science ch 9

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John Dolton's Atomic Theory (4)

-all matter is made of atoms that cannot be divided/created/destroyed -during a chemical reaction, atoms of one element cannot be converted into atoms of another element -atoms of one element are identical to each other but different from atoms of another element -atoms combine in specific ratios

nuclear can decay 3 types of radiation

-alpha particles -beta particles -gamma rays

democritus' atomic theory (4)

-atoms are small solid objects that cannot be divided/created/destroyed -atoms are constantly moving in empty space -different types of matter are made of different types of atoms -the properties of the atoms determine the properties of matter

what does rutherford's model contain? (2)

-small, dense, positive nucleus -tiny negative charged electrons that surround the nucleus

protons are made up of two ____ quarks and one ____ down quarks

-up -down

Six types of quarks

-up -down -charm -strange -top -bottom

an alpha particle is made of _____ protons and ___ neutrons.

2, 2

who came up with the idea of circular pass for electrons


who came up with the idea tha atoms combine in specific ratios?


_______ believed that matter is made if small, solid objects called atomos, from which the English word 'atom' is derived


________ set up experiments to test Thomson's atomic model and to learn more about what atoms contain

Ernest Rutherford

________ concluded that cathode rays were made of small, negatively charged particles which he called electrons

J.J. Thomson

who discovered the neutron?

James Chadwick

Unsatable atoms are more likely to be _____ than atoms that are stable


Who used the gold foil experiment?


Rutherford's student performed an experiment during which they shot ________________________ particles into a piece of ______________________ foil

alpha, gold

_______ did not believe that empty space exists, but instead believed that all matter is made of fire, water, air, and earth


who believed that all matter is made of air, water, fire and earth


An _____ is the smallest unit of matter that still represents that element.


smallest piece of an element that still represents the elemant


the number of protons in an atom of an element is the element's ___________

atomic number

john dalton proposed the ________ theory, which was based on careful observations and ________ of chemical reactions

atomic, measurement

Democritus proposed that matter is made of small, indivisible objects called _______


John Dolton's Atomic Theory- during a chemical reaction, _______ of one element cannot be converted into atoms of another element


the average mass of the element's isotopes, weighted according to the abundance of each isotope

average atomic mass

the energy released by radioactive decay can be both harmful and _______ to humans


when beta decay occurs, a neutron changes into a proton and a high energy eclectron called a _______

beta particle

______ atomic model proposed that ______ move in circular orbits, or ______ around the nucleus

bohrs, electrons, energy levels

you _____ see atoms with just your eyes or most microscopes


in rutherford's model what was the alpha particle going through?

cathode ray tube

thomson discovered that the rays in a _____ _____ _____ were attracted to a _______ charged plate, which means that the rays have a _________ charge

cathode ray tube, positively, negative

because gamma rays do not contain particles, the release of gamma rays does not _________ one element into another element


niels bohr proposed that electrons move in _______ orbits around the nucleus


the limitations of bohr's model is that electrons do not actually move in _________ orbits


John Dolton's Atomic Theory- atoms _________ in specific ratios


John Dolton's Atomic Theory- all matter is made of atoms that cannot be divided, _______, or destroyed


dalton's theory states that atoms cannot be divided, _______, or destroyed


the idea of an atom was made by


who first called the building blocks of matter "atoms"?


atoms of different elements are _____ sizes, but are all very _____

different, small

electrons symbol


many ancient greek philosophers thought that all matter was made of only four elements- fire, water, air, and ____


Thomson's experiment lead to the discovery of the ________


atomic particle with one negative charge (1-)


area around an atomic nucleus where an electron is most likely to be found

electron cloud

in the modern atomic theory, electrons form an _____________, which is an area around the __________ in which an electron is liikely to be located

electron cloud, atomic nucleus

__________have much less mass than the other two particles in an atom


an ion can be positively or negatively charged depending on whether it has lost or gained ______


for an atom to be neutral the number of neutrons must = the number of ______


in bohr's model of the atom, electrons move in _____ orbits around the atom


in the modern atomic model, _____ form an electron cloud


of the 3 main subatomic particles, which one has least mass


in a neutral atom, the number of ______ equals the number of protons because the number of _________ charges must equal the number of positive charges

electrons, negative

when uranium realeases radiation, it changes to a different ________


an isotope is often written with the _______ _____ followed by the mass number

element name

an electron cloud is mostly ________ space


negatively charged electrons move in the ______ space surrounding the nucleus


when an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower energy level, ______ is released- sometimes as visible light


when energy is added to an atom, electrons move to higher ______; when energy is released by the electron, it moves back to a lower level

energy levels

henri becquerel and pierre and marie curie discovered that the radiation released by uranium was made of ______ and ______

energy, particles

when we were studying radioactive, which one did not change it to another element


what happened because aristotle was so influential?

