Revolution, Revolution, Revolution

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What other factories followed Samuel's Slater's factory?

After his factory, other factories soon followed. Lowell, Massachusetts became the first factory town. Many of the first factories were built in the New England region because it had a lot of fast moving rivers and a large population of people to work in the factories.

What where African American lives like in the North? How did this contradict what Northern states did after the American Revolution?

After the American Revolution, all of the Northern states had taken steps to end slavery. Although blacks in the North were free, they were not treated by equals to whites.

What was the effects of the canal era?

Allowed for the growth of cities, such as Pittsburg and Cleveland. By 1840, more than 3,000 miles of canals connected most major waterways in the nation. For a time, canals were the most important means of shipping goods in the interior of the nation. But even this breakthrough was about to become obsolete.

Who wanted the Erie Canal?

American businessmen were unsuccessful in convincing the federal government to dig a canal between the Great Lakes and the Hudson River.

How many immigrants arrived into the North between 1845-1860? Where were the majority of these immigrants from?

Between 1845 and 1860, four million immigrants swelled the North's growing population. Majority from Ireland ( potato famine ) Germany ( recessions, political unrest, failed revolutions )

Where and when did the Industrial Revolution begin?

Britain in the 1700s.

How many turnpikes were there in the US?

By 1821, about 4,000 miles of turnpikes, or private roads, crisscrossed the East, connecting to each other and to the National Road (Cumberland Road)

What did the reaper and the steel-tipped plow do to the Central Plains?

By making it easier to plant and harvest large quantities of wheat, these inventions helped transform the Central Plains into America's "bread basket."

What were the effects that the B&O had on Baltimore?

By mid-century, tens f millions of dollars worth of goods passed through the city of Baltimore, generating $2.7 million in profit every year. Baltimore surpassed Charleston and other cities to become the most important economic center in the South.

What became the standard in river travel and when?

By the 1820s, smoke-bleching steam were chugging up and down major rivers and across the Great Lakes.

What did the Market and Industrial Revolution impact?

Capital, transportation, business, communication, immigration, technology, machines, workers, territorial expansion.

What was the B&O Railroad company suppose to do?

Chartered to open up traffic from the port of Baltimore to the Ohio River ideally to provide an even faster route to the Midwest than the Erie Canal.

Who opposed railroad construction?

Companies who owned or operated turnpikes, canvas, and stagecoaches and many business owners along their paths.

What where the effects of the Transportation Revolution on the businesses?

Defined new management practices for businesses and standardized time in order to ensure safety and efficiency on rails in the the US

What is a textile mill?

Where the fabric is created. These fabrics are hen turned into clothes, blankets, upholstery and many other products.

Why was the National Road favored by many?

With its smooth gravel surface, the National Road was a joy to travel.

When and who broke ground on the B&O Railroad?

With much fanfare, the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence, Charles Carroll, was on hand to break ground on July 4th, 1828.

What role did workers play in the market economy?

Workers help support the market economy. Workers are needed to run the new factories. (Check answer - not from book)

Define drastically.

extreme or sudden

Define internal

inside or within

spinning jenny

machine that could spin several threads at once

What was the Industrial Revolution.

the dramatic change in economies and cultures brought about by the use of machines to do work formerly done by hand. A time when American production changed from goods created by hand at home to goods created by machines in factories.

What lead Poles to come to the US and how many came and when?

Fleeing disease, oppression, and poverty. 1880s - 1920s. 1 million.

How many people lived on farms before the Market Revolution?

95% of people lived on farms.

What did a witness say of the steam boat?

A Dutchman: "The devil is on his way up-river with a sawmill on a boat!"

What kind of system was the Market Revolution based on?

A free enterprise system.

What is a free market economy?

A free market economy is where everyone has the opportunity to buy/sell/produce goods.

Give an example of individual economic enterprise.

