Reproductive system

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What does the prostate gland produce?

a milky alkaline fluid that activates sperm

what does the bulboune thral gland secrete?

a mucus-like fluid that cleanses the urethra of acidic urine

What does the vagina provide?

a passageway for the delivery of an infant and for the menstrual flow to leave the body

What are the duct system?

accessory organs that transports sperm from testes

*definition* an enzyme-containing structure covering the nucleus of the sperm


What is a vastectomy?

birth-control for me

What do both reproductive systems do?

both produce sex cells or gametes and secrete sex hormones

How long does fertilization last?

3-4 days

How many sperm are produced in meiosis?


How much percent of fluid volume of semen doe the seminal vesicles produce?


How long does spermatogenesis take?

64-72 days

What nutrients are in sperm?

only small amounts

What is oogenesis?

process of producing eggs

what do the ovaries do?

produce egg

What is the purpose of the reproductive system?

produce offspring

What is the chief role of the male reproductive system?

produces sperm and testosterone

What is the function of the vas deferens?

propels live sperm into the ejacelatory duct then the urethra

What is a slow glowing, hidden condition, but can be a swift and deadly killer in men?

prostate cancer

What are some environmental threats that can alter the normal process of sperm formation?

radiation, pesticides, marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol

What does the uterus do?

receives, retains, and nourishes a fertilized egg

What is a divided sac of the skin that hangs outside the abdominal cavity and holds the testes.


*definition* fluid mixture produced by male reproductive structures; contains sperm, nutrients, and mucus


What is a white milky mixture of sperm and accessory gland secretions?


*definition* convoluted tubes within the testes that form sperm

seminiferous tubules

what are inside of the testes?

seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells

What are the three regions of the penis?

shaft, glans penis-tip, and foreskin (removed at birth)

What do male reproductive systems produce?


What is spermatogenesis?

sperm production

What are seminiferous tubules?

sperm-forming factories

What are interstitial cells?

surround the seminiferous tubules and produce male sex hormones

What are the ligaments that hold the ovaries?

suspensory ligaments, ovarian ligaments, and broad ligaments

What is the third region of mature sperm?


males have what?


*definition* the male primary sex organ that produces sperm


What does testosterone stimulate?

the male's reproductive organs to develop to their adult size and causes secondary sex cells

What is menopause?

the period in which a woman's reproductive ability is ending

What can the environmental threads in sperm cause?

the production of 2-headed and multiple tailed sperm

How long are sperm produced in males?

throughout their whole life

How big are sperm?


Where does the urethra carry sperm?

to the body exterior

Where does the vas deferens run?

up from the epididymis and over the bladder

*definition* the tube through which the ovum is transported to the uterus; also called the fallopian tube

uterine tube

What is cut out during a vastectomy?

vas deferns

Can sperm move?


Do sperm have tails?


*definition* fertilized ovum, produced by union of the two gamete


What occurs in the fallopian tubes?


Sperm and Ova join together to produce what?

fertilized egg

What happens in the endometrium

fertilized eggs burrow

*definition* the unborn young; in humans the period form the third month of development until birth


What does the fimbriae create?

fluid currents that act to carry the oocyte into the uterine tube

*definition* 1) structure in an ovary consisting of a developing egg surrounded by follicle cells 2) colloid-containing structure in the thyroid gland


What is the purpose of the third region of the mature sperm?

for movement and swimming

What do seminal vesicles add to sperm as they pass?

fructose and other substances

primary sex organs are known as what?


What do the fallopian tubes receive?

he ovulated oocyte?

What is the first region of mature sperm?


When are eggs produced in females?

in the womb; she will have all the eggs she will ever have at birth

How long is a menstrual cycle?

2 varies from 1-40 days

How long is the sperm's journey through the epididymis?

20 days

What does the head in the sperm contain?


What are the secondary male sex characteristics?

deep voice, increase in hair growth, increase in size of skeletal muscles and bones

What do male reproductive systems do with the sperm?

deliver sperm to the female reproductive tract

How many eggs are produced in meiosis?


What is the epididymis?

comma=shaped structure on the superior part of the testes

What does the mid-piece in the sperm contain?

contain energy

What are some secondary sex characteristics?

development of breasts, appearance of axillary and pubic hair, widening and lightening of the pelvis, menstrual cycle starts, increased deposits of fat beneath the skin, enlargement of accessory organs

What delivers sperm in males?

ducts and glands

When does spermatogenesis begin?

during puberty

*definition* not in the normal place; the egg is implanted at a place other than the uterus

ectopic pregnancy

*definition* the sudden ejection of semen from the penis


*definition* an organism in its early stages of development in humans, the first two months after conception


*definition* the portion of the male duct system in which sperm mature; empties into the ductus or vas deferens


What are the endocrine products of the ovaries?

estrogen and progesterone

How big are eggs?


What nutrients are in eggs?

large amounts

*definition* the periodic cyclic discharge of blood, secretions, tissue, and mucus from the mature female uterus in the absence of pregnancy


What is the second region of mature sperm?


how many sperm do males make per day?


Can eggs move?


Do eggs have tails?


what do female reproductive systems produce?


What are the exocrine products of the ovaries?

ova or eggs

What are the primary female reproductive organs?


females have what?


*definition* the female sex organ in which ova are produced


*definition*the release of an ovum from the ovary


*definition* the female gamete; an egg


What is the pH of semen?

pH is 7.2-7.6

What delivers sperm into the female reproductive tract?


*definition* a minute cell produced during meiosis in the ovary

polar body

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