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J. B. Priestley

"English Journey" (1943) was written by:


The Conservatives reorganized Welsh local government, replacing a two tier system with a single tier system with a single tire of _____ authorities?

Gael Scoileanna

Schools in which teaching is in Irish language are called?

The 1960s

A Catholic struggle for civil rights in Northern Ireland commenced in:

The Morals Despatch

After a scandal in Kenya involving alleged abuse of power by a white official, Lord Crewe, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, issued a circular that became known as:

A Catholic middle class

A significant outcome of the installation of a large military garrison in Northern Ireland in the 1970s was the growth of


According to Opinion survey, percent of those considering themselves Welsh, as opposed to British or English increased between 1979 and 1997 by:


According to a 1996 study what percent of Scottish households take a daily morning newspaper published and printed in Scotland?


According to a 1996 study what percent of Welsh households take a daily morning newspaper published and printed in Wales?

Queen's University in Belfast

At which British University did major disputes take place in the mid-1990s, following the deletion of the National Anthem from the graduation ceremony?

South Asia

At the end of the 20th century, the legacy of the British Empire was still highly visible because of large migrations from:

New York and Tokyo

Besides the city of London, which other two major cities form the three great financial centers of the contemporary world economy of the end of the 20th century?


Britain made a remarkable recovery from the loss of the North American colonies in the War of Independence, after the defeat of Napoleon in:


British quintessential beverage:

Portugal and Holland

By the end of 17th century, which two countries had ceased to be serious maritime and economic rivals to the Britain?

Stefan Collini

By whom was the definition of a canon of English Literature called 'the Whig interpretation of English literature'?

African American

Carl Lewis, the famous athlete, is:

Neil Kinnock

During the 1979 elections, which Labour Party leader in Wales was building the foundations of his later career as an opposition leader on the high profile he achieved as the main spokesman of the "No" campaign?

Ron Davis

During the 1997 elections, who was the Secretary of State for Wales who was the leader of Labour "Yes" campaign?


Even as late as 1935 Mussoliniwas raining bombs and poison gas down on a medieval army in which country?


How many of all the ships on the high seas were registered in Britain in 1900?

40 million

How many people claimed Irish ethnicity at the end of the 20th century in the USA?


In 1820, British dominion comprised what percentage of world's population?


In Spitalfields, east London, where Huguenot refugees had set up a silk weaving, 60% of the population is:

The four horsemen

In Northern Ireland in the mid 1970 John Hume, leader of the SDLP, networked effectively with an influential group known as:

Catholic - nationalist

In Northern Ireland the sense of dismemberment which dates from the act of partitioning in 1921 is:

Protestant - unionist

In Northern Ireland the sense of vulnerability and uncertainty that has existed ever since a Hime Rule Bill passed through the British House of Commons in 1912 is:

North America

In War of Independence, at the end of 18th century, Britain lost colonies in:

John Major

In speech in 1993 which PM evoked rural England in a way which recalled his predecessor Stanley Baldwin's famous speech?


In what year did the parliamentary accession of Scotland into the already existed union between England and Wales happen?

Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles

In which book was the English language for the first time in its history thoroughly nationalized ad standardized?

Northern Ireland

Julia Kristeva's statement that the subjectives produced by the residual identifications of two hitherto counterposed communities can become reflexive "strangers to themselves" refers to:


Julian Henrique's quasi-musical "Babymother" is the cultural iconography of which popular culture?


Neil Kinnock was one of the Wwelsh Labour PMs who were in a so-called "Gang of______"?

Unionist and loyalist

One if the two unstable blocs of antagonistic political parties in Northern Ireland is know as:


On marrying princess Elizabeth, prince Philip was required to formally renounce his claim to which throne?


On the eve of the WW1 the British Empire covered what fraction of the world's land surface?

Viscount Asquith

On whose gravestone does it state "Prime Minister of England, 1908-1916", even though there had never been a PM of England, only a PM of the UK?


Raymond Williams relablelled GB:

The forest of Arden

Shakespeare borrowed the name of which forest for the setting of "As You Like It"?


The "Indian Munity", the rebellion of natives serving in the British army against their colonial masters took place in:

Spain, France and Britain

The 18th century witnessed a prolonged, recurring, global struggle between the three dominating European powers?

3 million

The 1991 census put the ethnic minority population in Britain at just over how many millions?


The British state is a classical example of the "state union", the state identified by state institutions, and not by:


The Fourth National Survey of Ethnic Minorities in Britain found that the highest prejudice of any ethnicity, racial and religious group was against?


