Science 1101 Final

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# 23, 24, 25, 26 from 6


#21 from #6


30, 31, 32 on 6


CHECK # 25 and #26 ON "1."


What are the three parts of the triple bottom line?

1. Economic Equity 2. Environmental Health 3. Social Justice

What are the two phases in the carbon cycle?

1. Gaseous 2. Solid

In this lab you are asked to measure two things, what are they, and for what purpose do you need to know their size?

1. Home and neighborhood 2. To compare what having your home and neighborhood as forested land would do for the environment.

Replacement fertility is equal to _________ in stable populations.


Human population is approximately ______.

6.9 billion

1-2 billion tons of this nutrient is unaccounted for by scientists, causing concern over climate change



A colorless, jellylike substance which makes up every living cell and is composed of four elements carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen.


A gaseous element that forms about 3/4 of the atmosphere and is in animal and plant matter


A large group of one-celled microscopic plants concerned in the process of fermentation, nitrogen fixation, etc.

Photochemical Smog

A mixture of air pollutants caused by nitrogen oxides. These pollutants hurt plant tissues and irritate humans' eyes and throats


A network involving different components that influence one another with the exchange of matter, energy, or information


A network of separate populations with some interbreeding between them.


A specific type of consumer that feeds on dead plant or animal matter, examples are bacteria and fungi

In the EPA's Personal Greenhouse Gas Calculator, you had to consider which factor(s) in determining the amount of carbon dioxide emitted/year A a) How much you recycle b) Your weight c) How often you use a bicycle for transportation d) A & B e) A, B, & C

A) How much you recycle

33) After calculating your total emissions on the Greenhouse Gas Calculator, you entered data on a table showing the ___ of carbon dioxide emitted per year from different sources. A a) Pounds b) Kilograms c) Grams d) Deciliters e) Ounces

A) Pounds

Environmental economics _________.

Addresses environmental challenges as they arise within neoclassical economics

Which region has been hit hardest by HIV/ AIDS epidemic?

African Nations

What is an example of an ecosystem with high primary productivity? Low primary productivity?

Algal bed, desert


An abundant element that combines with oxygen and hydrogen to form the organic compounds that make up organisms


Any substance consisting of two or more atoms (elements) chemically combined.

Some of the most ancient water on earth can be found where?


Positive feedback loops

Are more common in natural systems altered by human actions. Would destabilize an ecosystem.

Ecosystems that convert solar energy to biomass rapidly _________.

Are said to have high primary productivity.


Area of land drained by a runoff


Atmosphere and ocean exchange carbon.


Atmosphere layer above troposphere. There is a steady wind here, but no turbulence.


Atmosphere layer nearest the Earth's surface

26) The Australian government used contingent valuation to measure the value of the Kakadu National Park. Which of the following is/are (an) example(s) of (a) question(s) that can be used in contingent valuation? B a) How much money do you spend on gas to get to Kennesaw Mountain? b) How much money do you spend on food when you have a picnic at Amicalola State Park? c) How much money do you spend on tackle to fish at Red Top Mountain? d) A & B e) None of the above


The transport and transformation of substances in the environment are known collectively as _________.

Biochemical Cycles

32) In the What You Can Do to Reduce Emissions section of the EPA's Personal Greenhouse Gas Calculator, you can see how your carbon dioxide emissions would decrease by ___. a) Eating organic produce and meats b) Installing solar landscape lighting c) Using an Energy Star refrigerator d) Flying Delta instead of Northwest Airlines e) All of the above

C) Using an Energy Star refrigerator

The fact that the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has increased over the past several decades suggests that C a) CO2 is not being taken up by plants b) Species extinctions are inevitable c) We are putting CO2 into the atmosphere faster than it is being taken out d) New scientific research has found fault with the following formula: (a) 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + sunlight ---> C6H12O6 + 6 O2 e) The greenhouse effect is no longer in effect

C) We are putting CO2 into the atmosphere faster than it is being taken out

About 45% of the dry mass (not including the water) of a tree comes from where?


