safety final

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Central Nervous System

Brain and the spinal cord

Types of gloves

Butyl rubber, Natural Rubber, Neoprene , nitrile, pva, pvc, viton


Procedure designed to connect a object to the earth with a copper wire and a grounding rod

Air purifying respirators

Removes contaminates by filtration, adsorption, absorption, or chemical reaction with contaminates. Used only where there is adequate oxygen (19.5%-22%)


Substances that can cause suffocation by preventing oxygen from reaching tissues.


Surround; adjacent to; next to. For example, ambient conditions of the immediate area such as ambient temperature, ambient humidity, ambient pressure, etc.

Process Safety Management

The PSM standard was designed because of accidents like Bhopal, Phillips, and Arco. PSM final rule was implemented in 1992 rewriting the process technician job description. PSM has lead to the creation of a standardized college curriculum. Also to prevent explosions and vapor releases.

National Council of Industrial Safety

The purpose of NCIDQ is to protect the health, life safety and welfare of the public by establisihing standards of competence in the practice of interior design.

Hazard Communication Program

The purpose of this act is to ensure that the hazards associated with the handling, transport, and storage of chemical in a plant are evaluated and transmitted to affected personal

Fujita Scale

The scale used to measure tornadoes. The scale goes from the lowest, F0, to the highest, F6. A F6 has never happened.


This formation and collapse of gas pockets around the impellers during pump operation. Results from insufficient suction head at the inlet to the pump.


Total absence of hearing; inability to perceive sound


Upper explosive limit


Valueless unwanted sound

Potable water

Water that is safe to drink

First responder operations level

When a hazardous chemical release occurs, the process technicians working on the unit specific to the release will attempt to respond. It is virtually impossible to pull a highly trained emergency response team who would know the unit a fraction as well as the technicians.

Incident Commander

Who is the individual responsible for all incident activities, including the development of strategies and tactics and the ordering and release of resources?

Toxic Substance

a chemical or mixture that may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or environment


a chemical that causes a substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure

Unsafe condition

a condition in the working environment that increases a technicians chance of having an accident

Noise Abatement

a policy set forth by a governing body that controls the noise impact upon a community surrounding an airport

emergency preparedness

a procedure initiated by the loss of containment for a chemical or the potential for loss of containment that results in an emergency situation requiring an immediate response. Emergeny response drills are carefully planned and include preparations for worst case scenarios. Examples include the following vapor releases, chemical spills, explosions, fires, equipment failures, hurricanes, high winds, loss of power, and bomb threats.

Full Body Harness

a safety device designed to evenly distribute the forces of an accidental fall to the strongest muscles in the body. This protects vital organs and limits the possibility of a serious injury

Mechanical Integrity

a term that applies to the soundness of a plant process

air purifying respirator

scba, hose line, hose mask,oxygen deficient, dusts, mist, fumes, organic vapors, and acid gases and ammonia

air supplying respirators

self contained breathing apparati, and hose line respirators ( These respirators are designed to be used in oxygen deficient atmosphere)

enclosure stage

gas layer at ceiling other heated objects reradiate substantial heat back toward the fuel surface

Air purifying respirators

half face and full face half face air purifying respirators are designed to cover the mouth and nose, and mouth

Engineering Controls

hard technology improvements designed to make the work environment safer. Examples of this include sound proofing installing guard to rotating equipment automating product transfers and so on

National Fire Protection Agency

has a standardized system used in chemical hazard identification


have a ph between 0 and 7.0 and turns litmus paper red

Self Contained Breathing Apparatus

have full face pieces connecting hose, cylinder, and harness and weigh between 35 and 45 lbs

Ergonomic Hazards

hazards including repetitive straining and improper lifting that can cause injury

Hearing Loss

hearing impairment of deafness is a partial or total inability to hear.

fully developed fire

there is a steady burning of combustibles


this is the minimum temperature at which a liquid or a volatile solid gives off sufficiently vapors to form an ignitable mixture with air near its surface. At this temperature the material will not continue to burn

Select a respirator

type of hazard, Airborne chemicals, Physical characteristics of chemicals, oxygen deficient, time to perform task, exposure limits, concentrations of chemicals, and ppe needed

Radiation stage

vigorous burning

Occupational Safety and Health

Independent inspectors are allowed to enter and inspect the workplace, cite violation, and set deadlines

Process Safety Management

Is designed to keep the process in the pipes and not in the environment 1990

Process Safety Management

Management of change PSM standard requires that a formal system be in place that makes deviation from standard operational procedures be structured with layers of approval required.

Radioactive Substance

Metallic uranium, x ray, and strontium90, These hazardous materials break down the cell of exposed tissue

Heat Cramps

Muscle spasms that result from a loss of large amounts of salt and water through perspiration.