A guy like Lincoln who grows up before the Market Revolution and lived on the frontier. There was very little in his life - very little exchange of goods between him and his family and other people. Eventually he becomes a tremendous booster of big railroads in Illinois - 18050s he is a lawyer for the big railroads in Illinois. He is one of the people who talked about the race of life and desire to get ahead and the ability to get ahead as a central element of free society as oppose to slavery. He was able to go from nothing to something because of the open economy.

What kinds of people did the Industrial Revolution create?

A new class of workers as well as a new class of industrialists, owners of large factories and other businesses based on manufacturing.

What is a simple overview of the innovations in the Transportation Revolution?

A number of entrepreneurs and inventors did step up in the mid-19th century. The transportation revolution provided a number of new, reliable, safe and cost-effective ways to travel to different parts of the nation, including new land in the West.

Define emigrant.

A person who lives one country to mov permanently to another.

Define immigrant.

A person who moves into a new country. Thus, every emigrant from one country is also an immigrant to another country.

What kind of change was happening during the Market Revolution?

A rapid change in the American economy which was the free economic system. It was the quickening of the economic race.

Define textile.

A type of cloth or woven fabric. It is a fabric produced from a plant fiber such as cotton, flax, or jute or from an animal protein such as wool or silk. It could also be a combination of plant fiber and animal protein

How many immigrants came to the US between 1820 and 1840?

About 751, 000

What started appearing in the North, after Lowell's mill?

After Lowell's textile mill, textile mills were springing up all along other Northern rivers.

What lead Germans to come to the US and how many came and when?

Fleeing political unrest and recession. Revolution. 4 million. 1840s to 1880s. (Make sure answer matches TCI)

What did John Deere invent and when?

Around the same time as McCormick's invention (1836) , John Deere invented the lightweight steel-tipped plow. This innovation drastically reduced the amount of labor needed to plow a field. It made farming easier and faster.

What happened to America's economy and what caused it to happen?

As factories and banks grew, the US economy moved from a household economy to a market economy.

What where most people like in the North? Compare to South? Give an statistic example. How was this changing?

As in the South, most people in the North were neither wealthy nor powerful. By 1860, about seven in ten Northerners still lived on farms. But more and more Northerners were moving to towns and cities.

What kind of role did banks play in the Market Revolution?

Banks played a key role in the Market Revolution. By accepting deposits and then lending out funds, banks provided businesses with capital. Businesses used capital to buy land or to build new factories.

What jobs did African Americans do?

Because few employers would give them skilled jobs, African Americans often worked as laborers or servants.

Why were turnpikes called turnpikes?

Because the first such private road had a series of spikes that the toll collector would move aside once the driver had paid.

What class did the idea of work start to open up?

Before there was the farmers and the rich. Now the idea of work slowly (very slowly) brings in a middle class. Immigration also had a huge impact.

What were turnpikes made out of?

Beginning with the National Road in the 1830s, turnpikes made from early type of pavement.

What was the majority of immigrants and between what years?

Between 1820 and 1860, more than one-third of all US immigrants came from Ireland. More than 1 million Irish immigrants came to the US between 1846 and 1855.

What was the first transcontinental railroad?

Despite being interrupted by the Civil War, the transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869.

Define industry.

Economic Activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and the manufacturing of goods in society.

Where did Francis Cabot Lowell visit to learn about machines, and when?

England in 1810.

What did England do to make keep their hold on the textile market?

England made it illegal for textile workers to leave the country with their knowledge of how the machines worked.

Who is affected by the rise of market relations? What kinds of effects? Example?

Everyone is affected by the rise of market relations. Some gain greater independence by working in the market ( private realm of freedom, free enterprise system ) Some lost their economic independence because they have to go to work in factories where they are under economic dictation of someone else. The Market Revolution really changes the nature of economic life for just about all Americans. For example, some men use to handmade special kinds of shoes. Now they are put out business by factories who can make those shoes faster and cheaper.

Where where the largest urban areas?

