Review Ch.3

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A pop quiz in class is an example of

a stressor.

Intimate relationships can cause stress in all the following ways EXCEPT

aspiring to be the best one can be.

During stage 4, a sleeping person releases which of the following hormones?

Growth hormone

You've misplaced your cell phone and you're already late for class. Which type of stressor is this?


Your roommate just ate the last of your trail mix without asking. Which type of stressor is this?


Which of the following categories describes the small stressors, frustrations, and petty annoyances that collectively can add up to a higher level of stress?


Type A individuals said to have a "toxic core" and an increased risk of heart disease consistently exhibit which characteristic?


How does sleep deprivation affect drivers?

Impairs motor skills

The part of the brain involved in controlling the body's overall reaction to stress is the


The ability of the immune system to respond to assaults is known as


You are moving into your first apartment. Which type of stressor is this?


Jet lag occurs because travelers take frequent naps while flying.


Most adults need only 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night, provided it's high-quality sleep.


Naps are most effective for improving alertness if they are longer than 30 minutes.


People with high levels of stress are less likely to develop upper respiratory infections.


The most common sleep disorders are

insomnia and sleep apnea.

Of the following choices, the BEST example of conflict is

wanting to go out with friends but needing to study.

Which of the following is most likely to cause eustress instead of distress?

An impending promotion

Adequate sleep lowers a person's metabolic rate.


Which of the following BEST describes a Type C personality?


Which of the following forms of stress management is also a Chinese martial art?

Tai chi

Meditation has been proven effective in managing stress. Which of the following is NOT true about meditation?

There is only one meditation style that is considered effective

Psychoneuroimmunology is a scientific field involved in the study of the effects of prolonged stress on the immune system.


Sleep helps the body to conserve energy.


Which of the following forms of stress management also improves flexibility?


Obstructive sleep apnea increases a person's risk for all of the following EXCEPT


During non-REM sleep

body temperature and energy use drop.

A person's 24-hour cycle of sleeping, waking, and performing daily activities is his or her

circadian rhythm.

As part of the stress response, the hormone that makes stored nutrients available for energy is


As part of the stress response, the hormone that stimulates the body to prepare for action is


The physiological arousal response that allows us to face or escape from real or perceived threats is the

fight-or-flight response.

Stress management consists of

finding balance and developing coping strategies.

All of the following negatively affect the quality of sleep EXCEPT

getting lots of exercise during the day.

To manage stress, the first step is to

identify and assess the stressors in your life

Research has shown that laughter results in all of the following EXCEPT

increased risk of heart disease.

A person who has difficulty falling asleep and wakes up frequently is suffering from


The condition that causes people to fall asleep involuntarily during the day is


The restful, restorative period of sleep is

non-REM sleep.

According to a recent survey, what percentage of American workers report problems at work as a result of sleep issues?

over 30 percent

Two parts of your brain that are critical to regulating circadian rhythm are the hypothalamus and the

pineal body.

All of the following are effective stress management techniques EXCEPT

relaxing with a double espresso at your favorite coffee shop.

Downshifting refers to the process of

taking steps to simplify one's life.

A sense of being overwhelmed by perceived obligations to stay connected online is


Students who doze off during a lecture are usually in which stage of sleep?


You have learned how to intentionally slow your heart rate to calm yourself during an exam. Which method are you using to manage stress?


The disruption of which factor results in jet lag?

Circadian rhythm

You really want to buy a new home theater system, but your credit cards are maxed out and the rent is due next week. Which type of stressor is this?


Which of the following hormones might contribute to the "Freshman 15"the tendency to gain about 15 pounds during the first year of college?


Which of the following is a useful strategy to prevent explosive anger?

Develop realistic expectations of yourself and others.

Caffeine effectively counteracts the negative effects of sleep deprivation.


The majority of nighttime sleep is spent in REM sleep.


Which of the following decreases the effect of melatonin?


You have been a successful doctor of internal medicine for many years. You recently gave up your large practice in the city to join the staff of a small-town clinic where you will work four days a week. Which method are you using to manage stress?


Which of the following nightly rituals is likely to harm your quality of sleep?

Exercising strenuously

Deep breathing is a technique used in yoga but not in other mind-body practices.


The shortest stage of sleep is stage 2.


To replenish vital energy stores, which of the following would be particularly helpful?

Getting more sleep and "down time"

Which of the following characteristics of a Type A personality have been determined to be the most detrimental to health?

Having a tendency toward anger and hostility

Which of the following has been recommended by experts in positive psychology as a method for managing stress and increasing happiness?

Keeping a journal about good things that happen every day

You have to make a college choice by the end of the month, and you have been accepted by three schools. Your parents want you to go to the same state university that they attended, but you are more interested in a small, private college known for their excellent drama department. Which type of stressor is this?


Due to her job, Jessica sleeps 5 to 6 hours per night on weekends. Which of the following is the BEST strategy for her to resolve her sleep debt?

She can sleep 9 hours per night Monday through Friday.

