Retail Selling Made Easy

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Do customers tend to act defensively when shopping?


Do successful salespeople expect success?


Is being curious important to a salesperson?


Is it O.K. for a customer not to buy?


Should you find a way to say that, "it's O.K. not to buy, but tell me why"?


Should you call your customers by name, and why or why not?

Yes, because there is nothing sweeter than the sound of hearing your own name.

Do great salespeople take time to study? How does that affect their production?

Yes, it affects their production immediately and they sell more.

What do tourists love to talk about?

"Back home"

If price is an objection, what can you ask your customer?

"Okay, but is price your only objection?"

"People don't care ___________ until they know _________"

"People don't care HOW MUCH YOU KNOW until they know HOW MUCH YOU CARE"

How do most salespeople react when they hear an excuse?

"bear down" or "bail out"

Two approaches to avoid are:

1. Attack 2. Ignore

What do questions do?

Questions demand answers and give you control

What should you refuse to do?


What are some examples of begging type statements?

1. Aw, come on 2. Go ahead and get it 3. You won't beat that price anywhere

When you shut up, what are the five possible moves a customer will make?

1. Buy it 2. Walk away from it 3. Ask a question about it 4. Silently continue looking at it 5. Make an excuse for not buying it

What are your pro-active trigger words?

"Oh, by the way..."

Are great salespeople immaculate in their appearance?


Summarize the salesperson's basic counter moves for each customer move.

1. Buy it - Ring up the sale and add-on 2. Walk away - remain silent, don't follow, disengage 3. Asks a question - Answer it, shut up, observe, mirror 4. Remain quiet and continue looking at the merchandise. Wait three elongated seconds before talking again. Then give more information. 5.Makes and excuse - overcome it

Fill in the blanks: "Enthusiastic salespeople radiate _________ and _________."

1. Confidence 2. Trust

When your customer leaves the store, take a minute and analyze your behavior. What nine questions can you ask yourself as a review?

1. Did I greet this customer? 2. Did I position myself properly with this customer? 3. Did I ask this customer if he or she had been int he store before? 4. Did I give this customer a verbal tour of my store? 5. Did I pro-actively give this customer specific information when needed? 6. Did I overcome any objections that were offered? 7. Did I nudge if appropriate? 8. Did I add-on at the register if a purchase was made? 9. Did I befriend my customer in a way that he or she is likely to revisit my store?

Name Key points for each of the six steps to a sincere, effective retail greeting.

1. Direct eye contact establishes trust. 2. Smile with teeth, when you smile at them they're more likely to speak up if they have a question. 3. Talk first with a simple greeting. The pro-active person talks first. 4. Less is more. Anything you say after your greeting detracts from it. Say hello then shut up. 5. Observe your customers response, be sensitive. There are two types of customers, those who want to talk to you and those who don't. 6. After observing your customers' reaction to your greeting, act as they do. If they engage, engage. If they pull away, back off but remain mentally connected.

Name some ways to keep the "green light" on.

1. Do paperwork 2. Stock shelves 3. Use the telephone (no personal calls) 4. Act like you are a customer - look around 5. Role play with another salesperson

What are the top 10 selling success traits

1. Enthusiastic 2. Honest 3. Focused 4. Positive 5. Goal Oriented 6. Disciplined 7. Reliable 8. Clean 9. Healthy 10. Knowledeable

What are the three stages of successful selling?

1. Establish communication 2. Give information 3. Assist in the buying decision

What are the six keys to a sincere, effective retail greeting?

1. Eye Contact 2. Smile 3. Speak Up 4. Shut Up 5. Observe 6. Mirror

What are the 9 steps to success of the "Pro-Active No-Pressure Selling" system?

1. Greet 2. Position 3. Speak 4. Tell 5. Show 6. Overcome 7. Nudge 8. Add-On 9. Befriend

You influence your customer's first impression by three things. What are they?

1. How you look 2. How you act 3. What you say

What are some of the real reasons a customer does not buy?

1. I don't like it 2. I don't have the money 3. I like it, and have the money, but I am not yet convinced it's okay to buy it

Give examples of vacation nudges

1. It's okay you're on vacation 2. You'll remember your vacation every time you look at it 3. Buy it with vacation money

What are the four most common excuses voiced by a customer?

1. It's too expensive 2. I want to think about it 3. I want to look around before I buy 4. I'll be back

Give examples of price nudges

1. It's worth it 2. it will pay for itself 3. You only pay for it once 4. It's only money

The Success of a retail store depends mostly on what three factors?

