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Roman Empire


Roman republic

509-27 BC

Emperor Hadrian

Aerial view of the Pantheon, Rome, Italy, 118-125 CE

Head of a Roman patrician

ca. 75-50 B.C. marble approximately 1 ft. 2 in. high -Scholars debate whether such portraits were truly blunt records of actual features or exaggerated types designed to make a statement about personality.

republican sculpture

-republican busts of nobleman, called verstic sculptures, are strikingly and unflatteringly realistic. -this ay have been a form of idealization: Republicans valued virtues such as wisdom, determination, and experience, which these works seem to possess.

Late Empire:

The classical tradition, so willingly embraced by previous emperors, is slowly abandoned by Late Imperial artists. Compositions are marked by figures lacking individuality and are crowded tightly together. Depth and recession were rejected. Proportions are truncated-contrapposto ignored.

art terms

atrium, basilica, bust, coffer, cubiculum, cupola, foreshortening, forum, fresco, impluvium, keystone, oculus, orthogonals, peristyle, perspective, spandrel, triclinium, tuscan order, vault, veristic



First Pompeian Style

is characterized by painted rectangular squares meant to resemble marble facing

The Third Style

"Ornate Style," came about in the early 1st century C.E. and was popular until about 50 C.E. The Third Style embraced the flat surface of the wall through the use of broad, monochromatic planes of color, such as black or dark red, punctuated by minute, intricate details.


-Became the unchallenged ruler of the whole Roman Empire. City of Constantinople (modern Istanbul), Turkey, became the "New Rome"> became the imperial capital of the Roman Empire. -Constantine attributed his victory to the Christian God> a year later, in 325 AD., Christianity became the de facto official religion of the Roman Empire. -From this point on Paganism declined rapidly. -For many scholars, the transfer of the seat of power from Rome to Constantinople and the recognition of Christianity mark the beginning of the Middle Ages. As a result.......

roman painting

-Interior wall paintings, created to liven up windowless Roman cubicula were frescoed with Mythological scenes, landscapes, and city plazas. -Mosaics were favorite floor decorations-stone kept feet cool in the summer. -Murals were painted with some knowledge of linear perspective. -Orthogonals recede to multiple vanishing points. -Sometimes, to present an object in the far distance, an artist used atmospheric perspective.

roman empire

-March 44 BC-Murder of Julius Caesar> plunged the Roman world into a bloody civil war. -The fighting lasted until 31 BC when Octavian (Augustus) crushed the naval forces of Mark Antony and Queen Cleopatra of Egypt. -They committed suicide and in 30 BC, Egypt, once the wealthiest and most powerful kingdom of the ancient world, became another province in the ever-expanding Roman Empire. -Historians mark the passage from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire from the day in 27 BC when the Senate conferred the majestic title of Augustus (27 BC- 14 AD) on Octavian. -His positions as a ruler included: consul and imperator(commander in chief), pontifex maximus(chief priest of the state religion)> These offices gave Augustus control of all the aspects of Roman public life.

key ideas

-Roman art reflects the ambitions of a powerful empire-monumental buildings and sculptures built to the glory of the gods and the state. -Roman architecture is revolutionary in its understanding of the powers of the arch, the vault, and concrete. -A history of Roman painting survives on the walls of Pompeiian villas. -Romans show an interest in the basic elements of perspective and foreshortening. -Roman architecture has a large public element and is influenced by Etruscan and Greek models.

roman architecture

-The Romans were master builders! They forged great roads and aqueducts as an efficient way of connecting their empire and making cities livable. -Roman architecture is revolutionary in its understanding of the powers of the arch, the vault, and concrete. -Arches and vaults make enormous building possible, like the Colosseum and they also make feasible vast interior spaces like the Pantheon. -The Romans used concrete in constructing many of their oversized buildings> initially used as a filler in buildings and then as the main support element. -Much is known about Roman domestic architecture, principally because of what has been excavated at Pompeii, which was buried for many years after Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79AD.


