locate specific items?


When does Relativity notify you that there is hidden content?

When there are tracked changes in a Word document. When there are speaker notes in a PowerPoint document. When there are hidden rows or columns in an Excel spreadsheet.

Redact supports applying markups on what native file types?


What is a benefit of using email threading and email thread visualization to review documents, as opposed to traditional linear review from the document list view?

You can more easily see the entire email conversation. A single thread group may include emails collected from multiple custodians. You can see where new emails branched off from the original branch.

Why might no documents appear for review when you have the My Unreviewed Documents view selected?

You do not currently have any checked-out batches. All documents in your batch have already been coded.

You are told by your Review Manager to use the My Reviewed Documents view, but you are unable to see this view in the views drop-down. Why might this be?

You do not have permissions to access this view

Why would you not see any documents when you open your My Reviewed Documents view?

You have not yet reviewed any documents. A filter is applied to the view that excludes all documents.

You are reviewing documents using active learning and notice that you are seeing documents grouped by family. How should you code groups of documents in the same family?

You should code each document in the family using the "Four Corners" test, and code each document independently of other documents in the family.

Which index should you use if you want to search for variations of a date format?


Where do you click to include family documents in your document view?

in the "+Related Items" drop down

When you run a proximity search, what will not return instances of the word orange within five words of the word grapefruit?

orange w/4 grapefruit

Where do you click first to apply coding decisions to this document?

the "Edit" button

When reviewing documents using active learning, where do you click to see the documents for your review?

the "Start review" button

Where do you click to collapse the Document Metadata category?

the drop down carrot before metadata

Where do you click to switch layouts?

the dropdown where you can select the layout.

Where do you click to change the view?

the view drop down

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