What is the main cause of inadequate sleep around the world?


How we mentally and emotionally react to stress can affect the immune system.


Lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on academic performance.


People aged 13 to 29 in the United States are more sleep-deprived than any other age group.


The process of replacing negative thoughts with positive ones is referred to as

cognitive restructuring.

You eat an entire box of cookies the night before you attend a Weight Watchers meeting. This is an example of

inconsistent goals and behavior.

The sleep disorder in which breathing is interrupted many times during sleep is

sleep apnea.

The difference between hours of sleep needed and actual hours slept is

sleep debt.

When you feel groggy and disoriented after a long nap, you are experiencing

sleep inertia.

Insomnia is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

temporary lapses in breathing while asleep.

Stage 3 is called slow-wave sleep because

the brain generates delta waves.

During REM sleep

the brain processes and consolidates information.

College freshmen living away from home for the first time may face a variety of conflicts due to differences between their own values and beliefs and those of

their parents and new people they encounter.

Eating healthy foods helps in managing stress because

they nourish the body and provide stamina for stressful times

Chronic stress has a strong connection to all of the following medical conditions EXCEPT

tooth decay

Creating pleasant and peaceful mental images is the relaxation technique known as


A person who has good coping skills and effectively manages their stress can completely eliminate distress from their life.


Acute stress is significant, long-term stress that can produce negative effects on multiple body systems.


Alcohol improves sleep because it enhances relaxation.


Improving time management does not seem to have much of an effect on the stress levels of students.


REM sleep restores the body.


Self-efficacy is the same as self-esteem.


What role does exposure to sunlight during the day play in improving sleep?

It helps to regulate the circadian rhythm

Which of the following is a time management tip that can reduce stress?

Make a daily list of tasks and prioritize them.

You are focusing on an image of billowing, white clouds while breathing in a slow, controlled manner. Which method are you using to manage stress?


The energizing period of sleep during which dreams occur is

REM sleep.

Which of the following statements BEST describes self-esteem?

Self-esteem has to do with one's confidence and self-satisfaction.

Which of the following is TRUE about stress?

Stress is a mental and physical response to real or perceived changes and challenges.

Which of the following statements regarding stress and hair loss is NOT true?

Stress-induced hair loss occurs when colonies of hair are pushed into an active phase.

A person's perception of stress may have as much impact as an actual stressor.


A personality trait characterized by control, commitment, and the willingness to embrace new challenges is known as psychological hardiness.


A sleep-deprived driver is as impaired as an intoxicated driver.


Cardiovascular disease has been identified as a health consequence of chronic stress.


Getting enough sleep may reduce a person's susceptibility to colds.


Sleep deficiencies have been linked to increased alcohol abuse.


Some scientists believe that REM sleep enhances memorization and learning.


Sometimes anger can be a productive emotion.


Stress can cause weight gain and hair loss.


Stress can have a positive physical impact.


Stress can negatively affect short-term memory.


The three phases of the general adaptation syndrome are alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.


Which of the following situations might contribute to impaired immune function?

Your grandmother moves in with your family after being hospitalized due to a stroke.

The body's attempt to restore homeostasis in the aftermath of a stress response is a(n)

adaptive response.

Research on stress and body function have found that prolonged stress

affects the immune response.

An example of an event likely to be associated with distress is

bouncing several checks.

After working on a class project all week and only sleeping about four hours per night, Courtney is

compromising her immunity.

The primary hormone responsible for physiological stress responses such as increased heart and breathing rates is


Adequate sleep may enhance intellectual health in all the following ways EXCEPT by

expending energy.

The physiological state in which all body systems are in balance and functioning normally is


All of the following are indicators that a person is under sympathetic nervous system control EXCEPT

increased salivation.

Exercise reduces stress by

increasing endorphins and reducing levels of stress hormones.

Cortisol contributes to weight gain by

increasing hunger and activating fat storage enzymes.

The hormone released by the pineal gland that causes drowsiness is


The stress hormone cortisol plays a major role during the stress response in

mobilizing nutrients to meet energy needs.

One reason why the Type A personality theory has been debated is because

not all Type A people experience negative health consequences.

Stress caused by not being able to accomplish all tasks and obligations in the time available is known as


The sleep disorder in which a person experiences unpleasant sensations in the legs and an uncontrollable urge to move to relieve the sensations is

restless legs syndrome.

During a sleep study, a person spends the night in a sleep lab, and his or her body functions are monitored by

sensors and electrodes

All of the following are likely to influence your response to stress EXCEPT

your friend's level of stress.

During which stage of sleep does a person disengage from the environment?


According to current research, most adults function best with how many hours of sleep per night?


Hearing ominous footsteps following you late at night on a campus walking path would likely trigger which phase of the general adaptation syndrome?


Which of the following chiefly accounts for younger Americans' lack of sleep?

Electronic devices Answers: Correct Electronic devices Failing grades Eating spicy food Exercising at night

When we are forced to choose between two or more competing desires, motives, behaviors, or impulses, which process is occurring?


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