Section 2 Exam AAOS 12th Edition Study Guide

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residual volume

The amount of air that remains in the lungs simply to keep them open is called the:


The means by which a terrorist will spread a particular agent is called:


Which of the following is not a facial bone?

Dependent edema

Which of the following signs is commonly observed in patients with right-sided heart failure?

Weight loss and polyuria

Which of the following signs or symptoms would the EMT MOST likely encounter in a patient with new-onset type 1 diabetes?

Alzheimer's disease

Common causes of acute psychotic behavior include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Common side effects of epinephrine include all of the following, EXCEPT:

attempting to eliminate acids from the blood

Kussmaul respirations are an indication that the body is:

extreme allergic reaction that may affect multiple body systems

Anaphylaxis is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

must not begin treatment until all patients have been triaged.

As a triage supervisor, you:


Mental function often begins to decline within ___ year(s) before death.

lie on their side with their knees drawn into the abdomen.

Most patients with abdominal pain prefer to:


Most poisonings occur via the __________ route.

carbon dioxide

One of the primary waste products of normal cellular metabolism that must be removed from the body by the lungs is:

poor vessel function and severe volume loss.

Patients develop septic shock secondary to:

urinary bladder

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) typically does NOT affect the:

cut grass.

Phosgene (CG) has an odor that resembles:

increase in fatty tissue, which leads to weight gain.

Physical changes that typically occur in early adults include an:


Poor peripheral circulation will cause the skin to appear:

dry the chest if it is wet

Prior to attaching the AED to a cardiac arrest patient, the EMT should:

ensuring the absence of a gag reflex.

Proper procedure for administering oral glucose to a patient includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

decomposition of the body's tissues.

Putrefaction is defined as:


The medical term for a low blood glucose level is:

Such laws will not protect the EMT in cases of gross negligence.

Which of the following statements regarding Good Samaritan laws is correct?

behind the medial malleolus, on the inside of the ankle

The posterior tibial pulse can be palpated:

alkaline poison

What type of poisoning will cause burns around the mouth in children?

approach the aircraft from the downhill side.

When a helicopter must land on a grade (uneven ground), you should:

never duck under the body or the tail boom because the pilot cannot see you in these areas.

When approaching a helicopter, whether the rotor blades are moving or not, you should:

start at the lower lung fields and determine at which level you start hearing clear breath sounds

When assessing for fluid collection in the lungs during auscultation of lung sounds, you should:

slow down and allow the driver to pass you.

When being tailgated by another vehicle while responding to an emergency call, you should:

maintain her ABCs and transport without delay.

When caring for a woman who is experiencing a gynecologic emergency, the EMT's main focus should be to:

keep the head end elevated.

When carrying a patient on a backboard up or down stairs:

using a wheeled stretcher whenever possible.

When carrying a patient up or down stairs, you should avoid:

keep the report concise and record only what the patient stated in her own words.

When documenting a call in which a female was sexually assaulted, you should:

with one or two hands

When performing CPR on a child, you should compress the chest:

secondary triage is performed, and the appropriate treatment is rendered.

When victims involved in a multiple-casualty incident are moved to the treatment area:

chief complaint

When you begin an oral report, you should state the patient's age, sex, and:

given the option of being treated by a female EMT.

Whenever possible, a female sexual assault victim should be:

Jugular venous distention

Which of the following assessment findings is MOST indicative of a cardiovascular problem?

A team of health care professionals who are responsible for providing emergency care and transportation to the sick and injured

Which of the following descriptions most accurately portrays emergency medical services (EMS)?


Which of the following drugs is commonly referred to as "roofies"?

Oxycodone (Percocet)

Which of the following drugs is not a sedative-hypnotic?

Handheld-Portable Radio

Which of the following has the weakest transmission signal and, as a result, is least likely to be heard by the party being called?

24 breaths/min with bilaterally equal breath sounds and pink skin

Which of the following is MOST characteristic of adequate breathing?

The EMT administers a drug that is not approved by the medical director.