1. Location 2. Merchandise 3. Sales People

Name two phrases that are the most commonly used WORST opening questions.

1. May I help you? 2. How are you today?

To summarize, what basic information should you give customers regarding your business?

1. Name of the store 2. How long the store has been in business 3. How many locations and where they are 4. The theme of the store 5. What the store sells 6. Where merchandise is located 7. What's on sale 8. What's new

What are two GREAT selling openers?

1. Nice to see you again. when were yo in last? 2. Have you been in our store before?

Give examples of urgency nudges

1. Now is the time to get it 2. Go ahead and get it 3. Do it now 4. Go for it 5. We are running out of these 6. The sale ends soon 7. You can only get it in our store

Fill in the blanks: "If you are failing to ________, you are planning to _______."

1. Plan 2. Fail

"_____ salespeople can make a ______ product fail in a great location. On the other hand, _______ salespeople can make an _______ product succeed in a _______ location."

1. Poor 2. Good 3. Great 4. Average 5. Marginal

Fill in the blanks: "Knowledge is _________. Knowledge makes retail selling ________."

1. Power 2. Easy

Fill in the blanks "Look _______. Act ________. Say _________."

1. Professional 2. Alert and enthusiastic 3. The right words

Fill in the blanks "Your first words should be _________ and _______."

1. Relaxing 2. Interesting

Fill in the blanks: "Enthusiasm _________. Enthusiasm is _________."

1. Sells 2. Contagious

Once you get on a railroad track for selling success, what are the two steps to follow to guarantee production?

1. Stay on the track 2. Keep moving

What three questions can you ask yourself before ringing the sale up?

1. Who is my customer? 2. What is my customer buying? 3. What else do I have for my customer?

Give examples of question nudges

1. Why not? 2. Is there a good reason for not getting it? 2. Are you sure you like it? Then get it! 3. Is this the one you like the best? then get it!

Give examples of guilt nudges

1. You deserve it 2. Treat yourself 3. You owe it to: her, him, them, or yourself 4. He, she, or they -- owe is to you 5. I want you to have it

Can an insincere or premature nudge backfire?


Give examples of satisfaction nudges

1. You'll be glad you got it 2. You'll love it forever 3. It will last you a long time 4. It will give you continuous pleasure

Give examples of ego nudges

1. You'll get many compliments on this 2. You'll get lots of attention 3. You're friends will be impressed 4. It's one of a kind 5. It's you 6. You'll be the cats meow

What two ingredients do you add to the system to make it work properly?

1. Your personality 2. Common sense

How does Webster define a nudge?

A "gentle push"

How big a part does price play in the information needed to make an intelligent buying decision?

A small part

What do great salespeople follow?

A system

You have a choice to be:

A. Proactive B. Inactive C. Reactive

TRUE OR FALSE? Great salespeople: A. Are reliable? B. Miss shifts? C. Are tardy? D. Regularly attend meetings?

A. True b. False C. False D. True

Does befriending start before the sale, or after?


Is selling talking people into buying? Or is selling allowing people to buy?

Allowing people to buy

Who can learn to sell?


Explain briefly the theory behind "give yourself a checkup from the neck up"

At least once a month look into the mirror and give yourself a 1-10 score on the 10 success traits. Pick your weakest trait and work to improve yourself.

If customers fear you what will they do?

Avoid you

How do you initiate success and take control?

Begin the "trust sale" and start the flow of information. Ask questions, initiate conversation.

Fill in the blank: "Specific information should be given in ____________."

Bite-sized pieces

How do you control your sales?

By controlling your behavior

What is required to follow any system?

Common sense

The system gives you a plan to follow. What makes that plan personal and dynamic?

Common sense and sensitivity

Who sees whom first? Do customers see you or do you see them?

Customers see you before you see them

Is a price, all by itself, more likely to discourage or encourage a purchase?


What can you do to make a customer feel better about the price?

Emphasize your product's quality, uniqueness, and/or workmanship

TRUE OR FALS: A sharp-looking poised salesperson can never ruin his first impression by over-talking enthusiastically.


What type of treatment should every customer be given that enters your store?

First class treatment

What do salespeople do to distinguish themselves apart from salesclerks?

Give information, overcome objections, and nudge

Is selling a giving profession or a taking one?


What important decision do you make in your day-to-day routine with your customers?

If and how and when to talk to them. What to say and how to act.

Why might a company not discount its merchandise?

If the company has multiple stores in multiple locations they may not discount to keep the price the same across all stores and thus fair to all buyers

What type of information do tourists cherish?