Macro-nutrients Big (6)

Carbon, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen

17) The __ describes the ethical standard that is better known as the "golden rule".

Categorical Imperative

Emergent Properties

Characteristics that are not evidentin the system's individual components but are evident only by looking at the whole operating system.

________ is the world's most populous nation, home to ________ of the people living on Earth.

China; one-fifth

Acid Rain

Contaminated rainfall

The Haber-Bosch process allows humans to artificially "fix" this nutrient so that it can be used for industrial agriculture


The largest reservoir for this nutrient is found in the atmosphere; it is a component of acid rain


This nutrient requires bacteria to release it back into the atmosphere from the soil


Awarding carbon credits is a controversial plan because __. D a) Only developed countries can be rewarded for participating in the carbon credits program b) Allometry of old growth forests does not allow carbon dioxide, methane, or water vapor to be sequestered by trees c) The Kyoto Protocol allows individual citizens to purchase carbon credits from the UNEP d) Developing countries might cut down native trees to grow faster growing non-indigenous trees e) Methane will actually increase in the lithosphere as a result of carbon credits

D) Developing countries might cut down native trees to grow faster growing non-indigenous trees


Directly above stratosphere. Contains the atmosphere's lowest temperature (as low as -138 degrees Celsius)

Very little of this nutrient is found in the atmosphere; humans use it in detergent and fertilizer


22) Your state government wants to build a hydroelectric dam in your city. What are some factors to consider when discussing the development of this energy resource? E a) The amount of electricity that is actually needed versus what will be generated b) The impact on wildlife c) The displacement of citizens to build the dam d) The number of jobs that can be brought to the area e) All of the above

E) All of the above

Ecosystem services include ______. a) Pollination b) Clean water c) Prevention of soil erosion d) Pest control e) All of the above

E) All of the above


Earth's rigid outer rock layer.


Eats both producers and consumer.


Eats other consumers.

The Mirarr aborigines value land, plants, and animals as sacred. This philosophy is closest to ______.



Elements required in either small amounts by all life or moderate amounts by some forms of life

Which of the following best describes how energy and nutrients work in an ecosystem?

Energy flows through an ecosystem; nutrients cycle.

What is the difference between evaporation and transpiration?

Evaporation is water turning to gas transpiration is water in plants evaporating into the atmosphere.


Excess nutrients (most often Nitrogen and Phosphorus) entering aquatic ecosystems

In this lab, you had to determine the difference between driving a hydrogen fueled vehicle versus a vehicle that only uses gas


T/F 27) The Dow-Jones Sustainability Index is a list of U.S. based companies that develop organically made products and materials.


T/F 29) The greater Atlanta area loses about 200 acres of trees per day due to development.


T/F From the DOT "Vehicle Emissions" website: Emissions from diesel trucks have decreased between 1967 and 1998, although emissions from cars have not


T/F In this lab, you had to determine the effect a hydrogen fueled vehicle would have on your emissions of carbon dioxide versus a vehicle that only uses gas


T/F In this lab, you had to determine the effect a hydrogen fueled vehicle would have on your emissions of carbon dioxide versus a vehicle that only uses gas.


T/F One way to decrease the size of dead zones is to build townhomes on wetlands


T/F 16) In reference to the central case study of Chapter 6, the Mirarr clan granted permission for the construction of a uranium mine to proceed in Jabiluka after the clan received first priority on job assignments and a nature preserve wherein they would be able to continue their daily activities and spiritual rituals.


What has contributed to the "dead zone" in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico for at least that decade?

Fertilizer runoff from farms in the Mississippi River drainage.

How do the terms "eutrophication" and "hypoxia" relate to those who depend on fishing as a livelihood in Louisiana?

Fishing has been negatively impacted by the eutrophication of the Gulf of Mexico, which has caused hypoxic conditions; thereby, killing or driving away the fish and shellfish that they could have harvested

Fossil Fuel

Fuel, such as wood, coal, oil, burned to produce useful heat or power; fuels that are made of hardened remains or traces of animals or plants of a former geological age

______ is associated with the preservation ethic because he followed the philosophy that nature should remain untouched and unused by humans.

