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Example Meaning Diverse, having a lot of variety বাংলা অর্থ: নানাবিধ , বহুবিধ Root Related words Mnemonic

Fervid (fur-vid)

Example 1. She has always been a fervid orator. Meaning Adjective: extremely hot, characterized by intense emotion বাংলা অর্থ উত্তপ্ত , উদ্দীপ্ত , কামনাতাড়িত Root FERV (to boil, to bubble, to burn) Related words ardent, fervent, fiery, impassioned, perfervid, torrid, passionate Mnemonic fer-fur vid-video video with girls in furs =extremely hot

Furtive (FUR tiv)

Example 1• Cal wiggled his ears while the countess was talking to him in a furtive attempt to catch our attention. 2• The burglars were furtive, but not furtive enough; the alert policeman grabbed them as they carried the color TV through the Rubenstein's back door. Meaning Adjective: marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed secretive; sly বাংলা অর্থ অলক্ষিত, টিপিটিপি, চোরা Related words sneak , sneaky , stealthy , surreptitious Mnemonic One who is FARTive has to expel farts stealthily.

Simulacrum (sim-yuh-ley-kruh m)

Example 1. The Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center showcases a simulacrum of all the present and approved buildings in the city of Shanghai. 2. The early days of computer graphics made real people into a simulacrum that now seems comical. Meaning Noun: a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture), a bad imitation বাংলা অর্থ প্রতিমূর্তি, সাদৃশ্য, ধ্বজা Root simul (similiar) Related words effigy (প্রতিকৃতি), image Mnemonic SIMILAR but not exact(false)

Foliate (foh-lee-eyt)

Example 1. The action plates, which are engraved in foliate scroll, can have either a multicolored case-hardened finish or a flat-silver coin finish. Meaning verb: Grow leaves; Number the pages of a book or manuscript; Coat or back with metal foil; Decorate with leaves বাংলা অর্থ পাতা মতো , পত্রযুক্ত Related words leafy, stratified, bedded

Layperson (layperson)

Example 1. The layperson is astonished, while the experts remain silent.. 2.My talent is being able to synthesize this information to become understandable to myself and then therefore to the layperson. Meaning someone who is not an expert in or does not have a detailed knowledge of a particular subject:, Noun: A person who is not a member of the clergy Root বাংলা অর্থ Related words unordained person

Levy (lev-ee)

Example 1. The levy of 30% on cattle exported on the hoof, on the other hand, is aimed at discouraging the export of live animals from the country. Meaning Noun: an act of collecting tax or amount owed, or the drafting of troops into military service Verb: Collect tax from, wage war on, or enlist for military service Root বাংলা অর্থ কর, চাঁদা, খাজনা, সংগ্রহ, শুল্ক, সংগৃহীত সৈন্যগণ Related words tax, tariff, toll, excise, duty, impose, charge, exact Mnemonic A LEVER is used to apply force on an object. a LEVY is used to apply force through taxation, a fine, or military enlistment.

Rescind (ri-sind)

Example 1. The man's driver's license was rescinded after his tenth car accident, which meant he would never be allowed to legally drive again. Meaning Verb: cancel officially Root বাংলা অর্থ বাতিল করা, কাটিয়া ফেলা, রদ করা Related words annul, countermand, lift, overturn, repeal, reverse, revoke, vacate Mnemonic Rescind reminds us of "Resign", where resign is to cancel your appointment

Insuperable (in-soo-per-uh-buh l)

Example 1. They have overcome almost insuperable odds that the poor facilities and elements have brought about. Meaning Adjective: (of a difficulty or obstacle) impossible to overcome. Root বাংলা অর্থ অনতিক্রম্য, দুরতিক্রম্য, অদম্য, অদমনীয়, অনতিক্রমণীয় Related words unconquerable, insurmountable Mnemonic the root SUPER reminds us of superman, who is unbeatable

Investiture (in-ves-ti-cher)

Example 1. This has been gradually taking place over the past few years, with the heir to the throne doing an increasing number of engagements and investitures . Meaning inauguration, coronation, investment Root বাংলা অর্থ অভিষেক, সজ্জীকরণ, বিভূষণ Related words inauguration, coronation, investment Mnemonic After you get an investment and venture, you get a investiture

Manifold (man-uh-fohld)

Example 1. the implications of this decision were manifold Meaning Adjective: many and various. Noun: a pipe or chamber branching into several openings. Root বাংলা অর্থ নানাবিধ, বহুধা, বিবিধ, বহুসংখ্যক Related words many, numerous, multiple, multifarious, legion, diverse, various Mnemonic many + folds (two fold, three fold ...)

Maxim (MAK sim)

Example 1• We always tried to live our lives according to the maxim that it is better to give than to receive. 2• No one in the entire world is entirely certain of the difference es in meaning among the words maxim, adage, proverb, and aphorism. Meaning Noun: a fundamental principle; an old saying Root MAG/MAJ/MAX (big) বাংলা অর্থ বচন, প্রবাদবাক্য, প্রবচন, নীতি, বাণী, সাধারণ নীতি Related words axiom Mnemonic Maxim= for maximum you will say max.. it is a short rule of saying maximum

Respite (RES pit)

Example 1• We worked without respite from five in the morning until five in the afternoon. 2• The new mother fell asleep when her baby stopped crying, but the respite was brief; the baby started up again almost immediately. 3. After taking the GRE, take a RESPITE and drink a SPRITE. Meaning Noun: a period of rest or relief Root বাংলা অর্থ সাময়িক বিরাম, সাময়িক রেহাই, জিরেন, অবসর Related words break, recess, time out, relief, rest, rest period Mnemonic rest a bit


Example: 1. A novelist and erstwhile insurance salesman, he told us his story of the long road to literary success, before he was able to quit his day job. Meaning: Former, previous (adj); in the past, formerly (adv) বাংলা অর্থ: পূর্বকালীন Root: Related words: Bygone (past, former), Quondam (former, sometime) Abstruse: ersatz: substitute,বিকল্প vs erstwhile: former, previous, পূর্বকালীন Mnemonic: Erstwhile is related to the Old English ere, which means "before."


Example: 1.The advent of twitter is a celebrity stalker's dream, as he or she can - through hundreds of intimate "tweets" - vicariously live the life of a famous person. Meaning: felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another বাংলা অর্থ: বদলিরূপে কাজ করিতেছে , প্রতিনিধি কাজ করে এমন Root: Related words: Mnemonic: bikar দের প্রতিনিধি কাজ করে এমন

Coterminous ( 350th )

Example: 1.The border of the state is coterminous with geographic limits on travel; the east and north are surrounded by a nearly uncrossable river and the south by a desert. Meaning: being of equal extent or scope or duration বাংলা অর্থ: একই সীমানাবিশিষ্ট Root: co + terminous Related words: coextensive , conterminous Abstruse: coterminous:একই সীমানাবিশিষ্ট vs coterie: গোষ্ঠী Mnemonic:

Hound(v) [hound]

Examples: The reporters wouldn't stop hounding her. Meaning: to chase someone or to refuse to leave someone alone, especially because you want to get something from them বাংলা অর্থ: জ্বালাতন করা, পশ্চাদ্ধাবন করা Root: Synonym: pursue, chase, follow, shadow, be hot on someone's heels, hunt (down), stalk, track, trail, tail, dog, harass, hassle, persecute, harry, pester, bother, badger, torment, bedevil, bug, give someone a hard time, devil Mnemonics

the distaff side

Female members of a family; especially used to talk about people related to someone through their mother মায়ের দিক দিয়ে <the family title could be passed down through the distaff side> <In 1948 Joanna's grandmother on the distaff side won the title.>

to sow wild oats

If someone, especially a young man, sows their wild oats, they have many sexual relationships which are not serious and do not last long. literal meaning: বন্য oats বপন করা, বনে এমনি বপন করতেছে কোন সিরিয়াস ইস্যু না । যেটা অনেকদিন টিকবেও না <This survey shows that men see nothing wrong in sowing their wild oats before settling down. >

to take under one's wing

If you take someone under your wing, you start to protect and take care of them literally: কারও পাখার নিচে রাখা মানে কাউকে আশ্রয় দেয়া রক্ষা করা , কেয়ার করা । <I was a little bit lonely at the time and she took me under her wing.>

to leave no stone unturned

To do everything you can to achieve a good result, especially when looking for something সম্ভাব্য সব জায়গায় খুঁজা literal meaning: কোন পাথর উল্টানো বাকি নাই , সব গুলা পাথরের নিচে চেক করছে , জিনিসটা খুজছে । মানে যা যা সম্ভব সবই করছে। <He left no stone upturned in his search for his natural mother.>


a direct comparison that does not use "like" or "as." রূপক, উপমা, অলংকারবিশেষ

cause celebre

a famous law case or controversy a controversial issue that attracts a great deal of public attention. an event, such as a famous legal trial, that attracts a lot of public attention বিতর্কিত বিষয় literal meaning: cause celebre means চাঞ্চল্যকর মামলা, create (celebre) সুপ্রসিদ্ধ ( comes from celebrity ) <Now, all of a sudden, this has become the cause celebre of the left.> <suddenly, saving the station's architectural integrity became a cause célèbre>

blue chip

a highly valuable asset, stock, or property (of a company) considered to be a safe investment for your money because it is well-established and has performed well in the past Blue-chip also means of top quality: literal meaning: blue chip তাই আসল/ main / top quality চিপ <Even a profitable team like the Cowboys can't keep all their blue-chip players.> <The blue chips took another nose dive in today's trading.>

a given

a known or established fact or situation. Something taken for granted (something assumed or that doesn't require proof) মতবাদ , প্রচলিত যে <It's a given that everyone here is against human trafficing> <In our system it is a given that all are equal before the law.> <It is a given that we are in an age of relentless competition.>

Philadelphia lawyer

a lawyer of outstanding ability a lawyer knowledgeable in the most minute aspects of the law literal meaning: দক্ষ আইনজীবী a clever, shrewd, or tricky lawyer, esp. one skilled in taking advantage of legal technicalities < I don't mind paying taxes every year, but I wish it didn't take a Philadelphia lawyer just to understand how to fill in your return!>


a long story about important events long ago; a long story of heroic achievement a long, detailed story of connected events: The Gold Rush was just one chapter in the saga of the old West. Ex: Many American families tell ~+ about their ancestors' arrival in the United States.


a long, exciting journey: The film follows one man's odyssey to find the mother from whom he was separated at birth.


a mark on the skin left after a wound has healed; a lasting sign of damage, either mental or physical Ex: The surgery was successful, but it left a large ~ across her abdomen.

Sea change seachange tree change

a marked change: profound, notable transformation আমূল পরিবর্তন literal meaning: সমুদ্র পরিবর্তন , মানে সবই পরিবর্তন a complete change <This happy situation continued until the 1960s, when there was a sea change in official attitudes toward these hospitals.> <There will have to be a sea change in people's attitudes if public transport is ever to replace the private car.>

a pretty/fine kettle of fish

a messy situation, a problem, A difficult or awkward situation literal meaning: নতুন সুন্দর কেটলিতে মাছ , আসলেই অদ্ভুত লাগবে , যেটা কিনা একটা সমস্যার সৃষ্টি করে, একটা awkward situation create করে an awkward state of affairs. <when Carla was back in Rome, she found a pretty kettle of fish> <Well, that's a fine kettle of fish. I thought I paid the credit card bill, but it turns out that I missed the due date by a week.>

a fly in the ointment

a minor irritation that spoils the success or enjoyment of something দুধে গোমূত্র / দুধে পোকা something that spoils or lessens the enjoyment something that spoils a situation that could have been pleasant <The party was great - the only fly in the ointment was that my grumpy uncle was there.> <We had a cookstove, beans, and plates; the fly in the ointment was the lack of a can opener.>


a person who brings a case against another in a court of law. বাদী, ফরিয়াদী, অভিযোক্তা, কারণ-বাদী মকদ্দমার বাদী, ফরিয়াদী


a person who is famous and important in a particular area of activity: The speaker is a luminary in the field of cancer research.


a serious attempt or effort প্রচেষ্টা, উপক্রম, চেষ্টা, উদ্যম, প্রয়াস, প্রযত্ন, যত্ন, অনুবন্ধ, অনুবৃত্তি, চেষ্টা-প্রচেষ্টা, উদ্যোগ to try to do something: <I endeavored to explain the legal consequences of his action.>

chip off the old block

a son who is like his father যেমন বাপ তেমন পোলা a person who resembles one parent in appearance or behavior. <His son is just a chip off the old block.> < John looks like his father—a real chip off the old block.>

skid row

a street or part of a town that is poor and dirty, where many people who have no jobs or homes spend time a desperately unfortunate or difficult situation. literally skid (পিছলাইয়া পড়া) row (সারি , সারনী ) মানে পিছিয়ে পরা , অবহেলিত জায়গা , সমাজের করুন অবস্থা সম্পন্ন এলাকা , করুন অবস্থা <with no money to spend, the club are on skid row"> <Meghan Markle previously revealed that she volunteered at a soup kitchen in a Los Angeles Skid Row>

pyrrhic victory

a too costly victory যে বিজয়ের জন্য চরম মূল্য দিতে হয় , প্রাণ সম্পদের প্রচুর ক্ষতি হয় । A victory that is not worth achieving because of the excessive toll it takes on the victor. <Unless that is done, any military success in Afghanistan will be a pyrrhic victory.> <Winning the lawsuit was a Pyrrhic victory, since it cost us everything we had>

achilles heel

a weakness or vulnerable point. literal meaning: greek দেবতা achilles এর অনেক শক্তি সামর্থ থাকলেও তার পায়ের গোড়ায় ( heel ) সমস্যা ছিল , এটাই তার weekness / দুর্বলতা ছিল a small problem or weakness in a person or system that can result in failure: <Maths has always been my Achilles heel.> <I'm trying to lose weight, but ice cream is my Achilles' heel.>


a willingness to keep supporting someone you admire ভক্তি, নিষ্ঠা, একনিষ্ঠতা, আরাধনা, গভীর অনুরক্তি, অনুরক্তি Ex: Grant showed great ~ to his wife, supporting her during her long illness. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by a to phrase.


aggressively entering into someone else's territory moving into all areas of something and difficult to stop: an invasive disease They treated the cancer with non-invasive methods/surgery (= not cutting into the body). Ex: Surgery with a laser is less ~ than surgery with a knife or scalpel.


almost, approximately, virtually <We are nearly hit by the speeding car on the turnpike.>

in spite of oneself

although one did not want or expect to do so. despite or against one's desire or intention. literal meaning : ইচ্ছা থাকা না সত্ত্বেও , আশা না থাকা সত্ত্বেও , <I wanted to leave, but I stayed in spite of myself.> <Oliver smiled in spite of himself> <I ended up having a good time in spite of myself.> I did't want to end up, i ended up having a good time in spite of myself. <In spite of her orders to stay, I left.> <In spite of the bad weather, I had fun on vacation.>

much as however much

although, however much : even though literally: however (কিন্তু, যাহা হউক, তত্সত্ত্বেত্ত, যাহাই হউক না কেন ) much ( বেশি অনেক ) মানে much দ্বারা however কথাটার উপর জোর দেয়া হইসে . much as যতটা ..... পরের বাক্যে ততটা ( নেগাটিভ ) উহ্য থাকে , although although, even though, no matter how much. , regardless of or despite how much; <Much as she needed the job, she had to refuse.> <Much as I would like to help you, I'm simply too busy at the moment.> <However much ppl may agree that saving money is a virtue, the majority of Americans don't have sufficient funds for any kind of emergency.> <However much it hurts, you ought to admit you were wrong,> <Much as Karen would love to see us, she can't get out of her prior commitment.>


an excessive expression of concern, guilty or distress. literal meaning: hand wringing (কচলান,কচলাকচলি করা, পাকান, মোচড়ান, ) , খুব বেশি টেনশন এ থাকলে , প্রেশার থাকলে মানুষ হাত কচলায় <hand-wringing by some experts over the state of the economy.> <There has been much hand-wringing over falling test scores, with so-called experts acting as if the world will end if the students do 1% worse in math and science>

recipe for

an idea, situation, or method that is likely to result in something: কৌশল, উপায়, বয়ে নিয়ে আসে way of achieving, means of ensuring, way of ensuring <'sky-high interest rates are a recipe for disaster> <Treating teenagers like six-year-olds is a recipe for disaster.> <Pinning your hopes on the state is a recipe for disappointment.> <Routinely arming the police, however, seems like a recipe for disaster.>

hook, line, and sinker

completely, all the way literal meaning: hook (বঁড়শী ), line (সুতা ), and sinker ( যেটা বঁড়শী ডুবাইয়া রাখে ) তিনটা জিনিসই আছে মানে সব কিছু আছে মাছ ধরার জন্য । completely ,all the way (সর্বদিকে) <They believed every word hook, line, and sinker.> <I forged the note and the teacher fell for it hook, line, and sinker.> <He fell hook, line, and sinker for this year's April Fool joke>

feeling no pain

drunk, মাতাল literal meaning: I'm drunk in other words feeling no pain. দুঃখ ভোলার জন্য মদ পান করে । দুঃখ বেদনা ফিল করতেছে না মানেই মাতাল <He had been at the bar for several hours and he was clearly feeling no pain.>


dull saying what you think without trying to be polite or caring about other people's feelings: blunt criticism Blunt and outspoken, he often quarreled with fellow officials.


edge; in social contexts, parts of society that look or act very different from most people Ex: Punk music got its start at the ~ of London's rock music culture. Usage Tips: ~ implies an edge that is uneven and not very solid.

once and for all

finally; permanently. literal meaning: একবার এবং সব কিছুর জন্য কোন কিছু করা, মানে finally; permanently করা , <I'm going to get this place organized once and for all!> <We have to resolve this matter once and for all.>

run across

find by chance, discover <While rummaging (অনুসন্ধান করা, ভিন্ন ভিন্ন করা, তন্ন তন্ন করা) through some old boxes in the attic(চিলেকোঠা), I ran across my grandmother's weeding dress.>

for (quite) some time

for a long period of time , contrast coming soon for a somewhat(কিছুটা) long time literal meaning: some time means lot of time for us with respect to universe. সময় অনেক বড় এর কিছুটা মানে আমদের জন্য অনেক সময়, অনেকদিন ধরে <She has been living there for (quite) some time.> <I've been thinking about moving for some time now.> <If its owner does not move for sometime.>

for show

for appearances only. done merely for the sake of appearance; not genuine or sincere <The company was voted the best in the country for working mothers, but the actual women employees report that it's all for show>

as in

for example, as for example" or "as for instance <This year, as in previous years, tickets sold very quickly.> <He is slow, as in he's not as fast as his brother.> <I like tea, as in I drink it every day.>

for years to come the days to come the week(s) to come the year(s) to come

for years to come: until much later. for a long time into the future) literally: for থাকলে মানে জন্য , লম্বা সময়ের জন্য used to emphasize that something will continue for a long time into the future the days/week(s)/year(s) to come: the following or next days/week(s)/year(s) literally: the থাকলে , the following days/ weeks / year এর মত পরবর্তী দিন, সপ্তাহ কিংবা বছর বুঝায় <What are your plans for the year to come (= next year)?> <My parents are only in their sixties and are healthy and active, so I am hopeful that my children will get to enjoy their grandparents for years to come>


frightening and overcontrolled by a government that interferes in nearly every aspect of personal life used to describe a political system in which the government tries to control every part of people's lives, similar to that described in the novel "Nineteen Eighty Four", by George Orwel Ex: Biometric devices like eye-scanners allow an ~ level of government knowledge about everyone's location.

out of the frying pan into the fire

from a bad, stressful, or dangerous situation into one that is even worse অধিকতর বিপদে পরা literal meaning: frying pan থেকে গিয়ে আগুনের মধ্যে পরা । অধিক বিপদে পরা < Those poor refugees escaped the famine but ended up in a war zone—out of the frying pan into the fire> <I thought my old job was stressful, but my new one is 10 times worse. It's like going out of the frying pan and into the fire>

on the contrary

from another point of view: <On the contrary, there may be some who would agree with you.> actually the opposite is true: <The crime problem has not disappeared. On the contrary, it seems to be becoming worse again.>

from pillar to post

from one place to another If someone goes from pillar to post, they are forced to keep moving from one place to another: literal meaning: পোস্ট থেকে স্তম্ভ , একস্থান থেকে অন্য স্থানে আসা যাওয়া করা <My parents were always on the move and so my childhood was spent being dragged from pillar to post.> <They were pushed from pillar to post from the moment they left their homes> <After Kevin joined the Air Force, the family kept moving from pillar to post.>

make good on (something)

fulfill an obligation, such as keeping promises or paying debt. to fulfill a promise, repay debt , to do what you have said you would do প্রতিজ্ঞা সম্পূর্ণ করা , কথা দিয়ে কথা রাখা <You better make good on all the things you said you would deliver, or the client is not going to be happy.> <My grandfather said he would pay for me to go to college, and he made good on that promise.>


humorous but in a light way, comedy with high exaggeration হাস্যকর, প্রহসনসুলভ, হাস্যরসাত্মক, অবাস্তব, প্রহসন-সম্পর্কিত

any longer/ no more / not anymore / no longer

সাধারণত আগে কাজটি করত কিন্তু এখন আর করে না মানে আগে সত্য হলেও এখন আর সত্য নয় <We can't ignore these problems any longer.> মানে আগে প্রব্লেম গুলা ইগ্নর করতাম <I can't afford the car any longer.> <This building is no longer used.> <She doesn't work here any longer.>


সাধ্য feasible able to be done or put into action: The troops will be brought home as soon as practicable. It is not practicable to complete the tunnel before the end of the year.


সান্ত্বনার অসাধ্য extremely sad and disappointed: The players were disconsolate after losing what should have been an easy game.


সাফল্য, ফলাগম, লব্ধি, সিদ্ধি, অধিগমন, অভীষ্টসিদ্ধি, অভীষ্টপূরণ, অভীষ্টলাভ, the act of achieving something, or something that is achieved: The group's investment objectives include the attainment of long-term capital growth.


সামলান, to limit When he started fighting, it took four police officers to restrain him. She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself.


সারমর্ম the meaning or substance of something, typically a document or speech. I do not understand the purport of your remarks


সুবিশাল, জমকালো impressive; showy; magnificent This grandiose plan for rural transformation faltered with its first steps.


সুমধুর Dulcet sounds are soft and pleasant to listen to. In this context, a work can be as dulcet or ferocious as its maker and curator may choose.


সূক্ষ্ম বিশ্লেষণ করা to examine something very carefully in order to discover information: He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.


স্থান-সংক্রান্ত pertaining to space on the Earth's surface; sometimes used as a synonym for geographic.


স্থানচ্যুত করা, হটিয়ে দেওয়া


স্বত: সিদ্ধ সত্য a statement that is so obviously true that it is almost not worth saying: As far as health is concerned, it's a truism that prevention is better than cure.


স্বতপ্রণোদিত If something is pre-emptive, it is done before other people can act, especially to prevent them from doing something else: The Treasury has decided to raise interest rates as a pre-emptive measure against inflation. The prime minister authorized a pre-emptive air strike against the rebels.


স্বাধীনতার সুযোগ Distance north or south of the equator


স্মারক making you remember a particular person, event, or thing: That song is so reminiscent of my adolescence.


হতভম্ব, বুদ্ধিভ্রষ্ট, জেরবার, বিমূঢ়, অভিভূত, কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়


হতাশা hopelessness Their fourth year without rain drove many farmers to despair.


হস্তক্ষেপ করা, মধ্যস্থলে আসা, মধ্যস্থ হত্তয়া to come between Ex: A good mediator ~+ only as much as necessary to settle a dispute between other parties.


হীনপদস্থ করা পদের অবনতি ঘটানো

of the first water

of the best quality, of the greatest (of a diamond or pearl) of the greatest brilliance and transparency. literal meaning: The first water in Diamonds means the greatest purity and perfection of their complexion, which ought to be that of the clearest drop of water. When Diamonds fall short of this perfection, they are said to be of the second or third water, &c. till the stone may be properly called a coloured one. <a gem of the first water> <Jocelyn had proved herself to be a leader of the first water. He was full of energy, Janet recalled, an eccentric of the first water.>

sleep on it

postpone a decision while giving it some thought to wait before making a decision: literal meaning: এটার ওপর ঘুমাও , মানে কোন কিছু না করে অপেক্ষা করা , কোন সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়ার আগে অপেক্ষা করা । <Don't give me an answer now - sleep on it and tell me whenever you're ready.>

loaded for bear

prepared to deal with attacks or criticism : prepared to fight or argue angry, drunk Angry and, as a result, usually ready to fight or argue with someone . Prepared to confront or handle a particular situation. <After studying all night, I'm loaded for bear—bring on the exam!> <She went into the interview loaded for bear.> <Do you remember last night at the bar at all? You were really loaded for bear!>


products, signs, ads, and other stimuli in the environment

limp along / limping along

progress slowly, or with difficulty, and not at full capacity The meaning of limp is to walk with difficulty because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot. থামিয়া পড়া, লেংচান, খোঁড়ান, শিথিল, খুঁড়িয়ে চলা , নিস্তেজ হওয়া <I need to find a better job. My family has spent 4 years limping along struggling to pay the bills. We can't continue like this.> <The project has hit unexpected difficulties and is just limping along at the moment.> <The poor disabled soldier limped along the sidewalk because of his war injury.>

in no time

quickly, soon <the renovations were done in no time> <Now that we're on the highway, we'll be there in no time.>


red or white cell in the blood


regard as probable; expect or predict to imagine or expect that something will happen: <We don't anticipate any trouble.> <We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn't anticipate.>

in a beeline make beeline for

take the straightest, shortest route the shortest distance between two points to move quickly and directly toward something literal: beeline means সরল রেখা, মৌমাছি সরল সোজা shortest route রোডে চলে। সোজা চলে আসে । সরাসরি কোন কাজ করা Go straight to, as in <He made a beeline for the refreshments.> <When he saw me in the kitchen, he made a beeline for the door.> < Every day when I come home from work, my toddler makes a beeline for me—it's just the cutest thing.>

the world, the flesh, and the devil

temptations(প্রলোভন) that cause man to sin In Christian theology, the world, the flesh, and the devil are often traditionally described as the three enemies of the soul. সকল প্রকার পাপের প্রলোভন , <Rossetti struggled with these words in her desire to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil> <In other words, the world, the flesh, and the devil are formidable obstacles to responding to the light and grace that God gives.>


than: comparison <Today's weather is better than yesterday.> then: time ( e is common) <First, Julie filled out her schedule; then, she paid her fees. >


the act of taking possession of something অর্জন, অর্জিত দ্রব্য, স্বোপার্জন Ex: Our recent ~ of over 2,000 books makes ours the biggest library in the region. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by of.


the appearance of being more important or more serious than there is reason for: Leonard's paintings have a real freedom from pretension. ​ A pretension is also a claim or belief that you can succeed or that you are important or have serious value: He has no pretensions for higher office.


the belief that natural objects, such as trees, have souls Ex: Desert cultures that practice ~ often believe that winds contain spirits.


the choice of words used in a literary work রচনাশৈলী, শব্দ-নির্বাচন, শব্দের নির্বাচন ও ব্যবহার, বাগবিন্যাসপ্রণালী, বাগরীতি


the comic substitution of one word for another similar in sound but different in meaning শব্দের অপপ্রয়োগ

on the brink of on the verge of

the edge at the top of a steep cliff —usually used figuratively to refer to a point that is very close to the occurrence of something very bad or (less commonly) very good literal meaning: brink(verge) meansকিনারা, প্রান্ত, পার্শ্ব, ক্রোড়, কোন কিছুর কিনারায় থাকা মানে প্রায় শেষ পর্যায়ে। <He nearly lost everything because of his drug addiction, but his friends helped to pull him back from the brink> <The two nations are on the brink of war>

in seventh heaven

the highest happiness or delight to be extremely happy: <Since they got married, they've been in seventh heaven> <We were in seventh heaven in our new home.>

fat is in the fire

the mischief is already done problems are about to begin. something has happened that will inevitably cause trouble. literal meaning: আগুনে ফ্যাট / তেল দিলে তো আগুন আরো বাড়বে বিপদ বেশি হবে <if she gets hold of the information the fat will really be in the fire> <Just so you know, Mom found out you lied to her. The fat is in the fire now, huh?>

ranks of

the people in a group other than the leaders. একটা দলের প্রধান <Among the ranks of our alumni are two senators and many famous authors> <He's in the front/first rank of (= one of the best) international tennis players.>

to get down to brass tacks to get down to business

the real problem or situation the essentials / the basic facts কাজের কথায় আসি , মুল বিষয়ে আসা , আলোচ্য বিষয়ে আসা <After some moments of congenial levity, they got down to brass tacks.> <I have a plane to catch, so let's get down to business.> <The conversations can be searching, get philosophical, then quickly veer back to brass tacks.>

cool one's heels

to be kept waiting অপেক্ষায় বসে থাকা literally: অপেক্ষায় বসে বসে জুতার হিল ঠাণ্ডা করা মানে অপেক্ষা করা । to be kept waiting, especially because of deliberate discourtesy: To wait for a long time: <The doctor kept her cooling her heels for almost an hour.> < You need to cool your heels for a minute and stop yelling at the staff—they didn't do anything wrong> <The producer let the actors who were waiting to be auditioned cool their heels in the outer office.>

pass over

to ignore or to not give attention to someone or something অতিক্রম করা, উপেক্ষা করা , মারা যাওয়া die <by the time I reached the hospital she had passed over> < I'm sorry, but the board passed your idea over in favor of something more traditional. They're always going to pass you over for promotions if you don't set yourself apart!>

gild the lily

to improve or decorate something that is already perfect and therefore spoil it. try to improve what is already beautiful or excellent. literal meaning: lily এমনি সুন্দর এটা gild (চকচকে করতে) গেলে এমনি নষ্ট হবে, অনাবশ্যক অলঙ্করণের দ্বারা স্বাভাবিক সৌন্দর্য নষ্ট করা <Should I add a scarf to this jacket or would it be gilding the lily?> <Offering three different desserts after that elaborate meal would be gilding the lily> <Morty had us all believing his tall tale until he couldn't resist gilding the lily.>

to throw down the gauntlet throw down the glove.

to invite someone to fight or compete with you. literally: gauntlet সামরিক শাস্তিবিশেষ , মানে কাউকে challenge করা , ওইটার সামনে ফেলে দিয়ে । take up the gauntlet: to accept a challenge throw down the gauntlet: to offer a challenge <The senator threw down the gauntlet on the abortion issue.> <A price war looks likely now that a leading supermarket has thrown down the gauntlet to its competitors.>

hold on to hold onto

to keep, maintain , retain ধরে রাখা , বজায় রাখা <Despite moving to the western world, Mariko held on to her Oriental way.> <the industry is trying to hold on to experienced staff> <Hold on to your ticket - you'll need it later.> <Lewis held onto the lead until the final lap.>

learn the ropes know the ropes

to learn/know how to do a job or activity To understand the details, (if know) have experience of the appropriate procedures. literal meaning: ropes জাহাজের দড়ি , কেউ যদি দড়ির গিরু গুলা জানে মানে সে কাজে দক্ষ (know the ropes) , কেউ না জানলে তাকে এইগুলা শিখতে হবে (learn the ropes) মানে অফিসের কাজ কারবার শিখতে হবে। < Don't worry about Sara's taking over that reporter's job-she already knows the ropes> <We have a few high-priority projects we need to get done now, so you'll need to learn the ropes on your own.> <He knew the ropes better than anyone else in politics.> < This class is intense! They don't even give you a chance to learn the ropes before they throw an exam at you.>

leave sth/sb behind

to leave a place without taking someone or something with you to fail or forget to bring someone or something along. পিছনে ফেলে আসা , সাধারণত খারাপ কীর্তি করে আসা , পিছনে ফালা <The army left a trail of destruction behind them.> <We left in a hurry and I must have left my keys behind.> <He was forced to leave the country, leaving behind his wife and children.> <John was sick, so we had to leave him behind. Oh, I left my money behind.>

to upset the apple cart

to overturn or disturb a plan or intention spoil a plan or disturb the status quo. to cause trouble, especially by spoiling someone's plans to ruin plans or arrangements; spoil something কারো পরিকল্পনা নষ্ট করা , বিনাশ করা <He was making a fantastic profit until a competitor upset the applecart by cutting prices.>


to pass slowly for a long time, as a liquid or gas might চুয়াইয়া পড়া, Ex: As the containers rusted, the toxic waste ~+ into the ground. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by into or through.

prevail on prevail upon

to persuade someone to do something that they do not want to do To try to persuade, appeal to, or influence one to do something জোরাজোরি করা, প্রভাবিত করা <They might be prevailed upon to come with us.> <I will prevail on him to speak at the assembly.> <They finally prevailed on him to hand in his resignation.> <They prevailed on/upon me to play a few tunes on the piano.> <He was eventually prevailed upon to accept the appointment>

map out

to plan carefully how something will happen, design পরিকল্পনা করা . ছকা <We mapped out a plan of action.> <hey mapped her campaign for governor all out.> <She has her future all mapped out.>


to plan together secretly


to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need: We were gratified by the response to our appeal. He was gratified to see how well his students had done.

wink at

to pretend not to see to ignore deliberately, as to avoid the necessity of taking action দেখেও না দেখার ভান করা , অবজ্ঞা করা <The city cops wink at the mayor's parking violations.>


to prevent someone, for a relatively short time, from going on their way আটক করা Ex: The police ~+ at least 20 men for questioning, but charged none of them with a crime.

rally for rally behind

to publicly show support for rally means সমাবেশ <Parents rallied for/behind the new dress code guidelines.>


to put members of a group into motion Ex: After a terrible storm, the governor ~+ the National Guard to rescue victims.

lay down one's arms

to put one's gun, sword, club, etc., down; to stop fighting; to surrender. literal meaning: তোমার অস্ত্র রাখো মানে surrender কর , যুদ্ধ থামাও । to put down one's weapons and stop fighting <The soldiers refused to lay down their arms.> < Instruct your troops to lay down their arms!>


to refuse to obey a person, decision, law, situation, etc.: <It is rare to see children openly defying their teachers.> <A few workers have defied the majority decision and gone into work despite the strike.>


to release a thing or an emotion Ex: When they saw the strange man on their property, they ~+ their dogs. Ex: He is from such an unemotional family, he will never learn to unleash his feelings.

count on

to rely on, to depend on নির্ভর করা <Maria was counting on the grant money to pay her way through graduate school.>


to respect

to tell tales out of school

to reveal harmful secrets To share secrets, often knowing that doing so will cause problems for someone else. <Here's a tip: don't tell tales out of school about your co-workers if you want to have any friends here.>

put the cart before the horse

to reverse the proper order, do things backwards literal meaning: ঘোড়ার সামনে রাখা, মানে হচ্ছে ঘোড়াকে চলতে বাধা দেয়া । প্রপার জিনিস আগে না করে উল্টা পাল্টা কাজ করা। নরমাল অবস্থায় ঘোড়ার পিছনে থাকে এবং সেটা ঘোড়া টেনে নেয় । কিন্তু সেটা ঘোড়ার সামনে রাখলে সেটা প্রপারলি চলতে পারবে না। উল্টা কাজ হচ্ছে < Starting the fundraiser before we know how much we need is putting the cart before the horse.>


to run away from a battle

lay claim to

to say that sth belongs to you assert that one has a right to (something). assert that one possesses (a skill or quality). দাবি করা <four men laid claim to the leadership> <she has never laid claim to medical knowledge> <So 2 percent of the people are laying claim to 10 percent of the coastline; where is the justice in that?>

keep the pot boiling

to see that interest doesn't die down, cheerleader To keep going on actively কার্যক্রম চালিয়ে যাওয়া literal meaning: চা বানানোর সময় পানি সবসময় ফুটানো হয় , কাজ চালাইয়া যায় । To ensure that something remains active or engaging <We must, however, ' keep the pot boiling', and must not give up this struggle.> <what are we to do to keep the pot boiling?>

make sth/sb out

to see, hear, or understand something or someone with difficulty: কোন কিছু বুঝা , অনুধাবন করা < Nobody can make out why you should have been attacked.> <The numbers are too small - I can't make them out at all.> <I can't make out your writing.> <She's a strange person - I can't make her out at all.>


to set in firmly; to insert in the body surgically Ex: The actress had cheek ~+ to make her face look fuller.


to show in pictures চিত্র বর্ণন করা ছবির মতো করে তুলে ধরা Ex: Michelangelo's painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ~+ nine scenes from the Bible.


to show off to intentionally make obvious something you have in order to be admired: You go to the mall and you see fourteen-year-old kids flaunting money their parents give them.

argues that

to show that something is true or exists তর্কবিতর্ক করা , ভিন্নমত পোষণ করা <I can't argue with you about that (= I agree with you).> <The senator argued that cuts in military spending were needed.> <You can argue the case either way.> <Starting from consciousness, he argues that all known things are phenomena of consciousness.>

get through to get through with

to succeed in making someone understand or believe something to make someone understand what you are trying to say কাউকে বুঝাইতে সক্ষম <I feel I'm not getting through to some of the kids in my class> <I just don't seem to be able to get through to him these days.> <Jerry called for an earlier appointment because he got through with his project sooner than he had expected. >

so much so that

to such a great degree এতটাই যে এতটাই ভালো যে , বড় যে <It was a great project, so much so that it won first prize.> <He himself believed in freedom, so much so that he would rather die than live without it.>

run the gauntlet

to suffer this punishment to endure an onslaught or ordeal, as of criticism to suffer severe criticism or tribulation. literally gauntlet means সামরিক শাস্তিবিশেষ , যারা gauntlet চালায় তাদেরকে অনেক মানুষের সমালোচনা সহ্য করতে হয় । <Every day they had to run the gauntlet of hostile journalists on their way to school.> <After he was misquoted in the interview, he knew he would have to run the gauntlet of his colleagues' anger.>


to tell very personal things; tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others Ex: Teenagers are more willing to ~ in a friend than in a parent. Usage Tips: ~ almost always followed by an in phrase.

try out

to test something (or someone) by using it পরীক্ষা করা , a trial or test to ascertain fitness for some purpose. < Please try out our product.> <Open tryouts for the team are next Monday> <Men from every important college in the country competed in the tryout.>

to the extent that

to the degree that, in so far as; ওই পরিমাণে ওই মাত্রায় literally : extent means সীমা, ব্যাপ্তি, পরিমাণ, বিস্তার, পরিসর, প্রসার , <I plan to provide information about the new company policy to the extent that I am familiar with it.> <He said he didn't like the president, but not to the extent of wanting to kill him.> <It has increased to such an extent that Ghana can now export maize.>


to treat someone or something as if they are not important: Now that English has taken over as the main language, the country's native language has been marginalized.


to try to do or continue doing something in a determined way, despite having problems It looks as if the policy will be a success, providing that the government perseveres and does not give in to its critics. to keep going, despite obstacles or discouragement; to maintain a purpose Ex: The hikers ~+ despite the bad weather and the icy trail.

curry favor

to try to gain favor (such as preferential treatment from a boss) through flattery or servile behavior. To ingratiate oneself to someone literal meaning: তেল মসলা (curry) দেয়া, favor পাওয়ার জন্য , to seek to advance oneself through flattery or fawning <His fellow workers despised him for currying favor with the boss.> <Flattery won't work; the only way of currying favor with him is through hard work.>


to use coaxing or flattery to gain some desired end মিষ্ট কথায় ভুলান, প্রতারিত করা নরম কথায় প্রলোভিত করা


to worship as a god Ex: When people ~ the leader of their country, the leader is able to abuse power more easily.


type of discourse in which one explains or describes বর্ণনামূলক, প্রকট করে এমন, অনাবৃত করে এমন, ব্যাখ্যাকর ব্যাখ্যামূলক, ব্যাখ্যাপূর্ণ

oblivious to

unaware of ( অজ্ঞাত, জানে না এমন ) literally: oblivious means অন্যমনস্ক, বিস্মরণশীল, ভুলো, oblivious to মানে অন্যমনস্ক তাই জানে না , অজ্ঞাত <they were clearly oblivious to the danger> <The mayor seems oblivious to the likely effects of the new legislation.>


unbroken; whole


uncritically in an uncritical way (= accepting something too easily): We do not think the claims should be accepted uncritically. She admires the students, but not uncritically.

through thick and thin

under all circumstances, no matter how difficult. literal meaning: বউ এর মোটা বা চিকন যেকোনো পরিস্থিতে সাথে থাকা। অর্থাৎ যেকোনো পরিস্থিতিতে সাথে থাকা <they stuck together through thick and thin> <She has stuck with me through thick and thin.>


unexpected financial gain দৈবধন, অভাবনীয় লাভ , ঝড়ের ফল literally windfall an apple or other fruit blown down from a tree or bush by the wind.ঝড়ে ঝরিয়া পড়া ফল, মানে ঝড়ে যেসব ফল পড়ে ওইগুলা অনেকটা , অভাবনীয় লাভ, bonanza, jackpot, pennies from heaven, unexpected gain <They received a windfall because of the tax cuts.> <hitting the lottery jackpot was an incredible windfall for the recently laid-off worker> <The government is hoping to collect a windfall tax (= extra tax on a large unexpected company profit) from British Electric.>

if it were not for were it not for if it had not been for

used for saying what prevents the situation from being different without literally: if it were not যদি না এটা হত , এটার বেতিক্রম হলে , without , বেতিত <If it were not for your donations, many more children would go hungry.> <If it were not for the fact that he is my father, I'd accuse him in public.> <If it hadn't been for the two men who rescued me, I'd probably have drowned.>

just as .... so too

used for showing that there is a connection between two situations or actions Just as the body needs regular exercise, so too an engine needs to be run at regular intervals.

Nothing worse than

used for talking about things that you dislike very much literal meaning: কোন কিছুই এর থেকে অধিক খারাপ হয় না । এর থেকে খারাপ হতে পারে না <There's nothing worse than feeling ill in a strange place.> <There's nothing worse than a liar>

to begin with

used to introduce the first of several points. first at the start of a process, event, or situation literal meaning বুঝাচ্ছে first of all , সর্বপ্রথমে <There were six of us to begin with, then two people left.> ​ used to give the first important reason for something: <The hotel was awful! To begin with, our room was far too small.> <We had an awful time! To begin with, Cameron got sick on the first day.> <such a fate is unlikely to befall him: to begin with, his is a genuine talent>

thumbs down

used to show disapproval of something literally: thumbs up মানে কোন জিনিসে কাজে উৎসাহ দেয়া , so thumbs down কোন কাজে অসম্মতি দেয়া , নিরুতসাহিত করা <They gave our plan the thumbs down (= they have disagreed with our plan).>


very bad: The acting was dismal, wasn't it? অন্ধকারময় Causing great sadness or pessimism


very careful; diligent; meticulous extremely careful and correct, and involving a lot of effort <It took months of painstaking research to write the book.> <He was described by his colleagues as a painstaking journalist.>


very clever and imaginative Ex: Ann thought up an ~ way to keep other people from accidentally taking her pens.


very funny Ex: In my opinion, the most ~ character on television was Basil Fawlty.


very noticeable; easily attracting attention Ex: Gordon had a ~ new attitude after he learned self-discipline at the army academy. Usage Tips: ~ comes from a verb that means "to hit". very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention She bears a striking resemblance to her mother.

by leaps and bounds

very rapidly literally: leaps (অত্যন্ত, লাফাইয়া লাফাইয়া চলা, ডিঙ্গান, লাফাইয়া অতিক্রম করা) , bound comes from boundary <We are progressing by leaps and bounds.> <productivity improved in leaps and bounds>

once in a blue moon

very rarely, on a very rare occasion আমাবস্যার চাঁদ । once in a blue moon rate = 1.16699016 × 10-8 hertz <My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.> <Once in a blue moon, there's an issue I can't resolve.>

Nothing if not (something)

very; above all; You use nothing if not in front of an adjective to indicate that someone or something clearly has a lot of the particular quality mentioned <The judge's closing remarks were nothing if not thorough ; not only did he belabor his every point, but he underscored each utterance with the pounding of the gavel.> <Professor Fish has been nothing if not professional.> <"he has proved nothing if not consistent" it means he is very consistent>

Indian summer

warm autumn weather, a period of happiness or success occurring late in life. a pleasant or successful time nearly at the end of someone's life, job, or other period literally: indian summer মানে ভালো আবহাওয়া , ভালো সময় , <A star of the 1960s, she's enjoying an Indian summer with her second highly acclaimed film this year.> <She had reached the Indian-summer modesty of old married couples.> <Parts of the country were deep in snow, but the East was enjoying an Indian summer.>


weak or lacking in courage; cowardly; pusillanimous. <he hates lily-livered politicians and permissive judges> <We are not slaves of greed, money grubbers, soft and lily-livered.>


weakened or worn out because of age, illness, or excessive use Ex: The once-beautiful building was now dirty, ~, and roofless. in very bad condition because of being old, or not having been cared for, or having been used a lot Most of the buildings were old and decrepit. জরাজীর্ণ, জরাগ্রস্ত, অথর্ব, গলিত, কালজীর্ণ, অতিবৃদ্ধ A decrepit old man sat on a park bench.

former and latter

when two things are mentioned, the first one is the former and the second one is the latter being the second mentioned of two (distinguished from former) <I prefer the latter offer to the former one.> latter: last of two things mentioned. <the Russians could advance into either Germany or Austria—they chose the latter option. (latter = Austria) later: a time in the future or following a previous action. <we went to the movies and later had ice cream at dairy isle>

for naught / all for naught/ come to naught/ set at naught

without achievement or result ( naught and nought mean nothing) to come to nothing; be without result or fruition; fail. literally naught means শূন্য, কিছুই না, ব্যর্থ, বাজে কিছু না, অর্থহীন, নিরর্থক, অপ্রয়োজনীয়, ঘৃণা করা, অগ্রাহ্য করা, শূন্য সংখ্যা ( naughty means দুষ্টু) <He entered a milieu that set his ideals at naught.> <All of my hard work on that budget report was for naught when the computer system crashed.>

in vain

without success; completely ineffective vain unsuccessful; of no value <they waited in vain for a response> <I tried in vain to start a conversation.> <All the police's efforts to find him were in vain.> < It was vain to pretend to himself that he was not disappointed.>

on the spur of the moment

without thinking, on impulse Very suddenly, impulsively, and/or without preparation beforehand; in an impromptu or capricious manner. literally: spur (অনুপ্রাণিত করা, নাল পরান, দ্রুতবেগে যাত্তয়া, ত্বরন্বিত হত্তয়া, সম্মুখে ছোটান) , moment এর দ্রুততম সময়ে , very suddenly <You've got to stop making decisions about your business on the spur of the moment like this, or you'll end up running it into the ground!> < It's totally out my character to take a trip on the spur of the moment, but I just needed to get out of the city for a while.>

outside of the home

working *outside of the home* means having a regular job, such as in an office. However, *working out of your home* is actually working at home < The study compared incomes of women who had worked *outside of the home* to income of women who *worked out of their homes* as freelancers or owners of small businesses>

resorted to

অবলম্বন to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something: <I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money.>


অবশ্যম্ভাবিতা certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented: The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.


অবসাদগ্রস্ত (adj.) lacking spirit or interest, halfhearted


অবৈধভাবে পদার্পণ করা, অবৈধভাবে হস্তার্পণ করা, সীমালঙ্ঘন করা


অভক্ত not showing the expected respect for official, important, or holy things: an irreverent comment/approach/attitude


অভিজাতকেন্দ্রিক a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.


অভিন্নতা Such events remind us of the sameness of our human destiny, the fragility of our existence.


অভিবাদন (n.) a greeting (Andrew regularly began letters with the bizarre salutation "Ahoy ahoy.")


অভিযান an organized journey for a particular purpose: We're going on a shopping expedition on Saturday.




অভেদ্য impossible to understand: Some of the lyrics on their latest album are completely impenetrable.


অভ্যস্ত in the way that someone usually does: She arrived an hour late, as is her wont.


অমার্জনীয় unforgivable


অমিতব্যয়িতা spending large amounts of money without thinking of the future, in a way that is not wise: There have been rumours that he has been prodigal with company funds. Abstruse: prodigal=অপচয়ী, অমিতব্যয়ী VS Prodigy/ Prodigious=বিষ্ময়কর, পরম বিষ্ময়কর ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু


অলঙ্ঘিত (that must be) not harmed or damaged: For centuries the tomb lay inviolate until, by chance, it was discovered by two miners.


অশান্তি a state of great confusion or disorder; mental strain or agitation


অশিষ্ট quick and rude in manner or speech: His secretary was a little brusque with me.


অসার্থক নাম a name that is not correct or does not suit what it refers to, or a use of such a name: Dry cleaning is a misnomer, since the clothes are cleaned in a fluid.




আক্রমণকর Polyp cancers' are defined as invasive cancers removed at colonoscopy when colectomy was not carried out


আক্রোশ the wish to harm or upset other people: <There certainly wasn't any malice in her comments.>


আচার-আচরণ a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood. he has a cautious, academic mien


আত্মতুষ্টির মনোভাব self-satisfied; smug overly content


আত্মীয়পোষণ the act of using your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your own family: He was guilty of nepotism and corruption.


আপত্তিকর very unpleasant or rude: Some of his colleagues say that he's loud and obnoxious. When she's in a bad mood she's obnoxious to everyone


আপত্তিকর বা অশ্লীল অংশ বাদ দেওয়া to remove parts of a piece of writing that are considered likely to cause offence: <The book was expurgated to make it suitable for children.>


আপাত able to be seen or understood: The influence of Rodin is discernible in the younger artist. There is no discernible reason why this should be the case.


আশ্রয় with the protection or support of someone or something, especially an organization: The project was set up under the aegis of the university.


আসলে যা তার চেয়ে, যথোচিতরূপে বা সম্পূর্ণরূপে বর্ণনা করতে না পারা, আসলে যা তার চেয়ে কমিয়ে বলা বা দেখানো to say that the amount or importance of something is less than it really is: The company was accused of understating potential side effects of the drug. It's an understatement to say the workers are worried about their futures.


উচ্চনাদ A strident sound is loud, unpleasant, and rough: People are put off( সরাইয়া রাখা, খুলিয়া ফেলা, ভোগ ত্যাগ করা, বরখাস্ত করা, কৌশ) by his strident voice.


উত্পত্তি the place of origin of something: jewels of uncertain provenance This raised doubts about the provenance of the painting. I don't need to see a label to identify the provenance of a garment that someone is wearing.


উদ্যম করা, প্রয়োগ করা make a great effort at a mental or physical task If you were to exert your influence they might change their decision.


উপকারী, স্বাস্থ্যবর্ধক, নিরাপত্তাবর্ধক শুভপ্রদ, মঙ্গলদায়ক causing improvement of behavior or character: The effects of such a decision would not be salutary.


উপদল a small group of people who spend their time together and do not welcome other people into that group: Our golf club is run by a very unfriendly clique (of people). There's a clique at work that never talks/who never talk to anyone else.


উপযুক্ত able to exist, live, or work successfully with something or someone else: It was when we started living together that we found we just weren't compatible. Such policies are not compatible with democratic government.


উপশম a period of time when an illness is less severe or is not affecting someone: Her cancer has been in remission for several years.


উপশমক short time solution (of a drug or medical treatment) reducing pain without curing the cause of the pain: Older people facing a terminal illness may want to choose palliative care over treatment. The success of chemotherapy as a form of palliative treatment depends on the type of tumour. ​ formal making a problem seem less serious but not solving the problem or making it disappear: Short-term, palliative measures were taken which gave the appearance that the problems were being addressed. Some of the palliative strategies do not make sense.


উপসম the process of improving or correcting a situation: the remediation of reading problems environmental remediation Optimal sensor placement is desirable to ensure adequate coverage of the network's flow for detection and remediation of contaminants.


একটানা ঝনঝনে শব্দ the continuous loud noise of something, especially something made of metal, being hit or rung: His music often evokes the pealing or clangour of bells.


ঐকতান combined action or operation


কঠোর এবং নিঃসাড় হয়ে উঠছে


কাজে লাগান, সুযোগ করা, শোষণ করা, নিজের কাজে লাগানো


কায়েমী significant to one's own profit or well-being


কাল a period of time that is so long that it cannot be measured: informal I've been waiting eons for my new computer.


কুশলী skilful, clever, or quick: Her movements were deft and quick. She answered the journalist's questions with a deft touch. He's very deft at handling awkward situations.


কৃষকার্য, কৃষি কৃষিকার্য, মিতব্যয়িতা On the other hand, husbandry flourished by raising goats, sheep, oxen, horses, swine and other animals.


কেঁদ্রগত important because other things depend on it: She played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement.


ক্রোধ anger, rage


ক্ষত to hurt or injure someone: families scathed by war


ক্ষারণ the act of treating someone or something unfairly by publicly disapproving of them: Care needs to be taken to ensure there is no stigmatization of children based on their home circumstances. She kept her medical condition a secret for fear of stigmatization and discrimination.


খাদ্য food, or the energy and other things food provides people and animals to keep them strong and healthy: <The ranch animals get a lot of their sustenance from grazing.>


খামখেয়াল an unexpected and inexplicable change in something (in a situation or a person's behavior, etc.) I have been in particularly reflective and sombre mood recently, feeling vulnerable to the vagaries of city life. "the vagaries of the weather" "he has dealt with human vagaries for many years"


খুঁতখুঁত করা an unreasonable complaint, especially about something that is not important: The one cavil I have about the book is that it is written as a diary. The main cavil is that the whole film goes on for too long.


গালাগালি (v.) to make a violent attack in words, express strong disapproval


গালাগালি করা to criticize someone strongly, or say unpleasant things to or about someone: The judge was reviled in the newspapers for his opinions on rape.


গেলা, গ্রাস করা, গলাধ:করণ pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking


গোলকধাঁধা a confusing set of connecting passages or paths in which it is easy to get lost: Finally, through a labyrinth of corridors she found his office.


ঘৃণিত causing hatred or disgust; repulsive It was reduced to an improbable nightmare of an already distant and loathsome past.


ঘৃণ্য, জঘন্য, অধম নীচ,


ঘোলা (of a liquid) not transparent because a lot of small pieces of matter are held in it: Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.


ঘোষক to be a sign that something important, and often good, is starting to happen, or to make something publicly known, especially by celebrating or praising it: The president's speech heralds a new era in foreign policy. This drug has been heralded as a major breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer.


চক্রান্ত করা a small group of people who plan secretly to take action, especially political action He was assassinated by a cabal of aides within his own regime.


চরম (adj.) extremely bad, glaring; scandalous, notorious (of a bad action, situation, person, etc.) shocking because of being so obvious a flagrant misuse of funds/privilege


চরিত্রহীন morally bad or evil: a depraved character/mind Someone who can kill a child like that must be totally depraved.


চলন prevailing fashion or practice


চলিত These two poems have apparently both used an otherwise unrecorded colloquial word.


চাঁচাছোলা If someone's manner or speech is curt, it is rude as a result of being very quick: to give a curt nod/reply Andy was very curt with him. Claire's curtness made him wonder what he'd done wrong.




চিহ্ন a sign that something bad is likely to happen in the future: For the economy, the portents are extremely gloomy. Is it true that cows lying down in a field are a portent of rain?


ছত্রভঙ্গ to defeat an enemy completely and force them to run away ​ to defeat an opponent completely: The Russian chess team routed all the rest.


ছল করা to pretend to have a feeling or condition: He feigned sickness so he wouldn't have to go to school.


ছিদ্র an opening or hole, especially one in the body, such as the mouth: humorous I was stuffing cake into every available orifice. formal The driver was bleeding from every orifice.


জটিল complicated; difficult to understand The novel's intricate plot will not be easy to translate into a movie.


জড়বাদ, প্রকৃতিবাদ, দেহাত্মবাদ, বিষয়াসক্তি বস্তুতন্ত্র, জড়বাদী the belief that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life: So have we become a self-centred society, preoccupied with materialism?


জনবক্তাসুলভ Jordan used his oratorical gift in hundreds of speeches around the country. The debating club helps young people improve their oratorical skills.


জমা করিয়া রাখা, গোপনে মজুত করা, গোপনে রাখা (v.) to store up, save; (n.) a hidden store or supply


জাতিবিবাদ, জাতিবৈর, কুলবৈর


জীবনীশক্তি the state of being strong and active; energy. changes that will give renewed vitality to our democracy


ঝাঁক, ভিড়, দঙ্গল, মৌমাছির ঝাঁক পাল, কোনো কিছু বেয়ে ওঠা, দল a large group of insects all moving together a swarm of bees/wasps/ants/locusts


টলটলায়মানভাবে হাঁটা to appear to be about to fall while moving or standing: Danielle was teetering around in five-inch heels.


তত্পরতা, দ্রুততা, ফুর্তি চলাফেরার সাবলীল দ্রুততা, দ্রুতমননশীলতা


তরঙ্গায়িতভাবে চলা to have a continuous up and down shape or movement, like waves on the sea: The road undulates for five miles before a steep climb.


তুচ্ছ insignificant; trifling; petty


দক্ষতা A special talent or skill; ability to do something easily


দাঙ্গা a loud noise, especially that produced by an excited crowd, or a state of confusion, change, or uncertainty: You couldn't hear her speak over the tumult from the screaming fans. From every direction, people were running and shouting and falling over each other in a tumult of confusion.


দুর্বল করা to weaken, to enfeeble <Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him.>


দুষ্টু Mischievous; impish; naughtily or annoyingly playful


দূরদর্শিতা the ability to judge correctly what is going to happen in the future and plan your actions based on this knowledge: She'd had the foresight to sell her apartment just before the housing market collapsed.


দ্বিগুণ করা to make something much more than before; to increase something: The government, he said, must redouble its efforts to beat crime.


ধস্তাধস্তি to have a sudden short fight: The youths scuffled with the policeman, then escaped down the alley. The pair scuffled on the ground, both kicking and punching.


নজির an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action There are several precedents for promoting people who don't have formal qualifications.


নামকরণ করা A chart of chores on a whiteboard designates responsibilities for the day. The chairman designated his daughter as his successor. North-south streets are designated by numbers.


নিন্দা করা, অভিশাপ দেত্তয়া, দোষ দেত্তয়া কাউকে অভিযুক্ত করা, প্রকাশ্যে ভর্ৎসনা করা, কোনো চুক্তি বা শর্তের অবসান ঘোষণা করা


নিন্দিত a false spoken statement about someone that damages their reputation, or the making of such a statement The doctor is suing his partner for slander. She regarded his comment as a slander on her good reputation.


নিরবধি নিরন্তর continuous, ongoing, timeless, ceaseless, permanent, dense অসীম He always manages to make a girl look gorgeous in a timeless and classical way.


নির্ভীক courageous




পক্ষপাতী preference, inclination


পক্ষপাতী করা, effect


পচা decayed and having an unpleasant smell: the putrid body of a dead fox What's that putrid smell?


পরিত্যাগ করা, ছাড়িয়া দেত্তয়া, পদত্যাগ করা পরিহার করা, বর্জন করা, ছেড়ে দেওয়া to give up something such as a responsibility or claim He has relinquished his claim to the throne.


পরিবেষ্টন করা to include different types of things: The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.


পশ্চাতের দৃশ্য thinking now about something in the past: In retrospect, I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning. I'm sure my university days seem happier in retrospect than they really were.


পুনর্যৌবন লাভ করা to make an organization or system more effective by introducing new methods, ideas, or people: He has decided to rejuvenate the team by bringing in a lot of new, young players.


