Religion Question

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"Inspired by the Holy Spirit" ("Divino Afflante Spiritu," 1943) calls for new _____________ of the Bible into modern languages.

original holiness, original justice

Genesis depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in a state of _____________ _____________ and _____________ _____________ .

scholastic theology, existence

Grounded in Sacred Scripture and the Church Fathers, _____________ _____________ employed the use of logic to argue for the _____________ of _____________ .

expectations, rules

History and poetry are two different literary genres. Each one has its own set of _____________ and ____________ for grasping its meaning.

prophesies, Old Testament

Jesus' followers were well versed in Old Testament writings and began making the connections between the _____________ of the _____________ _____________ and things they had witnessed.


Our _____________ is what reflects the image of God.

Jesus Christ

In _____________ _____________ , God is most fully revealed.

oral tradition

The handing on of the message of God's saving plan through words is called _____________ _____________.

written tradition

The third stage, called the _____________ _____________ , is the synthesis in written form of the message of salvation that was passed down in the oral tradition.

allegorical, moral, anagogical

The three categories, or sub-senses, of the spiritual sense are the _____________ sense, the _____________ sense, and the _____________ sense.

People, God, Church

The union of Adam and Eve with God prefigures the _____________ of _____________ called together to be the _____________ .


The word bible comes from the Latin term biblia, which means "_____________ ."

analysis, evaluation

The word criticism does not refer to a negative viewpoint. It refers to an _____________ or _____________ .

Old Testament

The writings of the _____________ _____________ were sacred to Jesus. In fact, he would often quote from the Old Testament in his teachings and used these Scriptures in his prayer.

New American Bible Revised Edition, New Revised Standard Version, New Jerusalem Bible, Good News Translation

There are four Catholic English translations that are used most often today: The _____________ _____________ _____________ , _____________ _____________ (NABRE); the _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ , Catholic Edition (NRSV); the _____________ _____________ ___________________ (NJB); and the _____________ _____________ _____________ in Today's English Version Second Edition (GNT).

Biblical exegesis

_____________ _____________ is the critical interpretation and explanation of Sacred Scripture.

particular good

A _____________ _____________ is something that shares in the goodness of God, but ultimately leaves us unsatisfied (like food, entertainment, and so on).


A _____________ is a solemn agreement between human beings or between God and humans in which mutual commitments are recognized

Babylon, Babylonian Exile

A crisis that occurred in the sixth century BC, when many of the Jewish People were captured and taken from the Promised Land to slavery in ___________ was called the _____________ _____________ .

1. To truly understand the writings of the Bible, we must engage in biblical exegesis to grasp what the human authors were trying to express. 2. Biblical exegesis is the critical interpretation and explanation of Sacred Scripture. 3. There is a two-step process of biblical exegesis. First, investigate the meaning the human authors intended to convey. Second, investigate what God intends to reveal through the human authors' words. 4. The literal sense of Scripture is its plain meaning: What did the human author intend to communicate? The spiritual sense of Scripture is the truth that God wishes to reveal to us. The spiritual sense can be considered allegorical, moral, or anagogical. 5. Biblical scholars use different forms of biblical criticism to deepen our understanding of how the human authors expressed God's Word. 6. There are different types of biblical criticism such as textual criticism, source criticism, literary criticism, form criticism, historical criticism, and redaction criticism. For example, Form criticism tries to identify the literary form, or genre, of the text and to differentiate different types of genre such as prayer, poetry, parables, and letters.

A. Explain why biblical criticism is important to truly understand Sacred Scripture. Offer an example in your response.

study, interpretation

Because the human authors often used poetry, symbolism, metaphors, and even exaggeration, understanding the literal sense of the writing requires _____________ and _____________ .

New Covenant, Old Covenant

By becoming flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, God established a _____________ _____________ that fulfilled and perfected the _____________ _____________ .


