Religion part 2: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

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_________ is another term that refers to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All three religions began with the prophet Abraham.

Abrahamic Faith(s)

What group did Abu Bakr and Ali start?

Abu Bakr (Sunni) Ali (Shiites)

(632 CE Muhammad made his final pilgrimage to Mecca.) When did Muhammad die?

Age 61

Who were the two men that were trying to take control of the Islamic community when Muhammad died?

Ali (Muhammad's son-in-law) Abu Bakr (Muhammad's closest friend)

What is God called in Islam?



Almsgiving to those in need. "Almsgiving" is a type of worship when it is required giving of a percentage of one's wealth to charity. Zakat helps people not be greedy. Money = a gift from God.

(632 CE Muhammad made his final pilgrimage to Mecca.) Delivered last sermon: _______________

Asked for Islamic unity

In 722 BCE this group caused the fall of the Kingdom of Israel and scattered the ten tribes.


What countries are majority Shiites (Shia)?

Bahrain, Iran, and Iraq

What did Jesus do in 30CE?

Began to travel through Galilee and Judaea, preaching to people about his ideas

Where was Jesus born?


The story of Christianity is told in their holy book, the ________.


(Super important!) Muhammad's arrival into Medina marked the ________________.

Birth of the Islamic community and the start of the Islamic religion.

Where and when was Muhammad born?

Born in 570CE in Mecca (about 537 years after Jesus's death)

How do the two groups feel about each other, even today? Please give specific examples.

Both groups believe the same core beliefs. They split because they wanted a different ruler.

What are some sects of Christianity are:

Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Southern Baptist, Episcopalian, etc

In 597 BCE this empire conquered the Kingdom of Judah and forced the two tribes of the Kingdom into exile in their capital of Babylon.


(super important!) What are the most popular religions in order?

Christianity (2.2B), Islam (1.8B), Hinduism (1.1B), Buddhism (500M), Sikhism (25M), Judaism (14M)

Followers of Christianity are called __________.


What is the Christian holy place?


What happened during the Night Journey?

Muhammad journeyed to a rock and rode his faithful horse into heaven. On the rock he (not the rock but he himself) rose into heaven. This site is called the Dome of the Rock and it is located in Jerusalem.

(Significance of 629 CE for Muslims) What were Muhammad's first actions? This is copied by Muslims today.

Muhammad's entered the city and headed directly to the Ka'bah. He circled it 7 times and smashed the stone idols. He spoke of the oneness of God, or Allah, and proclaimed himself a prophet.

(632 CE Muhammad made his final pilgrimage to Mecca.) Muhammad ordered: ______________

That only Muslims could worship at the Ka'bah

Describe the holy book for Jews, the Hebrew Bible.

The Hebrew Bible has three main parts: The Torah, the Prophets, and the Writing. Made up of parchment and sewed these pieces together to make scrolls.

What is Abraham considered in Islam?

The forefather or patriarch of Islam (just like in Judaism and Christianity)

What is disciples?

The group of 12 close followers who traveled with Jesus

What is the diaspora?

The groups of Jews living outside of Judah, their promise land. Diaspora = scattered. Occurred after the Jews were kicked out of Jerusalem by the Romans.

What is a mosque?

The holy place of worship for Muslims.

What is a deliverer? Why was Jesus considered the deliverer?

The person who was sent from God to deliver the Jews from their struggles on Earth.

Abraham traveled to Arabia to visit Ishmael, his son with Hagar. What did he do on this journey?

Abraham traveled to build a holy sanctuary at Zamzam which is the Ka'bah (house of God). Every Muslim must visit the Ka'bah one in their life time.

The prophets of God in Islam include ________, __________, _________, ____________, ____________

Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad

What are the two major sects of Islam?

Sunni (Sunnis) and Shia/Shi'ah (Shiites)

Islam is the _______ monotheistic religion to develop in SW Asia.


