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"A new instrument on HST had just become the ideal science instrument to find and study super-massive black holes that reside in the center of galaxies.


"As more STIS results accumulate, it seems that many, if not most, galaxies have super-massive black holes at their center." Daniel Steinberg


"By detecting very little energy from these black hole candidates, we have new proof that event horizons exist," said Michael Garcia of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA.


"STIS is something like a "Cosmic Speed Gun" - when Hubble is pointed at a galaxy it can determine the speed of material that circulates the galactic center.


A black hole is several thousand times the sun


A recent study revealed two black holes at the center of M22, a globular cluster in the Milky Way galaxy.


A similar process can occur if a normal star passes close to a black hole. In this case, the black hole can tear the star apart as it pulls it toward itself.


Among the remarkable things HST can accomplish with this instrument, the Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), will be a black hole survey" Daniel Steinberg


An event horizon is the theorized "one-way ticket" boundary around a black hole from which nothing, not even light, can escape.


As the attracted matter accelerates and heats up, it emits x-rays that radiate into space


Astronomers from the United Kingdom have found the most distant stellar-mass black hole yet discovered. .


Astronomers have found convincing evidence for a super massive black hole in the center of our own Milky Way galaxy, the galaxy NGC 4258, the giant elliptical galaxy M87, and several others.


Astronomers were looking for evidence of an intermediate-mass black hole (several hundred to several thousand times the mass of the Sun) in the cluster, but instead found two black holes, each of which is about 10-20 times the mass of the Sun.


Based on the motion of the material whirling about the center, the object is estimated to be about 3 billion times the mass of our Sun


Because of the many possibilities, researchers will undoubtedly be kept busy for many years trying to find the best possible explanation, but at least now they will have a real one to study. GOOD CLOSING SENTENCE Read more at:


Because of those findings, this new research team began to focus exclusively on the black hole, hoping that it would be the first example found of an intermediate sample. Read more at:


Black holes are generally more likely to sit at the center of galaxies such as the one that is believed to exist at the center of our own Milky Way. But HLX-1 was found, uncharacteristically, out in the spiral. It came to notice only because it was spewing a lot of x-rays and radio flares. Read more at:


Chandra researchers used the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer for exposure times that vary roughly from 10,000 to 40,000 seconds per object.


For many years, X-ray emissions from the double-star system Cygnus X-1 convinced many astronomers that the system contains a black hole


Gravity draws gas from a companion star onto a black hole in a swirling pattern. As the gas nears the event horizon, a strong gravitational red shift makes it appear redder and dimmer.


HLX-1 has been described as being discovered almost by accident, as the research team at the time was instead focused on its host spiral galaxy. Read more at:


How intermediate mass black holes have come to exist is still not very well understood however. Some suggest they may have sprung into existence as tight clusters of stars collapsed into one single black hole Read more at:


Hubble, measuring fluctuations in ultraviolet light from gas trapped in orbit and around the black hole found two examples of a so-called "dying pulse train," the rapidly decaying, precisely sequential flashes of light from a hot blob of gas spiraling into the black hole.


If a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter, for example, it will draw matter inward in a process known as accretion

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In contrast, if the accreting object is a black hole, only a small amount of energy can escape before it crosses the event horizon and vanishes forever.


It is about 12 million light-years away in Centaurus A, a galaxy that is known to have a supermassive black hole in its core


It is impossible to observe them directly, and astronomers had no way to test their theories until Hubble arrived.


NASA's two Great Observatories, the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory, have independently provided what could be the best direct evidence yet for the existence of an event horizon, the defining feature of a black hole and one of the most bizarre astrophysical concepts in nature.


No object except for a black hole can have an event horizon, so evidence for its existence offers resounding proof of black holes in space.


Others theorize that they may have come about as entities all on their own in the aftermath of the big bang; others yet say that maybe they started out as massive black holes that shrunk over time for unknown reasons. Read more at:


Over the years, cosmologists have found ample evidence of just two kinds of black holes: stellar mass black holes and supermassive black holes Read more at:


Recent discoveries offer some tantalizing evidence that black holes have a dramatic influence on the neighborhoods around them - emitting powerful gamma ray bursts, devouring nearby stars, and spurring the growth of new stars in some areas while stalling it in others.


Scientists can't directly observe black holes with telescopes that detect x-rays, light, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation


Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope took an entirely different approach. Joseph F. Dolan, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, observed pulses of ultraviolet light from clumps of hot gas fade and then disappear as they swirled around a massive, compact object called Cygnus XR-1.


Scientists verified the existence of the black holes by studying the speed of the clouds of gas orbiting those regions.


The existence of black holes has been theorised for more than 200 years.


The faster stuff moves around the center, the more massive that center must be. With high-school-level physics we can determine the mass of these super-massive black holes."Daniel Steinberg


Then, last year, they made a second round of observations and found they matched almost perfectly with what the theories had predicted leading the researchers to proclaim HLX-1 as the first discovered intermediate mass black hole. Read more at:


To figure out if it was, the team took measurements from around the time HLX-1 was first discovered and applied theoretical formulas that have been derived over the years to predict the behavior of intermediate black holes. Read more at:


Using techniques that cancel out much of the blurring effects of Earth's atmosphere, astronomers have discovered a star that races around the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way once every 11 years, .


We can, however, infer the presence of black holes and study them by detecting their effect on other matter nearby


When the gas finally crosses the event horizon, it disappears from view; the region within the event horizon appears black


With more precise measurements available recently, the evidence for a black hole in Cygnus X-1 -- and about a dozen other systems -- is very strong.


if a collapsed star is a neutron star with a solid surface, energy must be released when infalling material strikes that surface.


which puts it closer to the black hole than any other star yet seen. The discovery will allow scientists to probe the black hole's effects on spacetime

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