Gifford Pinchot

Hydrologic Cycle

Global circulation of H2O from the environment to living organisms and back to the environment


Green plants that produce food by photosynthesis.


In the nitrogen cycle, the formation of ammonia compounds.

Carbon dioxide is reduced by _________.

Increasing the rate at which we absorb it

Second most populated region on Earth?


What would be an emergent property of a tree?

Its role as a habitat for other organisms in the ecosystem.


Layers of gases that surround the earth; the air

The structural sphere of Earth that is best described as the rocks and sediment is the ______.



Matter is cycled but _________ is not.

How does matter flow through an ecosystem?

Matter is transferred up the food chain as organisms eat organisms on lower trophic levels, and is returned to the soil by decomposers and detritivores so that it can be recycled through the food web


Movement of water from land to bodies of water such as lakes and eventually to the ocean

The process that makes nitrogen available to plants by mutualisic and free-living bacteria is called _________.

Nitrogen Fixaton

What is a contributing factor in the process of eutrophication?

Nitrogen and phosphate pollution

Nitrogen availability is often a limiting factor in plant growth. Nitrogen tends to be scarce because _________.

Nitrogen gas (N2) is so stable that only a few organisms are capable of turning it into nitrogen that can be used for living things.

Fixed Nitrogen

Nitrogen that's chemically combined with hydrogen, oxygen or carbon


Only eat producers.


Organisms, primarily animals that get their food from producers. They feed on green plants or on other animals that eat plants.


Outer layer of atmosphere


Part of atmosphere that absorbs X-rays and short-wave ultraviolet radiation. Very hot. The aurora is caused by charged particles from the sun colliding with oxygen and nitrogen molecules in this layer of the atmosphere.

In the carbon cycle, carbon moves from the atmosphere into the living portion of the cycle through ______.


What are the two chemical processes in which carbon, oxygen and water cycle?

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Anthropogenic activities that can decrease our impact on the carbon cycle include

Planting trees and driving hybrid plug-in cars


Plants roots get nitrates from the soil. Animals get nitrogen from eating plants or plant eating animals.


Plants that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots

Dead Zones

Reversible if nutrient pollution input to a system is reduced.

When considering the phosphorus cycle, plants obtain most of their phosphorus from ______.

Rocks and soils

What is the largest store of Carbon?

Sedimentary rock and sediment

What is the largest store of Phosphorus?

Sedimentary rock and sediment

What is the largest reservoir of carbon in the carbon cycle?

Sedimentary rock that may take hundreds of millions of years to return to the living portion of the cycle.

How is net primary production in an ecosystem calculated?

Subtracting respiration from gross primary production

What calculator is used for this lab?

The EPA Greenhouse Gas Calculator

log10M = -1.25 + 2.66 log10D Is the equation used in lab 3 to determine what?

The aboveground biomass in a 10m X 10m plot of forested land

Connect the allometric equation to deforestation.

The allometric equation allows someone to determine the biomass of an area of forested land and deforestation also gives the deforester the same information.

What is the largest store of Nitrogen?

The atmosphere.

What do you think is the best solution for decreasing carbon emissions? Make sure that your solution considers the triple bottom line.

The best solution for decreasing carbon emissions is enacting policy that makes it economically viable for regular people to care about carbon emissions. Example: instituting a tax on developing undeveloped land or a tax break on returning land to an undeveloped condition.


The breakdown of food with the release of energy and carbon dioxide, it takes place in all living things.


The bumps on the roots of legumes which contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Nitrogen Cycle

The circulation of nitrogen and its compounds by living organisms in nature; nitrogen in the air passes into the soil where it is changed to nitrates by bacteria and used by green plants and then in turn by animals. Decaying plants and animals and animal waste products are in turn acted on by bacteria and the nitrogen in them is again made available for circulation.

In class, the students present were split into three groups: "against", "for", and "voters". What topic was put up for debate?

