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Hierarchical control

Each level accepts commands from the level above and responds by generating commands from the level below.

Resistance welding

Electric current is passed between two metals causing them to heat and fuse together, at the point of the electric current. Also known as Spot Welding.


End effectors that execute nonprehensile movements to perform specific tasks are called ___.


End effectors that perform prehensile movements to grasp and move objects are called ___.


First generation robots are programmed by adjusting _________ switches.


Safety devices that require a key to enter hazardous areas are ____.


In ____ programming, an operator adjusts end stops, switches, cams, wires, and hoses to set up the sequence of robot motion.


In ____ programming, each level accepts commands from the level above and generates simplified commands for the level below.


In _____ programming, the user specifies the goals of each task rather than the motions required to achieve the goal.

Arc welding

In __________ ___________, the weld is made along a joint, rather than at one spot. The process heats the metals until they melt at the joint and fuse into a single piece.


In a(n) ____ system, no feedback mechanism is used to compare programmed position to actual positions.

Spray operations

In industrial ____________ _____________, the spray nozzle is normally mounted to the robot's tool plate.

Machine loading and unloading

In production, robots load and unload parts associated with automated machining centers, such as CNC machines, stamping, forging, and injection molding

Machine tending

In production, robots load and unload parts associated with automated machining centers, such as CNC machines, stamping, forging, and injection molding.


In teach pendant programming, an operator adjusts end stops, switches, and hoses to set up the motion sequence.

Die casting

In this operation, the robot removes the hot casting from the die and dips it into a liquid, usually water.

Linear Variable Differential Transformer

LVTDs- a type of inductive transducer

work envelope, degrees of freedom, resolution, accuracy, repeatability, operational speed, and load capacity

List the seven considerations when choosing a robot. ____, ______, _______, _______, _______, ______, _________

Metal inert gas

M.I.G. welding stands for...

Flexible Automation

Machines that can be reprogrammed to meet changing manufacturing needs are an example of ____.

Spray operations

Match the industrial process for Applying Sealant

Spray operations

Match the industrial process for Applying Sealant.

Machine loading and unloading

Match the industrial process for Loading a Hydraulic Press

Machine loading and unloading

Match the industrial process for Loading a Hydraulic Press.

Machining processes

Match the industrial process for Milling.


Match the industrial process for Mobile Security Robot.


Match the industrial process for Palletizing


Match the industrial process for Palletizing.

The five main components of an industrial robot

Means of programming is an example of...


Off-line programming is performed away from the robot, using a computer.


One draw back of the light curtain is that it can be tripped by the robot.


One of the biggest hindrances to voice recognition is the ________.


One of the safest barriers is a _________. A safety fence prevents unauthorized entry and safely contains dislodged work pieces.

Teach pendant

Point-to-point motion makes use of _____ __________ programming.


Programming a robot using a computer at the robot's console is called _____ programming.


Programming languages that closely resemble standard English are ___ languages.

High-level languages

Programming languages that more resemble standard English than traditional programming code.


Providing a safe working environment is considered only after a robotic system is designed and installed.


Quality assurance remains an essential and costly part of robotic manufacturing.

Rotary Variable Differential Transformer

RVDTs- a type of inductive transducer


The highest hierarchical control level is ___ control.

Machining processes

The industrial process for Milling


The maximum weight of material a robot is capable of handling on a continuous basis is the ____.

Load capacity

The maximum weight or mass of a material that a robot is capable of handling on a continues basis.


The maximum weight or mass of a material that a robot is capable of handling on a continues basis.


The most common types of robotic ________ are gas torch, plasma torch, water jet, and laser.

Degrees of freedom

The number of ____ determines a robot's ability to move within the work envelope.

Degrees of Freedom

The number of _______ _______ ________ determines the robot's ability to move within the work envelope.

Teach pendant programming

The operator leads the robot through the various points in the operation, points are recorded when the operator moves the robot, and presses buttons.

