religion semester 1 final study guide

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What were the last words of Perpetua to the gladiator who killed her?

"Stans fast in the faith, and love one another. Do not let our sufferings be a stumbling block to you."

As a bishop, he refused to renounce his belief in Jesus and to worship the emperor and other Roman gods.

St. Polycarp of Smyrna

This Jesuit saint argued in favor of democratic theory and wrote about the relationship between faith and science.

St. Robert Bellarmine

What were the positive effects of the legalization of Christianity?

Christians no longer had to practice their faith privately in fear, Christian values became more embedded in the public, and there were more opportunities for devotion to catechesis, theology, and charitable works.

Once the Apostles realized that Jesus might not return during their lifetimes, how did they plan for the future?

Defined roles within the church, found ways to resolve conflicts that could arise, and how to determine authenticity and inspire nature of the Gospel

True or False? Pope Gregory XIII abolished the opulent papal court and insisted that cardinals live in Rome and live a simple and exemplary life.

False, he established papal diplomatic office and reorganized the calendar.

True or False? The Augsburg Confession was Martin Luther's attempt to have his excommunication lifted by the pope.

False, it is a anchthon drafted by his disciple Philip Melanchthon of the basic creed of Lutherism.

True or False? At the Diet of Worms Luther was called before the Holy Roman emperor Charles V to discuss some of the issues he had raised.

False, that is what Luther thought, but in reality, he was being given one last opportunity to reverse his heretical teachings.

True or False? When Jewish Christians like Paul set out to preach the Gospel to the Jews of the Diaspora, they were able to use the temples as a home base.

False, they used synagogues as a home base

True or False? The Eastern Rite Catholic Church split from the Church of Rome in 1054 while the Eastern Orthodox Church continued to remain united with the Church of Rome under the popes leadership. (p. 101)

False; Eastern Orthodox did not stay with the pope

True or False? The Emperor Theodosius I, the first emperor of both East and West, issued an edict in 380 making Christianity the official religion of the empire. (p. 89)

False; Theodosius I was the last emperor

True or False? During the worship celebrations, catechumens delivered homilies that showed how God brought the Old Testament to fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

False; celebrants delivered homilies

True or False? Priests in the early Church helped the Apostles to carry out their work with the poor and sick.

False; deacons

True or False? The legalization of Christianity made the work of evangelizing the Barbarians more difficult. (p. 90)

False; made it easier

True or False? The Magisterium comprises all members of the clergy in communion with the pope, the successor of St. Peter.

False; only the bishops

This council refuted the claim that the Holy Spirit was subordinate to the Father and the Son.

First Council of Constantinople

This council, called b the emperor primaril to preserve the Churchs unit, proclaimed that Jesus was of the same substance with God the Father, rejecting the belief that Jesus was not divine.

First Council of Nicaea

Explain what factors made Saul an ideal candidate to bridge the two worlds of Jews and Gentiles.

-been formally taught mosaic law in Jerusalem -had had an intense spiritual conversion -met the risen Jesus -familiarity with Gentile practices

Explain why studying the history of the Church is much different from studying about any other long-standing human institution, such as a nation or government.

-divine life -transcends human history -spiritual, not just reality -part of God's plan for the whole universe

Explain the ways the structure of the early Church reflected Jewish worship.

-made pilgriages -attended services -shared meals at neighbors' homes -followed the Mosaic Law

Explain three reasons Christianity grew during this era.

-offered hope for those who had lost faith in the Roman empire -provided a personal relationship with God -emphasized the human dignity of all people

List five factors that led the Roman government to conclude that Christians were subversive.

-supported family life -vocal against immoral practices -supported marginalized groups -considered unsophisticated -seen as irrational for believing in transcendent beliefs

In what ways does the Holy Spirit form the Church?

Gives life to, builds, and sanctifies the Church

Explain the importance of the bishop of Rome in the early Church.

He was the successor to Peter, the first bishop of Rome, and resided in the imperial capital. He was looked to when disputes arose and for correct teachings.


It exists and souls benefit from earthly prayer, true indulgences have spiritual value, reject superstitions about relics, statues, and indulgences

While most of the books of the _________________________ were already in place by the first century AD, the process of _____________ and organizing of Sacred Scripture lasted approximately from the ______________ to the ____________ century AD. The early Church determined which writings were sacred, settling on _________ books as divinely inspired, foundational, and ____________________ for the Church. (p. 93)

Old Testament; accepting; first century; fourth; 27; normative

Besides the selling of indulgences, what other Church practices did Marin Luther oppose in his Ninety-Five Theses?

Other issues were about the corrupt practices of some members of the clergy and the widespread ignorance of the laity in matters of faith

Explain Calvin's belief known as predestination.