Except for a few cities around the Great Lakes, such as Chicago and Detroit, nearly all of the 50 largest urban areas were in the Northeast. Only 12 were in slave sates of the South.

What was occurring in the factories in the market economy and what was their effect on American economy?

Factories used machines to produce goods. As factories became more successful, they hired more and more workers. By the 1840s, manufacturing had become a very important part of the American economy, especially in New England.

Why was transportation improvement necessary?

Factory owners needed fast, inexpensive ways to deliver their goods to distant customers. Mass production and factories made more goods available to sell but how do you get it to the consumer?

How did the economy in the North affect the people's political views? How did this compare to how the economy in the South affected the people's political views?

Factory owners tended to favor a strong national government that could promote improvements in manufacturing, trade, and transportation. South agrarians, however, looked down on the newly rich industrialists and the laborers who worked for them. Proud Southerners called factory workers "wage slaves." But they also worried that Northern interests might grow too powerful and threaten the South's way of life.

What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution of the United States?

Factory system spreads throughout northeastern US. As people move close to factories, cities grow. Growing cities have problems of crowding and disease.

What powered the mill owners' machines in England?

Fast-moving streams to turn a well, which supplied energy to the machinery.

What was the main goal through all of these revolutions?

Faster, easier, and cheaper!

What company took up the initiative for a railroad and how did they get their money?

Financed by selling common stock, the Baltimore and Ohio (B&O) Rail Road company was chartered

What lead Jews to come to the US and how many came and when?

Fleeing Russian Czar and persecution. 1870s - 1910. 2.5 millon.

What lead Scandinavians to come to the US and how many came and when?

Fleeing and shortage. 1860s - 1900s. 1.5 millón.

Who helped bring the Industrial Revolution to the US?

Francis Cabot Lowell, a Boston business owner.

Together, what did the Market Revolution and the Industrial Revolution do?

From 1800 to 1840, both formed the modern commercial industrial economy.

Define migration.

From Latin word, migrare: to move from one place to another.

What type of discrimination did German immigrants face? Why?

German immigrants did not experience the same hostility that Irish immigrants endured. Most German immigrants were Protestant and middle class. Therefore, no Americans had anything against them.

What was the effects of the factory system?

Goods could be produced faster and more cheaply. Gradually the American economy shifted from farming to manufacturing.

What kinds of improvements in transportation was happening in the Market Revolution? Why was important?

Great improvements, such as the steam boat, the building of canals, and eventually the railroad. It made possible the much more rapid transportation of goods throughout the country. You can buy stuff from far away. CONNECTION WITH AVI: Transportation Revolution helped Market Revolution, vice versa. ( like a mutual relationship )

What did Robert Fulton do in 1807?

He adapted a steam engine for use in a boat called Clermont. This kind of power allowed the boat to move goods and people and travel up the Hudson River as easily as it could travel down making it faster and cheaper than going overland. He was given credit for the first steam boat (not really the first).

How did Mr. Lowell bring England's machines to the US?

He memorized the design of the British machine, particularly the power loom ( even though this was against British law ).

What did Mr. Lowell do with his knowledge of the British machines once he returned to the US?

He returned to Massachusetts and built better machines. By 1815, he and his partners built one of the first American textile factories along the Merrimack River outside Boston. He opened mills in Massachusetts and used the factory system.

What did Eli Whitney do to make assembling products cheaper?

He showed manufacturers how they could assemble parts even more cheaply by making them from identical, interchangeable parts in the early 1800s. (refer to video on haiku to learn more about its effect on rifles). This allowed mass production of the parts faster easier and cheaper because you told the machine to make just that part and it came out very fast.The parts went onto an assembly line to be assembled by workers. Assembly lines allowed the use of unskilled labor at a lower salary.

What kinds of inventions and innovations were occurring in Britain during the Industrial Revolution?

In 1764, James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny. This was remarkable because it spun several threads at once, unlike a spinning wheel which could spin one. Richard Arkwright invented the Water Frame in 1769, an improvement on the spinning jenny, which was able to spin a 100 threads at once and powered by water. Other British inventors also created new machines for the textile industry.

