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Catch basin

(A.K.A, storm drain inlet, curb inlet) is an inlet to the storm drain system that typically includes a grate or curb inlet where storm water enters the catch basin and a sump to capture sediment, debris and associated pollutants.


A permit is required prior to construction or repair of any sidewalk or drive approach within the public right-of-way. The application for this permit shall be obtained at the Department of Public Service. There will be a charge for this permit. The City shall establish all lines, grades and widths of any sidewalk to be constructed or repaired. ALL NEW SIDEWALK MUST BE A MINIMUM FIVE FEET WIDE. A copy of the permit must be kept on-site.

Earth Change

Activities that disturb greater than 5 acres must file a Notice of Coverage with the DEQ including a copy of the SESC permit.


All concrete sidewalks and approaches must be imprinted with the name of the contractor or person constructing such sidewalks and approaches, together with the year the same was constructed. The letters and numbers shall be 1.5 inches high. The imprinted name and date shall be located at each end of the pour or at least every 80 feet.


All formwork must be inspected and approved by the City inspector prior to the placement of concrete. Sidewalk must be stamp imprinted indicating contractors name and date of placement. The concrete shall be stamped every 80 linear feet, at each end of the placement and on every drive approach. The characters shall be 1.5" high. White pigment curing compound or plastic film must be immediately applied to the broom finished concrete. Between Oct. 1st and May 1st any permitted concrete work shall have cold weather protection. Off season work will be re-inspected in the spring. Mix: 6-sack Portland cement, 5.0 gallons water per bag of cement, 6.5% +/- 1.5% air entrainment, 3" maximum slump, delivered by redi-mix truck. Minimum thickness: drive approaches 6" residential, 8" commercial, sidewalk 6" in downtown, 4" in elsewhere. Note: sidewalk thickness adjacent to an approach shall be the approach thickness. Drive approach width at curb: maximum 20' for double car garage, 14' for single car garage and commercial approach as approved by Transportation Division. Concrete is to be barricaded from vehicle traffic until minimum design strength per MDOT specification has been achieved. Damaged or improperly installed sidewalk shall be replaced as per City Code 1024.06.

Pavement Cut

As per the City of Lansing Utility Cut Policy. Edges must be squared, straight, not undermined and extend onto 12" of undisturbed subbase. Replacement of road cross-section shall match existing road cross-section. All asphalt patches will be made by the Department of Public Service and billed to the applicate.


At the direction of the City whenever any portion of a slab of sidewalk, directly adjacent to a sidewalk repair, is broken or damaged, the entire section shall be replaced to the nearest joint.

OWNER CARE-First Winter

Deicing salts must not be applied...for traction, sand is recommended. Do not allow snow and ice to accumulate...this maintains the concrete in a saturated condition which may cause damage during the freeze-thaw conditions.


Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade; upon thawing, uneven settlement and cracking are likely to occur. The minimum concrete temperature, as placed and maintained, must exceed 55°F however, caution should be exercised with concrete temperatures at placement are above 75°F. Appropriate curing and cold weather protection must be incorporated to prevent the concrete from freezing until it attains a compressive strength of at least 1,000 psi. Owner/contractor will be required to Remove and Replace concrete damaged by cold weather, as directed by the City of Engineer at owners/contractor cost.

Storm/Sanitary Sewer Leads

Individual storm and sanitary leads are private utilities in the public right-of-way, and are not regulated by Miss Dig. If the permit holder damages a storm or sanitary sewer lead, the permit holder shall make repairs at his expense. The permit holder shall use a City of Lansing licensed drain layer to make the repair and obtain the necessary sewer permits.

Right of way (ROW)

Is the right to make a way over a piece of land, usually to and from another piece of land? Alright of way is a type of easement granted or reserved over the land for transportation purposes, this can be for a highway, public footpath, rail transport, canal, as well as electrical transmission lines, oil and gas pipelines. A right-of-way can be used to build a bike trail. A right-of-way is reserved for the purposes of maintenance or expansion of existing services with the right-of-way. In the case of an easement, it may revert to its original owners if the facility is abandoned.


May 1st is the first date for regular concrete placement. October 1st is the last date for regular concrete placement. Cold weather protection may be required outside these dates.

Concrete Slump Test

Measures the consistency of fresh concrete before it sets. It is performed to check the workability of freshly made concrete, and therefore the ease with which concrete flows.

MIX DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS (from MDOT recommended for areas in City Right of Way)

Minimum specified compression strength of 4000 psi at 28 days is required for exterior flatwork exposed to cyclic freezing and thawing. The slump, as placed, should not exceed 3 inches, the recommended air content is 5.5 to 8.0 percent, maximum Water/Cementitious Ratio (lb/yd3) as placed in field 0.45, Cementitious Material Content (lb/yd3) S2/P1 (517-611), P1M (470-564), Type III Cement is not permitted.

