Renewable Energy

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Rank the following by life cycle amount of greenhouse gas emission per kwatt-hr of electricity produced. A - coal B - oil C - Natural gas D - Solar PV

A)Greatest amount of greenhouse gas emissions B)2nd greatest amount of greenhouse gas emissions C)3rd greatest amount of greenhouse gas emissions D) 4th greatest amount of greenhouse gas emissions

Which of the following is an example of advanced building insulation?


Third generation biofuels...


Changes in electric usage by end-use customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to price changes or financial incentives is known as:

Demand Responce

Energy pundits often refer to the shape of the daily net electricity demand curve as the _____________ curve. ("Net" here refers to the electricity demand left over after solar and wind resources have been utilized).


True or false, the growth of hydroelectric power generation is similar to that of solar in the last 5 years.


No residential home owners have the ability to participate in programs to offset their energy usage through the purchase of RECs.

False - For example, Nipsco allows REC purchases through their Green Power program.

One renewable energy credit represents 1000 megatwatt-hours of electricity produced by a renewable energy facility.

False - One renewable energy credit represents 1 megawatt-hour of electricity produced by a renewable energy facility.

Which of the following provides a tax credit for certain types of renewable energy?

Investment tax credit

The power output of a wind turbine is dependent on what power of the wind velocity, V?

P = cp*(1/2)*rho*A*V1^3

How is the electricity supplied to electronic devices such as smartphones and computers in The Edge?

Solar panels installed on the south side of the building

1 gallon of biodiesel will generate less CO2 than 1 gallon of diesel.


A system that uses both concentrating solar and natural gas as a heat source is known as a hybrid system.


As more solar and wind come onto the grid, it incrementally reduces the value to the grid of more solar and wind.


Biochar added to the soil is carbon negative.


Corn ethanol is a 1st generation biofuel.


Flywheels are charged by using electricity to drive a motor and increase the speed of a rotating mass. They are discharged by connecting the rotating mass to a generator.


Soybean biodiesel is a 1st generation biofuel.


The Edge, an office building in Amsterdam, utilizes open-loop, water source heat pumps to provide heating and cooling.


True or false, until 2013, hydroelectric power generation provided more electricity than all other forms of renewables combined.

True - 70%

In which category do fuels derived from corn and soy beans fall in?

1st generation

In the U.S.A., pumped hydro storage provides the most capacity for power addition on the electric grid of all deployed storage technologies. The installed capacity is closest to:

20 GW

The module efficiency of the top-of-the-line solar photovoltaic modules offered by manufacturers such as SolarCity, SunPower, and Panasonic is closest to:


The theoretical efficiency of a single-junction solar photovoltaic cell composed of silicon (Si), the most common semiconductor to photovoltaics, is closest to:


The transportation sector was responsible for what percentage of US CO2 emissions in 2013?


Solar thermal systems typically supply _________ of a family's hot water needs.


Which of the following is not a concern associate with the use of a carbon tax?

A carbon tax is too difficult to implement.

Select a recent oil spill disaster in the US:

BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion

The name of the coefficient that defines the largest efficiency that a horizontal-axis wind turbine could theoretically achieve is known as the ___________ limit.


Which of the following materials is the metal oxide discussed as a candidate for the two-step metal oxide redox cycle to produce hydrogen or synthesis gas?

Cerium dioxide

Which of the following is an example of a thermal energy based storage system?

Chilled Water

The main products of chemical reactions driven by concentrated solar energy are: (select all that apply)

Commodities New, exotic materials Fuels

Which solar power tower facility in the US includes thermal storage?

Crescent Dunes

1 gallon of biodiesel will provide more energy than 1 gallon of diesel.


1 gallon of ethanol will provide more energy than 1 gallon of gasoline.


A sustainable energy technology is any technology that is profitable.


According to Lazard LCOE numbers for 2017, concentrated solar power with storage is less expensive than utility scale solar PV.


Carbon dioxide is a more potent greenhouse gas than methane.


Mountaintop mining and strip mining do not destroy wildlife habitat or pollute waterways.


Net metering has been implemented in very few states in the US.


Nuclear power is NOT subsidized in the United States.


Nuclear power produces significant amounts of greenhouse gas emissions per kW-hr of energy produced.


