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.11 Identify and explain the purpose of the following ratings: CE

Installs, operates, services, and overhauls electrical generating and distribution systems.

Discuss the purpose of a mishap investigation and who's responsible for conducting the

investigation. The U.S. Navy documents the loss of millions of dollars each year on accidental damage, fatalities, injuries, and occupational illness. Mishaps lower operational readiness and waste tax dollars. The purpose of a mishap investigation is to determine the primary and contributing causes of the mishap. From those causes we can then plan corrective action to prevent a recurrence of the mishap.

Discuss the four principles of ORM

1. Accept Risk when Benefits Outweigh the Cost. 2. Accept No Unnecessary Risk. 3. Anticipate and Manage Risk by Planning. 4. Make Risk Decisions at the Right Level.

Discuss the three circumstances that led to the formation of the U.S. Navy.

1. Smuggling was diverting tax money. Alexander Hamilton proposed and the Congress authorized in 1790, a fleet of "ten boats for the collection of revenue." commonly known as the Revenue Marine, a precursor to the U.S. Coast Guard. 2. Seizure of U.S. merchant shipping by predatory French privateers and pirates from the Mediterranean's Barbary coast. "Revenue Cutters," constituted the sole seaborne defense of the US until Congress exercised its constitutional power and voted to "establish and maintain a Navy." 3. In 1794 Congress authorized the Department of War to construct six frigates, for the protection of American merchantmen against the Barbary corsairs. Four years later, in response to renewed aggression by France during its war against Great Britain, Congress finally established the Department of the Navy, authorized the Marine Corps, and began the first significant buildup of naval forces as we know them today.

.9 Discuss the significant contributions made by the Seabees during the following: World War II

325,000 men served in the Naval Construction Force during the Second World War. The Seabees built over 400 advance bases along five figurative roads to victory. Constructed fuel tanks, airfields, supply depots, and other facilities for supporting actions in the Coral Sea and Solomon Islands. In the Pacific, Seabees built 111 major airstrips, 441 piers, 2,558 ammunition magazines, 700 square blocks of warehouses, hospitals for 70,000 patients, tanks for storing 100,000 gallons of gasoline and housing for 1,500,000 men. At Espiritu Santo in the New Hebrides, Seabees constructed a 5,000 foot airstrip from virgin jungle in 20 days

Discuss the purpose of a Safety Plan.

All construction projects have safety considerations requiring an approved plan. The military must also comply with construction and occupational safety and health regulations while accomplishing its mission. Common guidance applicable to each Military Service is found in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and UFGS. Managers are responsible for initiating actions to develop a safety plan.

.7 Discuss the mission of the following units: Naval Construction Group (NCG)

An NCG plans and delivers training, mobilization, and logistical support to NECC units to ensure that they achieve and maintain high operational readiness.

Define risk

An expression of possible loss, adverse outcome, or negative consequence such as injury, or illness in terms of probability, and severity.

Define hazard

Any real or potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death to personnel; damage to or loss of equipment or property; degradation of mission capability or impact to mission accomplishment; or damage to the environment. (Synonymous with the term threat.)

.6 Discuss the conditions that led to the creation of the Seabees.

Before 1941, the Civil Engineer Corps used private contractors to accomplish all overseas construction. The contractors, in turn, hired steelworkers, electricians, carpenters, draftsmen, and mechanics from private industry. However, the Navy realized that, in the event of war, civilian contractors and construction workers could not be used very well outside our own country. If they were attacked and attempted to defend themselves, these civilians could be regarded as guerrillas. Also, since most of them had never received any type of combat training, there was reason to believe that they could not adequately defend themselves, even if their lives depended on it. These fears soon became realities. As World War II drew near, there was an urgent need for more overseas bases. Airfields and landing strips had to be rushed into existence on far away islands. Clearly, we needed a combat MILITARYORGANIZATION trained to construct these advance bases. Even before the outbreak of hostilities, the Bureau of Yards and Docks had conceived the idea of naval construction battalions. The first construction units were organized early in January 1942. Highly skilled construction workers were recruited, and whole construction companies volunteered men and equipment.