পূর্ণপরিতৃপ্ত satisfied fully, indulged to excess


পূর্বকল্পিত (especially of a crime or something unpleasant) done after being thought about or carefully planned: premeditated murder a premeditated attack The assault was premeditated and particularly brutal.

takeover take over

পূর্বতনের নিকট হইতে ব্যবস্থাপনা, অধিকার বা দায়দায়িত্ব বুঝিয়া লওয়া <Maria had a class this afternoon, so janet took over for her.> <military leaders took over the government> <The government experienced a military takeover in 2002.> <the new government's high-handed takeover of private industries> to replace someone or something: <Some workers will lose their jobs as machines take over.> take over as < When he died, his son took over as CEO.> take over from <He took over from Tony as head of department last year.>


পোষকতা করা negative sense to help or encourage someone to do something wrong or illegal: His accountant had aided and abetted him in the fraud. abstruse: abate:কমান, প্রশমিত করা, ছুট বাদ দেত্তয়া, দূর করা, ক্ষীণ করা vs abet: পোষকতা করা negative sense


প্রচ্ছন্ন করা to cover something so that it cannot be seen clearly: The planet Venus is enshrouded in thick clouds. to make something difficult to know or understand: The whole affair was enshrouded in secrecy.


প্রতারণা exaggerated claims, especially in advertising; anything intended to mislead There's been a lot of hype around/surrounding his latest film.


প্রতিবন্ধক verb দমন করা, দাবা, দাবান বাধা, প্রশমিত করা, সংযত করা


প্রতিরোধ করা,বিরোধিতা করা holding up against


প্রত্যক্ষ (adj.) open, not hidden, expressed or revealed in a way that is easily recognized He shows no overt signs of his unhappiness.


প্রদাহী intended or likely to cause anger or hate: The men were using inflammatory language/making inflammatory remarks about the other team's supporters.


প্রধান অবলম্বন the most important part of something, providing support for everything else: Cattle farming is the mainstay of the country's economy. The white blouse will be the mainstay of your wardrobe this summer.


প্রফুল্লিত given to jesting; playfully humorous; jocular

turn in

প্রবেশ করা, ঘুমাইতে যাত্তয়া go to bed in the evening. go to bed <After a long hard day, we decided to turn in early.> <Still feeling the impact of my long flight from London, I am keen to turn in.> to submit <The students turned in their term papers on Monday.>


প্রসন্ন হত্তয়া, দয়াশীল হত্তয়া নিজের অভ্যস্ত উচ্চ অবস্থান থেকে স্বেচ্ছায় নেমে আসা


প্রান্তীয় very small in amount or effect: The report suggests that there has only been a marginal improvement in women's pay over the past few years.


বাঁধাধরা Her plots are predictable and her characters little more than stereotypes.


বাতিল করা to make a legal agreement or decision have no legal force: The state death penalty law was nullified in 1977. ​ to cause something to have no value or effect: All my hard work was nullified when I lost my notes.


বিক্ষিপ্ত, খেপা, উন্মাদগ্রস্ত ক্ষিপ্ত, উন্মত্তপ্রায়


বিধি a set of instructions, especially on an exam paper, usually printed in a different style or colour: Read/Follow the rubric carefully.


বিপজ্জনক অবস্থা She is hoping to get a loan from her bank to help her out of her financial predicament. I'm in a bit of a predicament because I've accidentally accepted two invitations to dinner on the same night.


বিরক্তিভাব a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will


বিরাগ a feeling of strong dislike or unwillingness to do something: I felt an instant aversion to his parents. She has a deep aversion to getting up early.


বিরূদ্ধ directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible. <people whose religious beliefs are antithetical to mine.>


বিশ্বাসভঙ্গ For his opponents, it was proof of his evil genius and perfidy.


বিস্ময়কর amazing because it is very great or very large


বেড়া To utter abusive language; act of abuse; to rally against.


বেতনভোগী, অর্থ বা পুরুস্কারের জন্য কাজ করিতেছে এমন, বিদেশী সৈন্যদলে কর্মরত বেতনভোগী সৈনিক


বেদখল করা to force someone to leave a position of power, job, place, or competition: The president was ousted (from power) in a military coup in January 1987. Police are trying to oust drug dealers from the city . Last year's NCAA winners have been ousted from the tournament.


ব্যগ্রতা strong emotion, or great enthusiasm or excitement: She fires off the facts, yet lets her ardor for her cause come through. Her ardor for basketball impressed me.


ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা He was a 16th-century prophet who foretold how the world would end. foretell : ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা vs forestall : prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking action ahead of time.


ভয়প্রদর্শনকারী threaten, especially in a malignant or hostile manner. <Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching>


ভয়ানক stern, merciless; fierce, savage, cruel worrying, without hope: The future looks grim.


ভাঙ্গা to become weaker or be destroyed by breaking into small pieces: The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the earth's atmosphere. The Ottoman Empire disintegrated into lots of small states.


ভিন্নমতাবলন্বী, অননুগামী ব্যক্তি


ভোগানে annoying: The vibration can become irksome after a while.




মনমরা Downcast or sad; depressed She looked a bit dejected when they told her she didn't get the job.


মাথা ঘামান, হস্তক্ষেপ করা, অনধিকারচর্চা করা অযথা হস্তক্ষেপ করা to try to change or have an influence on things that are not your responsibility, especially by criticizing in a damaging or annoying way: My sister's always meddling in other people's affairs. People shouldn't meddle with things they don't understand.


মিতব্যয়িতা a type of bank in the US that allows you to save money or borrow money to buy a house: These days, thrifts place most of their money into boring but safe mortgages. He sometimes buys them himself at thrift shops and flea markets.


মিতব্যয়ী intelligent and careful: He is a canny investor.


মিথ্যা সাজান উদ্ভাবন করা concoct, Invent মিথ্যা উদ্ভাবন করা concoct নানারকম জিনিস মিশিয়ে প্রস্তুত করা make (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients. they concoct relish from corn that is so naturally sweet no extra sugar is needed


মীমাংসাহীন The medical tests were inconclusive, and will need to be repeated.


মূত্রত্যাগ করা to urinate


মূল সুর হিসেবে ধ্বনিত a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation. <The constant struggle to make a living in the arts in New Zealand runs like a leitmotiv throughout the book.>


মেজাজ to make something less strong, extreme, etc.: My enthusiasm for the venture was tempered by my knowledge of the hard work that would be involved. I learned to temper my criticism.


মেজাজ বিগড়ে দেওয়া v. To make dissatisfied; to put in a bad mood


যাথার্থ্য the quality of being true: In the film, he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document. She has spent her life in a search for eternal/scientific/universal verities.


যাযাবর রাখালজাতীয় The dogs were used by the nomadic tribe to pull sleds and herd reindeer. The work can be exhausting and demands a nomadic existence in hotels and airports. Dating is an obvious problem with this nomadic lifestyle.


যুক্তিসহ করা to try to find reasons to explain your behaviour, decisions, etc.: She rationalized the cost by saying that an expensive carpet would last longer than a cheaper one.

inasmuch as

যেহেতু, যে কারণে < these provisions apply only inasmuch as trade between Member States is affected> <it was not really a still life inasmuch as all the objects were in motion> <you should not use that source, inasmuch as it is badly out-of-date> <the economic forecast for the coming decade looks promising, inasmuch as we can predict that far in advance>


রন্ধ্র a small and often narrow opening, esp. one that allows light into a camera an opening, hole, or gap. the bell ropes passed through apertures in the ceiling


রাজক্ষমা a decision by a government that allows political prisoners to go free: Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty. ​ a fixed period of time during which people are not punished for committing a particular crime: People who hand in illegal weapons will not be prosecuted during the amnesty.


রূচি vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment


রেট্রোফিট to provide a machine with a part, or a place with equipment, that it did not originally have when it was built: A state program to retrofit engines with pollution controls has succeeded in reducing pollution from trains.


লাভজনক producing much money or making a large profit: The owner and general manager offered the player a lucrative lifetime contract.


লোভী wanting to have something too much, especially something that belongs to someone else: I can't help casting covetous looks at my neighbour's new Porsche.


শিক্ষা দেত্তয়া to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it: Some parents were critical of attempts to indoctrinate children in green ideology.


শিল্পসম্ভার the complete work of an artist, composer, or writer


শ্রমশীল walking slowly and heavily; uninspired


সমন্বয় করা There are many vitamins that the body cannot synthesize itself. to put separate facts, etc. together to form a single piece of work: The findings from the five separate studies have been synthesized in the report.


সমবেত করা to come together in a large group of people or animals: A crowd congregated around the entrance to the theatre, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars of the show.


সহজাত An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned: Cyril's most impressive quality was his innate goodness.


সাজপোশাক the possessions that are typical of a situation or symbols of a position: <He enjoyed all the trappings of wealth.>


(v) to pay back; to give a reward; (n) a payment for loss, service, or injury.


*Examples*: 1. I still enjoyed the week despite the weather. 2. Despite repeated assurances that the product is safe, many people have stopped buying it. 3. He managed to eat a big lunch despite having eaten an enormous breakfast. *Direction*: change in direction - concedes a point compare and contrast *Meaning*: in spite of *বাংলা অর্থ*: সত্ত্বেও *Similar words*:

Renege (ri-nig)

Example 1. We will no longer work with that vendor since it has reneged on nearly every agreement. Meaning Verb: fail to fulfill a promise or obligation, to fail to honor a commitment. Root বাংলা অর্থ দান ছেড়ে দেওয়া , প্রতিজ্ঞা ভঙ্গ করা , কথার খেলাপ করা Related words go back on, renege on Mnemonic renege : made of re+nege nege is a root for negative, go negative on ones own said words, which is the meaning.


A person who is equal to another in social standing or age সমকক্ষ ব্যক্তি


Different from; not similar to. unlike means অসদৃশ In contrast to; differently from. <unlike Elena he was not superstitious'> <you're trying to compare very unlike things—like those proverbial apples and oranges> <Dan's actually very nice, unlike his father.> <Unlike you, I'm not a great dancer.>


Difficult to please; insisting on getting exactly what one wants

Semblance (sem-bluh ns)

Example 1. And it was clear we would not even maintain a semblance of friendship. 2. While the banker maintained a semblance of respectability in public, those who knew him well were familiar with his many crimes. Meaning Noun: an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading Root বাংলা অর্থ উপরে উপরে , আভাস, সাদৃশ্য, অনুরূপূতা, বাহিরের চেহারা, বাহি্যক চাল Related words color, gloss, air, show, facade, front, veneer, guise Mnemonic resemblance should immediately come to your mind and relate the meaning of resemblance to semblance.

Juncture (juhngk-cher)

Example 1. But at critical junctures in the history of astronomy, there is generally an overabundance of ideas on how to move ahead. Meaning Noun: Critical point in time, such as a crisis or a time when a decision is necessary; a place where two things are joined together Root junc (join) বাংলা অর্থ সন্ধিক্ষণ, সঙ্কটমুহুর্ত, সংযোগ Related words point, point in time, time, moment Mnemonic sounds very similar to PUNCTURE...well if your tyre gets punctured when you have an important meeting, you find your self IN a HUGE CRISIS.

Salubrious (suh-loo-bree-uh s)

Example 1. If they had dumped us a long way away in an area that was not salubrious then we would have had problems. 2. salubrious weather. Meaning Adjective: health-giving; healthy. Root বাংলা অর্থ স্বাস্থ্যপ্রদ, স্বাস্থ্যকর Related words salubrious(স্বাস্থ্যপ্রদ), salutary(স্বাস্থ্যবর্ধক, উপকারী, নিরাপত্তাবর্ধক) Healthy, health-giving, healthful, beneficial, wholesome(পথ্য উপকারী, সুস্থ, স্বাস্থ্যকর) Mnemonic Remember salman khan........all health and all..

Retinue (ret-n-oo)

Example 1. If you're a king or queen, you can think of a retinue as your royal crew or posse. Meaning Noun: Group of attendants with an important person Root বাংলা অর্থ দল, অনুচরবৃন্দ, লোকলশকর, সম্ভ্রান্ত বা উচ্চপদস্থ ব্যক্তির অনুচরবৃন্দ Related words Entourage, escort, company, court, staff, personnel, household, train, suite Mnemonic Sounds like routine what you FOLLOW (daily) is routine(oops retinue) i.e follow-->routine following-->retinue


Example 1. In the British army, a standard cry was 'follow the sapper', the term for those who, under engineer officers, dug the saps or shelter trenches used in the attack on fortresses. Meaning Noun: The inner fluid of a plant or any essential body fluid; energy, vitality; a person taken advantage of Verb: undermine, weaken, tire out. Root বাংলা অর্থ প্রাণরস, রস, প্রাণশক্তি, সার, সরস কাষ্ঠ, কোমল কাষ্ঠ Related words erode, wear away/down, deplete, reduce, juice, secretion Mnemonic If you slap(sap) someone you diminish his dignity.

Guile (gyle)

Example 1. José used guile, not intelligence, to win the spelling bee; he cheated. 2• Stuart was shocked by the guile of the automobile mechanic,who had poked a hole in his radiator and then told him that it had sprung a leak. Meaning Noun: cunning; duplicity; artfulness বাংলা অর্থ ছলনা, ছলাকলা, চাতুরি, প্রতারণা, ধড়িবাজি, কূটবুদ্ধি Related words cunning, craftiness, craft, artfulness Mnemonic SOME GUYS guile GIRLS

Fringe (frinj)

Example 1. Much of the vigor of the textile traditions of Mahdia comes through the embellishment of woven cloth with embroidery and the addition of fringes , tassels, and pompoms Meaning Adjective: On the margin, periphery Noun: the people in a group who hold the most extreme views বাংলা অর্থ পাড় , আঁচল , কপালে ঝুলে-থাকা চূর্ণকুন্তল , প্রান্ত , প্রত্যয় , ধার Related words edging, edge, border, trimming, frill, flounce, ruffle, trim, edge, hem. Abstruse: finagle: প্রতারণা করা vs fragile: ভঙ্গুর, পলকা, নশ্বর, ঠুনক, ক্ষর, ফঙ্গপানি, রোগা vs fringe: পাড় , আঁচল Mnemonic fringe...remember it with fridge(short form of refrigerator). lets decorate the fridge with threads

Liniment (lin-uh-muh nt)

Example 1. Other household items carried by the stores on wheels included washing powder, liniments, salve, and lye used for making soap. Meaning Noun: a liquid or lotion, especially one made with oil, for rubbing on the body to relieve pain. Root বাংলা অর্থ মালিশ, পাতলা মলম, পাতলা মালিস Related words embrocation Abstruse: lament: কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ, ক্রঁদন, বিলাপ, vs liniment:মালিশ, পাতলা মলম, পাতলা মালিস Mnemonic a LINIMENT is = Aline(align)+Ment (alignment of muscles )

Luminous (LOO muh nus)

Example 1• The moon was a luminous disk in the cloudy nighttime sky. 2• The snow on the ground appeared eerily luminous at night—it seemed to glow. 3• The dial on my watch is luminous; it casts a green glow in the dark. Meaning Adjective: giving off light; glowing; bright Root LUC/LUM/LUS (light) বাংলা অর্থ ভাস্বর, উজ্জ্বল, স্পষ্ট, দীপ্তিমিান্, পরিষ্কার, অংশুমান্ Related words luminous(উজ্জ্বল), lustrous(দ্যুতিমান), effulgent(দীপ্তিশীল), refulgent(জাজ্বল্যমান), radiant(প্রভাশালী, দীপ্তিশীল, উজ্জ্বল), luster(দীপ্তি)


Example: Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: Express an opinion Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Abnormally pale (as skin); lacking color or vitality বাংলা অর্থ: ফেকাশে (Adj.), বিগতদু্যতি (Adj.), মলিন (Adj.), ম্লান (Adj.), বিবর্ণ (Adj.), পাণ্ডুবর্ণের (Adj.) Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Best, most desirable or favorable বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Mnemonic: Optimum-most favorable condition or greatest degree or amount possible under given circumstances


Example: Meaning: Crafty, cunning, characterized by tricks or artifice বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Something that ruins or spoils বাংলা অর্থ: ধ্বংসের কারণ , সর্বনাশ , দুঃখদুর্দশা , অভিশাপ Root: Related words: Mnemonic: Modern technology is BOON OR BANE. Boon is useful and BANE is Something causing misery or death


Example: Meaning: Travel around while selling; sell illegally; give out or disseminate বাংলা অর্থ: ফেরি করা, বাধ্য করা, জিনিসপত্র ফেরি করা, খুচরা বিক্রয় করা, গ্রহণ করতে বাধ্য করা Root: ped means foot Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: formally reject or give up (as a belief) , to reject, abandon formally বাংলা অর্থ: শপথপূর্বক পরিত্যাগ করা Root: jur means swear Related words: forswear , recant , resile , retract,renounce; repudiate, recant, or shun Abstruse: objurgate: অপমান করা, গাল দেয়া VS Abjure= শপথপূর্বক পরিত্যাগ করা Mnemonic: Abjure think it like injure. so once you are injured you will give up. so abjure means give up.


Example: Meaning: of the same origin; related by blood বাংলা অর্থ: সপিণ্ড, সগোত্র Root: sangui means blood Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: person who shows excessive zeal বাংলা অর্থ: অতি গোঁড়া লোক Root: Related words: fanatic Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: piece of literature or music imitating other work, Mix of incongruous parts; artistic work imitating the work of other artists, often satirically বাংলা অর্থ: অন্য গ্রন্থকার বা শিল্পীর অনুকরণে রচিত সাহিত্য বা শিল্প Root: Related words: Mnemonic: PASTi+CHE......pasti...PASTE...........we do copy PASTE......while copying we imitate the style of others and paste it where we want


Example: 1. After watching his superior take rations from the soliders, he quickly became disaffected and rebelled (বিদ্রোহ). Meaning: discontented as toward authority বাংলা অর্থ: বিরক্ত, আনুগত্যহীন Root: Related words: ill-affected , malcontent , rebellious Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Charles rude remark toward Sarah yesterday was due to his illness, not due to any real enmity toward Sarah. Meaning: a state of deep-seated ill-will বাংলা অর্থ: শত্রুতা, ঘৃণা, বিরাগ, বিরূদ্ধতা, বিরোধিতা, বিরোধ Root: Related words: antagonism , hostility, Abstruse: enormous=প্রচুর VS enamor=মুগ্ধ করা, আকর্ষণ করা vs enmity: শত্রুতা, hostility, animus, antipathy vs enormity: extreme evil, Mnemonic:


Example: 1. For all his surface affability, Marco was remarkably glum when he wasn't around other people. Meaning: Warm and friendly, pleasant, approachable বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: amiable , cordial , genial Abstruse: Affectation: ভান, ঢঙ্, ঠাটঠমক vs Affable=ভদ্র, VS effable=able to be described in words vs Ineffable:অবর্ণনীয়, অনির্বচনীয়, অপ্রকাশ্য, অনুচ্চার্য VS efface=মুছিয়া ফেলা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. In her recent book, the author conflates several genres--the detective story, the teen thriller, and the vampire romance--to create a memorable read. Meaning: mix together different elements or concepts বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: blend , coalesce , combine , commingle , flux , fuse , immix , meld , merge , mix Abstruse: conflate: mix vs conflagration: ব্যাপক ও বিধ্বংসী অগ্নিকাণ্ড Mnemonic:


Example: 1. MIkey didn't partake much in his friends' conversations, but found their presence palatable. Meaning: acceptable to the taste or mind বাংলা অর্থ: সুস্বাদু, স্বাদু, প্রীতিকর, রূচিকর, অকটু, মুখরোচক Root: Related words: toothsome Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The Emperor Claudius was regarded as a fair-minded leader; his successor, Nero, was an absolute despot.. Meaning: a cruel and oppressive dictator বাংলা অর্থ: স্বৈরাচারী Root: Related words: autocrat , tyrant, potentate Mnemonic: Cruel dictators kill thousands of people on de (the) spot (despot) de + sportive..a person who is not sportive is authoritative


Example: 1. While she was at the chalkboard, the teacher did not brook any form of talking--even a tiny peep resulted in afternoon detention. 2. The dictator will brook no dissent" Meaning: Suffer or tolerate, put up with something or somebody unpleasant বাংলা অর্থ: সহ্য করা Root: Related words: abide , bear , digest , endure , put up , stand , stick out , stomach , suffer , support , tolerate Mnemonic: relate this to BROOK BOND tea....jst drink the tea and then u can tolerate any tension. :-) verb


Example: 1.After a brief summary of proper swimming technique, the coach delineated the specifics of each stroke, spending 30 minutes alone on the backstroke. Meaning: describe in detail, Mark the outline of; sketch; বাংলা অর্থ: অঙ্কিত করা Root: Related words: portray; depict; sketch Mnemonic:

Tangential [tan-jen-shuh l]

Examples: a tangential issue Meaning: adj: (of a subject or activity) different from or not directly connected with the one you are talking about or doing: বাংলা অর্থ: যা করা হচ্ছে তার সাথে সম্পৃক্ত নয় এমন Root: Synonym: Mnemonics


Having the characteristics of green and leafy plants such as herbs

rest on(upon)

If something rests on a particular idea, belief, or fact, it is based on it or needs it in order for it to be true. build on, build upon <Christianity rests on the belief that Jesus was the son of God.>

the die is cast

Said when a situation is certain to develop in a particular way because decisions have been taken that cannot be changed the irrevocable decision has been made অপরিবর্তনীয় , যেটার আর কোন পরিবর্তন সম্ভব না <It was too late and too urgent to turn back. The die was cast.> <From the moment the negotiations failed, the die was cast and war was inevitable.>

the writing on the wall

The very apparent signs that something bad will happen in the future. খুব অশানি কিছু হতে যাচ্ছে <You need to resign now. The writing on the wall says the company is going to fold, and there's no reason you need to go down with it. >

to take French leave

To depart or absent oneself from some place or event without ceremony, permission, or announcement. <The official story is that he's sick, but I think he's just taking French leave. > In the military, to desert one's unit. <The sergeant is facing a court martial after it was discovered that he'd taken French leave just before the deadly operation.>

shrug off

To dismiss, ignore, or minimize the importance of someone or something. to treat something as if it is not important or not a problem কোন কিছুকে অবজ্ঞা করা , তুচ্ছ বলে গণ্য করা <The stock market shrugged off the economic gloom and rose by 1.5 percent.> <You're a father and you can't simply shrug off your responsibility for your children.> <I've been warning the boss about the issue for weeks, but he just keeps shrugging me off. >

to strike while the iron is hot

To take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it exists, in case the opportunity goes away and does not return. <He doesn't often make such offers - I'd strike while the iron is hot if I were you.>

to pull up stakes

To take all the things that you own and go and live in a different place literal meaning: গ্যাঁটটি পোস্তা নিয়ে অন্ন জায়গায় চলে যাওয়া । move or go to live elsewhere. <his father wrangled with a foreman and the family pulled up stakes> <This is the fourth time in five years that we've had to pull up stakes.>

take issue with , take issue

To take an opposing point of view; disagree. to disagree with (someone or something) <She took issue with the conclusions reached by the study.> <I take issue with parents who push their children too hard.>

to spill the beans

To tell people secret information. reveal secret information unintentionally or indiscreetly. গোপন তথ্য ফাঁস করা literally: spill means ঝরা, ঝরান, ফাঁস করিয়া দেত্তয়া <But he adds: "No one will ever be allowed to see the most sacred events ... we don't spill the beans about what we really do here."> <I'm not going to spill the beans right now," she said.> <So who spilled the beans about her affair with David?>

take account of

To think about, consider, or pay attention to someone or something বিবেচনা করা <Your grandfather's final will and testament takes account of you and your youngest brother equally.> <We'll be taking account of your years of loyal service while we consider what should be done.>

forty winks

a short nap a short sleep during the day literal meaning: forty winks (চক্ষুর পলক, অল্পক্ষণব্যাপী, চোখের পিট্পিট্-করণ ) , ঘুম আসলে চোখ পিটপিট করে , তখন শর্ট স্ন্যাপ নিতে হয়. আলী বাবা চল্লিশ চোর গল্পেও আলিবাবার ভাই ইশারা দিয়ে গিয়ে শর্ট স্ন্যাপ নিচ্ছিলো <He usually has forty winks going home on the train.> <If you're feeling drowsy, take forty winks; I'll wake you when our guests arrive.>


a short, informal play Ex: Marnie and Chris spent a long time practicing their ~ for the school show.

like Caesar's wife

above suspicion, a person who is required to be above suspicion People associated with public figures must not be suspected of being a part of any wrongdoing. <Sir Arthur tells his wife that she, like Caesar's wife, must be above suspicion.> <When the newspapers reported the rumor that the lieutenant governor had failed to pay his taxes, the governor forced him to resign, saying, "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.">

accept/take as gospel

accepted as unquestionably true literal meaning: বেদবাক্য, অকাট্য সত্য. gospel সাধুর বাণী অকাট্য সত্য হিসেবে নেয়া , to believe (something) to be true <These myths are accepted/taken as gospel by many teenagers.> <When we're growing up, we accept what our parents tell us as gospel. > <We took every word of his as gospel, but in fact he was often mistaken>

all but

almost, Almost definitely, nearly, very nearly , literal meaning: all but সবই কিন্তু একটু বাকি মানে , প্রায় সবই , almost All but a particular person or thing means everyone or everything except that person or thing. <The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers.> <He was all but lost in the city.> He was almost lost in the city. <The game was all but over by the time we arrived> <At the end of the marathon Charles was *all but* dead; he stumbled across the finish line, mentioning something about his pet iguana.> <We had all but given up hope.> <At mile 23 of his first marathon, Kyle had all but given up, until he noticed his friends and family holding a banner that read, "Go Kyle"; galvanized, he broke into a gallop, finishing the last three miles in less than 20 minutes.> <*All but* the most famous actors of our day will likely not be remembered 50 years from now.>

flight of fancy/imagination/fantasy (n)

an idea which shows a lot of imagination but which is not practical or useful in real situations literal meaning: কল্পনায় বিমানে চড়া that means আকাশ কুসুম কল্পনা করা <She engaged in flights of fancy, such as owning a million-dollar house.> <He was talking about cycling across the US or was that just another flight of fancy?>

fit (or fill) the bill

be suitable for a particular purpose. literal meaning: মাপসই (বা পূরণ) বিল means মাপসই ( suitable for a particular purposes) , মানানসই হওয়া <We need a new sofa for the living room, and I think this one will fit the bill quite nicely.> <This new software fits the bill.>

go sour turn sour

become less pleasant to become unfavourable or inharmonious To become unpleasant or troubling. literal meaning: সম্পর্ক মধুর না হয়ে টক হওয়া , মানে become unpleasant or troubling. <Those two are bickering all the time now—I hope their relationship hasn't gone sour.> < Don't bring up politics unless you want things to go sour real fast! <their relationship began to turn sour> <his marriage went sour.>


believing that everything that happens is destined and therefore out of the hands of the individual অদৃষ্টবাদী


believing that humans cannot know whether there is a god Ex: His devoutly Christian parents had problems with his ~ beliefs.

in the cause of

cause of, reason for because of so as to support, promote, or defend something <He gave his life in the cause of freedom> <Nearly 600 children took to the streets in the cause of road safety.>

considerable / considerate

considerate: thoughtful, polite. <It was very considerate of Harry to send his hostess a bouquet of flowers.> considerable: rather large amount or degree. <Even though Marge had considerable experience in the field, she was not hired for the job>


funny and amusing রসাত্মক, খেয়ালী, মেজাজি, রসাল, কৌতুকপূর্ণ, হাস্যোদ্রেককর


gruesome, gloomy, or dark adj.) in an unhealthy mental state, extremely gloomy; caused by or related to disease, unwholesome too interested in unpleasant subjects, esp. death: He has a morbid sense of humor.

in sum

in short : briefly in short, briefly, in brief, to put it briefly, to cut a long story short, in a word, to sum up, in a nutshell, to come to the point, in essence, in outline <this interpretation does little, in sum, to add to our understanding> <There are, in sum, no comforting conclusions to be drawn any where.> <We feel him as an unwitting misfit, slightly apart, unaware of what affection really is: in sum, lonely.>

by far

much, very much, considerably, markedly, immeasurably, decidedly, greatly, significantly, substantially, appreciably, noticeably, materially, signally অনেকটা , অনেকাংশে <This is by far the largest amount of cocaine ever to be seized in Durban, police said.> <Brian has been selling tickets for years and is by far the clubs best ticket seller.> <This book is by far the best on the subject.>

off and on

occasionally, now and then, intermittently <It rained off and on all day yesterday>

persecute / prosecute

persecute: torture, harass. < Throughout history many people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs.> prosecute: in legal terms, enforce a law though a legal process. <Shoplifters will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.>


persuade (someone) gradually or by flattery to do something

in retrospect

reviewing the past; considering past events thinking now about something in the past: <In retrospect, I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning.> <I'm sure my university days seem happier in retrospect than they really were.>


the start or beginning of something


the use of a quotation at the beginning or a work that hints at its theme.

then, as now now as before now like before

then as now" (usually written "then, as now") means "now as before" or "now like before." literal meaning: তখন (then) , এখনকার মত । <cars run on gasoline, and they also did 50 years ago. so you can say "then, as now, cars run on gasoline.> <Then as now, the majority of Americans had little interest in examining the nuclear sword of Damocles their fear had wrought.>

save face

to avoid disgrace, avoid humiliation মুখরক্ষা <We said he left "to pursue other interests" to let him save face, but actually we fired him.> <He tried to save face by working overtime.>

keep a stiff upper lip

to be brave and not show emotion in a time of trouble Someone who has a stiff upper lip does not show their feelings when they are upset দুঃসময়ে মনোবল রাখা , সাহস রাখা খারাপ অবস্থায় আবেগ ধরে রাখা to suppress the display of any emotion. <He was taught to keep a stiff upper lip, whatever happens.> <Throughout the crisis they kept a stiff upper lip.>

come down with

to become ill literally: come round means সুস্থ হওয়া , whereas come down with নির্দিষ্ট কোন রোগে অসুস্থ হওয়া। <During summer, many people come down with intestinal disorders.> <I came down with influenza>


to become pale, esp. from being surprised: When he realized who was on the phone, he blanched.


to bring or get back Ex: Most dogs can be trained to ~ objects that their owners have thrown.


to buy back, make amends


to call forth


to call on for support


to call on for support Ex: In many religions, believers ~ their god by holding out their hands.


to capture; understand or perceive ধরা, গ্রেফতার করা, টের পাত্তয়া গ্রেপ্তার করা, পাকড়ানো Ex: The police ~+ the robbery suspect as he tried to get on a bus to Chicago.


to change for the better Ex: The residents voted to ~ their neighborhood policy on fences.

to hit the nail on the head

to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem ঠিক যেটার কারণে সমস্যা হচ্ছে সেটাই বলা <I think Mick hit the nail on the head when he said that what's lacking in this company is a feeling of confidence.>


to empty or hollow out সাহস, নাড়িভুঁড়ি, তেজ Ex: In order to remodel the house, we must first ~ it and throw away all the old fixtures. Usage Tips: ~ also means "the stomach of an animal"; this verb makes an image, that the inside of a building is like the inside of an animal. the bowels or the stomach: I had a feeling of sickness deep in the gut.


to force someone into military service


to insert a liquid by means of a syringe Ex: The doctor used a needle to ~ the medicine slowly into her arm.

to do one's heart good

to make someone feel good emotionally <When she sent me a get-well card, it really did my heart good.>


to move back or away from Ex: After the age of 30, his hairline began to ~ further back from his forehead.

oscillate between

to move repeatedly from one position to another: <The needle on the dial oscillated between full and empty.>


to say insulting and disrespectful things to criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone Ex: The teacher lost his job because he cruelly ~+ students who made mistakes. Usage Tips: You can only ~ someone directly, only when he or she can hear you.


to spend a lot of time trying to make a decision: She agonized for days over whether she should take the job.


to stimulate, promote, encourage

manage to

to succeed in doing something difficult, manage <We managed to get to the airport in time.> <How did you manage to persuade him?>

dispose of

to throw away; to get rid of; to kill Ex: She ~+ her unwanted possessions before moving. The tyrant cruelly disposed of all his enemies. to make someone feel a particular, and often bad, way toward someone else, or to influence someone in a particular way: Her sense of humor disposed me to like her. Usage Tips: ~ should be learned as a unit. In this meaning, ~+ does not occur without of.


to walk lamely or in an uneven way


traditional myths of a people (beliefs, customs, and stories of a community) transmitted orally Ex: Through ~, archaeologists have learned about the migration of Native Americans in North America.


true and respectable; in the context of family, born of a mother and father who were married to each other Ex: You can skip the meeting if you have a ~ reason. Ex: Harcourt had two ~ children with his wife Hannah and one ~+ son with a woman whom he met while traveling. Usage Tips: The opposite of ~ is ~+.

two strings to one's bow have another string to your bow more than one string to your bow

two means of achieving one's aim more than one option to have more than one interest, skill, or resource that you can use if you need to একাধিক বিকল্প <I enjoy my work, but I'd like to have another string to my bow in case I lose my job.> <She is a multi-talented woman with many strings to her bow.>


unwilling; reluctant; stingy

on the one hand, on the other hand

used when you are comparing two different facts or two opposite ways of thinking about a situation: <On the one hand I'd like a job that pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment.>

in general

usually; mainly. as a rule with respect to the whole class referred to; as a whole: <He likes people in general.> <In general, the bus is here by 9 a.m.> <In general, men are taller than women.>


violently bitter verbal attack গালিগালাজ, তীব্র সমালোচনা, আক্রমণ সুদীর্ঘ বিতর্ক, সুদীর্ঘ আলোচণা


আস্থাবান্ come from reliable


উত্তেজক Causing disturbance or excitement


ক্ষণস্থায়ী In the last few pages of Childress's book, the manifesto melts away, and we're afforded a momentary glimpse of a deeply moving memoir.


গুপ্তচর, গূঢ়সংবাদবাহক, চর


টেরা, বিকৃত, বাঁকা adverb কুটিলভাবে, তির্যগ্ভাবে বক্রভাবে, তির্যকভাবে, ভুলভাবে not in the intended way: Anything that goes awry (= goes wrong) in the office is blamed on Pete. The strike has sent the plans for investment seriously awry.


টোপ He could not resist the lure of great riches. I don't understand the lure of fame.


দমন করা to subdue, put down forcibly


দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী They come seeking help for work-related stress, irregular sleeping hours, unhealthy food habits and chronic fatigue.


দীর্ঘায়িত Extended in time; prolonged Their protracted legal battle may soon be resolved.


নিরাপদ্ করা to protect someone or something against possible damage or loss by paying an indemnity to cover the costs: The insurance also indemnifies the house against flooding.


নির্দোষ প্রমাণ করা to decide officially in a law court that someone is not guilty of a particular crime: She was acquitted of all the charges against her. Five months ago he was acquitted on a shoplifting charge.


প্রমোদ-ভ্রমণ a short journey for pleasure, sometimes including a stay: a Sunday jaunt into the hills


প্রাণবন্ত করা, তেজ প্রদান করা give strength or energy to.


ফলস্বরূপ ঘটা to make something necessary, or to involve something: <Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk.> <Repairing the roof will entail spending a lot of money.>


ফাটল a long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, especially in rock or earth. Earth fissures several feet wide and deep have been observed in Lucerne Valley,' he said


বক্তৃতা, আলাপ, উপদেশ নিবন্ধ






বিলুপ্ত no longer existing: He was a reporter for the defunct New York Herald newspaper.


বিষণ্ণ thinking in a quiet way, often with a serious expression on your face: She became withdrawn and pensive, hardly speaking to anyone.


বেদখল to force someone to leave a position of power, job, place, or competition The president was ousted (from power) in a military coup in January 1987. Police are trying to oust drug dealers from the city .


ভদ্র smoothly agreeable or polite; pleasing to the senses






মাঝারি, মধ্যবিধ, সামান্য , ভালও নয় মন্দও নয় এমন


স্বরিত (of a speech sound) produced by making the vocal cords move very quickly several times: Most vowels in most languages are voiced.


হাস্যকর He looked ludicrous in that suit!

look on

observe as a spectator; watch without getting involved. কোন কিছুতে না জড়িয়ে দর্শক হিসেবে নজর রাখা পর্যবেক্ষণ করা <Cameron was looking on and making no move to help> <A large crowd looked on as the band played.> <Everybody just looked on as the two men fought.>


obviously real because it can be seen, touched, or otherwise observed বাস্তব, শরীরী, স্পৃশ্য, অধিগম্য, ধরা-ছোঁয়ার মধ্যে, স্পর্শনদ্বারা বোধগম্য Ex: One ~ benefit of putting electrical cables underground is a clearer view of the sky.


odd, eccentric, amusing ব্যঙ্গাত্মক, উপহাস্য, পরিহাসসূচক, বিদ্রূপাত্মক জিজ্ঞাসু

nothing but

only, just, merely <Those kids are nothing but trouble.> <The story was nothing but (= only) lies.>

garden variety

ordinary, common, commonplace. literal meaning: বাগানের মধ্যেই সীমাবদ্ধ , মানে common / ordinary সাধারণ নরমাল ই। <for garden-variety back problems, your medical doctor, osteopath, or chiropractor can all help> < That's just your garden variety house spider; there's no need to be concerned about its bite.>


patronizing; showing/implying patronizing descent from dignity/ superiority ক্ষমশীল


payment for an injury; compensation


peculiar to or characteristic of a given language কথ্য, বাগ্বৈশিষ্ট্যসম্মত, বাগ্ধারাগত, বাগ্বৈশিষ্ট্যগত, ইডিত্তম্যাটিক, কোন ভাষায় রীতিসিদ্ধ, ভাব-ব্যঁজক


perfectly; without flaw or interruption <For years, the system worked seamlessly, providing for economic growth and agricultural expansion.>


powerful; having great power, influence, or effect Ex: A very ~ type of marijuana with surprisingly strong effects became available in Burrytown.

under the guise of

pretending to be someone you are not literally: ছদ্মবেশে <under the guise of friendship he betrayed them> <The men who arrived in the guise of drug dealers were actually undercover police officers.> <The company has been accused of trying to sell their products under the guise of market research.>


pretentious; phony artificial and not sincere an affected manner/style of writing I found her very affected.


proud and vain to the point of arrogance উদ্ধত, গর্বিত, অহংকারী, ধৃষ্ট, অবিনয়ী, অবিনীত, উদগ্র, উত্সিক্ত, অগ্নিমূর্তি, অত্যুগ্র, মগরা, চড়া, রূক্ষ, খারাপ


purposely hurtful বিদ্বেষপরায়ণ, দ্বেষী, পরদ্বেষ্টা, বিদ্বেষ্টা, পরহিংসক, অসূয়ক, অসূয়াপূর্ন, অসূয়াপরবশ, খল, কুচুটে, কুচুটিয়া, ক্রূর, ক্রূরমতি, আক্রোশপূর্ণ, দ্রোহী


quickly and efficiently দ্রুততার This case was expeditiously settled. Ex: Using carrier pigeons, the military commanders exchanged messages ~.

bring up

raise a child (লালনপালন করা ) raise, initiate <The country commissioner brought up the heated issue of restricting on street parking>


real, provides facts প্রকৃত, তথ্য-সংক্রান্ত, প্রকৃত, তথ্যভিত্তিক

lately of late

recently, in recent times , not long ago ইদানীং , সম্প্রতি, সাম্প্রতিককালে < I haven't seen Burt lately, he must be extremely busy with his research.> <she'd been drinking too much of late> <We haven't spoken of late>


relating to the supposed ability of the human mind to sense things that cannot be observed আধ্যাত্মিক, আধিদৈবিক, অধ্যাত্মিক, আত্মাগত, অনুভূতিজাত, ভৌতিক Ex: The governor's assistant claimed to have unique ~ abilities enabling him to read people's minds.


restricted in outlook; relating to the local parish; small-minded, provincial, narrow, small-town Ex: Marla moved from her rural community to get away from its ~ thinking. Ex: Sending your children to a ~ school can cost as much as sending them to college.


ruling oppressively and absolutely; tyrannical


sabotage; undermining He was sentenced to two years in prison in 2017 on the vague charge of inciting subversion of state power.


safe from harm; protected unassailable অনাক্রম্য, দায়মুক্ত, রেহাইপ্রাপ্ত, নিরাপদ্


scornful তাচ্ছল্যপূর্ণ, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ

in cahoots

secret partnership cahoot (চক্রান্তে লিপ্ত) in an alliance or partnership for conspiracy acting together with others for an illegal or dishonest purpose: working together or making plans together in secret <I think those two are in cahoots. > <He was robbed by a man who was in cahoots with the bartender.> <A banker and a government minister were in cahoots over a property deal.> <It's reckoned that someone in the government was in cahoots with the assassin.>

might/may as well

should, had better literally : may as well হতে পারে ভাল , মানেই তো should , had better something should be done or accepted because it cannot be avoided or because there is no good reason not to do it <You might as well tell them the truth.> <We may as well begin now.> <The party was so dull that I might (just) as well have stayed home.>



reduced to

simplified or summarize to পরিণত করা to make someone unhappy or cause someone to be in a bad state or situation literally: reduced মানে পরিনত করা , কমানো <His comments reduced her to tears (= made her cry).> <The sergeant was reduced to the ranks (= made an ordinary soldier) for his cowardice.>


something left from a long-ago culture, time period, or person ধ্বংসাবশেষ, সংরক্ষিত স্মৃতিচিহ্ন, অনশিষ্টাংশ অবশেষ, পবিত্র স্মরণচিহ্ন, অভিজ্ঞান Ex: ~+ of the war can still be found in the sand dunes along this shore.


something written into a piece of rock or metal Ex: The ~ on my ring says "August 1," because that was the day of our wedding.

from time to time

sometimes(কখনও কখনও) , but not regularly মাঝে সাঝে sometimes, occasionally, (every) now and then/again, every so often, (every) once in a while <I still think of her from time to time.>

red herring

sth irrelevant that distracts from the real issue. If you say that something is a red herring, you mean that it is not important and it takes your attention away from the main subject or problem you are considering. <As Dr Smith left he said that the inquiry was something of a red herring.> <The police investigated many clues, but they were all red herrings.>


stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone.


stop Ex: The lightning continued even after the thunder had ~+. Usage Tips: ~ is found in official statements, not usually in everyday speech.


strict or severe in matters of morality অতিনৈতিক, আচারনিষ্ঠ


strictness; difficult situations that come from following rules strictly Ex: The wrestler followed his diet with ~. Ex: The ~+ of military life toughened the young men quickly.


strikingly expressive or vivid সুস্পষ্ট, বর্ণনামূলক, চিত্রোপম চিত্রবত্, চিত্রের ন্যায় স্পষ্ট


substitution of mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt

fellow feeling

sympathy and fellowship existing between people based on shared experiences or feelings. literal meaning: fellow (সহকর্মী, সাথী, ) feeling. একই লোকের আন্ডার এ যারা আছে তাদের একই রকম অভিজ্ঞতা হয়, same experienced feeling থাকে. <There was a fellow feeling between everyone who had lived through the war.> <What might all this fellow feeling mean for the president's war on Sessions?>


tendency, inclination


the most typical example: An American football game is the quintessence of machismo


the precise literal meaning of a word, without emotional associations or overtones. চিহ্নিত করা, অর্থনির্দেশ, নামগত অর্থ, শ্রেণীগত নাম, বিশেষাভিধান


the quality or state of being subtle(সূক্ষ্ম, নিগূঢ়, চতুর, কৃশ, ধূর্ত, সরু, অস্থূল, লঘু, অতীন্দ্রি়, অস্পষ্ট, কূট, দুর্বোধ্য, কৌশলী দুর্বোধ্য) or hard to notice: Her acting was full of subtlety. Listening to the interview, I was impressed by the subtlety of the questions.


the range of further associations that a word or phrase suggests in addition to its straightforward dictionary meaning. সংজ্ঞা, অর্থ, জাত্যর্থ, পদার্থ

to eat humble pie

to admit that you were wrong. নিজের মানহানি করা, to be forced to apologize humbly; suffer humiliation <He had to eat humble pie and publicly admit his error.> <After boasting that his company could outperform the industry's best, he's been forced to eat humble pie.>


to cause something to be done more quickly: We're trying to expedite the process of reviewing applications. You pay more for expedited delivery. *Abstruse*: expedite: to cause something to be done more quickly vs expedient: সুবিধাজনক উপায়, উদ্দেশ্যসাধক উপায়, পন্থা, পথ, উপযোগী উপায়, উপযোগী কৌশল,

opt to

to choose to do something Most people opt to have the operation.


to come together with great or violent force Ex: As usual, their holiday was ruined when their in-laws' views on politics ~+ with their own.


to compel, force

make up / make up for

to compensate for (a mistake / doing or not doing something / etc.) খেসারৎ দেত্তয়া, ক্ষতিপূরণ করা to do or have something as a way of correcting or improving (something else) to take the place of something lost or damaged or to compensate for something bad with something good <I'll make up the time tomorrow"> <No amount of money can make up for the death of a child.> <This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one.> <He wanted to make up for neglecting his children by spending more time with them.> <She tried to make up for lost time by working extra hard.>


to consider thoughtfully Ex: If you contemplate each step for so long, we will never complete this project on time. I'm contemplating going abroad for a year. They were contemplating a move to California.

keep on

to continue চালিয়ে যাওয়া <I keep on urging Rita to practice the violin but she doesn't heed my advice.>


to criticize someone or something severely: His first novel was well and truly lambasted by the critics.

to tighten one's belt

to curtail one's expenditures; be more frugal spend less money than you did before because you have less money to endure hunger, privation, etc. as best one can to live more thriftily literal: ইনকাম কমে যাওয়ায় খরচের লাগাম টেনে ধরা । অনেকটা ভুঁড়ি কমে গেলে বেল্ট টাইট করার মত । খরচ নিয়ন্ত্রন করা <They were urged to tighten their belts for the war effort.> <I've had to tighten my belt since I stopped working full-time.>


to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually: Did humans evolve from apes? to develop; to come forth Ex: Modern-day sharks ~+ from their ancestor Eryops, which lived more than 200 million years ago. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by into or from.


to disapprove regretfully, to belittle, to express mild disapproval We deprecate this use of company funds for political purposes.


to discourage or to slow down দমন করা, নিষিদ্ধ করা, বাধা দেত্তয়া সামলানো, আটকানো, নিষেধ করা Ex: This lotion will inhibit the itching caused by mosquito bites.

resort to

to do or use (something) especially because no other choices are possible literal meaning: আর কোন উপায় না দেখে , বাধ্য হয়ে। <I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money.> <When she didn't answer the phone, I resorted to calling up to her from the street>

in no time at all

to do something very quickly <He finished his assignment in no time at all. >

castles in the air (or in Spain)

to dream about a wonderful future visionary unattainable schemes; daydreams. <My father built castles in the air about owning a boat> <You need sound financial advice and a strong plan if you're going to start your own business—don't just build castles in Spain.>


to force to leave


to go forward, esp. quickly, while moving from side to side: The car skidded and careened wildly across several lanes of traffic.


to hesitate


to look at someone with obvious sexual interest: I saw you ogling the woman in the red dress!

keep (someone/something) from (something)

to prevent someone or something from doing something বিরত থাকা < Try to keep the children from throwing food all over the floor.> <Am I keeping you from your work?> <Is there something you're keeping from me?>


to request

pan out

to succeed সফল হওয়া , ক্লিক করা end up; conclude turn out well. literal meaning: pan (ডেগচি) out মানে রান্না সুন্দর ভাবে শেষ হলেই তো প্যান আউট হবে , মানে সফল হবে <Let's hope the forecast pans out, but I'm a little skeptical.> <he's happy with the way the deal panned out> <"Harold's idea had been a good one even if it hadn't panned out"> <The couple's reconciliation just didn't pan out.> <the investment scheme didn't quite pan out>


to suggest that someone was involved in a crime or other wrong behavior; convey (a meaning or intention) indirectly through what one says Ex: No group claimed responsibility for the bombing, but the type of explosive used ~+ the Heartland Freedom Militia. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by in.


to summon or bring into being as if by magic

make allowances for

to take into consideration, consider বিবেচনা করা , consider করা to think about or plan for (something that will or might happen in the future) to consider (something) when one makes a calculation literally allowance means বরাদ্দ রাখা , ভাতা। যখন কোন কিছু বরাদ্দ রাখা হয় তখন অবশই কিছু জিনিস consider করতে হয়। সুতরাং এটার মানে consider. <When you're comparing costs from different decades, you need to make allowance for inflation.> <When purchasing property, the company should make allowance for possible future growth/expansion.> <We try to make allowances for our students' different backgrounds.>

make light of

treat as unimportant. to act as if something is not serious, esp. when it is serious literally কোন কিছুকে গুরুত্ব না দেওয়া. কোন জিনিসকে light করার অর্থ হল গুরুত্ব না দেয়া । <They've both had knee injuries, but the two friends make light of their weaknesses.> <I didn't mean to make light of your problems> <all these problems are humorously described but never made light of>

dyed in the wool

unchanging in a particular belief or opinion; inveterate. If someone is dyed-in-the-wool, or has dyed-in-the-wool opinions, they hold those opinions strongly and will not change them ans literal meaning: যদি উল, পশম, এ রং করা থাকে সেটা চেঞ্জ করা যায় না , কাপড় এর রং ও ঐরকম হবে , unchanging, inveterate <He's a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist where cooking is concerned - he doesn't allow any modern gadgets in the kitchen.> <she's a true blue dyed-in-the-wool Conservative>


uncontrolled অসংযত Planned fertility, unrestrained fertility and the control of fertility all carry risks of death or ill health.

figure out

understand, find the answer, solve, decipher, interpret. solve <After failing to figure out his income tax return, Haal decided to see an accountant.>

fair weather friends

unreliable, they fail one in time of distress সুসময়ের বন্ধু Someone who remains a friend only when things are going well but abandons others during times of trouble or difficulty. <I thought Allison and I had a strong friendship, but I learned she was just another fair-weather friend when she stopped talking to me after my divorce.> <I thought Gene would always stick by me, but when I got into trouble, he turned out to be a fair-weather friend.>


unskilled; clumsy

no/not more than

used to emphasize how small an amount is: <There are beautiful mountains not more than ten minutes' drive away.> <Each box requires no more than a few hours of labor to build.> <He was a kid really, not more than eighteen or nineteen.>

seeing that seeing as

used to introduce a statement that explains the reason for another statement considering or accepting the fact that; as: literally: একটা জিনিস দেখে বা বুঝে বিবেচনা করা । দেখে সিধান্ত নেয়া because; considering that; since: <We may as well go to the concert, seeing as we've already paid for the tickets.> <There's not much we can do, seeing that they've already made their decision.> <Seeing as we're both going the same way, can I give you a lift?>

red flag

warning sign a flag used as a sign of danger: <You're not allowed to swim when the red flag is flying.>


water that falls to the Earth's surface Ex: In the Pacific Northwest, the high level of ~ ensures rich, green plant life.


with complete sincerity and commitment, মনপ্রাণে , আন্তরিকভাবে <I wholeheartedly support your campaign> <"I firmly and wholeheartedly reject the allegations," Hawking said from a Cambridge Hospital.>


অটল determined in character, action, or ideas: Their resolute opposition to new working methods was difficult to overcome. She's utterly resolute in her refusal to apologize.


অতিক্রম করিয়া যাত্তয়া to go further, rise above, or be more important or better than something, especially a limit: The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers. The underlying message of the film is that love transcends everything else.


অত্যন্ত সুন্দর extremely beautiful and, typically, delicate. Look at this exquisite painting. She has exquisite taste.


অত্যাচারী In the end she left home just to escape the tyrannical rule of her mother.


অধ: পতনশীল returning to older and worse conditions, methods, ideas, etc.: He said it would be a retrograde step to remove single parent benefits.


অধ: পতিত to become worse in quality: Educational standards are degenerating year by year because of a lack of funds. What was intended as a peaceful demonstration rapidly degenerated into violence.


অনিচ্ছাকৃত without knowing or planning: The two women claimed they were the unwitting victims of a drug dealer who planted a large quantity of heroin in their luggage.


অনিশ্চিত slightly dangerous or uncertain. The company's finances look a little dicey.


অনুতপ্ত I am not repentant that we decided on that programme with which to begin.


অনুত্তেজিত calm, dignified, and unhurried. avoiding excitement or great activity and usually calm and relaxed: The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground. The speed limit is a sedate 55 mph.


অনুপ্রবিষ্ট enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.


অনুভূতিহীন showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others. his callous comments about the murder made me shiver


অবজ্ঞা করা, ঘৃণা করা, তাচ্ছল্য করা


অবতরণ,বংশধরগণ downward motion ascent: ঊর্ধ্বগমন decent: শালীন,উপযুক্ত, পরিমিত They trace their line of descent back to a French duke. He claims direct descent from Mohammed.


অভিশাপ, ভীতিপ্রদর্শন প্রকাশ্য নিন্দা, বাতিল বা অবসান ঘোষণা


অমূল্য extremely great, or too great to be described or expressed exactly: The medical importance of this discovery is of inestimable value.


অযোগ্যতা lack of ability to do something successfully or as it should be done: Management have demonstrated almost unbelievable incompetence in their handling of the dispute.


অলস For all of his capacities as a craftsman of judicial opinions, he was a clumsy and slothful speechwriter.


অলোকদৃষ্টি, augur a magical kind of intuition. <Trump often uses clairvoyance as a justification for falsehoods.> <She went to see a clairvoyant who said he could communicate with her dead husband.>


অসংশোধনীয় (adj.) incapable of being repaired or rectified


অসন্তুষ্ট করা to make someone unhappy and angry: Years later, this unfairness still aggrieves him.


অসন্তোষজনক annoying, worrying, or causing problems : The shortage of qualified teachers remains a vexing problem.


অসুস্থতাবোধ a general feeling of bad health or lack of energy in a person, group, or society: Many think there's a growing moral malaise in society. We were discussing the roots of the current economic malaise.


অস্পষ্ট dark and dirty or difficult to see through: <The river was brown and murky after the storm.>


আকস্মিক Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room. The road ended in an abrupt (= sudden and very steep) slope down to the sea. using too few words when talking, in a way that seems rude and unfriendly: an abrupt manner/reply He is sometimes very abrupt with clients.


আধান, ঢালিয়া দেত্তয়া, প্রেরণা গলানো, গলন, ভেজানো <The infusion of supernatural elements into human societies is itself a natural phenomenon that has a naturalistic origin and history.>


আবাদ the act of preparing land for growing crops: traditional methods of tillage


আবেগপূর্ণ filled with passionate emotion


উপেক্ষা করা She had murdered or connived at the murder of one of her lovers. He called for an independent investigation to find out whether corrupt officials are being bribed to connive in shoddy construction.

in either instance

উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই


একটানা always strong; never weakening: unswerving support


ঐশ্বর্যশালী <He relishes an opulent lifestyle with palatial homes in Europe and America, private jets, two yachts and a helicopter.>


কটাক্ষ করা to suggest; say indirectly; imply


কঠোর exhausting(ক্লান্তিকর) extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and determination Junior doctors often have to work a gruelling 100-hour week. He eventually won the match after five gruelling sets.


কমতি নেই এমন as good, strong, or important as always: A hundred years after his death, his influence remains undiminished.


কষ্টদায়ক slow and clumsy because of great weight


কাউকে ফিরিয়ে আনার, বুঝিয়ে নিরস্ত করা persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action. <his friends tried to dissuade him from flying>


কাটা <The boy had received horrific injuries in the attack, including lacerations to both arms.> <The body showed signs of laceration and bruising.>


কাল a long period of time, especially one in which there are new developments and great change: The president said that his country was moving into a new epoch, which would be one of lasting peace.


ক্রোধ Forceful anger; fury.




খণ্ডন করা ভুল প্রমাণ করা




ছাইয়া ফেলা বা আবৃত করা to fill up from within; to spread throughout


ঝিক্মিক্ করা None of this, though, was ever anything but accessible, and downright scintillating.


তরূণ বংশধর a young member of a rich and famous family: He's the scion of a very wealthy newspaper-publishing family.


তাবিজ Commonly, these are described as thunderstones, amulets used as protection against the worst effects of the weather.




ধীর গতিতে কথা বলার ঢং


ধ্বংস করা to make an idea or feeling disappear completely: Maybe she gets drunk to obliterate painful memories.


ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত disastrous or destructive. a ruinous effect on the environment


নিমজ্জিত, নিবিষ্ট, মুগ্ধ


নির্জন a secluded house in the forest


নিষ্ঠা a feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something: She has/shows/feels great reverence for her professors.


পরিবর্তনশীলতা the quality or fact of being variable (= likely to change often): The polar regions exhibit the largest climatic variability on Earth. I've spent 10 years researching how much genetic variability there is between populations.


পরিহার comes from abstain


পরিহার করা to avoid something: She has shunned publicity since she retired from acting. ​ to ignore someone and not speak to that person because you cannot accept their behaviour, beliefs, etc.: <After the trial he was shunned by friends and family alike.>


পাক খুলা <they were attempting to unravel the cause of death> <There are some threads that once pulled unraveled the whole sweater.>


পারিশ্রমিক payment for work or services: They demanded adequate remuneration for their work. In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free apartment and a small remuneration.


পাশবিক existing in a wild state, especially describing an animal that was previously kept by people: feral dogs/cats


পৃষ্ঠপোষক a person or group that supports an activity or organization, especially by giving money: The Princess Royal is a well-known patron of several charities.


প্রতিজ্ঞা, উদাহরণ, তর্কশাস্ত্রের প্রস্তাব verb সূচনা করা যে সূত্র হইতে সিদ্ধান্ত গৃহীত হয়


প্রয়োজনীয় required; necessary


প্রাপ্য অর্থাদি প্রদান করা, নির্বাহ করা টাকা খরচ করা


প্ল্যাসেবো a substance that is not medicine, but that is given to someone who is told that it is a medicine, used to test the effect of a drug or to please a patient


বাধ্য করা become noticeable in an unwelcome or intrusive way


বিস্ময়ে হতবুদ্ধি shocked or surprised in an unpleasant way: Workers and union officials were aghast at the layoffs.


ব্যর্থ An abortive attempt or plan has to be stopped because it has failed: He made two abortive attempts on the French throne.


ভঙ্গি a way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion: <The doctor's stance on the issue of abortion is well known.>


ভয়, শঙ্কা, ডর


ভার a burden; a responsibility


ভূতাপেক্ষাভাবে (especially of legislation) taking effect from a date in the past.


ভেজান করা, সিক্ত করা জলে খেলা করা, একটু একটু ভিজিয়ে নেওয়া, হাত-পা ছোঁড়া


মুক্তিদান করা (especially in religion or law) to free someone from guilt, blame, or responsibility for something: The report absolved her from/of all blame for the accident. The priest absolved him (of all his sins).


মোহমুক্তি Many voters have become disenchanted with the president.


রচনা An opus is a created work, usually musical in nature. Mr. Bogle produced a scholarly opus that proved to be a blueprint for his career.


শক্ত হাতে দমন (n) sudden action that is taken in order to stop an illegal activity


শাসন করা Male cattle castrated as calves; specifically raised for beef


সনির্বন্ধ অনুরোধ করা to ask or order someone to do something: The judge adjured him to answer truthfully.


সন্দেহ (n.) a feeling of fear, doubt, or uncertainty


সফলভাবে কাজ করতে সক্ষম না not able to work, survive, or succeed (also spelled inviable)


সম্পূর্ণ ধ্বংস করা It never attempted to extirpate its rivals.


সর্বনাশের কারণ the cause of someone's failure, or of someone's loss of power or money: Greed has been the undoing of many a businessman.


সাম্রাজ্যবাদী supporting or relating to imperialism: an imperialist power


সৌষ্ঠবহীন, জবুথবু, অনিপুণ Ducks are ungainly on land.


স্থান an area or place, especially one where something special happens, such as the action in a book or film: <The book's locale is a coastal town in the summer of 1958.>


স্বস্তিদায়করূপে In interviews, he was refreshingly thoughtful and frank. At a certain level, all of this is refreshingly reassuring.


