robotics quiz #7

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What are some of the tasks associated with mobile robot bases?

We use these bases so robots can keep up with moving parts on chains and conveyors, to feed multiple machines in an area, move parts to and from warehouses, and other tasks where the robot needs to cover an area larger than its work envelope.

What is the difference between digital signals and analog signals?

Digital signals have exactly two states, on oe off which translates to 1 or 0 in the binary code. We base these signals on a set voltage or amperage level when based on real world equipment and not just data in the system. Analog signals are a range of voltage or amperages, both in the milli range and they can correlate to a scale inside the system.

What is the difference between a hardwired network and a wireless network?

Hardwired systems have to have communication cables or wires between the devices that need to talk, whereas wireless networks only need a device or card that works similar to bluetooth device for your phone to communicate.

Who is responsible for the safety protocols of an industrial robot?

Because of the wide range of applications for robots in industry, it falls to the company buying the robot to ensure that proper safety protocols are set in place.

When it comes to communication, what do we consider a worst - case scenario?

Is where some signals make it through while others are lost, creating intermittent operations and functionality can become erratic and unpredictable.

What are the criteria for a peripheral system for nonindustrial robots?

Just like their industrial counterparts, the peripherals in other fields of robotics fit a specific need of the robot to increase flexibility and enhance operational capacity.

How do we determine if something is a peripheral system to the robot or a part of the robot?

Peripheral systems feed data to the robot and often perform tasks based off information from the robot, but you could remove the robot and still have a functioning system.

What are some of the ways in which networks ensure that all machines are not talking at once?

Some systems will check the network for transmissions before transmitting and if information is flowing they will wait until the lines are clear or a predetermined amount of time and check the line again. Other systems pass a digital token, which is just a bit of code that is the network equivalent of raising your hand to talk. Some systems have a designated leader, the master, and the designated followers, the slaves, where the slave systems only transmit data when the mater system requests it.

What was the downside to RS232?

The down side was the need for more controllers and the specific hardware to make this happen, in addition, RS232 was a standard not a set law or rule. Some companies like to switch pins creating a proprietary system that required their cables or setup in order to get proper communication.

Describe how a tool - changing peripheral works.

The positioner will present an empty slot to the robot, the robot will put the center tooling in that slot and the release the tooling via a coupling mechanism, once the robot is clear, the positioner will index the required tooling into position and wait for the robot to connect the quick release to the tooling. Once it makes positive connection the robot carefully removes the tooling from the positioner and its back to work for the robot.

What are the components of the core robotic system?

The robot, controller, teach pendant, built in sensors, and power supply.

What is the benefit of building a base model that works with several peripheral systems?

This drives down the total costs of the system by reducing the different types of robots the manufacture has to build while allowing the customer to customize the robot to their needs.

Do we classify the E - stops on the teach pendant and the robot controller as peripheral safety systems? Justify your answer.

We would not count the E-stop on the teach pendant or robot controller as part of the safety peripheral system as they are built in safety features of the core robotic system.

Describe the basic operation of a positioner system used to swap raw and finished parts.

When used in this fashion the system will often have a rotary platform with all the appropriate fixturing and clamps installed on it. The operator will put the raw parts in one set of fixtures, lock them in place, and press an indicator button that sends a signal to the system controller that the parts are ready. When the system is ready to process parts, say at start up or after finishing the previous cycle, the positioner will rotate the raw parts into the work zone and at the same time rotate out the other fixture for the operator to remove finished parts and refill with raw parts.

When we use external motors to help with the production process instead of positioning parts, what data do we normally monitor at the robot controller?

When we use external motors in this way, usually the data that the system monitors is the amount of torque or amperage that the motor is using as well as the speed of rotation vs the positional data we monitor when using motors for part positioning.

What is the benefit of adding Internet connectivity and highly automated systems to a network?

When you add internet connectivity and highly automated systems, you create options such as receiving emails or texts for predefined conditions and the ability to start production runs from the house with nothing more than a smart phone.

What are some of the benefits of the work cell?

Work cells reduce the number of times they handle the parts, how far parts travel between operations, and how long it takes to process the part. All of these reductions represent a reduction in the overall cost of parts and thus a savings to both manufacture and customer.

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