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Several Sprints into a project, the Product Owner tells the Scrum Master that a key stakeholder just started using the project. The stakeholder is unhappy with the slow performance. What are two good options for the Scrum Master?

. Wait to bring this up until the Sprint Retrospective. Encourage the Product Owner to put performance on the Product Backlog and express the stakeholder's concern to the Development Team

The time-box for a Daily Scrum is?

15 minutes

Which statement best describes Scrum

A framework within which complex products in complex environments are develop.

Which of the following might the Scrum Team discuss during a Sprint Retrospective?

All of the above

Which of the following are true about the length of the Sprint?

All sprints must be 1 month or less. AND It is best to have Sprint of consistent length throughout a development effort

A Development Team is required to deliver a done increment by the end of a Sprint. Select two statement that explains what "Done" means

All work to create software that is ready to be released to end users. No work left from the definition of "Done"

A Scrum Master is working with a Development Team that has members in different physical locations. The Development Team meets in a variety of meeting rooms and has much to do logistically (for example, set up conference calls) before the Daily Scrum. What action should the Scrum Master take?

Allow the Development Team to self-manage and determine for itself what to do.

A Product Owner wants advice from the Scrum Master about estimating work in Scrum. Which of these is the guideline that a Scrum Master should give

Estimates are made by the Development Team.

Which two ways of creating Development Teams are consistent with Scrum's values?

Existing teams propose how they would like to go about organizing into the new structure Bring all the developers together and let them self- organize into Development Teams

. True or False: Scrum has a role called "Project Manager".


The Product Owner determines how much Product Backlog items the Development Team selects for a Sprint.


True or False: A Scrum Master is essentially the same as a traditional PM (Project Manager)


True or False: A high-performance Scrum team ensures that each increment is complete by running a Release Sprint.


True or False: Scrum is a methodology that tells in detail how to build software incrementally.


True or False: The Product Owner makes sure that team selects enough from the Product Backlog for a Sprint to satisfy the stakeholders.


What is the main reason for the Scrum Master to be at the Daily Scrum?

He or she does not have to be there; he or she only has to ensure the Development Team has a Daily Scrum.

Why should the Product Owner be present at the Daily Scrum?

He/ She doesn't need to be there

In order to achieve the benefits of Scrum. It is important to enact the value of commitment. What two actions demonstrate the commitment of Scrum Team members?

Help the other Scrum Team members. C: Do your best

Which does a self-organizing Development Team choose?

How to best accomplish its work

Which three purposes does the definition of "Done" serve?

Increase transparency. Create a shared understanding of when what work is complete Guide the Development Team on how many Product Backlog items to select for the Sprint.

What are three benefits of self-organization?

Increased self-accountability Increased commitment Increased creativity

Which are properties of the Daily Scrum?

It is fifteen minutes or less in duration. Its location and time remain constant.

During a Sprint Retrospective, the Development Team propose moving the Daily Scrum to only occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Which two are the most appropriate responses for the Scrum Maters?

Learn why the Development Team wants this and work them to improve the outcome of the Daily Scrum Coach the team on why the Daily Scrum is important as an opportunity to update the plan

One of the Scrum events is the Daily Scrum. What are two intended outcomes of the Daily Scrum?

New impediments for the Scrum Master to take care of. A shared understanding of the most important work to be undertaken next to achieve the best possible progress toward the Sprint goal.

The Scrum Master observes the Product Owner struggling with ordering the Product Backlog. What is an appropriate action for the Scrum Master to take?

Offer the Product Owner help in understanding that the goal of ordering the Product Backlog is to maximize value

During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Scrum Master responsible?

Participating as a Scrum team member and facilitating as requested or needed

During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Product Owner responsible?

Participation as a Scrum Team member.

Choose two responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Team.

Pull Product Backlog items for the Sprint. Do the work planned in the Sprint Backlog.

A Scrum Team is required to deliver a done increment by the end of a Sprint. Select two statements that explain what done means.

Ready to be released to end users. No work is left to meet the Definition of Done.

Which three of the following are feedback loops in Scrum?

Sprint Retrospective Sprint Review Daily Scrum

Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review?

Sprint result

The IT manager asks a Development Team for the status report describing the progress throughout the Sprint. The Development Team asks the Scrum Master for advice. The Scrum Master should

Talk to the IT manger and explain that progress in Scrum comes from inspecting an increment at the Sprint Review

Which of the following services are appropriate for a Scrum Master in regard to the Daily Scrum?