হাবভাব a way of looking and behaving: The boss has a calm, reassuring demeanor.

as well as

'also', 'too' or 'in addition পাশাপাশি <We look forward very much to seeing you again and to meeting your wife as well.> <She has invited Jill as well as Kate.> <When they go to Austria, they like walking as well as skiing.>


(adj.) expressive of sorrow or woe, melancholy দু: খজনক adjective বিলাপী, দু:খপূর্ণ, দু:খজনক, দু:খিত


(adj.) worthy of imitation, commendable; serving as a model


(of liquid) not very warm, or (of feelings or actions) not very strong: A tepid reaction is not enthusiastic: I got a tepid response to my suggestion. There is only tepid support in Congress for the proposal.


(usually in compounds) full of a particular unpleasant thing, a disease-ridden slum harassed, oppressed, or obsessed by —usually used in combination guilt-ridden, debt-ridden literal meaning: ridden comes from ride. ridden means অধ্যুষিত, জর্জরিত, পীড়িত <you must not think him ridden with angst> <She was guilt-ridden when she discovered that the business had failed because of her.> <It is a superstition-ridden community.>


(v.) to establish by evidence, prove; to give concrete or substantial form to to show something to be true, or to support a claim with facts: We have evidence to substantiate the allegations against him. Reports that children had been hurt have not been substantiated.

ought to

*Examples*: 1. I ought to phone my parents. 2. Ought she to call the police? 3. We ought not to have ordered so much food. *Direction*: *Meaning*: should, supposed to *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. I know that you can indeed do better than that. 2. that is not merely a reason, but is indeed the entire point 3. Evidence suggests that errors may indeed be occurring. *Direction*: change in direction - indicates an unexpected result or phenomenon *Meaning*: actually *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রকৃতপক্ষে *Similar words*: as expected, to be sure, in fact, in point of fact, as a matter of fact, in truth, actually, as it happens/happened, if truth be told, admittedly, in sooth; certainly, assuredly, of course, naturally, without (a) doubt, without question, by all means, yes, you bet, I'll say, indeedy

so to speak

*Examples*: 1. Nonetheless, there is solid evidence to work with on both sides of the equation, so to speak. 2. This is not our first rodeo, so to speak, in this area. 3. In that relationship it's very much Lorna who wears the trousers, so to speak (= Lorna makes all the important decisions). *Direction*: detail - restate something already said *Meaning*: in a manner of speaking, used to highlight the fact that one is describing something in an unusual or metaphorical way. used to explain that what you are saying is not to be understood exactly as stated: *বাংলা অর্থ*: বলতে গেলে, তাই কথা বলতে, *Similar words*: as we say, as it were


*Examples*: 1. Their teacher was away, so they had a day's respite before their essays were due. 2. The execution was only respited a few months 3. They have no respite from routine school activities even during holidays. *Direction*: *Meaning*: A short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant. a useful delay before something unpleasant happens *বাংলা অর্থ*: অবকাশ, বিরাম, নিলম্বন, ফুরসত *Similar words*: interval, intermission, lull, breather


*Examples*: 1. We need help ______________ since it is an emergency. 2. 3. *Direction*: *Meaning*: right away *বাংলা অর্থ*: অবিলম্বে, তখনই, সরাসরি, তত্ক্ষণাৎ, অচিরাৎ, অচিরে, অব্যাজে, এইক্ষণেই, অব্যবহিতভাবে, প্রত্যক্ষরূপে, অগৌণে, অপরোক্ষভাবে, সোজাসুজি *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. We saw a film __________at the movie theatre that was quite good. 2. 3. *Direction*: *Meaning*: not long ago *বাংলা অর্থ*: সম্প্রতি, সদ্য, সাজো,অধুনা, হালফিল, আজকাল, ইদানীং *Similar words*:


1. not drunk; temperate 2. serious; free from excitement or exaggeration to become more calm and serious, or to make someone do this not drunk or affected by alcohol: Are you sober enough to drive, Jim? I'd had no wine all evening so I was stone cold (= completely) sober. News of the tragedy sobered us.


A descriptive name or phrase used to characterize someone or something


A document that gives the holder the right to organize settlements in an area

swan song

A final performance, product, or accomplishment before someone or something stops creating work or products, as due to death, retirement, closure, etc. From the ancient belief that swans issue a beautiful song-like sound just before they die. সর্বশেষ performance, product, or accomplishment অবসরের পূর্বে , মরার আগে < Their latest album, the swan song of the legendary rock group, is unfortunately not one of their best.>


A five line poem in which lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme and lines 3 and 4 rhyme.


A guess, often one based on inadequate or faulty evidence

substitute A for B

A is someone or something that "takes the place" of B. <On the World Series roster, the manager substituted a rookie for the injured veteran.>

off the beaten track off the beaten path

A place that is off the beaten track is in an area where not many people live or go., not usual, out of the ordinary literally: "beaten track" মানে হল যেসব স্থানে খুব বেশি মানুষের সমাগম হয় , ভ্রমণ করে । সুতরাং off the beaten track মানে যেখানে লোক সমাগম কম হয়, কম জানাশুনা এলাকা Little-known or in a remote or lesser-known area, as of a place or business. in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns <Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.> <The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten track.> < We'll definitely be able to get a table at that restaurant, it's really off the beaten track. I chose that island as a vacation spot because I knew it was off the beaten track and would give me some much-needed solitude.>


A work of literature meant to ridicule a subject; a grotesque imitation. প্যারডি


Add brief notes to a diagram or graph


An order having the force of law


Earthenware made from baked clay.


Example Meaning Walk in a heavy or clumsy way, sometimes due to being weighed down বাংলা অর্থ ঢিকিয়ে ঢিকিয়ে চলা , থপথপিয়ে চলা Related words Mnemonic

Slake (sleyk)

Example 1. A 'brandy' bar is being set up to slake their thirst. Meaning Verb: Satisfy (esp. thirst), cool, or refresh; make less active Root lak (loose) বাংলা অর্থ নেভান, প্রশমিত করা, দমিত করা, উপশম করা Related words quench, satisfy, sate, satiate, relieve, assuage Mnemonic focus on the 'lake' part of this you can say that you want to satisfy your thirst after seeing the water in that lake

Fete (feyt)

Example 1. After World War II, war heroes were feted at first but quickly forgotten. 2. The town has a fete each year to celebrate the last day of the harvest. Meaning verb: to celebrate a person বাংলা অর্থ উত্সব, পর্ব, পর্বদিন Related words celebrate Abstruse: fete=উতসব VS effete= দূর্বল

Gustatory (guhs-tuh-tawr-ee)

Example 1. All of us know people whose gustatory reflexes are unusually strong. Meaning Adjective: concerned with tasting or the, relating to sense of taste sense of taste. বাংলা অর্থ রাসন, স্বাদগ্রহণ Mnemonic Mnemonic: disgusting means tasteless.

Savvy (sav-ee)

Example 1. Although a great CEO, he did not have the political savvy to win the election. 2. The student savvies the meaning of astrophysics with little effort. 3. With his savvy business partner, the company was able to turn a profit within a year. Meaning Noun: a perceptive understanding Adjective: well-informed or perceptive Root বাংলা অর্থ কাণ্ডজ্ঞান, উপলব্ধি, সাধারণ জ্ঞান Related words apprehension, discernment, understanding, apprehend, compass, comprehend, dig

Languid (lang-gwid)

Example 1. As the sun beat down and the temperature climbed higher, we spent a languid week lying around the house. Meaning Adjective: not inclined towards physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed, lacking in spirit Root বাংলা অর্থ অসাড় , ক্ষীণ , নিরুত্সাহ Related words dreamy , lackadaisical , languorous Mnemonic i will always be studying a book called "LAN guide" with less spirit... because i am least interested in lan..

Fervor [650th] (FUR vur)

Example 1. Avid baseball fans frequently display their fervor for the game by throw ing food at bad players. Meaning noun: great warmth or earnestness; ardor; zeal বাংলা অর্থ উত্সাহ, তাপ, আবেগের তীব্রতা Root FERV (to boil, to bub ble, to burn) Related words ardor, ardor, fervency, fervidness, excitation, excitement, fervor Mnemonic Read it as fever. You got excited about exam and fever comes.

Fallow (fal-oh)

Example 1. Danny Williams claimed Stephen Harper was prepared to consider so-called fallow field legislation for the offshore. Meaning Adjective: (of land) plowed and left unseeded for a season or more; uncultivated, not in use; inactive বাংলা অর্থ পতিত, অনাবাদী, কর্ষিত, অকর্ষিত, খিল, পড়ো Related words unbroken, unploughed, unplowed, undeveloped, unexploited Mnemonic after plowing farmer fallow(fall-low) of money so, he left it without seeding(uncultivated)

Gall (gawl)

Example 1. Even though Carly was only recently hired, she had the gall to question her boss's judgment in front of the office. 2. In an act of gall, Leah sent compromising photos of her ex-boyfriend to all his co-workers and professional contacts. Meaning noun: the trait of being rude and impertinent, feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will বাংলা অর্থ পিত্ত, তিক্ততা, বিদ্বেষ, যন্ত্রণা, জ্বালা, বিরক্তির কারণ, Root Related words bitterness , cheekiness , crust , freshness , impertinence , impudence , insolence Mnemonic A slap on his 'Gall'(cheek) completely exasperated him.

Recapitulate (ree-kuh-pich-uh-leyt])

Example 1. Every point of the professor's lesson was so clear that the students felt his concluding recapitulation was not necessary. Meaning Noun: a summary (think of recap) Root CAP/CIP/CAPIT/CIPIT (head, head long) বাংলা অর্থ সারসংক্ষেপ প্রদান করা, আলোচনা করা, ঝালান Related words recap, review Mnemonic sounds like recap....if you have noticed, whenever you watch a serial, before it starts they always give the recap of what happened the previous day, other words, they repeat what already has been shown but in a concise form.

Firebrand (fahyuh r-brand)

Example 1. Freddie is a firebrand: every time he walks into the office, he winds up at the center of heated argument. Meaning noun: someone who deliberately creates trouble বাংলা অর্থ জ্বলন্ত কাষ্ঠখণ্ড Related words inciter, instigator , provoker Mnemonic People who start fires are firebrand

Fluke (flook)

Example 1. He got the job by a fluke. Meaning Noun: Stroke of luck, something accidentally successful বাংলা অর্থ অপ্রত্যাশিত বা আকস্মিক , সৌভাগ্য , নোঙরের প্রতিটি বাহুর প্রশস্ত ত্রিকোণাকার চ্যাপ্টা প্রান্তদেশ , ভেড়ার যকৃতে পুষ্ট পরাশ্রিত জীব Related words good fortune, good luck Mnemonic F(ortunately)LUKE(Y) means fortunately lucky

Irresolute (ih-rez-uh-loot)

Example 1. He stood irresolute at the split in the trail, not sure which route would lead back to the camp. Meaning Adjective: uncertain how to act or proceed, Wavering, not sure how to proceed, not firm in one's decision-making Root SOL (to loosen, to free), resolute:অটল বাংলা অর্থ অস্থিরসঙ্কল্প, তরলমতি, চঞ্চলমতি Related words Abstruse: Resolve= সমাধান VS Resolution=সমাধান, সংকল্পগ্রহণ, বিশ্লেষণ VS resolute:অটল vs Irresolute: অস্থিরসঙ্কল্প, তরলমতি, চঞ্চলমতি vs Dissolution=দ্রবীভবন, দ্রবন Mnemonic ir+resolute--- resolute means firm and determined, irresolute means the opposite, doubtful

Frugal (froo-guh l)

Example 1. Monte was no miser, but was simply frugal, wisely spending the little that he earned. Meaning adjective: not spending much money (but spending wisely), Economical, thrifty, not wasteful with money; inexpensive বাংলা অর্থ Root FRUIT/FRUG (fruit, produce) Related words economical , scotch , sparing , stinting Mnemonic Read it as free+girl. If a girl comes for free, it saves waste of money.

Mawkish (maw-kish)

Example 1. The film was incredibly mawkish, introducing highly likable characters only to have them succumb to a devastating illnesses by the end of the movie. Meaning Adjective: overly sentimental to the point that it is disgusting Root বাংলা অর্থ মূর্খ, ভাবপ্রবণ, মাতাল, আর্ধমাতাল, ছিঁঁচ্কাঁদুনে, নির্বোধ Related words bathetic , drippy , hokey , kitschy , maudlin Mnemonic Maa" ka "kiss" is always sentimental and emotional!

Insularity (in-suh-leri ty)

Example 1. The insularity of England was preserved by the English channel. Meaning Noun: The state of being isolated or detached. Root ty (state, condition or quality) insular: Pertaining to an island; detached, standing alone; narrow-minded, provincial দ্বীপসংক্রান্ত দ্বীপের বাংলা অর্থ বিচ্ছিন্নতা;সংকীর্ণচিত্ততা, Related words insulation, detachment Abstruse: insolent=অপমানকর insolence VS insularity= বিচ্ছিন্নতা; Mnemonic we insulate electrical wires.. by insulating , we are Isolating (বিচ্ছিন্ন) the wires from the environment.

Mettlesome (met-l-suh m)

Example 1. their horses were beasts of burden, not mettlesome chargers 2. For its raid on the Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Seal Team Six has become, for many Americans, the embodiment of mettle. Meaning Adjective: filled with courage or valor The adjective mettlesome is a great way to describe someone who's full of pride or courage — although it's also an old-fashioned, somewhat literary way to do it. Many classic children's books feature mettlesome main characters, like Huckleberry Finn and Ann of Green Gables. Though it sounds a bit like the nosy word meddlesome, mettlesome is rooted instead in mettle, "the stuff of which someone is made." Root বাংলা অর্থ তেজস্বী, আগ্রহাম্বিত Related words game, gamy, gritty, spirited, spunky Mnemonic remember it by breaking it as, mettlesome - mettle + some or metal + some.. some one who(who's spirit) is as strong as metal and hence courageous.

Flout (flowt)

Example 1. • A driver flouts the traffic laws by driving through red lights and knocking down pedestrians. Meaning verb: to disregard something out of disrespect বাংলা অর্থ বিদ্রুপ, কোনো কিছুর বিরোধিতা করা , হেয় জ্ঞান করা , উড়িয়ে দেওয়া Related words scoff Mnemonic Read it Flirt. Flirt Girls means make fun of them and reject them.

Magnate (MAG nayt)

Example 1• John D. Rockefeller was a magnate who was never too cheap to give a shoeshine boy a dime for his troubles. Meaning Noun: a rich, powerful, or very successful business person Root বাংলা অর্থ ধনশালী ব্যক্তি, মহৎ ব্যক্তি, বিরাট ব্যক্তি, সম্ভ্রান্ত ব্যক্তি, ক্ষমতাবান্ ব্যক্তি Related words tycoon, mogul, captain of industry, baron, lord, king, Industrialist. Mnemonic a good business man is a MAGNET for money.

Remonstrate (ri MAHN strayt)

Example 1• My boss remonstrated with me for telling all the secretaries they could take off the rest of the week. 2• The manager remonstrated, but the umpire continued to insist that the base runner had been out at third. When the manager continued to remonstrate, the umpire threw him out of the game. Meaning Verb: to argue against; to protest; to raise objections Root MON/MONIT (to warn) বাংলা অর্থ তীব্র আপত্তি করা, পথতিদান করা Related words bawl out, berate, call down, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up, chide, dress down sedition(রাজদ্রোহ, রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ) militate(বিদ্রোহী হত্তয়া), remonstrate(তীব্র আপত্তি করা), subversion(বিধ্বংসী), provocation(উত্তেজন বা প্ররোচনা,জ্বালাতন করা), Insurrection, rebellion, revolt, uprising, mutiny, revolution (বিদ্রোহ) Mnemonic demonstrate means just explain and REMONSTRATE explain for তীব্র আপত্তি করা, পথতিদান করা

Foment (foh MENT)

Example 1• The bad news from abroad fomented pessimism among professional investors. 2• The radicals spread several rumors in an effort to foment rebellion among the peas ants. Meaning verb: to stir up; to instigate বাংলা অর্থ সেঁক দেওয়া , উসকে দেওয়া , প্ররোচিত করা , মদত দেওয়া , লালন করা Root ment (action, result) Related words agitate , stir up Mnemonic Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a soapy hot water bucket(2nd meaning ).


Example: Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: হৈচৈ, ট্যাণ্ডাই ম্যাণ্ডাই, হৈচৈপূর্ণ ঝগড়া, উচ্চ কলহ, হট্টগোল Root: Related words: din, outcry Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Call together, as to a meeting বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Past, former (adj); that which is in the past (usually plural noun) বাংলা অর্থ: অতীত, অতিক্রান্ত Root: Related words: Mnemonic: by+gone


Example: Meaning: inclination Strong inclination; liking বাংলা অর্থ: ঝোঁক , পছন্দ , রুচি, আসক্তি Root: Related words: Abstruse: penchant=টান, আসক্তি, প্রবণতা, ঝোঁক VS Trenchant=মর্মভেদী, তীক্ষ্ণ, কষ্টকর, তীব্র VS Enchant: পুলকিত, মোহিত করা VS Recant: পূর্বেকার ধারণা, মতামত পরিত্যাগ করা VS Chant: স্তব করা sing by a crowd Mnemonic: Remember Chatting which is kind of addiction now a days.


Example: Meaning: very passionate, devoted, or enthusiastic বাংলা অর্থ: জ্বলন্ত, আকুল, প্রদীপ্ত, অত্যুত্সাহী, তীব্র, অতিশয আকুল় Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: yielding; conforming to requirements বাংলা অর্থ: বিনয়ী Root: Related words: Obeying, submissive; following the requirements Abstruse: complacent=আত্নসন্তুষ্ট VS Complaisant=অন্যকে খুশি করতে আগ্রহী, সুশীল, বিনয়ী vs Compliant:বিনয়ী vs Compliance: সম্মতি, প্রতিপালন, অনুবর্তিতা, বশ্যতা,consent, assent vs Complicit: involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. Mnemonic:


Example: 1. "The penitent threw herself at the bishop's feet and begged forgiveness for her sins." Meaning: Regretful, feeling remorse for one's sins or misdeeds (adj); a person who feels this way (noun) pen means pain বাংলা অর্থ: অনুতপ্ত Root: Related words: contrite(অনুতপ্ত), remorseful(অনুতপ্ত), regret repentant(অনুতপ্ত), penitent(অনুতপ্ত), compunction(অনুশোচনা) Compunctious Contrition(অনুতপ্ত), Rue(অনুতাপ করা ) repent(অনুশোচনা করা) Abstruse: Reticent: quiet; restrained; reluctant to speak vs Renitent:একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য, জেদী VS Penitent:অনুতপ্ত, contrite VS Pertinent:প্রাসঙ্গিক, সম্পর্কযুক্ত Mnemonic: inside a tent if you do some thing wrong with a girl by giving penni(money) you will repent it later.

Condone [ cuhn-DOHN ]

Example: 1. : While underage drinking is illegal, at many universities, it is tacitly condoned by administrations that neglect to enforce anti-drinking policies. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষমা করা ,উপেক্ষা করা, ক্ষমার, উপেক্ষার যোগ্য করে তোলা Root: Related words: Brook (suffer or tolerate), Countenance (as a noun: face or facial expression; as a verb: approve or tolerate) Overlook, tolerate, regard as harmless Abstruse: condone:ক্ষমা করা ,উপেক্ষা করা, ক্ষমার, উপেক্ষার যোগ্য করে তোলা vs condemn: নিন্দা করা, তিরস্কার করা, দণ্ডবিধান করা, দণ্ডাদেশ দেত্তয়া Mnemonic:


Example: 1. A couple of backpacking college students who decided to spend the summer peregrinating around Ireland Meaning: Travel from place to place, esp. on foot বাংলা অর্থ: বিদেশী , তীর্থভ্রমণ বা ভ্রমণরত ( esp. on foot) Root: Related words: Mnemonic: Pere is like a pair of feet, and grinate sounds like migrate. So a pair of feet migrate from place to place.


Example: 1. A leader who lies and gains power by arousing the passions and especially prejudices of the people Meaning: leader or rabble-rouser who usually uses appeals to emotion or prejudice বাংলা অর্থ: জননেতা Root: Dem(people) + agogue (leader) Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. After desecrating the pharaoh's tomb, the archaeologist soon fell victim to a horrible illness Meaning: to willfully violate or destroy a sacred place বাংলা অর্থ: অপবিত্র করা Root: secr means পবিত্র (Adj.), পুণ্য (Adj.), শুদ্ধ Related words: outrage , profane , violate Mnemonic:


Example: 1. After fifty days floating on a raft at sea, he was quite emaciated—his family was elated that he was alive, but shocked to see a formerly 165-pound man looking skeletal at just 125 pounds. Meaning: Make abnormally thin not to having food বাংলা অর্থ: অতি কৃশ করা বা হওয়া , রোগা হওয়া বা করা Root: Related words: Abstruse: emaciate:অতি কৃশ করা বা হওয়া , রোগা হওয়া বা করা vs emancipation: বন্ধনমুক্তি Mnemonic: emaciate starts with "hEy MA", thats when u cry when u go hungry..


Example: 1. After the sales result, the manager was in an effervescent mood, letting several employees leave work early that day. Meaning: marked by high spirits or excitement বাংলা অর্থ: উদ্যমী, বুদ্বুদপূর্ণ Root: Related words: bubbling , frothy , scintillating , sparkly Abstruse: effluvium:পচা জিনিস হইতে উদগত বিশ্রী বাষ্প vs effulgent: দীপ্তিশীল, দিদীপ্যমান, অত্যুজ্বল vs effervescent: বুদ্বুদপূর্ণ, উদ্যমী vs evanescent: বিলীয়মান, ক্ষণস্থায়ী Mnemonic:


Example: 1. American basketball players are always conspicuous when they go abroad-not only are they American, but some are over seven feet tall. 2. A tower conspicuous at a great distance. Meaning: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious বাংলা অর্থ: সুস্পষ্ট, প্রসিদ্ধ, বিশিষ্ট Root: Related words: blatant , blazing, Ostensible Mnemonic: Con(can)+ s(see) + the + peculiar --> can see the nice peculiar of the situation. So conspicuous means which can be easily seen.


Example: 1. As difficult as it is to imagine, the apotheosis of Mark Zuckerberg's career, many believe, is yet to come. Meaning: deification; glorified ideal বাংলা অর্থ: মহিমান্বয়ন Root: theo means god Related words: ideal , nonesuch , nonpareil , nonsuch , paragon , saint,deification , exaltation Mnemonic:


Example: 1. As we discussed the painting, I noticed the artist's wife bristling at our criticisms, ready to defend her husband's work. Meaning: react in an offended or angry manner বাংলা অর্থ: ক্রোধ প্রকাশ করা, অন্তরায়-কণ্টক্তি হত্তয়া, অন্তরায়-কণ্টক্তি থাকা Root: Related words: abound , burst Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Beethoven's musical genius culminated in the 9th Symphony, which many consider his greatest work. Meaning: reach the highest or most decisive point বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: climax Abstruse: Fulminate=সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া VS Culminate=সর্বোচ্চ সীমা পৌঁছান vs culinary: রন্ধনসম্পর্কীয় vs calumny: অপবাদ, দুর্নাম, কলঙ্ক, নিন্দা, vs calamity: strom Mnemonic:


Example: 1. By assuming that Charlie was headed to college - which he was not - Maggie begged the question when she asked him to which school he was headed in the Fall. Meaning: to evade or dodge (a question) বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Even a basic understanding of physics can elude most high schools students. Meaning: escape understanding বাংলা অর্থ: কৌশল এড়ান , ব্যর্থ করা Root: Related words: bilk , evade Abstruse: elated:very happy, in high spirits vs elude:কৌশল এড়ান , ব্যর্থ করা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Gary one day had an epiphany that he was a people person; he prompty quit his factory job and began working as a salesman. Meaning: a sudden revelation উদ্ঘাটন or moment of insight বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Abstruse: epicure: সুস্বাদ পানভোজনে আসক্ত ব্যক্তি, খাইয়ে লোক vs epigram: সরস ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা vs epiphany:নিকট যীশুর আবির্ভাব, a sudden revelation উদ্ঘাটন or moment of insight vs euphony: শ্রুতিমধুর শব্দ Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Her headache was compounded by the construction crew outside, which had six jackhammers going at the same time. Meaning: make more intense, stronger, or more marked বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: deepen , heighten , intensify Mnemonic:


Example: 1. I enjoy films in which a doughty group comes together to battle a force of evil. Meaning: brave; bold বাংলা অর্থ: দুর্দম, বলবান, সক্ষম, সাহসী, শৌর্যশালী Root: Related words: brave; bold; courageous Mnemonic: Naughty are doughty :D that means brave


Example: 1. Just smiling-even if you are depressed--can elicit feelings of pleasure and happiness. Meaning: draw out by discussion - বাহির করা বাংলা অর্থ: টানিয়া বাহির করা , প্রকাশ করা Root: Related words: arouse , enkindle , evoke , fire , kindle , provoke , raise Abstruse: Elicit: টানিয়া বাহির করা , প্রকাশ করা vs Illicit: বৈধ, নিষিদ্ধ, বেআইনী, বিধিবিরুদ্ধ vs Explicit:স্পষ্ট, পরিষ্কারভাবে বর্ণিত, সুব্যক্ত, স্পষ্টভাষিত, স্ফুট, কবুল vs implicit:অন্তর্নিহিত vs implicate:একত্র জড়ান, অর্থপ্রকাশ করা , কোন খারাপ কাজে সংশ্লিষ্ট করা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Often we imagine all monks to wear the beatific smile of the Buddha, but, like any of us, a monk can have a bad day and not look very happy. Meaning: blissfully happy saintly, angelic বাংলা অর্থ: আনন্দময় Root: Related words: angelic , angelical , sainted , saintlike , saintly Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Some famous writers'skills have lain dormant until quite late in life; Laura Ingalls Wilder didn't publish Little House on the Prairie until she was 65. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: সুপ্ত , অপ্রকট Root: Related words: Abeyance (temporary suspension, inactivity), Hiatus (break or gap in an activity), Deferment or Deferral (postponement) latent Mnemonic:


Example: 1. That was celebrated on the first full moon following the vernal equinox Meaning: Relating to the spring; fresh, youthful ( equinox = যে সময় সূর্য নিরক্ষবৃত্ত অতিক্রম করে অর্থাত যখন দিন ও রাত্রী সমান হয় vernal equinox = মহাবিষুব autumnal equinox = জলবিষুব) বাংলা অর্থ: বসন্তকালীন (Adj.), বাসন্তী (Adj.), তাজা (Adj.), তরূণ (Adj.) Root: Related words: Mnemonic: Vernal is the opposite of primal. Vernal means something fresh,new, young, whereas primal means, the primitive (old).


Example: 1. The company was full of managers known for devolving tasks to lower management, but never doing much work themselves. 2. The dialogue between the two academics devolved into a downright bitter argument. Meaning: grow worse (usually "devolve into") বাংলা অর্থ: নিচে গড়াইযা দেত্তয়া, নিচে গড়াইযা পড়া Root: Volve (Turn) Related words: degenerate , deteriorate , drop Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The constituents of the metal alloy are nickel, copper, and tin. 2. The mayor's constituents are no longer happy with her performance and plan to vote for another candidate in the upcoming election Meaning: an abstract part of something, a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes বাংলা অর্থ: উপাদান, নির্বাচন-কর্তা Root: Related words: component , element , factor , ingredient Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The convicted murderer had committed a myriad of nefarious acts. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: পৈশাচিক, অতিমন্দ,দুষ্ট , অসাধু , বদমাইশ , পাজি , শয়তান , আইনবহির্ভূ Root: Related words: evil; flagrantly wicked Mnemonic: ne(nephew)+farious(furious) your nephew is very furious or cruel or violent


Example: 1. The cosseted toddler was lovingly wrapped up in his snow gear, so much so that he could barely even move his arms enough to make his first snowball. Meaning: to pamper, treat with great care বাংলা অর্থ: অতিরিক্ত প্রশ্রয় দেওয়া Root: cosset actually comes from a word meaning "to kiss." Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The defendent was found guilty and had to serve a period of community service as well as pay pecuniary damages to the client. Meaning: relating to or involving money বাংলা অর্থ: আর্থিক, অর্থঘটিত, আর্থ, টাকাকড়ি-সংক্রান্ত Root: pecu means money Related words: monetary Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The dictator was disturbed to look out the palace window and see himself being burned in effigy. "That paper mache dummy doesn't even look like me!" he said Meaning: Representation or image of a person, esp. a crude facsimile used to mock a hated person বাংলা অর্থ: কুশ পুত্তলিকা, প্রতিমুর্তি , প্রতিকৃতি Root: Related words: Abstruse: efficacy: কার্যক্ষমতা, নিশ্চিত ফলদানের ক্ষমতা vs effigy: প্রতিমূর্তি, কুশপুত্তলিকা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The first three weeks at his new job, Mark worked with such alacrity that upper management knew it would be giving him a promotion. Meaning: an eager willingness to do something cheerful promptness; eagerness বাংলা অর্থ: স্ফূর্তি Root: Related words: briskness , smartness Mnemonic: alacrity sounds like AT+LAST+IN+CITY..a person who is first time in a big city is excited n eager to c da city...


Example: 1. The master of the house never deigned to answer questions from the servants. Meaning: do something that one considers to be below one's dignity বাংলা অর্থ: প্রসন্ন হত্তয়া Root: dei means god Related words: condescend , descend Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The professor had trouble concentrating on her new theorem, because her officious secretary would barge in frequently reminding her of some trivial detail involving departmental paperwork. Meaning: meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one's services বাংলা অর্থ: অনধিকারচর্চী Root: Related words: busy , busybodied , interfering , meddlesome , meddling Mnemonic: Sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs


Example: 1. The queen was so conniving that, with the help of the prince, she tried to overthrow the king. Meaning: taking part in immoral and unethical plots বাংলা অর্থ: দেখেও না দেখা or উপেক্ষা করা (connive ) Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The web is notorious for sandwiching apocryphal stories between actual news. Meaning: being of questionable authenticity বাংলা অর্থ: সন্দেহজনক Root: Related words: Of questionable authenticity; false Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The wedding reception was convivial; friends who hadn't seen each other for ages drank and ate together before heading to the dance floo Meaning: describing a lively atmosphere বাংলা অর্থ: আড্ডা, উল্লাস বা মদ্যপান পছন্দ এমন (ব্যক্তি) Root: viv means life Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The witness said he signed the contract under duress and argued that the court should cancel the agreement. Meaning: compulsory force or threat বাংলা অর্থ: কয়েদ, সংযমন, করেদ, কারারোধ Root: dure means hard Related words: coercion, compulsion, force, pressure, intimidation, constraint, threats, arm-twisting Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The word "titanic" simply means large or majestic, but because of the word's association with the sunken ship, "titanic" has a negative connotation to many people Meaning: Suggest or imply in addition to the precise, literal meaning বাংলা অর্থ: অর্থপ্রকাশ করা, ভাবার্থ সূচিত করা Root: Related words: Evoke (call forth, esp. of feelings or imagination) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. They need to be disabused of this illusion. 2. So he didn't want to disabuse people of their prejudices? Meaning: Disabuse means to free someone of a belief that is not true., correct a false impression; undeceive,to persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid বাংলা অর্থ: ভুল ধারণা বা মোহ থেকে মুক্ত করা Root: Related words: Mnemonic: When someone disabuses you of a belief, they both "dis" and "abuse" your false ideas


Example: 1. They tried to make the virago a heroine Meaning: an ill-tempered or violent woman বাংলা অর্থ: রায়বাঘিনী, বীররমণী স্ত্রীলোক, মর্দানী স্ত্রীলোক, দুর্দান্ত স্ত্রীলোক Root: Related words: amazon Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Those who imagine America's countryside as a pastoral region are often disappointed to learn that much of rural U.S. is filled with cornfields extending as far as the eye can see. Meaning: relating to the countryside in a pleasant sense বাংলা অর্থ: গ্রাম্য,আঞ্চলিক Root: Related words: arcadian , bucolic, provincial , pastoral , peasant(গ্রাম্য, গ্রামীণ, অসভ্য ছোট কৃষক, গেঁয়া লোক),rustic, Idyllic(সরল শান্ত ত্ত মনোরম, charming in a rustic way ) unsophisticated, rough, rude, savage(অসভ্য, বর্বর), barbarian, bearish, unenlightened (অসভ্য), brusque(অসভ্য,)errant(ভ্রমণরত, অসভ্য), boorish, Philistine(সঙ্কীর্ণমনা ব্যক্তি) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Throughout his life, he was dogged by insecurities that inhibited personal growth. Meaning: to pursue relentlessly; to hound বাংলা অর্থ: জিদি Root: Related words: chase , chase after , give chase , go after , tag , tail , track , trail Abstruse: cow:ভয়ে কাতর করা, ভয়প্রদর্শন করা, অমার্জিত স্ত্রীলোক vs dog: জিদি Mnemonic:


Example: 1. VR programs are used for analgesia and for range of motion exercises in the clinic and at home. Meaning: pain killer , Pain relief; inability to feel pain , anodyne বাংলা অর্থ: বেদনাবোধশূন্য অবস্থা , বেদনার উপশম Root: Related words: Mnemonic: anal (annul ) gas that means gas বেদনার উপশম


Example: 1. When Doc and Grumpy disagreed over whose turn it was to stay late at the mine, they chose Snow White as an arbiter. Meaning: someone selected to judge and settle a dispute. Judge, umpire, person empowered to decide matters at hand বাংলা অর্থ: বিচারক, সালিস, সর্বশক্তিমান ব্যক্তি, কারণিক Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Wherever the bowl haircut teen-idol went, his legions of screaming fans ran through the streets amuck, hoping for a glance at his boyish face. Meaning: in a frenzied or uncontrolled state বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষিপ্তবৎ, উন্মত্ততার সহিত Root: Related words: amok , murderously Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Within a week of starting, the bumbling new waiter was unceremoniously fired. Meaning: lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands বাংলা অর্থ: আনাড়ি, কদাকার, কদর্য Root: Related words: bungling , butterfingered , ham-fisted , ham-handed , handless , heavy-handed , left-handed Mnemonic:


Example: 1. You are conversant with a topic about which you know enough to have an intelligent conversation. Meaning: Knowledgeable about or experienced with বাংলা অর্থ: ভালোরকম পরিচিতি , অভিজ্ঞ , সু-অবহিত , ওয়াকিবহাল Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1.As part of the agreement between the labor union and the company, the workers abrogated their right to strike for four years in exchange for better health insurance. Meaning: to abolish or invalidate by authority বাংলা অর্থ: বিলোপ করা , রদ করা , খারিজ করা, বাতিল করা Root: abrogate-"away + ask"= abolish, nullify (a low or rule.) Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1.Coach Ramsey took his newest player off the field after watching a few painful minutes of her abysmal performance. Meaning: extremely bad, very bad বাংলা অর্থ: অতল Root: Abyss A deep and vast space or cavity; anything profound or infinite অতলস্পর্শী গহ্বর Related words: abyssal , unfathomable Mnemonic: Abe samal দে very bad.


Example: Because the movies were utterly derivative of other popular movies, they did well at the box office. Meaning: unoriginal; obtained from another source - Derived from something else; not original বাংলা অর্থ: অমৌলিক Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Peculation, bankruptcy, and mutiny had done their work at last. Meaning: theft of money or goods in illegal way বাংলা অর্থ: Root: pecu means money, peculate means to steal or take dishonestly (money, especially public funds, or property entrusted to one's care); embezzle Related words: Mnemonic: PECU(pene ka) you will peculate


Example: Self-abnegation is giving up oneself, usually for some higher cause. Meaning: to deny, renounce বাংলা অর্থ: পরিত্যাগ করা Root: ab-negate Related words: Mnemonic: ab-negate you are negating ab from your life.its indeed a sacrifice.


Example: Then, suddenly, he began to evince a great friendship for the Poissons. Meaning: to show clearly, display, signify বাংলা অর্থ: সন্দেহাতীতভাবে প্রমাণ করা Root: Related words: Mnemonic: evince comes from evidence

Execrate ( 600th )

Example: Though the new sitcom did decently in the ratings, Nelson railed against the show, saying that it was nothing more than an execrable pastiche of tired cliche's and canned laughter. Meaning: to curse and hiss at বাংলা অর্থ: অভিশাপ দেওয়া , ঘৃণা করা Root: Related words: accurse , anathematise , anathematize , anathemise , anathemize , comminate, imprecate, Execrate Abstruse: exacerbate: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse. অধিকতর খারাপ vs exasperate: irritate intensely; infuriate., অতিশয় উত্যক্ত করা vs execrate: ঘৃণা করা, অভিশাপ দেত্তয়া, অত্যন্ত ঘৃণা করা Mnemonic:


Example: Walking past the bar, I could hear happy, chortling people and the blast of horns from a jazz band. Meaning: to chuckle, laugh merrily বাংলা অর্থ: খলখল শব্দ Root: Related words: chuckle , laugh softly Abstruse: chattel:অস্থাবর সম্পত্তি vs chatter:অনর্থক কথা বলা, কিচ্মিচ্ শব্দ করা, বৃথা কথা কহা, vs chortle: খলখল শব্দ Mnemonic:

Hauteur(noun) [hoh-tur]

Examples: 1. The Archbishop looked at him with extreme hauteur 2. Meaning: pride; haughtiness,haughty manner or spirit; arrogance, Overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors বাংলা অর্থ: ঔদ্ধত্য, অহংকার Root: Synonym:

Prevail [pri-veyl]

Examples: 1. The prosecutor prevailed in the murder trial; the defendant was found guilty. 2. Before the cricket match, Australia was heavily favored, but India prevailed Meaning: verb: to triumph; to overcome rivals; (with on, upon, or with) to persuade, prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious বাংলা অর্থ: জয়ী হত্তয়া, অধিকতর প্রভাবশালী হত্তয়া, প্রচলিত হত্তয়া Root: Synonym: win, win out/through, triumph, be victorious, carry the day, come out on top, Mnemonics prove that you are superior


Examples: 1. To get close to the senator, the assassin dissembled his intentions, convincing many people that he was a reporter for a well-known newspaper. Meaning: disguise; pretend বাংলা অর্থ: ছদ্মবেশ ধারণ করা Root: Synonym: affect , feign , pretend , sham, Disingenuous (not genuine), Prevaricating (misleading or lying) Mnemonics:

Polyglot [pol-ee-glot]

Examples: 1. a polyglot career woman 2. New York is an exciting polyglot city. Meaning: adj: speaking or using several different languages;containing people from many different and distant places: বাংলা অর্থ: বহুভাষিক, বিভিন্ন এবং দূরবর্তী স্থান থেকে মানুষ ধারণকারী: Root: Synonym: linguist Mnemonics poly(many)+glot(glottis=speech organ)= many speech organ = able to speak many language

Providential [prov-i-den-shuh l]

Examples: 1. a providential opportunity 2. God's providential care for each of us Meaning: adj: happening exactly when needed but without being planned: বাংলা অর্থ: সৌভাগ্যক্রমে লব্ধ Root: Synonym: opportune, advantageous, favorable, auspicious, propitious, heaven-sent, Mnemonics

Stymie or stymy [stahy-mee]

Examples: 1. the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments 2. The engineers found their plans stymied at every turn and were ultimately able to make almost no progress on the project. Meaning: verb: prevent or hinder the progress of. বাংলা অর্থ:কোন উন্নতিতে বাধা দেওয়া Root: Synonym: obstruct, embarrass, stymy, blockade, block, hinder Mnemonics Stymie is a negative word. Stymie means "tie me". i.e., prevent from moving forward.

Harry [har-ee]

Examples: 1.harried reporters are frequently forced to invent what they cannot find out 2.The troops harried the countryside Meaning: to harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance to by or as if by repeated attacks; worry বাংলা অর্থ: নিপীড়ন করা, হয়রানি করা,বিধ্বস্ত করা Root: Synonym: harass, pestered, attack, ravage

Ingenuity(n) [in-juh-noo-i-tee]

Examples: Drug smugglers constantly use their ingenuity to find new ways of getting drugs into a country. Meaning: someone's ability to think of clever new ways of doing something বাংলা অর্থ: অকপটতা, উদ্ভাবনী দক্ষতা Root: Synonym: inventiveness, creativity, imagination, innovation, enterprise, insight, perception, Abstruse: ingenuous=অকপট, ছলাকলাহীন comes from genuine VS ingenious=প্রতিভাসম্পন্নcomes from genius VS Disingenuous:কৃত্রিম VS Ingenuity: অকপটতা, উদ্ভাবনী দক্ষতা vs indigenous: দেশীয় Mnemonics Ingenious Vs ingenuous Genious =genius= intelligent,clever or skilled . Genuous=genuine= artless,innocent,cannot mask or hide


Examples: He complained bitterly of their backwardness and illiberality. Meaning: Narrow-mindedness, bigotry; strictness or lack of generosity বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষুদ্রতা Root: Synonym: Mnemonics liber means free

Peruse [puh ROOZ]

Examples: He opened a newspaper and began to peruse the personal ads; to examine with great care; to read very carefully Meaning: verb: to read through something, especially in order to find the part you are interested in: বাংলা অর্থ: পড়া, পাঠ করা, পরীক্ষা করা Root: Synonym: read, study, scrutinize, inspect, examine, wade through, look through, browse through Mnemonics when you are PER(..pertaining) to USE some device.. u first READ the MANUAL with CARE before testing the device

Propitiate [pruh-pish-ee-eyt]

Examples: In those days people might sacrifice a goat or sheep to propitiate an angry god. Meaning: verb: to placate or appease, Attempt to reconcile with, satisfy, or reduce the animosity of (a person who is angry, offended, etc.) বাংলা অর্থ: প্রসন্ন করান, অনুকূল করান Root: Synonym: Mollify(কোমল করা), Appease(প্রশমিত করা), alleviate(উপশম করা), mitigate(প্রশমিত করা), assuage(প্রশমিত করা), placate(শান্ত করা), propitiate(প্রসন্ন করান), palliate(প্রশমিত করা), emollient(উপশমকারী), allay(কমান), pacify(ঠাণ্ডা করা), extenuate(হ্রাস করা), conciliate (শান্ত করা) Mnemonics 1. PROf+PITI- if you want professor's pity then you would have to appease him/her.

Perpetuate [per-pech-oo-eyt]

Examples: Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and anarchy. Meaning: verb: to cause something to continue: বাংলা অর্থ: চিরস্থায়ী করা, বাঁচাইয়া রাখা, অনন্ত স্থায়িত্ব দেত্তয়া, অবিরাম স্থায়িত্ব দেত্তয়া Root: Synonym: keep alive, keep going, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain, continue, extend, Abstruse: perpetuate: চিরস্থায়ী করা, বাঁচাইয়া রাখা, অনন্ত স্থায়িত্ব দেত্তয়া, অবিরাম স্থায়িত্ব vs perceptual: উপলব্ধি, বেদন, বিভাব প্রতক্ষ্যকরণ Mnemonics PAR PE CHUA (touched feet) - if you touch feet of old ppl they say "may you perpetuate"

Spendthrift [spend-thrift]

Examples: Working for a multinational and being the spendthrift that he is, he doesn't have the money to buy a laptop for himself, at least not a brand new laptop. Meaning: noun: someone who spends a lot of money in a way that wastes it বাংলা অর্থ: অপব্যয়ী, অপচয়ী, অপরিমিতব্যয়ী Root: Synonym: thriftless, Prodigal(অমিতব্যয়ী), Profligate(লক্ষ্মীছাড়া), Spendthrift(অপব্যয়ী লোক, অমিতব্যয়ী লোক), recklessly wasteful, improvident(অবিচক্ষণ, বেহিসাব) Mnemonics

Unfeigned [uhn-feynd]

Examples: a broad smile of unfeigned delight Meaning: adj: genuine; sincere. বাংলা অর্থ: অকৃত্রিম, আন্তরিক, অকপট Root: feigned: কল্পিত, ছদ্ম, ছলনাপূর্ণ, মিথ্যা, ভান-করা Synonym: sincere, genuine, real, true, honest, unaffected, unforced, heartfelt, wholehearted Mnemonics un(not)-feigned(fined): you are left unfined if you are HONEST, and this is a GENUINE fact.

Incendiary(adj) [in-sen-dee-er-ee]

Examples: an incendiary bomb/device Meaning: designed to cause fires বাংলা অর্থ: উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, আগ্নেয়, জ্বালাময়ী Root: Synonym: combustible, flammable, inflammable Mnemonics INSane person who sets his DIARY on fire.


Excessively showy; unrestrained The writer's flamboyant lifestyle was well known.


Greater importance


Showing little regard; scornful He's so dismissive of anybody else's suggestions.

not only X but also Y

This is a two-part expression, introducing the first part before adding on the second, more extreme or surprising part. <Not only did she forget my birthday, but she also didn't even apologise for forgetting it.>


To argue back and forth about a price তর্কাতর্কি করা, দর করা Ex: The customer and the shopkeeper ~+ over the silver plate for more than an hour. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by a phrase with over or about.


To ask for something that is felt to be very important; to beg.


To move back or away from


a badge or distinguishing mark of military rank, office, or membership of an organization; an official emblem.


a bold overstatement or extravagant exaggeration used either for serious or comic effect. অতিশয়োক্তি


a difficult situation, one that is hard to get out of বিপজ্জনক অবস্থা Ex: College basketball stars face the ~ of wanting to graduate but being tempted by high professional salaries.


a force that encourages a particular action or makes it more energetic or effective: Often the impetus for change in education has had to come from outside the school establishment. abstruse: impetuous: her friend was headstrong and impetuous vs impetus: a force that encourages a particular action or makes it more energetic or effective


a group of several different groups or countries that are working together to achieve a certain goal. জোট, সংযুক্তি, মোর্চা সম্মেলন, সংযোগ Ex: Several local churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples formed a ~ to promote understanding among people of different religions.


a large cave of room size or larger

more likely than not / more than likely/ most likely

a level of likelihood of at least slightly more than 50% very probable or likely ( likely means probably) <It's more than likely that this problem will occur again.> more likely than not : most probably <She will more likely than not get the job.> *Abstruse*: more than not থাকলেই ধরে নিতে হবে most More times than not (=most times) More frequently than not (=most frequently) More likely than not (=most likely/probably) More days than not (=most days) More often than not(=most often means most time)

a scared cow

a person who cannot be criticized literal meaning: ভারতের পবিত্র গরু , যেটা নাকি বিতর্কের উর্ধে an idea, custom, or institution held to be above criticism <hey did not dare to challenge the sacred cow of parliamentary democracy.> <The old government program has become a sacred cow.> <Tetris is a sacred cow in the games industry, and only a few major titles have succeeded at iterating on its design>


a practical joke; a trick

I'm from Missouri

a skeptic, one who is not easily convinced <I don't believe a word of what you say. I'm from Missouri—show me the deed.> < We'll, I'm from Missouri, and he'll have to show me.>

little more than

a slightly larger number or amount than <They ate little more than ice cream and hot dogs all day.>


a small group controlling a certain area of business Ex: The world's major oil producers formed a ~ to control the price and supply of petroleum.


a small group of friends who are unfriendly to people outside the group Ex: High-schoolers form ~+ to gain security and acceptance. Usage Tips: ~ indicates a negative feeling toward a group.


a special right or privilege


a stopping, either final or temporary


a thing that can be bought and sold, such as grain, oil, or wood Ex: Tulip bulbs were one of the most valuable ~+ in seventeenth-century Holland. Usage Tips: A thing is called a ~ only in the context of buying or selling it.

school of thought

a way of thinking, দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি a set of ideas or opinions that a group of people share about a matter: A point of view held by a particular group <We have many schools of thought in the intelligence services> <There are two main schools of thought on that topic.> <There are several schools of thought about how the universe began.> <There are two schools of thought on reducing unemployment.>

on par with

about equal to or equivalent to As good as, equal to, <Parts of Glasgow are on a par with the worst areas of London and Liverpool for burglaries.> < This violinist may be an amateur but he's on a par with professional orchestral players.>


absent-mindedness or daydreaming, indulgence in idle daydreaming অবচেতন মনের কাজ । সাধারণত করতে কোন ভাবা লাগে না , তাই অবচেতন মনে অন্য কোন কিছু ভাবতে ভাবতে কাজ করা <my woolgathering was abruptly interrupted by a question from the flight attendant> <His woolgathering was a handicap in school.>


according to tradition; in a traditional way: belief; typically, normally ঐতিহ্যগতভাবে <Quaker meetings are traditionally held in silence.> <Traditionally, the company's main markets have been Britain and the US>


according to what people say, although there is no proof Ex: The chief financial officer of the company ~ took company money for his personal use.

some claim (believe, define, attribute)

acknowledge a valid opposing point <Some claim that Diana is still alive.> <Some claim that computers will, by 2050, achieve human capabilities.>


again and again, many times, frequently, time after time. পুনঃপুনঃ , বারংবার <she told him repeatedly not to do it> <He called repeatedly, begging her to come back.> <We were woken at dawn by a cock crowing repeatedly.> <The rebel forces have been repeatedly attacked by loyalist troops.>


against orthodox opinion (the act of having) an opinion or belief that is the opposite of or against what is the official or popular opinion, or an action that shows that you have no respect for the official opinion: Radical remarks like this amount to heresy for most members of the Republican party. She committed the heresy of playing a Lady Gaga song on a classical music station.

little short of, nothing short of, little less than, nothing less than

almost (or equal to); little (or nothing) less than. literally: অল্প বিস্তর পার্থক্য , প্রায় একই , কোন অংশেই কম নয় <he regarded the cost of living as little short of scandalous> <This was considered a good omen, and little short of miraculous.> <it's little short of madness>


alone, without help <She single-handedly supported the family after her husband's death.>

as it is

already in the present condition : the way it is with the situation that exists now already বর্তমান অবস্থা , যেমন আছে তেমনই <We have enough to do as it is without your latest orders!> <Leave everything exactly/just as it is.> <They hoped to finish the kitchen by Friday, but as it is they'll probably have to come back next week.>


an angular or rounded shape made by folding


an educated guess of how something will develop, especially a disease Ex: The room fell silent when the doctor gave Senator Grebe a grim ~ of months of treatment.


as a substitute or equivalent <I was going to write but called instead> as an alternative to something expressed or implied : as a substitute or replacement; in the place or stead of someone or something: <We ordered tea but were served coffee instead.>


as is reasonable or expected as can be easily understood : for understandable reasons capable of being understood; comprehensible. এটা ঠিক যে , এটা কাঙ্ক্ষিত যে , এটা পরিষ্কার বুঝা যাচ্ছে যে "able to be understood," from understand + -able. Related: Understandably. <The parents, understandably, opted not to bring the newborn to Harry and Meghan's wedding this weekend.> <She was understandably upset when no one returned her call.>

in the arms of Morpheus

asleep literally : Morpheus গ্রিক ঘুমের দেবতা । সুতরাং তার হাতে থাকা মানে , গভীর ঘুমে <He was soon in the arms of Morpheus, and arose in the morning.>

press for

augur in favor of. Think of pushing ppl towards what you want them to do. to work hard to win support for a plan so that it will succeed কোন কিছু সফল করতে সর্বাত্মক চেষ্টা করা <He will press for stricter pollution controls.> <The advocates pressed for greater regulation of child-care providers>


belonging to a low social class: He used to make fun of what he called her "plebeian origins". He retained a plebeian taste in food and drink.


burst out suddenly/talk ardently

less than

by far short of being; not in the least; hardly at all not <The job is less than perfect.>


by means of a natural sense about things that are hard to observe Ex: Many mothers know ~ when something is wrong with their children.

wreak havoc

cause destruction. <Unsurprisingly, a combination of heroin abuse and living on the streets can really wreak havoc on a person's health>


causing to judge prematurely and unfairly Ex: Many consumers are ~+ against commercial goods made in third-world countries.

on the whole

considering everything together; in general or for the most part. মোটামুটি , সামগ্রিকভাবে , মোটের উপর <The weather was quite nice on the whole, except for one really rainy day in the middle of the trip> <On the whole, the performance was bland and uninspired.>


conspicuously bold or colorful লোকদেখানো, জাঁকালো, বর্ণোজ্জ্বল, ঢেউখেলানো শিখার রেখায় শোভিত


containing or consisting of fixed and repeated groups of words or ideas: The text was dull and formulaic.


courage; endurance সাহস


curious or inquiring


decline If a physical or emotional feeling ebbs, it becomes less strong or disappears: He could feel his strength ebbing (away).

pared down (to something)

decrease gradually bit by bit,reduced literally: pared (ছাঁটা, কর্তন করা) <You need to pare down your nails—they're like little daggers! If you pair the boards down on either side, they should fit into the space.>


deliverance from ruin পরিত্রাণ, উদ্ধার, রক্ষা, নিস্তার, মুক্তি, অপবর্গ, ত্রাণ, মোক্ষ, মোচন উদ্ধারণ

for all for all that for all x,y

despite, in spite of (something) , in spite of something just mentioned সত্ত্বেত্ত this sentence pattern means, "Despite X, actually Y - that is, X and Y will be opposites, or one will be good at one will be bad <For all his confident talk, he is actually very unsure of himself.> <She still loves him, for all his faults.> <For all her qualifications, she's still useless at the job.> <For all his hard work, Michael was passed over (To skip, ignore, or disregard) for a promotion.> <She sacrificed many nights to study for the exam, but for all that she still failed.>


devoted to representing subjective emotions and experiences instead of objective or external reality

put off

discourage, upset , postpone (স্থগিত করা, মুলতবি করা, বিলম্ব করা, মুলতবি রাখা, মুলতুবি রাখা) সরাইয়া রাখা, খুলিয়া ফেলা, ভোগ ত্যাগ করা, বরখাস্ত করা, পথচু্যত করান, মুলতবি করা to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time or date: <The meeting has been put off for a week.> <I can't put off going to the dentist any longer.> <I've put off talking to him about this for far too long.> <Because Brian was a poor correspondent, he putt off answering his letters.>

talk over

discuss a problem or a plan <The committee is talking over the plans for the homecoming dance and banquet(ভোজ)>


doing as much for another as he or she has done for you; the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit ক্রিয়া-প্রতিক্রিয়া Ex: Dan was giving a lot of attention to Kelly, but he felt no ~ in their relationship.


drug that prevents pain during surgery

do away with

eliminate, to get rid of দূর করা , মুক্ত করা , পরিত্রাণ পাওয়া <the desire to do away with racism> < Because of the increasing number of problems created after the football games, the director has decided to do away with all sports activities.>

all the more so

even more than before. literal meaning: so sweet means too sweet. আগে তো more (বেশি) ছিল ই এখন so অ্যাড করে আরো (so) more (বেশি ) হইসে <The play was impressive—(all) the more so because the students had written it themselves.> <Several publishers rejected her book, but that just made her all the more determined.> If you want to add emphasis, but need an entire phrase to do so, you can use "all the more so". used to say why something (such as an attribute or quality) applies to a greater degree or extent <Quentin's sudden termination was shocking; all the more so because he helped build the company as many know it today.>

on the dot

exactly on time precisely, exactly, sharp literally: বিন্দুর উপরে , বিন্দু পরিমাণ সূক্ষ্মতা । <True to his word, the detective arrived at 1:38 PM on the dot.> <If we don't leave the house at 6 o'clock on the dot, we'll miss our flight.>


extremely angry, enraged


face to face conflict

fall short of

fail to reach a target Prove inadequate or insufficient. যথেষ্ট না হওযা to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment: <August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations.> <His skills fell short of the required standard.>


falsely making or materially altering a writing to defraud another an illegal copy of a document, painting, etc. or the crime of making such illegal copies: জালিয়াতি These banknotes are forgeries. He increased his income by forgery.


fill (something) up again. he replenished Justin's glass with mineral water. Food stocks were replenished by/with imports from abroad.


foretelling the future by finding patterns in physical objects the skill or act of saying or discovering what will happen in the future Ex: In Turkey, women offer ~+ by reading the dregs from a coffee cup.

for good

forever, permanently; <I'm giving up smoking for good.>

(to be) at large

free; not confined; not in jail fully; in complete detail in general; taken altogether If someone dangerous is at large, that person is free when they should not be <Twelve prisoners are at large following a series of escapes.> <He blames the loss of the draft for the population at large not caring about what happens to the army.>


from this time:from now <The project will be completed at the end of the decade, two years hence.> that is the reason or explanation for <His mother was Italian, hence his name - Luca.> for this reason; therefore: <A better working environment improves people's performance, and hence productivity.> <The eggs were very fresh and hence satisfactory.>


general agreement


give, transfer, or deliver, as if by signing over; hand over; commit


giving warning


gloomy (usually of a person's appearance or manner) unfriendly, unhappy, and very serious: The normally dour Mr James was photographed smiling and joking with friends.


going unchecked, widespread


great depth of intellect, feeling, or meaning

pioneer towns

had almost no access to the outside world or public institutions" were characterized bt little access to the outside world and few public institutions নিষিদ্ধ শহর <Pioneer towns were characterized by little access to the outside world and few public institutions.> <Pioneer towns had almost no access to the outside world or public insti-tutions.>


hasty, not thorough Space permits only a cursory overview of these slighter works.


hate very much Ex: Tom grew to ~ his greedy and unfriendly boss.

an ax to grind

have a private or selfish reason for doing something having a selfish motive in the background literal meaning: an ax (কুঠার) to grind (a crushing or grating sound or motion.) by ax grind করা যায় এটাই তার কাজ , অন্য কিছু করে না <He has no political axe to grind, he is just concerned about the state of affairs here.> <Environmentalists have no political axe to grind - they just want to save the planet.>

have (get/gain) the upper hand (over somebody)

have or gain advantage or control over someone or something. to get into a stronger position than someone else so that you are controlling a situation: literal meaning: উপরে হাত , যেমন গরিবের উপর বড়োলোকের হাত , গরিব কে বড়োলোক কন্ট্রোল করে <Government troops are gradually gaining the upper hand over the rebels.> <he usually has the upper hand because he's older.>

to be in fine fettle

healthy or strong, or in good condition literally: fettle means খোসমেজাজে <You seem in fine fettle.> <"How was Jane?" "Oh, she was in fine fettle."> <And Lagerfeld himself seemed in pretty fine fettle.>

laden with

heavily loaded or weighed down laden: ভারাক্রান্ত, বোঝাই-করা <The truck was laden with gravel.> <a tree laden with apples>


help for a problem; solution a way of dealing with a difficult or unpleasant situation: If the company won't pay me, the only recourse left to me is to sue them.


hesitate; shrink back (in fear of something unpleasant); She did not flinch in the face of danger.


hold back; keep from giving; restrain; curb to refuse to give something, or to keep back something: Has the government been withholding crucial information? The governor said he would withhold judgment until he receives the committee's report.

of two minds

holding conflicting opinions about someone or something; being undecided about someone or something <I'm really of two minds about higher education. On one hand, a degree is required for most jobs, but, on the other, it's far too expensive for the value.>


honest and respectable behaving in a good and moral way: She is regarded as an upstanding citizen in the local community.

part and parcel

if something is part and parcel of an experience, it is a necessary part of that experience which cannot be avoided an essential or integral component অপরিহার্য অংশ <stress was part and parcel of the job>

in the event that

if, if it should happen that < In the event that you win the prize , you will be notified by mail.>


if. expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives whether , দুইয়ের মধ্যে কোনট, কিনা <he seemed undecided whether to go or stay> <I'm going whether you like it or not>


immeasurably small extremely small The amounts of radioactivity present were infinitesimal Ex: The number of contaminants in the water was ~, so the water was safe to drink.