Assembly operations

The potential savings and increased efficiency are significant, since _______ ___________ may account for 50% of the labor cost involved in manufacturing a product.


The weld is made along a joint, rather than at one spot. The welding process heats the metals until they melt at the joint and fuse into a single piece. Robots normally weld using a method called MIG welding.

Speech/Voice Recognition

These _____ systems use recognizable words as a form of audio data entry.


These are invisible rays within the electromagnetic spectrum between ultraviolet and gamma rays.


These are used to control processes that involve metals, in industry.

Temperature sensors

These are used to sense temperature.

Magnetic field sensors

These can be used in positioning operations, control tasks, range detection, and many other applications.

Photovoltaic devices

These convert light energy into electrical energy.

Magnetic field sensors

These detect a change in an existing magnetic field without making physical contact with objects in the environment. The sensor will then send a signal indicating the disturbance.

Proximity sensors

These detect either the absence of an object or the presence of an object within a certain distance.

Range sensors

These determine the precise distance from the sensor to an object.

Range sensors

These determine the precise distance from the sensor to an object. A laser interferometric gauge is a range sending system that is sensitive to humidity, temperature, and vibration.


These devices emit electrons in the presence of light.


These devices use a combination of optical and electronic components to sense the changes in light.


These devices vary in conductivity according to the fluctuations in light. Their electrical resistance decreases when light is more intense and increases when light intensity decreases.

Spot welding

Resistance welding is also known as ______ __________.

Inspection systems

Robotic __________ _____________ consist of two subsystems: one accumulates data and the other analyzes the data and presents it in a meaningful way. For example good or bad part.


Robots are also being used for gluing and sealing applications.


Robots are used in resistance and arc operations. This application consists of the third largest group of robots in Industry.


Robots can perform ____________ tasks without tiring or the need for breaks.


Robots normally arc weld using a method called ___ welding.


Robots used for __________ are generally small and are designed to move small parts accurately at high speeds.


Robots used in Machining processes must have a high degree of ______________.

Ultrasonic sensors

These emit & receive sound energy at frequencies above human hearing. This sensor evaluates the time interval between sending and receiving the signal in order to determine the distance to an object.

Tactile sensors

These indicate the presence of an object by touch, and produce a simple on/off output.

Tactile sensors

These indicate the presence of an object by touch, and produce a simple on/off output. One example is the Mechanical Limit Switch.

Vision sensors

These may be used to recognize objects or to measure the characteristics of objects. An object may be identified by its shape, outline, or area, regardless of its orientation to the camera.

Capacitive transducers

These measure a change of the ratio of charge on a conductor to the potential difference between conductors.

Optical proximity sensors

These measure the amount of light reflected from an object and can respond to either visible or infrared light. One form is the Modulated LED sensor: Unlike incandescents, LEDs can be turned on and off (modulated) at a high rate of speed. This modulating of the LED means the amplifier of the phototransistor can be tuned to only detect the LEDs frequency.

Inductive transducers

These measure the movement and create signals that affect current flow. They usually have a stationary coil and a moveable core.

Touch sensitive proximity sensor

These operate on capacitance developed by a large conductive object (such as a human body). This capacitance changes frequency of an electrical circuit.

Eddy current proximity sensors

These produce a magnetic field in the small space of a detector unit, which can be mounted in a probe. The magnetic field induces eddy currents into any conductive material that is near the probe. A pick-up coil senses a change in magnetic field intensity when an object enters the field.

Sound sensors

These rely on the piezoelectric effect to convert sound to electrical energy.


These sensors are used for applications such as color measurement, leak detection, and other precision measurement applications.

Thermoelectric sensors

These sensors produce a change in electrical output due to fluctuations of temperature.


These sensors respond to electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet range.


These sensors respond to radiation in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. All objects emit infrared thermal radiation. Industrial uses include heat sensing and infrared spectroscopy for gas analysis.


