SCMN 4970 Final

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Finite scheduling techniques always assign jobs to available capacity on a first-come, first-served basis


Material requirements planning (MRP) lot-sizing procedures are specifically designed for situations where demand is continuous.


Updating order due dates to reflect changes in conditions always improves shop-flow performance


The time-phased order point (TPOP) approach uses what type of data to determine requirements?


In which of the following ways does capacity requirements planning (CRP) differ from rough-cut capacity planning techniques? I. CRP uses a time phased approach II. CRP considers service part demand III. CRP considers standard lot sizes

I II and III

Which of the following are capacities that may need to be managed? I. Direct Labor II. Inspection III. Engineering

I II and III

Which of the following are elements of lead time I. run time II. setup time III. queue time

I II and III

When preparing advanced production scheduling (APS) system time estimates, it is desirable to overstate the time estimate to allow some slack in the system


Workers using a kanban system can produce stock to allow filling a card that will be received from the next workstation soon


good production activity control (PAC) design and practice can compress run time


Which capacity planning activities are considered short-range planning?

finite loading and input/output analysis

Transactions required to track materials, verify activities, ensure quality, and manage changes are referred to as the

hidden factory

Production activity controls (PAC) main link with the rest of the MPC system is

material and capacity plans

The prime objective of production activity control (PAC) is

meeting MPC plans

Input/Output control compares

planned inputs and outputs to actual values

JIT systems replace discrete manufacturing batches with

production rate goals

Resource profile planning differs from capacity requirements using overall factors (CPOF) and capacity bills by considering which of the following?

projected workload in individual work centers

In theory of constraints, non bottleneck resources should be managed with

pull systems

Which of these planning techniques requires the most computing resources?

resource profiles

Identifying bottlenecks is most often accomplished with

rough-cut capacity planning

In a situation where the main source of uncertainty is due to timing of customer orders, which buffering strategy would be expected to perform best?

safety lead time

In a situation where the main source of uncertainty is due to quantity of demand, which buffering strategy would be expected to perform best?

safety stock

Resource planning is most closely linked to which manufacturing planning and control (MPC) element?

sales and operations planning SOP

The path traveled by containers in a two-container kanban system is

supply center- outbound inventory - inbound inventory - final assembly area

Aggregating safety stock from several warehouses to a single location should result in lower overall levels of safety stock (assuming customer service goals are held constant)


Bandwidth refers to the ability to accommodate surges in demand


Distribution requirements planning (DRP) and material requirements planning (MRP) use a consistent data format


Distribution requirements planning (DRP) systems can utilize both safety stock and safety lead time


In a one-machine system, the order jobs are processed has no effect on total time to completion


In a one-machine system, the shortest processing time (SPT) sequencing rule performs well to reduce overall job lateness


In distribution requirements planning (DRP) systems, forecast bias is a more serious problem than forecast errors.


In theory of constraints, even an inefficient means of adding capacity to a bottleneck resource should be implemented


JIT adoption may require a change in measurement and reward systems


JIT concepts can be applied to nonrepetitive environments


JIT is most likely to employ a pull system


JIT schedules typically utilize level loading


One means of reducing overall setup times is called part family scheduling


The horizontal loading scheduling approach is more likely to result in higher capacity utilization


The shop-floor control (SFC) system is kept current on changes to the material plan by the MRP system


The vertical loading scheduling approach is more likely to result in more complete jobs at the end of the planning cycle


Theory of constraints activates span all three areas of manufacturing planning and control (front end, engine, and back end)


Under theory of constraints (TOC), conflicts between material requirements planning (MRP) and finite scheduling are reduced


Vendor scheduling is critical in a JIT system


When multiple warehouses are part of a system, distribution requirements planning (DRP) data is generated for each warehouse


the "order slack" priority sequencing rule schedules the job with the least slack to be run first


Under what conditions are both capacity requirements using overall factors (CPOF) and capacity bills likely to return the same capacity requirement results?

when planning for a single product that is produced in a single work center

Which capacity planning technique is based on accounting and/or historical data

Resource profiles

A visual representation of the scheduling process can be provided by

A Gantt chart

The implosion process refers to

Accumulation of distribution requirements planning (DRP) data from warehouses to a central location

Capacity requirements planning (CRP) is most closely linked to which manufacturing planning and control (MPC) element?