Teach the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15 minute time-box

Who is responsible for tracking the remaining work of the Sprint?

The Developers

Who must do all the work to make sure Product Backlog items conform to the Definition of "Done"?

The Development

Who determines when it is appropriate to update the Sprint Backlog during a Sprint?

The Development Team

Who owns the Sprint Backlog?

The Development Team

Who created a product Backlog items estimate?

The Development Team after clarifying requirements with the Product Owner

What does it mean for a Development Team to be cross-functional?

The Development Team include cross-skilled individuals who are able to contribute to do what is necessary to deliver an increment of software.

How is management external to the Scrum Team involved in the Scrum?

The Development Team self-manages and is the only management required at the Daily Scrum

How should Product Backlog items be chosen when multiple Scrum Team work from the same Product Backlog?

The Development Teams pull in work in agreement with the Product Owner.

Who has the final say on the order of the Product Backlog?

The Product Owner

Who is responsible for clearly expressing Product Backlog items?

The Product Owner

When a Development Team determines that it will not be able to finish the complete forecast, who has to be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work selected?

The Product Owner and the Development Team

At the seventh Sprint Review, the stakeholders are disappointed and angry. They are determined that the product or system being built will not meet their need and will cost more than they are willing to spend. What factors likely led to this?

The Product Owner has not been keeping the stakeholders aware of the progress of the project The stakeholders haven't been using the Sprint Reviews to inspect and evaluate.

Which of the following are true about the Product Owner role?

The Product Owner is one person The Product Owner is accountable for ordering the Product Backlog

The Product Backlog is ordered by

The Product Owner with the most valuable items placed at the top

Who can abnormally terminate a Sprint?

The Project Owner

The Sprint Review is mainly an inspect and adapt opportunity for which group?

The Scrum Team and stakeholders

True or False: Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same product or system all select work from the same Product Backlog.


True or False: The purpose of a Sprint is to produce a done increment product


True or False: To get started in terms of what to build, Scrum requires no more than a Product Owner with enough ideals for a first Sprint, a Development Team to implement those ideals and a Scrum Master to help guide the process


The Development Team should have all the skills needed to:

Turn Product Backlog items into an increment of potentially releasable product functionality.

Which phrase best describes a Product Owner?

Value optimizer

Which answer best describes the topics covered in Sprint Planning?

What can be done, how to do it, and why to do it?

Which three questions might be answered by Development Team members at the Daily Scrum?

What will I be working on tomorrow? What did I do yesterday that helped the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal? Do I see any impediment that prevents me or the Development Team from meeting the Sprint Goal?

When might a Sprint be abnormally cancelled?

When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete.

When is implementation of a Product Backlog item considered complete?

When the item has no work remaining in order to be potentially released

If burn-down charts are used to visualize progress, what does a trend line through a release burn-down chart indicate?

When the work remaining will likely be completed if nothing changes on the Product Backlog or the Development Team.

Who starts the Daily Scrum?

Whoever the Development Team decides should start

If burn-down charts are used to visualize progress, what do they track?

Work remaining across time

When many Scrum Teams are working on the same product, should all of their increments be integrated every Sprint?

Yes, otherwise the Product Owner (and stakeholders) may not be able to accurately inspect what is done.

How should a Development Team deal with non-functional requirements?

a. Ensure every increment meets them

You are the Scrum Master of a new to be developed product. Development is going to require 45 people. What is a good first question for you to suggest the group thinks about when forming into teams?

a. How will we make sure all teams have the right amount of expertise?

What is the key concern when multiple Development Teams are working the same Product Backlog?

a. Minimizing dependences between teams

Who creates the definition of "Done"

a. The Scrum Team

What is the time-box for the Sprint Review?

4 hours for a Monthly Sprint

Which of these may a Development Team deliver at the end of a Sprint?

An increment of working software that is "done".

How much work must a Development Team do to a Product Backlog item it selects for a Sprint?

As much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product Backlog item it selects in conformance with the definition of "Done".

How often should Development Team membership change?

As needed, while taking into account a short term reduction in productivity

During a Sprint, when is new work or further decomposition of work added to the Sprint Backlog?

As soon as possible after they are identified.

As the Development Team starts work during the Sprint, it realizes it has selected too much work to finish in the Sprint. What should it do?