Sunni leader = Shiites leader =

Sunni leader = voted Shiites leader = must be related to Muhammad

Where do Jews worship?

Synagogues and Temples

The Exile in Babylon is important because it gave us:

Synagogues, Sabbath, and Jews/Jewish

The New Testament:

Tells the stories of Jesus and the early Christians sho helped spread the religion after his death.

The message of Jesus's resurrection, or rising from the dead, led the ______________

birth of Christianity

Islam was founded by a prophet named ___________.


What is The Church of the Holy Sepulcher?

A Christian church on "Golgotha"the site where Jesus was crucified and buried. (A state of pilgrimage for Christians.)

Define: Sabbath

A day Jews would come together to rest and worship; from sundown on Fridays to nightfall on Saturdays; weekly event

Jesus preached that God was _______

coming soon to rule the world

Define: Tabernacle

A large tent-like building that could be taken along as the Israelites moved from place to place. The Israelites would worship in the tabernacles.

What is a prophet?

A messenger of God

What is a Messiah?

A promised deliverer

Define: Ark of the covenant

A wooden chest that the Ten Commandments are kept.

The patriarch of monotheism.


Who is the founder of Judaism?

Abraham = patriarch

Who/what helped Muhammad on his Night Journey?

Gabriel's guidence

Presently there are approximately ___________ people who practice Judaism.

14 million

Judaism is the world's _______ monotheistic religion.


Christianity is the _____ practiced religion.


There are approximately _____ Christians in the world.

2.2 billion

Muhammad continued to receive revelations for the next ________________.

20 years

_______ and _____ century CE the Christian Church split forming sects/denominations.

1054; 16th

It was founded around the year _____ by a Jewish man named __________.

33 CE; Jesus

What year in history was the start of Islam and their calendar?


When did Muhammad move to Medina?


What are two pieces of evidence that show that Judaism unified the Jewish people?

1. Gathering for services and Sabbath in Synagogues. 2. Israelites became known as Jews and their religions became Judaism as a way to remember their kingdom of Judah.

What do Christians believe?

1. Monotheism 2. Jesus was the son of God 3. Jesus had come to save people 4. By becoming Christians and by accepting Jesus and his teachings, people would gain salvation -> People would be saved from their sins and allowed to enter heaven 5. People would be resurrected after death and join God in everlasting life

What are the pros of the time in Medina?

1. Muhammad united feuding groups. 2. Muhammad told Muslims to pray towards Mecca. 3. Muslims gain power and recognition. 4. Muhammad controlled all of the Arabian peninsula. 5. Mecca accepts Islam. Muhammad and Muslims can return home.

What are the cons of the time in Medina?

1. Some fighting continues. 2. Battles because of stealing (raiding) from others.

Muhammad taught that God's message included 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (reasons)

1. There is only one God (monotheism) 2. Reject idols or false gods 3. People must practice compassion, honesty, and justice 4. All believers are equal 5. Rich should share their wealth and car for the poor

What are apostles?

Closest friends/ followers

Established Jerusalem as the capital of the Israelites' Promised Land. Also, he's considered their greatest king.


What is David known for creating/building? What about Solomon?

David united the twelve tribes. David made Jerusalem the capital of the Promised Land (the center of Jewish life.) Solomon (David's son) built the first first Jewish Temple, which held the Ark of the Covenant and other sacred (hoy) objects. Israelites turned on Solomon because they didn't like working on his big building projects or paying the high taxes he demanded.


Declaration of faith in Allah. The prayer= "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is he messenger of Allah." (prophet) A prayer said everyday multiple times.

Led the Israelites from slavery and renewed the covenant.


Who was sent to free the Israelites from slavery?


What's the term for the Jewish people being spread out from their homeland?


It is a Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead three days after his death and appeared to some of his __________.


Jesus's rising from the dead is celebrated by Christians annually as ___________. (The holiest day of the year for Christians.)