.5 Discuss the levels of authority (control). Combatant Command (COCOM)

Cannot be delegated and is the authority of a Combatant Commander to perform those functions of command over assigned forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives and giving authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations necessary to accomplish the missions assigned to the command.

.1 Discuss the following functional elements as they relate to Naval Civil Engineering Forces. Naval Amphibious Construction Battalion

Commissioned Naval units whose main function is to provide military and amphibious construction support to the armed forces in military operations. PHIBCBs conduct ship-to-shore transportation of bulk fuel/water supplies, materials, and equipment in support of amphibious operations known as JLOTS operations. PHIBCBs also conduct related Combat Service Support, including general engineering and security support in subsequent operations. Provide support to MPF operations.

.5 Honor

Conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner in all relationships with peers, superiors and subordinates. Be honest and truthful in our dealings with each other, and with those outside the Navy. Be willing to make honest recommendations and accept those of junior personnel. Encourage new ideas and deliver the bad news, even when it is unpopular. Abide by an uncompromising code of integrity, taking responsibility for our actions and keeping our word.

Identify and explain the four qualities that represent the characteristics of the Naval Forces.

Decisiveness Sustainability Responsiveness Agility

.5 Commitment

Demand respect up and down the chain of command. Care for the safety, professional, personal and spiritual well-being of our people. Show respect toward all people without regard to race, religion, or gender. Treat each individual with human dignity. Be committed to positive change and constant improvement. Exhibit the highest degree of moral character, technical excellence, quality and competence in what we have been trained to do. The day-to-day duty of every Navy man and woman is to work together as a team to improve the quality of our work, our people and ourselves. Fulfill or exceed our legal and ethical responsibilities in our public and personal lives twenty-four hours a day. Illegal or improper behavior or even the appearance of such behavior will not be tolerated. We are accountable for our professional and personal behavior. We will be mindful of the privilege to serve our fellow Americans.

.11 State the missions for the following NECC commands: Costal Riverine Squadrons

Establishes and maintains control of rivers and waterways for military and civil purposes, denies their use to hostile forces, and destroys waterborne hostile forces as necessary

.8 Admiral Ben Morrell

Father of the Seabees RADM Ben Morrell, Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, decided to activate, organize, and man Construction Battalions after the attack of Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941. He requested specific authority to carry out his decision. On January 5, 1942 he gained authority for the Bureau of Navigation to recruit men for the construction trades for assignment to a Naval Construction Regiment composed of three Naval Construction Battalions. This was the beginning of the renowned Seabees.

.1 Discuss the following functional elements as they relate to Naval Civil Engineering Forces. Combatant Command Staff Engineer

Function as conduits to relay engineer requirements and acquire services from NECC, NCG, and NAVFAC. Serve as the single points of contact providing the CCDR with mission capabilities, organizational structure, equipment, and proper employment of the NCF and NAVFAC. Help identify the amount and type of naval construction forces necessary to provide the capabilities required by a joint force commander's (JFC) campaign plan

Explain when Ground-Fault Circuit Interruption is required.

Ground-fault circuit interrupters. All 120-volt, single-phase 15- and 20-ampere receptacle outlets on construction sites, which are not a part of the permanent wiring of the building or structure and which are in use by employees, shall have approved ground-fault circuit interrupters for personnel protection. Receptacles on a two-wire, single-phase portable or vehicle-mounted generator rated not more than 5kW, where the circuit conductors of the generator are insulated from the generator frame and all other grounded surfaces, need not be protected with ground-fault circuit interrupters.

