Safety and Methods Exam 1

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In what way a front-page test can be used as a test to determine ethical behavior?

"What if this was on the front page?" The front page test is analytically useful because it encourages a public official to think about how his or her actions might look to the outside world. People tend to rationalize their actions, usually by starting their analysis with what they want to do and then reasoning backward to justify that course of action.

What is a difference between primary and secondary witnesses?

Primary (eyewitnesses). Secondary (were present at the scene, but did not see the accident).

What is silicosis?

Lung fibrosis caused by the inhalation of dust containing silica.

What are the typical responsibilities of the management and SH&E professional to disabled workers?

- Have disability management strategy to manage issues in the workplace - Have equal opportunity of growth for people with disability - Policy on job retention by employees acquired disability - The policies formed should comply with national policy and legislation and thus take support from external agencies if required - The people should receive training on disability management and efforts to improve the workplace condition for them - Ensure that facility is disable friendly and fulfills the requirement as for norms - Ensure people with disabilities are treated equally as other employees in terms of housing, transport etc. - The management should ensure periodic review of systems like social protection, compensation, training etc. to improve the system and keep it under check

When was the first safety related program established in US?


Define decompression sickness

A condition that results when sudden decompression causes nitrogen bubbles to form in the tissues of the body. It is suffered particularly by divers (who often call it the bends), and can cause pain in the muscles and joints, cramps, numbness, nausea, and paralysis.

What is the difference between lockout and tagout?

A lockout uses a lock to hold an energy isolation device in a safe position and prevents the energization of the machine or equipment. Tagout is when a tag is placed on a piece of equipment to indicate that the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.

What is ISO 14000?

A series of environmental management standards developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) for organizations. The ISO 14000 standards provide a guideline or framework for organizations that need to systematize and improve their environmental management efforts.

What is a de minimis violation?

A technical violation of OSHA rules that have no direct impact on health or safety. It is the least serious class of violation, and OSHA inspectors typically do not levy fines or issue citations for these types of violations.

What is whistle blowing?

A whistleblower is an employee that reports an employer's misconduct. There are laws that protect whistleblowers from being fired or mistreated for reporting misconduct. One of these laws is the Whistleblower Protection Act.

What is the majority form of workplace violence?

Almost 90 percent of all violent acts in the workplace are committed by males. The majority of violent incidents reported each year (75%) are fistfights.

Why does Radon creates a health hazard?


What was the reason that leads to Bhopal tragedy?

Corporate negligence: Factors cited include the filling of the MIC tanks beyond recommended levels, poor maintenance after the plant ceased MIC production at the end of 1984, allowing several safety systems to be inoperable due to poor maintenance, and switching off safety systems to save money— including the MIC tank refrigeration system which could have mitigated the disaster severity, and non-existent catastrophe management plans

What is EAP in the context of emergency management?

Emergency action plan should be customized to be location-specific by including a: - Map - Organization chart - Local coordination information - Local training schedules They should consider the needs of all personnel, including those with disabilities.

What is an employee assistance program? In what ways might it benefit the overall safety?

Employer run programs meant to help employees to recuperate from problems like depression, burnout, substance abuse, emotional trauma after workplace violence etc. EAP helps employees get back to normal life where their productivity matches normal employees and they are no longer a hreat for others. It also creates a responsible image for the employer.

In what way FMEA can be used for hazard analysis?

Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a detailed hazard analysis methodology that involves: - Dividing a system into its various components - Examining each component to determine how it may fail - Rating the probability of failure - Deciding what effect these failures would have

A sound having 140 dB is two times louder than a sound having 70 Db. T/F


Asbestos is naturally occurring substance T/F


Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually caused by standing for extensive period of time duration?> T/ F


PPE is the first line of defense against eliminating accidents? T/F


Your blood will boil if you are exposed to the open space? T/F


What is FTA? What is the overall measure for conducting FTA analysis?

Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a hazard analysis methodology that uses a graphic model to display the analysis process visually. The model resembles a logic diagram.

What is the primary function of NIOSH?

Federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness.

What is HAV? What the primary risk factors that might lead to HAV?

Hand-arm vibration syndrome. HAV prevention strategies include: - Purchasing low-vibration tools - Limiting employee exposure - Changing employee work habits

What is hazard analysis?

Hazard analysis is a systematic process for identifying hazards and recommending corrective action. There are two approaches to hazard analysis: Preliminary and Detailed.

What is the difference between safety and health?

Health is a state of physical and mental well-being - including the absence of disease or infirmity. Safety relates to the absence of physical or psychological injury or harm and often extends to the absence of damage to property. There is a substantial area of common meaning or overlap in these terms because health often refers to long-term issues while safety refers to issues with immediate impact.

Why recommended ranges for temperature drops are relative humidity increases? (Why does relative humidity decrease as temperature increases?)

