Religion Ch 2 SG

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What is the "Lord's Day"?

Sunday is the day Jesus rose from the dead so it is called the Lord's day. Could also be referred to the sabbath.

Name the seasons of the Church year in order.

The Church year consists of Advent, Christmas, Ordinary time 1, Lent, Easter Triduum, And ordinary time 2.

What did we see in the chapel. Be able to name and identify the things we talked about.

The Sanctuary is the holiest part of the church blessed by God. The altar is a the place of sacrifice of the Eucharist, and it contains relics of saints(bones and hair). There are two candles on the sides of the altar, because Christ is the "light of the world." The Stations of the cross around the Church remind us of Christ's Suffering. Inside the tabernacle is the consecrated bread. When the red lamp is lit it means that Jesus is present in the tabernacle. The cathedra is the chair. The ambo is where the scripture is read from

Who celebrates the Liturgy?

The celebration of the liturgy involves all members of the Body of Christ, each according to his or her calling. From the host of angels and saints to the whole community united with the head its head celebrates.

What is the Church's role in developing the sacramental rites?

The church's role in the developing the sacramental rites is the church is given the authority by God to determine which rituals would be sacraments and what the rituals themselves would consist of. The Church makes God's grace available through the sacraments. The church's mission is also to evangelize to others. In celebrating the sacraments, the church confesses the faith she received from the apostles . The sacraments are sacraments of faith because the faith of the Church has preserved them in history.

What is the relationship between the Liturgy and the Paschal Mystery?

The liturgy, particularly the Eucharist as well, is the way Christ communicates the fruits of the paschal mystery, our redemption, until he comes again. In the liturgy we actually participate in the events of the paschal mystery.

What is the Holy Spirit's role in the Liturgy? in Apostolic Succession?

Through the power of the Holy Spirit the liturgy makes the Pentecost events present and real for us today. The distinct roles of the Three persons- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- help us understand of the blessed trinity in the liturgy and how Christ acts through the sacraments. In Apostolic succession the power of the Holy Spirit they are entrusted this power and authority.

What is Transubstantiation? The Real Presence?

Transubstantiation is what happens at the consecration of the bread and wine at Mass when their entire substance is turned into the entire substance of the Body and Blood of Christ, even through the appearance of bread and wine remain. The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins at the moment of consecration and endures as long as the Eucharistic subsists. The difference between these two terms is transubstantiation is the actual words of the doctrine The Real Presence is the doctrine that Jesus Christ is truly present in his Body and Blood under the form of bread and wine in the Eucharist.

What does "Christus totus" mean?

"Christus Totus" means "whole Christ" Has to do with the head and body of Christ. The head is Jesus and the body is us. The whole Christ worshipping.

Explain the meaning of "ex opere operato". What does it refer to? *

"Ex opere operato" means by the very action of being performed and is a form of an efficacious sign of the sacraments based on the very fact of them being performed. It does not matter of the recipients holiness or worthiness but rather whenever the sacrament is celebrated in accordance with the intention of church, the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit acts in and through it , independently of the holiness of the minister.

What does "lex orandi, lex credendi" mean? What does this refer to?

"lex orandi, lex credendi" means "the law of praying is the law of believing." Our prayers of the church are basically what we believe.

What is Anamnesis? Epiclesis?

Anamnesis is the Latin word for "remembering of." The liturgy of the Word recalls all that God has done for us. Anamnesis is also central to Liturgy of the Eucharist. Anamnesis allows the church to fulfill the memorial of Christ by recalling his Paschal Mystery in the Eucharistic prayer. Epiclesis is the Latin word for "invocation prayer" and is the intercession prayer the priest makes at mass in which he begs the father to send the spirit so that the offers of the bread and wine can become the Body and Blood of Christ. It is also the prayer for the full effect of the Church's communion with the mystery of Christ.

What happened at Pentecost?

At Pentecost the disciples were all gathered together in a single place together. And then suddenly a strong gust of wind filled the house they were in and it appeared to them as tongues of fire, which then parted and came to rest upon each one of them. They became filled with the Holy Spirit allowing them to talk in different tongues and preach the gospel.

Which sacraments confer a sacramental character, or seal? What does this mean? *

Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy orders confer an indelible sacramental character by which a Christian shares in the priesthood of Christ. Indelible means the permanent effect of these sacraments and it's important to know that these sacraments cannot be repeated. These three sacraments contain a permanent seal on your life and you cannot have them repeated in your life.