On average, there is more solar energy available in Germany, which met 7.4% of its electricity demand in 2016 with solar electric panels, than in most of the U.S.A., which met less than 0.5% of its electricity demand in 2016 with solar electric panels.


The levelized cost of electricity calculation generally accounts for negative externalities, taxes, and subsidies.


The public perception of energy technology does not influence its adoption.


True or false, hydroelectric power generation does not create social controversies.


True or false? A renewable energy source is, by definition, a sustainable energy source.


True or false? An example of a constraint on the implementation of energy efficiency technology is that the technology is immature and thus not widely available.


True or false? One of the challenges facing energy storage technology is that the regulatory system recognizes that energy storage can displace generation, transmission, AND distribution assets.


True or false? Reformation of biomass or a fossil resource using solar energy to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide is described as a far-term pathway to solar fuels in the video.


True or false? Solar photovoltaic cells are semiconductor devices that convert photons with energies smaller than the band gap of the material into free electrons that can flow through an external circuit to do work.


True or false? The deployment of solar photovoltaic panels on the grid without energy storage tends to smooth out the net demand for electricity, where the net demand is defined as the demand for electricity after subtracting the contribution from solar power generation.


True or false? The most efficient type of solar thermal panel, regardless of environmental conditions, is the evacuated tube collector.


True or false, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion has potential to be very efficient.

False - 6.7%

The United States is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world by both total emissions and per capita emissions.

False - China and Canada, respectively

The US has completed the most new coal power plants (in terms of megawatt capacity) in the world from 2010 to 2014.

False - Five Chinese provinces have installed more coal power plants than the US in this time frame.

The amount of electricity on the grid does not vary during the course of the day

False - Yes, it varies throughout the day.

The model developed by Marion King Hubbert to predict the production rate of a finite resource over time has successfully predicted the production of oil in the lower 48 states of the United States of America, even in the last 10 years.

False - failed due to new reserves

Only 4 states in the US currently have renewable portfolio standards.

False -Approximately 29 states currently have renewable portfolio standards

Renewable energy is the only area of energy that the US government supports with research and development dollars.

False -Fossil fuels, energy efficiency, nuclear energy, fusion, the electric grid, and basic energy science are also supported.

Coal and nuclear power are used to meet intermediate power demands.

False -The are used to meet baseload power demands.

The recent increase in the production of oil in the lower 48 states of the United States of America can be attributed to rapidly increasing demand as people in urban areas move to suburban and rural areas, increasing the average commuter distance.

False ?

Based on the University of Texas Energy Institute LCOE analysis, natural gas combined cycle is the lowest cost electricity production method for every county in the US.

False- There are regions with wind, coal, and nuclear that are less expensive.

Past predictions by government agencies of renewable energy output have been accurate.

False-Very inaccurate.

Which of the following provides a set price from the utility for all electricity that a private producer places on the grid


Flywheels and supercapacitors are storage devices most suited for which service to the electric grid?

Frequency Regulation

What is an inherent problem with 1st generation biofuels?

Global food prices

Second generation biofuels come from biomass such as...

Grasses, and waste vegetable oil

In a commercial concentrated solar power plant, the sunlight heats a working fluid such as oil or molten salt. The heat is transferred from the working fluid into water in a __________ to produce steam which is converted to electricity in a _____________.

Heat exchanger, steam turbine/generator

Most of the energy used in buildings is for ________________. (Select the most correct answer)

Heating and Cooling

In his TEDx talk, Bryn Davidson reminds us that we should think about building efficiency from a broader perspective --- the greenest buildings are not necessarily the buildings with the most green technology. He suggests asking what questions when evaluating a building?

How 'good' is the building? What does the building replace? Where is the building located?

Which type of concentrating solar technology uses flat mirrors to heat water in a clear pipe?

LInear Fresnel

Using storage to shift the supply of electricity during the day is known as:

Load leveling

When coupled with a building's conventional air conditioning system, the ice bear energy storage system provides what benefit to the electric grid?

Load shifting to reduce peaking power demand

Which of the following commercial concentrating solar facilities uses parabolic mirror technology?

Nevada Solar One

At least one study has shown that RPSs have reduced emissions, lowered water use,created jobs, and decreased energy usage


Based upon geographic location and available natural resources, Jacobson's proposed energy mix is different for different US states and countries..