Inside information from locals about where to go, what to do, where to eat, and what to buy.

What does silent pressure force your customer to do?

It forces your customers to make a decision: yes or no

What does a salesperson's search for imperfection sell?

It sells your customers on you

What is the definition for an "Okay, but..."?

It's a planned, rehearsed response to an anticipated objection

What must you be in order to give customers sufficient information?


Fill in the blank: "First impressions are __________."

Lasting impressions

You only get one chance to do what?

Make a first impression

How should you view minor setbacks and obstacles?


Are people born to be salespeople?


Will begging the customers work?


What is the system we are teaching called?

Pro-Active No-Pressure Selling

What will discovering the true objections lead to?


What is an example of a bail out?

Saying see you later, here is my business card

The definition of selling according to Ron Martin is:

Selling is giving the customer sufficient information to make an intelligent buying decision, be it yes or no.

What is the key to pro-active no-pressure selling?


What is the only pressure you should ever put on your customers?

Silent pressure

TRUE OR FALSE: It is essential to keep your customer in the store.


TRUE OR FALSE: Prices do not sell - information does.


What must your customers assure you about each feature, and why?

That each feature is perfect, they will sell themselves in the process

Who has the most to gain from the purchase? Why?

The customer because the product will last them longer than the money will las you or your store.

Which is more important, your first 10 words or the next 10,000?

The first 10

As a salesperson, what should you NOT buy?

The lie

When a customer "want's to think about it" -- what might the truth be?

The product might not be the perfect one for them

As your customer leaves the store, what should you be selling?

The return visit

What works for you even when you don't feel like working for yourself?

The system.

What do people buy before they buy merchandise?

They "buy people" before they buy merchandise

When you use the word "perfect" to describe the search for the right piece for your customer, what does the customer now know?

They know that you are concerned about their satisfaction, not your sale.

What do truly great salespeople speak?

They speak the truth

In your OWN words, what does this book teach you?

This book teaches you a system to sell anything successfully, and the proper way to act and present yourself to ensure the system is success-full.

What goals should salespeople set in order to succeed?

To GIVE information

What is the customer's mission?

To discover more about your store

Why do many people ask for a discount?

To see if one is available

TRUE OR FALSE: "Customers need to know that your prices are fair, and you only sell high quality merchandise."


TRUE OR FALSE: If your customer doesn't like your product enough to buy it, any price is too much.


TRUE OR FALSE: You should tell your customers why a product is expensive


TRUE OR FALSE: a customer who has a good reason for not buying your product, and leaves your store telling you "I want to think about it" -- WON'T be back.


Complete this sentence: "Your first words must tell your customers that you _________."

Understand their mission

You should give your customers a _________ tour of your store.


When is it appropriate to tell the "whole story"?

When the customer is interested

When is it appropriate to cut the story short?

When the customer is uninterested

Why should you care what a customer's moves may be?

When you anticipate a customer's next move you can plan your next move in advanced

When does nudging work best?

When you are sure your customer wants the product

When should you add-on?

When you see the money

What is retail paralysis?

When your customer fears pressure and you fear rejection.

When should you use small talk?

While completing the sales transaction

Where is the best place for a customer to "think about it"?

While they are still in the store

Do healthy people sell more? Why?

Yes, they feel better, look better, have more energy, and miss less work.

Is it okay to give customers obvious bits of information? If so give an example.

Yes; "What we have here is a 100% cotton T-shirt"

What future needs of the customer can you easily discover?

You can discover when they might need to buy repeat gifts events like birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays.

What happens if you allow a customer to just look?

You fail to do your job.

What is the problem with "bearing down" or bailing out"?

You haven't discovered the customer's true objective

What happens when you make a pupil-to-pupil connection?

You will remember that person

What should you decide before your customer walks in the door?

Your behavior.

How can you tell if you are physically too close or "pushy" with a customer?

Your customer will tell you with their body language. They will turn and look the other way, stiffen slightly, stand upright or walk away.

With the absence of a "physical boss" standing over your shoulder, what becomes you "boss"?

Your habits

Should the customer be looking at your merchandise or you?

Your merchandise

When you acquire successful selling habits, what becomes easier?

Your selling

Fill in the blank: "Take the pressure off and lower resistance by _____________."

beginning with general information

Fill in the blank: "The more your customers know about your store and where things are, the easier _________."

their shopping experience is

Whom do the customers need to give them sufficient information to make intelligent buying decisions?


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