Section 12 anthro

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At what point in the process of growth and development are human beings subject to distinction by environmental differences?

At conception

Fingerprint patterns of loops, whorls, and arches are environmentally determined.


Genocide began during WWII and continued afterward


Given what we know about the adaptive significance of human skin color, and the fact that, until 800,000 years ago, hominids were exclusively creatures of the tropics, it is likely that lightly pigmented skins are quite an ancient development in human history.


Pinto beans are known to provide some protection against malaria.


What is the importance of ancestry research based on mitochondrial DNA?

It shows the importance of cultural beliefs and the symbolic power of demonstrated ancestry.

Who said "most of what separates me genetically from a typical African or Eskimo also separates me genetically from another average American of European ancestry"?

James Sheeve

What is ethnic plastic surgery?

Seeking surgery to change one's phenotypic traits so that they look more like the majority culture

The ever-changing racial categories in use in the U.S. Census reflect and reinforce the conflation of race as a biological and cultural category.


The social environment contributes enormously to intelligence.


You are related to every other human being.


​No inborn behavioral characteristic can be attributed to any group of people.


Until _____ years ago, the genus Homo exclusively inhabited the tropics, and it is likely that lightly pigmented skins are a recent development in human history.


Approximately how many people died worldwide due to genocide in the 20th century?

83 million

​How does the definition of race differ from biology to anthropology?

Anthropologists see race as a cultural category, while biologists use this term to indicate species variation.

Which of the following best describes the hypodescent rule?

Assigning an individual with mixed ethnicity to the minority group

Which of the following scientists divided humans into subspecies based on geographic location?

Carolus Linnaeus

In Blumenbach's classification of races, light-skinned peoples from Europe and adjacent parts of western Asia and northern Africa were part of which race?


A species cannot be polymorphic. This is a term applied to individual variation.


The epicanthic fold is common among Africans.


The thrifty genotype allowed humans to stay lean, muscular, and highly mobile.


Though the distribution of human variation for a single trait reflects a polytypic description, the concept is valid as well when more than a single trait is involved.


True intelligence can be measured if the researcher uses the correct test.


One of the strongest scientific critics of racism in the U.S. during the early part of the 20th century was anthropologist:

Franz Boas.

Who was Ota Benga?

He was a Twa pygmy who was captured and exhibited in a New York zoo.

Which of the following populations typically has a G-6-PD (glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase) deficiency?


​Which of the following protects skin against damaging ultraviolet solar radiation?


Which business allows people to trace their mitochondrial DNA back thousands of years?

Recreational ancestry

​Which of the following is not a significant characteristic of race?

The genetic differences between populations, or groups, is greater than that between any two human beings.

Racist ideology in the United States has played a role in our treatment of Africans, Native Americans, and Asians.


Anthropologists have abandoned the idea of using race as a way to study human biological variation.


Cultural adaptation has reduced the importance of biological adaptation in humans.


Human genetic variation generally is distributed across the globe in a continuous fashion.


Melanin is known to protect the skin against damaging ultraviolet solar radiation.


Over 200,000 South Koreans were put up for adoption since the 1960s.


​An individual seeking to remove the epicanthic fold in order to Occidentalize is seeking to do all of the following except:

change their genotype.

Instead of using race as a characteristic in understanding human variation, anthropologists prefer to use:


The racial categories used by the U.S. Census Bureau, e.g. White, Black, Hispanic, Alaskan Native, American Indian, Asian, and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, are large catchall categories that include diverse people. To compound the situation, inclusion in one or another of these categories is usually based on self-identification. Thus, in reality what we are dealing with are not biological categories at all, but rather are:

cultural constructs.

Human genetic variation generally is distributed in a continuous range, with varying clusters of frequency. The significance we give our variations, the way we perceive them-in fact, whether or not we perceive them at all-is determined by our:


The fact that children adopted into privileged families can boost their IQs by 20 points is evidence that:

environment has an enormous effect on intelligence.

The physical extermination of one people by another is called:


Although culture often acts like an umbrella to protect genes from the selective pressures of the environment, it also brings about its own selective pressures. For example, in populations with cultural practices in which fresh milk is an important part of the diet, the gene for the enzyme lactase:

has a very high frequency.

​Fava beans, a dietary staple in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, also provide some protection against:


The distribution of the polymorphism of human blood groups is considered:


Native Americans have a high frequency of the O allele in the ABO blood type system, whereas the B allele has its highest frequency in Asia. This is an example of humans being:


A doctrine by which one group justifies the dehumanization of others based on their distinctive physical characteristics is called:


Up until 6,000 years ago, the _____ in humans permitted efficient storage of fat to draw on in times of food shortage, and in times of scarcity conserved glucose for use in brain and red blood cells, as well as nitrogen through its diminished exertion.

thrifty genotype

While dark skin pigmentation has enjoyed a selective advantage in the tropics, the opposite is true in northern latitudes, where skins have generally been lightly pigmented. This light pigmentation enables the weak ultraviolet radiation of northern latitudes to penetrate the skin and stimulate formation of:

vitamin D.

In a study of the differences between populations of humans, Richard Lewontin found that the total amount of genetic variation between groups is:


The epicanthic fold is common among:

​East Asians.

We can conclude the all of the following about human diversity except:

​as a biological concept, race is a productive way to understand the human species.

An individual seeking to remove the epicanthic fold in order to Occidentalize is seeking to do all of the following except:

​change their genotype.

Although it may be due to genetic drift, people with rounder-shaped heads are more commonly found in:

​dusty climates.

German physician Johan Blumenbach divided humans into racial types by:


All of the following are challenges associated with using mtDNA to trace ancestry except:

​mtDNA is extremely significant in understanding one's ancestry.

When different versions of a gene, known as alleles, mediate variation (such as blood types determined by the alleles for types A, B, and O blood), the traits are said to be:


In 2010, the U.S. Congress passed the Fair Sentencing Act to address many years of unfair sentencing carried out in regards to the use of crack cocaine. This social injustice is an example of:

​structural violence.

The problem with the kinds of definitions of racial groups devised by 18th century Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus is that, besides being ethnocentric:

​they confuse biological traits with cultural characteristics.

All of the following statements about race and intelligence are correct except:

​they generally measure genetic disposition and not performance abilities.

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