implication, consequence

in brief

in a few words : briefly <today's news in brief> <he is, in brief, the embodiment of evil>

in a jiffy

in a moment/ a very short time jiffy means moment If you say that you will do something in a jiffy, you mean that you will do it very quickly or very soon. <I'll be there in a jiffy.> <I'll be with you in a jiffy.> <I've just got to fetch some books from upstairs - I won't be a jiffy (= I'll be very quick).>

to a great extent

in a substantial way; largely. literally : extent means সীমা, ব্যাপ্তি, পরিমাণ, বিস্তার, পরিসর, প্রসার , so great extent means great পরিমাণ <we are all to a great extent the product of our culture> most of the time <His comments are true to a great extent.> mainly; largely. To a great extent, <Mary is the cause of her own problems. I've finished my work to a great extent. There is nothing important left to do.>


in a way that is contrary to what is expected or intended paradoxically in a way that is different or opposite from the result you would expect: আপাতদৃষ্টে একটা ঘটনা বা কাজ হওয়ার কথা হলেও ওইটা না হয়ে তার বিপরীত টা ঘটা <Ironically, his ability as an inventor made him a poor administrator, and he had one business failure after another.> <He loves so much that, ironically, he's a constant source of pain to anyone unfortunate enough to love him.>

not to say not to mention not to speak of

in addition to, as well as; not counting, not including, to say nothing of, aside from, besides and possibly even (এবং সম্ভবত এমনকি) না বললেই নয় , বলার না, আরও, বলার অপেক্ষা রাখে না used to introduce a more forceful or critical way of describing someone or something <He's one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention handsome, men I know.> <It would be unwise, not to say stupid, to leave your first job after only six months.> <He was impolite, not to say downright rude> used when you want to emphasize something that you are adding to a list

in accordance with

in agreement with a rule or request in a way that agrees with or follows (something, such as a rule or request) সঙ্গতি রেখে , মিল রেখে <In accordance with your request, I am sending a copy of my book> <His funeral will be private, in accordance with his wishes> <The soldiers said they acted in accordance with his orders.>


in an opposite way, বিপরীতক্রমে conversely, inversely, the other way round, contrariwise, oppositely, in reverse, reciprocally <Poor health is accepted as an attribute of normal ageing. Conversely, youth is depicted as a time of vitality and good health.> <The staff of any organisation are its best ambassadors or conversely may be its worst.> from a different and opposite way of looking at this: <He was regarded either as too imitative to be considered original or, conversely, as being overly original.>


in general rather than in particular, or including all the people or things in a particular group or situation মোটের উপর <He made a few mistakes but did well overall.> <The overall situation is good.> <The second act was a little long, but overall it was a good performance.>

not least / last but not least

in particularly , especially , notably literally: not ন্যূনতম (least) , মানে প্রধানত, লক্ষণীয় mainly , particularly <We had many things to consider, not least the safety of our children.> < George is an excellent manager, not least because he is genuinely willing to listen.> <Not least among our difficulties is our lack of funding.> it means our main and prime difficulty is funding last but not least: important, despite being mentioned at the end: শেষে হওয়া সত্ত্বেও কিন্তু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ I would like to thank my publisher, my editor, and last but not least, my husband for his encouragement during the writing of my book.


in preference to, or as a preference: somewhat বরং <It's a rather cold day.> <She wants us to meet her here rather than go to her apartment.> < I'd rather wear the black shoes.> <'she'd rather die than cause a scene'>

in respect of (or with respect to), in some/many respects

in some/many respects: with regard to some or many details. কিছু জিনিসের সাপেক্ষে , অনেক জিনিসের সাপেক্ষে <In some respects, Anne's comments are similar to yours. > <The three proposals are quite different in many respects.> in respect of (or with respect to): as regards; with reference to. সাপেক্ষে <the two groups were similar with respect to age, sex, and diagnoses">

now / now and then

inasmuch as; since: <Now you're here, why not stay for dinner?> now that, inasmuch as; since: <Now that she is rich and famous, she is constantly being besieged by appeals for aid.> sometimes, but not regularly: <We still get together for lunch every now and then.>

colored by

influenced or prejudiced (পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট) by literal meaning: হলুদ চশমা পরে রাখলে সব হলুদ ই মনে হবে , পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট বা প্রভাবিত <We are all colored by the societies of people we associate with.> <The lives of most of us have been colored by politics >

crocodile tears

insincere tears, tears that you cry when you are not really sad or sorry tears or expressions of sorrow that are insincere. <We do not need to weep crocodile tears: we need action.> <they weep crocodile tears for the poor and disadvantaged, but are basically happy with things as they are>

in place of

instead of < Sam is going to the meeting in place of his his brother, who has to work >


inventing a solution to an unexpected problem অচিন্তিত রচনা, আশুরচনা Ex: Boy Scouts take pride in their ~ when faced with trouble during a camping trip.

surprisingly unsurprisingly

it is surprising that, unexpectedly or in a way that is unusual, surprisingly: unexpectedly. আশ্চর্যজনক, বিস্ময়কর, অনাকাঙ্খিত unsurprisingly / not surprisingly: expected, স্বভাবতই , নরমালি , কাঙ্ক্ষিত <The restaurant turned out to be surprisingly cheap> <Not surprisingly, the jury found them guilty.> <My husband, surprisingly enough, didn't seem to mind.> <Not surprisingly, they missed the playoffs all three seasons.> <Even more surprisingly, the film was little-touched by censors.> <Unsurprisingly, women took exception to being treated like farm animals.>

no better than little better than

just (or almost) the same as (something bad); merely. having no more qualities or advantages than <viceroys who were often no better than bandits> <People who don't pay for a bus ticket are no better than common criminals.>

under the wire

just in time before a deadline If someone does something under the wire, they do it at the last possible moment একবারে শেষ সময়ে <They got in under the wire just before the entry requirements for the training program changed.> <A few last-minute applications for the job slipped in under the wire.>

in want of

lack of , needed Lacking and needing something. <After spending three days camping in the mountains, we were all of us in want of a long hot shower.> <The house is in want of repairs.>

take off

leave the ground to fly < Our flight to Toronto took off on schedule>

not so much A as B

less like (something) than (something else). B > A literally: B এর মত A অত নয় <Sailing is not so much a science as an art> <I don't feel angry so much as sad.> <The scholar was no so much insightful as he was patient: he would peruse texts far longer than any of his peers.> <They're not so much lovers as friends..>

shy of

less than; short of. before. <"the shares are 29p shy of their flotation price"> <"he left school just shy of his fourteenth birthday>

reside in

live, dwell residence comes from root reside If a power or quality resides in someone or something, the person or thing has that power or quality: <The power to sack employees resides in the Board of Directors.> <people who work in the city actually reside in neighbouring towns>


logically connected


low in position and importance, or not respected: He took a lowly job in an insurance firm. His first job in the hotel was as a lowly bellboy.

the sum and substance

main idea, gist, or point <the sum and substance of an argument.> The central or most important idea, aspect, or part of something; the general or basic meaning of something said or written the essence or summary of something. <We don't have much time for this board meeting, so let's just get to the sum and substance straight away.>

without rhyme or reason

making no sense If something happens or is done without rhyme or reason, there seems to be no logical reason for it to happen or be done. sense, logic, or meaning <this proposal has no rhyme or reason> <The film is frantic and jumps from one idea to another without rhyme or reason.>

get by

manage to survive / live কোনরকমে প্রয়োজন মেটানো, বাধা বিপত্তি সত্বেও চালিয়ে নেওয়া <Despite the high cost of living, we will get by on my salary.> <How can he get by on so little money?> <We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.>


marked by a decay in morals, values, and artistic standards সৃজনীশক্তিচু্যত, অধ:পতিত, অবক্ষীয়মান


marked by anger; aroused by justice রুষ্ট, অকৃতজ্ঞতা, অযোগ্যতা, ঘৃণামিশ্রিত, রোষাবিষ্ট, ধিক্কারপূর্ণ

Not X, let alone Y / let alone

means Not X and definitely not this even more extreme thing, Y. দূরের কথা, প্রশ্নই আসে না to say nothing of , not to mention —used especially to emphasize the improbability of a contrasting example <he would never walk again let alone play golf > <how many ever see an Ambassador or Minister, let alone a President> <You couldn't trust her to look after your dog, let alone your child.> <I don't have enough money for a new car, let alone a luxury sedan.> <I didn't invite John, let alone the rest of his family.>


medicine used to help a person settle into a state of calmness


mental calmness


modest; not showy simple and/or sincere; not pretentious: The food is delicious and unpretentious.


mood মেজাজ the ability to be amused by something seen, heard, or thought about, sometimes causing you to smile or laugh, or the quality in something that causes such amusement: He has a wonderful sense of humor. Fortunately, she saw the humor in the situation.


more complicated/ elaborated than necessary; pompous সুবিশাল, আড়ম্বরপূর্ণ, বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ, চমত্কার, সুবিরাট, সুবিপুল, মহান, জাঁকাল


most important, because of including or affecting all other areas: a grand overarching strategy The overarching theme of the election campaign was tax cuts.


moving pointlessly from one subject to another; rambling অপ্রাসঙ্গিক, বুদ্ধিগত, তর্কদ্বারা লভ্য, এলোমেলো শৃঙ্খলাহীন


naturally characteristic; always found within something, because it's a basic part of that thing Ex: No job can be interesting all the time. Boredom is ~ in any kind of work. existing as a natural or basic part of something: There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every sport. I have an inherent distrust of lawyers. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by in.


no objective or easily verified This is especially true when you travel, since every hotspot you pass through is new and unverifiable.

only a few

nominally, only a little, in name only <Although many qualify, only a few homeless people get Social Security benefits.>


non-disturbing, unemotional, uninteresting স্নিগ্ধ, নম্র, ভদ্র, মৃদু, মসৃণ, শান্ত, শান্তকারী, অমায়িক আচরণে নম্র, সহজপাচ্য


not a straight line having a row of sharp points along the edge: You really need a knife with a serrated edge for cutting bread.

far from

not at all, tending to the opposite of what is expected. not at all good literal meaning: far from means far far from the standard/ good , সম্পূর্ণ ভিন্ন, মোটেই নহে, আদৌ না <The conditions were far from ideal> <conditions were far from satisfactory> <We were far from disappointed when they told us they couldn't come to visit.>


চাটুকার Their reason was simple : the proposed vaccination law granted too much discretionary power to the president and his minions.

and yet

A stronger way to saying yet Yet as a conjunction means 'but' or 'nevertheless'. We use it to show contrast. It often occurs after and <So many questions and yet so few answers.> <It felt strange and yet so wonderful to ski in the summer!> <The company was lauded for it's commitment to the environment. *And yet* it's employees regular flying in private jets, creating carbon footprint.>


(adj.) poor, scant, unsatisfactory; thin, slight very small in amount or number; only as much or not as much as is needed or thought to be suitable: <The food at my grandmother's house was meager and barely edible.>


(v.) to wipe out; to keep oneself from being noticed মুছিয়া ফেলা to remove something intentionally: The whole country had tried to efface the memory of the old dictatorship.


*Examples*: 1. Bamboo does not provide a lot of energy for giant pandas. _________they move rather slowly. 2. He was injured and therefore unable to play. 3. *Direction*: same, cause and effect , big picture language - a generalization or conclusion follows *Meaning*: so, for that reason; consequently. *বাংলা অর্থ*: অতএব, সুতরাং, কাজেই, ঐ কারণে, যাহার ফলে *Similar words*: consequently, so, as a result, hence, thus, accordingly, for that reason, ergo,


*Examples*: 1. Giant pandas are mostly vegetarians. _________, they do occasionally consume rats or small animals. 2. People tend to put on weight in middle age. However, gaining weight is not inevitable 3. He was hesitant to take the risk, however small *Direction*: opposite, compare and contrast change in direction - contrast idea *Meaning*: but *বাংলা অর্থ*: , যাহোক, যাহাই হউক না কেন *Similar words*: nevertheless, nonetheless, but, still, yet, though, although, even so, for all that

granted granted that

*Examples*: 1. Granted that the story's true, there's not a lot you can do about it. 2. Granted, many horror films don't make sense until the ending, but they at least provide a few scares along the way 3. That is one reason why they have been so amazingly popular, granted that they are not particularly easy reading. *Direction*: change in direction *Meaning*: used to admit that something is true, before saying something else about it, concedes a point , Admittedly; it is true (used to introduce a factor which is opposed to the main line of argument but is not regarded as so strong as to invalidate it) granted that (even assuming that) *বাংলা অর্থ*: এটা ধরা হয় যে , এটা সত্য বলে মানা হয় যে *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. He then did an incredible impression of one of the show's most famous lines. 2. Brigaid partners with a school district and recruits and trains chefs, who then become full-time employees of the schools. 3. *Direction*: *Meaning*: then relating to time (than means compare ) *বাংলা অর্থ*: তারপর, তখন, পরে, অতএব, পর, আবার *Similar words*:

that is (or that is to say)

*Examples*: 1. He was a long-haired kid with freckles. Last time I saw him, that is. 2. I believe his account of the story, that is to say, I have no reason to doubt it. 3. *Direction*: same, *Meaning*: detail - restate something already said, by way of explanation, clarification, or an example *বাংলা অর্থ*: এটাই *Similar words*: namely, that is to say, that is, to wit, to be specific, specifically, in other words, to put it another way in other words, to put it another way, to rephrase it

in fact

*Examples*: 1. He was in fact near death by the time they reached him. 2. Your fears have no basis in fact. 3. The holiday was really disappointing - a complete disaster, in fact. It just rained all the time. *Direction*: change in direction - indicates an unexpected result or phenomenon *Meaning*: actually: *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. Interestingly enough, he never actually said that he was innocent. 2. She writes interestingly about all manner of things" 3. It's interestingly written into, I think, the American challenge. *Direction*: *Meaning*: in an interesting manner, as a matter of interest *বাংলা অর্থ*: মজার ব্যাপার *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. Julie has meanwhile found herself another dancing partner 2. Here we are, talking about peace and brotherhood and all that and in the meanwhile , we're creating secret weapons! 3. *Direction*: *Meaning*: at the same time but in another place *বাংলা অর্থ*: ইতিমধ্যে *Similar words*: for now, for the moment, for the present, for the time being, meantime, in the meantime


*Examples*: 1. Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom. 2. We put up a fence, and other neighbors did likewise. 3. The banks advise against sending cash. Likewise, sending British cheques may cause problems *Direction*: compare and contrast, detail - adds to something already said *Meaning*: In the same way; also. In a like manner; similarly. provides a new example or detail that goes along with *বাংলা অর্থ*: একইভাবে *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. Nothing noteworthy happened that evening. 2. Her art is noteworthy for its great quality and beau 3. He gave several noteworthy performances during his short career. *Direction*: *Meaning*: deserving attention because of being important or interesting, interesting, significant, or unusual. *বাংলা অর্থ*: লক্ষণীয়, দ্রষ্টব্য, উল্লেখযোগ্য *Similar words*: notable, interesting, significant, important, remarkable, impressive, striking, outstanding, memorable, unique, special, newsworthy, unusual, extraordinary, singular, rare, unprecedented, groundbreaking, bloggable

so that

*Examples*: 1. Rooms are spread far enough apart so that guests do not feel on top of each other. 2. Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. 3. *Direction*: same, cause and effect *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: যাতে, তাই যে *Similar words*: wherein, so that, so as to, where, when, in order that


*Examples*: 1. She has suffered from depression since she was sixteen 2. Delegates were delighted, since better protection of rhino reserves will help protect other rare species 3. My focus since then has been on removing this sort of conditioning from everyone. *Direction*: cause and effect *Meaning*: for the reason that: because. beginning of time *বাংলা অর্থ*: থেকে, যেহেতু, কেননা *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. Students think they can use their mobile phones ____________ they want; however, that is not the case. 2. At whatever time; on whatever occasion (emphasizing a lack of restriction). 3. You can ask for help whenever you need it *Direction*: *Meaning*: at whatever time; on whatever occasion (emphasizing a lack of restriction). *বাংলা অর্থ*: যখনই, যে কোন সময়ে *Similar words*: whene'er, whenever, whensoever


*Examples*: 1. We __________ eat lunch at noon, but on Wednesdays the schedule is a bit different. *Direction*: *Meaning*: normally, typically *বাংলা অর্থ*: সাধারণত, সচরাচর, সাধারণভাবে, প্রচলিতভাবে, প্রথাগতভাবে. প্রায়ই, স্বাভাবিকভাবে *Similar words*:

the same

*Examples*: 1. We treat all our children the same. 2.No two fingerprints are ever the same. 3. I'll resign and encourage everyone else to do the same *Direction*: detail - provides a new example or detail that goes along with the previous *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. You may keep your materials _________June 6 and then you must turn them in to the technology department. 2. The kidnappers have given us until October 11th to deliver the documents 3. You pay by the hour so you can play as many frames as you like until your time runs out. *Direction*: *Meaning*: up to (the point in time or the event mentioned). *বাংলা অর্থ*: পর্যন্ত, যতক্ষণ পর্যন্ত না, নাগাদ *Similar words*: (up) till, to, up to, through (to), up until, as late as; before, prior to, previous to, up to

Jovial (joh-vee-uh l)

Example 1. The political candidate and his supporters were jovial once it was clear that she had won. Meaning Adjective: full of or showing high-spirited merriment, i.e. happiness Root বাংলা অর্থ প্রফুল্ল, আমুদে, আনন্দপূর্ণ, হাসিখুশি, প্রফুল্লিত Related words gay , jocund , jolly , merry , mirthful Mnemonic jovial=jo(joy)+vi(by)+al(all), so jovial means happiness, joyful, merriment


Example: The industry trade show is our chance to parley with our competitors. We do go out for drinks together, but really, we're just hoping someone slips up and tells us about their new product line. Meaning: Discussion, negotiation, esp. between enemies (noun); to have such a discussion (verb) বাংলা অর্থ: বাক্যালাপ, কথাবার্তা, শর্তাদি, আলোচনা, আলোচনাসভা, কথোপকথন Root: Related words: Armistice (truce, mutual agreement to temporarily stop fighting) Mnemonic: parley sounds like parliament... where CONFERENCE is held between opponents


Example: 1. After Sharon brought the car home an hour after her curfew, she equivocated when her parents pointedly asked her where she had been. Meaning: lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth, to speak vaguely, usually with the intention to mislead or deceive বাংলা অর্থ: সত্য গোপন করা, দ্ব্যর্থবাক্য ব্যবহার করা Root: Related words: beat around the bush , quibble(টাল, বাক্চাতুরী, শ্লেষ আসল কথাটি এড়াবার জন্য কথার মারপ্যাঁচ). equivocate(বাক্চাতুরী করা), circumlocution(বাগাড়ম্বর), periphrastic(পরোক্ষ উক্তিমূলক ), waffle(বকবকনি, বকবক করা) Prevaricate(কৌশল সত্যকে এড়াইয়া যাওয়া) Mnemonic: Attitude like Advocates. They try to hide the truth or mislead the case.


Example: 1. By the time we reach 60-years old, most of our habits are so entrenched that it is difficult for us to change. 2. The government's main task was to prevent inflation from entrenching itself. Meaning: fixed firmly or securely, to firmly establish something, especially an idea or a problem, so that it cannot be changed: বাংলা অর্থ: প্রোথিত Root: Related words: ingrained, deep-seated, deep-rooted, entrenched, congenital, ineradicable, incurable, inveterate Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Even some of the most sacred sporting events are not immune(প্রাপ্ত , নিরাপদ , অনাক্রমা) to venality, as many of the officials have received substantial bribes to make biased calls. Meaning: the condition of being susceptible to bribes or corruption বাংলা অর্থ: ঘুস প্রদান, ঘুস প্রহণ, ঘুষ প্রদান Root: Related words: Abstruse: Venial=মার্জনীয়,তুচ্ছ VS Venal=অর্থের বিনিময়ে অন্যায়ভাবে কাজ করিতে ইচ্ছুক,venality Mnemonic: venal: ক্রয়সাধ্য


Example: 1. Even the most percipient editor will make an occasional error when proofreading. Meaning: highly perceptive বাংলা অর্থ: বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী , প্রত্যক্ষ করে এমন, উপলব্ধিজনক, উপস্থিতবুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন, তীক্ষ্নবুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন, বুদ্ধিমান Root: Related words: Abstruse: Percipient=বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী VS incipient=in an initial stage, প্রাথমিক পর্বের বা স্তরের VS Precipice= খাড়া ও উঁচু গিরিচূড়া Mnemonic: capable of perceiving

Contrite / Contrition

Example: 1. He would have punished his son more severely for breaking his car's windshield in a "rock throwing contest," but the boy seemed truly contrite. Meaning: to be remorseful বাংলা অর্থ: অনুতপ্ত Root: Interestingly, contrite comes from a Latin root meaning "to grind." Perhaps hating to admit we're wrong is truly universal. Related words: contrite(অনুতপ্ত), remorseful(অনুতপ্ত), regret repentant(অনুতপ্ত), penitent(অনুতপ্ত), compunction(অনুশোচনা) Compunctious Contrition(অনুতপ্ত), Rue(অনুতাপ করা ) repent(অনুশোচনা করা) Abstruse: contrite: অনুতপ্ত Contrition,to be remorseful, vs contrive: কার্যসাধন করা, মতলব আঁটা vs morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), Mnemonic


Example: 1. Helen is unstinting with her time, often spending hours at the house of a sick friend. Meaning: very generous বাংলা অর্থ: Root: stinting: কৃপণতা করা, থামান, অভাবে রাখা Related words: magnanimity, munificent(মুক্তহস্ত), lavish(অপব্যয় করা), largess(বদান্যতা), unsparing(প্রচুর), unstinting , generous Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Jim, with his typical panache, came to the wedding reception with a top hat, a cane, and a long cape covered in sequins. Meaning: distinctive and stylish elegance বাংলা অর্থ: শিরস্ত্রাণের উঅপরে ব্যবহৃত পাখির পালক Root: Related words: dash , elan , flair , style, Flair, style, swagger; a flamboyant or grand way of acting Abstruse: panacea= সর্বরোগনিবারক ঔষধ, vs Panache= of style or manner Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The costume encumbered all my movements and caused me to sweat profusely. Meaning: hold back বাংলা অর্থ: গতি ব্যাহত করা Root: Related words: constrain , cumber , restrain Abstruse: encomium: প্রশংসা করা, গুণানুবাদ করা,গুণকীর্তন করা. vs encumber: ব্যাহত করা, hamper, hinder Mnemonic:


Example: He remembered that she was overwrought, and made no answer to her complaint. Meaning: Overly nervous, agitated, or excited; too ornate, elaborate, or fussy; overdone বাংলা অর্থ: অতিমাত্রায় উত্তেজিত Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: I concede you win Meaning: Give in, admit, yield; acknowledge reluctantly; grant or give up (such as giving up land after losing a war) বাংলা অর্থ: মেনে নেওয়া , স্বীকার করা , মঞ্জুর করা , খেলা বা প্রতিযোগিতায় হার মেনে নেওয়া Root: cede means yeild (go or yield (সমর্পণ করা, হার মানা, প্রদান করা, দিতে স্বীকার করা, মানিয়া লত্তয়া, বাহির করা) ) Related words: cede , grant , yield Mnemonic:

Squalid [skwol-id]

Examples: 1. Many prisons, even today, are overcrowded and squalid places. 2. It's the usual squalid rock star tale of drugs, sex, and overdoses. Meaning: adj: 1. (of places) extremely dirty and unpleasant, often because of lack of money: 2. (of situations and activities) not moral; involving sex and drugs, etc. in an unpleasant way বাংলা অর্থ: দারিদ্র্যপীড়িত, নোংরা Root: Synonym: filthy; morally repulsive, Disgusting, filthy, foul, extremely neglected Abstruse: Squalid: দারিদ্র্যপীড়িত, নোংরা vs Squander: অপচয় vs Squelch:পচ পচ শব্দ করে হাটা; দমন করা Mnemonics 1. associate it with 'lid'..widout a lid the contents of the container wud get dirty n filthy 2. Terrorist's squad lid is very dirty and immoral

Hoary(adj) [hawr-ee]

Examples: 1. Most workout gurus are young, fit people, whereas most yoga gurus are hoary men with long white beards. 2. hoary myths. 3. Please don't tell that hoary joke at dinner again tonight. Meaning: grayish white, ancient or venerable, tedious from familiarity; stale(বাসী, মামুলি, কড়্কড়্ বাসি, নূতনত্বহীন, পানসে): বাংলা অর্থ: শুক্ল, ধূসরাভ, পলিত, প্রাচীন Root: Synonym: grayish-white, gray, white, snowy, silver, silvery, rusty, frosty Mnemonics since old, obviously old with white hair; white with age

Temerity [tuh MER uh tee]

Examples: 1. No child has the temerity to go in the rundown house at the end of the street and see if it is haunted. 2. Our waiter at the restaurant had the temerity to tell me he thought my table manners were atrocious. Meaning: noun: a willingness to do or say something that shocks or upsets other people, boldness; recklessness; audacity বাংলা অর্থ: দুঃসাহস, ঔদ্ধত্য, গোঁয়ারতমি Root: Synonym: audacity, nerve, effrontery, impudence, impertinence, cheek, gall, presumption, Abstruse: Temerity: দুঃসাহস, ঔদ্ধত্য, গোঁয়ারতমি vs Timidity: ভীরু ভাব, ভীরুস্বভাব Mnemonics Temerity (boldness) is the opposite of timidity, which means fear or shyness.

Specious [spee-shuh s]

Examples: 1. "All squares are rectangles, all candy bars are rectangles, therefore all squares are candy bars" is clearly a specious argument. 2. The novel thus exposes the speciousness of social discourses that worked to maintain the theory. Meaning: adj: seeming to be right or true, but really wrong or false বাংলা অর্থ: সঠিক বা সত্য বলে মনে হচ্ছে, কিন্তু আসলেই ভুল বা মিথ্যা Root: Synonym: fallacious, misleading, deceptive, false, unsound, spurious, casuistic, sophistic Mnemonics 1. It sounds like 'suspicious'.


Examples: the tribulations of being a megastar Meaning: noun: a cause of great trouble or suffering. বাংলা অর্থ: দুর্দশা ও সমস্যার কারণ Root: Synonym: suffering, distress, trouble, misery, wretchedness, unhappiness, sadness, Mnemonics Ablution (ওজু ) না করলে তো Tribulation (সমস্যা ) হবেই


He was politically astute, and was soon appointed to a number of powerful committees in Congress. বিচক্ষণ (adj.) shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom

but for

If it were not for someone or something, without , except ব্যতীত , ব্যতিক্রম <But for the railing, I'd have fallen down the stairs.> <But for the children, Mrs. Smith would have left her husband years ago.> <But for the excessive humidity, it might have been a pleasant day.> <But for her eloquence, she had little aptitude as an attorney.> <His contribution to cinema has been mostly forgotten but for his Oscar-winning role.>

as much as

It has double meaning when used with comma and two sentence then it means although , otherwise it means and. যদি এটা কমা দিয়ে থাকে তাহলে এটার অর্থ although কমা ছাড়া থাকলে and used to say that two things are equal in amount or degree , and even though : despite the fact that <He likes hockey as much as he likes basketball.> <As much as I respect him, I still have to disagree with him on this point.> <As much as I'd like to attend ur wedding, I just cant afford a trip to Taiwan> <As much as I hate to, I must stay home tonight, >

out of place

Not in the usual or proper place. Not appropriate for or fitting with the current surroundings or environment. < We need to put everything back perfectly—Mom and Dad will know if even one book is out of place. The detective noticed that the picture frame was out of place.> < I'm afraid your type of humor might be a little out of place in such a formal venue. >

the case at issue / at issue

The matter at hand , the thing we are discussing. at issue means under discussion; in dispute. <Usually, by raising prices results in a drop in demand, but in the case at issue, the price jump convinced consumers that the product was a luxury good, thus purring demand from aspirational consumers>

to get the sack

To be fired from a job or task. জব থেকে সেক করা < I tried so hard to do a good job in Mrs. Smith's garden, but I got the sack anyway.>

to get up on the wrong side of the bed

To be in a bad mood and to be easily annoyed all day to wake up in a bad mood literally: সকালে যে কার মুখ দেখে উঠলাম , সারাটা দিন খারাপ যাচ্ছে। <Dad got up on the wrong side of bed, and he's been grumpy all day.> <Geez, the boss has been in a really bad mood all day. I guess he must have gotten up on the wrong side of bed!>

to live in a fool's paradise

To be in a happy state for foolish, unfounded, or delusional reasons. বোকার স্বর্গে বাস করা , বোকার মত ভাবা <We were living in a fool's paradise thinking that the financial successes of the early 2000s would last forever.> < Joan lived in a fool's paradise, looking forward to a promotion she would never get.>

make (someone or something) out to be (something)

To characterize something in a certain way, often one that is not accurate to say, usually falsely, that something is true কোন মিথ্যা কিছু বলে জাহির করা , প্রচার করা । to portray something as something else <He made himself out to be a millionaire.> <The British weather is not always as bad as it is made out to be.> <He made out (that) he had been living in Paris all year.> <she makes herself out to be smarter than she really is.>

swap horses in midstream change horses in midstream

To choose a new leader during a period of upheaval (a violent or sudden change) or uncertainty. alter your course of action, plan, or leader in the middle of a project literal meaning: কোন কাজের মাঝে ম্যানেজার কিংবা প্লান প্রোগ্রাম পরিবর্তন করা । <The prime minister has been at the helm (হাল ধরা) throughout the crisis. I just don't think we should swap horses in midstream.> To make major changes to a situation or course of action that is already underway. <We're about to close on the house, and my husband suddenly wants to swap horses in midstream and look at another property!>

to beard the lion

To confront risk or danger head on, especially for the sake of possible personal gain. take a risk <I went straight to my boss, bearding the lion.> <Risks very often don't turn out well, but if you don't face them and beard the lion, you will never achieve the success you truly desire.>

to take by storm

To conquer, seize, or lay siege to something, someone, or some place with a sudden and furious attack. literal meaning: ঝড়ের গতিতে কোন কিছু জয় করা দখল করা । <The invaders took the castle by storm.> <There's a new fad among kids and teens that is taking the country by storm.>

to play possum

To pretend to be dead or sleeping so that someone will not annoy or attack you. to pretend to be dead or sleeping so that someone will not annoy or attack you ঘুম বা মৃত্যুর ভান ধরা literally: ভাল্লুক আক্রমণ করলে দুই বন্ধু গল্পের এক বন্ধু মরার ভান করছিল ওইটাই play possum <I don't think he's really asleep. He's playing possum.> <I don't think he's really asleep. He's playing possum.>

separate the wheat from the chaff

To separate what is useful or valuable from what is worthless. to judge which people or things in a group are bad and which ones are good literal meaning: গম থেকে তুষ ঝারা <The magazine describes many different products and then separates the wheat from the chaff.>

take pains

To take a lot of trouble to do something <Your parents took great pains to ensure that you would have enough money for college.>


a fanciful, particularly clever extended metaphor অহমিকা, আত্মশ্লাঘা, দম্ভ, দাম্ভিকতা, ঠমকী কল্পনা, দেমাক, ধারণা, চিন্তা


an excessive concern for one's appearance; excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements অসারত্ব, আত্মগর্ব, দম্ভ, অহংকার, গুমর, দর্প Ex: Mark's ~ led him to spend far too much money on haircuts and new clothes.


(adv.) thoroughly; (adj.) absolute, complete; frank, blunt (especially of something bad) extremely or very great: I think the way she was treated is a downright disgrace. She's being downright unhelpful and obstructive. The working conditions are unhealthy, if not downright (= and probably extremely) dangerous.

shore up

1. to support part of a building or other large structure by placing large pieces of wood or metal against or under it so that it does not fall down 2. to help to support something that is weak or going to fail The new public relations manager has the difficult task of shoring up the company's troubled image. They put in an additional $3.6 million for its employee pension fund as part of a four-year plan to shore it up. India's central bank has spent an estimated $1-2 billion to shore the rupee up since April.

common cause

A joint interest, as in to make common cause (with) , meaning "to unite one's interest with another's." Unite in order to achieve a shared aim. <nationalist movements made common cause with the reformers> <The common cause against the enemies of piety> <In the early 20th century, nearly a quarter of a million Jews lived among Muslims in Morocco's towns and villages, making common cause in commerce and culture.>

perceptual / perception

Abstruse: perpetuate: চিরস্থায়ী করা, বাঁচাইয়া রাখা, অনন্ত স্থায়িত্ব দেত্তয়া, অবিরাম স্থায়িত্ব vs perceptual: উপলব্ধি, বেদন, বিভাব প্রতক্ষ্যকরণ Perceptual skills are particularly important in sports.

the grapevine

An unofficial, informal way of getting information by hearing about it from someone who heard it from someone else সাধারণত যেসব তথ্য আনঅফিসিয়ালি ছড়ায় , গুজবের মাধ্যমে ছড়ায় <I heard through the grapevine that they fired him - is that true?>

circular logic circular argument

Assuming your claim is already proven and then using your "proven" claim to support itself. a logical fallacy in which "the reasoner begins with what he or she is trying to end up with". literal meaning : বৃত্তাকার যুক্তি , বিচার মানি তালগাছটা আমার <This is a circular argument: we read into the historical record what we want to see clearly.> <This is a classic circular argument, in which the conclusion is already present in the premise.' 'These estimates can be highly biased and produce a circular argument.'> <Such a circular argument, which relies on its own suppositions as proof, can be used to justify anything.>

taken with

Believing something to be deserving of respect or admiration Be attracted to or charmed by, literal meaningঃ মন কেড়ে নিয়েছে , মন টেকেন করেছে । <I was quite taken with those watercolors,> <The composer seemed to be taken with the young soprano who performed his songs.> <The committee was very taken with your proposals.>

anything but

By no means, not at all, in no way <This smartphone is anything but ordinary.> <He is anything but ambitious for a promotion.> <He looked anything but happy.> <Though he said he was happy, he looked anything but.> <This problem is anything but new.>

Rash (rash)

Example 1. Although Bruce was able to make the delivery in time with a nigh time motorcycle ride in the rain, Susan criticized his actions as rash. Meaning Adjective: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; imprudently incurring risk. As adjectives the difference between rash and rush is that rash is acting too quickly without considering the risks and consequences; not careful; hasty while rush is performed with, or requiring urgency or great haste, or done under pressure. Root বাংলা অর্থ গাত্রচর্মে ফুসকুড়ি, চর্মরোগবিশেষ, ফুসকুড়ি অতিমাত্রায় তাড়হুড়ো করে এমন , অতি দুঃসাহসী , হ�� কারী , বেপরোয়া Related words foolhardy, heady, reckless

Exigency/ Exigent (EK si jen see)

Example 1. An academic exigency: You haven't opened a book all term and the final is tomorrow morning. Meaning Urgent situation; pressing needs or demands; state of requiring immediate attention Root ex (from, out) বাংলা অর্থ জরুরি অবস্থা, অত্যাবশ্যকতা, সঙ্কট, দুর্দশা, চরমাবস্থা, অত্যন্ত দু:খ Abstruse: exegesis: critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture(ধর্মগ্রন্থ)(বাইবেলের সমালোচনা ও ভাষ্য). vs exigency: জরুরি অবস্থা, সংকট, an urgent need or demand. vs exigent: অত্যাবশ্যক, vs exiguity: অল্পতা, স্বল্পতা, নিস্বতা, দীনতা Related words emergency, pinch

in the event of

In case of/if such a thing happens if —— happens. if something should happen: <this will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident> <In the event of an actual emergency, you will be told what to do.> <In the event that the performance is canceled, you can get your money back.> <In the event of rain , the ceremony will be held indoors.> < I can call for help in the event of an emergency.>

in lieu of

Instead of; in place of; in substitution of. <A restaurant that's run out of clams might serve French onion soup in lieu of chowder> <The company is allowing workers to receive cash in lieu of vacation time.>

no less than no worse than

More than or Equal/ equal to or better than. no less than: at least , used to show your surprise at a large number <No less than half the students failed the test.> <She has had no less than a dozen job offers.> <Although exotic, this illness is really no worse than the common flu>

If anything

PERHAPS A way of saying you are not sure not sure maybe presumably If at all EXPLANATION: "If anything" is used to suggest tentatively that something may be the case (often the opposite of something that was previously implied). You could think of expanding "if anything" to "if I can say anything with certainty about this." "If anything" does not have a negative connotation. And it does not mean "not." This phrase means "if at all". It is meant to suggest that somebody is disagreeing with something, and wants to prove that the other case is actually true. eg. The situation is, if anything, worsening rather than improving. -> The situation is, perhaps, worsening rather than improving. If anything, he looks younger and fitter than he did before. -> Perhaps, he looks younger and fitter than he did before. <If anything, you have to work even harder when your dad's the boss.>

gain currency

The fact or quality of being generally accepted or in use become current, become established, take hold, take root প্রচার হত্তয়া , প্রচলিত হওয়া literal meaning: মুদ্রা লাভ, যখন কোন মুদ্রা লাভ করে বা আসে তখন এটা আপনাআপনিই সবখানে প্রচার হয়। প্রচলিত হয় <Some of these may have gained currency only in certain parts of the world> <In between times, the word gained some currency for the drug treatment of any disease condition.> <the term gained wider currency after the turn of the century>

the better part

The largest or longest part, most of বেশীর ভাগ , অধিকাংশ <For the better part of human history, slavery has been a reality.> <Nigel Parbold has been out of work for the better part of a year.>

(Verb) by so (Verb)ing

The second verb is equivalent to or causes the first verb. দ্বারা , তাই দ্বারা <What did you commit by so acting?> <He defaults by so refusing means when he refuses, he is defaulting (that is, neglecting to fulfill the duties of a contract). By so agreeing also occurs on its own, meaning by agreeing to do the thing that was just mentioned.> <He agreed to run as the Green Party candidate though he already holds a Democratic Party chairmanship, which he effectively abandoned by so agree-ing.>

the acid test

The true test of the value of something কঠিন পরীক্ষা <It looks good, but will people buy it? That's the acid test.> <The new team faced its first acid test when it played the national champions.>


a ceremony meant to achieve a certain purpose (a usually religious ceremony with) a set of fixed words and actions: like ritual Ex: Many cultures have fertility ~+ that supposedly make it more likely for women to bear children.


a chain or shackle placed on the feet প্রতিবন্ধক to keep someone within limits or stop them from making progress: He felt fettered by a nine-to-five office existence.


a complete failure; a total collapse ছত্রভঙ্গ, ধ্বংস, সম্পূর্ণ পতন, সম্পূর্ণ পরাজয় আকস্মিক পতন, বিপর্যয় <The collapse of the company was described as the greatest financial debacle in US history>


a description or drawing that reflects a certain point of view চিত্রাঙ্কন, বর্ণনা, প্রতিকৃতি অঙ্কন Ex: Most ~+ of Abraham Lincoln emphasize his sense of humor and his honesty. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by an of phrase to indicate what is being described.


a dimly visible form, usually thought to be the spirit of a dead person, a sunken ship, etc. ভূত, মিথ্যা বস্তু, মায়ামূর্তি Ex: Many visitors reported seeing a ~ who appeared around the lake.


a letter or literary composition in letter form


a list, especially of names Ex: Two of the names on the ~ were misspelled.


a meaning implied, not stated directly Ex: When my boss says, "Thank you", the ~ is that she's done talking and I should leave.


a period of two weeks: a fortnight's holiday once a fortnight a fortnight ago


a person or thing that shows that something is going to happen soon, especially something bad: a harbinger of doom

a cat's paw

a person used by another person. কাবাবের হাড্ডি Being used as a tool or a bitch. <Your such a cats paw to everyone. > <Whats wrong with this cats paw person.> <Your being a cats paw to your friends.>

stock in trade

a person's typical way of behaving, or a skill that is usual for someone something that someone or something does or makes very well and often স্বাভাবিকই , স্বাভাবিক কাজ /প্রবণতা , নরমাল , ন্যাচারাল , স্বাভাবিক দক্ষতা <friendliness is the salesman's stock in trade> <humor was her stock-in-trade as a writer> <He spoke with the humor and warmth that has become his stock in trade.> <Patriotism is every politician's stock-in-trade.> <Delicious potted shrimps and prawns were once the stock-in-trade of the harbourside cafe.>


a portion of a written work that interrupts or pauses the development of the theme or plot. অবান্তরতা


a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of text


a reason for doing something; explanation


a reptile with rough, scaly skin, four legs, and a long tapering tail


a takeover by force or continued effort the act of conquering a country, area, or situation Ex: The first recorded ~ of Mt. Everest was by Tensing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hilary. Usage Tips: ~ is usually followed by an of phrase.


a thin surface layer that develops on something because of use, age, or chemical action: His tomb was covered with a yellow patina of lichen.


agent that produces blood clotting

right away right now

at once, immediately <So, teaching myself to do it right away was really helpful!>

in itself in and of itself per se

by or in itself Intrinsically, considered alone or themselves; actually , normally জন্মগতভাবে, সহজাতভাবে, অপরিহার্যভাবে, নিজ বৈশিষ্ট্য, স্বয়ং,সে নিজেই নিজে নিজে Without the consideration of anything else. <In and of itself the plan might work, but I doubt that it will be approved.> <It is also put simply as in itself, as in This account may be true in itself.> <It didn't surprise me, per se, but it just really hit home with me.> <Research shows that it is not divorce per se that harms children, but the continuing conflict between parents.> <As a sequel, the movie does an good job of continuing the story of the first, but it fails as a cohesive, enjoyable film in itself.>


claim; thesis - যুক্তি an opinion expressed in an argument disagreement resulting from opposing arguments: Their refusal to sign the treaty remains a source of contention between the two countries. It's her contention that exercise is almost as important as diet if you want to lose weight.


good-humored, playful conversation that is not serious and is often playful: <That kind of banter isn't appropriate at work.>


having the power to renew oneself for an indefinite period of time Ex: It is difficult to escape from a lie, as they are often ~.

inimical to

hostile, unfriendly <the policy was inimical to Britain's real interests> <an inimical alien power>

keen on

interested in something and enjoying it, especially an activity that you do often <All the kids are keen on swimming.> <He's also very keen on modern painters.> <He's rather keen on a girl in his school (= he is very attracted to her).>

as broad as it is long

it makes very little difference literal meaning: যাহাই broad (লাউ ) তাহাই long (কদু) type the same, whatever way you look at it there is no real difference between two possible alternatives: <'Shall we go today or tomorrow?' 'It's as broad as it's long, isn't it? You choose.'> <He could not decide which formal suit to purchase - he thought the choice was just about as broad as it was long.>


lack of resistance to a disease সংবেদনশীলতা the feelings someone has that are likely to be hurt: I didn't mean to offend/upset/hurt your susceptibilities. Unless the proportion of people vaccinated increases, thus eliminating susceptibility, the spread of these diseases will continue.

put forward

propose, suggest If you put forward a plan, proposal, or name, you suggest that it should be considered for a particular purpose or job. প্রপোজ করা , সাজেশন দেয়া <He has put forward new peace proposals.> <I rang the colonel and asked him to put my name forward for the vacancy.>

order of magnitude

the approximate size of something, You can use order of magnitude when you are giving an approximate idea of the amount or importance of something. literally: magnitude means size , order of magnitude means পরিমাণে , আকারে <the items are arranged in ascending order of magnitude> <The country's debt this year will be of the same order of magnitude as it was last year.> <America and Russia do not face a problem of the same order of magnitude as Japan.>


to postpone


to use up, consume


unfortunately, lamentably, sadly আফসোস, পরিতাপের বিষয় এই যে <Regrettably, such arbitrary arrests have become the order of the day.(আলোচ্য বিষয়) >


unhappy, annoyed, and disappointed about something: A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion. The players were disgruntled with the umpire.

to no avail

without any success or any effect The students asked the school to help them raise the money, but to no avail.


ক্ষিপ্তবৎ to be out of control and act in a wild or dangerous manner: The soldiers ran amok after one of their senior officers was killed. The two dogs ran amok in a school playground.


ঘৃণা করা I loathe AND detest the game - and that's all it is, kids, just a silly game.


চমকপ্রদ We expect to find more startling connections to the past and more clues to the present.


প্রহার করা to beat severely, defeat

in favor of

approved of, supported, or popular on the side of; in support of (of a check, draft, etc.) payable to <Her theories are no longer in favor.> <to be in favor of reduced taxation.> <Make out your checks in favor of the corporation.>


cause to be interested or curious চক্রান্ত, ষড়্যন্ত্র, গুপ্ত চক্রান্ত, চক্র, ফিকির, গুপ্ত কৌশল verb চক্রান্ত করা, ষড়্যন্ত্র করা, বিহ্বল করা, মন্ত্রণা করা, মুগ্ধ করা, ঔত্সুক্য জাগান, কৌতূহল জাগান to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious: Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. the making of a secret plan to do something, esp. something that will harm someone: In that tale of political intrigue, he combined great dialogue with an interesting plot and a surprise ending.


causing strong feelings হিংসাত্মক, উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, উত্তেজনা সৃষ্টিকারী, হিংসাত্মক কার্যে প্ররোচনা-দায়ক, জ্বালাময়ী, আগ্নেয়

hinge on hinge upon

depend on: be contingent on to be determined or decided by (something) : to depend on (something) literal meaning: hinge on (উপর কবজা) উপরের কবজার উপরই দরজা নির্ভর করে থাকে । এজন্য এর মানে " নিভর করা " depend করা hinge = depend <The outcome of the election hinges on how the candidates perform in the debate.> <The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of a witness who died before the trial.> <The film's plot hinges on a case of mistaken identity.>


eventually, ultimately, in the end, by and by, , at the end, or after some delay lastly, last, in conclusion, to conclude, in closing, to end, last but not least a referendum followed by local, legislative and, finally, presidential elections <Finally, I just said, "I don't care." We finally got home at midnight.> <Finally, we discuss the main policy implications of our findings.>

no holds barred

free from the usual limits or rules/ hampering without limits or controls: Without restrictions or rules. with no restrictions on the kinds of holds that are used. literally: barred (নিষেধাজ্ঞা জারি করা) , কোন বাধা বজায় নেই , কোন বাধা নাই <This is comedy with no holds barred.> <Mr Nixon may well have had a no-holds-barred approach to dealing with political adversaries.> <She had no regrets about what she said in her no-holds-barred speech.>

make amend for

make up to somebody., to try to counteract a past action to compensate, as for an injury, loss, or insult সংশোধন করা, ক্ষতিপূরণ দেয়া amend: উন্নত করা, মেরামত করা, সারান, সংশোধন করা to do something to correct a mistake that one has made or a bad situation that one has caused <She tried to make amends by apologizing to him.> <I'd like to make amends (to you) for my behavior last night.> <I tried to make amends for the misunderstanding by sending her flowers.> <try to make amend for the rude way you spoke to Lucy>

quite a few

many, a lot of, a great number of বেশ কয়েকটি literal: quite mean বেশ , অনেকটা , বেশি , সম্পূর্ণ <He admits that quite a few very experienced climbers have died on the West Ridge route.> <Please take some cake home with you—there's quite a few pieces left.> <Do you need one? I have quite a few. I have quite a bit—enough to spare some. How many? Oh, quite a number.>

at full throttle

moving or progressing as fast as possible যতটা সম্ভব with much speed and energy. On a related note, sometimes juice is used to mean energy. As fast as something or someone can go literal meaning: throttle শ্বাসনালী,গলাভরে যতটা সম্ভব <She was roaring up the freeway at full throttle.> <We're going ahead full throttle on this project.>

not in the least not the least

not in any way; Not at all not in any way or respect অন্তত না , মোটেই না , কোনোমতেই না <That joke was not in the least funny.> <It did not interest me in the least.> <I'm not the least worried.>

once in a while

occasionally, sometimes <Once in a while, we eat dinner in a chinese restaurant>

on the qui vive

on the alert On the lookout; alert and wary literally french word qui vive means একটি জীবন্ত , জাগ্রত paying close attention to a situation, in case something happens <Customers are being warned to remain on the qui vive for fraudulent emails and phone calls asking for bank details and account passwords.> <He's always on the qui vive for a business opportunity.>

on the bandwagon

on the popular or apparently winning side, as in an election taking a popular position. সাধারণত নির্বাচনে যে পক্ষ জনপ্রিয় তার পক্ষ নেয়া , জনপ্রিয়তার পক্ষ নেয়া < You really should get on the bandwagon. Everyone else is. Jane has always had her own ideas about things. She's not the kind of person to jump on the bandwagon.> <On an impulse, he jumped on the bandwagon and now was the only one of them remaining in the force.>


precede পূর্ববর্তী হত্তয়া (Eg: The invention of the radiotelegraph anteceded the development of television by a quarter of a century. )

a flash in the pan

promising at the start, but then disappointing a sudden spasmodic effort that accomplishes nothing literally: শুরুতেই ফাস্ফুস করে আরাম্ভ করা কিন্তু পড়ে হতাশাজনক কাজ করা । প্যানের প্রথমেই ফ্ল্যাশ দিয়ে পড়ে দেখা গেল কিছুই না হতাশাজনক । <Although the group had a number one hit, it was only a one hit wonder making them a flash in the pan> <Sadly, their success was just a flash in the pan.>


prosperous, successful, flourishing growing, developing, or being successful: a thriving economy The island has a thriving community and a rich and tragic history.

scarce scarcely

scarce: দুর্লভ, দুষ্প্রাপ্য, বিরল, rare not easy to find or get scarcely : almost not, মোটেই নহে, hardly, barely, certainly not <This is a huge waste of scarce resources.> <She lived a lavish lifestyle she could scarce afford. (She could not afford the lifestyle> <I was scarcely able to move my arm after the accident.> <I could scarcely believe it when she said she wanted to marry me.> <her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what she is saying> <He scarcely showed the spark of consciousness in his eyes.> <they scarcely ever used the emergency generator>

at the same time

simultaneously; at once. <answer the telephone promptly and try to pick up a pencil and notepad at the same time> <No one likes conflict, but at the same time we have to deal with this problem.> nevertheless (used to introduce a fact that should be taken into account). despite what was just said: <She's optimistic that she can get results, but at the same time, she knows it's a very hard job.> <I can't really explain it, but at the same time I'm not convinced>


someone or something a person cannot conquer or achieve; a hated enemy Someone's nemesis is a person or thing that is very difficult for them to defeat. ​ (a cause of) punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided: The tax increases proved to be the president's political nemesis.

out of one's depth

in a situation that is too difficult to handle একজনের ক্ষমতার বাইরে <Of course she's out of her depth with 25 employees reporting to her—she had hardly any supervisory experience before you gave her the job! > <I asked Alex to consult on this project because it's a bit out of my depth.>


talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way The children babbled excitedly among themselves.

broadly speaking

in general , generally speaking, broadly, generally, loosely without regard to specific details or exceptions literal meaning: broadly (বিস্তৃতভাবে, ব্যাপকভাবে, বিস্তীর্ণরুপে মোটামুটি) বলতে গেলে <he interprets the law broadly> <What's your sense, broadly speaking, of where the Democratic Party is right now?> <What are the differences between how Europe, broadly speaking, and America are integrating Muslims?> <But they dislike Hollywood liberalism because they dislike liberalism broadly speaking.>

for the most part

in general, mostly , mainly <The article discusses, for the most part, the possibility of life on other planets.>


the act of burning the dead Ex: ~ is particularly common in Japan, where land for burial is very limited.

in spite of

in spite of, in disregard or defiance of; notwithstanding; despite: <She arrived at school on time in spite of the snowstorm.>

in the trenches (adv'l.)

in the middle of the hardest fighting or work working in the most active and difficult parts of a job or business: The boss understands the difficulties we face here in the trenches. Ex: With their unrealistic view of this war, our generals don't know what things are like out ~. Usage Tips: ~ creates an image of soldiers fighting in a long, dug-out place in the battlefield.


interesting or unusual because of coming from a far away place বিদেশী বস্তু, ভিন্নদেশীয় উদ্ভিদ, বৈদেশিক বস্তু Ex: I walked into the restaurant and smelled the ~ aromas of Malaysian spices.


large, important; major, significant large in size, value, or importance: The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women. She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother. The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting.

look into

to investigate; to carefully examine a situation or event and try to discover the reasons for it. গভীরভাবে অনুসন্ধান করা <Lisa is looking into the possibilities of opening a drughstore in Dallas as well as in Fort Worth.

blow hot and cold

to sometimes like or be interested in something or someone and sometimes not, so people are confused about how you really feel literal meaning: গরম ঠান্ডা প্রবাহিত হওয়া( blow ) , temperature মানে উঠানামা / wave / vacillate/ fluctuate করা waver; vacillate: <His enthusiasm for the job blows hot and cold.> <He's been blowing hot and cold about the trip to Brazil.> <If you blow hot and cold on an idea, your attitude and opinion keeps changing; one minute you are for it, the next you>

contends that

to state as the truth; claim: contend means তর্কবিতর্ক করা, বিবাদ করা, চেষ্টা করা, প্রতিযোগিতা করা <I contend that a novel should tell a story and tell it well.> <These people contend that they have earned the right to the land.>

stanch the flow stem the flow

to stop something from spreading or increasing, especially something bad These policies have helped to stem population loss. stem the flow/tide/flood (of): Police are attempting to stem the rising tide of rural crime.

steal one's thunder

to weaken one's position by stating the argument before that person does Someone 'steals your thunder' when they use your ideas or inventions to their own advantage. কারও idea or invention দিয়ে অন্য কেউ সুবিধা লাভ করা , মনোযোগ কেড়ে নেয়া To steal ones' thunder is to draw attention and publicity that should go to someone else to another cause without prior warning. <Sandy stole my thunder when she announced that she was pregnant two days before I'd planned to tell people about my pregnancy.> <At the live aid concert, Queen stole everyones' thunder. WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!>

unlikely likely

unlikely: not probably, not expected to happen, অসম্ভাব্য, অনুপযোগী, অসম্ভব, ঘটার সম্ভাবনা নেই এমন <Let's face it, our team is most unlikely to win.> <He's an unlikely-looking doctor (= he is not what I expect a doctor to look like).> likely: probably.সম্ভবত ,সম্ভাব্য , বিশ্বাস্য <we will most likely go to a bar>


to (cause someone or something to) move or fall suddenly and often a long way forward, down, or into something We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea. to go down suddenly; to decrease by a great amount in a short time Ex: He jumped off the diving board and ~+ into the pool. Ex: The value of the company's stock ~+ after its chief executive was arrested. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by an into phrase.

raking in

to acquire (money) in large amounts to earn or get a large amount of money to earn a lot of money be raking it in: <A lot of computer engineers nowadays are raking it in.> <He rakes in over $200,000 a year.> <She's really raking it in (= making a lot of money).> <Ever since his app became a worldwide sensation, Bill has been raking in the cash!> <We'll be raking it in if we can get our product into the Asian markets.>

go along with

to agree literal meaning: তার সাথে যায় মানে তার সাথে আমি agree হয় , একমত হই <Mr Robbins always goes along with anything his employer wants to do.>

plea bargain plea agreement plea deal

to agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge so as to avoid trial for a more serious offense নিষ্পত্তির আবেদন, দোষ স্বীকার করে নিলে কম শাস্তি হবে তাই নিষ্পত্তির আবেদন করা in some legal systems, a plea bargain is an agreement that, if an accused person says they are guilty, they will be charged with a less serious crime or will receive a less severe punishment. <A plea bargain was offered by the state assuring her that she would not go to prison.> <As part of his plea bargain, he was committed to revealing all his insider deals.>


to behave or move nervously or restlessly অনিয়মিত গতি, অস্বাভাবিক গতি, অস্থিরতা, স্নায়বিক অস্থিরতা

turn the tables

to change a situation so that you now have an advantage over someone who previously had an advantage over you to reverse completely a situation as it affects two opposing persons or groups একটা অবস্থা পুরা উলটাইয়া দিয়ে সুবিধা নেয়া, <She's good with words. So she turned the tables on me.> <Fortunately, they're far from helpless and slowly turn the tables on their persecutors.> <She turned the tables on her rival with allegations of corruption.>


to cheat out of money or property to get money dishonestly from someone by deceiving or cheating them: They swindled local businesses out of thousands of dollars. The wealthy banker was ultimately convicted of swindling investors.

rail against rail at rail about

to complain vehemently about someone or something To attack with harsh, often insulting language অভিযোগে অকথ্য ভাষায় আক্রমণ করা , কাওকে অপমান করা <we could hear the cook in the kitchen railing against his assistant and wondered if weʼd ever get our food> <I spent a lot of my teenage years raging against my parents, but looking back, I gave them way more grief than they deserved.> <Employees has formed a picket line outside of the company as they rail against proposed cuts to their pay and pension schemes.>

mistake sb/sth for sb/sth

to confuse sb/sth with sb/sth else to confuse someone or something with a different person or thing একজনের বদলে অন্য জনকে ভাবা <The gunman had mistaken him for a drug dealer.> <I had mistaken friendship for love.> <I often mistake her for her mother on the phone.> <He mistook her for her sister.>


to consume and incorporate; to become similar একত্রিত করা, সম্মিলিত করা to become part of a group, country, society, etc., or to make someone or something become part of a group, country, society, etc.: The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more countries quickly. Ex: Not all of the overseas students could ~ into the rigidly controlled school. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by into.

stand up for

to defend or support a particular idea or a person who is being criticized or attacked কোন idea or person কে সমর্থন দেয়া যখন তারা সমালোচনার শিকার হয় <It's high time we all stood up for our rights around here.> <Don't be bullied, learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe in.>

take on

দায়িত্বগ্রহণ করা, ধারণ করা, পরিধান করা, চাকরিতে নিযুক্ত করা, দু:খ করা (someone's) take on (something) : Someone's perspective, opinion, or idea(s) about something. < Mr. Huxley, what's your take on the recent announcement from the White House? > Take someone or something on : to accept the task of handling a difficult person or thing. < I'll take it on if nobody else will do it> take someone on : To enter into a fight or argument with someone. <I pretended to agree because I really didn't want to take him on.> To employ someone. <I think we could take you on as an assistant editor, but it doesn't pay very well.>


নতুন করে re invent


নিঃশব্দ not loud: <There was polite, muted applause when I finished speaking.>


পরমানন্দদায়ক (adj.) intensely and overpoweringly happy (The couple was ecstatic when they learned that they had won the lottery.) extremely happy: <The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd.>


পরাক্রম, skill or expertise in a particular activity or field. his prowess as a fisherman


পরিচায়ক being or relating to a sign that something exists, is true, or is likely to happen: Resumption of the talks is indicative of an improving relationship between the countries.


বর্জিত, বিহীন, শূন্য


মাথায় চাঁটি to hit someone or something with the hand or with a heavy object: Quigley clouted me smartly across the side of the head.


মাননির্ণয় We do our best to reach an agreement through negotiation. Entering into a valuation process through the courts is always a last resort," the statement said.


মায়াময় (adj.) misleading, deceptive; lacking in or not based on reality


মারাত্মক causing or intending to cause harm or evil: Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics. She describes pornography as "a malign industry".


যুগান্তকারী introducing new ideas or methods innovative


শুরু, আরম্ভ, সূচনা, সুত্রপাত, উদ্ভব, গোড়া, প্রাত, উত্সাহ, গোড়া, গোড়াগুড়ি the beginning of an organization or official activity Since its inception in 1968, the company has been at the forefront of computer development.


শ্রদ্ধা Gandhi became an object of widespread veneration because of his unceasing struggle for freedom and equality. I cannot find words to express the veneration I feel for those men.


সংক্ষিপ্ততা using only a few words or lasting only a short time: His essays are models of clarity and brevity. Brevity is, in almost everything, a virtue.


সংযমন (v.) to limit, be sparing or frugal; (n.) a limit or restriction; a fixed share of work or duty; a period of activity




সঙ্কীর্ণমনা having fixed opinions and ways of doing things and not willing to change or be influenced, especially by new or modern ideas <Popper was rude, reclusive, high-handed, domineering, unable to bear criticism, and more and more hidebound in his views as he got older.>


সজাতি similar or related: They sell dried fruit and nuts and other kindred products.