Cap and Trade policy sets a cap on the total amount of emissions and provides allowances to polluting entities.


The solar concentrating system in a solar power plant is typically the most expensive component of the plant to construct.


There is a debate on the best way to get to 100% decarbonization. One side says that we should transition to an electricity sector that is completely powered by renewables. The other side says that we are going to need substantial amounts of nuclear power and carbon capture (CCS).


Which of the following is NOT dispatchable supply.


What is a benefit of vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) as compared to horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs)?

Wind direction is irrelevant Generator is located at the base Easier to manufacture - blades are less complicated since they are at the same radius Can be packed more closely

Third generation biofuels come from biomass such as...


In general, biomass is

any biological material derived from living, or recently, living organisms In the context of this course, biomass refers to biological material to be used for fuels or as a replacement for fossil fuels in another role

The major challenge with algae as a biofuel feedstock is that it...

requires large amounts of water, nitrogen, and phosphorous to grow

Load shifting is a service provided to the electric grid by storage that is best described as...

storage of excess generation over a few hours for its later release when demand increases.

Voltage support is a service provided to the electric grid that is best described as...

the addition or absorption of reactive power in order to stabilize voltage.

Which type of window as the largest R-value?

triple pane

True or false? In the electric grid, a spinning reserve is generation capacity that is kept off-line but that can be turned on and ramped up within 10 minutes.


True or false? It is likely that, from the installation of solar photovoltaic systems alone, we will avoid 90% of the CO2 emissions predicted for the next 30 years.


True or false? Most of the photons in the infrared portion of the solar energy spectrum are able to be converted into electricity in a solar photovoltaic cell.


True or false? One of the advantages of phase change material storage is that energy is stored in a large temperature difference.


True or false? The Fites Engineering Innovation Center is LEED Gold certified because of the 27 kW array of solar photovoltaic panels installed on the roof.


True or false? The cheapest energy technology is always the technology used to meet growing demand.


True or false? While they require significantly less electricity to provide the same amount of lighting, light emitting diodes (LEDs) have shorter lifespans than incandescent light bulbs.


The US Energy Information Agency predicts a huge jump in the amount of energy supplied by renewables in 2040.

False -Only a few percent gain.

Which is the most efficient type of fossil fuel generation plant?

Natural Gas Combined Cycle

Which one of the following types of electrical power generation does NOT supply baseload power?

Natural Gas Combustion

Which type of energy source produces the least amount of carbon emissions per amount of energy produced?


The largest solar furnace in the world has a 1000 kW capability and is located in:

Odeillo, France

Which application of wind turbines tends to result in physically larger wind turbines with higher power output?


The following sources of energy are not evenly distributed throughout the U.S.A. or the world (select all that apply):

Oil, Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Natural gas, etc.

Energy for the transportation sector comes primarily from:


The ratio between the linear velocity of the end of the blade to the wind velocity is known as the:

Power Coefficient ? Internet says "Tip Speed Ratio"

Which of the following provides a direct financial incentive based on each kWh of electricity produced.

Production tax credit

Which of the following is not one of the sustainable design features of the Fites Center? Options: The Fites Center features walls with an above average R-Value. The Fites Center includes occupancy and daylight sensors to turn lights off when they are not needed. Portions of the Fites center were building with recycled materials. The Fites Center features lots of nearby parking in order to encourage people to drive.

The Fites Center features lots of nearby parking in order to encourage people to drive.

Hydraulic fracturing to produce natural gas using billions of gallons of water annually and the water is polluted with a multitude of chemical additives.


Hydropower can be used to supply intermediate or baseload demand.


If you build a lot of natural gas plants, it may be difficult to some day shut them down.


In a nuclear power cycle, nuclear fission generates heat which is used to turn water into steam, steam which drives a steam turbine and generator.


In the United States, fossil fuels and nuclear are established technologies with existing infrastructures.


Jacobson created a 6 year model of loads, output from time-dependent renewable sources, and storage to show that 100% renewable energy could meet the required electricity demands of all sectors.


Approximately _____ of all energy consumed in the U.S.A. is used in residential and commercial buildings.


To achieve similar illumination as a 60 Watt incandescent light bulb, an LED bulb requires how much electricity?