.11 State the missions for the following NECC commands: Explosive Ordinance Disposal

Highly trained, skilled technicians who are experts in explosives, diving and parachuting. Render sate all types of ordnance, including conventional, improvised, chemical, biological and nuclear

.9 Discuss the significant contributions made by the Seabees during the following: Korea

In Korea, Seabees rose to the challenge of the Cold War. At the Inchon landing in September, 1950, Seabees positioned pontoon causeways within hours of the first beach assault and did it while under continuous enemy fire and in the face of enormously strong tides. The Seabees were given 35 days to complete an airstrip in Wonton, they had the strip ready in 16 days. While building the strip, the Seabees were under constant artillery bombardment from enemy forces on neighboring islands.

.9 Discuss the significant contributions made by the Seabees during the following: Global War on Terror

In support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Seabees repaired runway facilities at Camp Rhino and Kandahar in Afghanistan. Twenty-six Seabee units deployed to Kuwait and Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in which Seabees were killed. The construction of multiple 20-acre aircraft-parking aprons, munitions storage areas, a 48,000-squarefoot concrete pad, bridges, a 1,200-person camp and repaired various roads have been proven invaluable to coalition forces.

Discuss the concept of Operational Risk Management (ORM)

Is a decision-making tool used by personnel at all levels to increase effectiveness by identifying, assessing, and managing risks. By reducing the potential for loss, the probability of a successful mission is increased. Increases Navy's ability to make informed decisions by providing a standardized RM process. Minimizes risks to acceptable levels, commensurate with mission accomplishment. The amount of risk the Navy will accept in war is much greater than what the Navy should accept in peace, but the process is the same. Correct application of the ORM process will reduce losses and associated costs resulting in more efficient use of resources. Applies to off-duty activities due to their own diverse set of hazards and risks. ORM must be practiced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

.5 Discuss the levels of authority (control). Operational Control (OPCON)

Is defined as the authority to assign tasks, to designate objectives and to give any specific directions necessary to accomplish a mission. If required, a specific date for mission completion may be specified.

.5 Discuss the levels of authority (control). Administrative Control (ADCON)

Is defined as the coordination of training, project selection, logistic support, movement of personnel and equipment, furnishing services, supplies and materials for assigned units. Who a unit is ADCON to cannot change.

.8 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following staffs and departments: S-2 Intelligence

Maintain library of contingency plans and maps. Supporting plans for combat support and disaster recovery. Operates the armory

.5 Courage

Meet the demands of our profession and the mission when it is hazardous, demanding, or otherwise difficult. Make decisions in the best interest of the navy and the nation, without regard to personal consequences. Meet these challenges while adhering to a higher standard of personal conduct and decency. Be loyal to our nation, ensuring the resources entrusted to us are used in an honest, careful, and efficient way. Courage is the value that gives us the moral and mental strength to do what is right, even in the face of personal or professional adversity.

.7 Discuss the mission of the following units: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC)

NAVFAC is the Navy's global shore facilities manager

.1 Discuss the following functional elements as they relate to Naval Civil Engineering Forces. Naval Construction Group

Naval Construction Group (NCG) is an Echelon IV command that reports to Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC), it serves as administrative Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC) for Active and Reserve Naval Construction Forces (NCF).

Explain requirements to properly use and maintain Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Navy policy is that activities provide, use and maintain PPE when competent authority determines that its use is necessary and that such use will lessen the likelihood of occupational injuries and/or illnesses. PPE procurement and enforcement of proper use and maintenance is the responsibility of the activity. Activities must recognize that personal protective devices do nothing to reduce or eliminate the hazard itself. They merely establish a last line of defense, and any equipment breakdown, failure or misuse immediately exposes the worker to the hazard. Many protective devices, through misapplication or improper maintenance, can become ineffective without the knowledge of the wearer and can have potentially serious consequences. For this reason, proper equipment selection, maintenance, employee training (including equipment limitations) and mandatory enforcement of equipment use are key elements of an effective PPE program.

.2 Discuss the following as they apply to the operational chain of command. Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC)

Offer functions such as command and control of expeditionary warfare operations, training, construction, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), and expeditionary diving and combat salvage.