Which of the following is an example of a rules-based medication error?

body size

Which of the following is not a factor in determining how to protect oneself against the effects of radiation?


Which of the following medication routes delivers a drug through the skin over an extended period of time, such as a nitroglycerin or fentanyl patch?

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

Which of the following medications blocks the release of histamines?


Which of the following organs assists in the filtration of blood, serves as a blood reservoir, and produces antibodies?

Anaerobic metabolism produces lactic acid and occurs when cellular oxygen is limited.

Which of the following statements regarding anaerobic metabolism is correct?

Standing over a child often increases his or her level of anxiety.

Which of the following statements regarding communication with a child is correct?

Patients who miss a dialysis treatment often present with weakness

Which of the following statements regarding dialysis is correct?

Painful urination is a common symptom of gonorrhea in men and women.

Which of the following statements regarding gonorrhea is correct?

inquire about the possibility of pregnancy in private, if possible.

A 16-year-old female complains of vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping that began several hours ago. During your assessment interview, you should:

repeat the epinephrine injection after consulting with medical control.

A 19-year-old male was stung multiple times by fire ants. He is experiencing obvious signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock. You administer high-flow oxygen and give him epinephrine via intramuscular injection. Upon reassessment, you determine that his condition has not improved. You should:

apply a tourniquet proximal to the wrist.

A 20-year-old male has a large laceration to his wrist. He is holding a blood-soaked towel over the wound, but it continues to bleed rapidly. You should:

dimming the lights in the back of the ambulance and transporting without lights and siren.

A 29-year-old male complains of a severe headache and nausea that has gradually worsened over the past 12 hours. He is conscious, alert, and oriented and tells you that his physician diagnosed him with migraine headaches. He further tells you that he has taken numerous different medications, but none of them seems to help. His blood pressure is 132/74 mm Hg, his pulse is 110 beats/min and strong, and his respirations are 20 breaths/min. Treatment should include:

acute cholecystitis

A 35-year-old obese woman is complaining of localized pain in the right upper quadrant with referred pain to the right shoulder. The MOST likely cause of her pain is:

maintain his airway and assist his ventilations.

A 48-year-old male is found unconscious in the garden by his wife. When you arrive at the scene and assess the man, you find that he is unresponsive, has labored breathing, and has hives over his entire trunk. You should:

cut away all of the patient's clothing and do a rapid rinse to remove as much of the contaminating matter as they can

A 49-year-old man has been removed from his overturned tanker, which was carrying a hazardous material. The tank ruptured, and he was exposed to the material. When rescue personnel bring him to the decontamination area, they note that he is unconscious and has slow, shallow breathing. They should:

A) Retreat and notify law enforcement personnel

A 75-year-old male with a terminal illness has died at home. As you and your partner enter the residence, a family member becomes verbally abusive, pushes you, and states that you took too long to get there. You should:

inquire about the possibility of head trauma.

A 78-year-old female presents with an acute change in her behavior. The patient's son tells you that his mother has type 2 diabetes and was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease 6 months ago. The patient's speech is slurred and she is not alert to her surroundings. You should:

is excessively thirsty

A diabetic patient has polydipsia. This means that she:

a second patient must be transported on the squad bench of the ambulance.

A folding or portable stretcher is most beneficial when:

severe twitching of all the body's muscles.

A generalized (tonic-clonic) seizure is characterized by:

use weighted cones to mark all four corners of the LZ

A medical transport helicopter is incoming, and you are responsible for setting up the landing zone (LZ). You should:


A patient has fractured both femurs. Anatomically, these injuries would be described as being:

5 minutes

A patient in unstable condition should be reassessed at least every:

reflective listening

A technique used to gain insight into a patient's thinking, which involves repeating in question form what the patient has said, is called:

the battery has higher voltage than a traditional vehicle battery.

