Review of Behaviorism

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Operant Conditioning

-Operant conditioning is a type of learning where behavior is controlled by consequences. It involves choice. Manipulates conscious or voluntary behaviors. -Named by Skinner, what he believe in. -based on Thorndike's law of effect that a desirable consequence increased the probability of repeating a behavior while an undesirable one decreased that probability.

Negative Punishment

-is removing something desirable or removing a reinforcer, also decreasing the probability of behavior repetition.

External/extrinsic Rewards

Provided by other people or the environment.


Punishers: Responses from the environment that decrease the likelihood of a behavior being repeated. Punishment weakens behavior.


Punishment is defined as the opposite of reinforcement since it is designed to weaken or eliminate a response rather than increase it. It is an aversive event that decreases the behavior that it follows


Reinforcers: Responses from the environment that increase the probability of a behavior being repeated. Reinforcers can be either positive or negative.

Negative Reinforcement

The removal of an unpleasant reinforcer can also strengthen behavior. ex.If a student associates negative emotional experiences with school, then this can obviously have bad results, such as creating a school phobia

Unconditioned Stimulus

is one that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response. For example, when you smell one of your favorite foods, you may immediately feel very hungry.

Unconditioned Response

is the unlearned response that occurs naturally in reaction to the unconditioned stimulus. For example, if the smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus, the feeling of hunger in response to the smell of food is the unconditioned

Conditioned Stimulus

the conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually comes to trigger a conditioned response.

Internal/intrinsic Rewards

-More powerful for increasing and especially maintaining behaviors than external rewards.

Postitive Punishment

-Introducing something undesirable or aversive consequently to a behavior, making that behavior less likely to recur.

Classical Conditioning

-Classical conditioning theory involves learning a new behavior via the process of association. In simple terms two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response in a person or animal. -manipulates reflexive or involuntary behaviors.


A consequence strengthening the probability of repeating a behavior.

Neutral Stimulus

A neutral stimulus is a stimulus which initially produces no specific response other than focusing attention. In classical conditioning, when used together with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus.


Behaviorism emphasize the role of environmental factors in influencing behavior, to the near exclusion of innate of inherited factors. This amounts essentially to a focus on learning.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement strengthens a behavior by providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding.

Neutral Operants

Neutral operants: responses from the environment that neither increase nor decrease the probability of a behavior being repeated.

Conditioned Response

an automatic response established by training to an ordinarily neutral stimulus.

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