By observing the _____________ we can learn something about God.

time period, date

It is always helpful to learn about the _____________ _____________ in which the events most likely occurred, as well as the _____________ the book was probably written.

objectively measurable phenomena

It is important to note that science deals strictly with _____________ _____________ _____________.

biblical criticism

Scholars employ various forms of _____________ _____________ to deepen their understanding of how the human authors expressed God's Word.

Old Testament

Scholars today believe that many of the books of the _____________ _____________ were written during this time (the Babylonian Exile).

final writing

Sometimes there was a long period between the actual events in the Bible and when the _____________ _____________ occurred.

canon, Scripture

Taken together, the seventy-three books of the Bible make up the _____________ of Sacred _____________ .

gives up

The Bible communicates salvation history, particularly how God never _____________ _____________ on his people.


The Bible tends to bounce around in time, going backward and forward, and sometimes events found in one book are _____________ in another book.

Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic

The Bible was originally written in three different languages: _____________ , _____________ , and _____________.

biblical literature, cultures

The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum, 1965) encourages scholars to recognize the different genres or types of _____________ _____________ . The Council also supports studying the _____________ in which the various books of the Bible were written.


This belief that all of creation is ________ is an essential part of our faith because it guides our interaction with other human beings and all of creation.

word, word, skills, creativity

This does not mean that the Holy Spirit dictated the Bible _____________ for _____________ . Instead, God's truth was expressed using the human authors' _____________ and _____________ .

salvation history

This is a very brief summary of _____________ _____________ , the pattern of events recorded in the Bible, through which God clearly reveals his presence and saving actions.

original, ancient, reinforced, authority

Though we do not have the _____________ versions of any of the biblical books, we have older copies and more copies of the books of the Bible than for any other _____________ text! Every ancient copy found has _____________ biblical scholars' certainty in the _____________ of biblical text.

apostolic origin, universal acceptance, liturgical use, consistency

To be considered inspired by the Holy Spirit and included in the canon, each book had to meet these four criteria: _____________ _____________ , _____________ _____________ , _____________ _____________ , and _____________ .

human authors, time, culture, genres

To properly grasp what the _____________ _____________ were trying to communicate, we "must take into account the conditions of their _____________ and _____________ , the literary _____________ in use at that time, and their modes of feeling, speaking, and narrating" (CCC, number 110).

content, unity, tradition, analogy, faith

To understand what God wants to reveal to us, the document goes on to say that we should pay particular attention to the following: the _____________ and _____________ of the whole Scripture, the living _____________ and teachings of the whole Church, and the _____________ of _____________ .

literary genres, spoke, wrote, cultural ways

To understand what the human author (of the Bible) was trying to say, the document (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation) goes on to say that we should pay particular attention to the following: the _____________ _____________ used by the author, the characteristic ways people _____________ and _____________ in their time, and the _____________ _____________ people interacted with one another at the time.

details, revealing, human authors

Ultimately, all of these _____________ help us to better understand what God is _____________ through the words of the _____________ _____________ of the Bible.


We are still only human and, because of Original Sin, we often do not use our _____________ honestly or effectively.

Jesus Christ

We call the Old Testament "Old" because it reveals God's covenants and saving actions prior to the coming of _____________ _____________ .


With this assistance, the human authors of the Bible were able to teach "that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of _____________" (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, number 11).

Both, religious, spiritual

_______ of the Creation accounts are true. Each one expresses the __________ or ____________ truths that God wanted to convey for the sake of our salvation.

Divine Revelation

__________ _____________ is God's self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan.

Sepphoris, demand, Nazareth, hour-long walk

____________ was a wealthy Roman city at the center of trade for the area. Tradesmen like Jesus and his foster father, Joseph, were probably in great _____________ there. Because it was located just a few miles from ___________________, it is quite possible that Jesus took this _____________ _____________ to get work.

Divine Inspiration

_____________ _____________ is the divine assistance the Holy Spirit gave the human authors of the books of the Bible so they could communicate through human words God's message of salvation.

Natural revelation

_____________ _____________ is the process by which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world.


_____________ are a way that God expresses his desire to be in communion with his people.


_____________ is a number indicating a period of testing, trials, or purification.

Archaeology, human activity

_____________ is the study of _____________ _____________ and history by means of excavating and analyzing the artifacts and other physical materials.