Hearing Protection


First Aid

OSHA general industry medical services and First Aid, is used by the CPI to establish a first aid program. A qualified first aid provider is described as an employee qualified by a certified medical group to administer first aid.

Hazard Communication Standard

OSHA requirement that operators notify all their employees about chemical hazards on the job, and train them to use chemicals safely; also called Haz-Com and Right-to-Know.


One in four workers In the US handles chemicals. Development of the MSDS is the responsibility of the chemicals manufacturer

Permissible exposure limit

PEL; the maximum legal limits established by OSHA for regulated substances; these are based on employee exposure that are time-weighted over an 8 hour work shift; when these limits are exceeded, employers must take proper steps to reduce employee exposure; for formaldehyde, the PEL is .75 ppm


Physically connecting two objects together with a copper wire


Safety hats, Safety Glasses, Fire Retardant clothing, Safety shoes, Hearing protection, Gloves, Face shield, Chemical monogoggles, Slicker suits,Radios, respirators, chemical suits, Totally encapsulating chemical protective suit

Fire Triangle

a three dimensional representation of requirements for fire to occur: fuel, heat, and oxygen

Anchor Point

a tie off connection device used to secure the free end of a full body harness lanyard. Examples of anchor points include the following: pre engineered eye bolts, cable, slide rail, structural steel or pipe. The anchor point should be strong enough to support 5000 lbs,


an attempt to change a belief or point of view through the use of a violent act. Terrorist are designed to generate fear and focus world wide media attention on the terrorist


an unplanned disruption of normal activity resulting in an injury or equipment damage.

Unsafe act

any act that increase a persons chance of having an accident

Unsafe Condition

any environmental factor or set of factors (physical or social) that would increase the probability of an injury occurring

Chronic hazards

asbestos fibers, coal dust, and toxic metals such as lead or manganese


fire sizes increases by using up initial combustable material

Automatic fire alarm device

fixed temperature type, rate of rise type, and nucleur detector device

Flame stage

flames become visible

Ceiling Stage

flames reach ceiling and heat is reradiated back

Hearing Protection

foam ear plugs, drops spl 8 to 20 db

Toxic Hazards

fuels, metal fumes, solvents, products and byproducts

biological agents

include hazardous bacteria like anthrax, cholera, pneumonic and bubonic plague,tularemia, and q fever, includes the use of viruses like smallpox, Venezualan, Equine encephalitis, and viral hemorrhagic fever, includes the use of biological toxins like botulism, ricin, staphylococcal enterotoxin b, and tricholthecene mycotoxins.


is a comprehensive process hazards analysis system designed to identify hazards to technicians, equipment , operators, and environments


is defined as the amount of chemical entering or being administered to a subject


is defined as the toxic effect the dose has upon the subject

Process Safety Management

is designed to keep the process in the pipes and not in the environment 1990

First Responder Awareness

level is directed at individuals who witness or discover a hazardous chemical release and who have received emergency response training

Noise level

level of distraction to the target audience in a medium. Noise can be created by competing ads, as when a street is lined with billboards or when a television program is cluttered with competing ads. Whereas newspapers and magazines have a high noise level, direct mail is a private medium with a low noise level.

Incipient stage

no smoke or flame, little heat, combustion begins

Physical Hazards

noise, ionizing radiation, electricity, injury to the body, fire, and explosion


occurs when electricity jumps a gap sparks and arcs occur during normal operations of electrical equipment


often described as an attitude that includes career planning, following safety rules, safe work practices, and the use of personal protective equipment.

air permits

permits must be obtained for any project that has the potential of producing air pollutants

Pittsbrugh survey of 1907

provided the first statistical data on how many people had been killed or injured as a result of hazardous working conditions.

Scott 66 Half Face Respirator

removes particulates from air to be used in concentrations up to 10 times exposure limit

North 7600 Full face respirators

removes particulates from air to be used in concentrations up to 50 tomes exposure limit

North 7700 Half face respirator

removes particulates from air( mist, fumes, mist, fumes, organic vapors, ammonia, and acid gases) designed to remove up to 10 times exposure limit

written programs

respirator training for each employee, fit testing, selecting a respirator, care for respirators, proper storage of respirators, types of respirators, and hazards

Process Safety Managements

1) process overview2) training records and methods used to administer training3) Chemicals used in the process4)Description of how to access to and from the process unit is controlled5) Training materials that reflect current work practices6) refresher training required7) Contractors must inform and train there employees and document the training.


