Religion - Chapter 6

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Then follows five major speeches or discourses. Each one ends with a phrase like: "After having finished this discourse. . ." The five discourses are: A. Matthew 3:1 to 7:29 which includes the Sermon on the Mount..


Jesus' entire message, according to Mark, can be summed up as

"This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."

Mark's gospel is the shortest and probably the oldest gospel. Since Mark 13:1f talks vividly about the events of the persecution and destruction of the Temple, which took place in 70 C.E., this gospel was most likely written sometime near the year


Luke's gospel includes many women. Identify the women in each of these passages:

A. Mary (1:27-38) B. Elizabeth (1:40-42) C. Anna (2:36-38) D. Sinful Woman (7:37-50) E. Mary, Magdalene, Women cured of evil spirits (8:2-3) F. Martha and Mary (10:38-42)

More than twenty-five percent of the New Testament is written by Luke. The gospel according to Luke is the first part of a two volume work. The second volume is the New Testament book called

Acts of the Apostles.



B. Matthew 8:1 to 11:1 which contains Jesus' instruction to his twelve...


Both lived in Egypt.


Names used to refer to Jesus in each of the Gospels Matthew -

Emmanuel, New Moses, Son of David

C. Matthew 13:54 to 19:2 deals with "church order" or the care that disciples must exert to protect each other's (18:3-35)...


Mark apparently believes that Jesus will appear on earth in the near future. Mark 14:28 and 16:7 both note that Jesus will see his disciples in


The following passages show Luke's emphasis on


Where do we get most of our information about Jesus?


Mark is the only one of the four gospels to call itself a...


Luke's is the gospel of prayer. A. Who prays in


The author of Matthew's gospel seems interested in comparing this Jewish hero with ---. Look up the following passages and see the implied comparisons:


Theme of Matthew's Gospel

Jesus Christ-Emmanuel("God is with us")-is the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament.

Luke wants to show how God's promises of salvation to Israel have been fulfilled in the Savior,----and how this salvation accomplished by Jesus has been extended beyond the Jews to the---

Jesus, Gentiles and Christians.

Although the exact author of this gospel is unknown, it has traditionally been assigned to a person named ------------- who was the son of the hostess for the Christian assembly (Acts 12:12), the cousin of Barnabas (Col 4:10), and the companion of Paul and Barnabas (Acts 12:25, 15:37-39).

John, Mark

Comparisons Both were preceded by dreamers named...


Names used to refer to Jesus in each of the Gospels Mark -

Mark - Christ-Messiah "anointed one", Son of Man, Suffering Servant

Audience each Gospel was written for

Mark - Non Jewish, Gentile Christians who undergoing persecution Matthew - Jewish Christians Luke - largely Gentile Christians

Author of each of the Gospels

Mark - Unknown Matthew - Jewish scribe Luke - a Gentile Christian with some attraction to judaism; also wrote Acts of the apostle; highly polished writing style.

Estimated year(s) each Gospel was written

Mark - ~67-73 AD Matthew - sometime in the AD 80s Luke - ~75 - 90 AD

What are the three sources the Gospel writers used (Chart Pg. 185)Mark's gospel

Mark's gospel A shared source known as Q(from the German Quelle, meaning "source") that Mark did not use Their own distinct sources(M for Matthew and L for Luke)

Mark does not include (in his original ending) any account of an appearance of the risen Jesus to the apostles. His is the only gospel to omit these appearances. Instead, Jesus' resurrection is first revealed to

Mary Magdalene, Mary, mother of James, and Salome

The greatest Jewish hero in the whole of the Hebrew Scriptures was...


The author is supposedly a Syrian from Antioch, according to early Christian tradition. He was a com- panion of Paul mentioned in Philemon 24 and 2 Timothy 4:11. Colossians 4:14 says that Luke's pro- fession was


In Mark's gospel Jesus shows a greater range of human feelings, of common humanity, than in the other gospels. Write the emotions represented in the following passages. A...


In fact, the theme of Mark's gospel is the "good news" that Jesus Christ is the

Son of God

Apparently Matthew wanted Jesus' five discourses to parallel the five books attributed to Moses in the Hebrew Scriptures. These five books are known as the...

Torah, or Pentateuch.

Names used to refer to Jesus in each of the Gospels Luke-

Universal Savior

Unlike Matthew and Luke which describe Jesus' birth, and John which talks about Jesus' heavenly origin, Mark's gospel considers Jesus' importance to have begun with his... (Mk 1:9-11)


Both gave their people commandments.


Both were threatened with death.


Theme of Mark's Gospel

following Jesus often means that a Christian must suffer like Jesus did

In all of the following passages in Luke Jesus emphasizes


Judging from the opening passage of Matthew's gospel, with its references to the Jewish heroes David and Abraham, the theme of this gospel seems to be emphasis on Jesus' Jewish...


The gospel of Matthew starts with a prologue (Mt 1:1—2:23) which deals with the period in Jesus' life known as his...


Luke 11:13, 18:1, 18:13, 19:46, and 22:40 all deal with the

need for prayer.

In all the following passages Luke emphasizes the favored position Jesus gives to the


The seventh and last section of Matthew's gospel is located in chapters 26 through 28. These chapters deal with Jesus' passion, death, and...


Theme of Luke's Gospel

the city of Jerusalem is an important symbol; the drama of Salvation unfolds there

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