.9 Discuss the significant contributions made by the Seabees during the following: Persian Gulf War

On 2 August 1990 the armed forces of Iraq began the invasion and subsequent conquest of the Emirate of Kuwait. Among major projects completed during Operation "Desert Shield" were a headquarters complex for the First Marine Expeditionary Force and a 15,000 man camp for the Second Marine Expeditionary Force. The latter project was the largest wartime multi-battalion Seabee project since the Vietnam War. NMCB 1, 4, 5 (project lead), 7, 24, 40, and 74 worked on the project. Construction began in late November. The camp comprised six modules, each capable of housing 2,500 men. Each module contained berthing, office space, showers, toilet facilities, a galley, roads, and parking areas. The completed camp complex was dubbed "Wally World."

.2 Discuss the following as they apply to the operational chain of command. Naval Construction Regiment (NCR)

Performs the routine functions related to coordination of administration, training, project selection and logistic support for assigned units.

.2 Discuss the following as they apply to the operational chain of command. Commander Fleet Forces Command (CFFC)

Organize, man, train, and equip U.S. Atlantic Fleet and all Navy forces along with COMPACFLT. Integrate and consolidate matters concerning execution of operations, readiness and training in development of Navy shore requirements.

.11 Identify and explain the purpose of the following ratings: EA

Performs construction surveying, drafting, planning, estimating, and quality control.

.11 Identify and explain the purpose of the following ratings: BU

Performs construction, maintenance, and repair of wood, concrete, masonry structures, and concrete pavement.

.11 Identify and explain the purpose of the following ratings: SW

Performs fabrications, assembling, erecting, positioning, and joining structural materials.

.11 Identify and explain the purpose of the following ratings: CM

Performs maintenance, repair, and overhaul of automotive, material handling, and construction equipment.

.11 Identify and explain the purpose of the following ratings: EO

Performs operations of automotive material handling, weight handling, and construction equipment.

.11 Identify and explain the purpose of the following ratings: UT

Performs, maintenance, and repair of plumbing, heating, steam, compressed air, fuel storage, water treatment and distribution systems, air conditioning, refrigeration equipment, sewage collecting and disposal facilities.

.3 State and discuss the seven principles of planning to Naval operations.

Planning provides the discipline to focus on the objectives, intentions, capabilities, and resources required to accomplish assigned missions. Planning requires commanders to estimate the capabilities of a potential adversary and to evaluate options.

.1 Discuss the following functional elements as they relate to Naval Civil Engineering Forces. Naval Facilities Engineering Command

Plans, designs, develops, procures, constructs, alters, estimates costs and inspects. Responsible for these functions as they relate to public works, public utilities, construction, transportation and weight-handling equipment at all shore activities Commanding Officer is most senior CEC Officer, or the "King Bee"

Define Hazard Severity and Mishap Probability in relation to the Risk Assessment Code.

Probability Severity A B C D I 1 1 2 3 II 1 2 3 4 III 2 3 4 5 IV 3 4 5 5

.8 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following staffs and departments: S-4 Supply

Procure, receive, store, issue, ship, transfer and account for supply items, equipage, repair parts and construction materials

.11 State the missions for the following NECC commands: Expeditionary Diving

Provide a capability for construction, inspection, repair, and maintenance of ocean facilities in support of Naval and Marine Corps operations, to include repair of battle damage, in the EUCOM, CENTCOM, AFRICOM, and SOUTHCOM Areas of Responsibility

.8 SW2 (DV) Robert Stethem

Purple Heart and Bronze Star recipient. Executed in June 1985 during the hijacking of a TWA jet in Lebanon after being singled out by terrorists for being in the military. "Throughout his ordeal, Petty Officer Stethem did not yield, instead he acted with fortitude and courage and helped his fellow passengers to endure by his example" -VADM David Robinson.