1986 nuclear plant in Soviet Union, lost coolant water to reactor vessel and core overheated, meltdown blew root off containment building, radioactive smoke spread around the world, worst nuclear accident in history, crops and cattle poisoned, 31 died, many cancer cases, area around plant still not safe for humans

Hearing Protection

3 types: ear plugs, ear muffs, ear caps

Composition of atmosphere

78%Nitrogen,Oxygen 21%, Argon 0.9%, carbon dioxide 0.03%, and water vapor 0.0 to 4.0%

Fire tetrahedron

A model of the four elements required to have a fire. The four sides represent fuel, heat, oxygen, and a chemical chain reaction.

Exothermic reaction

A reaction that releases energy in the form of heat


A substance that will destroy or irreversibly damage any substance or surface it comes into contact with through a chemical change, usually used to describe acids.

Texas city fire and explosions

April 16 1947, One of the worst industrial accidents to occur in the US, The SS Grandcamp was carrying ammonium nitrate, it killed 581 bystanders the ships crew and volunteer firefighters, it knoecked two airplanes out of the air, approximately 880 tons of ammonium nitrate had exploded

Who regulates the shipments of hazardous material


Keys to accident prevention

Determine the cause prevent its recurrence

Chemical Asphyxiants

Direct chemical action that interferes with the transportation of oxygen form the lungs to the tissues

3m 9920 Dust Fume mist respirator

Disposable Dust Mask to be used in concentrations up to 5 times exposure limit of dry material dust, mists, aerosols.

Dot shipping classification

Explosive, Gases, Flammable Liquids, Self Reacitve, Oxides, Poisonous and infectous materials, radioactive materials, corrosive material, miscellaneous hazardous materials, peroxides


Fire starts

Hot work

Hot work includes any work involving welding, burning or the use of power-actuated tools or similar fire-producing operations. Grinding, drilling abrasive blasting, or similar spark- producing operations are also considered hot work except when such operations are isolated physically from any atmosphere containing more than 10 percent of the lower explosive limit of a flammable substance.

Scene Safety and Control

Hot zone- the area around the incident where contamination has occurred Warm Zone- used to decontaminate technicians leaving the hot zone Cold Zone- a staging area where the incident command post is established

Biological Hazards

Illness-causing microorganism that can contaminate food, such as certain bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi, as well as toxins found in certain plants, mushrooms, and seafood.

4 stages of fire

Incipient, Smoldering stage, Flame stage,Heat stage


a tie off rope that is attached to a full body harness. It is designed to support a minimumof 5000 lbs. The fall protection standard requires that the lanyard be a maximum of 6 feet long, have double locking snap hooks on each end and include a hock absorbing device that is attached to the harness d ring


able to catch fire and burn easily

Qualified first aid provider

an employee qualified by a certified medical group to administer first aid

Heat exhaustion

dizziness, weak pulse, cool moist skin, and painful heat cramps

National Council of Industrial Safety

est. 1913; changed its name in 1915 to National Safety Council (NSC)

Heat stage

excessive heat, flame, smoke,toxic gases

Process Technician

include knowing the equipment process technician include knowing the equipment and technology they are working with, being able to maintain and operate this equipment, complying with safety and environmental regulations, applying quality techniques to operational processes, collecting and analyzing samples,and troubleshooting the system

Accident prevention basic principles of

includes a safe working environment safe work practices and effective management

Smoldering Stage

increased combustion ,smoke, no visible flame


lower explosive limit

Biological Weapons

so-called germ warfare; the use of bacteria, viruses, and parasites on a large scale to incapacitate or destroy a population


study of poisonous substances and their effects upon body parts


temperature is 500 c to 600 c the entire room is on fire


term applied to a chemical that requires only a small amount to be lethal

MSA ultravue Full Face Respirator

used for escape

Hurricanes saffir simpson

Are massive rotating storms that always form when warm, moist air rises over tropical waters. Different names: hurricane - north of the equator in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific Oceans, typhoon - forms north of the equator in the western Pacific Ocean, cyclone—when it forms in the Indian Ocean and off the coast of Australia. A hurricane is normally 342 miles in diameter. Hurricanes can move of 5 to 15 miles per hour or they can become nearly stationary. Hurricanes begin as tropical storms, which have wind speeds of 40 to 73 miles per hour. Hurricanes have wind speeds of 74 to 155 miles per hour. The Saffir /Simpson Hurricane Scale is used to categorize hurricanes. Because hurricanes can last a week or longer and several can occur at the same time, naming them reduces confusion.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

Carbon dioxide extinguishers, Dry chemical fire extenguishers,Foam fire extinguishers, Halon Fire Extinguishers, Water fire extinguisher

saffir simpson hurricane wind scale

Classifies hurricanes according to air pressure in the center, wind speed, and property damage potential in a scale ranging from Category 1 to Category 5.