Predestination is a belief that one's actions are not only preknown by God but also predetermined, thus denying God's gift of free will, and is contrary to Catholic beliefs.

True or False? Both St. Peter and St. Paul were martyred during the persecution of Christians in about 65 by the emperor Decius.




True of False? The Church is the culmination of salvation history.


True of False? We must respond to Gods gift of faith before we can act as a member the Church.


True or False? Apostolic succession protects the Church against the influx of ideas that are antithetical to Christianity.


True or False? Archbishop Thomas Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer contained a mix of Catholic doctrine, Calvinist, and Lutheran teachings.


True or False? As the structure of the early Church began to evolve, a universally accepted canon of Scripture was developed as well as the basic outline of the Nicaean Creed.


True or False? Both priests and deacons were subordinate to the bishop with priests presiding at the Eucharist in place of the bishop and deacons who served the various needs of the local churches.


True or False? By instituting the Twelve Apostles in the structure of a college, Jesus established the basic organizational structure of the Church.


True or False? Christian faith and participation in the Church cannot be separated because where the Church is, there God is.


True or False? Disputes in the early Church arose over both how to evangelize and whom to evangelize.


True or False? During this period of Church history Sacred Scripture was brought together, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, as an authoritative witness to the faith.


True or False? One of the ways that local churches recognized the martyrs was by having a priest say Mass over their burial places.


True or False? Peter and Paul were martyred during the intense persecutions of Rome between the years 64 and 67.


True or False? Sabbath observance initiall took place in peoples homes and later in churches.


True or False? Saul, who came to be known as Paul, a strict follower of the Mosaic Law, was a harsh persecutor of the early Christians until his conversion on the way to Damascus when the Risen Jesus appeared to him.


True or False? The Church Fathers gave accounts of what they believed and practiced to others outside the Church and in doing so reflected more deeply on what God did in Jesus Christ.


True or False? The Council of Trent rejected Luther's claim of sola scriptura and instead taught that Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition must be considered together for a proper understanding of theology.


True or False? The common language and culture of the empire helped missionaries preach and travel around the empire.


True or False? The common priesthood is different from the ministerial priesthood of the baptized in that it confers a sacred power for the service of the faithful.


True or False? The early Christians remained unified by their celebration of Baptism and Confirmation and by sharing everything in common.


True or False? The feast of Passover marked the beginning of a new


True or False? The forerunners of religious communities today began in the early Church when men and women set out to follow Christ more closely by strictly practicing the Jewish rites of purification


True or False? The gifts of the Holy Spirit are related to one another and show that the Church is one with Jesus.


True or False? The main attraction to the Christian Gospel for Gentiles was the Jewish opposition to their Roman overlords.


True or False? The more than twenty thousand Puritans who migrated from Switzerland to the New world in the 1620s and 1630s left because of the religious persecution.


True or False? The persecution of Christians under the emperor Trajan was less severe than the persecution under the emperor Decius.


True or False? The word church is connected to the Greek word ekklésia which is used in the New Testament and it refers to the community called to live and act in the same way as others.


True or False? Through the work of people like St. Francis de Sales, the Reforms of the Council of Trent brought Catholics back to the Church in many areas of Europe.


True or False? Two daughters of King Henry VIII - Mary Tudor and Elizabeth I - were both responsible for the suppression of Catholics (by Mary) or Protestants (by Elizabeth), through violent means.


True or False? While Christianity was formally illegal during the mid-first century to the early fourth century, there were some periods when the law was either ignored or not enforce.


true or False? The Ascension marked


in what ways were the persecutions under Diocletian more ferocious than most?

-attempted to confiscate property of Christians -tried to destroy churches and sacred books - - banished them to hard labor -subjected the to torture -inflicted death penalty

What were the two goals of the Council of Trent?

1. Acknowledging and reforming problems related to the clergy and religious life 2. Clearly stating Church doctrine, especially on matters that had been distorted by the reformers

List five of the central theological themes in the Pauline letters.

1. Only one God, the father of Jesus Christ 2. Salvation takes place through Jesus Christ 3. The death and resurrection of Christ are at the heart of the gospel 4. Jesus' resurrection is for all people 5.To be a disciple of Jesus requires a willingness to suffer for him

Ante-Nicene Fathers: Period in which they lived and Examples of Church Fathers from this period and the year of their death

After apostolic but before first council of Nicaea (325 ad); • St Justin Martyr (165 ad) • St Ireaneus of Lyons (200 ad)

Why is Pentecost considered the birthday of the Church?

Because of the immense evangelization

In order to clarify important ____________________ beliefs, deepen the Churchs understanding of the __________, and answer misunderstandings and _______________, seven ecumenical councils were held between the _______________ and eighth centuries. While all took place in the ________, all the ________________________ had to be confirmed by the popes or one of his _____________________.