The development of nuclear power plants in Georgia


The emission of water vapor from the leaves of plants.


The final process in the nitrogen cycle by which nitrogen gas is returned to the atmosphere.

Coriolis Effect

The influence of the Earth's rotation, which tends to turn fluids (air and water) toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

A landscape ecologist would be most likely to study ______.

The movement of nutrients from alpine grassland on a mountain through the temperate deciduous forest at the lower elevations into the tropical rain forest at the base.

What is the second largest reservoir of carbon in the carbon cycle?

The oceans

What is the role of output in a positive feedback loop?

The output drives the system further towards one extreme

Ecological Modeling

The practice of constructing and testing models that aim to explain and predict how ecological systems function.


The process by which autotrophs trap sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

Nitrogen Fixation

The process by which bacteria change gaseous nitrogen into usable compounds. Gaseous Molecular Nitrogen in converted into ammonia.

Carbon Cycle

The process by which carbon is cycle through the biosphere. The flow of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide molecules between the earth's surface and atmosphere

Biochemical Cycles

The process by which materials necessary for organisms are circulated through the environment.


The process in the nitrogen cycle by which nitrates and nitrites are produced.


The proportional reflectance of solar energy from Earth's surface, expressed as a percentage


The study of the change in proportion of various parts of an organism as a consequence of growth. The measure and study of relative growth of a part in relation to an entire organism or to a standard.


The sum total of the planet's living organisms and abiotic systems.

Greenhouse Effect

The trapping of reflected heat from the sun by the earth's atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide may result in a warming of the earth.

How do plants contribute to the water cycle?

Through the process of transpiration.

The 1994 Cairo, Egypt, conference was organized ________. a. by President Clinton to seek world funding for family‑planning initiatives b. to lower the world's population to preset targets by advocating the use of contraceptives c. to urge governments to better address social issues such as poverty and disease as potential sources of population problems d. to address the growing AIDS epidemic in Africa e. to reevaluate the effectiveness of China's one-child policy

To urge governments to better address social issues such as poverty and disease as potential sources of population problems

T/F 30) In this lab, you had to determine the amount of carbon dioxide that would be sequestered if your house/subdivision or apartment/complex were forested.


T/F 7. In this lab, you had to determine the amount of carbon dioxide that would be sequestered if your house/subdivision or apartment/complex were forested.


T/F Fertilizers used on corn fields in Illinois can pollute distant waters like the Gulf of Mexico


T/F In this lab, you had to determine the amount of carbon dioxide that would be sequestered if your house/subdivision or apartment/complex were forested.


T/F Our garbage adds to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere


T/F Our garbage adds to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


T/F Purchasing goods (for example, appliances and clothing) that last a long time can decrease a person's ecological footprint


T/F The goal of ecological economics is a steady- state economy


T/F Waste left on roadways in Kennesaw can pollute distant waters like the Gulf of Mexico.


Green House

Visible light enters atmosphere and is absorbed by lithosphere and objects on land, light is converted into less intense infrared radiation (heat) that cannot then escape back through the atmosphere due to greenhouse gases that trap the heat in the atmosphere.

Less than one percent of this nutrient is available to us to use, although this nutrient covers 97% of the Earth


What is an example of a resource provided by our ecosystem?


What is an example of a service provided by our ecosystem?

Water cycling

Ground Water

Water found in the soil or underground formations of porous rock

About 10% of the water that is precipitated onto land returns to the ocean as run-off. So what?

a) Car oil, dog feces, and trash that go down storm drains may pollute the ocean b) Keeping the water that we use clean is important because it is recycled c) Fertilizers that are used by agriculture may cause eutrophication in lakes and oceans d) Fertilizers that are used on lawns may cause eutrophication in lakes and oceans

