Science-Unit 3 Lesson 1 Quiz

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How are mass and weight measured? A _____-_____ _____ can be used to determine mass. It compares an objects _____ to _____. Weight is measured with a _____ _____. The standard specific unit for weight is the _____ (__). A 100-g mass weights approximately ____N on Earth.

How are mass and weight measured? A *triple-beam balance* can be used to determine mass. It compares an objects *mass* to *countermasses*. Weight is measured with a *spring scale*. The standard specific unit for weight is the *newton* (*N*). A 100-g mass weights approximately *1*N on Earth.

How can volume be determined? Tell me the formula for rectangular solids. To calculate volume, all measurements must be in the same _____.

How can volume be determined? *By a formula if the object has a well-defined shape.* Tell me the formula for rectangular solids. *V = lwh* *(volume = length X width X height)* To calculate volume, all measurements must be in the same *units*.

Liquid volume is measured with a _____ or _____ _____. Its unit is _____ (__) or _____ (__). 1 mL = ______ _____ of _____ in a _____ _____ can be used to find the volume of irregular-shaped solid objects. If Mrs. Jenkins showed you a picture of cylinder with 35 mL of water in it. Then a rock was placed in that cylinder and the water is now at 40 mL. How many milliliters (mL) of fluid did the rock displace?

Liquid volume is measured with a *beaker* or *graduated cylinder*. Its unit is *liters* (*L*) or *milliliters* (*mL*). 1 mL = *1 cm3* *Displacement* of *water* in a *graduated cylinder* can be used to find the volume of irregular-shaped solid objects. If Mrs. Jenkins showed you a picture of cylinder with 35 mL of water in it. Then a rock was placed in that cylinder and the water is now at 40 mL. How many milliliters (mL) of fluid did the rock displace? *5 mL*

Tell me the formula for density. The standard common unit for density are ______________. Water has a density of 1 g/mL. -- If an objects density is greater than 1 g/mL, it will ____. -- If an objects density is less than 1 g/mL, it will ____.

Tell me the formula for density. *D = m/V* *(Density = Mass divided by Volume)* The standard common unit for density are *grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3)*. Water has a density of 1 g/mL. -- If an objects density is greater than 1 g/mL, it will *sink in the water*. -- If an objects density is less than 1 g/mL, it will *float in the water*.

What is density? The density of a substance _____ _____ _____ no matter how much of the substance you have.

What is density? *A measure of the amount of matter in a given volume.* The density of a substance *remains the same* no matter how much of the substance you have.

What is mass? How is mass measured? Objects of the same _____ can be made up of _____ amounts of matter.

What is mass? *the amount of matter in an object* How is mass measured? *grams (g)* Objects of the same *size* can be made up of *different* amounts of matter.

What is matter? Give an example of matter. Give two examples that are NOT matter.

What is matter? *Anything that has mass and takes up space.* Give an example of matter. *Your body is matter.* Give two examples that are NOT matter. *Light and sound are NOT matter.*

What is volume? A balloon and a bowling ball of the same size have the same _____ but very different _____.

What is volume? *The amount of space that an object takes up, or occupies.* A balloon and a bowling ball of the same size have the same *volume* but very different *masses*.

What is weight? The _____ the mass of an object, the _____ the gravitational force on the object and the _____ the weight will be. Mass _____ _____ _____ for an object even when _____ or _____ gravitational forces change the weight of the object.

What is weight? *A measure of the force of gravity on an object.* The *greater* the mass of an object, the *greater* the gravitational force on the object and the *greater* the weight will be. Mass *stays the same* for an object even when *increased* or *decreased* gravitational forces change the weight of the object.

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