Christian; faith; heresies; fourth; east; decrees of councils; representatives

On the negative side, many became ____________________ simply to maintain Roman citizenship and various ____________________ lingered. Forceful emperors began ____________________ in Church affairs - the most severe of which was known as _____________ - and some ordained men became powerful __________ rulers, gathering __________, waging war, and putting _______ affairs ahead of spiritual matters.

Christians; superstitions; to interfere; caesaropapism; secular; wealth; civil

What controversy erupted involving military service. What were the results?

Church leaders began to teach that Christians should not join the military. Christians were considered a threat to the army, and Diocletian attempted to have them expelled from Roman legions. Many officers attempted to persuade Christians to abandon their faith; if they refused, they were executed.

The move of the capital of the empire to Constantinople had a deep impact on the Church. Explain the implications.

Church took over political divisions and structures in the empire in the West, while the East sis not gain as many civic responsibilities. The West used Latin, while the East adopted Greek

______________ became the sole ruler of the entire _________ half of the empire when he defeated the superior forces of ____________________. In preparing for _______________ Constantine ordered soldiers to place the _______________ symbols on their standards, prompted by a _______________ he had from God. In forming an alliance with ____________ in the East, the two agreed the _______________ of Christians would be halted and confiscated properties _________________ to Christians.

Constantine; western; maxentius; battle; christian; vision; licinius; persecution; would be returned

This council rejected the thought that Jesus possessed only a divine nature (and not a human nature) and brought an end to the prolonged era of Christological debate about who Jesus is.

Council of Chalcedon

This council, convened by the emperor Theodosius II, rejected Nestorianism and defended the title Theotokos in regards to Mary

Council of Ephesus

The Roman Empire gradually became _____________ upon the death of ____________________: his sons Constantius, a believer in the Arian heresy in the _______, and Constans, who upheld the teachings of the First Council of _______________, in the West. Julian the ____________________ followed Constantius and attempted to return the empire to __________________ without success. (p. 88)

Divided; Constantine; east; Nicaea; apostate; paganism

How did Protestantism in England develop under Elizabeth I?

Elizabeth I synthesized Calvinist, Lutheran, and Catholic elements into what became known as the Anglican faith. She required the Oath of Supremacy and persecuted Catholics and radical Protestants who refused to take it.

Explain how the followers of Luther acquired the name Protestant

Explain how the followers of Luther acquired the name Protestant

The Mass as a true sacrifice

Extension of Christ's sacrifice, empowered to the Apostles and passed down through Holy Orders

True or False? The Council of Trent accepted superstitious abuses of relics, statues, and indulgences, but reaffirmed that true indulgences and the practice of the veneration of the saints do have spiritual value

False, did not accept superstition

Explain how Luther's concept of God evolved.

He had an overwhelming sense of unworthiness, a dread of sin, and a fear of death and judgment. He imagined God as a stern judge. No matter what penances he preformed, he could not get a sense of God's love and his offer of salvation. It changed when he concluded that only faith in God's mercy justifies sinners and taught this insight to others

Explain the difference between Pope Leo's Exsurge Domine and his Decet Romanum Pontificem.

In the Exsurge Domine, the Pope simply condemned Luther's teachings, and was ultimately ineffective because Luther and his followers burned them. The Decet Romanum Pontificem was a formal decree and took a much stronger stance, excommunicated Luther.

What was the Peace of Westphalia?

It was a series of treaties that ended the 30 years' was, legalized Calvinism in Germany and gave Protestantism equal status with Catholicism. The treaty reaffirmed the principle of citizens' following the religion of the prince.

What was significance of the Battle of Lepanto in 1571? How did Pope Pius V view the victory?

It was significant because it freed the Mediterranean from Ottoman control and the pop believed Christians were victorious because of the intervention of the Blessed Mother and his call for Catholics to recite the rosary before the battle began.

Explain what it means to say that Jesus instituted the Church.

Jesus inaugurated His church by preaching the Good News of the coming of the Reign of God.

What promises did Jesus make to his Apostles?

Jesus promised that he would be with them until the end of time, and he would guide their teaching and whom they baptized.

The emperors after _____________ tried to play the patriarch of _____________ against the pope. Neither, the Byzantine ____________________ nor the patriarchs of Constantinople wanted _____________ from the pope, a reality that indirectly contributed to the _______________ between Eastern and Western ____________________. The Byzantine Empire survived until its ultimate defeat in 1453 to the _____________.

Justinian; Constantinople; emperors; direction; schism; Christianity; ottoman Turks

Who were the lapsi and what did Christians have to decide about them once the persecutions later abated?