35. If a population roughly doubles in the course of 50 years, its growth rate would be close to ________%. a. 1.5 b. 5 c. 10 d. 20 e. 25

a. 1.5

If global fertility rates remain at 2008 levels, the United Nations predicts that world population will be approximately ________ billion in 2050. a. 11 b. 10 c. 7 d. 5 e. 4

a. 11

As of 2008, total HIV infections are estimated at nearly ________ million. a. 33 b. 100 c. 25 d. 10 e. 1

a. 33

3. One way to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is by a. Increasing the use of public transportation b. Increasing the amount of garbage in landfills c. Increasing the use of plane transportation d. Increasing the rate of transphotosynthesis e. Increasing the rate of deforestation in tropical areas

a. Increasing the use of public transportation

One way to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is by ______. a. Increasing the use of public transportation b. Increasing the amount of garbage in landfills c. Increasing the use of plane transportation d. Increasing the rate of transphotosynthesis e. Increasing the rate of deforestation in tropical areas

a. Increasing the use of public transportation

You had to run several different situations in "Smog City". Choose the correct pairing of factors that you tested, and the outcome. a. Max wind vs. no wind; No wind = very unhealthy air quality b. 80o F vs. 120o F; 80o F = very unhealthy air quality c. Cloudy skies vs. full sun; Full sun = good air quality d. No inversion vs. strong inversion; strong inversion = moderate air quality

a. Max wind vs. no wind; No wind = very unhealthy air quality

Which of the following is not one of the world's top five most populous nations? a. Vietnam b. United States c. Indonesia d. Brazil e. India

a. Vietnam

Areas with the least dense human populations are in ________. a. agricultural areas b. temperate areas c. Europe

a. agricultural areas

Life expectancy in parts of southern Africa ________. a. has fallen dramatically since 1990 b. is starting to fall c. is on the rise d. has stabilized due to population control e. cannot be determined due to lack of adequate methods for data collection

a. has fallen dramatically since 1990

According to the IPAT model, technology that enhances our acquisition of minerals, fossil fuels, timber, and ocean fish ________.

a. increases environmental impact

The most accurate terms describing the trend over the past 50 years in resource use for human energy and agricultural systems are ________. a. increasing and unsustainable b. decreasing and sustainable c. steady state - no change d. from unsustainable to sustainable e. rapidly increasing, moving from unsustainable to sustainable

a. increasing and unsustainable

The Cornucopian view held by many economists suggests that resource depletion due to greater numbers of people ________. a. is not a problem if new resources can be found to replace depleted ones b. is not a problem because disease will limit population size c. is not a problem because humans are too intelligent to allow it to be d. will lead to natural selection of the most fit individuals e. will cause a population crash

a. is not a problem if new resources can be found to replace depleted ones

Despite dire predictions in the past, humans still inhabit Earth. A few economists would argue that this is because ________. a. technological developments have alleviated some of the strain on Earth's resources b. space exploration has revealed new frontiers c. Malthus's measurements were inaccurate d. world population growth has been slower than expected e. Malthus overestimated the Earth's environmental sensitivity

a. technological developments have alleviated some of the strain on Earth's resources

What does it mean when the term "overshoot" is used to describe a country's ecological footprint? a. A country is using its resources sustainably b. A country is not using its resources sustainably

b. A country is not using its resources sustainably

What were the sources of pollutants in "Smog City"? a. Cows, trucks, off-road vehicles, industry, and consumer products b. Cars, trucks, off-road vehicles, industry, and consumer products c. Cars, trucks, off-road vehicles, recreational areas, and consumer products d. Cars, trucks, tricycles, industry, and consumer products e. Cars, solar panels, off-road vehicles, industry, and consumer products

b. Cars, trucks, off-road vehicles, industry, and consumer products

In the What You Can Do to Reduce Emissions section of the EPA's Personal Greenhouse Gas Calculator, you can see how your carbon dioxide emissions would decrease by using ___. a. Energy Star edible gardens b. Energy Star windows c. Energy Star flooring d. Energy Star baseboards e. Energy Star ceilings

b. Energy Star windows

In the What You Can Do to Reduce Emissions section of the EPA's Personal Greenhouse Gas Calculator, you can see how your carbon dioxide emissions would decrease by using ______. a. Energy Star edible gardens b. Energy Star windows c. Energy Star flooring d. Energy Star baseboards e. Energy Star ceilings

b. Energy Star windows

In a country where there are increasingly more households, ____________. a. consumption should decrease b. consumption should increase c. birth rates should increase d. birth rates should remain constant e. population growth rates should increase

b. consumption should increase

A country with ________ is not expected to grow quickly in the near future.