If the water vapor content stays the same and the temperature rises, the relative humidity decreases. This is because colder air doesn't require as much moisture to become saturated as warmer air.

What is JSA? Please describe the main methodology.

Job safety analysis, or JSA, can be an excellent way to teach safety. It consists of three steps: - Breaking down a job into a chronological sequence of steps - Identifying potential hazards for each step - Developing accident procedures to eliminate or reduce potential hazards.

What is LD50 ?

Lethal dose (LD50) is the amount of an ingested substance that kills 50 percent of a test sample. It is expressed in mg/kg, or milligrams of substance per kilogram of body weight. Common name. Toxin. Lethal doses.

What is the difference between maximum permissible limit and action limit?

Maximum permissible limit is a legal limit in the United States for exposure of an employee to a chemical substance or physical agent such as loud noise. Permissible exposure limits are established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Action value is a limit set on occupational exposure to noise where, when those values are exceeded, employers must take steps to monitor the exposure levels. These levels are measured in decibels.

What is hypothermia?

Most common form of cold stress. A medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature.

What is the long form of OSHA? What is the primary mission of this agency?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Responsible for protecting worker health and safety in the United States.

What is PPE?

Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or infection. The hazards addressed by protective equipment include physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne particulate matter.

Why do the wearing plastic boots might partially protect you against electrocution?

Plastic does not conduct electricity.

Define different type of classes of fire? Why we cannot use the same type of fire extinguisher in different classes of fire?

Powerpoint Charts

What is a role of the industrial hygienist? What is risk management? In what ways, it might be used for enforcing and promoting safety?

Recognizing the impact of environmental factors on people, evaluating the potential hazards of environmental stressors, prescribing methods to eliminate stressors. Risk management involves the application of risk reduction strategies and transferring remaining risk to insurance companies.

What is a rem? Why is the ionizing radiation dangerous for the body?

Rem is a unit for measuring the amount of ionizing radiation that would be required to produce biological damage. Causes cancer.

What is the RPN? Please specify the formula.

Risk Priority Number (RPN) is a measure used when assessing risk to help. identify critical failure modes associated with your design or process. The RPN. values range from 1 (absolute best) to 1000 (absolute worst).

What is Maslow's hierarchical need pyramid? How does it impact a trainees motivation for training and learning?

Starting from the bottom of the pyramid, Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization. Allows managers to recognize the psychological procedures involved in motivation so that they can efficiently direct workers towards company goals.

What type of problems might shiftwork lead to?

Stress, lower job satisfaction, loss of productivity, increased number of accidents.

Define the alienation in workspace environment and state the main problems associate with alienation.

Technological alienation is a state of mind that exists when workers resent the impact of new technologies on their lives. It is characterized by feelings of powerlessness, meaninglessness, and/or normlessness.

In what way, coefficient of friction and fall hazards are related?

The coefficient of friction between surfaces is an effective method for comparing the traction of a walking surface. A coefficient of friction of 0.20 or less means the surface is very slippery and very hazardous. A coefficient of 0.40 or higher means there is good traction. Coefficients of friction decrease when a surface is wet.

What is a tort?

The concept of strict liability in tort makes manufacturers of products liable for physical harm that results from their use as long as the product is not altered by a party other than the manufacturer while it is en route to the customer. Tort law gives consumers a duty to warn customers of potential hazards associated with products.

What is a human factor? In what way it is related with safety?

The human factors theory of accident causation attributes accidents to a chain of events ultimately caused by human error. It consists of three broad factors that lead to human error: - Overload - Inappropriate response - Inappropriate activities

Flammable liquids are usually more volatile than combustible liquids T/F?


The safety related laws are enacted DURING Industrial Revolution. T/F?


What is the wage-loss theory?

Wages actually being earned are subtracted from wages the worker could have earned ; The compensation is a percentage of the difference

With the windchill factor, you always feel lower temperatures than the actual temperature?

Wind or air movement causes the body to sense coldness beyond what the thermometer registers. This phenomenon is known as the windchill factor. This should be considered when planning work schedules.

Define mindlessness

is the result of dumbing down of the workplace so that workers are not required to use their minds in their work. Problems associated with mindlessness include: - An increase in alcoholism - Drug abuse - Employee theft - Work-related accidents - Absenteeism - Sick leave abuse - Turnover rates - Employee personal problems

What is the difference between brick pattern and block pattern in the loading pallets?

lock stacking or floor pallet stacking is a way of arranging, in which pallet is placed directly on floor and other goods are placed one over other in blocks. Height of blocks depends on various factors like nature of good, density and stow-ability of item. In this pattern weight of good placed above is bear by good balance below. Disadvantage of this pattern is to remove good we'll have to use LIFO method. While in Brick pattern arrangement of good is like bricks arranged in a wall. Advantage of brick pattern is that weight of good placed above is jointly shared by two goods placed below. Stability is more. But it is slightly complex than block pattern.

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