Lapsi were Christians who abandoned their faith to save their lives. Christians had to decide if they were to be welcomes back into the Church.


Marriage is indissoluble, but be preformed before a priests & 2 witnesses

The Sacrament of Penance

Means to obtain forgiveness of mortal sin committed after Baptism

What attracted Gentiles to the Christian Gospel?

Monotheism, opposition to the Roman government, respect for the moral teachings of Judaism

Explain how Nationalism helped to explain Luther's support from Frederick of Saxony.

Nationalism, the movement for a united, independent German nation, helped to explain the strong support Luther received. The Germans had grown tired of the corrupt Italian papacy's extracting money from their country

What were the negatives and positives of the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian in both the religious and political spheres?

Negatives: • At odds with the popes • Schisms in Italy • Ill-fated military campaigns Positives: • Supervised rebuilding of Hagia Sophia • Instituted Justinian Code of Law

This Church council addressed the dispute about the use and veneration of icons in liturgy.

Second Council of Nicaea

This Church council confirmed the orthodox teachings of the first four council and condemned those opposed to the Chalcedonian Creed and clarified and Christological teachings made at the Council of Chalcedon.

Second council of Constantinople

List important features of the Tridentine Mass.

Some important features are the use of Latin, the requirement for the priest to face east during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, a firm adherences to the instructions of the priest's movements, and more silent prayer with less interaction from the congregation.

___________ of Nursia and his twin sister, St. ____________, both found separate ___________ for men and women. The monks at his famous monastery of _________________________ lived simple lives marked by prayer and __________. St. Columban began in Ireland and later traveled to modern day _______________ where his monks became renowned for their _____________________________, self-discipline, and charity.

St Benedict; st scholastics; monasteries; monte cassino; work; France; quality of preaching

He was consecrated a bishop in a most remarkable way and argued effectively against the Arian heresy.

St. Ambrose

A great supporter of the monastic movement, he defended the divinity of Jesus Christ against Arianism at the First Council of Nicaea.

St. Athanasius

As a bishop he contributed to the growth of monasticism by designing a form of community that emphasized poverty, obedience, and austerity as well as influencing the expansion of the Nicene Creed in regards to the Holy Spirit.

St. Basil the Great

Inheriting a diocese that was ripe with corruption, this saint brought about positive reforms of the hierarchy, the clergy, and the laity, challenging the priests of the diocese to celebrate the sacraments in a proper and dignified manner.

St. Charles Borromeo

bishop in northern Africa, he was a convert to Christianity and was deeply involved in the various controversies within the Church, including how to treat the lapsi.

St. Cyprian of Carthage

He live an ascetic lifestyle and wrote hymns and poems to inspire Christians how to live holy lives.

St. Ephrem

Teaching that every Christian has a vocation to holiness, this saintly cleric experienced great success in his preaching to Calvinists in Switzerland, bringing thousands back to the Church.

St. Francis de Sales

A well-known theologian of the Eastern Church who contributed to the understanding of the Trinity and defended the Nicene Creeds teaching on the divinit of Christ.

St. Gregory of Nazianus

He secured the authority of the pope and stabilized the Church in Europe following the demise of the Roman Empire.

St. Gregory the Great

He made the first known reference to the Catholic Church and wrote seven letters to the churches along his way to execution in Rome.

St. Ignatius of Antioch

disciple of the Apostle John, he continued to preach the Christian faith while on his way to Rome for execution in the amphitheater

St. Ignatius of Antioch

This saint founded the most important religious order of the Catholic Reformation known as the Society of Jesus.

St. Ignatius of Loyola

A disciple of St. Polcarp, he condemned various heresies hich denied Jesus divinit.

St. Irenaeus of Lyons

In defending orthodox teaching within the Church, he supported the importance of the unity of the bishops.

St. Irenaeus of Lyons

Under the spiritual guidance of another saint, this saint founded a religious order for women who desired religious life but could not live the austere life of a cloistered convent.

St. Jane Frances de Chantal

He became the secretary to a pope who commissioned him to translate the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin known as the Latin Vulgate, an effort that took twenty-three years.

St. Jerome

He was a gifted preacher who was exiled not once, but twice, for his strong criticism of the moral negligence of both civil and local church officials.

St. John of Chrysostom

This saintly Doctor of the Church inspired reforms in the Carmelite Order but was met with retaliatory resistance by other members of the order who disapproved of the reform measures.

St. John of the Cross

His early education included the philosophy of the Ancient Greek Philosophers which helped him demonstrate how the Christian moral life is supported by philosophy.

St. Justin Martyr

He argued for the primacy of the pope among all bishops and is remembered for his teaching of the doctrine of the hypostatic union at the Council of Chalcedon.