What did transportation change did Congress propose and why?

In 1806, Congress funded construction of National Road across Appalachian Mountains to connect the new western states with the East. It was the first road funded by federal funds.

Who helped show that steam boats were practical and how?

In 1807, Robert Fulton showed that steamboats were practical by racing the steamboat Clermont upstream on New York Hudson River. Fulton: "I overtook many boats as if they had been at anchor."

What was James Monroe's perspective on internal improvements?

In 1816, James Monroe vetoed a bill that would have given states money to build more roads. Monroe argued that spending federal money for a state's internal improvements was unconstitutional.

How did Erie Canal come to be and why?

In 1817, the state of New York hired engineers and workers to build a 363 mile canal from Hudson River and Mohawk Rivers to Lake Erie. The Erie Canal provided the first all-water link between farms on the Central Plains and East Coast cities. It took eight years to build and $7 million. Many thought it would be impossible to overcome the many physical obstacles that blocked the canal's finish. It was a political and financial success. It was so successful that other states built canals as well.

When and why was the National Road opened.

In 1818 (another source said 1811), the National Road opened the West for settlers. It was approved in 1807 (another source said 1806) by Thomas Jefferson.

Which city first got the idea of the railroad?

In 1827, Baltimore didn't have a canal but it was the third largest city in the US. A group of merchants and bankers investigate their options to compete with the Erie Canal and came up with a new idea for transporting people and goods - a railroad

What was the first steam locomotive and what did it prove?

In 1830, the B&O (Peter Cooper)built Tom Thumb, the first American steam locomotive, proving that steam engines were better than horse-drawn railway cars. (Go to the video on haiku to learn about the "Rocket" and the race that cooper had)

What where the long term effects of railroads?

In 1840, there was still more canal mileage than railroad track. But the speed and ease of rail transportation finally caught on, and by 1860, America had 30,000 miles of track, 3/4 of which was in the Northeast.

What communication innovation happened?

In 1844, Samuel FB Morse invented the telegraph to speed up communication. He also invented Morse cord which allowed communication through the telegraph.

What did McCormick do with his invention?

In 1847, McCormick built a reaper factory in Chicago, Illinois. Using interchangeable parts, his factory was soon producing several thousand reapers a year.

What is a household economy?

In a household economy, people work at home. They grow their own food and make almost everything they need.

What is a market economy?

In a market economy, goods are produced in factories and sold for money. Many people work outside the home at places like factories or mills.

What did inventors achieve to power machinery and when? Why was it useful? Be specific and give an example ;)

In both the US and Europe, by the 1830s, inventors learned to use steam engines to power machinery. With steam engines, businesspeople could build factories anywhere, not just along rivers. Textile mills were powered by water until the invention of steam power.

What where the restrictions on African American lifestyle?

In most states, they could not vote, hold office, serve on juries, or attend white churches and schools.

What was the solution to overseas travel?

In the 1840s, sleek clipper ships were introduced that cut ocean travel time in half (this innovation lead by America). The clipper ships lead to increased Northern trade with foreign ports around the world. A clipper ship had a very tall mast and huge sails but a narrow hull that could move swiftly through the water however it gave up some cargo space. (Learn more about the time from NY to SF on video on haiku)

What made the South money vs. the North?

In the South, machines like the cotton gin caused the South's dominant crop to be cotton. In the north, other types of machines were causing the changes in the economy.

What change in manufacturing occurred and when?

In the early 1800s, the Industrial Revolution changed the way goods were made. New machines were invented that replaced hand tools?

What happened in the antebellum period?

In the half century before the Civil War, America experienced a transportation revolution that improved the way goods and people crossed the nation, opened up new areas for settlement and altered the centers of economic power.

What is a free enterprise system?

In this system, companies compete with each other for customers and profits. This system encourages companies to invent better and faster ways of making products.

