Religion: Chapter 7, 8, & 9

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Clovis, King of the Franks

Converted to Christianity and laid the foundation for a new Christian Empire in what was the western part of the known world




During the seventh and eighth centuries, armies of Muslim conquered much of the Middle East, including the holy sites in _________.








Claimed that Jesus only pretended to be human and so didn't really suffer on the cross

The Council of Jerusalem

The first great council of the Catholic Church


The fourth Gospel to be written, the Gospel of ______ addresses incidents and issues in Jesus' life and teaching that are not included in the other three Gospels


The last book of the Bible, the Book of _____________, calls believers in Christ to look forward with hope to eternal glory


Followers of Marcion

"Rule of Life"

Saint Basil the Great developed a ____________ for monks, calling them to a life dedicated to serving God in other people, especially those who were poor


The leaders of the Council of Jerusalem sent ______, Barnabas, and two other delegates to Antioch with a letter describing the important decisions concerning the Church that were made at the council.


The name of the invaders the Romans called


The word _______ refers to the written and spoken beliefs and practices that have been passed down to us from the time of Christ and the Apostles

Saint Jerome

Translated the Bible into Latin from Greek and Hebrew


developed a vocabulary of terms which to describe the faith

Benedict of Nursia

founded a monastery for monks at Monte Cassino, Italy, around 529

The New Testament

Recalls the story of Jesus


Claimed that the material world is evil and created by an evil spirit

Emperor Constantine

Who made Rome a Christian city?

It was clear that the Christian Faith was meant for all people

With the Holy Spirits guidance...

Saint Jerome

_________ was a Father of the Church who translated the Bible into Latin from Hebrew and Greek

Benedict of Nursia

_________ wrote a rule for monks and lived by the motto Ora et labora (Pray and Work)

Monastic Life

___________ is a life dedicated to prayer, work, study, and the needs of society.

Saint John Chrysostom

A great preacher whose name means "golden-mouthed"

Basil the Great

A great theologian whose writings helped to defeat the Arian heresy

Monastic Life

A life dedicated to prayer, work, study, and the needs of society


A living witness of faith


A place where monks or nuns live

The Old Testament

Recall God's relationship with the people of Israel


Roman province that today is France


Romans spoke __________ but favored the Greek language




True or False: Ecumenical is another word for covenant


An ___________ council is a council "of the whole world"

Ecumenical Council

Brings together the bishops of the whole world

Cyril and Methodius

Brought the good news of Jesus Christ to the territory from which many invading tribes had come

Anthony of Egypt

Brought together a group of these solitary hermits to live in community


Claimed that Jesus real revelation was available only as a secret knowledge to a select few

The New Testament

27 books

The Old Testament

46 books

Both testaments

73 books


A belief or collection of beliefs that rejects one or more of the revealed truths of the faith

Gregorian Sacramentary

A book that would guide the celebration of mass and the other sacraments for many centuries


Founded a nearby monastery for nuns


Fourteen books of the New Testament are _________, or letters which were written by, or at least attributed to Saint Paul


Immediately began to reform both the church and the state, which he viewed as two halves that formed his Holy Roman Empire

Eastern and Western

In 1054 a division, or schism, took place in Catholicism, separating the Church in the ______________ parts of the Roman Empire


In 313 the Emperor _______________ signed the Edict of Milan, which gave Christians the freedom to worship openly throughout the Roman Empire


Lack of education and culture


Lived by the motto Ora et labora/Pray and work

Scripture and Tradition

Make up "a single sacred deposit of the Word of God"


Men whom Catholics would call priests


Of or relating to the church


Paul spread the _________ throughout the Roman Empire

Evangelical Counsels

Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience


Studied and explained scripture

Emperor Constantine

Summoned all the bishops of the church to a council in the city of nicaea


The Council of Chalcedon, in 451, is considered the __________ of the first four ecumenical councils

AD 90

The Gospel of John is written in...

AD 60-70

The Gospel of Mark is written in...

AD 70-90

The Gospels Matthew and Luke are written in...


The Holy Spirit first descended on the community of Jesus' disciples during a feast called ____________.

Acts of the Apostles

The New Testament book gives an account of the very earliest days of the Church is the _____ __ ____ _________.


The ________ is the second law of faith given by God to Moses

Gregorian Chant

The beautiful music that has been chanted at the Liturgy of the Hours and other liturgical and traditional celebrations


The disciple Stephen became a _________ by witnessing to the faith and dying rather than denying his belief in Christ.


The early Christians compiled for the Church the official list, or _________, of Sacred Scripture


The early Christians who were not Jewish were known as ___________.


True or False: During the "Great Persecution" thousands of Christians were martyred for their faith, Church property was confiscated, and Christian books were burned


True or False: The Catholic Bible consists of seventy-three books divided into two parts called testaments


True or False: The Council of Nicaea set down a creed to express clearly the full divinity and full humanity of Jesus


True or False: The Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire


Was a holy monk who developed a great rule of life for monks, calling them to a life dedicated to serving God in other people, especially those who are poor

Pentateuch, Historical Books, Wisdom Books, Prophetic Books

What are the sections of the Old Testament?

1. Defense of Christian doctrine 2. Reorganization of the Church's hierarchy 3. Governing body 4. Strict observance of all of the Church's rules and practices

What did Charlemagne's reform include?

To "repent and be baptized"

What did Peter tell everyone to do?

1. The same creed 2. Canon of Scripture 3. Respect for the teachings of the Ecumenical councils 4. Sacraments 5. Moral Codes 6. Pope

What did everyone who followed christ in the church share?

Presented the position that the council accepted

What did the apostle James do?

23 Churches: A latin church and 22 eastern churches in union with Rome

What does the Catholic Church consist of?

"The followers of Jesus Christ"

What does the word Christians in Antioch mean?


What was Charlemagnes most lasting contribution?

To have many aspects of the Law of Moses, would still be the law for all Christians. But some laws would be done away with for gentile converts to christianity

What was the position the council of Jerusalem accepted?

Whether Gentiles needed to become Jews before becoming Christians

What were people at Antioch asking?


What were the invading tribes whose religious practices threatened the Christian faith

3,000 people

When Peter told the people to "repent and be baptized" how many were?

The Roman Empire

When monasteries were growing and flourishing, what was beginning to collapse?


When the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus' disciples as Jesus promised

Pope Leo III

Who crowned Charlemagne as emperor?

Emperor Nero

Who led the first persecution of Christians in Rome?

Emperor Theodosius

Who made christianity the official religion of Rome?


Who tried to convince the Church to exclude the Old Testament


Who was the most famous Christian missionary?

Pope Gregory the Great

________ is associated with the beginnings of Church music

Council of Chalcedon

affirmed the teaching of Pope Leo the Great that Jesus was one person with two natures, divine and human

Council of Ephesus

called to deal with the heresy that Jesus was two people, one human and one divine


people who were not Jews

Pope Gregory the Great

reached out to pagan tribes and worked for their conversion; made treaties with their leaders and sent Christian missionaries to their homelands; contributed to canon law; developed Gregoria Sacramentary; began Church music


statement of Christian belief

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