St. Leo the Great

He tirelessly defended the Catholic faith against heresies and his theological influence in the West is only second to St Paul.

St. Leo the Great

Declared the patroness of Christian social workers, this saint was renowned for work with the downtrodden of French society.

St. Louise de Marillac

This Saint helped to counter the spread of Lutheranism in Germany through his writings and extensive travel to preach and teach in parishes and retreats.

St. Peter Canisius

In addition to founding the Congregation of the Mission to aid the education of future priests, this saint traveled widely and devoutly committed to the ministry of serving the sick and needy of France.

St. Vincent de Paul

Explain what the Deposit of Faith contains and the ways it is transmitted.

The deposit of faith contains God's revelation that all Catholics believe is divinely revealed. It is transmitted through sacred tradition and sacred scripture.

What were three of the many benefits of monasticism for the Church and society?

The monks prayed for the salvation of the world, kept Christianity alive and spread it, monastaries gave refuge to travelers, educated future Church leaders, and helped reestablish agriculture after Barbarian invaders.

Explain how Christianity appealed to people searching for spiritual meaning at the time.

The mystery religions and the philosophy of Stoicism helped some people, but they could not rival the appeal of Christianity, with its call to repentance and its inspiring moral code.

Explain how the Church adopted a Roman style of administration.

The pope and bishop provided for material needs of citizens and protected against attacks from the West.

The consecration of the bread and wine at Mass

The reality of the bread & wine changes into the reality of Jesus, the Lord is entirely present

Explain the ways Protestant congregations emphasized Scripture in the style of their churches.

They built churches mostly devoid of religious architectural features and art (no statues and paintings). The sanctuary had much less decor and the altar was replaced by a simple table to show that the most important part of the mass was the preaching, not the sacrifice.

What was the important work of the Church Fathers?

They helped to write and form the doctrine that has remained authoritative through the ages.

In what ways did the Council of Trent renew the clergy and religious life?

They mandated the establishment of seminaries, created colleges for priests, priestly celibacy was reaffirmed, and bishops were ordered to live in their own dioceses. Also, priests were required to reside in their own parishes, monks in their monasteries, and nuns in their convents. Priests were required to wear clerical clothing that allowed them to be easily distinguishable from laity. They also reaffirmed the supremacy of the pope.

What were the common practices and beliefs of local churches throughout the Roman Empire during this era of history?

They preached the Gospel, had public prayer, a ministry of care for every member, initiation rites, Eucharistic fellowship, and a common view of life and human destiny.

Describe the society established by the Puritans in the New World.

They set up holy commonwealths but mirrored the religious prejudice of their day and passed laws against other religious groups (like Catholics and Quakers).

This Church council declared that Jesus has two natures and two wills and that neither is contrary to the other

Third Council of Constantinople

Explain what it means to believe in Christ.

To abandon yourself to Him, to be shaped by Him, and to let go of the things that prevent you from listening to and following Him.

What were the chief tasks of the Apostles? What privilege did they enjoy?

To evangelize and to bear witness to the truth. They enjoyed the privilege of supreme authority in churches both within and outside Palestine.

What were the main responsibilities of the episkopoi?

To preside at the Eucharist, baptize, and forgive sin.

Christianity became officially ____________________ in the divided Roman Empire, and special _______________ were even granted to the Church after the _____________________ in 313. A political agreement between ____________________ and Licinius allowed for the free exercise of all _______________. Constantine united the divided Roman Empire by defeating __________________ in 324 and moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium which he renamed _______________________.

Tolerated; favors; edict of Milan; emperor Constantine; religions; licinius; Constantinople

True or False? An indulgence is the remission of temporal punishment in Hell due for sins already forgiven.


True or False? Pope Gregory the Great, although a religious leader was, by default, political leader of Rome as well. (p. 90)


True or False? Preaching, prayer, and the breaking of bread were essential elements of the Eucharist from the very beginning and the earliest liturgies follow the pattern outlined in the Gospel stor of Jesus appearance on the road to Emmaus.


True or False? Some monks took asceticism too far and others overemphasized celibacy.


True or False? St. Justin Martyr was very clear that during the liturgy the bread and wine were no longer common bread and wine. (p. 96)


True or False? The emperor Galerius became convinced that his very painful disease was a punishment from the Christian God and in 311 he issued and edict stating that Christians would again be persecuted.


True or False? At the start, Martin Luther had no intention of causing a split in the Church.

True, because at the time, Luther neither foresaw nor desired that his actions would cause such a rift in Christianity.

Explain the origin of the policy known as Cuius Regio, Eius Religio.

