Sadlier-Oxford: Level F: Unit 4

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(adj.) Able to return to an original shape or form; able to recover quickly. Synonyms: Springy, Elastic, Buoyant, Bouncy Antonyms: Rigid, Stiff, Inflexible, Unyielding


(adj.) Coarsely abusive, vulgar or low (especially in language), foul-mouthed. Synonyms: Obscene, Filthy, Abusive, Vituperative Antonyms: Decorous, Seemly, Tasteful, Dignified


(adj.) Courteous and pleasant, sociable, easy to speak to. Synonyms: Genial, Amicable, Agreeable, Cordial Antonyms: Surly, Cantankerous, Dour, Inhospitable


(adj.) Incapable of being changed or called back. Synonyms: Irreversible, Unrecallable, Unalterable Antonyms: Reversible, Changeable


(adj.) Incapable of being understood; impossible to see through physically. Synonyms: Impenetrable, Incomprehensible, Enigmatic Antonyms: Comprehensible, Intelligible, Penetrable


(adj.) Persistent, showing industry and determination. Synonyms: Assiduous, Tireless, Indefatigable Antonyms: Lackadaisical, Listless, Indolent, Otiose


(adj.) Relating to, characteristic of, or situated on an island; narrow or isolated in outlook or experience. Synonyms: Narrow-Minded, Parochial, Provincial Antonyms: Catholic, Cosmopolitan, Liberal


(adj.) Scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic. Synonyms: Profoundly Educated, Well-Read Antonyms: Ignorant, Uneducated, Illiterate


(adj.) Shapeless, without definite form; of no particular type or character; without organization, unity, or cohesion. Synonyms: Formless, Unstructured, Nebulous, Inchoate Antonyms: Definite, Well-Defined, Clear-Cut


(adj.) Thin or flimsy in texture; cheap; shoddy or inferior in quality or character; ethnically low, mean, or disreputable. Synonyms: Inferior, Cheesy, Tawdry, Tatty Antonyms: Superior, First0Rate, Quality, Sturdy


(adj.) Thin, light, delicate, insubstantial. (n.) A very thin, light cloth. Synonyms: (adj.) Filmy, Diaphanous, Sheer, Airy, Feathery, Gauzy Antonyms: (adj.) Thick, Dense, Solid, Massive


(adj.) Peevish, complaining, fretful. Synonyms: Petulant, Touchy, Cranky, Irritable Antonyms: Uncomplaining, Stoical, Serene, Placid


(n.) A natural inclination or predilection toward. Synonyms: Natural Bent, Proclivity, Penchant Antonyms: Natural Incapacity or Inability


(n.) Illegal traffic, smuggled goods. (adj.) Illegal, prohibited. Synonyms: (adj.) Illicit, Bootleg, Unlawful Antonyms: (adj.) Legal, Lawful, Licit


(n.) That which surrounds (as an atmosphere); a distinctive air or personal quality. Synonyms: Ambiance, Atmosphere


(v.) To argue or plead with someone against something, protest against, object to. Synonyms: Reason Against, Expostulate


(v.) To disown, reject, or deny the validity of. Synonyms: Disavow, Abjure, Renounce Antonyms: Avow, Affirm, Aver, Avouch


(v.) To find out by reasoning; to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of thought; to hint; suggest, imply. Synonyms: Gather, Deduce, Presume, Guess, Speculate


(v.) To increase in greatness, power or wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater. Synonyms: Augment, Amplify, Enhance, Exalt Antonyms: Reduce, Decrease, Diminish


(v.) To re-echo, resound; to reflect or be reflected repeatedly. Synonyms: Ruble, Thunder, Boom, Echo

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