A unique consideration when dealing with a hybrid vehicle is that:

deep and rapid

A young female is unconscious after intentionally ingesting a large amount of aspirin. You will MOST likely find her respirations:

until he or she loses consciousness

Abdominal thrusts in a conscious child or adult with a severe upper airway obstruction are performed:

Insert a peripheral intravenous catheter

According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT would require special permission from the medical director and the state EMS office to:

binds to the substance and prevents absorption.

Activated charcoal is given to patients who have ingested certain substances because it:

monitor her closely but recall that anxiety and tachycardia are side effects of epinephrine.

After administering 0.3 mg of epinephrine via auto-injector to a 22-year-old female with an allergic reaction, you note improvement in her breathing and resolution of her hives. However, she is still anxious and tachycardic. You should:

report the incident to your supervisor after the call.

After assessing a patient's blood glucose level, you accidentally stick yourself with the contaminated lancet. You should:

BLS efforts must continue throughout the patient care continuum.

After assuming care of a cardiac arrest patient from an EMT, the paramedic should remember that:

Assess for breathing and a pulse

After establishing that an adult patient is unresponsive, you should:


Albuterol is a generic name for:

continue to be nonjudgmental, compassionate, and respectful.

An appropriate demonstration of professionalism when your patient is frightened, demanding, or unpleasant is to:

the occiput is proportionately large, and the trachea is flexible.

An infant or small child's airway can be occluded if it is overextended or overflexed because:

provides an organized, routine environment.

An infant or small toddler would most likely gain trust in a person who:

determine how much carbon dioxide is being exhaled.

Capnography is used to:

Oxycodone (Percocet)

Hypotension, hypoventilation, and pinpoint pupils would be expected following an overdose of:

with one pad to the right of the upper sternum and the other pad to the left lower chest below the armpit.

Defibrillator pads are placed on the patient's chest:

ask a family member, law enforcement officer, or bystander to sign the form verifying that the patient refused to sign.

Despite your numerous, sincere efforts to convince a 40-year-old man to consent to EMS treatment and transport, he refuses. After explaining the potential consequences of his refusal and determining that the patient has decision-making capacity, you ask him to sign an EMS refusal form, but he refuses to do that as well. You should:

deep vein thrombosis

During your assessment of a 70-year-old woman, she tells you that she takes blood-thinning medication and has to wear compression stockings around her legs. This information should make you suspect that she has:

according to the urgency and frequency of their use.

Equipment and supplies that are carried on an ambulance should be stored:

an ulcer

Erosion of the protective layer of the stomach or duodenum secondary to overactivity of digestive juices results in:


Health care providers who infrequently work together can function effectively as a team if they work in an environment that supports and promotes:


Hemoglobin is a molecule that attaches to ___________ and carries oxygen.

Respiration is the process of gas exchange, whereas ventilation is the movement of air between the lungs and the environment.

How does respiration differ from ventilation?

becomes engorged with blood

In anticipation of receiving a fertilized ovum, the lining of the uterine wall:

works interdependently.

In contrast to a health care group, a health care team:

is supplied by nerves of the autonomic nervous system, which are less able to localize pain or sensation.

In contrast to the parietal peritoneum, the visceral peritoneum:


In infants and children, a capillary refill time that is greater than ______ second(s) is a sign of poor peripheral perfusion.


In relation to the chest, the back is:


In relation to the wrist, the elbow is:

inadequate patient care was administered

In the eyes of the courts, an incomplete or untidy patient care form indicates:

A call is received 15 minutes prior to shift change.

In which of the following situations does a legal duty to act clearly exist?

61-year-old man with signs and symptoms of a stroke and your ground transport time is 50 minutes

In which of the following situations would it be MOST appropriate to utilize an air medical transportation service?


In which position should you restrain a physically uncooperative patient?

be homicidal as well.

It is MOST important for the EMT to remember that suicidal patients may:

place her in a supine position.

Shortly after assisting a 65-year-old female with her prescribed nitroglycerin, she begins complaining of dizziness and experiences a drop of 30 mm Hg in her systolic blood pressure. The patient remains conscious and her breathing is adequate. You should:


Signs and symptoms of a sympathomimetic drug overdose include:

takes too much of his or her prescribed insulin.