Violence between local princes in present-day Germany and peasants led up to the policy of Cuius Regio which meant that the leader of each region could choose either the Catholic faith or the Lutheran faith as the official one for his area of political control. "Whose Realm, His Religion"

For what reasons can we say that Jesus himself clearly instituted the Church?

When we say that Jesus instituted the church, we mean that he established basic structure and gave the apostles authority to teach and baptize.

The ____________________ Fathers of the Church helped to __________________ the faith prior to the decriminalization of Christianity. For instance, _______________ had to learn about the faith and be ______________ into the Church in secret. To aid the process, the _________, a first- century catechetical document was written and included the ___________ formula for baptism, a list of ___________ teachings, and an explanation of the _______ of Baptism and Eucharist.

apostolic; preserve; catechumens; initiated; didache; trinitarian; moral; rites

While _______________ wipes away all sin, the Sacrament of ____________________ is for sins committed after Baptism. Christ gave the ____________________ the "ministery of reconciliation" and the _______________ and practice developed that only the __________ could offer absolution from _____ sins. _________________ could only be offered once and only after the ____________________ performed long, arduous penances.

baptism; penance; apostles; belief; bishop; grave; absolution; penitent

______________ influence spread much _________ than Luther's. Calvin taught that the primacy ____________________ of Scripture and the absolute sovereignty of __________, and denied Catholic teaching on the _________________________ and condemned the _______________, monasticism, and clerical _______________. He created a harsh ____________________ in Geneva outlawing ____________________, card playing, and many other forms of _________________________. _______________________.

calvinism's; farther; primacy; god; sacraments; papacy; celibacy; council; dancing; entertainment

The period of the ____________ Reformation is associated with the Baroque period of ________, architecture, sculpture, _______________, and literature. The ____________________ perspective intended for people to see the connection between this _______________ and the world to come and consequently it manifested an interest in the _________________________ of Jesus. Indeed, Heaven is depicted vividly and with ____________________.

catholic; art; music; baroque; world; society; emotions

While the ____ is in history, she also________ history. Through the Church,________ Paschal Mystery, salvation, and fulness of life became ___________to all people. Hence, if the Church is both the ________ reality and spirial reality of Gods life on _______________, then its clear people cannot ________ their response to Gods call from their _____________ to the Church.

church; transcends; jesus'; accessible; visible; earth; separate; relationship

Early on there was little ____________________ between bishops and the elders known as ____________________. As the Church grew the office of bishop was more clearly ______________________________ from that of the ____________ and by the mid-second century the contemporary order of the _____________ formed with the__________ at the top.

difference; presbyters; distinguished; elder; hierarchy; bishop

despite of _________, Christianity grew steadily in numbers and _______________. Churches sprang up throughout the empire as Christians ________________ their celebration of the Mass and _______________________ from homes to settings that allowed for more of a sense of Gods _____________. Luke concludes the Acts with Paul in __________, a sign that Christianity had moved into the ______________, social, and cultural ___________ of the roman empire.

early persecution; membership; transitioned; sacraments; transcendence; rome; political; heart

Through their refusal to worship the _____________ and idols - since it violated the First Commandment - along with other objectionable ____________________, Roman authorities believed that Christians were not only _______________ the Roman state, but resisting the _______ of Roman law. Essentially, the ___________________ of Christians put them at odds with the ___________________of pagan Rome.

emperor; practices; disrespecting; rule; monotheism; polytheism

The Protestant Reformation came to _____________ due to a dispute between King __________ with the pope rather than a doctrinal dispute. When the pope would not allow him to _______________ his wife to marry another woman, Henry made ____________________ the head of the Church of _______________, later demanding an oath of _________________________ to himself as head of the English church in his ______________________________.

england; henry vii; divorce; himself; england; allegiance; act of supremacy of 1534

Prior to the ________________________ of the Gentiles, the general ____________________ understanding of the time was that what the ________________ believed and practiced was unsuited to being associated with ________________ beliefs and practices. This began to change af

evangelization; religious; gentiles; jewish; cornelius; evangelize the gentiles; division

to counteract __________ witnesses the Church taught that her ____________________ was given by Christ to his ____________________. Through this position of authority, the Apostles passed on through ____________________________ authority to bishops who they ordained through the ____________________________. Apostolic succession maintains the ________________, teaching, and mission of the Apostles as ________________________ to them by Christ.

false; authority; apostles; apostolic succession; laying of hands; office; entrusted

True or False? The many Christians who fled to the desert to live the life of a hermit were reacting to the negative consequences of Christianits legaliation and the are best known toda as the Church Fathers.

false; desert fathers

True or False? The harsh treatment of Christians tended to be more frequent in the outlying areas of the Empire rather than in the densely populated areas of the Roman Empire.

false; harsher treatment in higher populous areas

True or False? In the second century, as the internal structure of the Roman Empire weakened, the persecution of Christians decreased in intensity.

