Religion Midterm

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sins against the second commandment

BREAKING PROMISES MADE IN GOD'S NAME - invoking god by making a promises in his name, then breaking the promise, misuses god's name and makes him out to be a liar BLASPHEMY - hateful, defiant, reproachful thoughts, words, or acts against god, jesus, the church, the saints, or holy things TAKING THE LORD'S NAME IN VAIN - swearing, obscenity, and cursing are sinful because they harm a person's relationship with god

qualities of jesus that one should seek

he was compassionate (held those who were sick and offered forgiveness even to his enemies) he spoke the truth (very outspoken) he accepted all people (did not turn anyone away) he treated women and men equally (including women and taught men to treat women with respect) he was sensitive to the innocence of children (often spoke of children) he was prayerful (stayed close to his father in prayer)


deliberate and free promises made to god concerning a possible and better good which must be fulfilled by reason of the virtue of religion

the attempt to discover hidden knowledge


meaning of "blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy"

empathy is encouraged forgive others, even your enemies, without strings attached one will be rewarded with likewise empathy and forgiving of sins

an easy death that eliminates suffering


what are the three theological virtues?

faith (enables you to believe in god; cultivate faith by praying, reading the bible, celebrating the sacraments, studying the catholic faith, associating with people of faith. and avoiding temptations against faith) hope (enables you to desire eternal life, enjoy human knowledge, and understand eternal plans) charity (love - love god above all things for his own sake, sacrifice for love, obey gods will, etc.)

true or false: a dying person must use all possible means to stay alive


true or false: christ's command to love frees christians to ignore the precepts of the decalogue


true or false: god's revealed name - yahweh - literally means "holy one"


true or false: in some cases, the use of nuclear weapons can be justified


true or false: it is always morally unacceptable to operate on a human embryo because it is a human person


true or false: the fourth commandment applies only to the duties of children toward their parents


true or false: the research of teen drinking shows that most teens think drinking is cool


true or false: the torture of prisoners can be justified in a moral war



gift of god loving god means you must love your neighbor. by loving your neighbor, you show your love for god. first three commandments = love of god last seven commandments = love of neighbor

lives of hermits, widows, and consecrated virgins

hermits live on the grounds of a monastery or hermitage widows/consecrated virgins live a life of perpetual chastity

where are details of how to love god and others as jesus did found?

his sermon on the mount

fill in the blanks

god wants us to be eternally HAPPY. he made us to know, love, and SERVE him so that we might attain eternal life. jesus is the MODEL and example for how we are to live our lives, and the BEATITUDES, which he preached are a kind of blueprint for moral living. the quest for lasting happiness and joy begin with the grace of JUSTIFICATION given at baptism.

kingdom of god

god's reconciling and renewing of all things through his son and to his will being done on earth as it is in heaven

fill in

hope protects us when we are DISCOURAGED and sustains us when we feel ABANDONED. it enables us to desire ETERNAL life, trusting in christ's PROMISES and the graces of the holy spirit. hope keeps us from SELFISHNESS and leads us to the true happiness that flows from CHARITY. two ways to VIOLATE the virtue of hope is through despair and PRESUMPTION.

worship false gods


why is jesus the moral norm?

jesus is the moral norm because he is god incarnate (both human and divine - gives god a face/flesh) his teachings and examples are essential because he redeemed, sanctified, and justified humankind it is his paschal mystery - passion, death, and resurrection

what is the kind of conversation with god simply by using ones own words in a very natural way as when speaking with a friend?

spontaneous prayer

meaning of "blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"

stand up for what is right, knowing that when we do so stand with jesus, helping him carry his cross not all beatitudes are future-oriented

false promises, cursing, or frivolous use of god's name


fill in

the beatitudes acknowledge our deep inner DESIRE for happiness and they TEACH us that we have to do right now to develop the kind of ATTITUDES that lead to happiness. they are not the things that most people equate with HAPPINESS. the blessed are those who count on GOD for their complete fulfillment and they are found both nearby and FAR AWAY


the condition of a baptizes person's no longer being "in communion" with the church banished from the church

an aspect of temperance that regulates our desires for alcoholic drinks


the ten commandments: definition

"decalogue" - ten words words of god given through moses, recorded in the books of exodus and deutoronomy your fundamental duty to love god


"deliverance" ten commandments are presented as the way the chosen people are to be delivered from sin

what is the golden rule?