For much of its history, the Israelites/Jews were ruled by another group. Can you list these groups - the groups that ruled the Jews - in order?

Egyptians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Persians, Greeks, Romans

What are idols?

False gods


Fasting during the month of Ramadan. Fasting from sunrise to sunset everyday during the holy month of Ramadan. It is believed that God gave Muhammad the first chapters of the Koran.

What is the Holy Trinity?

Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Trinity refers to three persons of God: the Father, Son and, Holy Spirit. These teachings became the basis of the Christian faith. (monotheistic)

How does the idea of Jews as the Chosen People come from the covenant?

God chose Abraham to be the chosen one if he worshipped him as one God (monotheistic). Abraham is the leader of the Jewish people, and since he was chosen by God, that made the Jewish people the chosen people. Abraham and his descendants are the chosen people. God made Abraham's descendants the chosen people because Abraham proved that he was faithful.

What did Moses do on Mount Sinai?

God renewed the covenant with Moses after he led the Israelites from slavery in Egypt (to remind the Jewish people that they are monotheistic.) Moses received the 10 Commandants.

Helped spread Jewish ideas and beliefs but also caused the revolt by the Maccabees, which is the story of the holy time Hanukkah.


(632 CE Muhammad made his final pilgrimage to Mecca.) What's the problem upon his death?

He didn't have a son so there was no next leader of Islam.

Why did Muhammad move to Medina?

He heard of a plot to assassinate him.

What was Muhammad's early life like?

He was an orphan (mother and father died). He was raised by his grandfather. He worked as a camel driver. He then traveled to the Arabian Peninsula to make contact with other religions. He married to Khadijah and was wealthy/ comfortable.

Why was Jesus not an average child?

He was often found teaching adults messages of God

The following story tells the origins of Judaism, as told in the holy book for Jews the ________________. This is what the Jews and Christians believe.

Hebrew Bible

What is the holy book for Jews?

Hebrew Bible

This Jewish leader, who reported to the Romans, helped the (re)construction of the second Temple and is an important person in both the stories of Judaism and Christianity.


(Super important!) The ________ is the beginning of the religion and the Islamic calendar.


Muhammad's move to Medina was known as the ________.

Hijrah (marks the 1st day in the Islamic calendar)

(super important!) What are the oldest religions in order?

Hinduism (3500 BCE), Judaism (1800BCE), Buddhism (500 CE), Christianity (33CE), Islam (622 CE), Sikhism (1469 CE)

What's the significance of the Ka'bah?

Holds an oval black stone that was given to Abraham by an angle. It is the house of God.

What does crucified mean?

Hung from a wooden cross.

When was the night journey to Jerusalem then to Heaven? (Night Journey)

IN 619CE

Why were people opposed to Muhammad?

Muhammad believed that the rich need to share with the poor. Muhammad taught to be monotheistic and do not worship idols.

What's the difference between the Sunni and Shiites?

Sunni (bigger group) believes they should vote on a new leader. Shiites (smaller group) believe that the next ruler must be a relative of Muhammad.

The son of Abraham who was nearly sacrificed in order to test Abraham's faith.


(Spread and Growth of Islam) By 630 CE Islam:

Islam was the dominant religion in Mecca.

Christianity started in _________ but is now practiced all over the world.


What modern day country is the Promised Land for Jews?


The historic name for the Jewish people.


Define: Jew/Jewish

Israelites became more religious after the 1st temple was destroyed. Judaism and being called a Jew was a way of remembering their kingdom of Judah.

What's significant about where the second temple was built?

It was built on the same site where Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac = Temple Mount.

What's significant about where the Temple was built?

It was built over Temple Mount where Abraham sacrificed is son Isaac.

The father of the 12 tribes of Israel. His name was changed by God.

Jacob/ Israel

Why is Jerusalem important to Christians, Jews, and Muslims?