false; increased in intensity

True or False? The secret meetings the Christians ere accused of holding were actually the celebration of the Passover.

false; it was the sacrament of Holy Eucharist

True or False? Most Romans were Jewish so Roman leaders felt the need to maintain control over Gentiles.

false; most Romans' were Gentiles

during the early days of

followers; jews; evangelizing; neighbors; mosaic; traditions; message; christian

Paul undertook ____________ missionary journeys, described in the ____________________________. Along the way, Paul steadfastly ________________________ those who had not yet heard the ________________ and also reinvigorated the ________________ of those who had. During his journeys he wrote ________________ to many of the ____________ Church communities to stay in touch, and to offer ____________________________ and further Christian instruction. His fourth and final journey ended in ________________.

four; acts of the apostles; evangelized; gospel; faith; letters; local; encouragement; rome

The Church continued to ______________, spread, and develop during the first ______________ centuries in spite of the fact that the vast _____________ of Christians lived under the _______ government that considered Christianity _______. Courageous Christian heroes ____________ their fellow Christians by remaining steadfast through ___________ with many becoming ____________________ for the faith.

grow; three; majority; roman; illegal; inspired; persecution; martyrs

What was the importance of the writings of the Church Fathers?

helped combat heresy, explained the collapse of the Roman Empire to their contemporaries, and formulate doctrine for all time

Why was the Book of Revelation written with coded language?

so that the author could criticize the emperor without facing persecution

Christian _____________ in the early Church - known as the __________________ - included the Sacraments of __________, Confirmation, and Eucharist.________ typically testified to the candidates good ____________________ and renunciation of _______________ ways because becoming a Christian was taken very seriously. Preparation could last _______________ years when the candidate would learn Christian ____________________ and the requirements for ________ living.

initiation; catechumenate; baptism; candidate for baptism; behavior; pagan; three; teaching; moral

The Council of _________________________ determined that Gentiles could be accepted into the _______________. Following the council, Christians __________________ themselves from those Jews who did not view Jesus as the ____________________ and Lord by their religious ______________________ and their outreach to _________________. Once it gained more Gentile followers, the Roman ______________________________ declared Christianity to be ___________.

jerusalem; church; distinguished; messiah; practices; gentiles; government; illegal

Jesus' ac

kingdom of god; moral; good news; redemption; presence; fully; second

the Council asserted that the ____________________ was to be considered the _________________________ version of the Bible. Further, it _________ in part with the Protestant reformers: people are __________ because of the________ of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, not through their own__________. But the Council reaffirmed that this ____________________ grace is first received through ____________________, not personal faith and that it is the "____________________of faith"

latin translation; authoritative; agreed; saved; grace; merit; saving; baptism; sacrament

Pope __________ was left with no choice but to ______________________________ Martin Luther. Luther's teachings had gained increasing ___________________ even though many of his ideas - including his rejection of the ________________ of the pope - had been condemned by Church authorities. Though viewed first as an _________________________ dispute, it became evident that what Luther was ______________________________ went far beyond an internal ___________________________________.

leo x; excommunicate; acceptance; authortiy; internal; professing; disagreement

___________ was born 1483 to strict ____________ of German parents. Although he began studying __________, he vowed to enter the monastery after narrowly escaping a frightful ________________________ storm. He joined an _________________________ monastery where he earned a _________________________ in theology and was later sent to teach _______________ theology and Scripture at the University of _________________________.

martin luther; merchant-class rigidity; law; lightning; augustinian; doctorate; moral; wittenberg

Justin __________, a convert from _____________, is a famous Christian apologist from the __________ century. Apologists were writers who ____________________ and explained Christianity to _________________________, primarily Gentiles. They were especially interested in addressing the ____________________, Roman officials, and Roman _________. Justin wrote his First Apology to the emperor ___________________.

martyr; paganism; second; defended; nonbelievers; emperors; citizens; antonius pious

The German ___________________________________ exploited the dispute between Luther and the _______________, linking it to their desire for more opportunity and better _______________. While Luther __________ them at first, he withdrew his support when they became___________. They were finally suppressed by the German _____________ and many peasants, feeling _________________ by Luther, either returned to the _______________ or joined a different Protestant Church.

peasants; church; treatment; supported; violent; princes; betrayed; catholic church

the _________ of christians living in rome was prompted by a _____ that swept through the city AD 64 a fire caused by the emperor __________ according to a historian name _______________ a devastating conflagration for which they were _______________. Because the local Christian group was so _______________ and so lacking in power or __________________, it was unable to effectively defend itself against the _______________.

