Religion Priests
You may feel called to the religious life if....
- You believe it has value in the modern world - You believe this lifestyle will help you love God and others more -You want to help people in need
Priesthood ministry is diverse
Bishops successors of the Apostles
Apostles of the past, bishops of today
Beggars Mobile preachers who traveled the countryside had to depend on the good will of others for survival
Who is our modern pope?
Benedict 16
What are three things important to any religious order?
Community- living all together connected Prayer- basis of your life connection with God Service: responding to the needs of the community
Three types of religious congregations
Contemplatives Mendicants Service Congregations All have community, prayer, and service dimensions
Earliest religious orders that formed in the church their way of life centers many on prayer, meditation, and contemplation Traditionally, many supported themselves through farming
Service Congregations
Engage in a wide variety of ministries -Education -Missionary Work -Hospitals and clinics -Social workers
Have served the church from the earliest years
Listening to what God wants in a particular situation and following it, a willingness to put aside their own agenda for God's agenda
Ordained ministers are
Mediators helping members of the church be in touch with god remind people of god's word and help them apply it to their lives pray to god on behalf of the people
Deacons, Priests, and Ministers are all...
Living as a priest entrails promises of
Obedience and celibacy Obedience- priest submit to the authority of the diocesan bishop celibacy- abstinence form genital sexual expression
Who was the leader of the apostles
Peter He is considered the first pope, or the bishop of Rome
What are priests?
Sacramental ministers, leaders, mediators, and servants of the people of God like bishops and deacons
Deacons may:
Serve the poor and performs other works of charity proclaim the gospel at mass and preach the homily Officiate at baptisms and marriages and help distribute the Eucharist
Ordained ministers are
Servers- people who spend their lives and energies for others at the last supper Jesus performed the servants role of washing the feet of each Apostle. He gave an example of loving service that the followers must give to the community
Are some men temporarily deacons and some permanent
Some men are deacon temporarily as a step in the process of preparing to become priests Some men are permanent deacons
What are some roles that bishops have?
Supervise the activities of their diocese preside at confirmations Shepherd the though of members of their diocese use their public role to speak out on a social and moral issues issue pastoral letters
The priesthood was the last of the three ministries to evolve TRUE
The specific ministry
The account of the last supper it was the first Eucharist that the specific ministry of the ordained - that is, leadership in the sacramental life of the church was established.
What did the role of presbyter evolve to?
The role of presbyter or elder in the New Testament evolved into the modern day priests
What's the difference between Religious orders, religious communities, and religious congregations?
There is none, they all began a few decades after the resurrection of Jesus
What are the Evangelical counsels?
all Christians are called to a chaste lifestyle, however, the religious sister, brother, or priest is called to live celibate- to abstain from genital sexual expression.
Saint Stephen
deacon first martyr
Where are the ordained leaders?
in the church
Bishops are
leaders of a diocese
Permanent deacons
may be married or single if married they can not remarry if their wife dies if single they must remain single usually have full time secular jobs study for 3-4 years in preparation for ordination
Ordinary Ministry
receive the sacrament of holy orders anointed as priest, deacons, and bishops traces its history back to Jesus' call to twelve men who would become his apostles
religious commitment to live simply and share their resources with others.Ownerships can lead to distractions. The more you have the more you have to worry about.
Religious publicly make solemn religious vows T/F
true both men and woman are consecrated to god
Describe Diocesan Priests
work in parish ed and may.. teach in and administer schools serve in hospitals and prisons as chaplains minister on college campuses