Jerusalem = (Canaan/Judaea/Palestine/Israel) Christianity and Judaism begin here. Place of pilgrimage for all three religions. Where the two Jewish temples were built. King Solomon built the first Jewish Temple and King Herod built the second Jewish Temple. The Western Wall is the only surviving piece of the second temple. Temple Mount is located in Jerusalem. Temple Mount is where Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac and where the second temple was built upon. The Romans banned Jews from Jerusalem creating the diaspora. Jerusalem is the Jew's promise land that was given to Abraham from God. Dome of the Rock (for Muslims). The Dome of the Rock is located in Mecca, Jerusalem. It is the rock in which Muhammad stood on during his night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem in 619CE. Muhammad rose from the rock to heaven on his faithful horse and met the prophets (Abraham, Jesus, and Moses) and he met Allah (God). Many of Jesus's stories were told in Jerusalem. For example, Jesus coming to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover right before his death. Jesus would have visited the Second Temple. Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Christians) is located in Jerusalem. Garden of Gethsemane - where Jesus visited & prayed is also located in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is where Jesus born, died, was crucified, and resurrected.

Where did Judaism began?

Jerusalem, Israel

What did Jesus do in 33CE?

Jesus traveled to Jerusalem with his 12 apostles to celebrate the Jewish holy days of Passover.

We call the followers of Judaism ___________.


What caused the destruction of the Second Temple and the banning of Jews from Jerusalem, their capital?

Jews revolted against the Romans and drove them out of Jerusalem. -> Romans reclaimed the city four years later. Romans killed thousands of Jews and forced many to leave. Romans destroyed the second temple. -> All that's left today of the Second Temple is the Western Wall.

Who betrayed Jesus?


What's important about Herod?

King Herod ruled the Jews and was picked by the Romans. He built forts and cities.

Jesus urged people to turn from their selfish ways and welcome the _______________

Kingdom of Heaven

After Muhammad's death, Muhammad's revelations were written in Arabic and collected the ______________.

Koran/ Quran (a sequel to the Jewish Torah and Christian Gospels)

What is the Western Wall?

Last surviving piece of the 2nd Temple = pilgrimage in Jerusalem, Israel.

Romans viewed Jesus as a threat to ___________ and __________

Law; order

Who arrested Jesus?

Leaders in Jerusalem arrested Jesus to prevent trouble from erupting in the city. Jesus was crucified.

Who was one of Jesus's first followers to see him rise from the dead?

Mary Magdalene

(Significance of 629 CE for Muslims) Muhammad returned to ________________.


Where did Islam begin?

Mecca (Muhammad's flight to Medina marks the starting date of Islam but Mecca includes many religious sites like the Ka'bah. This makes Mecca the place where Islam began. Sorry this is a bit confusing.)

They called Jesus __________ and _________

Messiah; Jesus the Christ

What is the most important belief in Judaism?


What is the most important belief of Judaism?


Are Christians monotheistic or polytheistic?


Are Muslims monotheistic or polytheistic?


Is Judaism monotheistic or polytheistic?


Followers of Islam are called ______________

Muslims (one who surrenders to God -> in Arabic)

Where did Jesus grow up?

Nazareth in Galilee, the region just north of Judaea.

What areas of the world have majority Muslim countries?

North Africa, Central Asia, Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia

What are the two parts of the Bible?

Old Testament and New Testament

Where did Jesus's apostles travel to?

Other parts of the Mediterranean region to spread the Christian religion

What did Hagar do in the desert? (Get specific)

She ran out of water and then rested Ishmael on the sand. She searched desperately between two high rocks and then ran back and forth 7 times. She then rested on a rock when and angle's voice told her to not be afraid. Water then spouted rom where Ishmael's heels touched the sand. This site became the famous well, Zamzam, where the city of Mecca was born.

Define: Synagogues

Smaller than a temple; a place for worship for Jews, bigger than a house

He taxed his people, the Israelites, heavily to build great buildings leading to a distrust in kings and eventual split in the tribes of Israel.