persecution; fire; nero; tacitus; blamed; small; influence; accusations

John Knox brought _______________, an offshoot of Calvinism, to ________. Knox stressed the baptism of all believers, teaching that everyone is a __________, thus rendering separate clergy ______________. Calvin's emphasis on ______ living, a harsh and judgmental ______, thrift in ________________________ dealings, and strictness in ____________________ observance came to America with the ______________

presbyterianism; scotland; priest; unnecessary; clean; god; business; religious; puritans

Trent reaffirmed that there are ________ Sacraments and that while we are not saved by our __________________, without good works the _______________ of God will not take root in one's __________. In regards to the Sacrament of ____________________, the Council stated that, contrary to _______________, it is possible for a person united with Christ to keep the _________. Thus, the grace received at ____________________ can only be regained if it is given __________ by God.

seven; faith; grace; life; penance; luther; commandments; baptism; again

The formal ________________________ maintained by the Church, including creeds, ____________________, and rituals, help us maintain our identity as ____________________ believers and help the Church maintain her ________________ as a model of fai

structures; doctrines; individual; identity; magisterium; interpreting; communal; visible.

The _________________________ War was fueled by religious ____________________ of Lutherans, Calvinists, and _________________________. It was fought between the _________________________ Empire and their political enemies, particularly ______________, who joined forces with ____________________ groups. The Hapsburgs supported Catholic gains in __________________ while the latter feared a Catholic _______________ of Germany.

thirty years'; intolerance; catholics; hapsburg; france; protestant; central europe; takeover

God communicates ____________ and grace primarily through the _________________. The Acts of the Apostles shows how closely ____________ and his Church are ____________________. The Apostles understood that the Church herself is the ________________________ on earth, and each member of the Church is a ________________ of that body. The heart of the ________________ teachings then, as now, is this: Jesus ________________ you from your sins.

truth; church; jesus; connected; body of christ; member; good news; frees

_______________ encouraged a democratic rule for his _is_s_________ Reformed Church. More _________________________ and anti-institutional than Luther, he set up _________Protestantism in Zurich, ____________________ in 1522. Zwingli abolished __________ days, banned religious __________, and removed ________ from churches. Further, he taught that the ________________ only symbolizes Jesus' presence

ulrich zwingli; swiss; anticlerical; strict; switzerland; east; music; images; eucharist

Protestant reformers began to allow public ________ in the vernacular rather than in _____ and called for vernacular editions of the __________. Further, the reformers did not recognize the Seven _________________________ recognized by the Catholic Church, and held _________________________ beliefs about them with most recognizing just two as valid: ______________ and ___________.

worship; latin; bible; sacraments; contrary; baptism; eucharist

_______________ must be both personal and ______________________, meaning we cannot

your faith; communal; participate; depended; love; member; isolation.

Post-Nicene Fathers: Period in which they lived and Examples of Church Fathers from this period and the year of their death

• After the first council of Nicea (325 ad); • St John Chrysoston (407 ad) • St Augustine of Hippo (430 ad)

What are four central reasons Christianity enjoyed astounding growth?

• Jewish communities established in the diaspora • Ease of communication and travel • Pax Romana • Words of love supported by action

Explain Justin Martyrs outline of the Rite of Eucharist, circa 155.

• Liturgy of the word • Sermon • Prayers and kiss of peace • Bread, wine, water (if Baptism) • Prayers of thanksgiving • Receiving of gifts of Christ

Apostolic Fathers: Period in which they lived and Examples of Church Fathers from this period and the year of their death

• Overlapped with apostles; • St Clemente of Rome (99 ad) • St Polycarp of Smyrna (156 ad) • St Ignatius of Antioch (108 ad)

Explain the development of the Filioque controversy, the final point of disagreement permanently splitting the Churches of East and West.

• Roman church added "filioque" to the nicene creed without approval from an ecumenical council • Photius accused the Roman church of heresy

List the Fathers of the Church who were involved with the growth of monasticism.

• St. Athanasius • St. Basil the Great • St. Jerome

List the Fathers of the Church who were bishops.

• St. Athanasius • St. Gregory of Nazianzus • St. Ambrose • St. John Chrysostom • St. Leo the Great • Pope Gregory the Great

What three criteria did Church leaders use to determine the sacredness of a book of scripture?

• apostolic origin • Orthodox content • Universality

What were the negative effects of the legalization of Christianity?

• forceful emperors interfered in church affairs, which led to abuses • many people became Christian simply to keep Roman citizenship

How did the openness to Christianity after it was legalized in the fourth century help her to further evolve?

• further develop hierarchical structure • liturgical practice • defend and explain Christianity to non-believers

What general factors contributed to the Great Schism?

• political and cultural differences • Theological and liturgical disputes • Disagreements regarding papal authority over the eastern patriarchs

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