What is the "form" of a sacrament? What is the "matter" of a sacrament? Know examples for 2 of the sacraments. *

Confirmation Form; "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit." Matter; Element: oil(Sacred Chism) Gesture; anointing with oil. Eucharist Form; "This is my Body. This is my Blood." Matter; Elements: wheat bread and grape wine. Gestures: eating the consecrated species of bread; drinking the consecrated species of wine. *Form is the words. Matter is the gestures or elements being used to perform the sacrament.

What is the Easter Triduum?

Easter Triduum is the three-day liturgy that is the church's most solemn celebration of the Paschal mystery. It begins with the mass of the Lord's supper on Holy Thursday, continuing through the Good Friday service, and concludes with the evening prayer on Easter Sunday. Although it takes place over three days, the Triduum is considered one liturgy.

What were 4 physical signs used by Christ? Be able to give an example from Scripture for 2 of them. *

Four physical signs are bread, water, oil and touch. He turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana (John 2:1-12) (water) He cured a leper (Matthew 8:1-14) (touch) He showed oil could heal wounds in his parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37) (oil) He multiplied fish and loaves of bread to feed the crowds (Matthew 14:13-21) (bread)

What is the role of God the Father in the Liturgy?*

God the father is the source of all creation, he is the source of blessings we receive from the liturgy. He is the source and the goal of the liturgy. In the liturgy, the Fathers is the source and end of all blessings . He sends down the Holy Spirit to be present in the liturgy. God is the initiator with us, he acts first and in return we respond. We worship him in the liturgy making him the goal.

What is included in the Liturgy of the Word? How many years are each cycle?

Included in the liturgy of the word is signs and symbols. These signs and symbols are words actions and objects that are form or matter. It has three-year cycle of Sunday scripture readings and a two-year cycle of weekday scripture readings. Each Sunday includes a reading of the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and the Gospel. The Weekdays include a reading of the first reading which can be New or Old Testament, Psalm and Gospel.

Who instituted the Sacraments? Who is present in them all?

Jesus instituted them; the Trinity is present in all

What does Redemption mean? *

One definition of the term redemption is "to recover ownership by paying a sum, or to set free or ransom." For Christians, Redemption is the action of Jesus Christ whereby he paid the of his own death on the cross to save us from sin and thus return us to new eternal life in union with God. We proclaim the mystery of the redemption in the liturgy. We celebrate Christ continuing his work of our redemption by the church and through the church.

What are the 4 ways Jesus is present in the Liturgy? (Explain) *

Jesus is present in the minister of the sacrament/word. Christ is the minister of the sacrament. The priest only acts in his name. Christ is present in the person performing the liturgy as well. Jesus is present in the Word, since it is in Christ who speaks when the scriptures are read at the liturgy. Jesus is the Word of God made flesh (John 1:14). As the complete Word of God, Jesus alone has "the words of eternal life." These are actual words said by Jesus. Jesus is present when the Church prays and sings is gathered in his name. He told his disciples," For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." Jesus is especially present in the Eucharistic species, in his own Body and Blood. This mystery can be referred to as Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist because it is Jesus presence in the fullest sense. The church uses the term transubstantiation to express how the reality of bread and wine changes into the reality of Jesus' risen and glorified Body and Blood. In conclusion he is truly present in the bread and wine.

What does "marana tha" mean? How does this relate to the sacraments?

Marana tha" is a Arabic expression that means " O Lord, Come!" This prayer expresses the ultimate meaning of the sacraments and of Christians- Internal life.

What are the meaning and roles of the ministerial priesthood and common priesthood?

Ministerial priesthood is the priesthood of Christ received in the sacrament of Holy Orders. It's purpose is to serve the common priesthood by guiding the Church in the name of Christ. Common priesthood is the priesthood of the faithful. Christ has made the Church a "kingdom of priests" who share in his priesthood through the sacraments of baptism and confirmation. Guarantees that Christ is really the one who ministers the sacrament through the Holy Spirit for the Church.

What is the sign of unity in the Liturgy itself?

The signs of the unity in the liturgy or in the liturgy of the word are the words spoken and actions performed during the liturgy: same readings, prayers, singing, gestures and actions at the same time.

Why do we worship on Sunday?

We worship on Sunday because this was the day Jesus rose from the dead. Sunday is also the first day of the week.

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