Science Ecosystem 5th grade Test

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2 organisms living closely together, at least 1 benefits Any relationship in which two species live together ex the buffalo and the egret ( bird) the buffalo eats from the grass, insects fly up and the bird eats the insect, in this symbiosis the bird is helped and the buffalo is not affected

What is an energy pyramid?

A diagram that shows amounts of energy that flows through each level of a food chain


An organism on which a parasite lives.

What is a consumer?

Cannot make their own food, they usually eat other organisms to get energy to live and grow Ex. Carnivores or predators eat only other animals which are their prey

How does energy move in ecosystem systems.

Energy can pass through an ecosystem when food is eaten It moves through food chains, energy chains, and food webs

Explain how an animals food and energy can be traced back to plants and the sun?

Ex. Rabbit gets energy from eating plants, ➡️they use that energy to run and breathe ➡️ those activities turn the energy into heat➡️ an owl eats the rabbit ➡️so that owl only gets part of that plants and suns energy

how does the type of water in an ecosystem affect the kinds of organism that lives there?

For example the deep sea the water pressure is very great, the animals that live there.. there bodies have adapted for living under this crushing pressure

What is the effect of a "limiting factor" on a population?

Limiting factors are.... the amount of food. water and space or shelter A population may grow to a certain size and have all there needs met Ex. in the tundra a major limiting factor is the short time of warm weather, which limits how much time plants have to grow to feed animals

what animals are found in the rivers?

Pike, bass are some fish but you also have ducks, turtles, otters and insects, they usually do NOT live in the ocean some of these animals also live on land such as the otter

How do plants compete?

Plants also compete, for light, they grow quickly and cover other plants they also compete for water

What are producers?

Plants, protist, and other micro organisms..they make their own food for energy They get there energy from the sun

Examples of water ecosystems?

Rivers, wetlands, coral reefs, deep sea

How do food chains start in the ocean?

Start with plant like organism called plankton

The deep sea

Stranger types of fish, they have to deal with cold, darkness and very high water pressure, sunlight doesn't reach here so no plants grow

give an example of a food chain

Sun➡️plants➡️rabbit➡️spotted owl➡️bacteria

What is a niche?

That organisms role in the ecosystem

The carrying capacity, what is it?

The carrying capacity is the number of organisms that can live in a place Ex. if a place is overcrowded which is when a population grows larger than the carrying capacity.. organisms will not have there needs met, they must move to another area to survive, there will be less food, water and shelter

what would happen to a community if half the water were removed from the ecosystem?

The population would get smaller, some members would move away

What are decomposers?

These eat wastes or dead organisms Ex. vultures eat dead carcasses

Another symbiosis where both organisms are helped..

These need partner to survive .. lichen is a fungus and a plant like bacteria or algae the bacteria make food from sunlight, the fungus part survives by getting some of this food.. and the fungus gives the bacteria a safe home

Why do organisms compete? And what are results ?

They compete for what they need.. like space, water, light, food, or mates, they compete to survive, if they cannot compete they may die or be forced to move away ex. cats, dogs and bears compete for territory a doga may bark when it sees a person in the yard

What are herbivores?

They eat only plants

Coral Reefs

They live in shallow water because they need water to be warm so they need sunlight to grow, if water is too deep sunlight doesn't get through. some animals are sharks, crabs, clownfish there nooks and crannies are home to many fish

what are land biomes?

Tropical Rainforest biomes, deciduous forest biomes, grassland biomes, taiga biomes, desert biomes, tundra biomes

Tundra Biomes

Very cold, with little rain rodents, rabbits, and caribou, fox and owl feed on the tundra


a group of organism of one of species that live in an area


a large ecosystem with same climate and organism all biomes make a biosphere, a biome can cover several countries


all living and nonliving things in an area any place living things are found

describe parts of an ecosystem and how they maintain the systems balance?

an example is the Owls the owls balance out with the amount of small animals like mice.. if they disappear the owls start dying


an organism that lives on or in another organism called a host and obtains its nourishment from them ex. some parasites are worms that live in a stomach

what is an estuary

area where freshwater meets saltwater (where rivers enter into oceans)

desert biomes

areas that receive less than 25 cm of rain or snow in a year they can be hot in the day but cold at night, some have sand some are rocky

grassland biomes

covered with many types of grasses and have few trees, decaying grass makes fertile soil, trees do not grow well in this biome

taiga biomes

covers much of canada and russia, places that are cold and dry. Trees are the kinds that have needles. Animals found there are bears, elk, moose and wolves

deciduous rain forest

grow in cooler places that do not have huge amounts of rain, trees like oaks, elms, and maples

Temperate rainforest

has trees such as maple and spruce , wet cool climate, mosses cover rocks elk, cougars, and bears are some animals

Tropical Rainforest biomes

have more species than all other biomes warm all year long,, large amounts of rain


is the place in which an organism lives the habitat of the woodpecker is a tree

what are the parts of an ecosystem?

living parts: Food, shelter,and reproduction non living parts: air, water, soil, temperature and sunlight


made up of all the population in an area

Whats a wetland?

partly covered with water or is flooded at least part of the year animals are found on land and in water, alligators, fish, deer, snakes

Explain how an organism can survive in the desert

plants have root systems close to the surface of the ground, which helps take any water from rain Many animals rest during the day , they look for food at night

what determines the kinds of population and size of population in an area?

population can only grow and live where there needs are met, if they are not met the population gets smaller, maybe they move away or die

What is symbiosis between a parasite and a host?

sometimes a parasite may cause an organism harm inside a host by eating the good food before it gets to the host cells

what changes in habitat would cause a population decrease

the change could be in the climate, the number of enemies, or in food or water supply


the role that an organism has in an ecosystem the niche of the woodpecker is in the forest

what are water ecosystems?

they are different in the kind of water they have, how fast it moves and how deep it is

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