Sec 6.73 AWS Hypervisors
Describe the PV CPU security layers
0 - Most Privileged, where Host OS executes 1 - Lesser Privilege, where Guest OS executes (Zen hypervisor) 2 - 3 - Least Privileged, where Application executes
Characteristics of a HVM machine?
1. Full virtualized 2. VMs onto of hypervisor are unaware of sharing processes with other VMs.
Who has access to the hypervisor and EC2 instances?
1. Hypervisor - AWS Administrators 2. EC2 instances - Customers
What is a host machine?
A computer on which a hypervisor runs one or more virtual machines.
Linux EC2 instances are HVM or PV?
Both PV or HVM
Windows EC2 instances are HVM or PV?
Can only be HVM
Another name for virtual machine?
Guest Machine
AWS recommendation HVM vs PV?
What does HVM stand for?
Hardware Virtual Machine
What is Memory Scrubbing?
Memory allocated to guest is scrubbed (set to zero) by the hypervisor when it is unallocated to guest.
Characteristics of a PV machine?
PV is a lighter form of virtualization and it used to be quicker.
What does PV stand for?
What is a hypervisor?
software that creates and manages a virtual machine on a host machine