.8 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following staffs and departments: S-7 Training

Responsible for scheduling and monitoring technical and military training. Prepares homeport training plan

.8 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following staffs and departments: S-6 Communications

Responsible for tactical communications training, equipment, and procedures. Responsible for installation, training and maintenance of all ADP equipment

.9 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Company Commander

Responsible for the administration of the company. The responsibilities include the following: • Morale and welfare of the men and women assigned to the company. • Training and readiness of the company. • Discipline within the company. • Directives, correspondence and reporting.

.8 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following staffs and departments: S-3 Operations

Responsible to the CO to manage the construction and disaster preparedness programs. Granted direct supervisory authority over the utilization of the battalion's construction resources, personnel, equipment and materials

.6 Discuss the following in relation to Support Authority (Control): General Support

Seabee element provides general construction/engineering support to the component or element as a whole, not to a particular subordinate unit.

.6 Discuss the following in relation to Support Authority (Control): Mutual Support

Seabee element receive mutual support mission when their assigned tasks, their position relative to other component command engineer elements allow them to coordinate their activities in order to assist each other.

.6 Discuss the following in relation to Support Authority (Control): Direct Support

Seabee element support to one unit. Required to respond to the supported unit's construction/engineering requirements.

.6 Discuss the following in relation to Support Authority (Control): Close Support

Seabee elements support projects and objectives with the supported force through coordination with the NCE Operations Officer and provides force protection, movement, and communications tasks through coordination with the supported force.

.11 State the missions for the following NECC commands: Naval Construction Force

Seabee's provide responsive military construction support to Navy, Marine Corps and other forces during military operations. They construct base facilities and conduct defensive operations

.9 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Company Chief

Serves as assistant to the Company Commander. Responsible to the Company Commander for the admin/operation of the company. Also responsible for the discipline, training and performance of the company

.5 Discuss the levels of authority (control). Support

Support is a command authority. A support relationship is established by a superior CDR between subordinate CDRs when one organization should aid, protect, complement, or sustain another force. The support command relationship is, by design, a somewhat vague but very flexible arrangement. The establishing authority (the common superior CDR) is responsible for ensuring that both the supported CDR and supporting CDRs understand the degree of authority that the supported CDR is granted.

.5 Discuss the levels of authority (control). Tactical Control (TACON)

TACON is the command authority over assigned or attached forces or commands, or military capability or forces made available for tasking, that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish assigned missions or tasks. The OPCON can give another command TACON over one of its units, but the TACON cannot give that unit to another unit for operational use.

Discuss the concept of Time Critical Management (TCRM).

TCRM refers to applying ORM at the point of commencing or during execution of a mission or task, at the time critical level. However, the methodology of applying the deliberate 5- step process in a time critical situation has proven to be impractical. The ORM model manager selected the ABCD Model based on its foundation in scientific principles, ability to focus individuals, increase their situational awareness (SA), and improve their performance in the time critical environment. It consists of graphic representations or icons and an easy to remember mnemonic ABCD.

.5 Discuss the levels of authority (control). Direct Liaison Authorized (DIRLAUTH)

That authority granted by a CDR (any level) to a subordinate to directly consult or coordinate an action with a command or agency within or outside of the granting command. DIRLAUTH is more applicable to planning than operations and always carries with it the requirement of keeping the CDR granting DIRLAUTH informed. DIRLAUTH is a coordination relationship, not an authority through which command may be exercised.

.8 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following staffs and departments: S-1 Administrative

The Battalion Administrative and Personnel Officer is the senior assistant to the XO for administrative details and personnel administration. • Reports • Directives • Legal • Enlisted Service Records • Personnel Accounting • Correspondence

.8 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following staffs and departments: Command staff

The CO is directly responsible for the timely preparedness and successful completion of all construction projects and disaster recovery operations assigned to the unit by higher authority

.9 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Fire Team Leader

The FTL, generally a Second Class Petty Officer, carries out the orders of the Squad Leader and is responsible for the effective employment of the Fire Team. His/her primary responsibility is to control the Fire Team in combat

.7 Discuss the mission of the following units: Naval Construction Regiment (NCR)

The NCR is an independent, permanently structured CE that conducts construction and engineering project management operations. It provides C2 over assigned subordinate engineer and other expeditionary units

.7 Discuss the mission of the following units: Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB)

The NMCB provides a full spectrum of general engineering capabilities and limited combat engineering capabilities for the supported unit. It conducts the initial engineer operations in support of combat operations through permanent construction required during security and stability operations.