Saint Thomas Aquinas, existence, God

. _____________ _____________ _____________ provides his "five ways" or proofs of the ____________ of _____________ .

Jerome, Latin Vulgate

Saint _____________ completed one of the earliest translations of the Bible. Called the _____________ ______________ , the Church used this translation of the Bible for over a thousand years

pattern, specific events, presence, saving actions

Salvation history is the _____________ of _____________ _____________ in human history through which God clearly reveals his _____________ and _____________ _____________ .

1. The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament in a number of ways. 2. The Old Testament reveals God's covenants with his people and his saving actions prior to the coming of Jesus Christ. 3. It is through the events of the Old Testament that God prepares us for the coming of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. 4. God sent leaders who prefigured Christ. For example, God appeared to Abraham and made a covenant with Abraham in the Old Testament. God also made a covenant with Noah and with Moses. 6. The New Testament fulfills the promises for a savior and a messiah that are made in the Old Testament. 7. The New Testament reveals how God the Father sends his only Son, Jesus Christ, to form a New Covenant with his people. 8. Through Jesus Christ in the New Testament, God establishes a New Covenant that fulfills and perfects the Old Covenant and the Old Testament. 9. In the Old Testament, the sin of Adam separates us from God. 10. In the New Testament, Jesus is the "New Adam" who reunites God and humanity. 11. In the Old Testament, God establishes his Law through Moses, but the Old Law is not enough to save humanity from sin and death. 12. In the New Testament, Jesus establishes his New Law of Love, fulfilling the meaning of the Old Law and bringing us the fullness of salvation.

A. How does the New Testament fulfill the Old Testament? Give at least three examples from Scripture to support your responses.

shame, fear, judgement

Adam and Eve hid from God after their disobedience because of their _____________ and _____________ of _____________ .


All human beings have inherited this tendency toward sin, which is called _____________ .

Old Testament

Almost two-thirds of Sacred Scripture is the _____________ _____________ .

human authors

At some point, guided by the Holy Spirit, _____________ _____________ expressed how God acted in the lives of their ancestors who lived years, decades, or sometimes even centuries beforehand.


Because everything he creates is good, we can conclude that _______ is also good.


Because it is God's Word being conveyed, _____________ is the true author of Sacred Scripture.

1. Science deals strictly with objectively measurable phenomena. A phenomenon is a fact, event, or situation that can be observed. It is measurable in that one can calculate its observable qualities in a certain way. It is objective in that it describes something based on facts as they truly are. 2. Scientific truth is determined when numerous scientists find the same results in their measurements; at that point, they will declare something to be "true." 3. Religion and science address different kinds of truth and use different methods to discover what is true. For example, some spiritual truths are logical and can be known through human reasoning, rather than scientific proof. And some truths are beyond the abilities of humans to know, except when those truths are revealed by God. 4. The Bible is the record of how God has revealed himself and his plan to us. The most important truths revealed in the Bible are not scientific truths but religious truths. For example, in the first Creation account, we learn that God is good. This truth is not something that can be measured objectively. The truth of God's goodness is outside the world of science, but it is nonetheless true. 5. You do not have to choose between religion and science, because both are true, even though we come to know their truths through different methods.

Explain the difference between scientific truth and religious truth.

1. The fundamentalist approach to Sacred Scripture believes that every part of the Bible teaches not just religious truth but scientific and historical truth as well. 2. Because of this, the fundamentalist approach does not support the scientific theories of evolution or the big bang theory. 3. The fundamentalist approach ignores the literary forms used by the Bible's human authors. 4. The fundamentalist approach also does not take into consideration the historical setting in which the writings were developed. 5. The contextualist approach to Sacred Scripture takes into account the various contexts for understanding. 6. These contexts include the literary forms used, the historical situation at the time, and the human authors' cultural beliefs and practices. 7. These contexts provide clues to help better understand the intention of the human authors in expressing God's Word. 8. The contextualist approach believes that much of what is written in the Bible is scientifically and historically correct, but not all of it. 9. The main goal of the Bible is not to offer scientific explanations or recall historical events. 10. Rather, the purpose of the Bible is to reveal religious truth. 11. The contextualist approach believes that when the Bible teaches what God wants us to know for our salvation, it is fully accurate and true. 12. Catholics take the contextualist approach and not the fundamentalist approach to Sacred Scripture. 13. The Catholic interpretation of the Bible takes into account various contexts in order to understand the truth God is revealing through the Bible's words.