6 Watts

Sustainable design of energy technology requires that the designer consider the following (select all that are true):

Economics, politics, environmental, social, integration, maturity, natural resources

The majority of power produced by coal, renewable energy, and nuclear energy supplies which sector:

Electric Power

The ICON solar house features what type of energy efficiency technology? (Select all correct answers)

Energy efficient appliances Insulation with large R-values of R-50 and R-70 Electrochromic smart windows that can be "tinted" with a switch

Lucid Energy's systems currently operating in Portland, Oregon and Riverside, California rely on fundamental physical principles that are most similar to:

Excess head is used to spin turbines.

Select all that is included in a life cycle analysis of an energy technology:

Extraction, processing, design, manufacture, distribution, use, repair, disposal, resources, and waste

All staunch environmentalists oppose the continued use of nuclear power.


An approach of electrifying almost everything is NOT required for the proposed deep decarbonization scenarios.


Based on Energy Administration 2022 national average LCOE forecasts, coal is less expensive than natural gas combined cycle.


Coal plants are more flexible than natural gas plants.


Fossil fuels are NOT currently subsidized.


Frequency regulation is a service that energy storage cannot provide for the grid.


It is very likely that the world will deplete all sources of petroleum, coal, and natural gas in the next 5 years.


Jacobson's roadmap does not require the 100% electrification of the transportation, industrial, residential, and commercial sectors.


Mark Jacobson's roadmap includes small amounts of nuclear power and biofuels.


Jacobson's roadmap includes chilled water and ice storage, underground thermal storage, hydrogen storage, pumped hydro storage, and phase change material storage but no battery storage.


Mark Jacobson's roadmap has been developed for all US states and over 100 countries worldwide.


Net metering generally provides the private electricity producer with the retail price of electricity for all electricity that they place on the electric grid.


One advantage of fossil fuels and nuclear as an energy source is that the energy is fundamentally stored for use at the desired time.


Perceived technology performance uncertainty and risk and lack of access to credit are two barriers to renewable energy implementation.


Policies are implemented to overcome barriers and account for externalities.


Regulation is a law, rule, or other order prescribed by an authority to regulate conduct.


Smart thermostats such as Nest thermostats can be remotely controlled through wireless by utilities during a demand response event.


Solar PV and wind are variable energy sources.


States that currently have or have had in the past REC markets include Ohio and Pennsylvania.


Studies have estimated that health care costs in the US due to burning coal range from $68 to $100 billion dollars per year.


The Clean Air Act is a law that regulates air emissions and is supervised by the EPA.


The Department of Transportation primarily supervises CAFE standard regulations.


The ICON solar house was designed to produce more energy collected via solar photovoltaic and solar thermal panels than is required over the course of a typical year in Minnesota.


The best place to locate commercial concentrated solar power facilities in the US is in the desert Southwest.


The best way to compare the environmental impacts of two energy technologies is via a life cycle analysis.


The majority of energy in the grid comes from centralized distribution.


There is enough lithium natural resources available to produce batteries to completely electrify the transportation sector.


To limit the globally agreed upon temperature increase target to 2 degrees C requires "deep decarbonization" — reducing total carbon emissions 80 to 100 percent — across the globe, by mid-century or shortly thereafter.


Finish this sentence: A smart LED ...

is a wifi enabled light that allows a user to turn the light on or off via the internet.

True or false? In Germany, over 40 GW of solar photovoltaics have been deployed, roughly double the installed capacity in the U.S.A., primarily because the solar resource in Germany is much stronger than in the U.S.A.


True or false? In a solar thermal panel, the goal is to convert solar energy into electricity.


Two important performance metrics for energy storage technology that is installed on the electric grid are _______ and _______.

power rating discharge time

In a compressed air energy storage system, electric energy is stored in _______________.

pressure potential energy

Which is a reasonable power coefficient for an industrial-scale wind turbine?


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of renewable portfolio standards?

An RPS's cost impacts are known in advance with certainty

Which of the following is NOT included in a smart grid?

An inability to incorporate distributed energy sources in the electricity mix

Which of the following states rank in the top 5 with regards to installed PV capacity? (Select the most appropriate 5 states).

Arizona Massachusettes New York California New Jersey

Which of the following components are essential for the operation of any scale of horizontal-axis wind turbines?