.10 State the purpose of the Civil Engineer Corps (CEC)

The Navy's CEC is responsible for designing, constructing, and maintaining the shore facilities needed to support the U.S. Navy around the world. Ports, piers, warehouses, shipyards, airfields, and other facilities required have been provided through their leadership and personal efforts.

.7 Discuss the mission of the following units: Naval Amphibious Construction Battalion (PHIBCB)

The PHIBCBs conduct ship-to-shore transportation of bulk fuel/water supplies, materials, and equipment in support of amphibious operations known as JLOTS operations. They also provide support to MPF operations

.9 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Platoon Commander

The Platoon Commander has normally been a Chief Petty Officer. However, with the career paths for CEC Officer's shifting, we're seeing the Platoon Commander's being O1/O2's, and having Platoon Chief's again. He/she is responsible for the training, discipline, control and tactical deployment of the platoon. The Platoon Commander and Platoon Chief is responsible for the overall planning, scheduling, safety, quality controls and project management of those projects assigned to the platoon by the Company Commander.

.9 Discuss the significant contributions made by the Seabees during the following: Post-Vietnam

The Post-Vietnam Seabees were involved in the new construction frontiers: the Indian Ocean, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Europe, on the ocean floor, and in most of the oceans of the globe. One of the major peacetime projects undertaken by the Seabees after Vietnam was the development, construction, and operation of a United States Naval Communications Station on Diego Garcia.

Explain the functions of the Safety Council and the Enlisted Safety Committee.

The Safety Council convenes quarterly to develop recommendations for policy in safety matters and to analyze progress of the overall safety program. The council consists of the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer (chairperson), the unit Safety Officer (recorder), and Safety representatives from each department. The Enlisted Safety Committee makes recommendations about the command's safety program to the Safety Council. The safety committee convenes to exchange information; improve communications; review conditions, mishaps, and injuries; and suggest improvements. It makes written safety recommendations to the Safety Council and the commanding officer.

.9 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Squad Leader

The Squad Leader is generally a First Class Petty Officer. He/she carries out the orders of the platoon commander and is responsible to him/her for the discipline, appearance, training, control and conduct of the squad at all times. In combat, he/she has the important responsibilities of fire discipline, fire control and maneuvering the squad.

.8 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following staffs and departments: Executive and Special Staff

The XO is the direct representative of, and principal assistant to the CO. He/she executes the policies and instructions of the CO. While in the execution of his/her duties, the XO takes precedence over all persons under the command of the CO

.5 Discuss the levels of authority (control). Coordinating Authority

The authority delegated to a CDR or individual for coordinating specific functions and activities involving forces of two or more Military Departments, two or more joint force components, or two or more forces of the same Service (e.g., joint security coordinator exercises coordinating authority for joint security area operations among the component CDRs).

.3 Define command and control (C2).

The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated Commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities and procedures employed by a Commander in planning, directing, coordinating and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission.

.8 CM3 Marvin Shields

The first Seabee in history, CM3 Marvin G. Shields, a member of Seabee Team 1104, was posthumously awarded this nation's highest recognition, the Medal of Honor, for his heroic efforts in defense of a special forces camp and Vietnamese district at Dong Xoai.

.7 Discuss the mission of the following units: Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit (CBMU)

The mission of a CBMU is to rapidly deploy flexible and versatile detachments to provide responsive general engineering support to forces ashore during contingency operations

.4 Discuss the United States National Military Command, Chain of Command structure under two distinct branches. Operational Chain of Command

The first branch is the operational chain of command. The Navy's operational chain-of-command branch runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) to the Combatant Commander (and to the subordinate unified Commander or Commander, joint task force, when designated). The Navy Component Commander is under the Combatant Commander. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff transmits orders to the Combatant Commanders as directed by the President.