সত্য , বাস্তব The Jews say the Nazarenes are on naught, and the Christians say the Jews are on naught, and both speak the sooth for they are on naught.


সন্দেহজনক something that is questionable may not be true or accurate, or could be doubted: We are concerned the Bank is being asked to make rate decisions on questionable data. questionable evidence Some countries have banned advertising of nutritionally questionable food to children.


সন্দেহাতীত not likely to be confused with something else; clearly recognized: There was an unmistakable smell of chocolate.


সমর্পণ করা, প্রদান করা, দিতে স্বীকার করা an attempt to yield increased profits The investigation yielded some unexpected results. Favourable weather yielded a good crop.


সমসাময়িক These are radical changes which will alter the complexion of the British contemporary dance scene.


সমালোচনামূলক প্রবন্ধ to give an opinion or judgment about a piece or work, book, film, etc.: Students take turns critiquing each other's work.


স্বভাব Attitude or mood She is of a nervous/cheerful/sunny disposition.


অপরিবর্তনীয় Some people regard grammar as an immutable set of rules.


আচমকা আক্রমণ a sudden short attack

no X or Y no X and Y

"When you are talking about having 2 things, saying ""salt AND pepper"" is very different from saying ""salt OR pepper"". However, when you are talking about a lack of two things, and and or can often be used to express the same idea. literal meaning: যখন পজিটিভ ক্ষেত্রে তখন এর মধ্যে অনেক পার্থক্য থাকে । বুঝায় দুইটাই এবং দ্বারা বুঝায় দুইটার মধ্যে একটা । কিন্তু যখন এটা নেগেটিভ ক্ষেত্রে বুঝায় তখন দুইটার মানেই একই হয় । অর্থ একই বুঝায় । The following two sentences have the same meaning: <Pioneer towns were characterized by little access to the outside world and few public institutions.> <Pioneer towns had almost no access to the outside world or public insti-tutions.>


"a novel written as a series of documents. the usual form is letters, although diary entries, newspaper clippings and other documents are sometimes used" পত্র-সম্বন্ধীয়

Disparate [DISS-puh-rit or diss-PAIR-it]

Examples: 1. : He chose the college for two disparate reasons: the strength of the computer science program, and the excellence of the hip-hop dance squad. Meaning: Distinct, different, fundamentally distinct or dissimilar, two things are fundamentally different বাংলা অর্থ: অসম, বিসদৃশ Root: Synonym: Divergent (different, deviating), Incommensurable (not comparable, totally disproportionate) Abstruse: Disparage: সম্মানহানি করা vs Disparate: অসম, বিসদৃশ, distinct Mnemonics

Plummet [pluhm-it]

Examples: 1. a climber was killed when he plummeted 300 feet down an icy gully 2. His body was pushed back in the seat by the fall, the plummet(পতন) sending his adrenaline running through his veins. Meaning: verb: to fall very quickly and suddenly noun: a steep and rapid fall or drop বাংলা অর্থ: নিমজ্জন, ঝম্প, ঝাঁপ, আকস্মিক নিক্ষেপ Root: Synonym: plunge, nosedive, dive, drop, fall, descend, hurtle Mnemonics plummet rhymes with "comet" which falls so sharply.

Sully [suhl-ee]

Examples: they were outraged that anyone should sully their good name Meaning: verb: to spoil something that is pure or someone's perfect reputation বাংলা অর্থ: নোংরা করা Root: Synonym: Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) Abstruse: Sullen: গোমড়া-মুখো vs Sully:নোংরা করা vs swollen: স্ফীত Mnemonics Sully=soily

go against the grain

going against the norm; doing something atypical If something goes against the grain, you would not usually do it because it would be unusual To do something or be in opposition or contrary to what is generally understood, assumed, practiced, or accepted. literal meaning: শস্য বিরুদ্ধে যান, শস্যের বিরুদ্ধে যাওয়া নরমাল কিছু না , different from what is normal or usual <It takes courage to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe in.> <The artist always tried to go against the grain, ignoring the artistic trends of her day.> <These days it goes against the grain to show too much respect for authority.>

run into

to meet by chance meet by accident ধাক্কা খাত্তয়া, হঠাৎ দেখা পাত্তয়া <When Jack was in NY, he ran into an old friend at the theater.>

owing to

*Examples*: 1. The concert has been cancelled owing to lack of interest. 2. The performance has been canceled owing to the strike. 3. She walks with a limp owing to a childhood injury. *Direction*: same, cause and effect *Meaning*: because of *বাংলা অর্থ*: কারণ, যেহেতু *Similar words*: since, as, for the reason that, in view of the fact that, owing to the fact that, seeing that/as


*Examples*: 1. To me there is only one kind of rock, namely, loud rock 2. He suggested that these so-called contributions are something else, namely taxes. 3. I love how certain themes pop up in all of his movies, namely the sanctity of nature. 4. there's always one person stuck with cleaning up the mess, namely me. *Direction*: detail - restate something already said *Meaning*: that is to say : to wit, to be specific: *বাংলা অর্থ*: যথা, যেমন, অর্থাৎ *Similar words*: that is, that is to say, in other words, to be specific, specifically, viz


*Examples*: 1. Well, the tickets are supposedly in the mail. 2. Supposedly, she never spoke to him again. 3. The letter was from her supposedly loving father. *Direction*: change in direction - something appeared one way, but wasn't *Meaning*: according to what is generally thought or believed but not known for certain, allegedly, seemingly used to show that you do not believe that something you have been told is true *বাংলা অর্থ*: ধারনা করা হয় যে , অনুমান করা হয় যে *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. Young people who can see no likelihood of finding employment 2. the weatherman on TV said that the likelihood of rain today was fairly high 3. Nor, indeed, does there seem any likelihood that such a system would be effective. *Direction*: *Meaning*: probability. the state or fact of something's being likely; *বাংলা অর্থ*: সম্ভাবনা *Similar words*: probability, chance, prospect, possibility, likeliness, odds, feasibility, plausibility, conceivability; risk, threat, hazard, danger, fear, peril, liability; hope, opportunity, promise

for example

*Examples*: 1. many, like Hilda, for example, come from very poor backgrounds 2. Offices can easily become more environmentally-friendly by, for example, using recycled paper. 3. *Direction*: detail - provides an example *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*: for instance, e.g., to give an example, to give an instance, by way of illustration, as an illustration, to illustrate, such as, as, like

stem from

"come from" or "be caused by." উদ্ভুত হওয়া, কোনোর কিছু মূল literally stem means গাছের কাণ্ড, গাছের কাণ্ড থেকেই তো ফুল ফল হয়। মানে ফুল ফল come from কাণ্ড <His insecurity stems from his lack of friends in grade school.> <The current crises stems from the former administration's inability to rein in spending.> <Most of her health problems stem from an accident she had when she was younger.> <His love of the outdoors stems from his father.>

colon (:)

##The colon is used to introduce a list of items. <The bookstore specializes in three subjects: art, architecture, and graphic design> ##The colon is used to separate two independent clauses when the second explains or illustrates the first. <I have very little time to learn the language: my new job starts in five weeks.> <A college degree is still worth something: a recent survey revealed that college graduates earned roughly 60% more than those with only a high school diploma.> <All three of their children are involved in the arts: Richard is a sculptor, Diane is a pianist, and Julie is a theatre director.>


(conjunction) while on the contrary, considering that যেখানে, যেহেতু, যখন in contrast or comparison with the fact that. <you treat the matter lightly, whereas I myself was never more serious> compared with the fact that; but: <He must be about 60, whereas his wife looks about 30.> <In Los Angeles, a chief cause of this pollution is paved-road dust, whereas in San Diego, it's smoke from fireplaces.>

necessarily not necessarily

(esp. in negatives) in all cases; as an expected result certainly, surely, definitely, inevitably. used in negatives to mean "in every case" or "therefore <Money doesn't necessarily buy happiness.> <"These cheap glasses will break easily." "Not necessarily."> not in all cases <The people are simply dreaming of a better life, and a better life does not necessarily mean democracy.> <Not all of these initiatives will necessarily lead to the submission of concrete proposals> not necessarily: possibly but not certainly —used to say that something is not definitely true <Seats in the front row are not necessarily the best.> <"We're going to lose this game." "Not necessarily.> *বাংলা অর্থ*: অগত্যা, অপরিহার্যভাবে, নেহাৎ, বাধ্যতামূলকভাবে, আবশ্যকভাবে, আবশ্যক মত *Similar words*: as a consequence, as a result, automatically, as a matter of course,


(n.) a family of young animals, especially birds; any group having the same nature and origin; (v.) to think over in a worried, unhappy way


(v.) to assess the worth or value of (A realtor will come over tonight to appraise our house.) নিরূপণ, মূল্য নির্ধারণ করা, দাম ধরা, মূল্যায়ন করা, নির্ধারণ verb মূল্য নির্দিষ্ট করিয়া দেত্তয়া, মূল্যাবধারণ করা


(v.) to scold; find fault with; (n.) a rebuke


(v.) to take for granted, assume or suppose; to dare, take upon oneself, take liberties assume have no evidence but presume have evidence

in addition

*Examples*: 1. One reason polar bears and panda bears are different is because they live in different habitats. ____ ________, they live in different areas of the world. 2. Conditions were harsh and in addition some soldiers fell victim to snipers. 3. There were eight presidential candidates in addition to the General. *Direction*: same, detail - adds to something already said *Meaning*: also *বাংলা অর্থ*: এছাড়াও,আরো *Similar words*: additionally, as well, what's more, besides, furthermore, moreover, also

for instance

*Examples*: 1. Polar bears have an acute sense of smell. ____ _________, they can detect their prey about 1 km (0.6 mi.) away. 2.There are merging, for instance, the 23 alcohol-related health issues together. 3.Take for instance Serena Williams, the most high-profile of tennis moms. *Direction*: same, detail - provides an example. *Meaning*: for example *বাংলা অর্থ*: উদাহরণস্বরূপ, এই ক্ষেত্রে, *Similar words*: as an example, e.g.


*Examples*: 1. Admittedly, the salary was not wonderful, but the duties were light 2. Admittedly, I should not have lost my temper like that. 3. Admittedly, the ball was close to the line, but I'm sure it wasn't out. *Direction*: *Meaning*: used when you are agreeing that something is true, especially unwillingly without a doubt *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিঃসন্দেহে, স্বীকার করিয়া লইয়া, সর্বসম্মতভাবে ,স্পষ্টত admits: স্বীকার করা *Similar words*: beyond question, without question, definitely, undoubtedly, without a doubt

in particular

*Examples*: 1. Are you looking for anything in particular? 2. he socialized with the other young people, one boy in particular 3. She loves flowers and roses in particular. *Direction*: detail - provides an example *Meaning*: more specially than others, Especially (used to show that a statement applies to one person or thing more than any other) that can be specifically named *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*: particularly, specifically, to be specific, especially, specially

most important

*Examples*: 1. But most importantly Trump doesn't believe that any rules apply to him and he is obsessed with holding absolute power. 2. 3. *Direction*: sequenc *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: অতি গুরুত্বপুর্ন *Similar words*: heaviest, most responsible, most serious, most difficult, most important, weightiest


*Examples*: 1. He _________sees his uncle since he lives in Thailand. It happens once in a blue moon. 2. 3. *Direction*: *Meaning*: almost never; not often *বাংলা অর্থ*: কদাচ, কদাচিৎ, বিরলভাবে, কদাপি, ক্বচিৎ, অসাধারণরকম উত্কৃষ্টভাবে, বাছাই করিয়া, অসাধারণভাবে *Similar words*:

First, Second, Third, Next , last

*Examples*: 1. He plodded along next him. 2. 3. *Direction*: sequence, big picture language - a generalization or conclusion follows *Meaning*: *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*: following, succeeding, upcoming, to come


*Examples*: 1. He readily agreed to help. 2. simple instructions that anyone can readily understand 3. For example cows in heat or those with health problems can be readily identified. 4. Larger sizes are readily available. *Direction*: *Meaning*: without hesitation or reluctance; willingly, quickly, immediately, willingly, or without any problem *বাংলা অর্থ*: তৎক্ষণাৎ ভাবে , নির্দ্ধিধায়, ইচ্ছাপূর্বক, তত্ক্ষণাৎ, তত্পরতার সঙ্গে *Similar words*: willingly, without hesitation, unhesitatingly, ungrudging, gladly, happily, eagerly


*Examples*: 1. He stared down the seemingly endless corridor 2. Seemingly, she's gone to live with another man. 3. He remains confident and seemingly untroubled by his recent problems. *Direction*: change in direction - something appeared one way, but wasn't *Meaning*: appearing to be something, especially when this is not true: opposite according to the facts that you know: *বাংলা অর্থ*: আপাতদৃষ্টিতে (ostensively ) , *Similar words*: apparently, on the face of it, to all appearances, as far as one can see/tell, on the surface, to all intents and purposes, outwardly, evidently, superficially, supposedly, avowedly, allegedly, professedly, purportedly; rarepretendedly, ostensively


*Examples*: 1. Her date was a bit of a slob, but she had fun nevertheless. 2. It was a predictable, but nevertheless funny, story. 3. Nevertheless, resistance to equal opportunities and fair pay for female athletes remained strong. *Direction*: change in direction - assert a position after conceding a point *Meaning*: in spite of that : however, despite what has just been said or referred to *বাংলা অর্থ*: তবুও, তা সত্ত্বেও, সে যাই হোক *Similar words*: compare and contrast

in the same way

*Examples*: 1. I treat Jhon in the same way as I do Kahn. 2. 3. *Direction*: detail - provides a new example or detail that goes along with the previous *Meaning*: Similarly; *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*:

in contrast

*Examples*: 1. In contrast to last year's profits, the company is not doing very well. 2. In contrast to one-dimensional local fields, higher local fields have a sequence of residue fields. 3. In contrast to the diligent bee, the butterfly flies hither and yon with no apparent purpose. *Direction*: change in direction - contrast idea compare and contrast *Meaning*: distinction or emphasis of difference by comparison of opposite or dissimilar things, qualities, etc (esp in the phrases by contrast, in contrast to or with) *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*:

as (it was) once thought

*Examples*: 1. In contrast, emerging research indicates that dairy fat isn't [as] harmful to heart health as [it was] once thought [to be] 2. 3. *Direction*: change in direction - *Meaning*: something appeared one way, but wasn't আগে যেটা ভাবা হতো ( এখন তার উল্টা ) *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*:

in other words

*Examples*: 1. Increasing the price of labor results in a labor surplus—in other words, unemployment. 2. It is, in other words, the opposite of a crisis. 3. *Direction*: same, detail - restate something already said *Meaning*: Stated or interpreted another way *বাংলা অর্থ*: অন্য কথায় *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. It is ________________62 degrees Fahrenheit outside, but later today the temperatures will reach a high of 75 degrees. 2. We currently have an awful national team, but we don't suffer from a lack of talent. 3. I am currently looking for an answer to ensure the staff and kids are looked after. *Direction*: *Meaning*: right now, at this very moment, at the present time. *বাংলা অর্থ*: এখন, সম্প্রতি *Similar words*:

in common

*Examples*: 1. Mammals have a few characteristics ___ __________ such as having hair, warm blooded, and are vertebrates. 2. Shared characteristics, as in One of the few things John and Mary have in common is a love of music. 3. *Direction*: *Meaning*: comparison *বাংলা অর্থ*: সাদৃশ্যপূর্ণ *Similar words*: in, common, have in common, have a lot in common, in common with, be in common use, tenancy in common


*Examples*: 1. My family __________eats out at a restaurant, but it is usually for a special occasion such as a birthday. 2. Football is occasionally a rough sport, but politics is always a dirty undertaking. 3. we met up occasionally for a drink. *Direction*: *Meaning*: sometimes, from time to time, now and then, every now and then, now and again, every now and again, at times, every so often, once in a while, every once in a while *বাংলা অর্থ*: কদাচিৎ, সময়ে সময়ে, কদাচ, কদাপি, কখনত্ত কখনত্ত, মধ্যে মধ্যে *Similar words*:

that said having said that

*Examples*: 1. That said, I have to admit that the ending was extremely clever 2. He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday 3. It's just a gimmick. That said, I'd love to do it *Direction*: change in direction - assert a position after conceding a point *Meaning*: despite what one just said Much of the book was very dull.. even so (introducing a concessive statement). despite what has just been said *বাংলা অর্থ*: একটা বলে আরেকটা করা টাইপের *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. That, certainly, is the Google vision of what its app can do. 2. The snake that bit her was almost certainly poisonous. 3. She will certainly win the election if the opinion polls are accurate. *Direction*: *Meaning*: very likely to happen , in a manner that is certain, surely; to be sure *বাংলা অর্থ*: নিশ্চিতভাবে *Similar words*: change in direction - concedes a point


*Examples*: 1. The house is beautiful. Furthermore, it's in a great location. 2. I don't know what happened to Roberto, and furthermore, I don't care. 3. She always arrives on time; furthermore, her work is always excellent. *Direction*: sequence and compare and contrast detail - adds to something already said, besides *Meaning*: in addition; more importantly: *বাংলা অর্থ*: অধিকন্তু *Similar words*: moreover, further, what's more, also, additionally, in addition, besides, as well, too, to boot, on top of that, over and above that, into the bargain, by the same token


*Examples*: 1. The kitchen is spotless thus ensuring the food is completely safe 2. Thus, despite the expense, the old building is still standing 3. *Direction*: same, cause and effect, big picture language - a generalization or conclusion follows *Meaning*: as a result or consequence of this; therefore. *বাংলা অর্থ*: এইভাবে, এই প্রকারে, এতদনুসারে, ঐভাবে, ঐ ধরনে, এইরুপে *Similar words*: consequently, like that, so


*Examples*: 1. The man was taken by ambulance to York District Hospital, but was subsequently discharged 2. The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics. 3. The mistakes were corrected in a subsequent edition of the book. *Direction*: *Meaning*: happening after something else, at a later or subsequent time , after a particular thing has happened; afterwards *বাংলা অর্থ*: পরবর্তীকালে *Similar words*: later, later on, at a later date, at some point in the future, at some time in the future, at a subsequent time, afterwards, in due course, following that, following this, eventually, then, next, by and by


*Examples*: 1. The numbers of polar bears ______________decreased for a period of time due to too many people hunting them. 2.Energy bills have increased significantly this year 3. *Direction*: same, emphasis on something. *Meaning*: important; considerably. in a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention. *বাংলা অর্থ*: উল্লেখযোগ্যভাবে, লক্ষণীয়ভাবে *Similar words*: notably, remarkably, outstandingly, importantly, crucially, materially, appreciably


*Examples*: 1. The rally, which the government had declared illegal, was nonetheless attended by some 6,000. 2. There are serious problems in our country. Nonetheless, we feel this is a good time to return. 3. The hike was difficult, but fun nonetheless. *Direction*: change in direction - assert a position after conceding a point *Meaning*: in spite of that; nevertheless. despite what has just been said or done: *বাংলা অর্থ*: তবু, অথচ, তা সত্ত্বেও *Similar words*:

for one

*Examples*: 1. The rest of you may disagree, but I, for one, think we should go ahead with the plan. 2. He wants to leave a legacy that will live forever and I for one believe he will do it. 3. Ahmed, for one, will be motivated like no other to lift the trophy on home soil. *Direction*: *Meaning*: as one example, even if no one else does *বাংলা অর্থ*: অন্তত, এক জনের জন্য, *Similar words*:


*Examples*: 1. The weeks following the riots were extremely tense. 2. Following the dinner, there will be a dance. 3. Oil prices are certain to rise following the agreement to limit production. *Direction*: *Meaning*: after, next, being next in order or time, *বাংলা অর্থ*: *Similar words*: next, after


*Examples*: 1. The whole report is badly written. Moreover, it's inaccurate. 2. moreover, statistics show that competition for places is growing. 3. She alleged, moreover, that the two of them had met before. *Direction*: detail - adds to something already said *Meaning*: in addition to what has been said : besides, As a further matter *বাংলা অর্থ*: অধিকন্তু, এছাড়াও,আরো *Similar words*: besides, furthermore, what's more, in addition, also, as well, too, to boot, additionally, on top of that, over and above that, into the bargain, at that, more


*Examples*: 1. There is less and less ice for polar bears. ___________, they are moving farther north to find ice. 2. Flexible workers find themselves in great demand, and consequently earn high salaries 3. Scientists think it is unlikely that any species will actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil spill. *Direction*: same, cause and effect *Meaning*: as a result *বাংলা অর্থ*: ফলস্বরূপ, পরিণামে, অতএব *Similar words*: as a result, as a consequence, so, thus, therefore, ergo, accordingly, hence, for this/that reason, because of this/that, on this/that account, inevitably, necessarily


If an argument or bad feeling festers, it continues so that feelings of hate or lack of satisfaction increase: It's better to express your anger than let it fester inside you. a festering argument/dispute


A lapse is a temporary slip, failure or break in continuity ভ্রষ্টতা, অক্ষমতা, অতিপত্তি, সামান্য ভুল, সামান্য দোষ cease being in force; become invalid a temporary failure: <The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment.>

one swallow doesn't make a summer

A single good outcome does not indicate an overall situation that is ideal or greatly improved. literal meaning: swallow(গিলা নরমালি হলেও একধরনের পাখির নাম আছে যেটা নাকি গ্রীষ্মকালে অতিথি পাখি , আগে ওইসব পাখি আসলে ভাবা হত গ্রীষ্মকাল চলে আসছে । আসলে ওইরকম একটা পাখি আসা মানেই এটা নয় যে গ্রীষ্মকাল চলে এসেছে । একটু ভাল কিছু হলেই এটা ভাবা উচিত না সম্পূর্ণ অবস্থা ভাল হয়ে গিয়েছে ) <A lot of things went right for us this year, but one swallow doesn't make a summer—we still have a long ways to go before our finances are back in order.>


A suggested plan


Actions done intentionally to punish other people because they have done something unpleasant to you <I noticed she didn't send me a card - I think it was tit for tat because I forgot her birthday last year.>


Boldly resistant or challenging


Charging of wrong doing; to accuse অভিযোগপূর্ণ, অভিযোগাত্মক, অভিযোক্তা-সংক্রান্ত

terra firma

Dry land, when compared with the sea or air মাটিতে , ভুমিতে <It was good to get back on terra firma again after a very rough ferry ride to Calais.> <after that nightmarish storm, the sailors were grateful to reach terra firma>


Example Meaning Adjective: persistently opposing; recalcitrant, Resisting pressure; resistant. Root বাংলা অর্থ একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য, জেদী, অবাধগতি, দুর্দমনীয়, দৃঢ় Related words Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Abstruse: Reticent: quiet; restrained; reluctant to speak vs Renitent:একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য, জেদী VS Penitent:অনুতপ্ত, contrite VS Pertinent:প্রাসঙ্গিক, সম্পর্কযুক্ত Mnemonic

Revamp (ree-vamp)

Example 1 an attempt to revamp the museum's image. 2. Vehicle dealers from all over the county exhibited cars, from the latest retro revamp Citroen C3 to Jack Villeneuve's old Honda Formula One racer. Meaning Verb: give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to. Noun: an act of improving the form, structure, or appearance of something. Root বাংলা অর্থ উন্নতিসাধন করা , নতুন করে গড়া Related words renovate, redecorate, refurbish, recondition, rehabilitate, overhaul, make over Mnemonic REV+AMP....ample of IMPROVE your vocabulary, you have to do ample of revision

Larceny (lahr-suh-nee)

Example 1. A concurrent effect to this drop in violent crime occurs in the form of an increase in some levels of property crimes, including larceny and auto theft. Meaning Noun: theft of personal property. Root বাংলা অর্থ জোচ্চুরি , চুরি , অপহরণ Related words theft, stealing, robbery Mnemonic break it up into LA-R-CENY LA (Law) and CENY (rhymes with Money or CENT for money) Unlawful taking of money = theft

Scurrilous (skur-uh-luh s)

Example 1. A scurrilous attack on his integrity. Meaning Adjective: making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation. Root বাংলা অর্থ অশ্লীল কৌতুকপূর্ণ Related words defamatory, slanderous, libelous, scandalous, insulting, offensive, gross, abusive lust(রিরংসা), amoral(অনৈতিক). vulgar(অভদ্র), licentious(লম্পট), libido(কামশক্তি), lubricious(লম্পট), lewd(লুচ্চা), lechery(লাম্পট্য), casanova(নারীশিকারী পুরুষ), titillate(সুড়সুড়ি দেওয়া, কাতুকুতু দেওয়া), aphrodisiac(কামোদ্দীপক), prurient(কামুক), salacity(কামুকতা), obscene(অশ্লীল), scurrilous(নোংরা, কুত্সিত), ribald(অশ্লীলভাষী), sordid(নোংরা), odious(ঘৃণ্য), bawdy(অশ্লীল), lascivious(লম্পট), libertine(কামুক), coquette(পুরুষের মনভোলানো নারী), gigolo(পেশাদার পুরুষ নৃত্যসঙ্গী), satyr(বনদেবতা Abstruse: Inscrutable:বোঝা অসম্ভব, impossible to understand or interpret, enigmatic, mysterious, unreadable, inexplicable vs Unscrupulous: বিবেকবর্জিত, অবিবেকী, ন্যায়-অন্যায় বিচারহীন vs Scrupulous:বিবেকী, খুঁতখুঁতে, সতর্ক, দ্বিধাগ্রস্ত, যথাযথ vs Scurrilous:অশ্লীল কৌতুকপূর্ণ Mnemonic You want to scurry away when someone makes scurrilous charges against you.

Lissome (lis-uh m)

Example 1. A star of Italian cinema by age 20, Ms. Lisi drew international attention for her lissome appeal in a range of dramas and farces. Meaning Adjective: (of a person or their body) thin, supple, and graceful. Root বাংলা অর্থ ক্ষিপ্র, চটপটে, কোমল, নমনীয়, সহজে নমনীয় Related words slender, lithesome, sylphlike, svelte, lissom, supple Some examples of lissome bodies are those of mermaids twisting through the water, small snakes squiggling into sand piles, and men and women who bound upstairs as if they're light as air. A straw is thin and bendy, and you can use it to lift some liquid from a glass. Lissome sounds a little like "lift some," and it's an adjective for thin and flexible people, like a lissome ballerina with a gracefully arched back. Light, lean, liquid in movement. lissome.

Filial (fil-ee-uh l)

Example 1. A youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his elders. Meaning Adjective: relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring, designating the generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation বাংলা অর্থ সন্তানোচিত, পুত্রোচিত, কন্যোচিত Mnemonic Phil and Al (can be names of children, therefore it is pertaining to a son or daughter - definition)

Frivolous (friv-uh-luh s)

Example 1. Compared to Juliet's passionate concern for human rights, Jake's non-stop concern about football seems somewhat frivolous. Meaning adjective: not serious in content or attitude or behavior বাংলা অর্থ বোকার মতো নয়ছয় Related words flippant, glib, facetious, joking, jokey, lighthearted, fatuous, inane, senseless. Mnemonic Fri-vo-lous ~Free - If something is free, u don't take it seriously, you think oh they are giving it for free because its not that important stuff. or not the stuff in demand.. or not the stuff taken seriously by public

Remiss (ri-mis)

Example 1. Remiss in his duty to keep the school functioning efficiently, the principal was relieved of his position after only three months. Meaning Adjective: to be negligent in one's duty Root বাংলা অর্থ শিথিল, অবহেলনাকারী, অমনোযোগী Related words delinquent, derelict, neglectful Mnemonic re+MISS you miss something repeatatively because of NEGLIGENCE, CARELESSNESS.

Exiguity (ig-zig-ui ty)

Example 1. After two months at sea, the exiguity of the ship's supplies forced them to search for fresh water and food. Meaning noun: the quality of being meager Root ex (from, out) Ty (state, condition or quality) বাংলা অর্থ অল্পতা, স্বল্পতা, নিস্বতা, দীনতা Related words impoverished( pover comes from poverty ), Insolvent, exiguity ( স্বল্পতা,দীনতা), dearth(অভাব, দুর্ভিক্ষ) , scarcity, scant(অপ্রচুর, অত্যল্প , নিতান্ত অপ্রতুল), paucity(অভাব), Modicum(সামান্য পরিমাণ, অল্প পরিমাণ, যত্কিঁচিৎ), Scintilla(স্ফুলিঙ্গ,a tiny trace), penury(দীনতা), indigent(অভাবী), impecunious(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত), destitute(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত) Abstruse: exegesis: critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture(ধর্মগ্রন্থ)(বাইবেলের সমালোচনা ও ভাষ্য). vs exigency: জরুরি অবস্থা, সংকট, an urgent need or demand. vs exigent: অত্যাবশ্যক, vs exiguity: অল্পতা, স্বল্পতা, নিস্বতা, দীনতা Mnemonics:

Rapprochement (rap-rohsh-mahn)

Example 1. Although Ann hoped that her mother and her aunt would have a rapprochement, each one's bitter accusations against the other made any reconciliation unlikely. Meaning Noun: the reestablishing of cordial relations Root বাংলা অর্থ পুনর্মিলন, সৌহাদ্র্যের পুন:প্রতিষ্ঠ, প্রীতির সম্পর্কের পুন:প্রতিষ্ঠ Related words reconciliation Abstruse: reproach=নিন্দা, তিরস্কার VS rapprochement=পুনর্মিলন, সৌহাদ্র্যের পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠ, প্রীতির সম্পর্কের পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠা Mnemonic reestablishing a cordial relationship Mnemonic: read it as re+approachment. "re" means again.Fighting people approach again to reconcile-

Seraphic (si-raf-ik)

Example 1. And in a child's voice, so full of seraphic purity, the words were read. Meaning Adjective: characteristic of or resembling a seraph (উচ্চতম শ্রেণীয় দেবদূত) or seraphim, Like an angel; serene, spiritually carried off or transported Root বাংলা অর্থ ভাল এবং বিশুদ্ধ Related words Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা),acclaimed (প্রশংসিত) acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) Abstruse: Seraphic:ভাল এবং বিশুদ্ধ seraph (উচ্চতম শ্রেণীয় দেবদূত) vs Serendipity:অপ্রত্যাশিত সাফল্য, লাভজনক vs Serene:নির্মেঘ, শান্ত, মেঘশূন্য vs Splendid:চমত্কার vs Splenetic: খিট্খিটে Mnemonic Think SER as in SERenade. The person who serenades his love is sweet and angelic.

Repast (ri-past)

Example 1. Anu Lakhan knows all too well what happens in the kitchen to make these repasts possible. Meaning Noun: A meal Verb: To eat or feast Root বাংলা অর্থ ভোজের আয়োজন Related words meal, feast, banquet, spread, feed, bite, bite to eat Mnemonic re PASTa...suppose u had pasta in ur MEAL..!!

Megalomania (meg-uh-loh-mey-nee-uh)

Example 1. As a military official, he's incompetent, and as a character who should engage our sympathy, he's a total failure, blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost. Meaning Noun: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others. Root বাংলা অর্থ নিজেকে বড় বা শক্তিশালী বলিয়া ভাবার বাতিক Related words delusions of grandeur, thirst/lust for power, self-importance Mnemonic mega (large) + mania (mental illness)

Invidious (in-vid-ee-uh s)

Example 1. At a time when many others in the office were about to be laid off, many considered Cheryl's fine clothes that day an invidious display. Meaning Hateful, offensive, likely to cause resentment Root বাংলা অর্থ অসন্তোষ বা ক্ষোপ উত্পাদনকারী Related words Hateful, offensive, injurious Abstruse: invidious=(of an action or situation) likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others VS invidia=envy Mnemonic invi seems like "envy" check the meaning of envy and you will understand the mnemonic

Redress (ree-dres)

Example 1. Barry forgot his wife's birthday two years in a row, and was only able to redress his oversight by surprising his wife with a trip to Tahiti. Meaning Noun: Setting something right after a misdeed, compensation or relief for injury or wrongdoing. Verb: correct, set right, remedy. Root বাংলা অর্থ প্রতিকার, বিহিত, প্রতিবিধান, প্রতিকর্ম, রক্ষা Related words remediation , remedy Mnemonic Redress is: "relief from distress"

Intrepid (in-trep-id)

Example 1. Captain Ahab was an intrepid captain whose reckless and fearless style ultimate leads to his downfall. Meaning Adjective: fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect). Root trepid means ভয় বাংলা অর্থ নিরাতঙ্ক, সাহসী Related words audacious , brave , dauntless , fearless , hardy, Intrepid (নিরাতঙ্ক), Plucky(সাহসী), Audacious(দুঃসাহসী), Mnemonic IN TRAP... you are fearless and confident that you will come out of it. Trepidation means frightening. Intrepid persons are not shaked with trapidation of anything

Remedial (ri-mee-dee-uh l)

Example 1. Clearly, too many students need remedial courses," the report states. Meaning Adjective: giving or intended as a remedy or cure. Root বাংলা অর্থ আরোগ্যকর Related words Therapeutic, healing, curative Mnemonic: Re-Med as in Medication can help you improve a disease.

Levee (lev-ee)

Example 1. Construction of levees and embankments prevents the floodplain from performing this function and transfers the problem further downstream to areas which were not subject to flooding. 2. An hour and 45 minutes into the mayor's levee, the queue is still over an hour long. Meaning Noun: an embankment built to prevent the overflow of a river. ; a reception or assembly of people, in particular. Root LEV (lift, light, rise) বাংলা অর্থ নদীতীরের বাঁধ, আনুষ্ঠানিক অভ্যর্থনাসভায় আগত অতিথিবৃন্দ Mnemonic levee..(sounds like level..) we LEVEL the land , with LEVEE so that there is no seep of water(..flooding..)

Rile (rahyl)

Example 1. Dan is usually calm and balanced, but it takes only one intense glare from Sabrina to rile him. Meaning Verb: cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations Root বাংলা অর্থ উত্ত্যক্ত করা, ক্রোধিত করা Related words annoy, bother, chafe, devil, get at, get to, gravel, irritate, nark, nettle, rag, vex Abstruse: Raft:ভেলা, কিছু একটা বড় পরিমাণে. vs Rife:প্রচুর পরিমাণ , বহুসংখ্যক vs Rift:ফুটা, চিড়, ফাট vs Rile: annoy, bother Mnemonic rile(rail)...we all travel by railways imagine you are on a trip to kodaikanal in a train and you find your co passenger who is all the time ANNOYING you

Filch (filch)

Example 1. Dean steals cars where the others are scarcely capable of filching a loaf of bread from an untended grocery. Meaning verb: make off with belongings of others বাংলা অর্থ ছিঁচকে চুরি করা, গ্যাঁড়া মারা Related words abstract, cabbage, hook, lift, nobble, pilfer, pinch, purloin, snarf, sneak, swipe Abstruse: fealty:সামন্তপ্রভুর প্রতি প্রজার আনুগত্য বা আনুগত্যের স্বীকৃতি vs filthy: অকথ্য, অপবিত্র, কলুষিত, অশ্লীল, কুতসিত, ময়লা vs filch: ছিঁচকে চুরি করা, Mnemonic fil(fill)+ch(cheese) --> Lord Krishna filled cheese in his bag which is 'STOLEN'

Goad (gohd)

Example 1. Doug did not want to enter the race, but Jim, through a steady stream of taunts, goaded him into signing up for it. 2. She seemed determined to goad him into a fight. Meaning verb: urge on with unpleasant comments, to urge forcefully; to taunt someone into doing some thing to make a person or an animal react or do something by continuously annoying or upsetting them: বাংলা অর্থ অঙ্কুশ, ডাঙ্গশ, প্রেরণা, উত্তেজিকা, উদ্দীপনা Related words prick,needle Mnemonic GO + And + Do it. Inspires

Mirth (murth)

Example 1. Each and every one found themselves at the center of the fun and mirth of the occasion at some time over the weekend. Meaning Noun: amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. Root বাংলা অর্থ উল্লাস, উচ্চহাসি, আনন্দ, হাসিখুশি ভাব Related words merriment, high spirits, cheerfulness, cheeriness, hilarity, glee, laughter, gaiety Abstruse: Mired:পাঁকে আটকান, পঙ্কলেপন করা, পাঁকে ডোবান vs Mirth: উল্লাস, উচ্চহাসি, আনন্দ, হাসিখুশি ভাব vs Mar: নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা Mnemonic mother at birth of her child is extremely happy. this is how the word was made. mother at birth = mirth.

Retract (ri-trakt)

Example 1. Email is wonderfully efficient, but once something awkward or damaging has been sent, there is no way to retract it. Meaning Verb: pull inward or towards a center; formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure Root বাংলা অর্থ ফিরাইয়া আনা, প্রত্যাহার করা, ফিরাইয়া আসা, বাতিল করা, অস্বীকার করা, প্রত্যাহরণ করা Related words draw in, abjure, forswear, recant Abstruse: distract: বিভ্রান্ত করা, বিহ্বল করা, ক্ষুব্ধ করা, কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় করা, উন্মাদগ্রস্ত করা vs detract=খর্ব করা, হরণ করা, হ্রাস করা VS retract=প্রত্যাহার করা Mnemonic retract->RE TAKE IT, meaning to take back

Fulminate (fuhl-muh-neyt)

Example 1. Even as a kid, Miller liked to fulminate against immigration and decry the ambient leftism of coastal California. Meaning Verb: to explode with a loud noise; detonate. বাংলা অর্থ সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া Root fulm (shine, burn) Related words screed, diatribe, harangue(দীর্ঘ বক্তৃতা related) Diatribe, Tirade, Harangue, and Fulmination are all words for bitter, angry speeches or attacks. Abstruse: Fulminate=সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া VS Culminate=সর্বোচ্চ সীমা পৌঁছান vs fulsome: গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর Mnemonic fulminate sounds like full + illuminate During an explosion or lightning, everything is illuminated completely.

Ferret (fer-it)

Example 1. Ever the resourceful lexicographer, Fenton was able to ferret out the word origin of highly obscure words. Meaning verb: to search for something persistently বাংলা অর্থ সন্ধানী, খুঁজে বের করা, শক্ত সুতির বা রেশমের ফিতে, নেউল জাতীয় ছোট জন্তু Related words ferret out Mnemonic Ferret is also an animal that looks like a large rat. There was a ferret in my house so we hunted it out of its hiding place so as to kill it

Refulgent (ri-fuhl-juh nt)

Example 1. I stepped outside under a refulgent sky, and I saw a tiny yellow-brown bird fly over the house into an oak. Meaning Adjective: shining brightly. Root বাংলা অর্থ উজ্জ্বলভাবে দীপ্তিমিান্, জাজ্বল্যমান Related words luminous(উজ্জ্বল), lustrous(দ্যুতিমান), effulgent(দীপ্তিশীল), refulgent(জাজ্বল্যমান), radiant(প্রভাশালী, দীপ্তিশীল, উজ্জ্বল), luster(দীপ্তি) Mnemonic refulgent sounds like detergent.. use detergent to make things shine

Grovel (gruhv-uh l)

Example 1. Every time Susan comes to the office, Frank grovels as if she were about to fire. Meaning Verb: show submission or fear, Creep or crawl with one's face to the ground, prostrate oneself as a token of subservience, degrade or abase oneself বাংলা অর্থ পদলেহন Related words toady(পা চাটা), fawn(তোষামোদী, খোশামুদে), kowtow(সাষ্টাঙ্গ প্রণাম), obsequious(চাটুকার), adulator(চাটুকার), sycophant(চাটুকার, চামচা), blandishment(চাটুবাক্য), ingratiate(অনুগ্রহ ভাজন করান), unctuous(তেলা), minion(চাটুকার), bootlicker(খয়েরখাঁ), slavish(দাসসুলভ), grovel(পদলেহন) Mnemonic One who wants to "grow well" needs to grovel before his manager.

Rue (roo)

Example 1. Ferguson will rue the day he turned down that offer Meaning Noun: Regret, remorse Verb: to feel regret or remorse Root বাংলা অর্থ অনুতাপ করা , পরিতাপ করা , অনুশোচনা করা , খেদ করা , আপসোস করা , তিক্ত স্বাদযুক্ত Related words contrite(অনুতপ্ত), remorseful(অনুতপ্ত), regret repentant(অনুতপ্ত), penitent(অনুতপ্ত), compunction(অনুশোচনা) Contrition(অনুতপ্ত), Rue(অনুতাপ করা ) repent(অনুশোচনা করা) Abstruse: row: ঝগড়া, হৈচৈ, নর, পাঁতি, পাতি vs rue:অনুতাপ করা , পরিতাপ করা , অনুশোচনা করা , খেদ করা , আপসোস করা , তিক্ত স্বাদযুক্ত Mnemonic rue sounds similar to ruin...when you ruin your life you LAMENT and REGRET it

Fell (fel)

Example 1. For fans of the Harry Potter series, the fell Lord Voldemort, who terrorized poor Harry for seven lengthy installments, has finally been vanquished by the forces of good - unless, that is, JK Rowling decides to come out of retirement. Meaning Adjective: terribly evil বাংলা অর্থ নির্মম, নিষ্ঠুর, দয়ামায়াহীন, নিষ্করুণ, কঠিনহৃদয়, পাষাণহৃদয় Abstruse: lull: ঘুমান, স্থির করা, ঘুম পাড়ান, শান্ত করা, প্রশমিত হত্তয়া, স্থির হত্তয়া vs fell: নির্মম, নিষ্ঠুর, দয়ামায়াহীন, নিষ্করুণ, কঠিনহৃদয়, পাষাণহৃদয় Related words Barbarous, brutal, cruel, roughshod, savage, vicious

Gnostic (nos-tik)

Example 1. For some pavements such a religious symbolism has been suggested: examples at Brading and Littlecote have been seen as representing 'Orphic' or Gnostic (mystical knowledge) ideas. Meaning Noun: of or relating to knowledge, especially esoteric mystical knowledge. বাংলা অর্থ জ্ঞানবাদী, অবগত, জ্ঞানসম্পন্ন Abstruse: Agnostic= a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena VS Gnostic=অবগত, জ্ঞানসম্পন্ন VS Prognostication: ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা বা পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া , পূর্বলক্ষণ দেখা Root GN/GNO (know)

Schadenfreude [1450th] (shahd-n-froi-duh)

Example 1. From his warm apartment window, Stanley reveled in schadenfreude as he laughed at the figures below, huddled together in the arctic chill. Meaning Noun: joy from watching the suffering of others Root বাংলা অর্থ পরের দুর্দশায় আনন্দ

Savant (sav-uh nt)

Example 1. Gigerenzer seems to think that considered debate between these savants would permit a slower but better guided development of scientific psychology. Meaning Noun: a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist. Root বাংলা অর্থ মহাপণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি Related words sapient(বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ) , savant (মহাপণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি), Prudent(বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী), Circumspect (সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), sage(ঋষি, মহাজ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি), Perspicacious (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ স্বচ্ছদৃষ্টিসম্পন্নতা, তীক্ষ্নদৃষ্টি acutely insightful and wise ) , pundit, Politic (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ), Judicious (সুবিজ্ঞ, সুবিচারপূর্ণ, বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী ), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Provident(মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ),sane ( opposite of insane , বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী) sane ( opposite of insane , বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী) Mnemonic seems like SERVANT. servant with good knowledge of doing work

Grievous (gree-vuh s)

Example 1. Give me some suggestions so I don't make the grievous error of leaving something out and then getting two dozen emails about it. 2. With the available data, the grievousness of the condition of the dugong population in the country was evident. Meaning Adjective: (of something bad) very severe or serious. বাংলা অর্থ যন্ত্রণাকর, মর্মান্তিক, কষ্টকর, পীড়াদায়ক, উত্কট, দু:খজনক Root GRAV/GRIEV (heavy, serious) Related words serious, severe, grave, bad, critical, dreadful, terrible, awful Mnemonic we always say like a soul from grave threatens us or causes fear so grievous is like from grave.

Recreant (rek-ree-uh nt)

Example 1. Had she gone abroad to seek him and win his recreant heart again? Meaning Adjective: cowardly. Root বাংলা অর্থ স্বদলত্যাগী, কাপুরুষোচিত Related words Renegade, craven Mnemonic Re (again and again)+creant (create). So creating some excuses again and again not to go for a fight because you are a COWARD.

Gestation (je-stey-shuh n)

Example 1. Once pregnant they cease to feed for the 3 to 4 month gestation period whilst the embryos develop inside the body. Meaning Noun: the process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth. বাংলা অর্থ গর্ভকাল, গর্ভধারণ কাল, গর্ভে ধারণ Root tion (state or quality) Related words pregnancy, incubation, development, maturation Mnemonic when we pronounce gestation, we have guest in the name. so a guest is about to come permanently which implies pregnancy

Inveigle (in-vey-guh l)

Example 1. He tried to inveigle me also into it, but I remained glum and silent. Meaning Verb: persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery, Entice, lure; get something by flattery, cleverness, or offering incentives Root বাংলা অর্থ লোভ দেখানো, প্রলোভিত করা Related words temped(প্রলুব্ধ করা), , entice(প্রলুব্ধ করা), allure(প্রলুব্ধ করা), Inveigle(লোভ দেখানো, প্রলোভিত করা), Coax and cajole are gentler versions—trying to get someone to do something through persuasion or flattery. Abstruse: inveigh= speak or write about (Something) with great hostility VS inveigle=লোভ দেখানো, প্রলোভিত করামুগ্ধ করা Mnemonic inveigle sounds like in veil. SO something that is concealed by a veil. Outward appearances are sometimes deceptive.

Render (ren-der)

Example 1. He would render income tax returns at the end of the year. Meaning Verb: provide or give (a service, help, etc.). Root বাংলা অর্থ বিনিময়ে দেওয়া , প্রতিদানে দেওয়া , সমর্পণ করা , হাতে তুলে দেওয়া Related words Give, submit, surrender; translate; declare Abstruse: Rend: ফালাফালা করা, খণ্ডখণ্ড করা, দ্বিখণ্ডিত হওয়া, বিদীর্ণ করা vs Render:পারিশ্রমিক প্রদান করা, পেশ করা, প্রদান করা,বিনিময়ে দেওয়া, প্রতিদানে দেওয়া, সমর্পণ করা Mnemonic rhymes vendor who delivers ur goods

Limpid (lim-pid)

Example 1. Her limpid prose made even the most recondite subjects accessible to all. Meaning Adjective: clarity in terms of expression Root বাংলা অর্থ পরিষ্কার , নির্মল , স্বচ্ছ Related words Limpid(নির্মল), Lucid(স্বচ্ছ), pellucid(নির্মল), patent(পেটেন্ট, স্পষ্ট (স্পষ্ট)), perspicuous(সুস্পষ্ট), Elucidate( make clear ), Diaphanous(স্বচ্ছ) Mnemonic limpid = liquid = transparent.

Glean (gleen)

Example 1. Herb has given us no formal statement about his background, but from various hints, I have gleaned that he grew up in difficult circumstances Meaning verb: collect information bit by bit বাংলা অর্থ ফসল তোলার পর পড়ে-থাকা শস্যের দানা ক্ষেত থেকে খুঁটে খুঁতে তোলা, উঁচ্ছবৃত্তি, সংগৃহীত দ্রব্য Related words harvest , reap, obtain, get, take, draw, derive, extract Mnemonic It sounds like clean. You clean by gathering the leavings bit by bit

Libidinous (li-bid-n-uh s)

Example 1. High court sentences for lewd and libidinous behavior, which includes some sex offenses against children, also fell, from over five years to four. Meaning Adjective: showing excessive sexual drive; lustful. Root বাংলা অর্থ কামুক, কামী, কামীন, কামলালসাপূর্ণ, লালসাপূর্ণ , লম্প Related words carnal, salacious, prurient, lust(রিরংসা), amoral(অনৈতিক). vulgar(অভদ্র), licentious(লম্পট), libido(কামশক্তি), lubricious(লম্পট), lewd(লুচ্চা), lechery(লাম্পট্য), casanova(নারীশিকারী পুরুষ), titillate(সুড়সুড়ি দেওয়া, কাতুকুতু দেওয়া), aphrodisiac(কামোদ্দীপক), prurient(কামুক), salacity(কামুকতা), obscene(অশ্লীল), scurrilous(নোংরা, কুত্সিত), ribald(অশ্লীলভাষী), sordid(নোংরা), odious(ঘৃণ্য), bawdy(অশ্লীল), lascivious(লম্পট), libertine(কামুক), coquette(পুরুষের মনভোলানো নারী), gigolo(পেশাদার পুরুষ নৃত্যসঙ্গী), satyr(বনদেবতা Mnemonic libido : which means to have pleasure during sex... so similar meaning

Rankle (rang-kuh l)

Example 1. His constant whistling would rankle her, sometimes causing her to leave in a huff. Meaning Verb: (of a wound or sore) continue to be painful; fester., gnaw into; make resentful or angry Root বাংলা অর্থ পচিয়া উঠা, যন্ত্রণাদায়কভাবে পাকা, যন্ত্রণাদায়কভাবে পাকান, মনে পীডা দেত্তয়া Related words eat into, fret, grate Mnemonic R+ANKLE...focus..on a JOINT between..foot and leg...and PAIN IN your ankle could be very annoying and irritating for you. Also Rankle= Red+Ankle which means when ur ankle turns red it pains a lot Rankle -- Rude angry uncle

Forthright (fawrth-rahyt)

Example 1. I did not expect the insurance agent to give us any straight answers, but I was pleasantly surprised by how forthright he was. Meaning adjective: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion বাংলা অর্থ স্পষ্টাস্পষ্টি, সরাসরি, অতি দ্রুত Root for (completely, used to intensify the meaning of a word) Related words blunt , candid , frank , free-spoken , outspoken , plainspoken , point-blank , straight-from-the-shoulder Mnemonic forthright=for+the+right(rite) = for your rites you need to be straightforward

Glib (glib)

Example 1. I have found that the more glib the salesman, the worse the product. Meaning Adjective: (of a person) speaking with ease but without sincerity বাংলা অর্থ সাবলীল, শতমুখ, মসৃণ, পিচ্ছিল, সহজ, চপল, অনর্গল , স্বচ্ছন্দ , সাবলীল , সদাপ্রস্তুত Related words slick, pat, fast-talking, smooth-talking, disingenuous, insincere, facile, shallow, Loquacious(বহুভাষী, বাক্পটু), Garrulous(বাচাল, অতিভাষী, গপ্প, আড্ডাবাজ) , Volubility(শব্দব্যবহার), glib(সাবলীল, শতমুখ, মসৃণ, পিচ্ছিল), Articulate( Using language in a clear, fluent way), Eloquent (speaking in a fluent, powerful, appropriate way) Mnemonic glib sounds like Ghalib..his shayeri was slick and fluent


Example 1. Our field hockey team floundered helplessly around the field while the opposing team scored goal after goal. 2. Sylvia has excelled at advanced calculus, but ironically, when she has deal with taxes, she flounders. Meaning verb: behave awkwardly; have difficulties বাংলা অর্থ রাঘববোয়াল Related words stagger Mnemonic Fly+under water is accompanied with lots of struggle and confusion

Loath (lohth)

Example 1. I was loath to leave the concert before my favorite band finished playing. Meaning Adjective: unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom (usually followed by 'to') Root বাংলা অর্থ অরাজি, অনিচ্ছুক, অপ্রবৃত্ত, বিতৃষ্ণ Related words loth, reluctant, antipathetic, antipathetical, averse, indisposed Abstruse: be loath to: অরাজি, অনিচ্ছুক, অপ্রবৃত্ত, বিতৃষ্ণ vs be inured to: অভ্যস্ত করান, কার্যকর করা, কার্যকর হত্তয়া, চালু করা, চালু হত্তয়া, সহান Mnemonic if you have taken an oath of not doing what your dad guides you... you are very unwilling and reluctant to listen to him.

Knell (nel)

Example 1. I was sure anyone within five miles would have heard it the way they hear a church bell's knell or a train's whistle. Meaning Noun: The sound made by a bell for a funeral, or any sad sound or signal of a failure, death, ending, etc. Verb: to make such a sound Root বাংলা অর্থ ঘণ্টাধ্বনি, ধ্বনিত হত্তয়া, বাজা ,ঘণ্টাধ্বনি হত্তয়া Related words toll, tolling, dong, resounding, reverberation Mnemonic knell== k + (hell+bell) === when u die u wil be in hell... so knell means tolling of a bell to indicate funeral

Serene (suh-reen)

Example 1. I'd never seen him so serene; usually, he was a knot of stress and anxiety from hours of trading on the stock exchange. Meaning Adjective: calm and peaceful, completely clear and fine Root বাংলা অর্থ নির্মেঘ, শান্ত, মেঘশূন্য, অচঁচল, অক্ষুব্ধ Related words tranquil, calm, composed, tranquil, peaceful, untroubled, relaxed Abstruse: Seraphic:ভাল এবং বিশুদ্ধ seraph (উচ্চতম শ্রেণীয় দেবদূত) vs Serendipity:অপ্রত্যাশিত সাফল্য, লাভজনক vs Serene:নির্মেঘ, শান্ত, মেঘশূন্য vs Splendid:চমত্কার vs Splenetic: খিট্খিটে Mnemonic serene skies and a bright blue sea

Modicum (mod-i-kuh m)

Example 1. If my sister had even a modicum of sense, she wouldn't be engaged to that barbarian Meaning a small or moderate or token amount, A little bit or limited quantity Root বাংলা অর্থ সামান্য পরিমাণ, অল্প পরিমাণ, যত্কিঁচিৎ, সামান্য প্রামাণিক সাক্ষ্য Related words impoverished ( pover comes from poverty ), Insolvent, exiguity ( স্বল্পতা,দীনতা), dearth(অভাব, দুর্ভিক্ষ) , scarcity, scant(অপ্রচুর, অত্যল্প , নিতান্ত অপ্রতুল), paucity(অভাব), Modicum(সামান্য পরিমাণ, অল্প পরিমাণ, যত্কিঁচিৎ), Scintilla(স্ফুলিঙ্গ,a tiny trace), penury(দীনতা), indigent(অভাবী), impecunious(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত), destitute(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত) Mnemonic MODICUM=MODERATE+INCOME

Gaffe (gaf)

Example 1. In a famous gaffe, Vice President Quayle attempted to correct the spelling of a grade school student, only to find that the child was correct. 2. Remember, a gaffe is when you accidentally tell the truth Meaning noun: a socially awkward or tactless act বাংলা অর্থ অসমীচীন কাজ, ভুল, অসমীচীন মন্তব্য, ভুল পদক্ষেপ Related words faux pas , gaucherie , slip , solecism Abstruse: guffaw=অট্টহাসি, উচ্চহাসি VS Gaffe= ভুল পদক্ষেপ, অসমীচীন কাজ VS Gaffer=শ্রমিক সর্দার Mnemonic Disney character Goofy who was always making Blunders.

Skittish (skit-ish)

Example 1. In the Senate, Republicans are skittish about border security (among other issues, but mainly border security). Meaning Adjective: Shy, fickle, uncertain, or prone to act suddenly due to nervousness; lively in a restless or excessive way Root বাংলা অর্থ ভীতু, লঘুচেতা, চপল, ছ্টফটে, হাসিখুশি, খামখেয়ালী Related words nervous, anxious, on edge, excitable, restive, jumpy, jittery, Mnemonic In a skit ( a comic play or a drama), everyone is lively and playful.

Legerdemain (lej-er-duh-meyn)

Example 1. In the year since Tyco was hit with charges of accounting legerdemain, the company kept making acquisitions, though it completed fewer big ones. Meaning trickery or deception, Slight-of-hand (magic as performed by a magician); Root বাংলা অর্থ ইন্দ্রজাল, বাজি, বিভ্রান্তকারী বাক্যজাল, হস্তকৌশল, ভোজবাজি, বিভ্রান্তকারী হস্তকৌশল Related words sleight of hand, conjuring, magic, wizardry, prestidigitation Mnemonic legerdemain: legendary man

Fervent (fur-vuh nt)

Example 1. It is my fervent hope that my whole life on this earth will ever be tears and laughter. Meaning Adjective: having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.; ardent বাংলা অর্থ তপ্ত , দীপ্ত , প্রগাঢ় , ঐকান্তিক , তীব্র Root FERV (to boil, to bubble, to burn) Related words fervid, impassioned, passionate. Mnemonic fervent/fervid both can be remembered by February -specifically Feb14 when youngsters are quite emotional regarding V-Day.

Livid (liv-id)

Example 1. It remains a solitary recorded example of coffee-table trip-hop fans erupting in a livid wave of anger - the musical equivalent of assistant librarians rioting. Meaning Adjective: furiously angry. Root বাংলা অর্থ প্রচণ্ড ক্রুদ্ধ, পাংশু, কৃষ্ণনীলবর্ণ, পাংশুবর্ণ, সীসকবর্ণ, বিবর্ণ Related words purplish, bluish, dark, discolored, purple Mnemonic LIVE+VIDEO: The officer was ENRAGED WITH ANGER when he was caught taking bribe on LIVE VIDEO

Interdict (in-ter-dikt)

Example 1. Patrollers will be increased along the border to interdict smugglers. Meaning Noun: an authoritative prohibition. Verb: prohibit or forbid (something). Root INTER (between, among) DIC/DICT/DIT - (to say, to tell, to use words) বাংলা অর্থ নিষিদ্ধ করা, সমাজচু্যত করা Related words prohibition, interdiction Abstruse: interdict=নিষিদ্ধ করা VS Indict=অভিযুক্ত করা Mnemonic INTER(between) + DICT(speak) = when you speak in between, you PROHIBIT someone else from speaking.

Ravenous (rav-uh-nuh s)

Example 1. John didn't eat much at all during the week he had the flu, so now that he is regaining his health, it's not surprising that he has a ravenous appetite. Meaning Adjective: extremely hungry; devouring or craving food in great quantities Root বাংলা অর্থ বুভুক্ষিত, সম্পূর্ণ লুঠনকর, ধ্বংসক, হিংস্র শিকারি, লোলুপ, গোগ্রাসে গেলে এমন Related words Covetous, avaricious(অর্থলোভী, লোভী), rapacious(অর্থলোভী , অর্থপিপাসু), Cupidity(লোভ, ধনলোভ), Voracious(অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী), Ravenous(লোলুপ, গোগ্রাসে গেলে এমন) Abstruse: Coven=সমাবেশ, সভা, একটি গোষ্ঠী বা ডাইনিদের সমাবেশ যা নিয়মিতভাবে পূরণ হয় VS Raven=দাঁড়কাক, রাক্ষসের মত খাওয়া VS Craven=নীচ, কাপুরুষ Mnemonic sounds like RAVAN.. we can understand how hungry one would get to feed his 10 heads

Monastic (muh-nas-tik)

Example 1. Like the monastics and mystics at their best, he has a gift for seeing God everywhere. Meaning Adjective: of or relating to monks, nuns, or others living under religious vows, or the buildings in which they live. Noun: a monk or other follower of a monastic rule. Root বাংলা অর্থ সন্ন্যাসী , নির্জন, নিভৃতবাসী, মঠ সম্বন্ধীয়, সন্ন্যাসিসম্বন্ধীয়, সন্ন্যাসিনীসম্বন্ধীয়, নি:সঙ্গ নিভৃতবাসী ব্যক্তি Related words austere, ascetic, simple, solitary, monkish, celibate, quiet, cloistered, sequestered, secluded, reclusive Mnemonic monastic has 'ascetic' which means self-denial, living life like a Monk.