Symptomatic hypoglycemia will MOST likely develop if a patient:

stand by at the command post until the person is located.

The EMT's role at the scene of a search and rescue attempt is to:

after the primary assessment has been completed.

The determination of whether a medical patient is a high-priority or low-priority transport is typically made:

defining clear roles and responsibilities before the call is received.

The effectiveness of pit crew CPR is dependent on:

1 minute

The effects of epinephrine are typically observed within _________ following administration.

femoral arteries

The iliac arteries immediately subdivide into the:

limiting the amount of air that enters the lungs during the recoil phase between chest compressions, which results in negative intrathoracic pressure and improved cardiac filling.

The impedance threshold device (ITD) may improve circulation during active compression-decompression CPR by:


The inferior vena cava returns deoxygenated blood to the right side of the heart from all of the following areas, EXCEPT the:

wash your hands in between patient contacts.

The simplest, yet most effective method of preventing the spread of an infectious disease is to:

foramen magnum

The spinal cord exits the cranium through the:

state office of EMS

The standards for prehospital emergency care and the individuals who provide it are typically regulated by the:

a rapid heart rate that originates from above the ventricles.

The term "supraventricular tachycardia" means:


Three months after returning home from West Africa, a 50-year-old man begins experiencing a fever, cough, and muscle aches. The EMT should suspect:

perform a 360° walkaround of the scene.

To evaluate hazards present at the scene and determine the number of patients, you should:

use preparatory commands to initiate any moves.

To facilitate a safe and coordinated move, the team leader should:

100 lbs

Trench collapses usually involve large areas of falling dirt that weigh approximately _______ per cubic foot.

the set of baseline vital signs taken at the scene.

Typical components of an oral patient report include all of the following, except:


What is the correct ratio of compressions to ventilations when performing two-rescuer child CPR?

The MOI may allow you to predict the severity of a patient's injuries.

Which of the following statements regarding the mechanism of injury (MOI) is correct?

Lifting the patient by the belt to move him or her

Which of the following steps is not proper procedure when performing an emergency move?

Asking questions related to the chief complaint

Which of the following will MOST reliably allow you to determine the nature of a patient's illness?

Intubate the patient

Which of the following would the paramedic be LEAST likely to ask the EMT to do?

ventricles relaxing

While evaluating a patient with chest pain, your partner tells you that the patient's blood pressure is 140/94 mm Hg. The lower number represents the pressure from the:

assign him a delayed (yellow) category and continue triaging the other patients

While triaging patients at the scene of a building collapse, you encounter a young child who is conscious, alert, and breathing; has bilateral radial pulses; and has a severely angulated leg, which is not bleeding. According to the JumpSTART triage system, you should:

Additional information and evidence indicate that the effectiveness of certain interventions has changed.

Why are prehospital emergency care guidelines updated on a regular basis?

ensure that your ambulance is parked upwind and uphill from the building

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a fire at a large office complex. Witnesses tell you that they heard a loud explosion shortly before the building caught fire. You should:

jugular vein distention

You are assessing a patient with respiratory distress and are unsure if the cause is congestive heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which of the following clinical signs would be the MOST helpful in determining whether the patient has chronic heart failure or COPD?

crouch down in a position so that only your feet are touching the ground.

You are assessing a woman who was thrown from a horse. She is located in a large field and you can see that a thunderstorm is rapidly approaching. Suddenly, you feel your skin begin to tingle and the hair on your arms stands on end. The ambulance is located about 30 yards away. You should:

determine if she was injured when she fainted.

You are dispatched to a residence for a 40-year-old female who fainted. Upon your arrival, the patient is conscious and alert, and states that she is fine. Her husband tells you that she fainted after receiving news that her sister was killed in a car crash. You offer oxygen to the patient, but she refuses to accept it. At this point, your primary concern should be to

begin ventilatory assistance.