These systems use state-of-the-art electronic sensor technology, which checks tolerances, positioning, fixturing, and defects, among other things.


These take up available floor space and often obstruct the view of critical operations.

Resistance welding

This application consists of the third largest group of robots in industry.


This application consists of the third largest group of robots in the industry.


This exists when two conductive materials are separated by an insulating material.

Speed sensing

This involves measuring the rotary motion of shafts, gears, pulleys, and other rotating components of industrial equipment.

Mechanical movement

This is a change in dimension resulting from an applied force. This change can be sensed using a strain gauge.

End effector

This is a device that is attached to the end of the manipulator; operates like the robot's hand. Also called the end-of-arm tooling.

Strain gauge

This is a made of a thin piece of resistance wire and is mounted on a strip of insulation. As the wire is flexed the resistance will change.


This is a property of electrical circuits caused by the magnetic field that surrounds a coil when current is flowing.

Work envelope

This is defined by joint types and D.o.F. All fixtures and machinery that will work with the robot must be located within this. Many times, placement of support equipment dictates the shape of it.

The piezoelectric effect

This occurs when certain crystals are subjected to mechanical stress and an electrical potential is developed in them. Crystal Microphones are one example, when sound waves strike the crystal a voltage develops from the vibrations.


This stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A major advantage of the laser is its tightly-focused beam, which can travel long distances with minimal spreading.


This type of resistive transducer changes it's resistance when the position of its movable contact is changed.

Light-emitting diode

This, or an LED is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when an electric current passes through it. The light is not particularly bright, but in most LEDs it is monochromatic, occurring at a single wavelength.


Three Classifications of a robot's pattern of movement are pick-and-place, _____ motion, and continuous path motion.

main, path, actuator

Three levels of Hierarchical control. _____,_________,______

Remote center compliance

To compensate for misalignment or irregularities in a workpiece, a robot may be equipped with a(n) ____.


____________________ is a high priority for manufacturing because of competition, improved technology, cost, market conditions, productivity, available manpower, and undesirable work conditions forcing manufacturers to install a greater number of robots.


True or False: Absolute: which provides a specific code for each angular position of the device.


True or False: An object may be identified by its shape, outline, or area, regardless of its orientation to the camera.


True or False: Incremental: which transmit a specific quantity of pulses for each revolution of the device.


True or False: When using quick change tooling, there are two considerations: 1. interface adapters must be standardized 2. operators must be able to change end effectors with minimum downtime.


Types of these are light, heat, and mechanical.

Disadvantages of fences

Unnecessary use of floor space, obstruction of view, and obstructions when teaching or performing maintenance are all _______ ____ ____.

Walk through programming

Used for continuous-path robots, operator physically moves the end effector.


Used to perform work that is repetitive and does not require and does not perform many complicated motions and placing it in another location.


Using a great number of points in _____ motion creates movement that is smooth and continuous.


Using the thumb to grasp objects is required for __ movements.


Walk-through programming is used for continuous-path robots.


We can integrate ______ into manufacturing by designing for manufacturability, considering safety, and selecting a suitable robot.


What is the term originally used for what we now consider to be a robot?


What was the name of the very first industrial robot?


When light energy falls on this kind of device, it creates an electrical voltage.

Online programming

When the computer is actually in the robot cell.

Teach pendant programming

Which programming method allows a robot to remain in operation while a new program is written and debugged?

Robotic Industries Association

Who is the RIA?


With _____ motion, the end effector follows a fixed pattern of movement and only one axis of the robot moves at a time.


With long, high speed runs producing many identical items, and short, complex tasks that require a high degree of hand-eye coordination, robots are best suited.

Acoustical proximity sensors

With these, standing sounds waves are generated within a cylindrical, open-ended cavity inside the sensor. The presence of a nearby object interferes with the sound waves, which alters the sensors output.


Work envelope that looks like bent teardrop from the top.


Work envelope, D.o.F, Resolution, Accuracy, Repeatability, Operational Speed, and Load Capacity are all important considerations when selecting a robot.