What where the effects of the Transportation Revolution on settlement?

Indirectly, convenient transportation encouraged settlement and transformed agriculture. Much more land could now be developed since farmers had access to national markets. Along the roads, canals, and rails, towns sprang up.These new forms of mass transit meant that towns and cities didn't have to be located on a river as nearly all early settlements had been; by 1840, only 1 in 5 new towns was on a river.

What was transportation mostly left to?

Internal improvements from states was debuted because states who don't benefit pay for it. Transportation was mostly left to individual states or to private investors.

What type of discrimination did the Irish immigrants face once they arrived in America?

Irish immigrants faced hostility because they were Roman Catholic. The United States at the time was mostly Protestant. In addition, many Irish immigrants were poor. Because they would accept very low wages, they were thought to take jobs away from young, native-born, American workers.

Where and when did the Industrial Revolution began and where and when did it spread?

It began in the late 1700s in England and spread to the US and the rest of the world by the early 1800s.

What happens to women's work during the Market Revolution?

It changes. No longer are women producing essential goods in the home. They are still working very hard but they are not manufacturing goods in the home for the family. Some women go out to work in the new factories.

What did all of the causes of the Market Revolution do to the US?

It knit the country together in a national market and made the circulation of goods throughout the country much much easier and quicker.

What did Factories and Mills do to cities?

It lead to the growth of cities as people swarmed to the factories looking for work. Society became more urban - rural to an urban society.

What kind of economic enterprise did the Market Revolution show?

It showed the notion of individual economic enterprise, individual economic ambition and achievement.

What did the Market Revolution overall do to American lifestyle?

It tremendously changed the way Americans lived and worked (tremendous impact on the way people live their lives). Before people weren't controlled by a boss - they ruled themselves. It also made things more efficient and quick and the pace of life picks up - why? Thanks to machinery and the industrial revolution :) #higherorderofthinking

What idea does the Industrial Revolution come down to? How did this revolution assist the market revolution?

It was all about creativity but there were three major themes underscoring all the creativity: faster easier and cheaper. This revolution allowed for the machines to be made, that would allow the new market economy to grow because of the quickened pace of manufacturing.

Who ran Lowell's machinery?

Lowell hired young women, who jumped at the chance to earn cash wages. They left their farms to ease the financial trouble of their families. The "Lowell girls" or "Mill Girls" toiled 12 - 15 hours each day, with only Sundays off. He also hired children "doffers". There were boarding houses for unmarried workers.

What economical event happened in the U.S. and what caused it?

Machines and the people and ideas behind the machines began the Industrial Revolution.

What was the new economy driven by?

Manufacturing ( Connection to Industrial Revolution - machines simplified the manufacturing process. Also, money drove the new economy ( think banks ).

Did other states catch up to Baltimore?

Many states had already spent their limited investment dollars on canals and could not compete with the B&O Railway in the short term. The Panic of 1837 a financial crisis interfered with private investment.

Define capital.

Money that can be invested.

What was a better transportation method than roads?

More Americans considered how they might improve water transportation to meet the needs of industry and westward migrants.

What kind of shift in economic activity was happening during the Market Revolution?

More and more farmers and city craftsmen are producing goods for the market rather than for their own subsistence.

What were roads like in the early 1800s?

Most American roads were rutted bone shakers.

What was manufacturing like before the 1780s (it says 1880s in reading but that is probably a typo)?

Most goods where produced by hand.

Where where many of immigrants to America IN GENERAL from ( think back to chart )? Which two were the earliest?

Most immigrants from Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italians ( at least 4 million of each within no more than 40 years ). Earliest were Irish ( Catholics ), Germans.

What was the problem with river travel and what was the solution?

Moving upstream against a river's current was hard work. To solve this problem, inventors in both the US and EU experimented with boats powered by steam engines.

Where did cities usually sprung up?

Near factories and railroad hubs.

Define innovations.

New idea, method, or invention.