"do to others whatever you would have them do to you"

the fourth commandment

"honor your father and mother" we should honor our parents because we owe life to them and they had handed the knowledge of god onto us honor - respect, admiration, and recognition of another person's dignity

first commandment

"i am the lord, your god: you shall not have strange gods before me" teaches you to believe and accept the one true god religion is one of the moral virtues that allows you to live the first commandment

third commandment

"remember to keep holy the lord's day" stresses the value of prayer in a liturgical setting the lord's day is sunday because it is the day christ rose from the dead (easter) the sabbath's day is sunday because it is a day of grace in which god rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken

the fifth commandment

"you shall not kill" intentionally killing an innocent person is always immoral the act of self-defense is morally permissible

second commandment

"you shall not take the name of the lord, you god, in vain" by respecting god's name, you show respect for the mystery of god himself and recognition that some things are sacred and holy your baptismal name also needs respect

pro life

1. "its legal" - ust because something is legal does not make it right 2. "its only a mass of tissue" - genetic code is set at conception, its already a human 3. "woman's right to choose because its her own body" - even though its a woman's body, there is another life involved 4. "it is a method of contraception (birth control)" - its not contraceptive, conception has already taken place 5. "its better not to bring an unwanted child into the world" - every human being has dignity and worth, made in the image of god 6. "the world is overpopulated" - not a moral way to control population, the same way murder and suicide are immoral 7. "may be born with a disability" - even babies with disabilities have value 8. "may be from rape or incest" - the baby is innocent in the case of rape/incest 9. "better not to have a baby that will have to be supported by welfare" - life has more value than money if your excuse is that you can't afford it.


1. aggressor must be inflicting lasting, grave, and certain damage on a nation or community 2. war must have been a last resort 3. must be reasonable chance for success 4. must not create worse evil than the evil to be eliminated

why should you love yourself?

1. because you are made in god's image 2. because jesus loves you, forgives your sins, and died on the cross for you 3. because of your unique talents and inherent dignity

what are the 8 beatitudes?

1. blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven 2. blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted 3. blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land 4. blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied 5. blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy 6. blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God 7. blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God 8. blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

how can parents honor their children in return?

1. educate them intellectually and socially 2. provide a safe, warm environment of care, love, forgiveness, tenderness, and service

three important rules for moral living in the sermon on the mount

1. enter through the narrow gate (do not live a risky/foolish life) 2. pray with trust in your heart (ask god in prayer for all good that you need) 3. build your life on christ's words (you must listen to and absorb jesus's words, and translate them into action)

ten commandments: listed

1. i am the lord, your god: you shall not have strange gods before me 2. you shall not take the name of the lord, you god, in vain 3. remember to keep holy the lord's day 4. honor your father and your mother 5. you shall not kill 6. you shall not commit adultery 7. you shall not steal 8. you shall not bear false witness against your neigbor 9. you shall not covet your neighbor's wife 10. you shall not covet your neighbor' goods

death penalty

1. when it is not necessary to protect society, it violates respect for human life and dignity 2. state sanctioned killing in the name of all citizens diminishes everyone 3. deeply flawed, prone to errors, and biased by factors such as race, legal representation, and location 4. a mistake can never be undone 5. there are many other ways to punish someone

sins against the fifth commandment

ABORTION - taking an innocent life. human life is sacred and abortion is a violation of natural law. should be pro-life EUTHANASIA - any action or omission which of itself and by intention causes death, with the purpose of eliminating all suffering SUICIDE - the taking of one's own life. help is always available. life has value PHYSICIAN ASSISTED SUICIDE - doctor provides the means for a patient to perform a life ending action. value > pain.

acts that support the virtue of religion

ADORATION - to adore god means to acknowledge him as the loving, powerful, and merciful god whose infinite goodness is the source of everything PRAYER - lifting one's mind and heart to god in praise of his glory. through prayer you can give praise, share thanks, express sorrow, ask for god's help for others, petition for your own needs SACRIFICE - any act of sacrifice must be from the heart. by uniting yourself to the lord's sacrifice in the mass, you allow the holy spirit to transform your life into a sacrifice to god (such as jesus sacrificing himself on the cross) PROMISES AND VOWS - keep any promises and vows you make to god, especially in the sacraments.

sins against the first commandment

IDOLATRY - the worship of false gods. includes making money, power, popularity, pleasure, etc. your gods. SUPERSTITION - giving excessive or magical importance to external actions, such as being in the presence of certain objects or the recitation of certain words DIVINATION - the attempt to foretell the future or discover hidden knowledge (astrology, mediums, ouija boards, etc.) MAGIC - practitioners using magic to tame occult or hidden powers to divulge secret information

fill in

VIRTUES are the building blocks of CHARACTER, the very heart of our IDENTITY as a child of god. good character is formed when you make GOOD choices and is expressed in our own GOOD choices. character is how we respond to god's INVITATION to love god, self, and neighbor and should resemble JESUS, the model of moral living.