-The figure of Augustus most closely resembles the Greek Classical statue Doryphorus in order to recall the Golden Age of 5th century Athens. -compare to similar figure

Imperial Sculpture

-While busts of senators conveyed the gruff virtues of Republican Rome, EMPERORS, whose divinity descended from the gods themselves, were portrayed differently. -Inspiration came from Classical Greece and Roman sculptors adopted the contrapposto, ideal proportions and heroic poses of Greek statuary. -Forms became less individualized, iconography more associated with the divine.

multilevel mall

-housed both shops and administrative offices -several levels of shops original market had 150 shops -Main space groin-vaulted barrel-vaulted shops

market video

1. Why was Trajan one of the most popular emperors of Rome? What was his nickname? -Trajan was one of the most popular emperors of Rome because he built the largest imperial forum, temples, libraries, important bathhouses and markets. As emperor, he got to choose what to build, for instance, the market, they were extremely adapted to the building. His nickname was Optimus Princeps. 2. What advantages did concrete have when constructing a building? -Concrete allows you to shape space the way you can't do with other materials. You can see high wide space that is made with brick concrete. 3. Describe the construction of the Markets of Trajan. How does it look in the interior? Use vocabulary terms. -The interior has a lot of light let in because the Romans used concrete. They had a lot of confidence using concrete. The Market had rooms/ apartment building that people could live in.

Atmospheric Perspective

Indicates depth by increasingly blurred appearance of objects in the distance.


Petra, Jordan 2nd century C.E.

Pentheus Room Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii, Italy. ca. 62-79 AD fresco


Rome, Italy ca. 118-125 C.E. -The height of building equals its width; interior of building based on the circle of the hemisphere

Column of Trajan, Forum of Trajan,

Rome, Italy, dedicated 112 CE.

House of the Vettii plan

Second century BC-first century AD Pompeii, Italy Nave: spacious and wide -double colonnaded side aisles -second floor had galleries or clerestory

What is Tempera Painting?

Tempera (also called egg tempera) was a method of painting that superceded the encaustic painting method, only to be itself replaced by oil painting. Its name stems from the Latin word 'temperare', meaning 'to mix in proportion'. Unlike encasustic paints which contain beeswax to bind the colour pigments, or oil paints which use oils, tempera employs an emulsion of water, egg yolks or whole eggs (occasionally with a little glue, honey or milk).

Plan of a Roman House Vitruvius (De Architectura)

The Vitruvian canon (or standard) proposes a range of plans, suggesting strongly that the organization of interior space was important in Roman architectural theory.

Aula Palatina (Basilica)

Trier, Germany early 4th century C.E.

Thomas Jefferson, Rotunda,

University of Virginia -Jefferson Memorial (Washington D.C.) Built: 1938-1943 Style: Neoclassical

Fourth Pompeian Style

combine elements from the previous three: the painted marble from the first style is at the base, the large scenes of the second style and the delicate small scenes of the third style are intricately interwoven.

veristic (verism)

extremely realistic/superrealistic

Portrait of Augustus as general

from Primaporta, Italy ca. 20 B.C. marble 80 in. high -Form: contrapposto, commanding/welcoming posture (superior emperor), -Function: Placed in Livia's villa (wife), propaganda -Content: Cupid-direct lineage to the gods, no relief in back (meant to be put against wall) -Context : Many statues of him, Imperial Roman emperor, very successful, Religion stems back to Greek mythology


from the Villa of Livia, Primaporta, Italy ca. 30-20 B.C.E. fresco approximately 79 in. high

Cubiculum (bedroom)

from the villa of P. Fannius Synistor Boscoreale, Italy ca. 40-30 B.C.E. fresco

Second Pompeian Style

had large mythological scenes and /or landscapes dominating the wall surface. Painted stucco decoration of the First Style appears beneath in horizontal bands.

Apollodorus of Damascus,

model of Forum of Trajan, Rome, Italy, dedicated 112 CE.

apollodorus of damascus, model of forum of trajan

rome, Italy, dedicated 112 CE got inspiration from Basilica -Ulpius was Trajan's family name


rome, italy, ca 70-80 CE


spacious and wide Latin: ship -double colonnaded side aisles -second floor had galleries or clerestory windows

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