Lascivious (luh-siv-ee-uh s)

Example 1. Lolita is a challenging novel for many, not necessarily because of the elevated prose style but because of the depravity of the main character, Humbert, who, as an old, lascivious man, falls in love with a girl. Meaning Adjective: lecherous; sexually perverted Root বাংলা অর্থ লম্পট, কামুক, কামার্ত, কামার্থী, কামী, কামীন Related words lewd, libidinous, lustful, lust(রিরংসা), amoral(অনৈতিক). vulgar(অভদ্র), licentious(লম্পট), libido(কামশক্তি), lubricious(লম্পট), lewd(লুচ্চা), lechery(লাম্পট্য), casanova(নারীশিকারী পুরুষ), titillate(সুড়সুড়ি দেওয়া, কাতুকুতু দেওয়া), aphrodisiac(কামোদ্দীপক), prurient(কামুক), salacity(কামুকতা), obscene(অশ্লীল), scurrilous(নোংরা, কুত্সিত), ribald(অশ্লীলভাষী), sordid(নোংরা), odious(ঘৃণ্য), bawdy(অশ্লীল), lascivious(লম্পট), libertine(কামুক), coquette(পুরুষের মনভোলানো নারী), gigolo(পেশাদার পুরুষ নৃত্যসঙ্গী), satyr(বনদেবতা Mnemonic lascivious (lasci -lust vious -full) so --lustful

Lapidary (lap-i-der-ee)

Example 1. Man's mind is like a diamond, and experience is the lapidary. Meaning Adjective: (of language) engraved on or suitable for engraving on stone and therefore elegant and concise. Noun: a person who cuts, polishes, or engraves gems. Root বাংলা অর্থ জহুরি, মণিকার, রত্নবিশেষজ্ঞ, জহরি, জহরী, পাথরে খোদিত , যে ব্যক্তি পাথর কাটে Mnemonic LIPI is a style of writing...a person who writes or engraves on stones is LAPIDARY

Jejune (ji-joon)

Example 1. Many people claim to find celebrity gossip jejune, but ask them about a recent movie star scandal and chances are they know all about it. 2. Her boss further cemented his reputation for being jejune after throwing a fit when the water cooler wasn't refilled. Meaning Adjective: dull; lacking flavor, describe something that is uninteresting or insignificant. Root It originally comes from the Latin word jejunus, which means "fasting," so when something is jejune, it's figuratively empty — devoid of intellectual nourishment. বাংলা অর্থ নীরস, নিকৃষ্ট Related words insubstantial,insipid, immature; childish, adolescent , juvenile , puerile Mnemonic think of june.. students feel dull as their summer holidays are about to end

Fleece (flees)

Example 1. Many people have been fleeced by Internet scams and never received their money back. Meaning verb: to deceive বাংলা অর্থ ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া Related words sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা)

Maunder (mawn-der)

Example 1. Max liked to maunder down by the seaside and pick up whatever sea shells he would stumble upon. 2. After drinking two espressos each, the animated couple would maunder loudly, annoying the other patrons in the coffee shop. Meaning Verb: speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly, talk in a rambling manner Root maund means nit of weight equal to 40 seers, mad বাংলা অর্থ বক্বক্, বাজে কথা Related words blab, blabber, chatter, clack, gabble, gibber Abstruse: Maunder=বাজে কথা vs Maudlin: অর্ধ মাতাল , নির্বোধ , মূর্খ , ভাবপ্রবণ VS Meander=আঁকাবাঁকা পথ Mnemonic sounds like wander - in speech or moving

Gambit (gam-bit)

Example 1. Randy played a gambit, telling his boss that he would leave at the end of the week if he didn't get a raise. Meaning noun: a maneuver or risk in a game or conversation, designed to secure an advantage বাংলা অর্থ চাল Related words ploy , stratagem Abstruse: Gambol=তিড়িং তিড়িং নাচ VS Gamble=ঝুঁকি VS Gambit=চাল ,an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage Mnemonics: game bit

Germinate (jur-muh-neyt)

Example 1. Most of the seeds in the seed packet will germinate if they are given water and plenty of sunshine. Meaning Verb: (of a seed or spore) begin to grow and put out shoots after a period of dormancy. বাংলা অর্থ অঙ্কুরিত করা, অঙ্কুরিত হত্তয়া, উদ্ভিন্ন হত্তয়া Related words tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) sprout, shoot (up), bud, develop, grow, spring up, vegetate Abstruse: Germane: যথাযথ, সঙ্গত, প্রাসঙ্গিক vs Germinate: অঙ্কুরদগোম হওয়া,কুড়ি ধরা, উন্মেষিত হওয়া Mnemonic opposite of terminate is germinate

Solecism (sol-uh-siz-uh m)

Example 1. Mother Anna was always on guard against any solecism from her children and scolded them immediately if any of them talked out of place in public. Meaning Noun: a socially awkward or tactless act, grammatical mistake Root বাংলা অর্থ বাক্যগঠনপ্রণালীর নিয়মভঙ্গ Related words faux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, slip nihilism (the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless), euphemism (শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতর পদের প্রয়োগ), Malapropism (শব্দের অপপ্রয়োগ), jingoism (উগ্র দেশপ্রেম), anachronism (একযুগের বস্তু, ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা ইত্যাদিকে ভুল করে অন্য যুগের সঙ্গে জড়িয়ে ফেলা, neologism (নতুন নতুন শবদের নির্মাণ ও প্রয়োগ), Solecism (a grammatical mistake in speech or writing), Solipsism ( আত্নজ্ঞানবাদ), Sophism (আপাত-সঠিক কিন্তু আসলে ভুল, প্রতারণ, প্রবচনা, কুতর্ক), Sophist (কুতার্কিক) Abstruse: Solipsism: আত্নজ্ঞানবাদ vs Solecism (a grammatical mistake in speech or writing) vs Sophism (আপাত-সঠিক কিন্তু আসলে ভুল, প্রতারণ, প্রবচনা, কুতর্ক Mnemonic solecism = so less lex - ism. Lexical is related to grammar as also in lexical anaylsis in a computer langauge.. so-less-lex-ism means more grammatical and awkward mistakes

Sepulchral (suh-puhl-kruh l)

Example 1. Mother and son lie together, sepulchral white sheets covering them, rejoined in a kind of death, and David can finally close his eyes and dream. Meaning Adjective: of or relating to a tomb or interment. Root বাংলা অর্থ অন্ত্যেষ্টিসঙক্রান্ত, কবরতুল্য, কবর - সঙ্ক্রান্ত Related words Gloomy, lugubrious, somber, melancholy, melancholic, sad, sorrowful, mournful, doleful

Fledgling (flej-ling)

Example 1. Murray has years of experience in family practice, but he is just a fledgling in surgery. Meaning adjective: young and inexperienced; describing any new participant in some activity বাংলা অর্থ অনভিজ্ঞ লোক Root ling (younger or inferior) Related words callow , unfledged,entrant , freshman , neophyte , newbie , newcomer , starter tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) Mnemonic Mind it Sledging. Your cricketers (bowlers) sledge the talented one if he can't out him. Huh, lack of experience.

Irk (urk)

Example 1. My little sister has a way of irking and annoying me like no other person. Meaning Verb: irritate or vex বাংলা অর্থ ক্লান্ত করে তোলা, বিরক্তি উত্পাদন করা Related words gall Abstruse: irk=ক্লান্ত করে তোলা, বিরক্তি উতপাদন করা VS ilk=মত,একই ধরণের বা গোত্রের বা রকমের vs ire: ক্রোধ VS inkling=আভাস, সামান্য ধারনা

Exhort (ig ZORT)

Example 1. Nelson's parents exhorted him to study medicine, urging him to choose a respectable profession; intransigent, Nelson left home to become a graffiti artist. 2. The fearful forest ranger exhorted us not to go into the cave, but we did so anyway and became lost in the center of the earth. Meaning verb: to strongly urge on; encourage Root ex (from, out) বাংলা অর্থ উত্সাহিত করা,পরামর্শ দেত্তয়া, উপদেশ দেত্তয়া, প্রণোদিত করা Related words barrack , cheer , inspire , pep up , root on , urge , urge on Abstruse: Exhort=উতসাহিত করা VS Cohort=দল Mnemonic my ex gf is very hot(hort)...she urges men ...

Lavish (lav-ish)

Example 1. Of course, it could be hard to see that logic through all the lavish weirdness of the proposal. Meaning Adjective: Abundant or giving in abundance; marked by excess Verb: give very generously Root বাংলা অর্থ ঢের, খরচে Related words munificent(মুক্তহস্ত), lavish(অপব্যয় করা), largess(বদান্যতা), unsparing(প্রচুর), unstinting , generous Mnemonic lavish( read it as love ) in love boy spends money generously s0 generous in spending money

Redoubtable (ri-dou-tuh-buh l)

Example 1. On television basketball players don't look that tall, but when you stand in front of a seven-foot tall NBA player, he is truly redoubtable. Meaning Adjective: inspiring fear or awe Root বাংলা অর্থ ভীতিপ্রদ, পরাক্রান্ত, দুর্দান্ত, ভয়ংকর Related words formidable , unnerving Abstruse: redoubtable: ভীতিপ্রদ, পরাক্রান্ত, দুর্দান্ত, ভয়ংকর vs redound: বিশেষ অবদান রাখা, শেষ পরিণতি হিসেবে আসা vs rotund: গোলাকার Mnemonic redoubtable can be re+doubt(able) if you have REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the exam, it might CAUSE FEAR

Lambaste (lam-beyst)

Example 1. Showing no patience, the manager utterly lambasted the sales team that lost the big account. Meaning Verb: criticize severely or angrily, disapprove angrily Root বাংলা অর্থ আচ্ছা করে ধোলাই দেওয়া , গালাগালি দিয়ে ভূত ভাগিয়ে দেওয়া , বেশ করে দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া Related words decry(সমালোচনা করা), excoriate(কঠোর সমালোচনা করা), objurgate(নিন্দাকারী), broadside(strong verbal attack), snub(তিরস্কার), condemn(নিন্দা), reprobate(দোষারোপ করা, নিন্দা করা , প্রত্যাখ্যান করা), Pillory(মানুষের সামনে কাউকে অপমান করা, কাষ্ঠানির্মিত শাস্তিস্তম্ভবিশেষ), Lambaste(গালাগালি দিয়ে ভূত ভাগিয়ে দেওয়া , বেশ করে দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া), Censure(নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার) Mnemonic Lambaste will remind u of BLAST!!!

Expedient (ik SPEE dee unt)

Example 1. Since the basement had nearly filled with water, the plumber felt it would be expedient to clear out the drain. 2. The candidate's position in favor of higher pay for teachers was an expedient one adopted for the national teachers' convention and abandoned shortly afterward. Meaning providing an immediate advantage; serving one's immediate self-interest; practical বাংলা অর্থ সমীচীন, সুবিধাজনক, উপযুক্ত, যুক্তিযুক্ত, উপযোগী Root ex (from, out) Related words advisable, appropriate, desirable; advantageous Abstruse: expedite: to cause something to be done more quickly vs expedient: সুবিধাজনক উপায়, উদ্দেশ্যসাধক উপায়, পন্থা, পথ, উপযোগী উপায়, উপযোগী কৌশল Mnemonic pronounce it like "experienced" experienced person is always SUITABLE for making decisions

Gambol (gam-buh l)

Example 1. So, the wonderful free gambol in the pastures is over and The Guardian is now having to share the cowshed with everybody else; even the BBC will find itself lassoed by the government sooner or later. Meaning Noun: to dance or skip around playfully বাংলা অর্থ ক্রীড়াচ্ছলে তিড়িংতিড়িং নাচা, ক্রীড়া করা, তিড়িং-তিড়িং নাচা Related words frolic, frisk, cavort, caper, skip, dance, romp, prance, leap, hop, jump, spring Abstruse: Gambol=তিড়িং তিড়িং নাচ VS Gamble=ঝুঁকি VS Gambit=চাল ,an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage Mnemonic gambol : game-ball, in a football game you have to skip the ball playfully because if you don't do it the opposite player will tackle you quickly.

Expiate (ek-spee-eyt)

Example 1. Some South Koreans will no doubt insist that Tokyo hasn't done enough to expiate war memories. 2. He died in an attempt to expiate his own guilt. 3. Generally, there is—much later—a period of national reckoning when the sins of the moment of crisis are both expiated and forgiven. Meaning verb: to atone for, make amends for sin বাংলা অর্থ প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা, পূর্ণপ্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা, খেসারৎ দেত্তয়া Root ex (from, out) Related words Atone Abstruse: Expatriate=নির্বাসিত করা, বিতাড়িত ( opposite of patriate করা ) VS Expatiate= বিস্তৃতভাবে আলোচনা করা, VS Expiate=প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা, মিটমাট করা vs excoriate:কঠোর সমালোচনা করা Mnemonic Rhymes as Ex Pirate. An ex-pirate always tries to expiate his guilt.Ex pirate becomes pious.

Insurrection (in-suh-rek-shuh n)

Example 1. South Africa's government was by that time mired in an economic crisis and faced an insurrectionary mass movement of the black working class. Meaning Noun: a violent uprising against an authority or government. Root বাংলা অর্থ উপপ্লব, বিদ্রোহ Related words sedition(রাজদ্রোহ, রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ) militate(বিদ্রোহী হত্তয়া), remonstrate(তীব্র আপত্তি করা), subversion(বিধ্বংসী), provocation(উত্তেজন বা প্ররোচনা,জ্বালাতন করা), Insurrection, rebellion, revolt, uprising, mutiny, revolution Mnemonic in-surrection relate surrection with surrender thus -in surrection = not to surrender = rebellious

Slew (sloo)

Example 1. St. George slew the dragon 2. I was assaulted by the thump and slew of the van Meaning Noun: a violent or uncontrollable sliding movement. Verb: turn or slide violently or uncontrollably in a particular direction, kill (a person or animal) in a violent way. Root বাংলা অর্থ হত্যা করল, পিছলাইয়া পড়া Related words Myriad can also mean a very great number of something (probably bigger than a slew)., sight, great deal, tidy sum, kill, murder, put to death, butcher, slip, slue, skid. Mnemonic slew =not FEW i.e. many in number or quantitySlew is opposite small and few.

Finagle (fi-ney-guh l)

Example 1. Steven was able to finagle one of the last seats on the train by convincing the conductor that his torn stub was actually a valid ticket. Meaning verb: achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods বাংলা অর্থ প্রতারণা করা, প্রবঁচনা করা, বঁচনা করা, ঠকান, ফাঁকি দেত্তয়া Related words sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) Abstruse: finagle: প্রতারণা করা vs fragile: ভঙ্গুর, পলকা, নশ্বর, ঠুনক, ক্ষর, ফঙ্গপানি, রোগা vs fringe: পাড় , আঁচল Mnemonic finagle:it is very difficult to have an ANGLE in FINLAND,BY ANY TRICKS

Satiate or sate (sey-shee-eyt)

Example 1. Surprisingly, we were tolerated and all of our cravings were satiated in the most generous and hospitable manner possible. Meaning Adjective: To fully satisfy; to go beyond satisfying to the point of excess (possibly inducing disgust, tiredness, etc.) Root বাংলা অর্থ সম্পূর্ণ পরিতৃপ্ত করা Related words fill, satisfy, sate, slake, quench, gorge, stuff, surfeit, glut, cloy, sicken Abstruse: Satiate= পেট পুরিয়া খাওয়ান, সম্পূর্ণ পরিতৃপ্ত করা, VS Satire=উপহাস, বিদ্রুপ Mnemonic I SAT & ATE till I was full!

Expatiate (ik-spey-shee-eyt)

Example 1. That scientist will expatiate about the newly released study that supports his original conclusions. Meaning to wander; to discuss or describe at length বাংলা অর্থ বিস্তৃতভাবে আলোচনা করা বা লেখা Root ex (from, out) Related words dilate, elaborate, enlarge, expand Abstruse: expatriate=নির্বাসিত করা, বিতাড়িত ( opposite of patriate করা ) VS expatiate= বিস্তৃতভাবে আলোচনা করা, VS expiate=প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা, মিটমাট করা vs excoriate:কঠোর সমালোচনা করা Mnemonic expatiate sounds like expect and you expect every writer to clarify the meaning or the intent of his written essays..or stories.

Salacious (suh-ley-shuh s)

Example 1. The American people were inundated on a daily basis with new and ever more salacious bits of gossip about the occupant of the Oval Office. Meaning Adjective: (of writing, pictures, or talk) treating sexual matters in an indecent way and typically conveying undue interest in or enjoyment of the subject. Root বাংলা অর্থ লম্পট, কামুক, কামপ্রবৃত্তিপূর্ণ Related words lust(রিরংসা), amoral(অনৈতিক). vulgar(অভদ্র), licentious(লম্পট), libido(কামশক্তি), lubricious(লম্পট), lewd(লুচ্চা), lechery(লাম্পট্য), casanova(নারীশিকারী পুরুষ), titillate(সুড়সুড়ি দেওয়া, কাতুকুতু দেওয়া), aphrodisiac(কামোদ্দীপক), prurient(কামুক), salacity(কামুকতা), obscene(অশ্লীল), scurrilous(নোংরা, কুত্সিত), ribald(অশ্লীলভাষী), sordid(নোংরা), odious(ঘৃণ্য), bawdy(অশ্লীল), lascivious(লম্পট), libertine(কামুক), coquette(পুরুষের মনভোলানো নারী), gigolo(পেশাদার পুরুষ নৃত্যসঙ্গী), satyr(বনদেবতা) Mnemonic salacious involves SALA(abusive word for a characterless jeja) who is salacious for his SALI.

Exegesis (ek-si-jee-sis)

Example 1. The Bible is fertile ground for exegesis -over the past five centuries there have been as many interpretations as there are pages in the Old Testament. 2. If they were not willfully blind, such facts as are established by the following quotations would open their eyes to the errors in their exegesis Meaning noun: critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text (especially of the Bible বাংলা অর্থ বাইবেলের সমালোচনা ও ভাষ্য Abstruse: exegesis: critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture(ধর্মগ্রন্থ)(বাইবেলের সমালোচনা ও ভাষ্য). vs exigency: জরুরি অবস্থা, সংকট, an urgent need or demand. vs exigent: অত্যাবশ্যক, vs exiguity: অল্পতা, স্বল্পতা, নিস্বতা, দীনতা Mnemonic Exegesis- EXEcuted, JESUS please explain how Jesus was executed.

Expound (ik-spound)

Example 1. The CEO refused to expound on the decision to merge our department with another one, and so I quit. 2. We hope that the professor will expound on that scientific theory so we can understand it. Meaning verb: add details or explanation; clarify the meaning; state in depth বাংলা অর্থ ব্যাখ্যা করা, অর্থপ্রকাশ করা, মানে করা, উদ্ভাসিত করা Root ex (from, out) PON/POS/POUND (to put, to place) Related words dilate , elaborate , enlarge , expand , expatiate. Mnemonic can u please EXPLAIN what is your "ex" doing with your "pound"(money)

Glut (glut)

Example 1. The Internet offers such a glut of news related stories that many find it difficult to know which story to read first. 2. In the middle of economic crises, hiring managers find their inboxes glutted with resumes. Meaning Noun: an excessive supply Verb: supply with an excess of বাংলা অর্থ Root Related words plethora(আধিক্য), excess(বাড়তি), overabundance(প্রয়েজনাতিরিক্ত), superfluity, superabundance(অত্যধিক প্রাচুর্য), surplus(উদ্বৃত্ত), glut(অতিরিক্ত সরবরাহ), surfeit(প্রয়োজনের চেয়ে অতিরিক্ত), inordinate(অতিরিক্ত) Abstruse: Glut:oversupply vs Glutton:পেটুক VS Protean:Trending or able to change frequently or easily আকৃতি পরিবর্তনের তত্পর Mnemonic

Forthcoming (fawrth-kuhm-ing)

Example 1. The President announced that the senators were about to reach a compromise, and that he was eager to read the forthcoming details of the bill. 2. As a husband, Larry was not forthcoming: if Jill didn't demand to know details, Larry would never share them with her. Meaning adjective: available when required or as promised, at ease in talking to others বাংলা অর্থ আসন্ন Abstruse: forthcoming: আসন্ন vs unforthcoming: তথ্য দিতে ইচ্ছুক না Related words approaching , coming , upcoming, extroverted , outgoing

Row (roh)

Example 1. The Prime Minister looked very foolish after his row with the foreign dignitary was caught on video and posted on you-tube. Meaning Noun: an angry dispute Root বাংলা অর্থ ঝগড়া, হৈচৈ, নর, পাঁতি, পাতি Related words quarrel, run-in, words, wrangle Abstruse: row: ঝগড়া, হৈচৈ, নর, পাঁতি, পাতি vs rue:অনুতাপ করা , পরিতাপ করা , অনুশোচনা করা , খেদ করা , আপসোস করা , তিক্ত স্বাদযুক্ত Mnemonic When you sit in a row with your enemies you argue and quarrel


Example: 1.My bias is that Congress tends to be parochial, irresponsible, and self-interested. Meaning: narrowly restricted in scope or outlook বাংলা অর্থ: সঙ্কীর্ণ সীমাবদ্ধ (Adj.), সংকীর্ণ Root: Related words: insular Mnemonic:

Snide (snahyd)

Example 1. The chairman interpreted Taylor's question about promotions as a snide remark, but in all innocence Taylor was trying to figure out the company's process. Meaning Adjective: expressive of contempt; derogatory or mocking in an indirect way Root বাংলা অর্থ কটাক্ষপূর্ণ, মেকি, জাল, বিদ্রুপপূর্ণ, মেকী Abstruse: Snide: কটাক্ষপূর্ণ, মেকি, জাল, বিদ্রুপপূর্ণ vs snub: তিরস্কার, ধমক, ধমকানি Related words Jibe(বিদ্রূপ), Gibe(উপহাস), Snide(কটাক্ষপূর্ণ, মেকি, জাল, বিদ্রুপপূর্ণ), Quip(ঠাট্টা, বাক্ছল, পরিহাস, তামাশা, সরস জবাব, বিদ্রূপ), Epigram(সরস বুদ্ধিদীপ্ত ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা), taunt(বিদ্রূপ), mock

Fey (fey)

Example 1. The clowns were acting fey as they danced around the stage. Meaning Adjective: doomed; fated to die, Suggestive of an elf in strangeness and other worldliness, slightly insane বাংলা অর্থ মৃত্যু অবধারিত এমন , মরণোন্মুখ , খামখেয়ালী , অবাস্তব

Gibe (jahyb)

Example 1. The club did not take the gibes of the opposing club well. 2. She made a gibe about how late I was. Meaning Noun: an insulting or mocking remark; a taunt. Verb: make insulting or mocking remarks; jeer. বাংলা অর্থ ঘৃণা, অবজ্ঞা, উপহাস, বিদ্রূপ, বাক্যবাণ Related words Jibe(বিদ্রূপ), Gibe(উপহাস), Snide(কটাক্ষপূর্ণ, মেকি, জাল, বিদ্রুপপূর্ণ), Quip(ঠাট্টা, বাক্ছল, পরিহাস, তামাশা, সরস জবাব, বিদ্রূপ), Epigram(সরস বুদ্ধিদীপ্ত ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা), taunt(বিদ্রূপ), mock Abstruse: glib: সাবলীল vs gibe: an insulting or mocking remark Mnemonic GIBE = "GIBES" Remember !! when Hersheell Gibes missed the catch of steve wagh in world cup , everyone mocked him


Example 1. The exam's passage is flush with difficult words, words that you may have learned only yesterday. Meaning adjective: to be in abundance বাংলা অর্থ ঘনিষ্ঠরূপে, নিবিড়ভাবে, ঘনিষ্ঠভাবে Related words bloom , blossom , efflorescence , flower , heyday , peak , prime

Irrefutable (ih-ref-yuh-tuh-buh l)

Example 1. The existence of life on earth is irrefutable; the existence of intelligent life on earth is still hotly debated. Meaning Adjective: impossible to deny or disprove Root বাংলা অর্থ অকাট্য, অখণ্ডনীয় Related words indisputable, incontestable, undeniable, irrefutable, unassailable, beyond dispute, inevitable, irresistible, unavoidable, imminent, inexorable, cogent, Incontrovertible Mnemonic not refusable

Halcyon (hal-see-uh n)

Example 1. The first decade after WWI was a halcyon period in America with new-found wealth and rapidly improving technology. Meaning Adjective: idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquility; marked by peace and prosperity, Calm and peaceful, carefree; prosperous, successful, happy বাংলা অর্থ শান্তিপূর্ণ, সুখপূর্ণ Related words: felicitous(যথাযথ, সুখপূর্ণ, মনোরম), halcyon( শান্ত, শান্তিপূর্ণ, সুখপূর্ণ) , Idyllic(সরল শান্ত মনোরম), perfect, wonderful, blissful, happy, ideal, idealized, heavenly, paradisal, utopian, Elysian, peaceful, picturesque, bucolic, unspoiled, picture-perfect, Arcadian, golden , prosperous, Abstruse: hackneyed: গতানুগতিক, বস্তাপচা, পচা vs halcyon: শান্তিপূর্ণ, সুখপূর্ণ Mnemonic halycon can be considered as opposite of cyclone...just imagine a will understand what I mean

Grandstand (gran-stand)

Example 1. The flags are flying proudly at York Racecourse after a new grandstand was officially handed over to race chiefs Meaning Noun: Perform showily in an attempt to impress onlookers/ the audience at a stadium or racetrack বাংলা অর্থ লোকদেখান, খেলার মাঠের ছাউনিযুক্ত গ্যালারি

Gossamer (gos-uh-mer)

Example 1. The gossamer wings of a butterfly, which allow it to fly, are also a curse, so delicate that they are often damaged. Meaning adjective: characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy বাংলা অর্থ লূতাতন্তু(unusual lightness) Related words ethereal Mnemonic GO+SAMMER(summer) - we wear clothes of light fabric

Jibe (jahyb)

Example 1. The incident, which could have easily ended in tragedy, occurred last spring during a regional tune-up race when the Beneteau, Epic, had an accidental gybe and broached in a 34-knot gust Meaning Noun: an act or instance of jibing. Verb: to shift suddenly from one side to the other Root বাংলা অর্থ বিদ্রূপ, বিদ্রূপ করা Related words Jibe(বিদ্রূপ), Gibe(উপহাস), Snide(কটাক্ষপূর্ণ, মেকি, জাল, বিদ্রুপপূর্ণ), Quip(ঠাট্টা, বাক্ছল, পরিহাস, তামাশা, সরস জবাব, বিদ্রূপ), Epigram(সরস বুদ্ধিদীপ্ত ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা), taunt(বিদ্রূপ), mock Mnemonic ji+be : means you ji(agree) with someone.

Extenuating (ik-sten-yoo-ey-ting)

Example 1. The jury was hardly moved by the man's plea that his loneliness was an extenuating factor in his crime of dognapping a prized pooch. 2. Cherrie admitted that she stole the Cracker Jacks, but claimed that there were extenuating circumstances: She had no money to buy food for her pet chameleon. Meaning adjective: making less guilty or more forgivable, To lessen the seriousness of an action by giving an excuse. বাংলা অর্থ প্রশমিত করা, হ্রাস করা, গুরুত্ব হ্রাস করা Root ex (from, out) Related words exculpatory Mnemonic EX Ten Uating : I came with my EX at Ten to home and my wife gave Shunting..which is forgivable because she saw me with ex

Legislative (lej-is-ley-tiv)

Example 1. The scope of the law on corroboration has been substantially reduced by recent legislative and judicial reforms. Meaning Adjective: having the power to make laws. Root বাংলা অর্থ বিধানিক, ব্যবস্থাপক, আইন-প্রণয়নকর Related words lawmaking, judicial, juridical, parliamentary, governmental

Glower (glou-er)

Example 1. The manager glowered at us and stalked off back to his office. The sacked bloke was reinstated and all six of us passed. Meaning Noun: an angry or sullen look. Verb: have an angry or sullen look on one's face; scowl. বাংলা অর্থ কটমট করে , ভীতিজনকভাবে তাকানো, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, ক্রুদ্ধভাবে তাকান Related words morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), lugubrious(নিরানন্দ), ennui(মানসিক ক্লান্তি), saturnine(বিষণ্ণ মেজাজসম্পন্ন), damp(স্যাঁতসেঁতে, কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন, ভিজা) Sullen(গোমড়া-মুখো) Bleak(নিরানন্দ) Stark(সম্পূর্ণ, পুরোদস্তুর, সাধারণ এবং অপ্রয়োজনীয় সাজসজ্জা ছাড়া) Glower(কটমট করে , ভীতিজনকভাবে তাকানো, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, ক্রুদ্ধভাবে তাকান) Mnemonic Gulshan Grover- stared angrily at the hero.

Self-effacing (self-i-feys-muh nt)

Example 1. The most admirable teachers and respected leaders are those who are self-effacing, directing attention and praise to their students and workers. Meaning Adjective: reluctant (অনিচ্ছুক) to draw attention to yourself. Root বাংলা অর্থ নিজের প্রতি দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করতে অনিচ্ছুক Related words shy, reticent, retiring

Slapdash (slap-dash)

Example 1. The office building had been constructed in a slapdash manner, so it did not surprise officials when, during a small earthquake, a large crack emerged on the facade of the building. Meaning Adjective: carelessly and hastily put together Root বাংলা অর্থ বেপরোয়া ত্ত হঠকারী Related words haphazard, slipshod, sloppy Mnemonic SLAPD(slapped)+ASH..SALMAN GOT SLAPPED BY ASH FOR HIS carelessly and hastily put together

Interloper (in-ter-loh-per)

Example 1. The picnic was spoiled by the uninvited interloper looking for a free meal. Meaning Noun: a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong. Root INTER (between, among) বাংলা অর্থ অনধিকার প্রবেশকারী ব্যক্তি Related words intruder, trespasser, invader, trespasser; meddler in others' affairs Abstruse: interlocutor: a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation.সংলোপ বা কথাপকথনে অংশগ্রহনকারী vs interloper: অনধিকার প্রবেশকারী ব্যক্তি Mnemonic inter+ loper ( who লাফান )

Gradation (grey-dey-shuh n)

Example 1. The picture is nice and clear, fine details are razor-sharp, and shadowed areas show very good depth and subtle gradations . Meaning Noun: a scale or a series of successive changes, stages, or degrees. বাংলা অর্থ ক্রমবিন্যাস, ক্রম, ধাপ, ধাপে ধাপে উন্নতি, মাত্রাবিন্যাস, মাত্রা Related words range, scale, spectrum, span, progression, hierarchy, ladder Mnemonic You have to increase in steps to reach graduation, and if you graduate more, the color of your robes change.

Fetid (fet-id)

Example 1. The pond was often fetid during the warm weather of the summer. Meaning Adjective: having an offensive odor; stinking বাংলা অর্থ পূতিগন্ধময় , পচা গন্ধযুক্ত Related words malodorous, smelly, noisome Mnemonic Feet smells bad

Filibuster (fil-uh-buhs-ter)

Example 1. The president faces the prospect of filibusters in the Senate to block his latest policy to be legislated. Meaning Noun: (law) a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches, a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she) opposes. Verb: obstruct deliberately by delaying বাংলা অর্থ বক্তৃতাবাজি, লম্বা বক্তৃতা দিয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণে বাধা দেওয়া Mnemonic something that is filled to burst the final outcome (which delays the outcome)

Recidivism (ri-sid-uh-viz-uh m)

Example 1. The prison has succeeded in reducing recidivism Meaning Noun: the tendency of a convicted criminal to re offend. Root CAD/CID (to fall, to happen by chance) বাংলা অর্থ মজ্জাগতভাবে অপরাধপ্রবণ ব্যক্তি Related words backsliding, relapse, decadence, declension Mnemonic re (back to) + CID (crime investigation department) = back to crime.

Germane (jer-meyn)

Example 1. The professor wanted to tell the jury in detail about his new book, but the lawyer said it wasn't germane to the charges in the cases. Meaning Adjective: relevant and appropriate, বাংলা অর্থ যথাযথ, সঙ্গত, প্রাসঙ্গিক Related words apposite(বিশেষ), apropos(প্রসঙ্গত), apt(কার্যক্ষম), germane(সঙ্গত), Felicitous(যথাযথ, সুখপূর্ণ, মনোরম), pertinent(প্রাসঙ্গিক, সম্পর্কযুক্ত, অধিকারভুক্ত, উপযুক্ত, যথাযথ), relevant, suitable, fitting, fit , material( প্রাসঙ্গিক,উপাদান), appropriate Abstruse: Germane: যথাযথ, সঙ্গত, প্রাসঙ্গিক vs Germinate: অঙ্কুরদগোম হওয়া,কুড়ি ধরা, উন্মেষিত হওয়া Mnemonic germane...very close to word if you want TO learn GERMAN LANGUAGE....I GUESS A GERMAN teacher would be APPROPRIATE.


Example 1. The recrudescence of his psoriasis came at the worst possible time. "Oh, great," he said— now I'm going to be shedding skin flakes all over my new coworkers on the first day of work. Meaning Revival (viv means life ), breaking out into renewed activity বাংলা অর্থ (রেনেসাঁ, বাঁচন, পুনরূজ্জীবন, পুন:প্রবর্তন, পুন:স্মরণ) Root Related words Renascent (reviving, becoming active again), Resurgent (having a revival, renewing, rising or surging again) Mnemonic Re+CRUDE+SCENT ... Oh re the prices of crude oil has increased again..!! :

Extemporaneous (ik-stem-puh-rey-nee-uh s)

Example 1. The speech teacher made the students give two extemporaneous speeches during the school year. 2. His former style is what we call extemporaneous, but we do not wish to convey the idea that he spoke without preparation. Meaning Done without preparation (esp. of a speech), or with some preparation but no notes; improvised, done on the spur of the moment বাংলা অর্থ অনিয়মিত, তত্ক্ষণিক, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন, অচিন্তিতপূর্ব, আকস্মিক, আপতিক Root ex (from, out) ous (full of) temp means time. Related words Impromptu(উপস্থিতমত, বিনা প্রস্তুতিতে, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতি ব্যতীত), Improvise, Extemporaneous(তত্ক্ষণিক, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন, অচিন্তিতপূর্ব, আকস্মিক, ), unscripted Mnemonic TEMPORARILY done in haste(দ্রুত অগ্রসর হত্তয়া) and so not planned

Exorcise (ek-sawr-sahyz)

Example 1. The spiritual group worked to exorcise the evil spirits that seemed to reside in the building. 2. It will take a long time to exorcise the memory of the accident. 3. After the priest exorcised the spirit/house/child, apparently, the strange noises stopped. Meaning Verb: to expel evil spirits , to force an evil spirit to leave a person or place by using prayers or magic: to remove the bad effects of a frightening or upsetting event: Root ex (from, out) cide, cise (cut, kill) বাংলা অর্থ ভূতপ্রেত ঝাড়ান, ভূত ঝাড়া, যাদু করা, ভয় দূর করা Abstruse: Exorcise: ভূতপ্রেত ঝাড়ান, ভূত ঝাড়া, যাদু করা vs Excoriate: to criticize very harshly Mnemonic Who size(cise) the exor ( outer ) He thought he could "exorcise" (to drive out evil spirits; to purify) his fears by performing regular "exercise" (physical training).

Lacerate (las-uh-reyt)

Example 1. The teacher was fired for lacerating a student who wrote a poor essay. Meaning Verb: deeply hurt the feelings of; distress Root বাংলা অর্থ বিদীর্ণ করা, ছিন্ন করা, ক্ষত করা, যন্ত্রণা দেত্তয়া Related words gash, slash, tear, rip, rend Mnemonic LACERate can be thought of LASER light which tears, mangles if focused for long time.

Fealty (fee-uh l-tee)

Example 1. The tenant farmer had to swear an oath of fealty to the owner of the property. Meaning Adjective: the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign) বাংলা অর্থ আনুগত্যের, সামন্তপ্রভুর প্রতি প্রজার আনুগত্য বা আনুগত্যের স্বীকৃতি Related words allegiance Abstruse: fealty:সামন্তপ্রভুর প্রতি প্রজার আনুগত্য বা আনুগত্যের স্বীকৃতি vs filthy: অকথ্য, অপবিত্র, কলুষিত, অশ্লীল, কুতসিত, ময়লা vs filch: ছিঁচকে চুরি করা, allegation=অভিযোগ, VS allegiance=আনুগত্য Mnemonic sounds like means loyalty....

Repose (ri-pohz)

Example 1. The work captures O'Hara in repose yet with the suggestion that he would be ready at an instant to bounce into action. Meaning Noun: a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility. Verb: be lying, situated, or kept in a particular place. Root pos (put) বাংলা অর্থ ন্যস্ত করা , স্থাপন করা , বিশ্রাম করা , জিরিয়ে নেওয়া , বিশ্রাম দেওয়ার উদ্দেশ্যে হেলানো , রাখা , শোয়ানো Related words Mnemonic repose = resting pose expose = externally pose depose = remove from a post, declare under oath.

Listless (list-lis)

Example 1. The youths hanging around the fountain, or drifting listlessly from chip shop to pub to street corner, have no sense of ownership of the history that made their town. Meaning Adjective: (of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm. Root বাংলা অর্থ অবসন্ন, উদাস, উদাসীন, কামনাহীন, অনবহিত, অনাবিষ্ট Related words lethargic, enervated, spiritless, lifeless, languid, languorous, inactive Mnemonic I lost my list of universities to apply, Now I am lacking spirit because I am LISTLESS

Slovenly (sluhv-uh n-lee)

Example 1. Then again, if he's objecting to your haphazard grammar and slovenly spelling, he has a point. Meaning Adjective: (especially of a person or their appearance) messy and dirty. Root বাংলা অর্থ অপরিচ্ছন্ন, অগোছাল, অগোছালো Related words scruffy, untidy, messy, unkempt, ill-groomed, slatternly, disheveled, bedraggled Abstruse: Slovenly: অপরিচ্ছন্ন, অগোছাল, অগোছালো vs Insolvent: দীন, দরিদ্র, গরিব, নি:স্ব Mnemonic people of SLOVENIA(a country in europe) are known to be very untidy and careless people.

Grouse (grous)

Example 1. There's been quite a lot of grumbling and grousing in corporate America. 2. She's always grousing about how she's been treated by the management. Meaning Verb: Complain or grumble Noun: a reason for complaint বাংলা অর্থ গোঙানি, অনাদর, অপমান, অবজ্ঞা, নালিশ, গরগর শব্দ, অসন্তোষ, অভিযোগ করা , অসন্তোষ জানানো Related words grumble, complaint, grievance, objection Abstruse: grouse:গোঙানি,নালিশ, গরগর শব্দ, অসন্তোষ, অভিযোগ করা vs rouse:বিক্ষুব্ধ করা Mnemonic spouse .... complain a lot

Semantic (si-man-tik)

Example 1. They are self-conscious efforts to thwart the confinement of written language and its semantic limits. Meaning Adjective: relating to meaning in language or logic. Root বাংলা অর্থ ভাষার অর্থসংক্রান্ত , শব্দার্থগত Abstruse: Semantic:ভাষার অর্থসংক্রান্ত , শব্দার্থগত vs Somatic: দেহসংক্রান্ত Mnemonic Say+Man+Thik(right). To know if someone is saying something right u have to understand the meaning of the language.

Requite (ri-kwahyt)

Example 1. This was hard on Thompson, who, a few years earlier, had dug up an entire bed of irises in his mother's garden as an attempted exorcism of his insufficiently requited love for her. Meaning Verb: make appropriate return for (a favor, service, or wrongdoing). Root Equ (consider or describe as similar, equal) বাংলা অর্থ প্রতিদান দেওয়া, পুরস্কৃত করা, কোনো কিছুর পরিবর্তে দেও Related words Avenge, exact revenge for, revenge Mnemonic re+QUITE one would be quiet only after taking his REVENGE

Gumption (guhmp-shuh n)

Example 1. Wallace Stegner lamented the lack of gumption in the U.S. during the sixties, claiming that no young person knew the value of work. Meaning Noun: resourcefulness and determination বাংলা অর্থ বুঝ, সাধারণ বুদ্ধি, কাণ্ডজ্ঞান, ণত্বষত্বজ্ঞান Related words backbone , grit , guts , moxie , sand Mnemonic gump sounds like jump . to jump on from the top of the building need courage

Meretricious (mer-i-trish-uh s)

Example 1. We are so accustomed to meretricious cultural studies that when the real thing comes along, generous and suggestive, we may fail to see how many windows and veins it opens. Meaning Adjective: apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity. Root বাংলা অর্থ চটকদার, বেশ্যাসুলভ, বেশ্যাবৎ, জাঁকাল, চাক্চিক্যপূর্ণ Related words worthless, valueless, cheap, tawdry, trashy, tasteless, kitsch Mnemonic like a merit (meret) certificate.. flashy and attractive in a way.. but of no REAL value.

Lurid (loo r-id)

Example 1. We've become the inquiring minds who demand to know every lurid detail, with no regard for the pain that might cause. Meaning Adjective: very vivid in color, especially so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect, Gruesome or excessively vivid Root বাংলা অর্থ উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, রোমাঁচকর, বিকট , উৎকট , ভীতিপ্রদ , অস্বাভাবিক , চাঞ্চল্যকর , ভয়াবহ Related words Minatory(ভয়প্রদর্শক), Macabre(ভীতিপূর্ণ), trepid(সোপান), pusillanimous(দুর্বলচিত্ত), recreant(উত্সবকারীগণ), timorous(ভীরু), timid(ভীতু), tremulous(ভীরু), trepidation(কাঁপুনি), tremor(শিহরন), baleful(বিপর্যয়কর), forbidding, threatening, ominous(অশুভ), sinister(অশুভ), inauspicious((অশুভ), Gruesome(ভয়ঙ্কর), lurid (উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, রোমাঁচকর, বিকট , উৎকট , ভীতিপ্রদ ), menacing(ভয়প্রদর্শনকারী), Craven(নীচ, কাপুরূষ কাপুরুষ, ভীরু) Abstruse: lurid(উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ), vs Lucid(স্বচ্ছ) Mnemonic lurid..concentrate on the last 4 if someone hacks UR mail ID,he has gotta be a SENSATIONAL hacker and in response to this u would become WILD

Snub (snuhb)

Example 1. Wheeler was completely qualified for the committee, but the board snubbed him, choosing an obviously lesser qualified candidate instead. Meaning Verb: refuse to acknowledge; reject outright and bluntly Root বাংলা অর্থ তিরস্কার, ধমক, ধমকানি Related words decry(সমালোচনা করা), excoriate(কঠোর সমালোচনা করা), objurgate(নিন্দাকারী), broadside(strong verbal attack), snub(তিরস্কার), condemn(নিন্দা), reprobate(দোষারোপ করা, নিন্দা করা , প্রত্যাখ্যান করা), Pillory(মানুষের সামনে কাউকে অপমান করা, কাষ্ঠানির্মিত শাস্তিস্তম্ভবিশেষ), Lambaste(গালাগালি দিয়ে ভূত ভাগিয়ে দেওয়া , বেশ করে দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া), Censure(নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার) Abstruse: Snide: কটাক্ষপূর্ণ, মেকি, জাল, বিদ্রুপপূর্ণ vs snub: তিরস্কার, ধমক, ধমকানি Mnemonic In a PUB,suppose your father sees u,u refuse to recognize him because he scolds

Smug (smuhg)

Example 1. When Phil was dating the model, he had a smug attitude that annoyed his buddies. Meaning Adjective: marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction; having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements. Root বাংলা অর্থ ফিটফাট, দৃষ্টিকটুভাবে আত্মতৃপ্ত, পরিষ্কার-পরিচ্ছন্ন Related words self-satisfied, self-congratulatory, complacent, superior, pleased with oneself Mnemonic SMUGgler has enough money to be self satisfied.

Figurative (FIG yur uh tiv)

Example 1. When the mayor said that the housing market had sprouted wings, he was speaking figuratively. The housing market hadn't really sprout ed wings; it had merely risen so rapidly that it had almost seemed to fly. Meaning not literal , Adjective: based on figures of speech; expressing something in terms usually used for something else; metaphorical বাংলা অর্থ প্রতীকী, আলংকারিক, শব্দালংকারপূর্ণ, শব্দালংকারপ্রি Related words non literal, analogical, metaphoric, metaphorical

Lull [ 1000th ] (luhl)

Example 1. for two days there had been a lull in the fighting. Meaning Noun: a period of calm or quiet Verb: Soothe or cause to fall asleep (as in a lullaby); quiet down; make to feel secure, sometimes falsely Root বাংলা অর্থ ঘুমান, স্থির করা, ঘুম পাড়ান, শান্ত করা, প্রশমিত হত্তয়া, স্থির হত্তয়া Abstruse: lull: ঘুমান, স্থির করা, ঘুম পাড়ান, শান্ত করা, প্রশমিত হত্তয়া, স্থির হত্তয়া vs fell: নির্মম, নিষ্ঠুর, দয়ামায়াহীন, নিষ্করুণ, কঠিনহৃদয়, পাষাণহৃদয় Related words pause, respite, interval, break, soothe, calm, hush

Molt (mohlt)

Example 1. the adult birds were already molting into their winter shades of gray. Meaning Verb: Shed or cast off, esp. to regularly shed skin, feathers, etc. (as a snake) Noun: a loss of plumage, skin, or hair, especially as a regular feature of an animal's life cycle. Root বাংলা অর্থ খোলস ছাড়া Mnemonic m + old ~ as you get old, your hair shed

Reprobate (rep-ruh-beyt)

Example 1. When the reprobates returned to beg forgiveness, Rahim pointedly asked Karim why he had pretended to be Ernest. Meaning Adjective: unprincipled (often used as a humorous or affectionate reproach). Noun: a person who is disapproved of, morally unprincipled person Root PROB (to prove, to test) বাংলা অর্থ অসন্তোষ প্রকাশ করা, আপত্তি করা, অনুমোদন না করা, তিরস্কার করা, বকুনি দেওয়া, দোষারোপ করা, নিন্দা করা , প্রত্যাখ্যান করা Related words miscreant, decry(সমালোচনা করা), excoriate(কঠোর সমালোচনা করা), objurgate(নিন্দাকারী), broadside(strong verbal attack), snub(তিরস্কার), condemn(নিন্দা), reprobate(দোষারোপ করা, নিন্দা করা , প্রত্যাখ্যান করা), Pillory(মানুষের সামনে কাউকে অপমান করা, কাষ্ঠানির্মিত শাস্তিস্তম্ভবিশেষ), Lambaste(গালাগালি দিয়ে ভূত ভাগিয়ে দেওয়া , বেশ করে দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া), Censure(নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার) Abstruse: approbation=অনুমোদন VS reprobation=তিরস্কার VS opprobrium=নিন্দা,অপমান Mnemonic rep(repeatedly)+rob+ate. a person who again and again robs other peoples food and eats it up has no moral values.

Guffaw (guh-faw)

Example 1. Whenever the jester fell to the ground in mock pain, the king guffawed, exposing his yellow, fang-like teeth. 2. Unable to control herself any longer, she started giggling, letting it cascade into a full blown guffaw. Meaning verb: laugh boisterously Noun:A burst of deep loud hearty laughter বাংলা অর্থ অট্টহাসি, অট্টহাস্য, অট্টহাস Related words laugh heartily, laugh loudly, roar with laughter, roar, bellow Abstruse: guffaw=অট্টহাসি, উচ্চহাসি VS Gaffe= ভুল পদক্ষেপ, অসমীচীন কাজ VS Gaffer=শ্রমিক সর্দার Mnemonic Remember Disney's character GOOFY & his laugh.

Slack (slak)

Example 1. With the slack in the rope, she darted forward, and pinched the bulge in her teeth, and tugged, eliciting a scream from Spade. Meaning Adjective: not taut or held tightly in position; loose. Noun: the part of a rope or line that is not held taut; the loose or unused part. Verb: loosen (something, especially a rope). Adverb: loosely. Root বাংলা অর্থ ঢিলা, ফসকা, শিথিল, ধীরজ, আলগা, মন্থর Related words Loose, negligent, lazy, weak; neglect to do one's duties; loosen up, relax; period of little work Mnemonic s-lack is the lack of speed. s-lack is the lack of Stiffness(কঠিনতা, দ্রঢ়িমা)...

Leery (leer-ee)

Example 1. Without checking his references and talking to previous employers, I am leery of hiring the candidate. Meaning Adjective: openly distrustful and unwilling to confide Root বাংলা অর্থ বাঁকা চাউনি , কটাক্ষ করা , কামাতুর বা লালসাপূর্ণ চাহনি , চোখ মারা Related words mistrustful , suspicious , untrusting , wary Mnemonic rhymes with Wary so when u r leery u r wary .

Gerrymander (jer-i-man-der)

Example 1. Years ago, savvy politicians had gerrymandered the city center to ensure their re-election. Meaning verb: to manipulate voting districts in order to favor a particular political party, to divide a state or county into election districts to gain political advantage বাংলা অর্থ নির্বাচনে অন্যায় সুযোগ লাভের জন্য নির্বাচনী এলাকা ইত্যাদির পুনবির্ভাগ, ষড়্যন্ত্র, কূটকৌশল Mnemonic Relate it with Jerry of 'Tom and Jerry' cartoon in which Jerry divided everything partially with Tom and quarrels with him... so possessing a Jerry's mind - Gerrymander.

Gullible (guhl-uh-buh l)

Example 1. an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money Meaning overly trusting; willing to believe anything বাংলা অর্থ অতিসরল, অতিসরলতা, সহজে ধোঁকা দেওয়া Related words Credulous(বিশ্বাসপ্রবণ), gullible(অতিসরল), amenable(এক্তিয়ারভুক্ত), tractable(সহজে টানা যায় এমন), naive Mnemonic Gulli (গুল্লি ) goes straight. Just for reminding (অতিসরল)

Lax (laks)

Example 1. ax security arrangements at the airport. Meaning Adjective: not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful. Root বাংলা অর্থ আলগা , অসংযত , অমনোযোগী , ঢিলে শিথিল, নৈতিক বলহীন, লম্পট, ঢিলা, আলগা, তুলতুলে Related words slack, slipshod, negligent, remiss Mnemonic LAX - reLAX - careless

Scant (skant)

Example 1. companies with scant regard for the safety of future generations Meaning Adjective: barely sufficient or adequate. Verb: provide grudgingly or in insufficient amounts. Root বাংলা অর্থ অপ্রচুর, অত্যল্প , নিতান্ত অপ্রতুল Related words impoverished( pover comes from poverty ), Insolvent, exiguity ( স্বল্পতা,দীনতা), dearth(অভাব, দুর্ভিক্ষ) , scarcity, scant(অপ্রচুর, অত্যল্প , নিতান্ত অপ্রতুল), paucity(অভাব), Modicum(সামান্য পরিমাণ, অল্প পরিমাণ, যত্কিঁচিৎ), Scintilla(স্ফুলিঙ্গ,a tiny trace), penury(দীনতা), indigent(অভাবী), impecunious(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত), destitute(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত) Mnemonic SCANT rhymes with PANT => a mean man with scant regard for the panting dog shares non of his water.

Mired (mahyuh rd)

Example 1. sometimes a heavy truck gets mired down Meaning Verb: cause to become stuck in mud. Root বাংলা অর্থ পাঁকে আটকান, পঙ্কলেপন করা, পাঁকে ডোবান Related words involved, entangle, tangle up, embroil, catch up, mix up Abstruse: Mired:পাঁকে আটকান, পঙ্কলেপন করা, পাঁকে ডোবান vs Mirth: উল্লাস, উচ্চহাসি, আনন্দ, হাসিখুশি ভাব vs Mar: নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা Mnemonic Mired= M+Wired.. when you are wired, you are entangled..!

Minatory (min-uh-tawr-ee)

Example 1. he is unlikely to be deterred by minatory finger-wagging Meaning Adjective: expressing or conveying a threat. Root বাংলা অর্থ ভীতিপ্রদ, ভয়ঙ্কর, ভয়প্রদর্শক Related words Minatory(ভয়প্রদর্শক), Macabre(ভীতিপূর্ণ), trepid(সোপান), pusillanimous(দুর্বলচিত্ত), recreant(উত্সবকারীগণ), timorous(ভীরু), timid(ভীতু), tremulous(ভীরু), trepidation(কাঁপুনি), tremor(শিহরন), baleful(বিপর্যয়কর), forbidding, threatening, ominous(অশুভ), sinister(অশুভ), inauspicious((অশুভ), Gruesome(ভয়ঙ্কর), lurid (উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, রোমাঁচকর, বিকট , উৎকট , ভীতিপ্রদ ), menacing(ভয়প্রদর্শনকারী), Craven(নীচ, কাপুরূষ কাপুরুষ, ভীরু) Abstruse: minatory: ভীতিপ্রদ, ভয়ঙ্কর, ভয়প্রদর্শক vs Undermine: গোপনে ক্ষতিসাধন করা Mnemonic Minatory sounds like military--military people are very threatening most of the times.

Riposte (ri-pohst)

Example 1. he's known for having a brilliant riposte to nearly any insult. Meaning Noun: a quick clever reply to an insult or criticism. Verb: make a quick clever reply to an insult or criticism. Root বাংলা অর্থ ক্ষিপ্র প্রযুক্তি, ক্ষিপ্র প্রত্যাঘাত Related words retort, counter, rejoinder, sally, return, answer, reply Mnemonic RIPOSTE = REPLY + POST. When someone POSTS a message on your facebook wall, you REPLY with a RIPOSTE

Redound (ri-dound)

Example 1. may his sin redound upon his head! 2. his latest diplomatic effort will redound to his credit. Meaning Verb: contribute greatly to (a person's credit or honor); come back upon; rebound on. Root বাংলা অর্থ বিশেষ অবদান রাখা, শেষ পরিণতি হিসেবে আসা Abstruse: redoubtable: ভীতিপ্রদ, পরাক্রান্ত, দুর্দান্ত, ভয়ংকর vs redound: বিশেষ অবদান রাখা, শেষ পরিণতি হিসেবে আসা vs rotund: গোলাকার Related words contribute to, be conducive to, result in, lead to, effect, conduce to

Mar (mahr)

Example 1. no wrinkles marred her face Meaning Verb: impair the appearance of; disfigure. Root বাংলা অর্থ নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা Related words Spoil, impair, disfigure, detract from, blemish, scar deleterious(ক্ষতিকর), noxious(বিনাশসাধক), detrimental(ক্ষতিকারক), excrable, Umbrage(অপমানবোধ, ক্ষতিবোধ ), Undermine(গোপনে ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Virulent(অত্যন্ত ক্ষতিকর, অতীব প্রবল, অত্যন্ত বিধপূর্ণ, অতীব তীব্র), Derogative(ক্ষতিকর),Fulsome(গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর), Impair(দুর্বল করা,ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Inimical(ক্ষতিকর, শত্রুভাবাপন্ন), nocuous (ক্ষতিকর), Mar(নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা) , Noisome(ক্ষতিকর, কুদর্শন, ক্ষতিকারক), prejudicial(অনিষ্টকর) Abstruse: Mired:পাঁকে আটকান, পঙ্কলেপন করা, পাঁকে ডোবান vs Mirth: উল্লাস, উচ্চহাসি, আনন্দ, হাসিখুশি ভাব vs Mar: নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা

Grating (grey-ting)

Example 1. peel and roughly grate the carrots. 2. The final way the narrator is annoying is that his voice is just plain grating Meaning sounding harsh and unpleasant. Verb: reduce (something, especially food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater. বাংলা অর্থ শ্রুতিকটু, কর্কশ, কটু, দারূণ, খর্খরে Abstruse: ingrained: স্বভাবের গভীরে প্রোথিত,মজ্জাগত vs ingratiate: তোষামোদ করে নিজেকে কারো নেকনজরে আনা vs ingrate:অকৃতজ্ঞ vs grate: reduce (something, especially food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.শ্রুতিকটু, কর্কশ, কটু, দারূণ, খর্খরে Related words scraping, scratching, grinding, grid, grate, shred, pulverize

Scathing (skey-th ing)

Example 1. she launched a scathing attack on the governor. Meaning Adjective: witheringly scornful; severely critical. Verb: harm; injure. Root বাংলা অর্থ কঠোর, অপমানকর; গুরুতর সমালোচনামূলক Related words devastating, extremely critical, blistering, searing, withering, scorching, fierce harsh, stringent, rigorous, severe, stern, scathing( কঠোর) Mnemonic it's a SCARY + THING

Lassitude (las-i-tood)

Example 1. she was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed. Meaning Noun: a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy. Root বাংলা অর্থ অবসন্নতা, অবসাদ, ক্লম, অনুত্সাহ, নৈষ্কর্ম্য, নিস্তেজ ভাব Related words Tiredness, weariness; lazy indifference, lethargy, sluggishness Mnemonic Try to remember- Lazy Attitudery to remember- Lazy Attitude

Rend (rend)

Example 1. snapping teeth that would rend human flesh to shreds Meaning Verb: tear (something) into two or more pieces. Root বাংলা অর্থ ফালাফালা করা, খণ্ডখণ্ড করা, দ্বিখণ্ডিত হওয়া, বিদীর্ণ করা Related words Tear/rip apart, tear/rip in two, split, rupture, sever Abstruse: Rend: ফালাফালা করা, খণ্ডখণ্ড করা, দ্বিখণ্ডিত হওয়া, বিদীর্ণ করা vs Render:পারিশ্রমিক প্রদান করা, পেশ করা, প্রদান করা,বিনিময়ে দেওয়া, প্রতিদানে দেওয়া, সমর্পণ করা Mnemonic In most South Indian languages rend means two - i.e., split up.


Example: 1.Only those with the most refined palates were able to adjudicate during the barbeque competition. Meaning: to serve as a judge in a competition; to arrive at a judgment or conclusion বাংলা অর্থ: আইন মোতাবেক মীমাংসা করা Root: jud means judge Related words: decide , resolve , settle,judge , try Mnemonic:

Forfeit (fawr-fit)

Example 1. the lands which he had acquired were automatically forfeit. 2. If the flame should accidentally be extinguished during transfer, then the receiving player is eliminated from the game, and must pay a forfeit Meaning Adjective : lost or surrendered as a penalty for wrongdoing or neglect. Noun: a fine or penalty for wrongdoing or for a breach of the rules in a club or game. Verb: lose or be deprived of (property or a right or privilege) as a penalty for wrongdoing. বাংলা অর্থ খোয়ানো , খেসারত দেওয়া , অধিকার হারানো, বাজেয়াপ্ত Root for (completely) Related words penalty, sanction, punishment, penance, fine, confiscation, loss, relinquishment Abstruse: forfeit:খোয়ানো , খেসারত দেওয়া , অধিকার হারানো, বাজেয়াপ্ত vs surfeit: an excessive amount of something. Mnemonic forfeited == fore (before) + feet , that is when u have done some mistake u fall on some ones feet for excuse

Savor (sey-ver)

Example 1. the subtle savor of wood smoke Meaning Noun: a characteristic taste, flavor, or smell, especially a pleasant one. Verb: taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it completely. Root বাংলা অর্থ সুস্বাদ, স্বাদ, গন্ধ, তীব্র গন্ধ, তার, স্বাদুগন্ধ Related words smell, aroma, fragrance, scent, perfume, suggest, smack of Mnemonic SAVOR and FLAVOR are rhyming words. You savor (feel the taste) the flavor (taste) of the food you eat.