Who was Ishmael?

Son of Abraham and Hagar (before Isaac)

What are parables?

Stories about things his listeners could understand, using events from everyday life.

Christians worship on ________.


Which sect of Islam is larger?


What are different names that Israel has been called in its history?

Palestine, Canaan, Judaea, Judah, and promised land

Conquered the Chaldeans and, under their leader Cyrus the Great, allowed the Jews to return to their land, Canaan/Judaea, aka the Promised Land.


Enslaved the Israelites because he feared their size and potential power.



Pilgrimage to Mecca. Pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim is required to make at least once in their lifetime.

The _____ is the head of the Catholic Church only.



Prayer towards Mecca five times daily. If you are in Mecca then you face the Ka'bah. Pray at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at sunset, and the evening.

Jewish leaders during during and after the Exile in Babylon who taught the Jewish faith and wrote the Torah.

Priests and Scribes

What are the church leaders called and what do they do?

Priests; they lead in prayer and worship

Abraham was also a ___________, a messenger of God.


Muhammad accepts that he was a ______ and begins teaching God's message.


What does Resurrection mean?

Rising from the dead

Renamed Judaea to "Palestine" as a kind of punishment after crushing a Jewish revolt. Also banned the Jews from Jerusalem.


When do Jews worship?


What does salvation mean?

Saved from their sins and be allowed to enter heaven.

________ is a term that refers to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It describes the people who came from the Middle East and their languages.

Semitic religion(s)

Where is the Ka'bah located?

The Kaaba, in the center of the Grand Mosque, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

What is the Islamic holy book? What was written in this holy book?

The Koran/Quran. Muhammad's teachings were written in the Koran/Quran.

Why did the pharaoh enslave the Israelites?

The Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites because he feared that one day the Israelites would rebel.

What harsh punishments did the Roman inflict on the Jews?

The Romans kicked the Jews out of their promise land, destroyed the second temple, killed many Jews, renamed Judaea and called it Palestine.

What about Mecca troubled Muhammad and where did he focus on this (physical location)?

There was a large gap between the poor and the rich. The rich ruled everything. He focussed on this in a small cave near Mecca.

What did the parables help do?

They helped people interpret, or explain, the ideas Jesus taught.

How did God communicate with him and what did the angel say?

Through angel Gabriel, he told Muhammad that he was a prophet of God. "Oh, Muhammad, you are the messenger of God, and I am Gabriel."

The Old Testament:


The two countries of ______________ and ___________ have the high population of Jews.

United States and Israel

What were the details of the covenant?

When Abraham was called by God into a special agreement. In this covenant or agreement, God chose Abraham to be monotheistic/ worship one God. In return God would give Abraham land, descendants, and a forever relationship with God.

What does Passover remember?

When the 10th plague killed the first born son of every Egyptian, through Moses, God told the Israelites to paint Lamb's blood on their door steps so the angel of death would pass over their homes. Passover remembers this miracle and the Jewish people's freedom from slavery.

What holy time for Jews comes during Greek rule? What's the miracle that is celebrated?

When the Romans put statues of their idols in the second temple, trying to make the jews worship them. The maccabees and the Jewish people lit oil that lasted for 8 days instead of 1 which created Hanukkah.

Jesus celebrated his last supper passover meal with __________

his disciples

Abraham is considered the _______, or father of monotheism, because the belief in one God began with him.


His followers spoke in times in which he healed the _______ and preformed other _________

sick; miracles

Muhammad worked hard to ______________. Through his work and that of his followers, and religion reached ____________ in the east, Syria in the north.

spread Islam; Arabian Sea

What does "Islam" mean in Arabic?

submission to God

Christians believe in _________ and studied the _________. They also believed in the ________________.

the God of Israel; the Hebrew Bible, Christian Trinity

What is the Christian Trinity?

the three persons of God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (the teachings of the basis of the christian faith)

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