What effect did the new idea of machines doing the producing have on workers? Give an example ;) !

New inventions and manufacturing methods made goods cheaper and more plentiful. But these innovations shifted work from skilled craftspeople to less-skilled laborers. When Elias Howe developed the sewing machine in 1846, for example ;), skilled seamstresses could not compete. Soon they took jobs in garment factories, but earned much less money working the sewing machines than they had sewing by hand. Even though the factories produced more goods and made them more affordable, they put many skilled craftspeople out of work.

What affects did the Industrial Revolution have on farming? Give an example of McCormick did!

New machines increased the rates at which agricultural goods could be produced. In 1831 (another source says 1834) , Virginia farmer Cyrus McCormick built a working model of "a right smart" machine called a reaper. A reaper could cut 28 times more grain than a single man using a scythe, which is a hand tool with a long, curved blade. It made harvesting grain faster and easier.

What was the problem with Northern cities ( new or old )?

New or old, Northern cities often lacked sewers and paved streets. In dirty and crowded neighborhoods, diseases spread rapidly ( go to the TCI book to see an observer's comment - hogs walking around, trash in gutters ).

Where did most immigrants settle?

Northeastern cities.

What cities were growing rapidly and where? Give rough numerical examples.

Northern cities were growing rapidly. Between 1840 and 1860, the populations of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston nearly tripled. By 1860, more than a million people lived in New York.

What was needed to keep textile mills running?

One of the products needed keep the mills running was a steady supply of cotton, a very labor intensive crop that needed slaves to plant, harvest, clean and process it for it to send it to mills. (Refer to last Quizlet about Cotton Gin and the video on haiku for more info)

Define refugee.

One who is left homeless by war or persecution.

What did the Erie Canal usher in?

Other states saw its economical success and quickly jumped on the bandwagon ushering in the canal era.

What was the problem with overseas travel?

Overseas traders needed a faster way to travel. Sailing ships sometimes took so long to cross the Pacific Ocean that the goods they carried spoiled.

What was happening during the Industrial Revolution?

People shifted from making things and doing work by hand to making things and doing work with machines.

What was growing in the antebellum era?

Population, income, immigration and especially the Western frontier.

What lead Irish Catholics to come to the US and how many came and when?

Potato famine. From 1840s to 1850s. 1.5 millon immigrants.(Make sure answer matches TCI)

What lead Austro-Hungrains to come to the US and how many came and when?

Poverty, oppression. 1880s - 1920s. 4 million.

What lead Mexicans to come to the US and how many came and when?

Poverty, unemployment. 1910s - 1920s. 400,000.

What type of freedom did the Market Revolution emphasize?

Private realm of freedom. At the time of the revolution freedom was usually mostly referring to as public rights, the right to vote and participate in government and things like that. You are now getting this private realm of freedom being articulated of getting ahead individually, choosing your own line of work, the rights of free labor, competing in the market place. This is how the Market Revolution spread. Also you had the right to enter/compete in the market as merchants. You can go from poor to rich. A new realm of possibilities!

What are some pull factors?

Promise of freedom and better life, family or friends already settled in the US, factory jobs available (take note of questions on push and pull factors pdf). Also there was an astonishing increase of knowledge about the US and the availability of cheap land.

What lead Chinese to come to the US and how many came and when?

Railroad workers fleeing poverty. 1870s - 1880s. 200,000.

What was the future of transportation?

Railroads were the future. Inspired by the success of steamboats, inventors developed steam-powered locomotives.

What where the effects of the Transportation Revolution on the economy?

Reduced shipping costs encouraged regional specialization; however, overall, it helped forge a continental economy.

What lead Italians to come to the US and how many came and when?

Revolution, unemployment. 1890s - 1920s. 4.5 million.

What was better than roads and why?

River travel was faster and cheaper than travel by land.

What was the problem with river location and what was the solution?