Fulsome (foo l-suh m)

Example 1. they are almost embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation 2. Her new book has received fulsome praise from the critics. 3.Our guests were fulsome in their compliments about the food. Meaning Adjective: complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree. expressing a lot of admiration or praise for someone, often too much, in a way that does not sound sincere বাংলা অর্থ গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর Root some (characterized by, group of) Related words excessive, extravagant, overdone, immoderate, inordinate, over-appreciative, flattering, adulatory, deleterious(ক্ষতিকর), noxious(বিনাশসাধক), detrimental(ক্ষতিকারক), excrable, Umbrage(অপমানবোধ, ক্ষতিবোধ ), Undermine(গোপনে ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Virulent(অত্যন্ত ক্ষতিকর, অতীব প্রবল, অত্যন্ত বিধপূর্ণ, অতীব তীব্র), Derogative(ক্ষতিকর),Fulsome(গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর), Impair(দুর্বল করা,ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Inimical(ক্ষতিকর, শত্রুভাবাপন্ন), nocuous (ক্ষতিকর), Mar(নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা) , Noisome(ক্ষতিকর, কুদর্শন, ক্ষতিকারক), prejudicial(অনিষ্টকর) Abstruse fulminate:সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া vs fulsome: গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর Mnemonic You can FOOL SOME people with excessive and insincere praise.

Forestall (fohr-stawl)

Example 1. vitamins may forestall many diseases of aging 2. The company executives forestalled criticism by inviting union leaders to meet. Meaning Verb: prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking action ahead of time. বাংলা অর্থ আগে পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণ করে প্রতিরোধ বা বাধা (একটি আনন্দের ইভেন্ট বা কর্ম)। Root FORE (before) Related words leash ( শিকল ), forestall(প্রতিরোধ) , Impede(ব্যাহত করা), Deterrent(প্রতিবন্ধক), Trammel(প্রতিবন্ধক, মাছ ধরা জাল ,শিকল), Occlude(বন্ধ করিয়া দেত্তয়া, to obstruct or block), Preempt(to prevent something from happening by taking action first), balk Mnemonic fore = front/before. Stall = Stop. Stop before anything bad happened.

Gauche (gohsh)

Example 1. • Smadar had a poor sense of comic timing, and her gauche attempts to mock her left-handed friends soon left her with none. 2. Sylvester says the most gauche things, such as telling a girl he liked that she was much prettier when she wore makeup. Meaning adjective: lacking social polish, unskillful; awkward; maladroit বাংলা অর্থ পরিস্থিতি বা লোক বুঝে কথা বলার বা আচরণ করার ক্ষমতাবর্জিত লোকব্যবহার-অপুট , কান্ডজ্ঞানহীন , বেআক্কেল , অপ্রস্তুত , আনাড়ি Related words graceless , unpolished Mnemonic t is pronounced 'gosh' O my Gosh!!- she reacted to his gauche behavior.

Gratuitous (gruh TOO uh tus)

Example 1. • The scathing review of the movie contained several gratuitous remarks about the sex life of the director. 2. • Their attack against us was gratuitous; we had never done anything to offend them. Meaning Adjective: given freely (said of some thing bad); unjustified; unprovoked; uncalled for বাংলা অর্থ ভিত্তিহীন, প্রমাণহীন, খয়রাতী, অকারণ, বিনামূল্যে প্রদত্ত, একতরফা উপকারসাধক Root GRAT (pleasing) Related words unjustified, uncalled for, unwarranted, unprovoked, undue Mnemonic GRE tution is not necessary.It's about common sense :P

Futile [ 700th ] (FYOOT ul)

Example 1• A D+ average and no extracurricular interests to speak of meant that applying to Harvard was futile, but Lucinda hoped against hope. 2. I thought I could repair the car myself, but after two days of work with no success, I have to admit that my efforts were futile. Meaning adjective: producing no result or effect; unproductive of success বাংলা অর্থ অকার্যকর, ব্যর্থ, তুচ্ছ, অনর্থক, পণ্ড, বেফায়দা, নষ্ট, বৃথা, নিরর্থ, নিরর্থক Related words ineffectual , otiose , unavailing,bootless , fruitless , sleeveless , vain Mnemonic futile is not fertile, hence not fruitful.

Recluse (REK loos)

Example 1• After his wife's death, the grieving old man turned into a recluse and seldom ventured out of his house. 2. Emily Dickinson, one of America's most creative poets, became a recluse after her father's death in 1874—she kept in contact with friends and family through cards and letters. Meaning Adjective: favoring a solitary life. Noun: a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people. Root CLA/CLO/CLU (shut, close) বাংলা অর্থ তীব্রতার অর্থে, সঙ্গবিমুখ, নিঃসঙ্গতাপ্রিয়, নির্জনতাপ্রিয়, নির্জনবাসী, নিঃসঙ্গচারী Related words hermit; a loner Mnemonic Rember R & Clu. Robinson Crusoe was a hermit in an island

Travesty [trav-uh-stee]

Examples: Langdale described the court ruling as a travesty of justice. Meaning: noun: a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something. বাংলা অর্থ: কিছু মিথ্যা, বোকা, বা বিকৃত উপস্থাপনা কিছু Root: Synonym: farce , farce comedy,burlesque , charade , lampoon , mockery , parody Mnemonics

Manifest (MAN uh fest)

Example 1• Daryl's anger at us was manifest: You could see it in his expression and hear it in his voice. There is manifest danger in riding a Pogo stick along the edge of a cliff. 2• Lee has been sick for a very long time, but it was only recently that he began to manifest symptoms. Meaning Adjective: visible; evident Verb: to show, to make visible, or to make evident. Root MAN (hand) বাংলা অর্থ সুস্পষ্ট, স্পষ্ট, প্রকট, প্রতিভাত, স্ফুট Related words obvious, clear, plain, apparent, evident, patent, palpable, distinct Mnemonic In a FEST it was visible that people had Money[MANI] ,so Money was visible ; evident and was obvious.

Gregarious (gruh GAR ee us)

Example 1• Dirk was too gregarious to enjoy the fifty years he spent in solitary confinement. 2• Kyle wasn't very gregarious; she went to the party, but she spent most of her time hiding in the closet. Meaning Adjective: sociable; enjoying the company of others বাংলা অর্থ যূথচর, যূথভূত, সঙ্গলিপ্সু Root greg (flock, herd) Related words sociable, company-loving, convivial, companionable, outgoing, friendly Mnemonic remember AGGREGATION means gathering something together. similarily Aggregation -> gregation ->gregarious

Inveterate (in VET ur it)

Example 1• Eric was such an inveterate liar on the golf course that when he finally made a hole-in one, he marked it on his score card as a zero. 2• Larry's practice of spitting into the fireplace became inveterate despite his wife's protestations. Meaning habitual; firm in habit; deeply rooted Root veter (a long time) বাংলা অর্থ habitual; firm in habit, দীর্ঘ বা ব্যাপকভাবে প্রতিষ্�� িত , দৃঢমূল , বদ্ধমূল, পাকা, ভদ্রমূল, পাঁড়, ঘাগি, ঘাগী Related words ingrained, deep-seated, deep-rooted, entrenched, congenital, ineradicable, incurable, inveterate , Mnemonic In this word. we have a root ie.. veter--that have lasted a long time and seem likely to continue. This itself gives an idea of the meaning.

Solicitous (suh LIS uh tus)

Example 1• Every time we turned around, we seemed to step on the foot of THE WORDS 229 the solicitous salesman, who appeared to feel that if he left us alone for more than a few seconds, we would decide to leave the store. 2• When the sick movie star sneezed, half-a-dozen solicitous nurses came rushing into his hospital room. 3. Our neighbors are constantly knocking on our door to make sure we are OK, and I don't know how to ask them to stop being so solicitous about our health. Meaning Adjective: eager and attentive, often to the point of hovering; anxiously caring or attentive Root CIT (to set in motion) বাংলা অর্থ একান্তভাবে কামনাকারী Related words concerned, caring, considerate, attentive, mindful, thoughtful, interested Mnemonic soli(solo).if u r doin a work on ur own (solo) then u ll do t wit much eager and care Solid ভাবে যে কিছু চায়

Lugubrious (loo GOO bree us)

Example 1• Harry's lugubrious eulogy at the funeral of his dog eventually made everyone start giggling. 2• The valedictorian suddenly turned lugubrious and began sobbing and tearing her hair at the thought of graduating from high school. Meaning Adjective: exaggeratedly mournful To be mournful is to be sad and sorrowful. To be lugubrious is to make a big show of being sad and sorrowful. Root বাংলা অর্থ বিষণ্ণ, নিরানন্দ, শোকার্ত, কান্দ-কান্দ Related words morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), lugubrious(নিরানন্দ), ennui(মানসিক ক্লান্তি), saturnine(বিষণ্ণ মেজাজসম্পন্ন), damp(স্যাঁতসেঁতে, কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন, ভিজা) Sullen(গোমড়া-মুখো) Bleak(নিরানন্দ) Stark(সম্পূর্ণ, পুরোদস্তুর, সাধারণ এবং অপ্রয়োজনীয় সাজসজ্জা ছাড়া) Glower(কটমট করে , ভীতিজনকভাবে তাকানো, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, ক্রুদ্ধভাবে তাকান) Mnemonic LOOK+RUBY ous = DEPRESSED AND MOURNFUL that you LOOK like RUBY(face red)

Repudiate (ri PYOO dee ayt)

Example 1• Hoping to receive a lighter sentence, the convicted gangster repudiated his former connection with the mob. 2. Many in the public believed the rumors of a UFO crash outside town, so the chief of police did everything he could to repudiate the rumors. Meaning Verb: To reject; to renounce; to disown; to have nothing to do with Root বাংলা অর্থ অস্বীকার করা, বিচ্ছিন্ন করা, পরিত্যাগ করা, প্রত্যাখ্যান করা, বিছিন্ন করা Related words Reject, renounce, abandon, give up, turn one's back on Mnemonic He ate the PUDDING AGAIN.. When his mother asked him if he ate the pudding, he tried to REPUDIATE (deny eating it)

Sardonic (sahr DAHN ik)

Example 1• Isabella's weak attempts at humor were met by nothing but a few scattered pockets of sardonic laughter. 2• Even George's friends found him excessively sardonic; he couldn't dis cuss anything without mocking it, and there was almost nothing about which he could bring himself to say two nice words in a row. Meaning Adjective: mocking; scornful Root বাংলা অর্থ তিক্ত, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ, ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ, অবজ্ঞা-মিশ্রিত ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ Related words Contemptuous(ঘৃণাপূর্ণ), sardonic (তিক্ত, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ, ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ, অবজ্ঞা-মিশ্রিত ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ), disdainful(তাচ্ছল্যপূর্ণ, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ) , insulting , scornful(ঘৃণাপূর্ণ), Caustic, Astringent(কষাটে, সম্বন্ধক, সঙ্কোচক, দেহজ কলাসমূহের সঙ্কোচনসাধক, কঠোর), Vitriolic, Acerbic, Audacious, Sardonic, Satiric, Pungent, Saturnine, Sarcastic, Impudent, Acrimony Mnemonic think of SARDONIC as SARCASTIC + IRONIC

Mellifluous (muh LIF loo us)

Example 1• Melanie's clarinet playing was mellifluous; the notes flowed smoothly and beautifully. 2. Chelsea's grandmother thought Franz Schubert's music to be the most mellifluous ever written; Chelsea demurred, and to her grandmother's chagrin, would blast Rihanna on the home stereo speakers. Meaning Adjective: sweetly flowing Root FLU, FLUX (to flow) Mellifluous comes from Greek words meaning, roughly, "honey flowing." We use the word almost exclusively to describe voices, music, or sounds that flow sweetly, like honey. বাংলা অর্থ মসৃণ, মধুরভাবে বহমান Related words dulcet, honeyed, sweet Mnemonic melody + fluous = smooth flowing

Recrimination (ri krim uh NAY shun)

Example 1• Melissa was full of recrimination. When I accused her of stealing my pen, she angrily accused me of being careless, evil, and stupid. The word is often used in the plural. 2• The courtroom echoed with the recriminations of the convicted defendant as he was taken off to the penitentiary. Meaning Noun: a bitter counter accusation, or the act of making a bitter counter accusation Root CERN/CERT/CRET/CRIM/CRIT (to separate, to judge, to distinguish, to decide) বাংলা অর্থ প্রত্যপবাদ, প্রত্যভিযোগ Related words accusation, counter accusation, counter charge Mnemonic re-crimina-tion: crimina relates to a crime. recrimination means: one accusing the other for a crime. The other "re" accused him of another crime.

Sacrosanct (SAK roh sangkt)

Example 1• Mr. Peters's lunchtime trip to his neighborhood bar was sacrosanct; he would no sooner skip it than he would skip his mother's funeral. Meaning Adjective: sacred; held to be in violable A church or temple is sacrosanct. So, for Christians, is belief in the divinity of Jesus. Sacrosanct is also used loosely, and often ironically, outside of religion. Root SACRO(pure) sanct (sacred, holy; religious) বাংলা অর্থ অলঙ্ঘনীয় Related words sacred, hallowed, respected, inviolable, inviolate, unimpeachable, invulnerable Mnemonic try to look at the last sacro+SANCT(SANCTITY).....AND think of saints who are living life of sanctity.

Irrevocable (i REV uh kuh bul)

Example 1• My decision not to wear a Tarzan costume and ride on a float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is irrevocable; there is absolutely nothing you could do or say to make me change my mind. 2• Shortly after his car began to plunge toward the sea, Tom decided not to drive off the cliff after all, but by that point his decision was irrevocable. Meaning Adjective: incapable of being retracted or revoked Root VOC/VOK (to call) comes from evocation বাংলা অর্থ অনড়, প্রত্যাহার করার অসাধ্য Related words Ineluctable(অপরিহার্য), peremptory(সুদৃঢ়), inevitable(অনিবার্য), perse (জন্মগতভাবে, সহজাতভাবে, অপরিহার্যভাবে, নিজ বৈশিষ্ট্য, স্বয়ং), Cogent(প্রবল, অনিবার্য, অকাট্য), relentless(নির্দয়, নিষ্ঠুর), unavoidable, Inexorable(অনিবার্য, কঠোরহৃদয়, নির্দয় ), Irrevocable(অনড়, প্রত্যাহার করার অসাধ্য), Abstruse: avocation=পেশা VS evocation= আমন্ত্রণ, আহবান , ডাক Mnemonic To revoke (ri VOHK) is to take back. Something irrevocable can not be taken back.

Malfeasance (mal FEE zuns)

Example 1• President Ford officially pardoned former president Nixon before the latter could be convicted of any malfeasance. 2. Not even the mayor's trademark pearly-toothed grin could save him from charges of malfeasance: while in power, he'd been running an illegal gambling rink in the room behind his office. Meaning Noun: an illegal act, especially by a public official, Root MAL/MALE (bad, ill, evil, wrong) French, fease-, faise- will ring a bell, as it often means "to do." You can probably then infer that malfeasance means "to do bad." বাংলা অর্থ কুকর্ম, কুকার্য, কুকর্মসাধন, অপরাধ, বেআইনী কাজ, অবৈধ কায্র্য Related words sinful act, mischief Mnemonic Sounds like MAL FEES ANCE What do we mean by it if we say MAL FEES?? Certainly its a bribe. So Malfeasance means officials indulged in taking bribes, a misconduct.

Scintillate (SIN tuh layt)

Example 1• Stars and diamonds scintillate—so do witty comments, charming personalities, and anything else that can be said to sparkle. 2• Stefan was a quiet drudge at home, but at a party he could be absolutely scintillating, tossing off witty remarks and charming every one in the room. Meaning Verb: to sparkle, either literally or figuratively Adjective: describes someone who is brilliant and lively Root বাংলা অর্থ স্ফুলিঙ্গ ছড়ান, ঝিক্মিক্ করা Related words aglitter, glinting, glistering, glittering, glittery, sparkly, bubbling, effervescent, frothy Abstruse: Scintillate=ঝিকমিক করা VS Scintilla=স্ফুলিংগ, অগ্নিকণা Mnemonic SCINTILLATE or SCINTILLATING refers to something GLITTERING, sparkling, shining, twinkling.

Irascible (i RAS uh bul)

Example 1• The CEO was so irascible, his employees were afraid to talk to him for fear he might hurl pa per weights at them. 2. If Arthur's dog is not fed adequately, he became highly irascible, even growling at his own shadow. Meaning Adjective: easily angered or provoked; irritable A grouch is irascible, quickly aroused to anger Root বাংলা অর্থ একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম Related words Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Mnemonic concentrate on rasc- a rascal is one who is irritable, choleric, shor-tempered & hotheaded

Laud (lawd)

Example 1• The bank manager lauded the hero who trapped the escaping robber. The local newspaper published a laudatory editorial on this intrepid individual. Meaning Verb: to praise; to applaud; to extol; to celebrate Root aud (hear) বাংলা অর্থ প্রশংসা, গুণকীর্তন, গুণগান Related words :praise, extol, hail, applaud, acclaim Mnemonic Read it like Lord and you will remember to praise

Recant (ri KANT)

Example 1• The chagrined scientist recanted his theory that mice originated on the moon; it turned out that he had simply mixed up the results of two separate experiments. 2• The secret police tortured the intellectual for a week, by tickling his feet with a feather duster, until he finally recanted. Meaning Verb: to publicly take back and deny (something previously said or believed); to openly confess error Root CANT/CENT/CHANT (to sing) বাংলা অর্থ পূর্বেকার ধারণা, মতামত পরিত্যাগ করা Related words renounce, disavow, deny, repudiate, renege on, forswear, abjure Abstruse: penchant=টান, আসক্তি, প্রবণতা, ঝোঁক VS Trenchant=মর্মভেদী, তীক্ষ্ণ, কষ্টকর, তীব্র VS Enchant: পুলকিত, মোহিত করা VS Recant: পূর্বেকার ধারণা, মতামত পরিত্যাগ করা VS Chant: স্তব করা sing by a crowd Mnemonic RE (again) + CANT (cannot) = "I have told you this, AGAIN and AGAIN, it CANNOT be done, it has been REJECTED."

Invective (in VEK tiv)

Example 1• The critic's searing review was filled with bitterness and invective. 2• Herman wasn't much of an orator, but he was brilliant at invective. Meaning Noun: insulting or abusive speech, Violent denunciation; accusations, insults, or verbal abuse Root বাংলা অর্থ তিরস্কারপূর্ণ ভাষা , কটুক্তি , নিন্দাবাক্য Related words vitriol , vituperation Abstruse: vindicate=সততা প্রমাণ করা VS Vindictive=প্রতিহিংসাপরায়ণ VS invective= আক্রমণমূলক, vituperation Mnemonic ENVY + ACTIVE or Active jealousy can cause you to ABUSE the other person.

Fecund (FEE kund)

Example 1• The fecund mother rabbit gave birth to hundreds and hun dreds of little rabbits. 2• The philosopher's imagination was so fecund that ideas hopped out of him like a million baby rabbits. 3• Our compost heap became increasingly fecund as it de com posed. Meaning Adjective: intellectually productive বাংলা অর্থ ফলপ্রসূ, উর্বর, বহুপ্রসূ Related words fertile, prolific, productive, Fecund Mnemonic Sounds like "FUK" "AND". You fuk and You are able to produce an offspring (no offense)

Maudlin (MAWD lin)

Example 1• The high school reunion grew more and more maudlin as the participants shared more and more memories. 2• Magdalen had a maudlin concern for the worms in her yard;she would bang a gong before walking in the grass in order to give them a chance to get out of her way. Meaning Adjective: silly and overly sentimental Root maund means nit of weight equal to 40 seers, mad বাংলা অর্থ অর্ধ মাতাল , নির্বোধ , মূর্খ , ভাবপ্রবণ Related words bathetic, drippy, hokey, kitschy, mawkish, mushy, schmaltzy, sentimental, slushy, soppy, soupy Abstruse: Maunder=বাজে কথা vs Maudlin: অর্ধ মাতাল , নির্বোধ , মূর্খ , ভাবপ্রবণ VS Meander=আঁকাবাঁকা পথ Mnemonic when she received a call from the MODELLING company for her appointment, she became EFFUSIVELY SENTIMENTAL and wept a lot.Her dream had come true

Lampoon (lam POON)

Example 1• The irreverent students mercilessly lampooned their Latin teacher's lisp in a skit at the school talent show. 2• The Harvard Lampoon, the nation's oldest humor magazine, has lampooned just about everything there is to lampoon. Meaning Verb: to satirize; to mock; to parody Root বাংলা অর্থ কাউকে আক্রমণ বা উপহাস করে রচিত তীব্র ব্যঙ্গাত্মক রচনা , ব্যঙ্গ কবিতা Related words satirise, satirize Mnemonic LAMPOON- if you pour oil for a LAMP with a SPOON ppl will ridicule cos for a lamp you should pour a lot of oil!!!

Itinerant (eye TIN ur unt)

Example 1• The life of a traveling salesman is an itinerant one. 2• The itinerant junk dealer passes through our neighborhood every month or so, pulling his wagon of odds and ends. 3• The international banker's itinerant lifestyle began to seem less glamorous to him after his first child was born. A closely related word is itinerary, which is the planned route or schedule of a trip. 4• The traveling salesman taped his itinerary to the refrigerator be fore every trip so that his wife would know how to reach him on the telephone. Meaning Adjective: moving from place to place, Traveling from place to place, esp. as part of a job Root বাংলা অর্থ ভ্রমণকারী, ভ্রমণকারক, ভ্রমণশীল Related words unsettled, gipsy , gypsy, itinerant(ভ্রমণকারী, ভ্রমণকারক), locomotive( চারী, ভ্রমণে সক্ষম, ভ্রমণসহায়ক, ভ্রমণশীল, সঁচরণশীল, সচল), errant(ভ্রমণরত, অসভ্য, উন্মার্গগামী, ভ্রমণশীল), vagabond, vagrant(ভবঘুরে, ভ্রমণশীল, চক্রচর) , traveling, peripatetic(ভ্রাম্যমাণ, পর্যটক, যাত্রী, পথিক ভবঘুরে), wandering(বিচরণ, চরণ, ব্রজ্যা, দীর্ঘ পর্যটন), roving, roaming, touring, saddlebag, nomadic, Mnemonic sounds like itenary( plan of a trip).. so a traveller..keeps on wandering\ travelling... hope its hlpful

Replete (ri PLEET)

Example 1• The once-polluted stream was now replete with fish of every description. 2• The bride wore a magnificent sombrero replete with fuzzy dice and campaign buttons. 3• Tim ate all nine courses at the wedding banquet. He was filled to the point of repletion. Meaning Adjective: completely filled; abounding, completely stocked or furnished with something Root PLE (to fill) বাংলা অর্থ পরিপূর্ণ, প্রাচুর্যপূর্ণ, একগঙ্গা, পূর্ণ Related words filled, full, well-stocked, well-supplied, crammed Mnemonic replete(like comPLETE)..SO ANYTHING which is COMPLETE is always FULLY FILLED

Rapacious (ruh PAY shus)

Example 1• Wall Street investment bankers are often accused of being rapacious, but they claim they are performing a valuable economic function. Meaning Adjective: greedy; plundering; avaricious Root বাংলা অর্থ অত্যধিক লোলুপ , গৃধ্নু , লোভাতুর , অর্থলোভী , অর্থপিপাসু Related words Covetous, avaricious(অর্থলোভী, লোভী), rapacious(অর্থলোভী , অর্থপিপাসু), Cupidity(লোভ, ধনলোভ), Voracious(অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী), Ravenous(লোলুপ, গোগ্রাসে গেলে এমন) Mnemonic Rapacious' means who likes to 'Rape' that means very greedy on woman body! & also take forcefully

Recondite (REK un dyte)

Example 1• The philosopher's thesis was so recondite that I couldn't get past the first two sentences. 2• Every now and then the professor would lift his head from his desk and deliver some recondite pronouncement that left us scratching our heads and trying to figure out what he meant. 3• The scholarly journal was so recondite as to be utterly incomprehensible. Meaning Adjective: hard to understand; over one's head, dealing with an obscure topic, difficult to penetrate Root বাংলা অর্থ দুর্বোধ্য , দুর্জ্ঞেয় , গূঢ় , দুরধিগম্য Related words onerous(গুরুভার), arduous(শ্রমসাধ্য), burdensome, abstruse(দুর্বোধ্য), recondite(দুর্বোধ্য) Abstruse: recondite : abstruse দুর্বোধ্য , দুর্জ্ঞেয় , গূঢ় , দুরধিগম্য vs Reconcile: conciliate মিলনসাধন করা Mnemonic .Think it as (Reconditioned). Reconditioned Cars are very hard to identify whether it is used and how long.

Reproach (ri PROHCH)

Example 1• The police officer reproached me for leaving my car parked over night in a no-standing zone. 2. At first, Sarah was going to yell at the boy, but she didn't want to reproach him for telling the truth about the situation Meaning Verb: to scold, usually in dis appointment; to blame; to disgrace Verb: express disappointment in Root বাংলা অর্থ ভর্ত্সনা, নিন্দা, কলঙ্ক, গঁজনা, মানহানি, অখ্যাতি Related words upbraid Abstruse: reproach=নিন্দা, তিরস্কার VS rapprochement=পুনর্মিলন, সৌহাদ্র্যের পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠ, প্রীতির সম্পর্কের পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠা Mnemonic divide it as re(again..)+proach(..approach).. you ask someone to APPROACH AGAIN & AGAIN since you DISAPPROVE OF HIS WORK..(eg during submissions)

Maverick (MAV ur ik)

Example 1• The political scientist was an intellectual maverick; most of his theories had no followers except himself. 2• The maverick police officer got in trouble with the department for using illegal means to track down criminals. Meaning Non: someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action, a nonconformist; a rebel Root The word maverick originated in the Old West. It is derived from the name of Samuel A. Maverick, a Texas banker who once accepted a herd of cattle in payment of a debt. Maverick was a banker, not a rancher. He failed to confine or brand his calves, which habitually wandered into his neighbors' pastures. Local ranchers got in the habit of referring to any unbranded calf as a maverick. The word is now used for anyone who has refused to be "branded"—who has refused to conform. বাংলা অর্থ বাউণ্ডুলে, ভবঘুরে, যাযাবর Related words rebel Mnemonic. those who play counter strike will be aware of the bot "maverick" who has cooperation as zero. which is what maverick means!!

Fortuitous (for TOO uh tus)

Example 1• The program's outcome was not the result of any plan but was entirely fortuitous. 2• The object was so perfectly formed that its creation could not have been fortuitous. Meaning adjective: occurring by happy chance; having no cause or apparent cause, Happening by chance; lucky বাংলা অর্থ আকস্মিক, আপতিত, আপতিক, আধিদৈবিক, দৈবাৎ, দৈবক্রমে ঘটিত Root FORT (chance) Related words chance, adventitious, unexpected, unanticipated, unpredictable, unforeseen Abstruse: Fortify:শক্তি বাড়ান, বলাধান করা, শক্তিশালী করান vs Fortuitous: আকস্মিক, আপতিত, আপতিক, আধিদৈবিক, দৈবাৎ, দৈবক্রমে ঘটিত Mnemonic equivalent to fortune. fortune isn't destined to occur it is accidental

Rancorous (rang-ker-uh s)

Example 1• The rancorous public exchanges be tween the two competing boxers are strictly for show; outside the ring, they are the best of friends. Meaning Adjective: characterized by bitterness or resentment. Root rancor means হিংসা বাংলা অর্থ হিংসাপূর্ণ, নিদ্বেষপূর্ণ, র্ষাপূর্ণ, শত্রুতাপূর্ণ Related words bitter, spiteful, hateful, resentful, acrimonious, malicious Abstruse: rancor=হিংসা , Rancorous:হিংসাপূর্ণ, VS rancid=দূর্গন্ধ, বিস্বাদ Mnemonic rancor(ranker)+ous. we are so jealous of ranker 1 that we always had BITTER FEELINGS towards him

Sanctimonious (sangk tuh MOH nee us)

Example 1• The sanctimonious old bore pretended to be deeply offended when Lucius whispered a mild swearword after dropping the anvil on his bare foot. 2• Simon is an egoist who speaks about almost nothing but caring for one's fellow man. His altruism is sanctimonious. Meaning Adjective: pretending to be devout; affecting religious feeling Root Sanct (sacred, holy; religious) বাংলা অর্থ ধর্মধ্বজী, ভণ্ডামিপূর্ণ Related words holier-than-thou, pharisaic, self-righteous Mnemonic saint+money...acting like a saint for money..they're false, displaying false piety

Levity (LEV uh tee)

Example 1• The speaker's levity was not appreciated by the convention of funeral directors, who felt that a convention of funeral directors was no place to tell jokes. 2• The judge's attempt to inject some levity into the dreary court proceedings (by setting off a few firecrackers in the jury box) was entirely successful. Meaning Noun: lightness; frivolity; unseriousness To levitate something is to make it so light that it floats up into the air. Levity comes from the same root and has to do with a different kind of lightness. Root LEV (lift, light, rise) বাংলা অর্থ চপলতা, ছেবলামি, ত্তজনের লঘুত্ব, মেজাজের লঘুত্ব, স্বভাবের লঘুত্ব, অসভ্য রসিকতা, মর্যাদাজ্ঞানহীন আচরণ Related words lightheartedness, high spirits, vivacity, liveliness, cheerfulness Mnemonic lev(leave)+it. You casually leave things without any seriousness.

Salient (SAYL yunt)

Example 1• Ursula had a number of salient features including, primarily, her nose, which stuck out so far that she was constantly in danger of slamming it in doors and windows. Meaning sticking out; conspicuous; leaping A salient characteristic is one that leaps right out at you. Root SAL/SIL/SAULT/SULT (to leap, to jump) বাংলা অর্থ লক্ষণীয়, প্রধান, লাফানে, বিশিষ্ট, বহির্দিকে অভিক্ষিপ্ত Related words outstanding, spectacular, prominent Mnemonic SAL(year)IENT(ant or end)... in B.Tech good grades at the END of final YEAR are VERY IMPORTANT

Metamorphosis (met uh MOR fuh sis)

Example 1• When the magician passed his wand over Eileen's head, she under went a bizarre metamorphosis: She turned into a hamster. 2• Damon's metamorphosis from college student to Hollywood super star was so sudden that it seemed a bit unreal. Meaning Noun: a magical change in form; a striking or sudden change Root MORPH (shape) বাংলা অর্থ রুপান্তর, আকৃতির পরিবর্তন, রুপান্তরিত আকৃতি Related words transformation, transfiguration, metabolism Mnemonic meta ..means many + morp(..derived from morphic)means shape or form.

Sentient (SEN shunt)

Example 1• While trees are not, strictly speaking, sentient beings, many credible people claim to have communicated with them. Meaning Adjective: able to perceive by the senses; conscious #Human beings are sentient. Rocks are not. Root SENS/SENT (to feel, to be aware) বাংলা অর্থ সংবেদী, সচেতন, চেতন, অনুভবক্ষম Related words aware, conscious, able to perceive Mnemonic Sentimental people are sentient.


Example Pertaining to a repertory or repertoire, a stock of available things or a number of theatrical performances presented regularly or in sequence Meaning বাংলা অর্থ সূচিপত্র, ভাঁডার, রেপ্যার্টরি, নিধান, কোষ, নিধি Root Related words Mnemonic


Example she took his flaccid hand in hers. Meaning Adjective: (of part of the body) soft and hanging loosely or limply, especially so as to look or feel unpleasant. বাংলা অর্থ তুলতুলে, ঢলঢলে, ঢেপসা, নড়বড়ে, কোমল Root Related words limp, flabby, weak Abstruse: flaccid:তুলতুলে, ঢলঢলে VS Placid=শান্ত, প্রশান্ত, নিস্তব্ধ Mnemonic FLACCID == If you put Plastic in ACID it becomes weak, and loses firmness


Example: Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: মুক্তহস্ত (Adj.), প্রচুর (Adj.), ক্ষমাহীন (Adj.) Root: sparing:মিতব্যয়ী Related words: magnanimity, munificent(মুক্তহস্ত), lavish(অপব্যয় করা), largess(বদান্যতা), unsparing(প্রচুর), unstinting , generous Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: (adj) Having the appearance of truth, probable বাংলা অর্থ: বিশ্বাস্য Root: ver means true Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: to disclose something secret বাংলা অর্থ: ফাঁস করা Root: Related words: Abstruse: divulge: ফাঁস করা, উদ্ঘাটিত করা vs deluge: মহাপ্লাবন vs indulge: আনুকূল্য করা, নিমগ্ন vs diluvial= of or relating to food vs antediluvian=সেকেলে, অতি প্রাচীণ Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: 1. Afraid to see the aftermath of the car crash, I averted my eyes as we drove by. 2. The struggling videogame company put all of its finances into one final, desperate project to avert bankruptcy. বাংলা অর্থ: প্রতিহত করা, ব্যাহত করা, নিবারণ করা, বাধা দেত্তয়া, ব্যর্থ করা, প্রতিষেধ করা Root: vert means turn away Related words: avoid , debar , deflect , fend off , forefend , forfend , head off , obviate , stave off , ward off Abstruse: Advertently(সাবধানী,সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ,) vs Avert=প্রতিহত করা, নিবারণ করা VS Aver=জোর দিয়ে বলা VS asseverate=প্রতিজ্ঞাপূর্বক বলা, শপথপূর্বক ঘোষণা করা VS Assert=দাবি করা Mnemonic: sounds like DIVERT.


Example: Meaning: Casual, informal; done without preparation or forethought; rude in a short way, brusque বাংলা অর্থ: না ভাবিয়া চিন্তিয়া , চট করে Root: Related words: Abstruse offhand: না ভাবিয়া চিন্তিয়া , চট করে vs offset: অঙ্কুর (N), প্রশাখা (N), ভারসাম্য করা (V), শোধবোধ করা (V), ক্ষতিপূরণ দেত্তয়া (V), ক্ষতিপূরণ করা (V) Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Cause to curve; turn aside, esp. from a straight course; avoid বাংলা অর্থ: বিপথগামী হওয়া Root: flect means bend Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Cautious, prudent; careful to consider the circumstances and consequences বাংলা অর্থ: সতর্ক , সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন Root: circumspect =circum(around ) + suspect ( সন্দেহভাজন, সন্দেহজনক ) so সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন Related words: sapient(বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ) , savant (মহাপণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি), Prudent(বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী), Circumspect (সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), sage(ঋষি, মহাজ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি), Perspicacious (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ স্বচ্ছদৃষ্টিসম্পন্নতা, তীক্ষ্নদৃষ্টি acutely insightful and wise ) , pundit, Politic (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ), Judicious (সুবিজ্ঞ, সুবিচারপূর্ণ, বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী ), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Provident(মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ) Meticulous(অতিসতর্ক), Advertently(সাবধানী), scrupulous(বিবেকী, খুঁতখুঁতে, সতর্ক), Vigilant(সজাগ, অতন্দ্র, জাগ্রদবস্থ, সতর্ক), wary, Chary, Circumspect(সতর্ক , সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: allowing light to show through; delicate বাংলা অর্থ: স্বচ্ছ, নির্মল Root: Related words: Very sheer, fine, translucent, Limpid(নির্মল), Lucid(স্বচ্ছ), pellucid(নির্মল), patent(পেটেন্ট, স্পষ্ট (স্পষ্ট)), perspicuous(সুস্পষ্ট), Elucidate( make clear ), Diaphanous(স্বচ্ছ) Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Counteract (act against (something) in order to reduce its force or neutralize it.) , compensate for (verb); a counterbalance (noun) বাংলা অর্থ: অঙ্কুর (N), প্রশাখা (N), ভারসাম্য করা (V), শোধবোধ করা (V), ক্ষতিপূরণ দেত্তয়া (V), ক্ষতিপূরণ করা (V) Root: Related words: Abstruse offhand: না ভাবিয়া চিন্তিয়া , চট করে vs offset: অঙ্কুর (N), প্রশাখা (N), ভারসাম্য করা (V), শোধবোধ করা (V), ক্ষতিপূরণ দেত্তয়া (V), ক্ষতিপূরণ করা (V) Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Disgustingly or distastefully sweet বাংলা অর্থ: cloy: রূচি ক্লান্ত করা Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Full, rich, and clear (of the voice or speaking); pompous, bombastic বাংলা অর্থ: গালভরা, লম্বাচত্তড়া Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Gradual increase; an added part or addition বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Mnemonic: accretion ~ add + creation , this addition to creation leads to growth Accretion sounds like Errection


Example: Meaning: Group of birds or other animals that stay close together; any large group বাংলা অর্থ: দল Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Having good judgment or insight; able to distinguish mentally বাংলা অর্থ: সূক্ষ্ম, প্রভেদ বুঝতে পারা Root: discern : উপলব্ধি করা to perceive or recognize Related words: discernment: বিচক্ষণতার insight; ability to see things clearly Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Howling in a deep way, like a dog or wolf, (of a dog, especially a large one) bark or howl loudly. the dogs bayed বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: howl, bark, yelp, yap, cry, bellow, roar Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Implying or attempting to establish a norm; expressing value judgments or telling people what to do (rather than merely describing that which is happening) বাংলা অর্থ: আদর্শস্থাপনকারী , মান-নির্ণায়ক , আদর্শ Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Make less serious or severe; relieve symptoms of an illness বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষমা করা (V), আংশিক ক্ষমা করা (V), আংশিক লাঘব করা (V), প্রশমিত করা (V), উপশম করা (V) Root: Related words: Mollify(কোমল করা), Appease(প্রশমিত করা), alleviate(উপশম করা), mitigate(প্রশমিত করা), assuage(প্রশমিত করা), placate(শান্ত করা), propitiate(প্রসন্ন করান), palliate(প্রশমিত করা), emollient(উপশমকারী), allay(কমান), pacify(ঠাণ্ডা করা), extenuate(হ্রাস করা), conciliate (শান্ত করা) Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Peel or cut off the outer layer (such as peeling fruit with a knife), reduce or trim as if cutting off the outer parts বাংলা অর্থ: খোসা ছাড়ান Root: Related words: peel Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Prevent, eliminate, or make unnecessary বাংলা অর্থ: দূর করা , অপসারিত করা , রেহাই পাওয়া Root: Related words: Make unnecessary; get rid of - কৌশলে পরিহার করা Mnemonic:

Ostensible or Ostensive

Example: Meaning: Professed, evident, or pretended; outwardly appearing in a certain way বাংলা অর্থ: প্রতীয়মান (Adj.), প্রদর্শনীয় (Adj.), সুস্পষ্ট (Adj.), প্রকাশ্য (Adj.) Root: oste means bone Related words: conspicuous Abstruse: Ostensible =লোকদেখানো, প্রদর্শনীয়,প্রকাশ্য, প্রতীয়মান, সুস্পষ্ট VS Ostentatious =ভানপূর্ণ, জাঁক করে এমন, জাঁকাল, জাঁককারী, বড়াইপূর্ণ Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Rumor, a false or baseless story বাংলা অর্থ: মিথ্যা গুজব Root: Related words: Rumor, a false or baseless story Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: Splendid, wide-ranging, impressive display or array, impressive array পুরা বর্ম বাংলা অর্থ: বর্ম, দেহত্রাণ, গাত্ররক্ষণী, সাঁজোয়া Root: Related words: Mnemonic: on the MONOPOLY board game there is wie display of imressive array of colors and vibrancy!!


Example: Meaning: Suitable for or resembling a palace, magnificent বাংলা অর্থ: প্রাসাদসংক্রান্ত , প্রাসাদতুল্য Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: The supernatural (noun); pertaining to magic, astrology, etc.; mysterious, secret or hidden (adj); to hide, to shut off from view (verb) , বাংলা অর্থ: গুপ্ত (Adj.), গূঢ় (Adj.), গুহ্য (Adj.), অতিপ্রাকৃত (Adj.), লুক্কায়িত (Adj.), অজ্ঞাত (Adj.), ইন্দ্রি়ের অগোচর (Adj.), ইন্দ্রি়াতীত (Adj.), অস্পষ্ট (Adj.), জাদুময় (Adj.), রহস্যপূর্ণ (Adj.), লুকান (V), গোপন করা (V), লুকাইয়া রাখা (V), গুপ্ত রাখা (V) Root: Related words: Abstruse: Occlude=বন্ধ করে দেয়া VS Occult=গুপ্ত (Adj.), গূঢ় (Adj.), গুহ্য (Adj.), অতিপ্রাকৃত (Adj.), লুক্কায়িত (Adj.), Mnemonic: diffiCULT to understand

Viscous / viscid

Example: Meaning: Thick, adhesive, or covered in something sticky বাংলা অর্থ: আঠাল Root: Related words: thick, syrupy, and sticky Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: arrogant বাংলা অর্থ: দাম্ভিক, গর্বিত, বৃথাভিমানী Root: Related words: Vaunt(বড়াই), Flaunt(বাতাসে দোলা), Ostentatious(জাঁক করে এমন), Overweening(দাম্ভিক), Hubris(ঔদ্ধত্য), Pretentious(দাম্ভিক), pompous(জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ, আত্মম্ভরী, গুলজার), Haughty(উদ্ধত, গর্বিত), Imperious(জবরদস্ত , মেজাজি , দাম্ভিক), Supercilious(নিজেকে সবার থেকে সেরা ভাবা) , exuberant,uppity Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: authoritative statement; popular saying Formal or authoritative pronouncement; saying or proverb বাংলা অর্থ: আদেশাবলী , নীতিবাক্য , প্রবচন Root: Related words: Abstruse: diction: the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing.রচনাশৈলী, শব্দ-নির্বাচন vs dictum: আদেশাবলী , নীতিবাক্য , প্রবচন Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: belonging to a particular area, inherent বাংলা অর্থ: স্থানীয় , আঞ্চলিক Root: en+ demic-"in + people"= native to a population. root dem means people Related words: Native, local; natural, specific to, or confined to a particular place, autochthonal (chthonal means earth relating to or inhabiting the underworld ) . , autochthonic , autochthonous , indigenous Abstruse: endemic:স্থানীয়, জাতিগত, দেশগত vs epidemic:ব্যাপক, মহামারীতুল্য, মহামারী-সংক্রান্ত vs pandemic:পৃথিবীব্যাপি, দেশব্যাপী Mnemonic: simple think of epidemic as an epidemic desease that spreads a vast area and endemic disease as a disease that spreads only a confined area


Example: Meaning: brilliantly shining Mnemonic: বাংলা অর্থ: দীপ্তিশীল, দিদীপ্যমান, অত্যুজ্বল Root: fulg means shine . burn Related words: luminous(উজ্জ্বল), lustrous(দ্যুতিমান), effulgent(দীপ্তিশীল), refulgent(জাজ্বল্যমান), radiant(প্রভাশালী, দীপ্তিশীল, উজ্জ্বল), luster(দীপ্তি) Abstruse: effluvium:পচা জিনিস হইতে উদগত বিশ্রী বাষ্প vs effulgent: দীপ্তিশীল, দিদীপ্যমান, অত্যুজ্বল vs effervescent: বুদ্বুদপূর্ণ, উদ্যমী vs evanescent: বিলীয়মান, ক্ষণস্থায়ী Mnemonic: break it up as ef+full+gent and relate gent to gentle man so a full gentleman is brilliant person


Example: Meaning: carefree বাংলা অর্থ: প্রফুল্ল , ফূর্তিবাজ Root: Related words: Abstruse: Bilk: ফাঁকি দিয়ে কেটে পড়া vs Bleak:নিরানন্দ vs Balk: প্রতিবন্ধকতা vs Blight:Disease that kills plants rapidly. vs Blinkered:to have a limited outlook or understanding,ঢাকনা vs Blithe:প্রফুল্ল , ফূর্তিবাজ Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: coming into being; in early developmental stages বাংলা অর্থ: জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল, জন্মলাভ করিতেছে এমন Root: NAT/NAS/NAI (to be born) Related words: tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) Mnemonic: renascent: resurgent, revival


Example: Meaning: disastrous, catastrophic বাংলা অর্থ: বিপজ্জনক Root: Related words: Abstruse: Fulminate=সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া VS Culminate=সর্বোচ্চ সীমা পৌঁছান vs culinary: রন্ধনসম্পর্কীয় vs calumny: অপবাদ, দুর্নাম, কলঙ্ক, নিন্দা, vs calamity: strom,বিপজ্জনক Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: divide into two parts- বাংলা অর্থ: দ্বিখণ্ডিত করা Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: easily irritated বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষীণকটি, ক্ষীণমধ্যা, বিদ্বেষপূর্ণ, বোলতাতুল্য Root: Related words: Mnemonic: WAS+PEEsh....a dog was peeing on my bike which was very irritating


Example: Meaning: ejection// the act of ejecting someone or forcing them out, expulsion বাংলা অর্থ: বেদখল, নির্বাসন, Root: Related words: Mnemonic:

Panegyric (1150th )

Example: Meaning: elaborate praise; formal expression of praise বাংলা অর্থ: প্রশংসামূলক (Adj.), প্রশংসাপূর্ণ (Adj.), স্তুতি (N), প্রশংসাবাদ (N), স্তুতিবাদ (N), প্রশস্তি (N) Root: Related words: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা),acclaimed (প্রশংসিত) acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Martin Luther King Jr. championed civil rights fiercely throughout his short life. Meaning: to fight for a cause বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: defend Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: evoking intense aversion or dislike বাংলা অর্থ: ঘৃণ্য , জঘন্য, বিরক্তিকর, নিন্দার্হ, দূষণীয় Root: Related words: lust(রিরংসা), amoral(অনৈতিক). vulgar(অভদ্র), licentious(লম্পট), libido(কামশক্তি), lubricious(লম্পট), lewd(লুচ্চা), lechery(লাম্পট্য), casanova(নারীশিকারী পুরুষ), titillate(সুড়সুড়ি দেওয়া, কাতুকুতু দেওয়া), aphrodisiac(কামোদ্দীপক), prurient(কামুক), salacity(কামুকতা), obscene(অশ্লীল), scurrilous(নোংরা, কুত্সিত), ribald(অশ্লীলভাষী), sordid(নোংরা), odious(ঘৃণ্য), bawdy(অশ্লীল), lascivious(লম্পট), libertine(কামুক), coquette(পুরুষের মনভোলানো নারী), gigolo(পেশাদার পুরুষ নৃত্যসঙ্গী), satyr(বনদেবতা Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: fake behavior (such as in speech or dress) adopted to give a certain impression বাংলা অর্থ: ভান, ঢঙ্, ঠাটঠমক Root: Related words: Abstruse: Affectation: ভান, ঢঙ্, ঠাটঠমক vs Affable=ভদ্র, VS effable=able to be described in words vs Ineffable:অবর্ণনীয়, অনির্বচনীয়, অপ্রকাশ্য, অনুচ্চার্য VS efface=মুছিয়া ফেলা Mnemonic: 'affection' is natural and true, but 'affectation' is artificial and pretentious


Example: Meaning: family name; any name, especially a nickname বাংলা অর্থ: উপাধি Root: cong means know Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: feeling guilty or having misgivings বাংলা অর্থ: অনুতপ্ত (Adj.) Root: Related words: contrite(অনুতপ্ত), remorseful(অনুতপ্ত), regret repentant(অনুতপ্ত), penitent(অনুতপ্ত), compunction(অনুশোচনা) Compunctious Contrition(অনুতপ্ত), Rue(অনুতাপ করা ) repent(অনুশোচনা করা) Abstruse: contemptuous: ঘৃণাপূর্ণ vs contemporaries: সমসাময়িক vs contumacious:একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার vs compunctious: অনুতপ্ত Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: group of witches, a group or gathering of witches who meet regularly. বাংলা অর্থ: সভা, একটি গোষ্ঠী বা ডাইনিদের সমাবেশ যা নিয়মিতভাবে পূরণ হয় Root: Related words: Abstruse: Coven=সমাবেশ, সভা, একটি গোষ্ঠী বা ডাইনিদের সমাবেশ যা নিয়মিতভাবে পূরণ হয় VS Raven=দাঁড়কাক, রাক্ষসের মত খাওয়া VS Craven=নীচ, কাপুরুষ Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: marked by active interest and enthusiasm বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষুধিত, লিপ্সু, লোভী Root: Related words: zealous, Enthusiastic, dedicated, passionate; excessively desirous Mnemonic: a person is always eager to be in avid(a video) drAVID (Rahul dravid) is greedy for runs


Example: Meaning: obesity, fatness, bulkiness বাংলা অর্থ: Root: corpulent: (corp + opulent )excessively fat Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: outpouring of gases or vapors বাংলা অর্থ: পচা জিনিস হইতে উদগত বিশ্রী বাষ্প Root: effluvium-"out + flow"= by-product, (bad) exhalation. Related words: Abstruse: effluvium:পচা জিনিস হইতে উদগত বিশ্রী বাষ্প vs effulgent: দীপ্তিশীল, দিদীপ্যমান, অত্যুজ্বল vs effervescent: বুদ্বুদপূর্ণ, উদ্যমী vs evanescent: বিলীয়মান, ক্ষণস্থায়ী Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: person with refined taste in food and wine বাংলা অর্থ: পান-ভোজনবিলাসী Root: Related words: Abstruse: epicure: সুস্বাদ পানভোজনে আসক্ত ব্যক্তি, খাইয়ে লোক vs epigram: সরস ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা vs epiphany:নিকট যীশুর আবির্ভাব, a sudden revelation উদ্ঘাটন or moment of insight vs euphony: শ্রুতিমধুর শব্দ Mnemonic: who can write an EPIC on CURRY has to be a CONNOISSEUR OF FOOD..


Example: Meaning: piece of personal property বাংলা অর্থ: অস্থাবর সম্পত্তি Root: Related words: Abstruse: chattel:অস্থাবর সম্পত্তি vs chatter:অনর্থক কথা বলা, কিচ্মিচ্ শব্দ করা, বৃথা কথা কহা, vs chortle: খলখল শব্দ vs prattle: কিচিরমিচির করা, নিরর্থক কথা বলা Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: shut; close, to obstruct or block বাংলা অর্থ: বন্ধ করে দেওয়া Root: oc + clude ( close ) Related words: leash ( শিকল ), forestall(প্রতিরোধ) , Impede(ব্যাহত করা), Deterrent(প্রতিবন্ধক), Trammel(প্রতিবন্ধক, মাছ ধরা জাল ,শিকল), Occlude(বন্ধ করিয়া দেত্তয়া, to obstruct or block), Preempt(to prevent something from happening by taking action first), balk Abstruse: Occlude=বন্ধ করে দেয়া VS Occult=গুপ্ত (Adj.), গূঢ় (Adj.), গুহ্য (Adj.), অতিপ্রাকৃত (Adj.), লুক্কায়িত (Adj.), Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: small group of persons with a similar purpose বাংলা অর্থ: গোষ্ঠী Root: Related words: Close or exclusive group, clique Abstruse: coterminous:একই সীমানাবিশিষ্ট vs coterie: গোষ্ঠী Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The city center was aflutter with arrivistes who each tried to outdo one another with their ostentatious sports cars and chic evening dress. Meaning: a person who has recently reached a position of power; a social climber বাংলা অর্থ: ভুঁইফোঁড় Root: Related words: nouveau-riche , parvenu , upstart Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: to deliberately obscure; to make confusing to confuse, obscure বাংলা অর্থ: বিভ্রান্ত করা, অন্ধকার করা, অস্পষ্ট করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা Root: fus means pour(ঢালা) Related words: Conundrum(ধাঁধা, জট), Confound(বিহ্বল করা , বিভ্রান্ত করা), nonplussed(কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়), Enigma(ধাঁধা, জট), Flummox(বিভ্রান্ত করা, বিহ্বল করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা), Obfuscate(হতবুদ্ধি করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা), puzzle, riddle , baffle (কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় করা), befuddle (হতবুদ্ধি করা), bemuse(হতবুদ্ধি করা), bewilder; perplex; fill with confusion; Mnemonic:


Example: Meaning: to state as a fact; to confirm or support Declare or affirm with confidence বাংলা অর্থ: সত্য বলিয়া প্রতিপাদন করা Root: ver means true Related words: Abstruse: Avert=প্রতিহত করা, নিবারণ করা VS Aver=জোর দিয়ে বলা VS asseverate=প্রতিজ্ঞাপূর্বক বলা, শপথপূর্বক ঘোষণা করা VS Assert=দাবি করা Mnemonic: A VERy confident statement! A(affirmative) version


Example: Meaning: using circumlocution বাংলা অর্থ: পরোক্ষ উক্তিমূলক Root: Related words: quibble(টাল, বাক্চাতুরী, শ্লেষ আসল কথাটি এড়াবার জন্য কথার মারপ্যাঁচ). equivocate(বাক্চাতুরী করা), circumlocution(বাগাড়ম্বর), periphrastic(পরোক্ষ উক্তিমূলক ), waffle(বকবকনি, বকবক করা) Prevaricate(কৌশল সত্যকে এড়াইয়া যাওয়া) Mnemonic: Peri- Phrase (round about phrase) not straight approach


Example: "While I was performing ablutions in the bathing area, they pounced on me," he says. Meaning: act of cleansing বাংলা অর্থ: স্নান বা হাত-পা ধোওয়া Root: ablu means wash Related words: Abstruse: Ablation: (অপসারণ)(removal of growths, etc., by surgery or other mechanical means) vs Ablution: স্নান বা হাত-পা ধোওয়া vs Adulation: টাল, চাটুবাক্য, তোষামোদ, তোষণ, মনোরঁজন Mnemonic:


Example: 1. "Three Cups of Tea" tells the story of western man who hopes to ameliorate poverty and the lack of education in Afghanistan. Meaning: Improve; make better or more bearable, to make better or more tolerable বাংলা অর্থ: উন্নত করা Root: Related words: amend , better , improve , meliorate Mnemonic: In movie Amelie, Amelie tries to improve other's life.


Example: 1. : The psychologist's book "Dealing With Your Contumacious Teenager" would have sold many more copies to parents of rude and rebellious youth if only people knew what "contumacious" meant. Meaning: rebellious বাংলা অর্থ: একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার , বেয়াদব , জেদী , বৈধ আদেশ অমান্যকারী Root: Related words: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Abstruse: contemporaries: সমসাময়িক vs contumacious:একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার vs compunctious: অনুতপ্ত VS Contentious:বিতর্কমূলক, কুঁদুলে, কলহপ্রিয় VS Contemptuous:ঘৃণাপূর্ণ VS Contingent=সম্ভাব্য, শর্তাধীন, নির্ভরশীল VS Continent= মহাদেশ, সংযমী, আত্নসংযমী Mnemonic: (In Hindi language) Break the word as CON - TU - MA - CI- OUS n tat can be read as Kaun Tu Ma Ki one who says this is disobedient


Example: 1. A Ph.D. confers upon a person the right to be addressed as "Doctor" as well as eligibility to pursue tenure-track professorship. 2.Excuse me for a moment to make a call—I can't buy this car until I confer with my spouse. Meaning: Consult, compare views; bestow or give বাংলা অর্থ: , পরামর্শ করা , আলোচনা করা Root: It comes from conference Related words: Consult, compare views; bestow or give Abstruse: Coffer:ধনরত্ন রাখিবার পেটিকা vs Confer: comes from conference, পরামর্শ করা , আলোচনা করা Mnemonic:

Connoisseur [cah-nuh-SOOR]

Example: 1. A chocolate connoisseur, Mom eschews grocery store brands and will only eat 80% -cocoaor-higher artisanal chocolate that is less than a week old. Meaning: Expert, especially in the fine arts; person of educated, refined tastes বাংলা অর্থ: রসপণ্ডিত, শিল্পকলা প্রভৃতির সমঝদার Root: Connoisseur comes, through French, from the Latin "cognoscere," meaning "to know," which also gives us cognition Related words: Epicure (person with discriminating tastes, esp. regarding food and wine) পান-ভোজনবিলাসী Mnemonic:


Example: 1. A cogent argument will change the minds of even the most skeptical audience. Meaning: clear and persuasive বাংলা অর্থ: অকাট্য Root: Related words: telling , weighty Ineluctable(অপরিহার্য), peremptory(সুদৃঢ়), inevitable(অনিবার্য), perse (জন্মগতভাবে, সহজাতভাবে, অপরিহার্যভাবে, নিজ বৈশিষ্ট্য, স্বয়ং), Cogent(প্রবল, অনিবার্য, অকাট্য), relentless(নির্দয়, নিষ্ঠুর), unavoidable, Inexorable(অনিবার্য, কঠোরহৃদয়, নির্দয় ), Irrevocable(অনড়, প্রত্যাহার করার অসাধ্য), Abstruse: Cozen=প্রতারণা করা VS Cogent=প্রবল, অনিবার্য, অকাট্য VS Congenial: সমপ্রকৃতিবিশিষ্ট , সমমনস্ক Mnemonic:

Pernicious (1200th )

Example: 1. The most successful viruses are pernicious: an infected person may feel perfectly healthy for several months while incubating and spreading the virus. Meaning: extremely harmful; potentially causing death বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: baneful , deadly , pestilent,insidious , subtle Mnemonic:


Example: 1. A small contingent of those loyal to the king have gathered around the castle to defend it. 2. Whether the former world champions can win again this year is contingent upon none of its star players getting injured. Meaning: possible but not certain to occur বাংলা অর্থ: সাপেক্ষ, সম্ভাব্য Root: Related words: Abstruse: Contingent=সম্ভাব্য, শর্তাধীন, নির্ভরশীল VS Continent= মহাদেশ, সংযমী, আত্নসংযমী VS Contumacious:একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার VS Contentious:বিতর্কমূলক, কুঁদুলে, কলহপ্রিয় VS Contemptuous:ঘৃণাপূর্ণ Mnemonic: possible but not certain to occur


Example: 1. A well-written, cohesive essay will keep on topic at all times, never losing sight of the main argument. Meaning: well integrated, forming a united whole বাংলা অর্থ: সংযোজক, সংযোগশীল Root: hes means stick Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. After 64 years of marriage, William was bereft after the death of his wife. 2. Meaning: unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love lovelorn , unbeloved বাংলা অর্থ: প্রি়জন-নিয়োগবিধুর Root: Related words: bereaved , grief-stricken , grieving , mourning , sorrowing Mnemonic: bereft = beer + left and therefore DEPRIVED of beer be+reft--reft sounds like left, imagine a man who is left alone after his girlfriend left him or deprived of someone lovable.

Censure ( 250th )

Example: 1. After being caught in bed with a mistress, the mayor was quickly censured by the city council. Meaning: Strong disapproval or official reprimand (noun); to issue such disapproval or reprimand (verb), to express strong disapproval বাংলা অর্থ: ভর্ত্সনা, তিরস্কার, নিন্দা, পরবাদ, উপালম্ভ, জুগুপ্সা Root: Related words: animadversion (তিরস্কার করা anim+advert ),decry(সমালোচনা করা), excoriate(কঠোর সমালোচনা করা), objurgate(নিন্দাকারী), broadside(strong verbal attack), snub(তিরস্কার), condemn(নিন্দা), reprobate(দোষারোপ করা, নিন্দা করা , প্রত্যাখ্যান করা), Pillory(মানুষের সামনে কাউকে অপমান করা, কাষ্ঠানির্মিত শাস্তিস্তম্ভবিশেষ), Lambaste(গালাগালি দিয়ে ভূত ভাগিয়ে দেওয়া , বেশ করে দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া), Censure(নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার) Abstruse: Censor=পরীক্ষক, সমালোচক VS Censure= নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার vs Census: আদমশুমারি Mnemonic:


Example: 1. After finding an anomaly in the data, she knew that she would have to conduct her experiment again. Meaning: abnormal; irregular, deviation from the normal order, form, or rule; abnormality বাংলা অর্থ: ব্যতিক্রমী, নিয়মবহির্ভূত Root: Related words: Aberration (departing from normal; mental irregularity or deviation in morality)(নীতিভ্রংশ), Outlier (a person on the fringe; a data point that lies outside the main pattern of data),Anomalous(ব্যতিক্রমী,নিয়মবহির্ভূত) Abstruse: anomalous: ব্যতিক্রমী, নিয়মবহির্ভূত vs analogous: অনুরূপ, সদৃশ, সমবৃত্তি তুলনীয়, Mnemonic: anomalous ~ a (not) + nomal (normal); someone who is not normal and hence abnormal or deviating from general.