MIX DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS (from MCA suggested for areas not in City Right of Way)

Minimum specified compressive strength of 4000 psi at 28 days is required for exterior flatwork exposed to cyclic freezing and thawing. The slump, as placed, should not exceed 5 inches with the exception of those mixes incorporating mid or high range plasticizers. The recommended air content is 6.5 ±1.5%. (The City of Lansing requires MDOT Mix Design see below).


Of sediment occurs when the wind or water slows enough to allow the different sized particles to settle out.

Cold Weather Concrete

Placing concrete in cold weather often involves heating some of the concrete ingredients, protecting the freshly-placed concrete from freezing, and closely monitoring the strength gain of concrete.


Prior to excavating within 10' of a tree or within the drip line/root zone. Stockpiling material or storing equipment within the drip line of a tree is prohibited.

Control Joints

Provisions for dividing strips 3/16" thick shall be made. In general, blocks four feet long shall be separated by a divider strip. The dividing strip shall extend entirely through the slab. Control joints that are tooled to ¼ of the slab thickness will be an acceptable alternate to divider strips.


Refers to the binding force between soil particles. When moist, the individual soil particles in a cohesive, silts less so, and sands display little or no cohesiveness. The cohesiveness of some clay soils makes them highly resistant to erosion if their moisture content is maintained, but the same qualities that resist erosion also greatly reduce infiltration and increase runoff.


Residential drive approaches shall be 6 inches thick. Commercial drive approaches shall be 7 to 8 inches thick as determined by the City. Sidewalk, except at driveways, shall be 4 inches thick. No wire mesh is allowed.


Residential single car driveways may have a maximum width of 14 feet at the street on all local streets. Residential double car driveway may have maximum width of 20 feet at the street. Existing commercial driveways may be replaced in kind. The width of a new commercial driveway, or changes in the width of an existing commercial driveway, shall be as per the approved site plan, or as approved by the Transportation Engineer.

Asphalt Drive Approaches

Shall be placed and compacted in layers of no greater than 3". Concrete sidewalk shall be continuous through the approach. During adverse weather, the City may not allow the placement of asphalt.

Sidewalk Restoration

Sidewalks and/or curb ramps shall be replaced within two weeks of their removal, or temporarily restored to public use within five days of removal with the City Engineer's approval on method and

ADA Ramps

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides handicap wheelchair ramp specifications, codes, and handicap access guidelines that most businesses are required to meet when building a ramp. Most residential applications (please see our residential or light duty commercial Pathway ADA wheelchair ramps) do not need to meet ADA code and ADA guidelines, but they are a good reference point for recommended handicap ramp slope and length. Most businesses, churches, schools and other organizations must be in compliance with ADA ramp specifications and ADA requirements for handicapped wheelchair ramp access. Contact your local building inspector for additional ADA compliant ramp information and handicap ramp specs. This guideline is our interpretation. All our ramps are proudly made in the USA. ADA Ramp Specifications Require a 1:12 ramp slope ratio which equals 4.8 degrees slope or one foot of wheelchair ramp for each inch of rise. For instance, a 30 inch rise requires a 30 foot handicap wheelchair ramp to be compliant with handicap accessibility laws. ADA Guidelines Require a Minimum 5' x 5' Flat, unobstructed area at the top and bottom of the ramp for wheelchairs. ADA Standards require permanent and removable wheelchair ramps to have a minimum width of 36 inches of clear space across the wheelchair ramp. Massachusetts and California ADA code now require 48 inches ramp width to be an ADA compliant ramp. ADA Code Compliance Require a Minimum Turn Platform size of 5' x 5'. California ADA ramp code now requires a minimum 6 foot (in the direction of travel) platform size. ADA Guidelines for Wheelchair Ramps allow a Maximum run of 30 feet of wheelchair ramp before a rest or turn platform. ADA Ramp Guidelines Require ADA Ramp handrails that are between 34" and 38" in height on both sides of the wheelchair ramps.

Right to complete/revocation of permit

The Public Service Department has the right to demand completion by the permit holder or the performance surety. The Public Service Department has the right to correct any activity which adversely affects the operation and maintenance of the City's right-of-way or sewer system. Under City Code 1022.02, the Public Service Department reserves the right, after a 24-hour notification to the Permit Department reserves the right to make the situation safe and charge the expanse to permit holder. This permit may be suspended at will, and the permit holder shall surrender this permit and alter, relocate or remove its facilities at its expense at the request of the Public Service Director.