As soon as possible in the Sprint, work with the Product Owner to remove some work or Product Backlog items.

You are the Scrum Master on a newly formed Scrum Team. Which two of the following activities would probably help the team in starting up?

Ask the Product Owner to discuss the product, its vision, history, goals, and context, as well as answer questions. Ensure the team understands they need a definition of "Done"

The Product Owner is not collaborating with the Development Team during the Sprint. What are two valuable actions for a Scrum Master to take?

Coach the Product Owner in the values of Scrum and incremental delivery Bring up the problem in the Sprint Retrospective

During the Sprint, the Scrum Master's role is to do which two of the following:

Coaching the team members in self-management Facilitate inspection and adaptation opportunities as requested or needed.

Which two things should the Development Team do during the first Sprint?

Create an increment of potentially releasable software Develop at least one piece of functionality

How do you know that a Development Team is cross-functional?

Development Team has all the Skills to create a potentially releasable increment by the end of every Sprint

Which of the following are roles on a Scrum Team?

Development Team member Product Owner Scrum Master

In the Sprint Planning meeting, the Product Owner and the Development Team were unable to reach a clear understanding about the highest order Product Backlog items. Because of this, the Development Team couldn't figure out how many Product Backlog items it could forecast for the upcoming Sprint. They were able to agree on a Sprint Goal, however. Which of the following two actions should the Scrum Master support?

Discuss in the upcoming Sprint Retrospective why this happened and what changes will make it less likely to recur Forecast the most likely Product Backlog items to meet the goal and create a Sprint Backlog based on a likely initial design and plan. Once the time-box for the Sprint Planning meeting is over, start the Sprint and continue to analyze, decompose, and create additional functionality during the Sprint

At the end of a Sprint a Project Backlog item worked on during the Sprint does not meet the definition "Done" what two things should happen with the undone Project Backlog item?

Do not include the item in the increment Sprint Put it on the Product Backlog for the product Owner to decide what to do with it

When is the Sprint Backlog created?

During the Sprint Planning meeting

When is it appropriate for a Development Team to Change the definition of "Done"?

During the Sprint Retrospective

What is the best suited structure for Development Team in order to produce integrated increments?

Each Development Team develops functionality from beginning to end throughout all technical layers.

A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Team members and creating a hostile environment. If necessary, who is responsible for removing the team member?

The Scrum Team is responsible,

During the Sprint Retrospective a Scrum Team has identified several high priority process improvements. Which of the following statement is most accurate?

The Scrum Team should choose at least one high priority process improvement to place in the Sprint Backlog.

For which is the Scrum Master responsible?

The Scrum framework being adopted and used property

Which output from Sprint Planning provides the Development Team with a target and overarching direction for the Sprint?

The Sprint Goal

You are the Scrum Master for four Scrum Team working from the same Product Backlog. Several of the developers come to you complaining that work identified for the upcoming two Sprints will require full time commitment from a technical specialist who is external to the teams. What are two key concern for the Scrum Master to take into account in this situation?

The ability of the Development Team to produce integrated increments The benefit of Development Teams figuring out a solution for themselves

Every Development Team should have

The competencies and skills needed to deliver a Done increment in a Sprint

Why is Daily Scrum held at the same time and same Place?

The consistency makes complexity

What does it mean to say that an event has a time-box

The event can take no more than a maximum amount of time

Which are NOT appropriate topics for discussion in a Sprint Retrospective?

The value of work currently represented in the Product Backlog. Arranging the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint.

What is the accountability of the Product Owner during Sprint 0?

There is no such thing as Sprint 0

What are two ways that architecture are infrastructure are handled in scrum?

They are added to the product Backlog and addressed in early sprints, while always requiring at least some business functionality, no matter how small They are implemented along with functional development of the product.

What activities would a Product Owner typically undertake in the phase between the end of the current Sprint and the start of the next Sprint.

They are on such activities. The next Sprint starts immediately after the current Sprint.

Which outcome is expected as Scrum Teams mature?

They will improve their definition of "Done" to include more stringent criteria

What is the role of management in Scrum?

To facilitate the Scrum Teams with insights and resources that help them improve.

Why does the Project Owner want the Development Team to adhere to its definition of "Done"?

To have complete transparency into what has been done at the end of each Sprint.

When the Developers determine that they will not be able to finish the complete forecast, who has to be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work selected?

a. The Scrum Team

The Product Owner must release each increment to production.

a. When it makes sense

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