Explain the difference between the fundamentalist and contextualist approaches to Sacred Scripture. Which approach do Catholics take and why?

1. The ideas of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Divine Inspiration is the assistance the Holy Spirit gave the human authors of the books of the Bible so these authors could communicate through human words God's message of salvation he wanted to reveal. 2 This does not mean that the Holy Spirit dictated the Bible word for word. Instead, the human authors used their skills and creativity to express God's truth. The Bible is a collaboration of God's message combined with human expression. Because it is God's Word being conveyed, God is the true author of Sacred Scripture. 3. Because God loves us, he communicates with us in ways we can understand. Through the Bible, God speaks incomprehensible truths in ways we can comprehend. 4. To properly understand what the human authors were trying to communicate, we must consider their time and culture and the ways they wrote. Accurately understanding what the human authors were trying to say allows us to better recognize God's message to us.

Explain what it means to say that God inspired the writing of Sacred Scripture.

covenant, Ten Commandments

God established a _____________ with his Chosen People and gave them his Law. God's Law is summarized in the _____________ _____________ .

Sacred Scripture, original Apostles

God has given the Magisterium the responsibility and the gifts required to interpret _____________ _____________ correctly. The Magisterium acts under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to faithfully teach the message that God revealed to the _____________ _____________ .

interpreting, Bible

In the document Interpretation of the Bible in the Church (1993), the Church offers more specific directions and guidelines for _____________ the _____________ .


These theologians were called _____________ , and they used philosophy to better understand revealed truth.

forty-six, twenty-seven

The Old Testament in a Catholic Bible contains _____________ books. The New Testament contains a total of _____________ books

Dead Sea Scrolls, Essenes

The _____________ _____________ _____________ are a collection of ancient scrolls, found on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, which possibly belonged to the _____________ , a group of pious, conservative Jews who lived during the time of Jesus.

spiritual sense

The _____________ _____________ is interpretation that builds on the literal sense, considering what the realities and events of Scripture signify and mean for salvation.

ultimate good

The _____________ _____________ is the source of our complete fulfillment, found only in our union with God.


The _____________ approach ignores the literary forms used by the Bible's human authors and the historical settings in which the writings were developed.

literary forms, historical situation, beliefs, practices

The _____________ approach takes into account various contexts in order to understand the truth God is revealing.

Gospels, life, teachings

The _____________ are considered "the heart of all the Scriptures because they are our principal source for the _____________ and _____________ of the Incarnate Word, our Savior" 1 (CCC, number 125).


The _____________ is the Church's living teaching office. It consists of all the bishops in the world, in communion with the _____________ , the bishop of Rome.

consequences, sin

The _____________ of _____________ are quite natural: a loss of unity, harmony, and justice.


The _____________ were chosen by God to speak his message of salvation.

Sin, harmony, union

The account symbolically expresses several important truths: _____________ is a free choice that destroys the _____________ and _____________ humans have with one another and God.

prayer, poetry, parables, letters, gospels

These books (of the Bible) use numerous literary forms or genres: religious history, ____________ , song, _____________ , proverbs, _____________ , _____________ , and _____________ , among others.

plain meaning, intended, author

The literal sense considers the _____________ _____________ of the text. The literal sense is the meaning _____________ by the human ______________ .

religious truths

The most important truths revealed in the Bible are not scientific truths but _____________ _____________ .

converging and convincing arguments

These "proofs" should be understood as "_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, number 31) that lead us toward the truth of the existence of God.

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