SBOK Guide Certified Scrum Master

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Where are the moments where the adaption occurs?

- Daily Standup Meetings - Constant Risk Idententification - Change requests - Scrum Guidance Body - Retrospect Sprint Meeting - Retrospect Project Meetings

Done definition

- Reviewed by other team members - Completed unit testing of the User Story - Completion of quality assurance tests - Completion of all documentation related to the User Story - All issues are fixed - Successful demonstration to stakeholders and/or business representatives

Factors to Determine Business Justification

1. Project Reasoning 2. Business Needs 3. Project Benefits 4. Opportunity cost 5. Major Risks 6. Project Timescales 7. Project Costs

Tranparency in Scrum

Allows all facets of Scrum to be observed by anyone. Promotes an easy and continuous flow of information throughtout the organization and creates an open work culture

Transparency is depicted throught

Artifacts -Project Vision Statement -Prioritized Product Backlog -Realease Planning Schedule Meettings -Sprint Review Meetings -Daily Standup Meetings Information Radiators -Burndown Chart -Scrumboard

Scrum Master Responsibility

Facilitates creation of project's deliverables. Manages risks, changes and impediments during

Custormer and Users Responsibility

Involved in defining the prioritized list of requirements and User Stories in the PPB, reviewing Deliverables after every Sprint and confirm that benefits are realized

Quality in Scrum

Is defined as the ability of the completed product or deliverable to meet the Acceptance Criteria and achieve the business value expected by the customer

When does adaptation happen?

It happens as the Scrum Core Team and Stakeholders learn through transparency and inspection and then adapt by making improvements u in the work they are doing

Empirical Process Control

Principle - decisions are made based on observation rather than on detailed upfront planning. Relies on the three main ideas of transparency, inspection and adaptation

Scrum Guidance Body Responsibility

Provide guidelines and recommendations related to business justification techniques and confirming benefits realization. Guidelines ar

Sponsor Responsibility

Provides funding for the project and constantly monitors the project to confirm realization of benefits

Inspection is depicted through

Scrumboard Frequent Feedback -Develop Epics -Create Prioritized Product Backlog -Conduct Release Planning Final Inspection -Demostrate and validate sprint

How to prioritize using the Prioritized Product Backlog

The most valuable requirements in solving the customers' problems or meeting their needs are prioritized as high and the remaining are given lower priority

What happen with rejected deliverables

User Stories corresponding to Rejected Deliverables are marked as "Incomplete" and can be reprioritized in the Groom Prioritized Product Backlog process, to be completed in future Sprints (check page 86 and 87)

Why scrum believes in maintaining a sustainable pace?

When the scope of the project is increased or when the time or resources is reduced generally results in a decrease in quality.

It is NOT a trait of the Product Owner? a) Scrum processes knowledge b) Proactive c) Motivator d) Negotiation skills

c) Motivator

It is NOT a trait of the Scrum Master? a) Mentor b) Motivator c) Team player d) Introspective

c) Team player

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