Blades Shaft Gearbox Generator Nacelle Yaw drive Tower

Which of the following components is NOT included in a solar furnace.


Which of the following are negative environmental impacts of hydroelectric power generation (circle all that apply)?

CO2 emissions Methane emissions Destruction of habitat from reservoirs Change in river flow Impacts on fish populations due to turbines Impacts on fish reproduction

Appliance regulations would primarily be supervised by the:

Department of Energy

Which type of concentrating solar technology uses a Stirling engine at the focal point?


If an energy resource is not always available, it is also not __________?


Concentrated solar energy technology converts the diffuse component of solar radiation into a more useful form of energy.

False - The solar radiation that strikes the surface of the earth is made up of two components: beam radiation and diffuse radiation. Beam radiation is focused in a single direction while diffuse radiation is spread out over all directions. Because concentrating technology relies on redirecting radiation with mirrors, it can only collect the beam radiation.

Coal power plants produce sulfur dioxides which cause smog and nitrogen oxides which cause acid rain.

False - Sulfur dioxides produce acid rain and nitrous oxides produce smog.

Only one agency regulates energy in the US.

False - The DOE, EPA, FERC, DOT, and NERC all regulate energy.

The US spends no money to defend Persian Gulf oil supplies.

False - The US spends $27 billion to $225 billion dollars per year, depending on the study.

There is one national grid that supplies power to the entire United States.

False - There are multiple regional grids.

Because of the higher cost of concentrated solar power when compared to utility scale solar PV, concentrated solar power with storage is never a feasible option.

False- the storage component often adds enough value to make concentrated solar power feasible. The comparison is between the cost of concentrated solar power with storage versus utility scale solar PV with battery storage.

In a natural gas combustion cycle, the heat generated by the combustion is used to turn water into steam, steam which drives a steam turbine and generator

False-In a natural gas combustion cycle, the heat produced by combustion is wasted.

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of a free market approach to energy.

Implement policies such as Cap and Trade which can generate income for the government.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Cap and Trade policy?

It is impossible for companies that participate in Cap and Trade programs to cheat

By rated capacity, what is the largest solar power tower facility in the US?


Which of the following are essential components of a glazed, flat plate collector? (Circle all that apply)

Metal tubing for fluid flow Manifolds Insulation Low iron glass cover Absorber

Energy for the residential and commercial sector comes primarily from:

Natural Gas

If you have to burn a fossil fuel to produce energy, select the best fossil fuel for the environment and human health.

Natural Gas

Mark Jacobson's plan for 100 percent renewable energy is known as:

The solutions project

Current electric grid infrastructure and usage DOES NOT have one of the following attributes.

There is only one, interconnected national grid in the United States

Solar thermal chemistry technology primarily focuses on using solar energy in which of the following two sectors of primary energy consumption.

Transportation Industry

1 gallon of ethanol will generate less CO2 than 1 gallon of gasoline.


A carbon tax is a fee on the production, distribution, or use of fossil fuels based on how much carbon they emit.


A carbon taxes provides an incentive for individuals and entities to reduce energy consumption or use more clean, less carbon intensive forms of energy.


A good example of a political factor that influences energy technology adoption is the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) recently extended by the Congress in the U.S.A.


A large amount of water is used for cooling operations in coal fired power plants and about 2.5% of this water evaporates.


A loan guarantee is a loan backed by the a government agency.


A national grid would be beneficial to move renewable energy from generation locations to demand centers.


A negative externality occurs when an individual or firm making a decision does not have to pay the full cost of the decision.


A policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business or individual.


A renewable portfolio standard policy requires or encourages electricity producers within a given jurisdiction to supply a minimum share of their electricity from designated resources by a certain date.


According to the US Energy Information Administration, the 2022 LCOE forecast for wind energy is cheaper than almost every form of non-renewable energy .


Amory Lovins at the Rocky Mountain Institute claims that large amounts of variable renewable sources such as wind and solar PV can be integrated on the grid without very large amounts of storage.


Carbon taxes have been implemented in Canada, Mexico, and India.


Coal generates electricity by generating heat through combustion. This heat then turns water to steam, steam which drives a steam turbine and generator.


Coal power plants also produce mercury and particulates.


Energy is emitted from the sun at a shorter wavelength than energy emitted from the earth. The longer wavelength energy interacts more with greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere.