meaning of "blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied"

a righteous person desires for all the needs of others and will not rest until they succeed because justice is secured, they are rewarded with deep satisfaction


a sense of happiness and contentment about who you are as a human being

domestic church

a term for the family as the church in miniature


absence of religion or hostility toward religion SACRILEGE - profane or unworthy treatment of the sacraments, other liturgical actions, or person, places or things consecrated to god. SIMONY - the buying or selling of spiritual goods

claims ignorance about god's existence



all members of the church who have been initiated into the church through baptism and are not ordained or in consecrated religious life. participates in jesus' priestly, prophetic, and kingly ministries

atheism and agnosticism

atheist - denies god's existence agnostic - claims ignorance about god's existence

why was jesus the perfect teacher?

because his deeds backed up his words

speaking hateful words against god



bring the good ones of jesus christ to others by what you say and how you live, in fulfillment of christ's command

what are the two types of virtues?

cardinal and theological

corporal works of mercy

charitable actions that are centered around caring for the physical needs of others feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, etc.

fruits of the holy spirit (12)

charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity

the moral virtue related to temperance that helps us to control our sex drive in a way compatible to our station in life


fill in

christ established the NEW covenant through his paschal mystery, a covenant law of love, GRACE, and freedom. through his teachings and MIRACLES, people began to form a community of faith. the urgency and IMMEDIACY to the new covenant is expressed in his preaching of the KINGDOM OF GOD which describes a reign of PEACE and justice breaking into the world

buying or selling of spiritual goods


fill in

jesus' SERMON on the mount parallels MOSES'S sharing of the old law from mount SINAI. jesus fulfills the old law by emphasizing its SPIRIT and intent over a STRICT interpretation, but he does not ABOLISH the command of the old law. rather, he PERFECTS the old law by transforming it and setting an even HIGHER standard, making it a law of love. in the six ANTITHESES, jesus transformed six MOSAIC laws. in each instance he teaches that in the new law EXTERNAL observance of the law is not good enough. for exmaple, he assumes a person will not MURDER, but wishes his followers to also CONTROL their anger. in the teaching against ADULTERY, he also condemns LUST and restores god's original intent of MARRIAGE as a lifelong covenant

what is the great commandment?

love love one another. as i have love you, so you should also love one another

three characteristics of people with good character

loving (love god above all, love themselves, love other human beings) fully human (free, intelligent, responsible, open to growth, social, and spiritual) virtuous (they practices the virtues in their lives)

fill in

loving as jesus LOVES requires not only remaining CLOSE to him but also CONFORMING your life to his. he told PARABLES that described how DIFFICULT it can be to love and these remind us that god'a JUDGEMENT of how well we love is partially based on the CORPORAL works of mercy. it is especially through the sacrament of the EUCHARIST that was can stay close to JESUS

meaning of "blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land"

meekness finds a balance between too much anger and too little anger, not a sign of weakness anger is not always negative because as meekness helps you know when to express it

meaning of "blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted"

mourning helps you recognize those who are much worse off and helps you receive consolation for deep sorrow one way to share in this is through simple gestures such as attending the visitation prior to a funeral and offering kind, brief words

are the lives of saints are a good example of how each of us are called to follow jesus in the very same way?


jesus perfects the __________ by insisting that the law of the gospel extends to loving even one's enemies

old law

meaning of "blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of god"

peace means to help other enjoy all of the good life has to offer work to settle disputes, root out violence, forgive, show compassion, and defend the innocent

lifting one's heart and mind to god


how to participate in the threefold office of priest, prophet, and king

priest - by offering every moment of your daily life and work to christ prophet - by proclaiming christ with your words and actions king - by undertaking the self mastery of your own mind and passions

how do priests, brothers, and sisters live out their discipleship?

priests serve the church sisters, brothers, and priests live by the evanegelical counsel together in community

what are the four cardinal virtues?

prudence (helps apply our moral principles to real situations) justice (governs relationships with others and your life in community and helps you to respect the rights of all other humans) fortitude (gives you strength and courage to stand firm in your own convictions and not fall to temptations) temperance (helps you to regulate/master your appetites of the sense by moderating your consumption and avoiding them at inappropriate times)

meaning of "blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see god"

purify your heart through love(charity), chastity(sexual integrity) and in love of the truth(orthodoxy) see as god sees

a body of beliefs and practices concerning god and humans


what word means you must be sorry for sin in your heart, mind, and will, and resolve not to sin again?