Rivers weren't always located where people needed them. Canals (man-made water ways) were the solution. Canals were the greatest breakthrough in the the movement of cargo by water. English industrialists have been using man-made rivers successfully since the 1700s using mules to tow small boats upstream.

What was the most obvious place for early improvement in transportation?

Roads. (Shortest answer! yay!)

What did Samuel Slater do?

Samuel Slater, a British mechanic, memorized the designs of the machines (Arkwrights Water Frame) in a British factory. He then snuck out of Britain came to the US in 1789. In 1793, Slater and Moses Brown opened a mill (Slater Moll) in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Slater was called the "Father of the American Industrial Revolution."

What are some push factors?

Scarce land, farm jobs lost to new machines, political and religious persecution, poverty and hard lives ( unemployment, disease ), and revolution.

What terms come up when talking about the Market Revolution?

Selling, businesses, profits, buying and selling goods, supply and demand, Capital $, new economic system: free market economy, workers/ laborers, technology, innovation, and industry.

What did people critic about the Clermont?

Skeptics nicknamed the ship "Fulton's Folly" doubting it would be commercially successful. They were wrong; within four years passengers and goods could travel by steamboat all the the way from Pittsburgh to the Ohio River and from there to Mississippi.

What was the effect that railroads had on the North?

So many railroad companies were laying tracks that, by the 1840s, railroads were the North's biggest business. By 1860, more than 20, 000 miles of rail linked Northern factories to cities hundreds of miles away.

What was America's response to immigrants?

Some Americans resented the newcomers, especially the Irish.

What where the financial lives like of U.S. immigrants?

Some immigrants had enough money to buy land and farms, but most settled in cities where they found jobs in mills and factories. Too poor to travel, most of them settled in northeastern cities, including New York, Boston, and Philadelphia.

What replaced clipper ships?

Steam ships improved in the 1860s with the invention of the compound engine and quickly outpaced the Clipper ships. They also carried more cargo.

What are some of the causes of the Market Revolution?

Territorial expansion, improvements in transportation (steamboat, railroad, canal, telegraph)

What did Lowell discover in England?

Textile mill owners were using machines to spin cotton into thread and weave the threading cloth. A major industry in England was the textile industry

Overall, how was the northern economy affected during the industrial/market revolution?

Thanks to the Industrial Revolution, the Northern economy grew rapidly after 1800. By 1860, the value of manufacturing in the North was ten times greater than in the South.

What is the period when the economy transitioned from a household economy to a market economy called?

The Market Revolution

What economic revolution that was happening and when?

The Market Revolution in the first half of the 1800s (specifically 1812 - 1845).

What did the Market Revolution pull people out of and what happens to the pace of economic growth? Explain how this relates to change in household to market economy.

The Market Revolution quickens the pace of economic growth and it pulls people out of self-sufficent farming. 1800s - most farmers focused on growing food for their families (didn't sell very much and didn't buy very much). By 1850 - most people engaged in market transactions. They are buying what they need at stores and selling their goods on the open market. This was the way to get ahead and accumulate wealth.

What did the National Road connect?

The Potomac and Ohio Rivers (and expanding every year).

What did Joh C. Calhoun propose as a solution for fast, inexpensive ways to deliver goods?

The South Carolina congressman: "Let us bind the republic together with a perfect system of roads and canals. Such projects were called internal improvements.

What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution of the United States?

The causes include: the British ideas for machines arrive in the US. In War of 1812, Britain stops United States trade and Americans are forced to produce more goods them selves.

What where the effects of the Erie Canal? (Warning Warning!! Very long answer!)

The cost of shipping freight from Buffalo to New York City dropped from $0.19 per ton per mile down to $0.02 during the 1830s. It took only 8 days instead of 20 days overland to ship from Albany to Buffalo. By connecting the interior of the continent to the Atlantic Ocean, the Erie Canal allowed for the settlement of northern Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. It helped open up agriculture and industry since products could now be transported easily, quickly and inexpensively back to the population centers in the East. Chicago boomed and quickly became the most important city in the region. The Canal forged a physical and economic bond between the farms of the Midwest and the Northeast that would become important in the political battles over slavery and states' rights. Less productive farms in New England closed down, opening up the labor force for developing industry. Perhaps most significantly, the Erie Canal helped New York City replace Philadelphia as the commercial center of the nation.