You are dispatched to a residence for a 56-year-old male with an altered mental status. Upon arrival at the scene, the patient's wife tells you that he complained of chest pain the day before, but would not allow her to call EMS. The patient is semiconscious; has rapid, shallow respirations; and has a thready pulse. You should:

administer epinephrine to the patient, begin immediate transport, and attempt to contact medical control en route to the hospital.

You are dispatched to a state park for a young female experiencing an allergic reaction. Your assessment reveals that her breathing is severely labored and her blood pressure is very low. You carry epinephrine auto-injectors on your ambulance and have been trained and approved by your medical director to administer them. As your partner gives the patient supplemental oxygen, you attempt to contact medical control but do not have a signal from your cell phone. You should:

carefully assess the situation and ensure your own safety.

You are dispatched to the scene of a building explosion. Upon arrival, you see people frantically fleeing the building, screaming, "Everyone is passing out!" You should

confirm that the patient is not allergic to aspirin, give him the appropriate dose of aspirin, and document the time and dose given.

You are treating a middle-aged man with chest discomfort. He has a history of three previous heart attacks and takes nitroglycerin as needed for chest pain. You have standing orders to administer aspirin to patients with suspected cardiac-related chest pain or discomfort. While your partner is preparing to give oxygen to the patient, you should:

A 49-year-old female with diabetes and difficulty breathing

You are triaging four patients who were involved in a head-on motor vehicle crash. Which of the following patients should be assigned the highest (red) triage category?

surveying the area for hazards

Your primary concern when arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle crash is:

monitor her airway and breathing status and assess her blood glucose level.

You arrive at a local grocery store approximately 5 minutes after a 21-year-old female stopped seizing. She is confused and disoriented; she keeps asking you what happened and tells you that she is thirsty. Her brother, who witnessed the seizure, tells you that she takes valproate (Depakote) for her seizures, but has not taken it in a few days. He also tells you that she has diabetes. In addition to administering oxygen, you should:

seek a safe place and request law enforcement assistance.

You arrive at the scene of a domestic violence situation. As you approach the doorway of the apartment, you hear screaming and the statement, "He has a gun!". Your most appropriate action should be to:

assist her ventilations with a bag-mask device.

You receive a call for a 70-year-old female with respiratory distress. Her husband tells you that she has congestive heart failure; however, he does not think that she has been taking her medications as prescribed. The patient is laboring to breathe, appears tired, and has cyanosis around her lips. You should:

remain in a safe place and request law enforcement.

You respond to a call for an unknown emergency. When you arrive at the scene, the patient's husband meets you at the door and states that his wife has been depressed and has locked herself in an upstairs bedroom. He further tells you that he keeps his handgun in the bedroom. You should:

applying a nonrebreathing mask at 15 L/min.

You respond to a movie theater for a 70-year-old male who is confused. His wife tells you he has type 2 diabetes but refuses to take his pills. Your assessment reveals that the patient is diaphoretic, tachycardic, and tachypneic. Initial management for this patient should include:

transport the child to the hospital and reassure the mother en route

You respond to a residence for a child who is having a seizure. Upon arrival at the scene, you enter the residence and find the mother holding her child, a 2-year-old male. The child is conscious and crying. According to the mother, the child had been running a high fever and then experienced a seizure that lasted approximately 3 minutes. You should:

compressing the sternum between the nipples.

You should deliver chest compressions to an unresponsive adult patient in cardiac arrest by:


You suspect that a pregnant 16-year-old girl has a broken leg after she was hit by a car. You explain that you plan to splint her leg, and she agrees to treatment. Which of the following types of consent describes her agreement?


Your patient answers your questions appropriately, although her eyes remain closed the entire time. She moves each extremity on command, although her left side is weaker than the right. You should assign a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of:

administer oxygen with the appropriate device.

Your primary assessment of an elderly woman reveals that she is conscious and alert, but is experiencing difficulty breathing. She has a history of emphysema, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. As you assess the patient's circulatory status, you should direct your partner to:

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