The Good Friday Agreement was signed in:


The Northern Ireland universal sufferage for elections to local government, many of whose powers hd been transferred to the Northern Ireland Office, has been in place since :


The Treaty of Waitangi, the historic pact between the British Crown and the Maori people of New Zealand, which opened a way for British domination of the islands, was signed in:

The Welsh Fourth Channel

The abbreviation S4C, which encouraged the rising generations, stands for:

Henry Watson Fowler

The author of "A Dictionary of Modern English Usage" is?

James Murray

The author of "Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles" (1879) was a Scot:


The capital of New Zealand was named after admiral:


The famous author of "Under Milk Wood" (1954), Dylan Thomas was:

St. George's Cross

The flag of England is called:

Union Flag/Union Jack

The flag of the UK is called:


The people of Wales tend to identify most strongly with their valley, town, or village - more accurately expressed in Welsh as ___ (meaning one's native region)?

Northern Ireland

The most economically disadvantaged area of the UK in the 1970s was:

Viscount Tonypandy

The president of the "Just Say No" campaign was the 88yo former Speaker in the House of Commons called:

Cool Britannia

Tony Blair referred to Britain as:

The Royalist Hotel

What is the name of the England's oldest inn mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records?

The Birthplace Coach Terminal

What is the name of the coach station in Stratford-upon-Avon?

Handsworth Songs

What is the title of an award winning documentary, one among first in the cycle of innovative black British films? (1986)

Western Mail

What is the title of the "national newspaper" of Wales?


What is the title of the Horace Ove's film from 1975?


What percent of the world trade was controlled by Britain in 1900?

Welcome II the Terrordome

What was the name of Ngozi Onwurah's hip hop inspired film? (1994)

Sir Julian Hodge

What was the name of the 94yo tax exile bankrolling the "Just Say No" campaign?

A Voice For Wales

What was the name of the White Paper published a few months before the referendum which outlined the Labour's 1997 policy?

The Savoy.

What was the name of the first modern luxury hotel which was developed by Britain that had electrical lights, six lifts and 70 bedrooms?

A. E. Houseman

What was the name of the poer who wrote the English summer poem "Bredon Hill"?


What was the name of the village between Birmingham and Solihull, on which J. R. R. Tolkien based his Shire in the LOTR?

80 000

What was the total population of Caribbean and South Asian people in Britain in 1951?


When was the Wales Trades Union Congress (TUC) established?


When was the Welsh Development Agency established?


When was the Welsh Office established?


When was the fourth national survey of ethnic minorities in Britain undertaken?


When were the first elections to the National Assembly?

At the end of the 19th century

When did English national identity begin to emerge?


When did the USA annex the Philippines?

The Sun.

Which British newspaper gave Bernie Grant the name "Barmy Bernie" for his hard left beliefs and comments about the police during the riot on Broadwater Farm housing estate?

The Maastricht Treaty

Which Treaty afforded constitutional citizenship to the Welsh for the first time?

The Philippines

Which country did the USA annex in 1898?


Which is the oldest British colony?

John Bull

Which national personification figure was invented in 1712 for the purpose of distinctiveness?


Which of the 4 major political parties in Wales was not the one to support the "Wales Says Yes" campaign?

The lion and unicorn

Which of the British heraldic symbols are mentioned in the title of Orwell's essay?


Which part of England was accorded utopian status in the works such as William Morris' "News From Nowhere"?


Which political party established S4C under pressure in 1982 and then later the Welsh Language Board?

Sir James Brooke

Who almost single-handedly brought Sarawak under British influence, simply by buying a boat, sailing there and getting himself made a rajah?

Menelik Shabazz

Who is the author of the film "Burning the Illusion" from 1981 which portraits the idea of black Britishness?

Laurence Olivier

Who made a propaganda film of Henry V during WW2?

Charles Babbage

Who produces the first computer in 1820s?

Tony Blair

Who referred to the UK as "Cool Britannia"?

John Logie Baird

Who was one of the inventors of television who held his first public demonstration in Soho, London?

Jane Austin

Who was the author of "Mansfield Park", a novel about British colonial times?

George Orwell

Who was the author of the work "The Lion and the Unicorn" (1941)?

Bessie Rayner Parkes

Who was the central figure in establishing the first women's periodical devoted to women's issues, the "English Woman's Journal"?


Who was the host nation of 1998 World Cup?

H. V. Morton

Who wrote the 1927 book entitled "In Search of England" in which the author purposely skirts Black England in order to see the real north of the ancient cities and countries?

H. V. Morton

Who wrote the 1942 book entitled "I Saw Two Englands" which contracts pre-war England and wartime England?

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