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Arab hospitals

(such as those established at Baghdad and Damascus and in Cördoba in Spain) were notable for the fact that they admitted patients regardless of religious belief, race, or social order.

Knights Hospitallers of the Order of John

established in 1099 in the Holy Land a hospital that could care for some 2,000 patients. It is said to have been especially concerned with eye disease, the first of the specialized hospitals, new name St. John Ambulance

Westminster Hospital

established in 1719

Guy's Hospital

established in 1724

London Hospital

established in 1740.

St. Benedict of Nursia (at Montecassino)

founded early in the 6th century, where the care of the sick was placed above and before every other Christian duty

Hospital of the Holy Ghost

founded in 1145 at Montpellier in France established a high reputation and later became one of the most important center in Europe for the training of doctors


has been known for centuries to be contagious.

Military and veterans' hospitals

have been provided by the federal government


the average length of stay The amount of time that a patient spends in a hospital bed


the chief executive officer of the hospital and is responsible to the board.

12th century

the number of hospitals grew rapidly in Europe.

average bed occupancy rate

the percentage of available beds actually occupied per day or per month.

Mental health facilities

traditionally have been the responsibility of state or provincial governments


tuberculosis hospitals provided rest, relaxation, special diets, and fresh air, and even if the tuberculosis was in an early stage, a stay of more than two years was thought necessary to effect a healing of the disease

dietary department and housekeeping

2ND Largest department in any hospital

Hötel Dieu of Paris


431 BCE

Brahmanic hospitals were established in Sri Lanka

William Penn

English Quaker leader Established almshouses in Philadelphia in 1713

Specialized health and medical care facilities

Hospitals that specialize in one type of illness or one type of patient

14th century

In ________, there may have been some 7,000 leper houses in France alone, and some of the earliest hospitals in England were established for lepers.


In ___________, most hospital operating costs are financed by public revenues collected by regional governments.


In_____________, the financial support of services in hospitals tends to be collectivized, with funding provided through public revenues, social insurance, or a combination of the two.

Healthcare environment

It is the creation of a healthful atmosphere and milieu at a healthcare setting in which a patient is undergoing treatment.


Jeanne Mance, a French noblewoman, built a hospital of ax-hewn logs on the island of Montreal; this was the beginning of the Hötel-Dieu de St. Joseph

230 BCE

King Ashoka established a chain of hospitals in Hindustan


Largest department in any hospital


National Health Service

Middle Ages

Religion continued to be the dominant influence in the establishment of Hospitals

100 BCE

Romans established hospitals (Valetudinaria) for the treatment of their sick and injured soldiers

370 CE

St. Basil the Great established a religious foundation in Cappadocia that included a hospital, an isolation unit for those suffering from leprosy, and buildings to house the poor, the elderly, and the sick

331 CE

Start of the Modern Concept of hospitals with Roman emperor Constantine I (Constantine the Great), having been converted to Christianity abolished all pagan hospitals and thus created the opportunity for a new start

Hospital de Jesus Nazareno

The first hospitai in North America was built in Mexico City in 1524 by Spanish conquistador Hernån Cortés

Pennsylvania Hospital

The first incorporated hospital in America (Philadelphia) obtained a charter from the Crown in 1751.


The growth of hospitals accelerated (began at the end of the 11th century)

hospital Board

The legally constituted governing body of the the efficient management of the hospital establishes policy and, on the advice of a medical advisory board, appoints a medical staff and an administrator. It exercises control over expenditures and has the responsibility for maintaining professional standards.

monastic institutions

__________ are the greater number of hospitals established during the Middle Ages (more than 2,000.)

first hospital in the territory of the present day United States

a hospital for soldiers on Manhattan Island, established in 1663


a place to which their sick were taken, for treatment

Hötel Dieu du Précieux Sang

established by the French, is a hospital in Canada in 1639 at Quebec City still in operation (as the Hötel-Dieu de Québec)

Modern hospital

also often serves as a center for investigation and for teaching.


an institution that is built, staffed, and equipped for the diagnosis of disease, for the treatment, both medical and surgical, of the sick and the injured, and for their housing during this process.

teaching hospitals

are affiliated with undergraduate and postgraduate education of professionals at a university provide up-to-date and specialized therapeutic measures and facilities unavailable elsewhere in the region.


dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII (which put an end to hospital building in England for some 200 years)

Lazar houses

hospitals for individuals with infectious disease were established throughout Europe in the Middle Ages to isolate those with leprosy, at that time a common disease, from the community


hospitals were established outside London in at least 18 cities


is the presence of two more unrelated diseases or disease processes in a single patient


is the second fastest growing sector in the country

end of the 15th century

many cities and towns supported some kind of institutional health care

General Hospitals

may be academic health facilities or community-based entities. They are general in the sense that they admit all types of medical and surgical cases, and they concentrate on patients with acute illnesses needing relatively short-term care

General hospitals

often also have a formal or an informal role as teaching institutions.

(the order of the) Sisters of St. Joseph

oldest nursing group organized in North America

11th century

one of the first medical schools in Europe ultimately grew at Salerno

Bed less hospitals

provide strictly ambulatory (outpatient) care and day surgery.

4000 BCE

religions identified certain of their deities with healing.The temples of Saturn, and later of Asclepius in Asia Minor, were recognized as healing centers.

United States

rely heavily on private insurance funds.

renal dialysis

removal of wastes from the blood by passing it through semi-permeable membranes, in the artificial kidney

Hotel Dieu of Lyon

was opened in 542

the Little Hospital

was opened in Edinburgh in 1729.

first voluntary hospital in England

was probably established in 1718 by Huguenots from France

Developing countries

which contain a large proportion of the world's population

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