What is a pull factor?

The factor that drew immigrants into another country (like the US).

What is a push factor?

The factor that drives people out of their home country.

What did the textile factory along the Merrimack River have?

The factory combined spinning and weaving machinery in the same building. It took cotton and transformed it into cloth.

What was the factory system and what did it do?

The factory system is the method of manufacturing lead by the work of Samuel Slater and others . The factory system is a method of producing goods that brought workers and machinery together in one place to produce goods.

What was the first cotton mill in the US? How did it get power?

The first cotton mill in the US was Slater Mill. The river provided the power source for Slater Mill and other cotton mills like it.

What new idea emerged in the Market Revolution?

The idea of work.

What where American farmers like in 1840? What were the effects (give an example)?

The large majority where then producing goods for the market place. They no longer craft which use to exist at home. Now they buy things from stores. For example, factories begin to develop and produce things like woven clothes which use to be made at home. WALTER: This makes no sense. :(

Define manufacturing.

The making of products by machinery.

What did all the innovations in the Industrial Revolution result in for Norther industrialists?

The new machines and production methods were a source of great wealth.

Generally, what is the Market Revolution?

The rapid change in the American economy in the first part of the 19th century. It was made up of a series of economic changes taken place from 1800 to 1840. Main idea: economics.

What were the overall effects of the Transportation Revolution?

The transportation revolution had dramatic social, economic, and political effects.

What was working conditions like in these factors during the Industrial Revolution?

The working hours in the new factories were long. Workers worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Most workers were women and children. As factories grew, conditions worsened and wages dropped.

What where American farmers like in 1800?

There was a small local economy, but not a national market economy. Small farmers were basically growing goods for their own families.

What was the problem with turnpikes?

They could't solve the nation's transportation problems alone; they were slow and uncomfortable for passengers and impractical for shipping large quantities of goods

How did African American respond to the inequality in the North?

They formed their own churches and started their their own businesses.

Why were locomotives so good?

They traveled faster than steamboats and could go wherever tracks could be laid - even across mountains.

Who maintained turnpikes?

They were constructed and maintained by local and state governments or by private investors who made a profit by collecting a toll from people who used the road?

Was the B&O successful?

They were the first railroad chartered in the US and one of the first commercial lines in the word and enormously successful. Even though hit was questioned by many if railroads would become a major form of transportation because it was dangerous in the beginning in America, it did.

What was the response to the National Road?

This type of internal improvement was hotly contested in the early nation because states that didn't benefit resented paying for it.

What was the antebellum period?

Time period (half century) before Civil War.

Why should we know push and pull factors?

To help us understand when and why our immigrant ancestors came to America.

How was the North developing, society wise?

Towns and cities instead of farms. Between 1800 and 1850, the number of cities with populations of at least 2,500 had increased from 33 to 237.

Why did improvements in transportation emerge in the Market Revolution?

Transportation allowed the market revolution to happen. Without transportation, there would be no national market.

What were the effects of the steamboat?

Travel time and shipping rates dropped dramatically compared to overland transportation. By 1830, more than 200 steamboats ran up and down rivers, putting cities like Cincinnati and St. Louis on the map.

How many immigrants came to the US between 1840 and 1920? 4 million from 1845 -1860 ( according to TCI ), most of those = German, Irish

Well over 18 million.

What was the problem between the Western frontier and the east?

You couldn't get to the western frontier from the east. Most rivers ran North to South not East to west and wagons were slow and difficult over bad roads.

Define industrialists.s

a person whose wealth comes from the ownership of industrial businesses AND who favors government policies that support industry

textile industry

business of manufacturing cloth

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