Renewable Energy Review (Module 11.2)
What are some advantages of solar power?
1. abundant 2. pollution free 3. effective at large and small scales 4. portable 5. creates jobs 6. extra energy can be stored in batteries
What are the advantages of wind energy?
1. abundant in some areas 2. no carbon emissions 3. effective at large and small scale 4. creates jobs 5. cheapest of renewable energy sources
What are the disadvantages of geothermal energy?
1. expensive to build & install 2. can only be built in areas with geological activity 3. must be paired with other sources to meet needs
Examples of ways to save energy that are low cost
1. install attic and wall insulation 2. seal doors and windows to prevent heat/cool air loss 3. insulate hot water pipes 4. replace old lightbulbs with LED bulbs 5. replace home appliances with Energy Star rated appliances
Examples of ways to save energy that are high cost
1. install high efficiency insulating glass windows 2. replace HVAC system with Energy efficient model 3. install a tankless or geothermal water heater 4. install a light colored roof to reflect solar radiation in hot climates; dark roof in cold climates
What are some disadvantages of solar power?
1. locations matters 2. no power is generated when its cloudy or at night 3. expensive compared to other renewable energy sources 4. must be paired with other energy sources to meet needs
What are the disadvantages of hydropower?
1. loss of land and ecosystem disruption & displace downstream communities 2. expensive to build 3. electricity generation is dependent on annual rainfall 4. evaporation loss high in arid areas
What are the advantages of geothermal energy?
1. pollution free 2. can be used at large or small scales to capture heat or electricity 3. small carbon footprint
What are the advantages of hydropower?
1. pollution free 2. low carbon emissions 3. large dams offer recreation and flood control 4. small hydropower systems can create electricity without damming entire river 5. could also be used to gain power from the oceans
Examples of ways to save energy that are free
1. turn off electronics when. not in use 2. lower thermostat on water heater 3. take shorter showers 4. open south facing windows in winter 5. wash dishes and clothes in cold water
What are the disadvantages of wind energy?
1. wind is unpredictable and intermittent 2. can't be used everywhere 3. windmills can kill birds & bats 4. can be an eyesore 5. must be combined with other energy sources to meet needs
What percentage of the energy in the US in 2016 came from renewables?
What is hydropower?
Hydropower is the conversion of gravitational potential energy into electrical energy at a dam.
What is an example of active solar technology?
PV cells
What are passive solar technologies?
Systems that capture heat without electricity or machines
How do wind turbines work?
Wind turns the blades of the wind turbines, generating electricity. The electricity is sent out into the electrical grid.
What is biomass energy?
burning biological material
What is geothermal energy?
electricity generated by harnessing hot water or steam from within the earth.
What is renewable energy?
energy from a source that is not depleted when used; perpetually available
What is energy conservation?
finding ways to use less energy or to use energy more efficiently
What is wind power?
power obtained by harnessing the energy of the wind.
What are some examples of passive solar techniques?
roof overhang, south facing windows, using insulating materials like concrete or tile
What is solar power?
using the power of the sun through solar panels and converting it into electricity