b. high female literacy

Which of the following factors drives TFR down? a. rural lifestyle b. social and economic security c. poverty d. history and tradition e. high infant mortality

b. social and economic security

Malthus was responsible for ________. a. the book The Population Bomb, which described the disastrous effects of human population growth b. the idea that without social strictures increasing human population would lead to famine and war c. the idea that population growth would lead to greater industry and prosperity d. recognizing the demographic transition effect in developing nations e. defining the concept of ecosystem services

b. the idea that without social strictures increasing human population would lead to famine and war

The "sensitivity factor" in the model used to represent human environmental impact denotes ________. a. human sensitivity to what needs to be done to protect the environment b. the sensitivity of an environment to human pressures c. the sensitivity of endangered species to human population infringement d. the sensitivity of governments to carrying capacity demands e. economic sensitivity to resource use

b. the sensitivity of an environment to human pressures

37) In the module capstone, you had to: a) Determine the difference between driving a wind-powered vehicle versus a gas powered vehicle in relation to how many acres of forest would be needed to absorb carbon dioxide emissions b) Determine the amount of forested areas needed to sequester carbon dioxide emitted by staff and faculty on campus c) Determine the amount of forested areas the size of the county needed to sequester the county's annual emissions if everyone had carbon dioxide emissions like you do d) Determine how many acres of forest are needed to sequester your annual emissions of carbon monoxide if everyone had carbon monoxide emissions like you do e) All of the above

c) Determine the amount of forested areas the size of the county needed to sequester the county's annual emissions if everyone had carbon dioxide emissions like you do

One way to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is by a) Dramatically increasing the amount of mulch needed for our gardening and landscaping needs b) Increasing the use of plane transportation c) Increasing the use of public transportation d) Increasing the amount of garbage in landfills e) Increasing the rate of deforestation in tropical areas

c) Increasing the use of public transportation

The annual global growth rate of the human population peaked in the ________ and has been declining ever since. a. early 1900s b. 1950s c. 1960s d. 1990s e. year 2000

c. 1960s

A population which is not growing will have a TFR of ________. a. zero b. 1.2 c. 2.1 d. 5 or higher e. less than 1.0

c. 2.1

After entering your data on the "Online Nitrogen Oxide Calculator", you had to ... a. Compare your NOx emissions to that of a fellow classmate's b. Compare your NOx emissions to that of the average KSU student c. Compare your NOx emissions to that of the average American d. Compare your NOx emissions to that of President Papp's e. Compare your NOx emissions to that of Dr. Krolak's

c. Compare your NOx emissions to that of the average American

4. In the module capstone, you had to: a. Determine the difference between driving a wind-powered vehicle versus a gas powered vehicle in relation to how many acres of forest would be needed to absorb carbon dioxide emissions b. Determine the number of forested areas the size of the City of Kennesaw needed to sequester carbon dioxide emitted by staff and faculty on the KSU campus c. Determine the number of forested areas the size of the county needed to sequester the county's annual emissions if everyone had carbon dioxide emissions like you do

c. Determine the number of forested areas the size of the county needed to sequester the county's annual emissions if everyone had carbon dioxide emissions like you do