Detailed material planning

Which of the following strategies can be useful in reducing material requirements planning (MRP) system nervousness? I. Introducing system stability through time fences II. Careful use of lot-sizing procedures III. using firm planned orders

I II and III

Which of the following are sequencing rules used in practice? I. First come/first served (FCFS) II. Earliest due date (EDD) III. Least work remaining (LWR)

I II and III only

Distribution requirements planning (DRP) accomplishes which of the following? I. Extends manufacturing planning and control (MPC) visibility II. Summarizes detailed field information III. Analyzes potential warehouse locations

I and II only

In a JIT system, the goal is to reduce which of the following factors? I. setup times II. Defects III. Forecast errors

I and II only

Joint-firm JIT depends on I. A stable schedule II. Reducing the number of suppliers III. Electronic communication

I and II only

Material requirements planning (MRP) lot fixing assumptions include which of the following I. all requirements for a given period are available at the beginning of that period II. Ordering decision occur at regular time intervals III. Demand for future periods can be backordered

I and II only

Material requirements planning (MRP) system nervousness can be attributed to which of the following? I. Unplanned demand II. MRP parameter errors III. Firm planned orders

I and II only

The concept of poke-yoke refers to I. Making operations foolproof II. Designing processes to evaluate quality as production occurs III. Pull systems

I and II only

When capacity does not match the plan, which of the following actions can be taken? I. provide sufficient capacity II. change the material plan III. Modify capacity calculations

I and II only

Which of the following are useful measures of capacity? I. Machine hours II. Labor-hours III. elapsed time

I and II only

TPM is an acronym for which of the following? I. Total preventive maintenance II. Total planned maintenance III. Total productive maintenance

I and III only

Which of the following are typical aspects of a JIT Program? I. Setup time reduction II. Push scheduling III. Continual improvement

I and III only

Which of the following is an objective of capacity planning? I. Building excess capacity for possible future use? II. Estimating capacity requirements early enough to take action if necessary III. Execution of the plan to avoid surprises

I and III only

According to the theory of constraints (TOC), which of these conditions is most desirable? I. 100% utilization of bottleneck work centers II. 100% utilization of non bottleneck work centers III. less than 100% utilization of bottleneck work centers

I only

Distribution requirements planning (DRP) provides data used to prepare plans for which of the following? I. Manufacturing II. Logistics III. Sales and Operations Planning

I only

Advantages of hub inventories include which of the following? I. Lower costs due to reduces damage to goods II. Increased visibility for both supplier and customer III. The supplier has knowledge of demand and usage patterns

II and III only

Which of the following are potential sources of uncertainty in a material requirements planning (MRP) system? I. Customer Care II. Supply Timing III. Demand quantity

II and III only

The "whole person" concept refers to I. Limiting the use of part-time workers II. Direct labor employees performing nontraditional tasks III. Having all workers physically producing products

II only

Which of the following are benefits of simultaneous planning of capacity and materials? I. fewer computer resources required II. Better utilization III. Eliminates the need to expand capacity

II only

Priority sequencing rules determine which of the following? I. allocation of goods to customers II. Which machine to service next III. Which job(s) to run at a work center

III. only

Distribution requirements planning (DRP) provides a link between

Internal and external manufacturing planning and control (MPC) systems

Which capacity planning activities are considered long-range planning?

Resource planning and rough-cut capacity planning

What is the primary consideration when selecting a lot-sizing procedure?

The nature of the net requirements data

In theory of constraints (TOC), original orders may be divided into smaller quantities called

Transfer batches

In theory of constraints, bottleneck work centers are scheduled using forward finite loading techniques.


The capacity bill planning technique provides more direct linkages to end products than does the capacity requirements using overall factors (CPOF) planning methods


Cellular manufacturing systems are typically arranged in the shape of a


Backlashing refers to

Updating component inventory balances when finished items are received into stock

Theory of constraints (TOC) systems are most concerned with

bottleneck utilization

Theory of constraints, uses consistent batch sizes for bottleneck and non-bottleneck resources


If the lead time of a system is reduced, the number of kanban cards should


A major tool in distribution requirements planning (DRP) systems is

distribution requirements planning (DRP) record

The theory of constraints scheduling approach is referred to as


One means of evaluating the effectiveness of a due date-setting procedure is

due date tightness

According to the theory of constraints (TOC) bottleneck work centers should be managed identically to non-bottlenecks


Advanced production scheduling (APS) systems use only vertical loading


Capacity requirements planning (CRP) can be used in firms that don't utilize material requirements planning (MRP)


Capacity requirements planning (CRP) ignores current finished goods and work-in-process inventory levels


Customer purchases are generally part of dependent demand


Formal shop-floor control systems are necessary in a JIT system


Good labor scheduling practice keeps a worker at the same station for an entire shift


In a theory of constraints system, inventory buffers before bottleneck resources are eliminated


In a theory of constraints system, the term "rope" refers to bottleneck resources


In a two-container kanban system, workers at the supplying work center always keep two full containers in reserve to accommodate surge demand


In a two-machine system, the order jobs are processed has no effect on total time to completion


Input/Output control is especially important at a girl that uses just-in-time JIT systems


JIT ignores product design issues


JIT software transactions remove raw materials from stock only when the finished product is completed


Production activity control (PAC) pertains mainly to activities that take place in the MPC engine


Rough-cut planning techniques are not useful for most firms


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