__ movements do not require particular finger dexterity or use of the opposed thumb.


______ are used in resistance welding and arc welding operations.


______ generations welded, spray painted, assembled, and loaded and unloaded machines.


_______ are safety devices that are designed to prevent unauthorized access to hazardous areas.


_______ is how precisely the robot's hand is programmed to reach a predetermined point.


_______ occupy a position between human workers, and equipment designed to perform one specialized function.


_______ operate using one of several navigation options: buried wire guidepath, magnetic tape guidepath, laser target guidance, or GPS.

Spatial Resolution

________ _______ describes the accuracy of movement of the robot tool tip. Takes into account Command Resolution and mechanical inaccuracies. Example: Command Resolution=.005". Mechanical inaccuracy=.003". S.R.=.008".

Service robots

________ __________ perform a variety of tasks, such as: mobile security in banks and museums, entering hazardous environments to perform a task, and even some household chores.

Design for manufacturability

________ means designing products with the robot that will assemble in mind.

Service robots

_________ ___________are mobile and can move to the work area to perform various tasks.


_________ generations performed purely repetitive tasks and did not adjust to changing conditions.


_________ generations were the first to make use of a closed loop system, and were given internal sensors so they could have a limited amount of feed back about their environment.


_________ is determined by the robot's control system and refers to the smallest incremental movement a robot can make.

Control panels

__________ _____________ should be placed outside the work cell.

Task-level programming

__________ is easier and faster than specifying specific points.

Command resolution

__________ is the closest distance between movements, and is calculated by dividing the travel distance of each point by the number of control increments. Example: A robot travels 36". The controller is programmed with 8,000 points. 36/8000=.005".


___________ can perform repetative tasks without tiring and can operate in hostile environments. They can also maintain better precision than human workers.

Die casting

___________ involves pumping molten metal into closed dies. After the metal solidifies, the die is opened and the casting is removed.


____________ is expressed as half of the resolution.

Operational speed

_____________ __________ represents how fast the robot can accelerate, decelerate, and come to a stop at a give point. Robot manufacturers define speed in different ways.


_____________ expresses how close the robot's hand will actually come to the designated position while repetively performing the task of procedure.

Design for manufacturability

______________ ________ ________________is the process of designing products with the robots that will assemble them in mind.


________________ are safety devices that are designed to prevent unauthorized access to hazardous areas by requiring a key for entry.


___________________ programming must be used for spray operations, since smooth tool motion is a must.

Known information

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer program to make decisions based on ____.


As speed increases, accuracy decreases


As speed increases, accuracy decreases.

Material handling

Automated and robotic systems are often used for ___________ __________.


Cylindrical, Spherical, Palmar, Lateral, and Oppositional Grip are all ___ types of movement.

Cylindrical grip

"C" shaped grip


A ___ gripper consists of one or more suction cups made of natural or synthetic rubber.


A ___ gripper delivers 360 degrees of clamping contact.


A ____ is a set of instructions within a program that has a beginning and an end.

Light curtain

A _______ ___________ consists of photoelectric, presence-sensing devices.

Pressure sensitive safety mat

A _________ __________ __________ _______is one of the simplest systems. Sensors embedded in the at send a signal to the controller when weight is placed anywhere on the mat.


A computer program that translates high-level programming languages into machine code.

Manual rate control box

A control device that consists of a knob and some switches used to move each axis of a path of motion.


A controller has ___ levels of hierarchical control.


A extension of point to point, but can involve several thousand points.


A grip that holds all the way around


A grip used for throwing a ball


A manual rate control box translates high-level languages into machine code.

A tactile sensor

A mechanical limit switch is one example of this.

Industrial robot

A multifunction manipulator programmed to perform various tasks is a(n) _____.


A nonprehensile grip that is not spread

Laser interferometric gauge

A range sending system that is sensitive to humidity, temperature, and vibration.