Carbon dioxide can be reduced by ___. a. Increasing the number of coal-fired power plants b. Decreasing the number of forested areas c. Increasing the rate at which we absorb it d. A & B only e. A, B, & C

c. Increasing the rate at which we absorb it

How is ozone formed? a. Nitrogen oxides + Sulfuric acid + Sunlight b. NOx + Phosphorous + Sunlight c. NOx + VOC + Sunlight d. Strontium + VOC + Sunlight e. NOx + VOC

c. NOx + VOC + Sunlight

Which of the following countries has the highest population growth rate? a. Spain b. Italy c. Pakistan d. Canada e. United States

c. Pakistan

With the use of the "Gas Mileage Impact Calculator", you compared a. The amount of NOx and hydrocarbons between an SUV and a minivan b. The amount of NOx and VOC between an SUV and a minivan c. The amount of NOx and hydrocarbons between your vehicle and a hybrid d. The amount of oxygen and nitrogen between your vehicle and a hybrid e. The amount of seating and cup holders between an SUV and a minivan

c. The amount of NOx and hydrocarbons between your vehicle and a hybrid

The fact that the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has increased over the past several decades suggests that ______. a. CO2 is not being taken up by plants b. Species extinctions are inevitable c. We are putting CO2 into the atmosphere faster than it is being taken out d. New scientific research has found fault with the following formula: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + sunlight ---> C6H12O6 + 6 O2 e. The greenhouse effect is no longer in effect

c. We are putting CO2 into the atmosphere faster than it is being taken out

Declining death rates due to increased food production and improved medical care while birth rates remain high is characteristic of the ________ stage. a. pre-industrial b. stabilization c. transitional d. post-industrial e. revolutionary

c. transitional

From "Smog-Who Does It Hurt?", the people who are most sensitive to ozone include a. Children and adults who stay inside most of the time b. People with melanoma, adults who are active outdoors, and children ages 3-5 c. People with an unusual sensitivity to carbon dioxide d. Adults who are active outdoors, children, and people with respiratory diseases e. Adults who spend most of their time indoors and people with an unusual sensitivity to ozone

d. Adults who are active outdoors, children, and people with respiratory diseases

From "Smog-Who Does It Hurt?", the people who are most sensitive to ozone include a. Children and adults who stay inside most of the time b. People with melanoma, adults who are active outdoors, and children ages 3-5 c. People with an unusual sensitivity to carbon dioxide d. Adults who are active outdoors, children, and people with respiratory diseases e. Adults who spend most of their time indoors and people with an unusual sensitivity to ozone

d. Adults who are active outdoors, children, and people with respiratory diseases

Not surprisingly, the nation with the highest rate of contraceptive use (90%) is ________. a. South Africa b. United States c. New Zealand d. China e. Australia

d. China

2. Awarding carbon credits is a controversial plan because ________. a. Allometry of old growth forests does not allow carbon dioxide, methane, or water vapor to be sequestered by trees b. Only developed countries can be rewarded for participating in the carbon credits program c. The Kyoto Protocol allows individual citizens to purchase carbon credits from the UNEP d. Developing countries might cut down native trees to grow faster growing non-indigenous trees

d. Developing countries might cut down native trees to grow faster growing non-indigenous trees

Awarding carbon credits is a controversial plan because _________. a. Allometry of old growth forests does not allow carbon dioxide, methane, or water vapor to be sequestered by trees b. Only developed countries can be rewarded for participating in the carbon credits program c. The Kyoto Protocol allows individual citizens to purchase carbon credits from the UNEP d. Developing countries might cut down native trees to grow faster growing non-indigenous trees

d. Developing countries might cut down native trees to grow faster growing non-indigenous trees

6. The allometric equation was used in this lab to ______. a. Protest Galileo's demonstration of allometry on animals b. Determine the ratio between the mass of leaves on a tree versus the number of growth rings found along the cross section of the widest part of the trunk c. Demonstrate how fifty acres of coral reefs have become endangered along Georgia's coastline d. Estimate the amount of carbon that is sequestered in a forest e. Accurately predict the amount of transpiration that occurs in the stands of trees found on the KSU campus

d. Estimate the amount of carbon that is sequestered in a forest

The allometric equation was used in this lab to _______. a. Protest Galileo's demonstration of allometry on animals b. Determine the ratio between the mass of leaves on a tree versus the number of growth rings found along the cross section of the widest part of the trunk c. Demonstrate how fifty acres of coral reefs have become endangered along Georgia's coastline d. Estimate the amount of carbon that is sequestered in a forest e. Accurately predict the amount of transpiration that occurs in the stands of trees found on the KSU campus