his ideas were accepted and democritus' ideas were not studied for more than 2,000 years

John Dolton's Atomic Theory- atoms of one element are ______ to each other but _______ from atoms of another element

identical, differerent

according the modern atomic theory, electrons are usually found _______ the nuclues

in the electron cloud

an atom that is no longer neutral because it has gained or lost electrons


atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons are called


______ are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of _______

isotopes, neutrons

_______ discovered that, in addition to protons, the nucleus also contained neutrons

james chadwick

_______ was one of rutherford's colleagues, he discovered the _______

james chadwick, neutron

________ combined data from his own scientific research with data from the research with data from the research of other scientists to propose a new atomic theory

john dalton

electrons closer to the nucleus have _____ energy than electrons farther away from the nucleus


which scientist defined material as radiation?

marie curie

Rutherford's resulting atomic model proposed that most of an atom's _______ and _________ charge is concentrated in the center of the atom

mass, positive

Democritus proposed that different types of ____ are made from different types of atoms


neutron symbol


an atom with a negative charge is called a _______

negative icon

neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom


chadwick discovered the _________, a neutral particle that exists in the ______ of an atom

neutron, nucleus

protons and _____ are made of smaller parts called _____

neutrons, quarks

protons and _____ have about the ______ mass

neutrons, same

more research showed that, although electrons have specific amounts of energy, energy levels are ______ arranged in circular orbits


scientists have learned that atoms are _____ the smallest particles of matter


a process that occurs when an unstable atomic nucleus changes into another more stable nucleus by emitting radiation

nuclear decay

small area in the center of an atom in which most of an atom's mass and positive charge is concentrated


radiations comes from the ______ of the uranium atoms


Most of the mass of an atom is found in its


What part of the atom did Rutherford discover?


rutherford concluded that most of an atom's mass and positive charge is concentrated in a small area called the ______


the ______ is the small, positively charged area in the center of the atom


every atom of the same element has the same atomic ________


An element is identified by its _______ in the nucleus

number of protons

if you want the number of electrons in an element, what number do you look for on the periodic table

number of protons

proton symbol


rutherford expected the _____ ______ ______ to travel straight through the foil without changing direction

positive alpha particles

if a neutral atom gains electrons, it is ______ if it loses electrons its _______

positive, negative

because atoms are neutral, thomson proposed that atoms also must contain a ____ charge that balances the ________ charged electrons

positive, negatively

atomic particle with one positive charge (1+)


atoms of different elements have different amounts of what?


in the nucleus is the _____, which is an atomic particle with one positive charge


when beta decay occurs, a neutron changes into a _________ and a high energy electron called a beta particle. the atomic number of an atom ___________- by one because it has gained a proton.

proton, increases

different elements contain different numbers of ____


the positive charge in the nucleus was made of positively charged particles called ______


of the subatomic particles, which two are attracted to eachother

protons and electrons

Mass number = number of _____ + number of _____

protons and neutrons

the total number of ________ and neutrons in an atoms is the _____ of the atom

protons, mass

protons and neutrons are made of smaller particles called _____


___________ can be beneficial to humans by destroying harmful cells such as cancer cells

radiation therapy

marie curie called elements that spontaneously emit radiation _____


which scientist expiermented with uranium?


which scientist said atoms have a nuclueus


a _________ microscope enabled scientists to see individual atoms for the first time

scanning tunneling

What kind of microscope can create images of atoms?

scanning tunneling micropscope

what was invented in 1981 that allowed scientists to see indivdual atoms

scanning-tunneling microscope

what were atoms first seen by?

scanning-tunneling microscope (SMT)

the results of rutherfords student's expeirment showed that most particles traveled through the foil, but some bounced to the ____ and a few bounced straight back


there are _____ types of quarks


the mass of electrons are _______ than the mass of protons and neutrons


thomson's atomic model stated that an atom is a positively charged ____ with _____ throughout it

sphere, electrons

thomson's proposed atom was a _____ with a positive charge evenly spread throughout and ________ charged electrons within it

sphere, negatively

some alpha particles traveled in a straight path, as expected. but some changed direction and bounced _____ _____

straight back

early scientists were not able to ______ their theories


who was the scientist that worked with the cathode ray tubes


how many carbon atoms are in a period


what element dud marie curie use to discover radioactive material


an atomic number has to be a _____ number


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