A robot that can be given a new set of instructions to perform a new task is considered ____.

Degrees of freedom

A robot's ability to move up and down, forward and backward, and to the left and right is described as the robot's _____.


A safety ________ prevents unauthorized entry and also safely contains dislodged work pieces. It is at least 6' high and constructed of wire mesh, safety glass, or rigid plastic sheets.


A safety fence enclosure must be at least __ feet high.


A servo robot is a(n) _____ system because it allows for feedback signals.


A work envelope like this: picture shows side view of a robot with a warped teardrop shaped envelope.

Pressure sensitive safety mat

A(n) ___ automatically turns off dangerous machinery when a worker steps on the carpet.


A(n) ___ device should be installed to prevent damage to a robot's arm or wrist if the end effector becomes stuck during an operation.

Light curtain

A(n) ____ is a type of barrier that uses a sensor to cut the power to a robot if a worker enters the work envelope.

Safety fence

A(n) ____ safely contains dislodged workpieces.


A(n) ____________ program translates high-level languages into programming code.

Automated guided vehicle

AGV stands for....


An _______ light curtain is programmable, which allows certain areas to be excluded from the sensing devices.

Voice recognition

An input system in which recognisable words or phrases are used as a form of audio data entry, rather than using a keyboard. Also called speech recognition.

Manual programming

An operator adjusts the necessary endstops, switches, electric wires, or hoses, a type of machine setup.

Light curtain

Another kind of barrier is the ______ _______, which consists of photo-electric, presence sensing devices.

A robot with a human-like form

Anthromorpic means...


Because more programmed points are used, pick-and-place motion is smoother than continuous-path motion.


Box shaped work envelope


Converts some physical property into electrical signals, in order to provide a feedback signal.

Offline programming

Can be done outside of the cell, on a laptop.

Computer terminal programming

Can be online or offline, uses a computer or laptop.


Can shaped work envelope


Cheaper efficiency, lack of breaks needed, and ability to work in undesirable work environments are all reasons that ______ is high priority for manufacturing, worldwide.

Robot arm

Collision sensors are attached to the ___ to protect equipment from being damaged during operation.


Computer-controlled, battery-operated transportation devices.


Continuous-path motion makes use of ________-________ programming.

Designing for manufacturability

Designing parts of a product for ease of robotic assembly is ____.

Designing for manufacturablility

Designing parts of a product for ease of robotic assembly is ____.


Do robots follow the three laws of robotics?

Operational speed

Dynamic performance is also known as _____________.

Spread movement

Gripper expands inside of cylinder


Hierarchical control systems use sensory feedback to close control loops.


Holding a flat object by the edges


Holding a flat object on the opposing flat sides


Hook and Spread are both ___ types of movement.


How close the robot's hand will actually come to the designated position while repeating the task or procedure.

D.O.F, sizeable work envelopes

How do robots differ from other machines? (_____, ________ _________ _________)


How precisely the robot's hand is programmed to reach a predetermined point.

Sensory feedback

Input received through various system sensors about the environment.

Die casting

Involves pumping molten metal into closed dies. After the metal solidifies, the die is opened and the casting is removed.


Involves the movement of a robot through a number of points in space, uses a combination of manipulator axes.

Resistive transducers

One use of these is in sensing fluid pressure. In this application, the transducer is placed into the fluid line. One capacitor plate is stationary while the other is a conductive diaphragm that senses any variation in pressure. As the pressure increases the plates move closer together. As the distance decreases, the capacitance between the terminals increases.

Dynamic performance

Operational speed is also known as ___________.

Fiber optics

Optical fibers made of glass or plastic can transmit light from one point to another. Light travels through the fiber-optic material regardless of how the material is bent or shaped. This describes:


Palletizing and De-palletizing are probably the most common forms of ______________.


Phototubes are a type of this device.

Solar cells

Photovoltaic devices are also called:


Pick-and-place motion control makes use of _______ programming.

