Scrum Events & Artifacts

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What are potential modifications to the Sprint Backlog during the Sprint?

- adding newly discovered work needed to meet the Sprint Goal - updating estimates on the amount of work remaining to reach the Sprint Goal - removing elements of the plan that are discovered to be unnecessary.

What information in a Product Backlog that can change our understanding of what should be built next?

- feedback on a completed product Increment at a Sprint Review meeting - feedback and ideas from current and potential users and customers; ideas from internal stakeholders, including the Development Team - emerging competitive and technical opportunities.

During the meeting, members of the Development Team explain their progress and plans in three areas:

1.) What did I do yesterday to help the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal? 2.) What will I do today to help the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal? 3.) Do I see any impediment that prevents me or the Development Team from meeting the Sprint Goal?

The Sprint Planning meeting addresses 3 topics:

1.) define the Sprint Goal that communicates why the Sprint is valuable to stakeholders 2.) determine what can be delivered in the Sprint. 3.) plan how to achieve that delivery

What are the Scrum masters responsibilities to the meeting?

1.) ensure the meeting happens 2.) ensure only the development team participates 3.) teach the team to honor the timebox

The approach to the Sprint Review is focused around what 3 key areas?

1.) the Development Team demonstrates the product Increment developed during the Sprint then answer any questions that might arise about the demonstrated Increment. 2.) the attendees have a collaborative discussion of the business context for the product (any new developments in the marketplace, feedback from users, projected release dates, if applicable, and any other relevant details) that help the team decide what would be the most valuable thing to work on next. 3.) the Product Backlog is adapted based on the discussion so that the Scrum Team enters the next Sprint with a shared understanding of the priority and context of their work.

The 4 inputs to the Sprint Planning meeting are:

1.) the latest product Increment, if the Sprint is for ongoing development 2.) the current Product Backlog 3.) the projected capacity of the Development Team during this Sprint 4.) past performance of the Development Team

What are the 3 common element patterns to approach running the Sprint Retrospective meeting?

1.) the team inspects how the work was completed in the last Sprint, focusing on areas such as people, relationships, process, and tools. 2.) the attendees have a collaborative discussion to identify and order major items that went well and opportunities for improvement. 3.) the team creates a plan for how they will roll out any chosen improvements. The plan should be specific, so that improvements are actually carried out in the next Sprint.

What 2 pillars of the empirical process are focused in the Daily Scrum meeting to maintain timebox?

1.) transparency 2.) inspect

Sprint Planning is divided into 2 goals:

1.) what can be delivered 2.) how will we deliver it

How long is the timebox for Daily Scrum meetings?

15 mins

What is the timebox for a Sprint Retrospective meeting?

3 hours for a one month sprint

What is the timebox for a Sprint Review meeting?

4 hours for a one month Sprint

A Sprint Planning is timeboxed to ______

8 hours for one month; shorter Sprints the timebox is shorter

Who is responsible for the ordering of the Product Backlog, which provides transparency to the organization about the decision-making process used to arrive at the order?

A single product owner

The ________ Sprint Backlog is the primary output of the Daily Scrum meeting.


Who attends the Sprint Retrospective meeting?

All members of the Scrum Team attend.

What is meant by increasing transparency so that the team can reliably inspect their progress, and adapt their plans to better reach a desired outcome?

An empirical approach

When is The Sprint Review meeting held?

At the end of the Sprint

The Sprint Backlog is created at the Sprint Planning, which is the ______________'s plan for how they will deliver the new product Increment.

Development Team

What is the purpose of Sprint Planning?

It is used to plan the work of the Sprint. it doesn't happen before the Sprint starts but is the first event within the Sprint

The _____________ is the ordered list of everything we might want the Development Team to work on related to the product under development.

Product Backlog

The _______and ________describe work to be "Done" that will add value

Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog

________ _______ ______is an ongoing activity that can require up to 10% of the Development Team's time.

Product Backlog refinement

The ____________ collaborates with the Development Team to refine the Product Backlog. Product Backlog refinement is an ongoing activity that can require up to 10% of the Development Team's time.