.9 Discuss the significant contributions made by the Seabees during the following: Vietnam

The first full Seabee battalion arrived in Vietnam on 7 May 1965 to build an expeditionary airfield for the Marines at Chu Lai. Seabees built schools, hospitals, utilities systems, roads and other community facilities.

.7 Discuss the mission of the following units: Underwater Construction Team (UCT)

The mission of the UCT is to conduct inshore and deep-ocean-facility underwater construction, inspection, repair, and maintenance operations and to conduct amphibious landing support of joint logistics over-the-shore (JLOTS) operations, including foreign humanitarian assistance (FHA), civil support (CS), and recovery operations

.7 Discuss the significance of March 5, 1942 as it pertains to the Seabees.

The name "Seabees" is derived from the first construction units, or Construction Battalions (CBS) as they were called. Officially, permission to use the name "Seabee" was granted on 5 March 1942. Each year March 5th is observed as the anniversary of the Seabees.

Discuss the execution and monitoring of a Safety Plan

The project supervisor is the primary person responsible for safety at the assigned project. The project manager ensures that the project supervisor executes the safety plan and integrates safety principles and procedures as a matter of routine into daily production tasks.

.4 Discuss the missions of the U.S. Naval Forces.

The purpose of U.S. Naval Forces remains to project the power and influence of the nation across the seas to foreign waters and shores in both peace and war.

.4 Discuss the United States National Military Command, Chain of Command structure under two distinct branches. Service Chain of Command

The second branch of the chain of command is the service chain of command. The service chain of command prepares service forces and their administration and support. The Secretary of the Navy is responsible for the administration and support of U.S. Navy and Marine Corps forces assigned or attached to each of the combatant commands. The Secretary exercises ADCON through the CNO and the Commander of the Navy component command assigned to a combatant command and through the Marine Corps Commandant and the Marine Corps component commander assigned to a combatant command.

.6 Discuss the following in relation to Support Authority (Control): Supported Commander

The supported CDR should ensure that the supporting CDRs understand the assistance required. The supporting CDRs will then provide the assistance needed, subject to a supporting CDR's existing capabilities and other assigned tasks.

.9 Discuss the significant contributions made by the Seabees during the following: Military Operations Other Than War

There is too many contributions to list. These are just a few: 1989 - Hurricane recovery in Charleston, South Carolina, and Puerto Rico and earthquake recovery in San Francisco 1992 - Hurricane Andrew recovery in South Florida and Louisiana 2000 - Members of NMCB Five assisted federal, state and local authorities in the search and recovery of Alaska Airlines Flight 261. 2001 - Built Health clinic in Dominica, an island in the Caribbean 2004 - earthquake off the coast of Indonesia created a series of tsunamis in the Indian Oceans. Seabees joined the massive U.S. Joint response. Their mission included "controlled demolition, debris removal, minor repair, and cleaning of main supply routes." 2005 - Over 3,400 active duty and reserve Seabees worked collaboratively in response to Hurricane Katrina that struck the Gulf Coast region. 2007- Divers from MDSU 2 deploy to Minneapolis Bridge Collapse Recovery Efforts. Mission search and recovery efforts. March - 2008 Nairobi, Africa Seabees deployed to drill wells. 2009 - Operation Continuing Promise Seabees have tasked with rebuilding and restoring hospitals and other buildings. They have fully restored a condemned hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and are working on a mental hospital in Antigua and Barbuda.

.11 State the missions for the following NECC commands: Naval Expeditionary Combat Command

Train and equip our forces to meet the maritime security operations and joint contingency operations requirements.

.5 Discuss the levels of authority (control). Type Commander (TYCOM)

Under the Commanders in Chief of the Fleets, various Type Commanders command all the ships or units of a certain type. For example, all surface units of the Pacific Fleet (COMNAVSURFPAC); the Commander of the submarine forces in the Atlantic Fleet is COMSUBLANT. NECC is the TYCOM for NCG.