Energy usage is currently divided into 4 sectors: Transportation, Industrial, Residential and Commercial, and Electric Power.


Examples of electrical integration in the heating and cooling sector include electric air and water heat pumps, electric resistance heating, electric water heaters, and electric cooking stoves.


True or False? In order for PV cells to do electric work, a permanent electric field must be established in the cells using n-type and p-type semiconductor materials to prevent free electrons from recombining with holes prior to flowing through an external load.


True or false, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion is a form of solar power.


True or false, one general method of wave power generation uses tipping/pitching mechanisms to drive hydraulic pumps.


True or false, wave power relies on the oscillatory kinetic energy of the waves.


True or false? A glazing is included on solar thermal collectors in order to reduce heat losses through the top of the collector from cold, blowing air AND to trap solar energy via the greenhouse effect.


True or false? A renewable energy source is one that regenerates over time periods that are shorter than the average human life span.


True or false? All solar photovoltaic systems that are grid-connected include an inverter to transform the DC electricity from the array of PV modules into AC electricity.


True or false? An example of a constraint on the implementation of energy efficiency is that utility business models do not promote efficiency.


True or false? An example of a constraint on the implementation of energy efficiency technology is that savings realized from the technology are incremental.


True or false? An underground thermal energy storage (UTES) system is charged by heating a heat transfer fluid and flowing it deep underground to heat up the soil.


True or false? Annual primary energy use in U.S. buildings is expected to grow to over 50 quads in 2050.


True or false? Batteries provide the most robust suite of services of all storage technologies currently deployed on the grid.


True or false? Energy storage can be used to store up electricity generation from wind and solar that is in excess of demand and release it later when the demand increases.


True or false? If you work in The Edge, you can control the lighting and temperature of your office with your smartphone.


True or false? In phase change material storage, thermal energy is stored by heating up and melting a material such as ice or paraffin wax.


True or false? Large amounts of electrolyzed hydrogen can be stored in underground salt caverns to provide over 100 GWh of stored energy.


True or false? Of the primary energy used to deliver electricity to buildings, over half of the primary energy is simply lost to the environment and never actually utilized.


True or false? One of the challenges facing energy storage is that it can be difficult to monetize the benefits that it provides.


True or false? One of the hypotheses for thermochemical energy storage being tested by research laboratories around the world is that its increased energy density will decrease the costs of the CSP plant.


True or false? One type of smart window uses a thermochromic layer that activates when the window heats up in the summer to block sunlight and reduce the cooling load of a building but remains inactive when the window is cold to let in sunlight and reduce the heating load of a building in the winter.


True or false? Since 1980, the percent increase in the efficiency of refrigerators is greater than 100%.


True or false? The big idea of solar thermochemistry is to effect endothermic chemical transformations at high temperature with concentrated solar thermal energy.


True or false? The maximum theoretical efficiency of a solar thermal collector is 100%.


True or false? Values play a role in the adoption of energy technology.


Vehicles burning gasoline produce smog, particulate, and carbon monoxide air pollution.


The solar beam radiation resource in the United States is concentrated in the southwest because this region has an arid climate with low humidity and many days of clear skies.

True - The annual average daily beam radiation in the southwest is approximately 8.0 killoWatt-hours per square meter every day in the southwest, approximately double the 4.0 killoWatt-hours per square meter every day in the northeast. The difference is primarily related to the number of clear sky days and low humidity in the southwest compared with the northeast.

The sun is capable of generating enough energy to meet all of our energy needs.

True - The world used approximately 19,000 terawatt hours of electricity in 2006. Concentrated solar has the potential to generate 275,000 terawatt hours of electricity, and solar pv has the potential to generate 470,000 terawatt hours of electricity.

What type of fuels has the greatest energy density?


During which stage of a simplified wind turbine control strategy is the most power generated?

Zone 3 Rated speed < wind speed < cut-out speed - rated power output

Frequency regulation is a service provided to the electric grid that is best described as...

absorbing and injecting real power to meet sudden shortfalls and excess of generation.

Second generation biofuels...

are any biofuels produced from non-food based crops, or from biomass that has already served its food-related purpose

In a solar photovoltaic (PV) panel, the goal is to convert solar energy into _______________.

electric energy

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