profane treatment of things associated with religion


an attitude or behavior that leads another person to commit evil


fill in

the consecrated life - also known as RELIGIOUS life - is most often lived out in COMMUNITY. religious include some priests, brothers, and religious women (SISTERS or nuns). every religious community brings particular GIFTS and ways of witness to the church and the world. some orders are CONTEMPLATIVE orders whose primary emphasis is on prayer while others are APOSTOLIC orders emphasizing ACTIVE ministry the LAITY can strive for personal holiness through SECULAR institutes inspired by the evangelical COUNSEL. lay people can align themselves with RELIGIOUS communities in third orders and lay ASSOCIATIONS. while not taking religious VOWS, they can PLEDGE to live according to the evangelical counsels. still others can belong to FRATERNAL organizations that serve the church in a host of ways.

what is the beatific vision?

the contemplation of god in heavenly glory the source of our eternal happiness final union with the triune god for all eternity


the eight blessings preached by jesus in the sermon on the mount teach you about the supreme happiness in heaven to which god calls you and confronts you with decisive choices in order to purify your heart so you can love god above all things all begin with "blessed are..."

importance of sunday eucharist

the eucharist is an occasion of "thanksgiving" mass is an occasion of praise and worship HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION - special days in the church year (other than sundays) when all catholics are obliged to participate at mass christ broke the bread with his disciples at the last supper and commanded them to continue this in him name

the domestic church

the family

christ remains present to aid in the building of character through what gift?

the gift of the holy spirit

fill in

the latter part of MATTHEW 6 advances to the theme of pure MOTIVATION: not focusing on earthly TREASURES, trusting in the goodness of god. jesus promises that god will watch out for you and wants to bring LASTING happiness and peace into our lives. avoid things like WORRYING which will bring anxiety and preoccupation with SELF, and often physical of PSYCHOLOGICAL illness


the mandate of all baptizes Christians to follow jesus and participate in his role as priest, prophet, and king

meaning of "blessed are the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of heaven"

the people who depend on god for every material and spiritual possession with a positive attitude find happiness and have a place in heaven


the relationship between god and humans that results in a body of beliefs and a set of practices by those committed to serving and worshipping god


the ten commandments represent the covenant (agreement) that god has established with the israelites


the theological virtue by which you entrust your entire self to god, acknowledging and believing in him and all that he has said and revealed, as well as that the church proposes for your belief.

how are cardinal virtues gained?

through human effort

what does the portion of the sermon on the mount in matthew6 tell us that we need?

to keep a clean heart, pure intentions, and trust in god, when living a moral life

what is the purpose of jesus teaching on taking oaths?

to remind his followers to be people of integrity

true or false: catholics may be pacifists


true or false: catholics may fight in a just war


true or false: christians have a duty to disobey immoral laws passed by civil authorities


true or false: faithful citizenship requires citizens to participate in the public arena


true or false: for war to be moral, there must be a proportionate good that will result


true or false: god the father sent his eternal son to become a human being in order to reveal his love for the world and to reconcile the world with him.


true or false: in all cases, capital punishment is contrary to god's law


true or false: the church permits killing in self defense


true or false: the first act of religion must be adoration, that is, acknowledging god as the loving creator and merciful savior


true or false: the fourth commandment is set in the context of family life


true or false: violence against a priest or religious is an example of sacrilege


true or false: we can be guilty of the sin of idolatry when we give undue honor to a creature, thereby substituting it for god


true or false: without self-esteem, it is difficult, if not impossible, to love god and other people


fill in

unlike ADAM who was disobedient to god, JESUS was obedient to his father. jesus invite us to make our own decision to UNITE ourselves with him, to live the life of DISCIPLESIP. the vocation of discipleship begins at BAPTISM and is sustained through the graces of this sacrament. in CONFIRMATION we confirm and strengthen our COMMITMENT to discipleship

what are the temptations against faith?

voluntary doubt - ignoring or refusing to believe was god has revealed incredulity - mental disposition that either neglects revealed truth or willfully refuses to accept it heresy - obstinate denial or doubt by a baptized person of some truth about god and faith apostasy - total rejection of jesus christ by a baptized catholic schism - refusal to submit to the pope's authority or to remain in union with members of the catholic church

a deliberate and free promise


gifts of the holy spirit (7)

wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the lord

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