Pressure sensitive safety mat.

Sensors embedded in a _________ ___________ _____ _______ send a signal to the controller when weight is placed anywhere on the mat. It is one of the simplest sensing systems.


Some Sensing Systems make use of a combination of capacitance, infrared, ultrasonic, or micro wave sensors to detect a workers presence.

Machining processes

Some of the ___________ ____________ performed by robots include routing, cutting, drilling, milling, grinding, polishing, deburring, riveting, and sanding.

Machining processes

Some of these performed by robots include routing, cutting, drilling, milling, grinding, polishing, deburring, riveting, and sanding. Robots that are used in these applications must have a high degree of repeatability. The most common types of robotic cutting are gas torch, plasma torch, water jet, and laser.


Speed and weight of the payload affect _________.

Resistance welding

Spot welding is also known as _________ ___________.

Means for programming

Teach pendants, teach boxes, and hand-held programmers are all...

Has a multifunction manipulator

The RIA definition of an industrial robot states that it is a machine, is reprogrammable, is flexible, and _____.

Power supply

The ___ provides the energy to drive the robot's controller and actuators.


The ____ generation of robots evolved through the use of artificial intelligence.

Operational speed

The ____ of a robot describes how fast it can accelerate, decelerate, and come to a stop at a given point.


The _______ generation of robots evolved through the use of artificial intelligence.


The ________ generation of robots were developed in the mid 70s to mid 80s.


The _________ generation of robots introduced the ability to sense environments, and make intelligent decisions.


The _________ generation of robots was developed in the mid 1880s to present.


The __________ generation of robots were developed in the late 1950s through mid 1970s.

Degrees of freedom

The ___________ __ ______________ determine the robot's ability to move within the work envelope. Robots with six can move anywhere.


The ___________ generation introduced means of programming languages.


The ability of an end effector to tolerate misalignment of mating parts is called ___.

Spatial resolution

The accuracy of movement of a robot's tool tip is described in terms of ____.

Spatial resolution

The accuracy of movement of the robot's tool tip.

Command resolution

The closest distance between movements.


The design should place control panels outside the work envelope and also provide interlock access to the robot controller.


The first generation of industrial robots were developed in the mid-1980s.


The first programming language was called ____.


The five general ________ guidelines we need to look at when selecting a robot are the size and shape of work envelope, methods of motion control, limits for a safe payload, range of operating speeds, and other features provided by the manufacturers.


The process of picking up parts at one location and moving them to another is one of the most common robot applications.

Artificial Intelligence

The science and engineering of making machines perform operations commonly associated with human behavior, such as making decisions based on known information.


The short wavelength of these allows them to pass through metals and reveal the structural characteristics.

General safety guidelines

The size and shape of the work envelope, methods of motion control, payload limit, operating speed, and other features should be considered when considering _____________ ___________________ ______________.


The smallest incremental movement a robot can make is called ____.

Spray operations

The spray nozzle is normally mounted to the robot's tool plate. Continuous-path programming must be used for this, since smooth tool motion is a must. Robots are also being used for gluing and sealing applications.

Motion control

The three classifications of __________ ________ are pick-and-place motion, (used to perform work that is repetitive and does not require and does not perform many complicated motions and placing it in another location) point-to-point, (involves the movement of a robot through a number of points in space, uses a combination of manipulator axes) and continuous path (a extension of point to point, but can involve several thousand points.


The two common welding applications for robots are resistance welding and ____ welding.

Work envelope

The type of coordinate system, arrangement of joints, and length of the manipulator's segments determine the shape of the robot's...


The user specifies the goals of each task rather than the motions required to achieve those goals.


The value associated with ____ is expressed as half of the resolution.


The value associated with ____ is expressed as half of the resolution.


The vertical traverse provides ____ motion of a robot's arm.


Tools are end effectors that perform prehensile movements by grasping objects and moving them.


half sphere, large clunky robot, work envelope

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