Compound that forms hydroxide (OH-) ions in water. Theses compounds have a pH > 7, and _ solutions will turn litmus paper blue p.198

Health hazards

Consideration in the design features and operating characteristics of a system that create significant risks of bodily injury or death; prominent sources of health hazards include acoustics energy, chemical substances, biological substances, temperature extremes, radiation energy, oxygen deficiency, shock (not electrical), trauma, and vibration.


Fuel begins to be consumed temperature declines consistently

Air purifying respirators

Half face, full mask, Dust, mist, fumes, organic vapors, ammonia, and acid gases


Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. Refers to many types of hazardous waste operations and emergency response. Requires that certain training must be provided for employees. Requires development of SOPS. Mandates certain requirement when handling chemical releases. esttablishes 5 levels of training and requires use of ICS

Biological agents and Weapons

Include hazardous bacteria like anthrax, cholera, pneumonic, and bubonic plague, tularemia, and Q fever, include the use of viruses like smallpox, Venezualan equine encephalitis, and vital hemhorrage fever include toxins like botulism, ricin, Staph

Community right to know

Increases community awareness of the chemicals manufactured or used by local chemical plant and businesses involves communities in emergency response plans improves local emergency response planning and identifies potential hazards

Unsafe Act

behavior that increases probability of injury

Chemical Processing Industry

broad term used to describe chemical plants and refineries

Administrative Control

can be described as the programs and activities used to control industrial hazards

Adminstrative Controls

can be described as the programs and activities used to control industrial hazards

Ionizing radiation

cannot be detected by any of the five human senses, classified as, alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, xrays, and neutron particles

Physical hazards associated with chemicals

categorized as combustible liquid, compressed gas, explosive gas, flammable gas, flammable liquid, organic peroxides, oxidizer pyrophoric gas, unstable and water reactive


chemicals that have a flashpoint below 100. Examples include benzene, toluene, gasoline, ethyl alcohol, and ethyl ether

classes of fire

class a: ordinary materials, class b: flammable liquides, class c: electrical, class d: combustible or reactive metals, class k: high temp cooking oils, or fats

Physical Hazards

classified as electrical, noise, radiation, or temperature

care for respirators

clean and disinfect, keep in plastic bag, inspect for damage, locate in visible and accessible area, dispose of spent filters, remove empty filters, remove empty cylinders, ensure respirator auxillary, equipment is in stock.

Pressure relief valves

come in three basic designs safety valves for gases, relief valve for liquid, and rupture disc for both

Safety nets

designed to keep materials from falling onto employees on the ground

Biological system

designed to remove hydrocarbons from wastewater. A biological system includes an aeration basin, clarifiers, lagoons, sewer systems, pumps, and so on

Clean air act 1970

designed to1) enhance the quality of air 2) accelerate a national research and development program to develop program to prevent air pollution3) provide technical and financial assistance to state local government4) develop a regional air pollution control program. The CAA approved the establishment of national ambient air quality standards to protect the environment and public health in 1990 new standards were established that were designed to reduce acid rain air toxins, ground level ozone,and stratospheric ozone depletion.

Chemical Hazards

terms associated are carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens, reproductive toxins, those that cause asphyxiation, anesthetic, neurotoxic, those that cause allergic response, irritants, sensitizers, corrosives, toxic, highly toxic, and those that target organ effects

Chronic hazards

terms associated are carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens, reproductive toxins, those that cause asphyxiations, anesthetic,neurotoxic, those that cause allergic response, corrosives, toxic, highly toxic, and those target organ affect

Chronic hazards

terms associated with carcinogens, mutagens,teratogens, reproductive toxins, those that cause asphyxiation, anesthetic, neurotoxic, those that cause target allergic response, irritants, sensitizers, corrosive, toxic, highly toxic and those that target organ effects

Process Safety

the application of engineering, science, and human factors to the design and operation of chemical processes and system

Hose Line Respirators

the basic components of a typical hose line respirator include a face piece , hose line, harness assembly, and air supply, The mask fogs up and collects perspiration, peripheral vision is reduced, the mask increases difficulty in getting into tight spaces, communications becomes muffled and unclear, the weight of the hose line can be uncomfortable

Legionnares Disease

the biological hazards is a form of pneumonia caused by inhaling Legionalle bacteria. This strain of bacteria has been found in cooling towers and heat exchangers

Acute hazards

the effect of materials that pose acute hazards appear soon after a single, brief exposure

Process technology

the study and application of the scientific principles associated ith the operation and maintenance of the chemical processes and systems

Process Technology

the study and application of the scientific principles associated with the operation and maintenance of the chemical processing industry.

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