d. Estimate the amount of carbon that is sequestered in a forest

Mesopotamian, Mayan, Easter Island, and 1930s U.S. midwest prairie societies all experienced "crashes" because they ________. a. had low TFR b. had an unbalanced male:female ratio c. had a weak military d. abused and overused their natural resources e. experienced rapid climate change

d. abused and overused their natural resources

Aside from contraception, what can humans do to control population growth's negative effects on the environment? a. encourage consumption b. encourage emigration from Africa c. discourage emigration from Africa d. discourage population movement into sensitive environmental areas e. encourage smaller households

d. discourage population movement into sensitive environmental areas

The transitional stage in Frank Notestein's demographic model is initiated by ________. a. government intervention b. the increased use of contraceptives c. epidemics d. industrialization e. resource depletion

d. industrialization

America's age‑structure diagram ________. a. looks like a pyramid b. reflects unequal distribution of males and females at all age groups c. reflects a "baby boom" in the early 1980s d. reflects an aging population e. reflects a population with a high growth rate

d. reflects an aging population

The world population growth rate is currently close to ________%. a. 20 b. 10 c. 5 d. 2.5 e. 1.2

e. 1.2

34. During which time period did the world's population more than double? a. 1750-1800 b. 1800-1850 c. 1850-1900 d. 1900-1950 e. 1950-2000

e. 1950- 2000

The richest one-fifth of the world's population possess approximately ________ times the income of the poorest one-fifth, and the richest one-fifth use over 86% of the world's resources.

e. 80

52. Demographic effects of AIDS are most significant because ________. a. AIDS strikes affluent people more than poor people b. it is caused by a virus c. it is not known who is resistant to AIDS d. AIDS leaves behind orphans e. AIDS sickens and kills the youngest and most productive members of society

e. AIDS sickens and kills the youngest and most productive members of society

Because of the success of China's population control programs, ________. a. environmental problems in China have been virtually eliminated b. European nations have instituted similar programs c. African nations have instituted similar programs d. there is a younger population in China today e. China's population growth rate is much lower than it was in the 1970s

e. China's population growth rate is much lower than it was in the 1970s

14. Which of the following is true about "good" ozone? a. It is found in coolants, fire extinguishers, pesticides, and aerosol propellants b. It is being managed by decreasing NOx and VOC emissions from vehicles and electric utilities c. It never gets put in the corner for a "time-out" d. It is essential for the production of high quality hairspray e. It is found in the stratosphere and protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays

e. It is found in the stratosphere and protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays

Which of the following is true about "good" ozone? a. It is found in coolants, fire extinguishers, pesticides, and aerosol propellants b. It is being managed by decreasing NOx and VOC emissions from vehicles and electric utilities c. It never gets put in the corner for a "time-out" d. It is essential for the production of high quality hairspray e. It is found in the stratosphere and protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays

e. It is found in the stratosphere and protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays

In "Lung Attack" you studied the negative effects of what three things on the lungs? a. Particulate matter, carbon dioxide, and ozone b. Particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides c. Oxygen, carbon monoxide, and ozone d. Room sprays, carbon monoxide, and ozone e. Particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and ozone

e. Particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and ozone

In calculating your ecological footprint, you had to determine... a. How many steps you walk each week b. The number of haircuts you get each month c. Whether or not you've read Rachel Carson's Silent Spring d. How many times you have taken SCI 1101 @ KSU e. The number of meals you eat each day

e. The number of meals you eat each day

Helmut Haberl and colleagues have compiled data on ________ as a measure of the human population's growth on earth's natural resources and ecosystem services. a. industrial pollution b. loss of biodiversity, especially pollinators c. water quality d. invasive exotic species e. consumption of net primary productivity

e. consumption of net primary productivity


terrestrial areas of similar ecosystems; identified by similar climate (average temperature and precipitation) as well as common vegetation patters.

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