Product Owner

The _________ ________ is collaboratively created during Sprint Planning by the Development Team. It is their plan for how they will deliver the Sprint Goal and related Product Backlog items during the current Sprint.

Sprint Backlog

What is regularly updated throughout the Sprint as the Development Team learns more? It is a transparent, real-time picture of all of the work in the current Sprint.

Sprint Backlog

Who is responsible for providing estimates?

The Development Team

What is the primary input in the Sprint Review?

The Increment developed during the Sprint

Which Scrum Artifact answers the question "what is most important to build next?

The Product Backlog

Who is the Scrum Team member responsible for the Product Backlog, including what goes in it, what order it is in, and ensuring that it is always available to stakeholders and the team?

The Product Owner

What happens at the beginning of the Sprint?

The Scrum Team comes together in the Sprint Planning meeting to assess which items from the top of the Product Backlog they can pull into the Sprint. The team crafts a Sprint Goal, which is a high-level objective that will be accomplished by delivering the selected Product Backlog items.

What are the benefits of effective Daily Scrum meetings?

They Improve communication. They eliminate the need for other meetings. They identify impediments to development for removal. They highlight and promote quick decision making, They improve the Development Team's level of knowledge.

What is the goal of a Daily Scrum meeting?

To inspect and adapt the ongoing work of the Sprint

Everything happens within a Sprint there is no pause between Sprints


Define a Sprint Goal.

a high-level objective that provides guidance to the Developers on why the work of that Sprint is important, which could be a customer outcome, a business impact, a learning goal, a risk-reduction objective, or anything else that helps the Developers work cohesively towards a shared goal, rather than on separate initiatives during the Sprint

A product Increment is:

a tangible output of each and every Sprint

Scrum is an ________ approach to managing work.


To provide transparency and to aid the Product Owner in ordering, Product Backlog items have a __________

description, an estimate, and value

A Product Backlog is a constantly ______ artifact.


when is the Increment considered "Done"?

if it can be immediately released without any additional work.

An Increment, broadly defined:

is an increase or addition, especially when that addition represents one of several steps in a sequence.

The Product Backlog is a dynamic artifact, meaning that: This dynamic, ongoing, and collaborative refinement of the Product Backlog promotes a shared understanding of the work.

it is constantly evolving based on what is known at a given point in time.

The three Scrum Artifacts share the same goals:

maximize transparency, and promote a shared understanding of the work.

A sprint lasts - at most -:

one month; shorter Sprints are common

The ______ _______ is the sum of all Product Backlog items in a given Sprint, plus the value of previous Increments. The product Increment Since the product Increment meets the team's definition of "Done," it is usable by stakeholders, providing an opportunity for inspection of the current state of the product.

product Increment

The _______ is the "Done" portion of the product completed during a Sprint.

product increment

What helps Scrum Teams realize the Agile principle that "working software is the primary measure of progress" — which can be rephrased as "working product" — is the primary measure of progress for non-software uses of Scrum?

product increment

What provides an accurate, transparent picture of the state of the product at the end of each Sprint?

product increment

The Sprint Backlog can be thought of as having two components:

the "what" of the Sprint and the "how" of the Sprint.

The Product Owner and Development Team collaboratively refine the Product Backlog. However, Product Backlog items can be updated at any time by __________

the Product Owner or at the Product Owner's discretion

Who attends the Sprint Review meeting?

the Scrum Team and any stakeholders invited to attend by the Product Owner.

During Sprint Planning, the Scrum Team creates two outputs:

the Sprint Goal and the Sprint Backlog.

Who attends Sprint Planning?

the entire Scrum Team the Product Owner attends discussions around determining what can be delivered not the planning

A _____ is a maximum amount of time, not a minimum or suggested amount of time.


What is the goal of the Sprint Retrospective meeting?

to inspect how the last Sprint went with regards to people, relationships, process, and tools.

What is the goal of a Sprint Review?

to inspect that product Increment, and adapt the Product Backlog as needed.

Once a day, developers hold the Daily Scrum meeting


Parkinson's Law states:

work expands to fill the time allotted— this means that a meeting that is scheduled for one hour will tend to take the full hour, regardless of what gets accomplished.

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