The concrete shall be from the redi-mix truck and be MDOT grade P-1. Maximum slump shall be 4". White pigment curing compound or plastic film must be immediately applied to the boomed concrete.


The forms shall be of such design of steel or wood as to insure the maintenance of lines, grades and depths of concrete. Forms shall be coated with form oil that is vegetable based. Forms shall be removed and restoration to the surrounding area shall be completed within 48 hours of placement of concrete.

Soil Erosion and Sediment Control (SESC)

The permit holder is responsible for soil erosion & sediment control related to all earth changes occurring under this permit. If more than one acres is disturbed or if the work is within 500ft of a lake, river or stream, a separate SESC permit will be required as per City Code 1218.11. Streets and sidewalks shall be kept clean of tracked dirt. If permanent SESC measures are not installed in a timely manner as per City Code 1218.16, the Public Service Department reserves the right to implement permanent SESC measures and charge the expense to the permit holder.


The permit holder shall carry the appropriate level of insurance and hold harmless the City for any claims for damages arising from operations covered by this permit.


The sidewalk and/or drive approaches shall be properly protected from the elements and travel for at least 72 hours. Sufficient barricades must be used to protect the sidewalk and drive approaches and guard the public against accident. All barricades must be properly protected by lights at night. Rebar and caution tape is not considered sufficient barricading. Contact the Lansing Police Department if drive approach is unusable due to construction and on-street overnight parking is needed.


The subgrade for sidewalks, drive approaches and curb and gutter shall be cleaned of all sod, organic material, mud, or other unsuitable materials as determined by the City. It shall be will drained and of a material approved by the City. Fill material shall be MDOT Class II sand and must be compacted in accordance to MDOT specifications to form and subgrade. Testing of the subgrade and/or subgrade fill may be required by the City. Concrete shall not be placed without the consent of the City and concrete shall never be placed on a frozen subgrade.


The subgrade for subgrade of the sidewalk shall be placed at a slope of ¼ of an inch per foot toward the curb, except in special cases as directed by the City Engineer. A drive approach shall have a maximum slope of 10%. A maximum change in the slope of a drive approach is 10% in 10 feet for sags and 8% in 10 feet for crests. All slopes shall in accordance with ADA Guidelines unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.

Hydraulic Grade line

The surface or profile of water flowing in an open channel or a pipe flowing partially full. If a pipe is under pressure, the hydraulic grade line is that level water would rise to in a small, vertical tube connected to the pipe.


To develop the strength, durability and permeability potential of the concrete, curing and protection during cold weather conditions are essential. The following guidelines are recommended upon placement: The curing period must extend a minimum of 7 days (maintaining the 55°F temperature). Do not seal freshly placed concrete. Sealing retains water in the concrete thereby keeping it saturated during freeze/thaw conditions. (MUST BE pre-approved by City Engineer) Cold weather protection is best provided through insulating blankets or loose straw (minimum 12 inches deep) sandwiched between a waterproof cover e.g. polyethylene.


To overcome delayed strength and initial set development associated with cold weather conditions, one or a combination of the following mix adjustments are recommended:


Topsoil and grass seeding with five calendar days after final grading is completed (City Code 1218.16)


Transverse expansion joints ½" thick be placed every fifty linear feet of sidewalk. Expansion joint material one inch thick shall be placed between the back of curb and the sidewalk or drive approach. It shall be a pre-molded strip of bitumen filled fiber and shall be placed at the right angles of the edges of the sidewalk and perpendicular to the surface and extend from the surface to the subgrade.


When installing a new drive approach, widening an existing drive approach, or installing an ADA ramp, the section of curb affected shall either be removed totally or have the back of curb professionally sawed off, at the discretion of the City. All work shall be in accordance with the City's current standard for curb and gutter removal. If the curb and gutter is to be removed, it shall be removed to the nearest joint, if the distance to the nearest joint is less than four feet. Two #4 reinforcement bars are required when replacing curb and gutter.


Where a developed portion of property lies subjacent to or under any sidewalk the construction, reconstruction, or repair of which is necessary, the responsibility to repair, construct or maintain that sidewalk will remain that of the property owner, unless the p

Residential Concreting of COLD facts

With the arrival of fall/winter and cooler to freezing temperatures, the placement of residential flatwork can continue, provided that the principles of "Cold Weather Concreting" are followed. By definition (ACI 306), cold weather conditions exist when "...for more than 3 consecutive days, the average daily temperature is less than 40°F AND the air temperature is not greater than 50°F for more than one-half of any 24 hr. period.

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