Religion Chapter 6

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Who is a model of faith in the Resurrection narratives in John's Gospel?

the beloved disciple (John)

What does it mean to say that the Resurrection is also a transcendent event

A transcendent event is one that goes beyond history and our own understanding of space and time.

What typical greeting did the Risen Lord give to his disciples when he appeared to them?

"peace be with you"

Describe two qualities of Jesus' resurrected body

*he could eat *he was tangible (you could touch him)

Summarize the main points of the kerygma preached in the early Church.

1)God's promises foretold by the prophets have now been fulfilled through Jesus Christ. 2)God has exalted his Son, Jesus Christ, at his right hand. 3)The Holy Spirit is present in the Church and is the sign of Christ's present power and glory. 4)Christ will come again, at which time the Messianic Age will reach its fulfillment. 5)Because all this is true, we should repent of our sins, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit.

What does it mean to say that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father?

A Jewish expression that meant that he was equal to God.


A collection of rabbinical teachings gathered after the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 70 AD.


A free and unearned favor from God, infused into our sounds at baptism, that adopt's is into God's family and helps us to live as children

List four similarities in all the Resurrection narratives.

Early in the morning, women were there, there were messengers at the tomb, the empty tomb was important, and Jesus appeared

What is the significance of the empty tomb?

It is a concrete piece of evidence that Jesus has risen from the dead.

Last judgement

Jesus Christ's judgment of the living and the dead on the last day when he comes to finally establish God's kingdom.

Why did Jesus' body not decay in the tomb?

Jesus' corpse was preserved from corruption because his human soul and body were still linked to the Divine Person of the Son.


Jesus' passage from humanity into divine glory into God's heavenly domain forty days after his resurrection. It is from this domain that Jesus will come again.

What does the Ascension of Jesus remind us of?

That our rightful home is heaven


The church dogma that teaches that the blessed mother, because of her unique role in her som's resurrection was taken directly to Heaven when her earthly life was over. The feast of the assumption is on August 15th, and is a holy day of obligation.


The core teaching about Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Comes from a Greek word meaning proclamation, announcement, preaching.


The day when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and gave them the power to preach with conviction the message that a Jesus has risen and is The Lord of the universe.

What does it mean to say that Jesus "descended into hell"?

The dead Christ went to the abode of the dead (Sheol in Hebrew, Hades in Greek, "hell" in English) and there proclaimed the Good News of Salvation to the just who were awaiting the Redeemer. He was bringing the good news to the people.

Cite evidence that Jesus' Resurrection is a historical event.

The empty tomb—reported in each Gospel—is one of the signs that Jesus rose from the dead. Neither Jesus' friends nor his enemies ever claimed to have found Jesus' body. No one ever proved that his corpse was stolen. The empty tomb does not of itself prove faith. In fact, some disciples were skeptical, simply refusing to believe when told the tomb was empty. Even seeing it empty for themselves did not cause all of them to believe that Jesus had actually risen from the dead. Nevertheless, the empty tomb is a concrete historical marker, a sign that points toward belief that the Father brought his Son back to life, as had been prophesied by Jesus himself.

Beloved Disciple

The fourth Gospel refers in several places to the disciple whom Jesus loved. Church Father St. Iraneaus attributed the Gospel of John to the beloved disciple. Church tradition identifies this John as one of the Apostles.


The innermost or spiritual part of a person. The soul is the subject of human consciousness and freedom. Body and soul together form one human nature. The soul does not die with the body. It is eternal and will be reunited with the body upon Resurection.


The life of following Jesus Christ. The word disciple comes from a Latin word meaning learner.

How do the discrepancies in the Resurrection narratives actually argue for their historical value?

They argue to the fact that this is not a conspiracy

How were Peter and the Apostles changed on Pentecost?

They became more brave, less fear, and started to spread the word of God

According to the original ending (Jn 20:30-31), why did John write his Gospel?

To help people believe in Jesus

Paschal lamb

What the Israelites were commanded to eat as a part of the Passover celebration. Jesus is the new Paschal lamb because he shed his blood for the redemption of the world.

What is the Assumption of Mary?

When Mary's body is assumed into heaven, she is taken up into heaven

Who are the first evangelists of the Resurrection of Jesus in Luke's Gospel?


Explain why Mark 16:8 may be the place where the Evangelist concluded his Gospel.

doesn't require us to know (answer: he wanted to leave it in a question mark and people did not like that and so he added on to it. )

Where do Catholics meet the Risen Lord in the Sunday liturgy?

meet him through the Eucharist (celebration of mass)

When do the disciples on the road to Emmaus recognize Jesus?

moment of the breaking of the bread- the writer is telling us the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist

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