.10 Discuss the following plans and orders: Fragmentary Order (FRAGO)

Use to send timely changes of existing orders to subordinate and supporting commanders while providing notification to higher and adjacent commands. An abbreviated form of an operation order issued as needed after an operation order to change or modify that order or to execute a branch or sequel to that order.

.9 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Grenadier

Usually Third Class Petty Officer. Carries out the orders of the Squad Leader and is responsible to him for the effective care, maintenance and employment of his weapon - the M203 grenade launcher. In combat, always moves with or is close to the Squad Leader

.9 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Rifleman 1

Usually a Constructionman. Carries extra ammunition for the Automatic Rifleman. Assists Rifleman 2 in protecting the flank of the Fire Team

.9 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Rifleman 2

Usually a Constructionman. Serves as a Rifleman and protects the flank of the Fire Team. Point man for all team formations and may also serve as a scout

.9 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following personnel: Automatic Rifleman

Usually a Third Class Petty Officer who provides heavy firepower and is the backbone of the Fire Team. Responsible to the Fire Team Leader for the effective employment of his automatic rifle as well as its condition and care

.6 Discuss the following in relation to Support Authority (Control): Supporting Commander

When a supporting CDR cannot fulfill the needs of the supported CDR, the establishing authority will be notified by either the supported CDR or a supporting CDR. The establishing authority is responsible for determining a solution.

Discuss the A-B-C-D process of TCRM.

a. Assess the situation b. Balance Resources c. Communicate to Others d. Do and Debrief

Explain the five steps of the ORM process:

a. Identify hazards 1. Analyze the Mission 2. List the Hazards 3. Determine the Hazard Root Cause b. Assessing hazards c. Making risk decisions d. Implementing controls e. Supervising

Discuss the basic reporting procedures required when an unsafe/unhealthful working

condition report is submitted. Detecting unsafe or unhealthful working conditions at the earliest possible time and making prompt corrections of these hazards at the lowest possible working level are essential elements of the SOH program. Navy activities shall use the following procedures for submission of employee reports of unsafe or unhealthful conditions in the workplace per reference 10-1. Any Navy employee (or employee representative) may submit a report of an unsafe or unhealthful working condition directly to the activity safety office. OPNAV Form 5100/11 shown in appendix 10-A may be used for this purpose. Commands shall post blank copies of this or a similar form and procedures for its use in areas convenient to all workplaces (e.g., official bulletin boards, time clocks, web-sites, etc.). The form used shall include a provision for an employee to indicate his/her desire to remain anonymous, should he/she wish. Employees may make an oral or email report to the safety office instead of a written report. In these cases, the safety office will transcribe the information into a written report or log.

.10 Discuss the following plans and orders: Warning Order (WARNO)

• A preliminary notice of an order or action that is to follow. • A planning directive that initiates the development and evaluation of military courses of action by a supported commander and requests that the supported commander submit a commander's estimate. • A planning directive that describes the situation, allocates forces and resources, establishes command relationships, provides other initial planning guidance, and initiates subordinate unit mission planning.

.10 Discuss the following plans and orders: Operation Order (OPORD)

• Operational Order(OPORD), may be oral, dictated, or in written form. • The most important determining factor of the form and the method of issuing an OPORD is time available for its preparation and distribution. • A directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for the purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an operation.

.10 Discuss the following plans and orders: Operation Plan (OPLAN)

• Operational Plan, OPLAN, is a detailed statement of a course of action to be followed to accomplish a future mission. • Any plan for the conduct of military operations prepared in response to actual and potential contingencies. • In the context of joint operation planning level 4 planning detail, a complete and detailed joint plan containing a full description of the concept of operations, all annexes applicable to the plan, and a time-phased force and deployment data. It identifies the specific forces, functional support, and resources required to execute the plan and provide closure estimates for their flow into the theater.

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