Example: 1. After the water polo team won their sixth championship, they became complacent and didn't even make it to the playoffs the next year. Meaning: Self-satisfied, smug; overly content (and therefore lazy, neglectful, or some other bad quality) বাংলা অর্থ: প্রসন্ন , অনুকূল, উপকারী, সহায়ক, প্রসন্ন, সুবিধাপূর্ণ, শুভ Root: Related words: self-complacent , self-satisfied Abstruse: complacent=আত্নসন্তুষ্ট VS Complaisant=অন্যকে খুশি করতে আগ্রহী, সুশীল, বিনয়ী vs Compliant:বিনয়ী vs Compliance: সম্মতি, প্রতিপালন, অনুবর্তিতা, বশ্যতা,consent, assent vs Complicit: involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Always on the forefront of fashion, Vanessa looked contemptuously at anyone wearing dated clothing Meaning: scornful, looking down at others with a sneering attitude বাংলা অর্থ: ঘৃণাপূর্ণ Root: Related words: Contemptuous(ঘৃণাপূর্ণ), sardonic (তিক্ত, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ, ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ, অবজ্ঞা-মিশ্রিত ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ), disdainful(তাচ্ছল্যপূর্ণ, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ) , insulting , scornful(ঘৃণাপূর্ণ), Caustic, Astringent(কষাটে, সম্বন্ধক, সঙ্কোচক, দেহজ কলাসমূহের সঙ্কোচনসাধক, কঠোর), Vitriolic, Acerbic, Audacious, Sardonic, Satiric, Pungent, Saturnine, Sarcastic, Impudent, Acrimony Abstruse: contemporaries: সমসাময়িক vs contumacious:একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার vs compunctious: অনুতপ্ত VS Contentious:বিতর্কমূলক, কুঁদুলে, কলহপ্রিয় VS Contemptuous:ঘৃণাপূর্ণ VS Contingent=সম্ভাব্য, শর্তাধীন, নির্ভরশীল VS Continent= মহাদেশ, সংযমী, আত্নসংযমী Mnemonic:


Example: 1. An arrant fool, Lawrence surprised nobody when he lost all his money in a pyramid scheme that was every bit as transparent as it was corrupt. Meaning: complete and wholly (usually modifying a noun with negative connotation) বাংলা অর্থ: সম্পূর্ণ, পুরাদস্তুর, ডাহা, আকাট, পেজোমিতে পূর্ণ Root: Related words: complete , consummate , double-dyed , everlasting , gross , perfect , pure , sodding , staring , stark , thoroughgoing , unadulterated , utter Abstruse: errant=ভ্রমণ রত, অসভ্য VS Erratic=অনিশ্চিত VS arrant=সম্পূর্ণ Mnemonic:


Example: 1. As a child, I exasperated my mother with strings of never-ending questions. Meaning: to irritate intensely বাংলা অর্থ: ক্রদ্ধ করা Root: Related words: aggravate , exacerbate , exacerbate , worsen, incense , infuriate Abstruse: exacerbate: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse. অধিকতর খারাপ vs exasperate: irritate intensely; infuriate., অতিশয় উত্যক্ত করা vs execrate: ঘৃণা করা, অভিশাপ দেত্তয়া, অত্যন্ত ঘৃণা করা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Assad and the Russians have long asserted that his government was the leading bulwark against terrorism in Syria. Meaning: defense wall; anything serving as defense- বাংলা অর্থ: আত্মরক্ষার উপায় Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. At the church of Notre Dame in France, the new High Altar was consecrated in 1182. Meaning: to make holy or set apart for a high purpose বাংলা অর্থ: পবিত্র জ্ঞানে স্বতন্ত্রভাবে রাখা , কোনো বিশেষ উদ্দেশ্যে নিবেদন , দেবসেবায় নিবেদন করা , পবিত্র করা Root: secr means পবিত্র Related words: bless , hallow , sanctify (পবিত্র করা, শুদ্ধ করা, পাপমুক্ত করা, শোধন করা, শোধিত করা ) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. At the denouement of the movie, all questions were answered, and the true identity of the robber was revealed. Meaning: the final resolution of the many strands of a literary or dramatic work; the outcome of a complex sequence of events বাংলা অর্থ: অন্তীম দৃশ্য Root: Related words: Abstruse: Denounce=নিন্দা করা, তিরষ্কার করা VS Denouement=ফাইনাল স্টেপ VS Renounce=অস্বীকার করা, ত্যাগ করা Mnemonic: de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company's FINAL OUTCOME report.DEAL + ANOUNCEMENT


Example: 1. Because of the nuances involved in this case, I hired an outside consultant to advice us and help. Meaning: a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude বাংলা অর্থ: সামান্য পার্থক্য, অতি সূক্ষ্ম তারতম্য Root: Related words: nicety , refinement , shade , subtlety Abstruse: nuisance:উপদ্রব, আপদ a bothersome annoying person vs nuance: সামান্য পার্থক্য, অতি সূক্ষ্ম তারতম্য Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Bert was the nominal chair of the committee, but Sue was the one who ran things. 2. The cost was nominal in comparison with the enormous value of what you received. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: নামমাত্র, নামিক, নামেমাত্র, নামে, অত্যল্প, নামসংক্রান্ত Root: NOM/NYM/NOUN/NOWN (name) Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Beyond a range of verdant mountains he sees the snow-covered Pico de Orizaba, the highest summit in Mexico. Meaning: Green, such as with vegetation, plants, grass, etc.; young and inexperienced বাংলা অর্থ: সবুজ, শ্যামল, হরিত, অনভিজ্ঞ, কাঁচা, তৃণশ্যামল Root: verd means green Related words: verdure Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Both in the vastness and the richness of the visible universe the invisible God is adumbrated. Meaning: to sketch, outline in a shadowy way বাংলা অর্থ: পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া Root: root umbr means shadow Related words: opaque(অস্বচ্ছ), adumbrate(অস্পষ্ট আভাস দেত্তয়া), obscure(অস্পষ্ট), nebulous(আবছা), obfuscate(বিভ্রান্ত করা) Ambiguous(অস্পষ্ট) Equivocal, mist(কুয়াশা) , fog Mnemonic: A dumb brat can't give the details - just a sketchy outline.


Example: 1. By the time the colonel countermanded his soldiers not to land in enemy territory, a few helicopters had already touched down amid heavy gunfire. Meaning: withdraw, countermandverb: a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command বাংলা অর্থ: পূর্বাদেশ প্রত্যাহার Root: counter + command so against previous command Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Campaigning to change government policy is ancillary to the charity's direct relief work. Meaning: accessory, subordinate; helping বাংলা অর্থ: আনুষঙ্গিক Root: Related words: Abstruse: ancillary=সহায়ক, সাহায্যকারী VS conciliatory=বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ VS Reconcile: পুনর্মিলিত করা, পুনরায় মিলনসাধন করা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Can you blame him for his ebullient mood? He just graduated from medical school. Meaning: Showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm বাংলা অর্থ: উচ্ছ্বাসিত Root: Related words: exuberant , high-spirited, ebullience: the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings Mnemonic:


Example: 1. China's housing market is burgeoning, but some predict that the growth is merely a bubble and will burst much like the U.S. real estate bubble of 2008. Meaning: Grow forth; send out buds বাংলা অর্থ: বাড়িয়া উঠিতে আরম্ভ করা Root: Related words: tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article. 2. This little stream can become a deluge when it rains heavily. Meaning: flood বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Inundate, spate Abstruse: divulge: ফাঁস করা, উদ্ঘাটিত করা vs deluge: মহাপ্লাবন vs indulge: আনুকূল্য করা, নিমগ্ন Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Dressed in 15th century clothing each day, Edward was a walking anachronism. Meaning: something that is inappropriate for the given time period (usually something old). বাংলা অর্থ: একযুগের বস্তু, ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা ইত্যাদিকে ভুল করে অন্য যুগের সংগে জড়িয়ে ফেলা Root: Related words: misdating , mistiming nihilism (the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless), euphemism (শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতর পদের প্রয়োগ), Malapropism (শব্দের অপপ্রয়োগ), jingoism (উগ্র দেশপ্রেম), anachronism (একযুগের বস্তু, ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা ইত্যাদিকে ভুল করে অন্য যুগের সঙ্গে জড়িয়ে ফেলা, neologism (নতুন নতুন শবদের নির্মাণ ও প্রয়োগ), Solecism (a grammatical mistake in speech or writing), Solipsism ( আত্নজ্ঞানবাদ), Sophism (আপাত-সঠিক কিন্তু আসলে ভুল, প্রতারণ, প্রবচনা, কুতর্ক), Sophist (কুতার্কিক) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. During the rain delay, many who had come to see the game palavered, probably hoping that idle chatter would make the time go by faster. Meaning: speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly বাংলা অর্থ: বৃথা জল্পনা, বৃথা বাক্য, প্রকাশ্য সভা, প্রকাশ্য, বাদানুবাদ, তোষামোদ Root: Related words: Loquacious(বহুভাষী, বাক্পটু), Garrulous(বাচাল, অতিভাষী, গপ্প, আড্ডাবাজ) , Volubility(শব্দব্যবহার), glib(সাবলীল, শতমুখ, মসৃণ, পিচ্ছিল), Articulate( Using language in a clear, fluent way), Eloquent (speaking in a fluent, powerful, appropriate way), prolix(দীর্ঘ ও শব্দবহুল , দৈর্ঘ্যর জন্য ক্লান্তিকর), Palaver(বৃথা বাক্য, প্রকাশ্য সভা, প্রকাশ্য, বাদানুবাদ, তোষামোদ) blab , blabber , chatter , clack , gabble , gibber , maunder , piffle , prate , prattle , tattle , tittle-tattle , twaddle Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Each August, when the winds moved in a south easterly direction, the garbage dump would spread noisome vapors through the small town. Meaning: Offensive, disgusting; harmful বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষতিকর, কুদর্শন, ক্ষতিকারক Root: Related words: fetid , foetid , foul , foul-smelling , funky , ill-scented , smelly , stinking deleterious(ক্ষতিকর), noxious(বিনাশসাধক), detrimental(ক্ষতিকারক), excrable, Umbrage(অপমানবোধ, ক্ষতিবোধ ), Undermine(গোপনে ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Virulent(অত্যন্ত ক্ষতিকর, অতীব প্রবল, অত্যন্ত বিধপূর্ণ, অতীব তীব্র), Derogative(ক্ষতিকর),Fulsome(গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর), Impair(দুর্বল করা,ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Inimical(ক্ষতিকর, শত্রুভাবাপন্ন), nocuous (ক্ষতিকর), Mar(নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা) , Noisome(ক্ষতিকর, কুদর্শন, ক্ষতিকারক), prejudicial(অনিষ্টকর) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Entrusted with the prototype to his company's latest smartphone, Larry, during a late night karaoke bout, let the prototype slip into the hands of a rival company - the next day Larry was excoriated, and then fired. Meaning: to criticize very harshly বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: decry(সমালোচনা করা), excoriate(কঠোর সমালোচনা করা), objurgate(নিন্দাকারী), broadside(strong verbal attack), snub(তিরস্কার), condemn(নিন্দা), reprobate(দোষারোপ করা, নিন্দা করা , প্রত্যাখ্যান করা), Pillory(মানুষের সামনে কাউকে অপমান করা, কাষ্ঠানির্মিত শাস্তিস্তম্ভবিশেষ), Lambaste(গালাগালি দিয়ে ভূত ভাগিয়ে দেওয়া , বেশ করে দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া), Censure(নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার) Abstruse: Exorcise: ভূতপ্রেত ঝাড়ান, ভূত ঝাড়া, যাদু করা( exercise করে ভূত তাড়ানো ) vs Excoriate: to criticize very harshly Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Even as a young man, Bob had some bias against poor people, but during his years in social services, his bad opinions ossified into unshiftable views. Meaning: make rigid and set into a conventional pattern, Become bone or become hard like bone; become inflexible in attitudes, opinions, etc. বাংলা অর্থ: হাড়ের মতো শক্ত করা বা শক্ত হয়ে যাওয়া , অনুভূতিহীন , অনমনীয় Root: oss means bone Related words: petrify , rigidity Abstruse: Ostensible =লোকদেখানো, প্রদর্শনীয়,প্রকাশ্য, প্রতীয়মান, সুস্পষ্ট VS Ostentatious =ভানপূর্ণ, জাঁক করে এমন, জাঁকাল, জাঁককারী, বড়াইপূর্ণ vs Ossify: হাড়ের মতো শক্ত করা বা শক্ত হয়ে যাওয়া , অনুভূতিহীন , অনমনীয় Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Even seven Tour de France wins cannot vindicate Lance Armstrong in the eyes of the public--that the athlete used performance enhancing drugs invalidates all those wins. Meaning: to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof বাংলা অর্থ: সাবুদ করা, খাড়া করা, সত্যতা প্রতিপাদন করা, যথার্থতা প্রতিপাদন করা, প্রতিষ্ঠিত করা, দাবি করা Root: Related words: Abstruse: vindicate=সততা প্রমাণ করা VS Vindictive=প্রতিহিংসাপরায়ণ VS invective= আক্রমণমূলক, vituperation Mnemonic: win + advocate = vindicate


Example: 1. Eventually, all parents must cede control of their growing childrens' educations and allow their offspring some autonomy Meaning: relinquish possession or control ove বাংলা অর্থ: সমর্পণ করা, পরিত্যাগ করা, ছেড়ে দেওয়া Root: Related words: deliver , give up , surrenderr Abstruse: cede: give up (power or territory). সমর্পণ করা, পরিত্যাগ করা, ছেড়ে দেওয়া vs accede: agree, give consent রাজী হত্তয়া, মানিয়া লত্তয়া, দলে যোগ দেত্তয়া সম্মত হওয়া, অঙ্গীভূত হওয়া Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Few appreciate the colossal scale of the sun: if hollow, it could contain a million Earths. Meaning: so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe বাংলা অর্থ: প্রকাণ্ড, বিশাল, বৃহত্কায় Root: Related words: prodigious , stupendous Abstruse: colossal: প্রকাণ্ড, বিশাল, বৃহত্কায় vs coalesce: একসঙ্গে বেড়ে ওঠা, সংযুক্ত হওয়া Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Few novelists over 80 are able to produce anything more than desiccated works-boring shadows of former books. 2. both the older growth and the new vegetation were desiccated by months of relentless sun" Meaning: dry up, uninteresting, lacking vitality বাংলা অর্থ: শুষ্ক করা, শুষ্ক হত্তয়া, শুকান Root: Related words: arid , desiccate Mnemonic:

Dilettante [ DILL-uh-tahnt ]

Example: 1. Fred has no formal medical training; while he likes to claim authority on medical issues, he is little more than a dilettante Meaning: one with an amateurish or superficial interest in the arts or a branch of knowledge , a superficial amateur. বাংলা অর্থ: সমঝদার but not expert , পল্লবগ্রাহী ব্যক্তি, অপেশাদার Root: Related words dabbler , sciolist,dilettanteish , dilettantish , sciolistic Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Having received three speeding tickets in the last two months, Jack was chary of driving at all above the speed limit, even on a straight stretch of highway that looked empty for miles ahead. Meaning: cautious, suspiciously reluctant to do something, wary; cautious; sparing বাংলা অর্থ: সতর্ক, সাবধান Root: Related words: cagey , cagy Mnemonic:


Example: 1. He ascribed his good grades to diligent studying. 2. Michael was a diligent gardener, never leaving a leaf on the ground and regularly watering each plant. Meaning: characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks বাংলা অর্থ: পরিশ্রমী, ক্রিয়াশীল, অধ্যবসায়, নিরলস, সযত্ন, অনলস Root: Related words: industrious, Assiduous Mnemonic:


Example: 1. His deep emotional involvement with these ideas is, in fact, antithetical to the disattachment Buddhism preaches. Meaning: sharply contrasted in character or purpose বাংলা অর্থ: বিরূদ্ধ, বিরোধাভাসমূলক Root: Root anti means বিরূদ্ধ Related words: Mnemonic:

Conciliatory ( 300th )

Example: 1. His opponents believed his gesture to be conciliatory, yet as soon as they put down their weapons, he unsheathed a hidden sword. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ , মৈত্রীসূচক , মিলনসাধক Root: conciliate: con + ciliate ( cell, or surface ) সন্তুষ্ট করা, শান্ত করা ,to placate, win over verb: to make peace with Related words: Mollify(কোমল করা), Appease(প্রশমিত করা), alleviate(উপশম করা), mitigate(প্রশমিত করা), assuage(প্রশমিত করা), placate(শান্ত করা), propitiate(প্রসন্ন করান), palliate(প্রশমিত করা), emollient(উপশমকারী), allay(কমান), pacify(ঠাণ্ডা করা), extenuate(হ্রাস করা), conciliate (শান্ত করা) Abstruse: ancillary=সহায়ক, সাহায্যকারী VS conciliatory=বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ VS Reconcile: পুনর্মিলিত করা, পুনরায় মিলনসাধন করা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. His responses were clearly evasive; he obviously did not want to take on any responsibility or any new work. 2.Every time I call the bank, I receive the same evasive answers about our mortgage and never get a clear response. Meaning: avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger or commitment বাংলা অর্থ: অসরল, চতুর, ছলনাময়, পরিহারক, ছেঁদো Root: Related words: deliberately vague or ambiguous Abstruse: elusive=অধরা, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ VS Evasive= চতুর, ছলনাময় vs evanescent: বিলীয়মান, ক্ষণস্থায়ী Mnemonic:


Example: 1. I'd stay out of the living room for awhile—Grandpa's on another one of his diatribes about how it's un-American to call a large coffee a "venti." You can hear him ranting from here! Meaning: a strong verbal attack against a person or institution, bitter scolding; invective - Bitter, abusive attack or criticism; rant বাংলা অর্থ: তীব্র সমালোচনা Root: Related words: screed, diatribe, harangue ( দীর্ঘ বক্তৃতা related ) Diatribe, Tirade, Harangue, and Fulmination are all words for bitter, angry speeches or attacks. Mnemonic: diatribe = di-tribe = two tribes fighting...criticize


Example: 1. I'm not sure I'm cut out to analyze poetry; I find it hard to dig beyond the most accessible echelon of meaning. Meaning: A level, rank or grade; the people at that level বাংলা অর্থ: পর্যায়, স্তর Root: Related words: hierarchy, Stratum (a layer, esp. one of a number of parallel layers, such as in sedimentary rock or the Earth's atmosphere; plural is strata, as in "Of all the strata of society, the middle class is the stratum hit hardest by the recession." Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The theater was full of parvenus who each thought that they were surrounded by true aristocrats. Meaning: a person who has suddenly become wealthy, but not socially accepted as part of a higher class বাংলা অর্থ: ভুঁইফোঁড় ব্যক্তি Root: Related words: arriviste , nouveau-riche , upstart Mnemonic:


Example: 1. If hunters are skilled, the animals will not perceive their presence. Meaning: to be aware of, to sense or feel বাংলা অর্থ: হৃদয়ঙ্গম করা, উপলব্ধি করা, ইঁদ্রি়দ্বারা গ্রহণ করা, অনুভব করা, জানা, দর্শন করা Root: Related words: comprehend apprehend=ধরা, বুঝিতে পারা, গ্রেফতার করা VS comprehend:উপলব্ধি করা,অনুভব করা, জানা VS Reprehend=তিরস্কার করা, শাস্তি দেয়া Mnemonic: finally receive my love ..this kind of recieption


Example: 1. If you ever have the chance to meet the president, stand up straight and be deferential. Meaning: showing respect বাংলা অর্থ: শ্রদ্ধাবনত Root: deferen means respect Related words: deferent , regardful venerate(শ্রদ্ধা করা), kudos(খ্যাতি,শ্রদ্ধা), reverent(সশ্রদ্ধ), august(মহিমান্বিত), deference(সশ্রদ্ধ বাধ্যতা), Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত, Homage(আনুগত্য-স্বীকার,সম্মান), Prostrate(মাথা নিচু করে কাউকে শ্রদ্ধা বা পুজার জন্য শুয়ে পরা) respect, honor, Abstruse: Diffidence:অবিশ্বাসী, সংশয়ী, আত্মবিশ্বাসহীন, vs Difference:পার্থক্য, ভিন্নতা, প্রভেদ vs Indifference: অযত্ন, উদাসীনতা VS Deference=মানিয়া লওয়া, বশ্যতাস্বীকার, respect vs Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত , with respect Mnemonic:


Example: 1. In giving Marcia a particular vociferous response, Paul caused people at every other table in the restaurant to turn around an look at them angrily. Meaning: conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry বাংলা অর্থ: চিৎকারকারী , গোলমালকারী Root: Related words: loud, vocal, and noisy, blatant , clamant , clamorous , strident Abstruse: Voracious: খাইয়ে, অতিশয় লোভপূর্ণ, অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী vs Vociferous:চিৎকারকারী , গোলমালকারী vs Veracious:সত্যপরায়ণ, সত্যবাদী Mnemonic:


Example: 1. In hiking Mt. Everest, sherpas are appurtenant, helping climbers both carry gear and navigate treacherous paths. 2.Good physical health is appurtenant to mental well-being. Meaning: Supportive, Something that is appurtenant helps or supports something else. বাংলা অর্থ: আনুষঙ্গিক, অন্তর্ভুক্ত Root: Related words: accessory , adjunct , adjuvant , ancillary , auxiliary Mnemonic: Appurtnant were added in new Appartment


Example: 1. In many cultures, young people are expected to show deference to older people at all times. 2. I'm not an expert in databases—I'll defer to our programmers on that decision. Meaning: Courteous regard for another's wishes , Respectful submission; yielding to the authority or opinion of another, respect বাংলা অর্থ: মানিয়া লত্তয়া Root: deferen means respect Related words: venerate(শ্রদ্ধা করা), kudos(খ্যাতি,শ্রদ্ধা), reverent(সশ্রদ্ধ), august(মহিমান্বিত), deference(সশ্রদ্ধ বাধ্যতা), Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত, Homage(আনুগত্য-স্বীকার,সম্মান), Prostrate(মাথা নিচু করে কাউকে শ্রদ্ধা বা পুজার জন্য শুয়ে পরা) respect, honor, Abstruse: Diffidence:অবিশ্বাসী, সংশয়ী, আত্মবিশ্বাসহীন, vs Difference:পার্থক্য, ভিন্নতা, প্রভেদ vs Indifference: অযত্ন, উদাসীনতা VS Deference=মানিয়া লওয়া, বশ্যতাস্বীকার, respect vs Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত , with respect Mnemonic: if there is no DIFFERENCE between you and him, then you will respect his wishes. sounds like REVERENCE (নিষ্ঠা, সম্মান, শ্রদ্ধা, পূজা, শ্রদ্ধা-নিবেদন) REVERANCE=DEFERENCE


Example: 1. In many ways, the Internet's transformative effect on society has been analogous to that of the printing press. Meaning: similar in some respects but otherwise different বাংলা অর্থ: তুলনীয় , সদৃশ , অনুরূপ Root: Related words: Mnemonic: adjective:


Example: 1. In midsummer, there are copious popiscle stands at the beach; in the winter, there are none. Meaning: in abundant supply বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: ample , plenteous , plentiful , rich, voluminous, bountiful Mnemonic:


Example: 1. In order for Sean to attend the prestigious college, his generous uncle helped defray the excessive tuition with a monthly donation. Meaning: to help pay the cost of, either in part of full বাংলা অর্থ: খরচ বহন করা, অর্পণ করা, চলা, খরচ চালান Root: Related words: Abstruse: defamatory:মানহানিকর vs defray: খরচ বহন করা, অর্পণ করা, চলা, খরচ চালান Mnemonic:


Example: 1. In the final moments of the trial, during his closing speech, Phillips was nearly begging the judge for clemency. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: সহানুভূতি, ক্ষমাশীলতা, ক্ষান্তি, অনুকংপা, কোমলতা, কোমলত্ব Root: Related words: mercifulness , mercy Mnemonic:


Example: 1. It came as no surprise to pundits that the President's attempt at re-election floundered; even during his term, support for his policies was erratic, with an approval rating jumping anywhere from 30 to 60 percent. Meaning: unpredictable; strange and unconventional বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: fickle , mercurial , quicksilver, Inconsistent, wandering, having no fixed course Abstruse: errant=ভ্রমণ রত, অসভ্য VS Erratic=অনিশ্চিত VS arrant=সম্পূর্ণ Mnemonic:


Example: 1. It was supposed to be a wedding march, but when the organist started playing, the reluctant bride thought the song sounded more like a dirge for her former, carefree life. Meaning: A funeral or mourning song or poem বাংলা অর্থ: অন্ত্যোষ্টিগাথা Root: Related words: lachrymose(ক্রন্দনশীল), dirge(গীত), Dolor(sadness), Doleful(বেদনাপূর্ণ, করুণ, শোকপূর্ণ), weep (ক্রঁদন, কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), wail(বিলাপ করা, দুঃখপ্রকাশ করা, উচ্চ কণ্ঠে ক্রন্দন), grieve(শোক করা) , Lament(কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), Bemoan(বিলাপ করা), Elegy(শোকসঙ্গীত, অন্ত্যোষ্টিকালীন গান), Threnody(শোকগাথা) Mnemonic: DIRGE sounds like DARD(pain) filled with DARD


Example: 1. Jim always preferred a peripatetic approach to discovering a city: he felt that he could see so many more details while walking Meaning: traveling by foot বাংলা অর্থ: ভ্রাম্যমাণ, পর্যটক, যাত্রী, পথিক Root: Related words: wayfaring Mnemonic: peripatetic sounds like par pe tic tic....means wandering on legs.


Example: 1. John preferred to avoid equatorial countries; the intense sun would always leave him enervated after he'd spent the day sightseeing. Meaning: to sap energy from বাংলা অর্থ: শক্তিহীন করা Root: Related words: faze , unnerve , unsettle Abstruse: unnerve: make (someone) lose courage or confidence. ঘাবরে দেওয়া, সাহসশূন্য বলশূন্য করা vs enervate: শক্তিহীন করা, cause (someone) to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken. Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Just after all the encomium at his retirement party, he received a gold watch. Meaning: Warm, glowing praise, esp. a formal expression of praise বাংলা অর্থ: অতি উচ্চ প্রশংসা Root: Related words: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা), acclamation(প্রশংসা),acclaimed (প্রশংসিত) hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) Abstruse: encomium: প্রশংসা করা, গুণানুবাদ করা,গুণকীর্তন করা. vs encumber: ব্যাহত করা, hamper, hinder Mnemonic: NCOME - People of high INCOME are formally praised for their large donations.


Example: 1. Katie is so parsimonious that she only buys a pair of socks if all of her other socks have holes in them. Meaning: extremely frugal; miserly বাংলা অর্থ: অর্থব্যয়ে সতর্কতা (N), বিচক্ষণ বিবেচনাপূর্বক ব্যয় (N), মিতব্যয়িতা (N), ব্যয়কুণ্�� তা (N), কার্পণ্য (N) Root: Related words: Parsimony(কার্পণ্য), Thrift(মিতব্যয়িতা), penurious( অত্যল্প, অনুদার, ব্যয়কুণ্ঠ), Stingy(কৃপণস্বভাব), Frugal(মিতব্যয়ী), Miser, niggardly, close-fisted, stinting( কৃপণতা করা, থামান, অভাবে রাখা), sparing (মিতব্যয়ী), economical , prudent Mnemonic: parsi-purse,,, who will not take money from his purse - a greedy person


Example: 1. Later in his life, Leo Tolstoy was ostracized from the Russian Orthodox Church for his writings that contradicted church doctrine. Meaning: exclude from a community or group বাংলা অর্থ: নির্বাসিত করা, বহিষ্কৃত করা, সমাজচু্যত করা Root: Related words: ostracize/ostracise(নির্বাসিত করা, বহিষ্কৃত করা) , relegate(ন্যস্ত করা, নির্বাসিত করা, নিম্নপদে সরান), exile(নির্বাসন) , banish (নির্বাসিত করা), Abstruse: Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), vs Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) vs ostracize/ostracise(নির্বাসিত করা, বহিষ্কৃত করা) , Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Many first time skydivers say that describing the act of falling from the sky is elusive. Meaning: difficult to capture or difficult to remember বাংলা অর্থ: পলাইতে পারে এমন Root: Related words: sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) Abstruse: elucidate:স্পষ্ট করা, ব্যাখ্যা করা, make (something) clear; explain. vs elusive: প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, ছলনাময় vs Evasive= চতুর, ছলনাময় Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Maria found her coworker's cell phone nettlesome, because every few minutes it would buzz to life with another text message. Meaning: causing irritation or annoyance causing annoyance or difficulty. বাংলা অর্থ: জ্বালাতন করা Nettle- Irritate, sting, or annoy Root: Related words: annoying , bothersome , galling , irritating , pesky , pestering , pestiferous , plaguey , plaguy , teasing , vexatious , vexing Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Matt wanted to buy stone lions for front of the house, but Cynthia convinced him that such a display would be too ostentatious for a modest house in an unassuming neighborhood. Meaning: showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention বাংলা অর্থ: জাঁক দেখাতে ভালবাসে এমন , জাঁকজমকপ্রিয় , জাঁকালো , সাড়ম্বর , আড়মবরপূর্ণ Root: oste means bone Related words: Vaunt(বড়াই), Flaunt(বাতাসে দোলা), Ostentatious(জাঁক করে এমন), Overweening(দাম্ভিক), Hubris(ঔদ্ধত্য), Pretentious(দাম্ভিক), pompous(জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ, আত্মম্ভরী, গুলজার), Haughty(উদ্ধত, গর্বিত), Imperious(জবরদস্ত , মেজাজি , দাম্ভিক), Supercilious(নিজেকে সবার থেকে সেরা ভাবা) Abstruse: Ostensible =লোকদেখানো, প্রদর্শনীয়,প্রকাশ্য, প্রতীয়মান, সুস্পষ্ট VS Ostentatious =ভানপূর্ণ, জাঁক করে এমন, জাঁকাল, জাঁককারী, বড়াইপূর্ণ vs Ossify: হাড়ের মতো শক্ত করা বা শক্ত হয়ে যাওয়া , অনুভূতিহীন , অনমনীয় Mnemonic: Read it STUNTtious. You perform stunts to attract attention


Example: 1. Most psychologists object to the pejorative term "shrink", believing that they expand the human mind, not limit it. Meaning: Disparaging, derogatory, belittling (adj); a name or word that is disparaging (noun) adjective: expressing disapproval (usu. refers to a term) বাংলা অর্থ: মূল্যহানিকর , মর্যদাহানিকর Root: Related words: dislogistic , dyslogistic Mnemonic: Owner of a Mitsubishi PAJERO belittles everyone on the road. behave like as PAJERO


Example: 1. Movies often use storms or rain clouds as a baleful omen of evil events that will soon befall the main character. Meaning: threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments বাংলা অর্থ: বিপর্যয়কর, অসঙ্গলপূর্ণ, আর্ত, ধ্বংসসাধক, অশুভ, অলক্ষুণে Root: Related words: Minatory(ভয়প্রদর্শক), Macabre(ভীতিপূর্ণ), trepid(সোপান), pusillanimous(দুর্বলচিত্ত), recreant(উত্সবকারীগণ), timorous(ভীরু), timid(ভীতু), tremulous(ভীরু), trepidation(কাঁপুনি), tremor(শিহরন), baleful(বিপর্যয়কর), forbidding, threatening, ominous(অশুভ), sinister(অশুভ), inauspicious((অশুভ), Gruesome(ভয়ঙ্কর), lurid (উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, রোমাঁচকর, বিকট , উৎকট , ভীতিপ্রদ ), menacing(ভয়প্রদর্শনকারী), Craven(নীচ, কাপুরূষ কাপুরুষ, ভীরু) Mnemonic: when we pronounce this word this word sounds simillar to word painful........and anything painful is always a result of an evil act


Example: 1. Mozart was well-known for his eccentricities, often speaking words backward to confuse those around him. Meaning: Peculiar, odd, deviating from the norm esp. in a whimsical way, highly unconventional or unusual (usually describes a person) বাংলা অর্থ: খামখেয়ালী, কেন্দ্রাপসারী, উত্কেন্দ্র, অদ্ভুতস্বভাব, ছিটগ্রস্ত, অদ্ভুত, Root: Related words: strange, curious, weird, odd, kinky, peculiar খামখেয়ালী capricious, cranky, crotchety, moody, freakish, eccentric Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Much of today's furniture is made with a thin wood veneer over a core of particleboard, and this material also will rapidly absorb water 2. Mark Twain referred to the Victorian Period in America as the "Gilded Age", implying the ample moral corruption that lay beneath a mere veneer of respectability Meaning: covering consisting of a thin superficial layer that hides the underlying substance বাংলা অর্থ: পাতলা তক্তার আবরণ Root: Related words: Mnemonic: neer in hindi means water so be neer means be thin like water


Example: 1. Much to the timid writer's chagrin, the audience chanted his name until he came back on the stage 2. She never cared what others said about her appearance but was chagrined by the smallest comment from her mother. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: বিরক্ত করা, বিরক্তি , হতাশা Root: Related words: humiliation , mortification, shame, embarrassment Abstruse: Charlatan: হাতুড়ে ডাক্তার, বাগাড়ম্বরকারী, অচিকিত্সক, মূর্খ বৈদ্য, ভণ্ড, নাড়িটেপা ডাক্তার vs Chagrin: বিরক্তি, মর্মবেদনা, অসন্তোষ Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Muzak, which is played in department stores, is intended to be an anodyne, but is often so cheesy and over-the-top that customers become irritated. 2. Wilbur enjoyed a spicy Mexican breakfast, but Jill preferred a far more anodyne meal in the mornings. Meaning: something that soothes or relieves pain বাংলা অর্থ: বেদনার উপশম ঘটায় এমন , বেদনানাশক , প্রাণশক্তিহীন Root: Related words: analgesic , pain pill , painkiller Mnemonic:


Example: 1. My sister used to peremptorily tell me to do the dishes, a chore I would either do perfunctorily or avoid doing altogether. Meaning: bossy and domineering বাংলা অর্থ: সুদৃঢ়, অবশ্য পালনীয়, সুনিশ্চিত, প্রভুত্বব্যঁজক, অটল Root: Related words: autocratic , bossy , dominating , high-and-mighty , magisterial Ineluctable(অপরিহার্য), peremptory(সুদৃঢ়), inevitable(অনিবার্য), perse (জন্মগতভাবে, সহজাতভাবে, অপরিহার্যভাবে, নিজ বৈশিষ্ট্য, স্বয়ং), Cogent(প্রবল, অনিবার্য, অকাট্য), relentless(নির্দয়, নিষ্ঠুর), unavoidable, Inexorable(অনিবার্য, কঠোরহৃদয়, নির্দয় ), Irrevocable(অনড়, প্রত্যাহার করার অসাধ্য), Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Nearly every month our capricious CEO had a new plan to turn the company around, and none of them worked because we never gave them the time they needed to succeed. Meaning: determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason unpredictable; fickle Acting on impulse, erratic বাংলা অর্থ: চঞ্চল , অনিয়মিত , অনির্ভরযোগ্য Root: Related words: impulsive , whimsical Abstruse: Carping:অভিযোগের সুরে কথা বলা, ছিদ্রান্বেষী, ক্রুরহৃদয়, দোষগ্রাহী, carp means দোষারোপ করা, blame vs Capricious: চঞ্চল , অনিয়মিত , অনির্ভরযোগ্য Mnemonic:


Example: 1. New curfew laws have bridled people's tendency to go out at night. 2. The hostess bridled at the tactless dinner guests who insisted on eating before everybody had gotten their food. Meaning: the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess বাংলা অর্থ: লাগাম, রশ্মি, অশ্বরশ্মি, খলিন, বাগ, নিয়ন্ত্রণ Root: brid root means short small Related words: check , curb Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Not one for social pleasantries, the Chief of Staff would brusquely ask his subordinates anything he wanted, even coffee. Meaning: in a blunt, direct manner বাংলা অর্থ: রূঢ়ভাবে Root: Related words: arcadian , bucolic, provincial , pastoral , peasant(গ্রাম্য, গ্রামীণ, অসভ্য ছোট কৃষক, গেঁয়া লোক),rustic, Idyllic(সরল শান্ত ত্ত মনোরম, charming in a rustic way ) unsophisticated, rough, rude, savage(অসভ্য, বর্বর), barbarian, bearish, unenlightened (অসভ্য), brusque(অসভ্য,)errant(ভ্রমণরত, অসভ্য), boorish, Philistine(সঙ্কীর্ণমনা ব্যক্তি) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Nothing Joel said could mitigate the enormity of forgetting his mother-in-law's birthday. 2. The enormity of Pol Pot's regime is hard to capture in words--within months hundreds of thousands of Cambodians lost their lives. Meaning: extreme evil; বাংলা অর্থ: অন্যায়, অবিচার, বিরাটত্ব, মস্ত অপরাধ, নিদারূণ দুষ্কার্য Root: Related words: outrageousness Abstruse: enormous=প্রচুর VS enamor=মুগ্ধ করা, আকর্ষণ করা vs enmity: শত্রুতা, hostility, animus, antipathy vs enormity: extreme evil, Mnemonic:


Example: 1. On her first day at the job, Annie was complaisant, fulfilling every request of her new employee and anticipating future requests. Meaning: showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others, trying to please; overly polite; obliging বাংলা অর্থ: অন্যকে খুশি করতে আগ্রহী,সুশীল, বিনয়ী Root: Related words: Abstruse: complacent=আত্নসন্তুষ্ট VS Complaisant=অন্যকে খুশি করতে আগ্রহী, সুশীল, বিনয়ী vs Compliant:বিনয়ী vs Compliance: সম্মতি, প্রতিপালন, অনুবর্তিতা, বশ্যতা,consent, assent vs Complicit: involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. Mnemonic:


Example: 1. One by one, the presidential candidates dropped out of the race, their respective checkered pasts - from embezzlement to infidelity sabotaging their campaigns. Meaning: one that is marked by disreputable happenings বাংলা অর্থ: ছককাটা, চৌখুপী, সুখদু:খময় Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. One way of circumventing the GRE is to apply to a grad school that does not require GRE scores. Meaning: cleverly find a way out of one's duties or obligations বাংলা অর্থ: ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা, অবরোধ করা, বোকা বানান Root: circum ( around ) + vent ( vent উচ্চারণ, অভিব্যক্তি, প্রকাশ, রন্ধ্র, ফাঁক, ফাটল ) Related words: sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Oscar's views are so nebulous that no one can figure out what he thinks about anything. Meaning: vague; hazy; indistinct বাংলা অর্থ: মেঘাচ্ছন্ন, আবছা, আবছায়া, অস্পষ্ট, কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন, কুয়াসাচ্ছন্ন Root: Related words: opaque(অস্বচ্ছ), adumbrate(অস্পষ্ট আভাস দেত্তয়া), obscure(অস্পষ্ট), nebulous(আবছা), obfuscate(বিভ্রান্ত করা) Ambiguous(অস্পষ্ট) Equivocal, mist(কুয়াশা) , fog Abstruse: vogue=রেওয়াজ, চল, জনপ্রিয়তা VS Vague= অস্পষ্ট Mnemonic: Nebula the milky way in galaxy which is cloudy and unclear nebulous comes from nibu(lemon). Nimbu water is hazy so v can correlate


Example: 1. Our neighbor is so scurvy ( mean ) that he deliberately broke my little brother's bicycle because, as he said, "You kids are too loud!" Meaning: think about carefully; weigh the pros and cons of an issue বাংলা অর্থ: সুচিন্তিতভাবা, চিন্তান্বিত হত্তয়া, অনুধ্যান করা স্বেচ্ছাপ্রণোদিত, পরামর্শ নেওয়া Root: liber (free), liberate means without thinking , independent. Related words: consider , debate , moot , turn over Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Our office manager is peevish, so the rest of us tip-toe around him, hoping not to set off another one of his fits. Meaning: easily irritated or annoyed বাংলা অর্থ: স্বেচ্ছাচারী, বিকৃতবুদ্ধি, অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে, বিরক্তিপ্রকাশক, উত্তেজক Root: Related words: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Abstruse: peevish=খিটখিটে, বিরক্তিপ্রকাশক, স্বেচ্ছাচারী VS impeach=সন্দেহ করা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Outer part of a shadow from an eclipse; any surrounding region, fringe, periphery; any area where something "sort of" exists Meaning: partial shadow বাংলা অর্থ: উপচ্ছায়া Root: pen (sub) +umbr( shadow ) Related words: Mnemonic: pen under an umbrella will be invisble unders umbrella's shadow


Example: 1. Over time, the various tribes coalesced into a single common culture with one universal language. Meaning: to grow together; cause to unite as one, Come together, unite; fuse together বাংলা অর্থ: একসঙ্গে বেড়ে ওঠা, সংযুক্ত হওয়া Root: Related words: blend , combine , commingle , conflate , flux , fuse , immix , meld , merge , mix Abstruse: colossal: প্রকাণ্ড, বিশাল, বৃহত্কায় vs coalesce: একসঙ্গে বেড়ে ওঠা, সংযুক্ত হওয়া Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Paul, losing 19-0 in a ping-pong match against his nimble friend, basically capitulated when he played the last two points with his eyes closed. Meaning: to surrender (usually under agreed conditions) বাংলা অর্থ: আত্মসমর্পণ করা, সর্তাধীনে আত্মসমর্পণ করা Root: captive means বন্দী Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Percy dismissed the issue with a cavalier wave of his hand. Meaning: given to haughty disregard of others বাংলা অর্থ: শিষ্টাচারবর্জিত, রূক্ষ Root: caval অশ্ব Related words: Abstruse: Cavalier= রুক্ষ, শিষ্টাচারবর্জিত VS Cavalcade: অশ্বারোহীদের শোভাযাত্রা, a procession VS Caviller=দোষধারী, someone who raises annoying petty objections Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Picasso is generally considered the most artful member of the Cubist movement. 2.Bernie Madoff's artful Ponzi scheme stole billions of dollars from investors and is considered the largest financial fraud in U.S. history. Meaning: clever in a cunning way, exhibiting artistic skill বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Political broadsides are usually strongest in the weeks leading up to a national election. Meaning: a strong verbal attack বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: bill , broadsheet , circular , flier , flyer , handbill , throwaway, decry(সমালোচনা করা), excoriate(কঠোর সমালোচনা করা), objurgate(নিন্দাকারী), broadside(strong verbal attack), snub(তিরস্কার), condemn(নিন্দা), reprobate(দোষারোপ করা, নিন্দা করা , প্রত্যাখ্যান করা), Pillory(মানুষের সামনে কাউকে অপমান করা, কাষ্ঠানির্মিত শাস্তিস্তম্ভবিশেষ), Lambaste(গালাগালি দিয়ে ভূত ভাগিয়ে দেওয়া , বেশ করে দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া), Censure(নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Rex was bilious all morning, and his face would only take on a look of contentedness when he'd had his morning cup of coffee. Meaning: easily irritated, relating to bile- বাংলা অর্থ: খিট্খিটে মেজাজবিশিষ্ট Root: Related words: irritable; always angry, atrabilious , dyspeptic , liverish Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Sam was ambivalent about studying for the exam because doing so ate up a lot of his time, yet he was able to improve his analytical skills. Uncertain; unable to decide, or wanting to do two contradictory things at once Meaning: the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes বাংলা অর্থ: একই ব্যক্তির যুগপৎ বিদ্যমানতা Root: root ambi means Not clear ,Both, On Both Sides, Around Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. She is completely enamored with Justin Bieber, and goes to all his concerts on the East coast. Meaning: attraction or feeling of love বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: becharm , beguile , bewitch , captivate , capture , catch , charm , enamour , enchant , entrance , fascinate , trance Abstruse: enormous=প্রচুর VS enamor=মুগ্ধ করা, আকর্ষণ করা vs enmity: শত্রুতা, hostility, animus, antipathy vs enormity: extreme evil, Mnemonic:


Example: 1. She was so enthralled by the movie that she never heard people screaming, "Fire! Fire!" in the neighboring theater. Meaning: hold spellbound বাংলা অর্থ: মুগ্ধ করা, আকর্ষণ করা, সঙ্গে নিয়ে যাত্তয়া, যাদু করা Root: to thrill Related words: delight , enchant , enrapture , enthral , ravish , transport Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Shirley was totally nonplussed when the angry motorist cut her off and then stuck his finger out the window. Meaning: unsure how to act or respond বাংলা অর্থ: কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় Root: non means not sed means sit Related words: Conundrum(ধাঁধা, জট), Confound(বিহ্বল করা , বিভ্রান্ত করা), nonplussed(কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়), Enigma(ধাঁধা, জট), Flummox(বিভ্রান্ত করা, বিহ্বল করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা), Obfuscate(হতবুদ্ধি করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা), puzzle, riddle , baffle (কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় করা), befuddle (হতবুদ্ধি করা), bemuse(হতবুদ্ধি করা), bewilder; perplex; fill with confusion; Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Since John had left his banana peel at the top of the stairwell, he accepted culpability for Martha's broken leg. Meaning: deserving blame বাংলা অর্থ: নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক Root: "culp" (as in culprit and culpable) means blame ,fault Related words: Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক), inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা) Abstruse: inculpate=দোষারোপ করা VS Exculpate=দোষক্ষালন করা vs Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Sins were divided into three grades - original, venial and mortal. Meaning: easily excused or forgiven; pardonable বাংলা অর্থ: মার্জনীয় Root: Related words: excusable , forgivable Abstruse: Venial=মার্জনীয়,তুচ্ছ VS Venal=অর্থের বিনিময়ে অন্যায়ভাবে কাজ করিতে ইচ্ছুক,venality Mnemonic: key word is menial. We forgive someone for menial mistakes.


Example: 1. Some believe people that amassing as much wealth as possible is the meaning to life - yet they often realize that cupidity brings anything but happiness. Meaning: greed for money Greed, great or excessive desire বাংলা অর্থ: লোভ, ধনলোভ Root: Covetous, avaricious(অর্থলোভী, লোভী), rapacious(অর্থলোভী , অর্থপিপাসু), Cupidity(লোভ, ধনলোভ), Voracious(অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী), Ravenous(লোলুপ, গোগ্রাসে গেলে এমন) Related words: Avarice (insatiable greed), Covetousness (greed), Rapacity or Rapaciousness (greedy or grasping; living on prey) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Sometimes I can't stand Nathan because he tries to impress everyone by being aphoristic, but he just states the obvious. Meaning: something that is concise and instructive of a general truth or principle বাংলা অর্থ: সংক্ষিপ্ত ও অর্থবহ Root: aphor means সংক্ষিপ্ত Related words: terse(বাহুল্যবর্জিত), coda(summarizes or concludes ), compendium(সংক্ষিপ্তসার), succinct(সংক্ষিপ্ত), Sententious(নীতিগর্ভ, সংক্ষিপ্ত অথচ অর্থপূর্ন), Aphorism(সংক্ষিপ্ত ব্যাখ্যা), Epitome(সংক্ষিপ্তসার), pith, pithy ( মজ্জাপূর্ণ, কর্মশক্তিপূর্ণ, precise), concise, synoptic(সারসংক্ষেপিত) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Steven was a voracious reader, sometimes finishing two novels in the same day. Meaning: very hungry; approaching an activity with gusto বাংলা অর্থ: খাইয়ে, অতিশয় লোভপূর্ণ, অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী Root: Related words: Covetous, avaricious(অর্থলোভী, লোভী), rapacious(অর্থলোভী , অর্থপিপাসু), Cupidity(লোভ, ধনলোভ), Voracious(অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী), Ravenous(লোলুপ, গোগ্রাসে গেলে এমন) Abstruse: Voracious: খাইয়ে, অতিশয় লোভপূর্ণ, অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী vs Vociferous:চিৎকারকারী , গোলমালকারী vs Veracious:সত্যপরায়ণ, সত্যবাদী Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Stranded in a cabin over the winter, Terry was able to eke out an existence on canned food. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: অধিকন্ত করা , সংযোজিত করা Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Strictly limit a role, range of activity, or area; in math, to be constructed around so as to touch as many points as possible 2. Their tour of South America was circumscribed so that they saw only popular destinations and avoided the dangerous parts of cities. Meaning: restrict or confine বাংলা অর্থ: চারিদিকে রেখা টানা, বেষ্টন করা, সীমাবদ্ধ করা, সংযত করা Root: circum ( around ) + scribe ( write) Related words: confine , limit Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The ascendancy of the Carlsbad water polo team is clear—they have a decade of championships behind them. Meaning: the state that exists when one person or group has power over another. বাংলা অর্থ: কর্তৃত্ব, প্রভাব, উদয় Root: Related words: ascendance , ascendence , ascendency , control , dominance. Mnemonic: Appurtnant were added in new Appartment


Example: 1. The author's inability to take a side on the issue was construed by both his opponents and supporters as a sign of weakness. Meaning: Interpret or translate বাংলা অর্থ: ভাষান্তরিত করা, ব্যাখ্যা করা, সিদ্ধান্ত করা Root: Related words: Mnemonic:

Affluent ( 50th )

Example: 1. The center of the city had sadly become a pit of penury, while, only five miles away, multi-million dollar homes spoke of affluence. Meaning: wealthy বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The coach told his team, "Move towards that side of the field"; because he did not point, his directions were ambiguous, and the team had no idea to which side he was referring. Meaning: Not clear, hard to understand, open to having several meanings or interpretations, open to more than one interpretation বাংলা অর্থ: অস্পষ্ট Root: Ambi root means Not clear ,Both, On Both Sides, Around Related words: opaque(অস্বচ্ছ), adumbrate(অস্পষ্ট আভাস দেত্তয়া), obscure(অস্পষ্ট), nebulous(আবছা), obfuscate(বিভ্রান্ত করা) Ambiguous(অস্পষ্ট) Equivocal, mist(কুয়াশা) , fog Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The convicted felon's life sentence was commensurate to the heinousness of his crime. Meaning: to be in proportion or corresponding in degree or amount বাংলা অর্থ: সামানুপাতিক Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The desideratum of the environmental group is that motorists should rely on carpooling. Meaning: something desired as a necessity বাংলা অর্থ: অভীষ্ট, যে জিনিসের অভাব অনুভূত হয় Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The dictator's abuse of human rights was so egregious that many world leaders demanded that he be tried in an international court for genocide. Meaning: outstandingly bad; shocking, Extraordinarily or conspicuously bad; glaring, conspicuously bad, বাংলা অর্থ: বিশিষ্ট খারাপ Root: egregious-"outside + flock"= conspicuously bad, flagrant.মর্মান্তিক, গুরুতর, বিশিষ্ট, কুখ্যাত, বিখ্যাত, শোচনীয় Related words: notorious, abominable, abhorrent, outrageous, monstrous, heinous, dire, crying , raffish, exacerbate (অধিকতর খারাপ), egregious (বিশিষ্ট খারাপ) Abstruse: aggregate: সমষ্টিগত, মোট , সমষ্টিগত vs egregious : বিশিষ্ট খারাপ Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The doctor gave her eye drops to make her pupils dilate. 2.These dinners at Professor Hwang's house usually run rather late—after the meal, he'll typically dilate on his latest research for at least an hour. Meaning: to speak or write at length, elaborate upon , cause to expand; বাংলা অর্থ: প্রসারিত , বিস্ফারিত Root: Related words: Mnemonic: If you DIE LATE(die in a very old age) u expand(in weight sense or in age sense)


Example: 1. The entire audience erupted in shouts and curses, decrying the penalty card issued by the referee. Meaning: express strong disapproval of বাংলা অর্থ: হেয় প্রতিপন্ন করা , নিন্দা করা , অপবাদ দেওয়া , সরকারিভাবে অবমূল্যায়ন করা Root: Related words: decry(সমালোচনা করা), excoriate(কঠোর সমালোচনা করা), objurgate(নিন্দাকারী), broadside(strong verbal attack), snub(তিরস্কার), condemn(নিন্দা), reprobate(দোষারোপ করা, নিন্দা করা , প্রত্যাখ্যান করা), Pillory(মানুষের সামনে কাউকে অপমান করা, কাষ্ঠানির্মিত শাস্তিস্তম্ভবিশেষ), Lambaste(গালাগালি দিয়ে ভূত ভাগিয়ে দেওয়া , বেশ করে দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া), Censure(নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার) Abstruse: Decry=নিন্দা করা VS Descry=discover ঠাহর করা, দেখিতে পাওয়া Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The government agency enjoined the chemical company to clean up the hazardous dump it had created over the years. Meaning: give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority বাংলা অর্থ: আদেশ করা বা নির্দেশ দেওয়া Root: Related words: order , say , tell Abstruse: enjoin:আদেশ করা বা নির্দেশ দেওয়া vs rejoin: উত্তরে বলা, পুনরায় যুক্ত করা, জবাব দেত্তয়, পুনরায যোগদান করা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The governor's animosity toward his rival was only inflamed when the latter spread false lies regarding the governor's first term. Meaning: intense hostility বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The introduction of smallpox was a cataclysm for Native Americans, killing off more than half of their population. Meaning: an event resulting in great loss and misfortun বাংলা অর্থ: প্লাবন, বন্যা, আকস্মিক বিপর্য্যয়, সামাজিক বিপ্লব, রাজনৈতিক বিপ্লব Root: Related words: calamity , catastrophe , disaster , tragedy Abstruse: cataclysm: প্লাবন, বন্যা, আকস্মিক বিপর্য্যয়, সামাজিক বিপ্লব, vs catalyst: অনুঘটক Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The mayoral candidates both spent much of the campaign accusing each other of artifices designed to mislead the voting public. Meaning: cunning tricks used to deceive others বাংলা অর্থ: কারচুপি, চালাকি, দক্ষতা, চাতুরী, ধূর্ততা, নির্মাণকৌশল Root: Related words: ruse Abstruse: artisan= শিল্পী, VS artifice=কারচুপি, চাতুরি Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The most difficult part of the fast was banishing thoughts of food. Meaning: expel from a community, residence, or location; drive away বাংলা অর্থ: খেদান, নির্বাসিত করা, তাড়ান, তাড়িয়া দেত্তয়া, বিতাড়িত করা, বহিষ্কৃত করা Root: Related words: ostracize/ostracise(নির্বাসিত করা, বহিষ্কৃত করা) , relegate(ন্যস্ত করা, নির্বাসিত করা, নিম্নপদে সরান), exile(নির্বাসন) , banish (নির্বাসিত করা) Abstruse: burnish:চাকচিক্য vs banish:নির্বাসিত করা vs vanish:বিলুপ্ত করা Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The obsequious waiter did not give the couple a moment's peace all through the meal, constantly returning to their table to refill their water glasses and to tell them what a handsome pair they made. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: চাটুকার (Adj.), ক্রীতদাসতুল্য (Adj.) তোয়াজ (Adj.), খোশামুদে (Adj.), Root: obsequious-"toward + follow"= overly obedient, submissive, flattering. Related words: toady(পা চাটা), fawn(তোষামোদী, খোশামুদে), kowtow(সাষ্টাঙ্গ প্রণাম), obsequious(চাটুকার), adulator(চাটুকার), sycophant(চাটুকার, চামচা), blandishment(চাটুবাক্য), ingratiate(অনুগ্রহ ভাজন করান), unctuous(তেলা), minion(চাটুকার), bootlicker(খয়েরখাঁ), slavish(দাসসুলভ), grovel(পদলেহন) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The once eminent scientist, upon being found guilty of faking his data, has become a pariah in the research community. Meaning: Social outcast, untouchable ) বাংলা অর্থ: জাতিচু্যত ব্যক্তি (N), দাক্ষিণাত্যের নীচ জাতি (N Root: Related words: an outcast, castaway , ishmael Mnemonic: consider it as paraya.. which in Hindi means stranger.. hence it could be an outcast.


Example: 1. The plan was obviously unviable considering that it lead to complete environmental destruction in the river valley. Meaning: Practical or workable, Capable of living (or growing, developing, etc.); practical, workable বাংলা অর্থ: টেকসই Root: vie means ক্রীড়া করা, কুশ্তি লড়া, পাল্লা দেত্তয়া, প্রতিযোগিতা করা Related words: Mnemonic: via = through or way.... , able = possible....


Example: 1. The practice of pursuing political or other goals through vigorous action, often including protests and demonstrations Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: সক্রিয়তা Root: Related words: Advocacy (pleading for, recommending), Champion (one who defends or supports, as a cause) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The professor had a remarkable ability make even the most difficult concepts seem pellucid. Meaning: Transparent, translucent; clear, easy to understand বাংলা অর্থ: নির্মল, কাকচক্ষু, স্বচ্ছ, স্পষ্ট, সম্পূর্ণ নির্মল, বোধগম্য Root: luc means light Related words: Limpid(নির্মল), Lucid(স্বচ্ছ), pellucid(নির্মল), patent(পেটেন্ট, স্পষ্ট (স্পষ্ট)), perspicuous(সুস্পষ্ট), Elucidate( make clear ), Diaphanous(স্বচ্ছ) Mnemonic: PEL+LUCID...LUCID..MEANS CLEAR ....SO CLEAR IN MEANING.


Example: 1. The role of an executive coach is delimited by our code of conduct—we may not counsel people for psychological conditions, for instance. Meaning: Fix, mark, or define the boundaries of বাংলা অর্থ: সীমা করা, সীমানা নির্দেশ করা, সীমারেখা করা, নিয়ন্ত্রিত করা Root: Related words: demarcate (mark the boundaries of, separate) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The short film examines modern perfunctory cleaning rituals such as washing dishes, doing laundry and tooth-brushing. Meaning: superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm বাংলা অর্থ: অগভীর, উপরি, তাচ্ছল্য সহকারে কৃত, দ্রুতসম্পাদিত, ভাসা-ভাসা, উপর-উপর Root: Related words: casual , cursory , passing Mnemonic: per-FUNCTORY. Non - Function. No need to learn the deep functionality.


Example: 1. The skateboarders acted with effrontery, skating through the church grounds and spray-painting signs warning trespassers. Meaning: extreme boldness; presumptuousness বাংলা অর্থ: ধৃষ্টতা (N), নির্লজ্জ সাহস (N), নির্লজ্জতা (N), বেহায়াপনা (N), প্রগল্ভতা (N), ঔদ্ধত্য (N), আস্পর্ধা (N) Root: Related words: assumption , presumption , presumptuousness Mnemonic: for every discussion he comes to the FRONT and a rude manner.


Example: 1. The so-called magical diet cure simply ended up mulcting Maria out of hundreds of dollars, but did nothing for her weight. Meaning: to defraud or swindle বাংলা অর্থ: জরিমানা, খেসারৎ Root: Related words: bunco , con , defraud , diddle , gip , goldbrick , gyp , hornswoggle , nobble , rook , scam , short-change , swindle , victimize Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The soldier trained to be part of covert operations, moving silently and remaining out of the enemy's sight. Meaning: Secret, veiled, undercover বাংলা অর্থ: গুপ্ত , গোপন , ছদ্ম , আত্মগোপনের জন্য ব্যবহৃত ঝোপঝাড় Root: vert means turn Related words: Furtive , Surreptitious, and Clandestine all mean secret, undercover. Abstruse: coveted: ঈপ্সিত vs covert:গুপ্ত vs overt: প্রত্যক্ষ Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The teenagers exalted the rock star, covering their bedrooms with posters of him. Meaning: hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of. বাংলা অর্থ: মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা Root: Ex+alt (high) == "out + high"= raised high. Related words: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা),acclaimed (প্রশংসিত) acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The twenty-somethings at the coffee shop always irked Sheldon, especially the way in which they acted nonchalantly towards everything, not even caring when Sheldon once spilled his mocha on them. Meaning: coming across as uninterested or unconcerned; overly casual বাংলা অর্থ: উদাসীন, প্রশান্ত, অনুদ্বিগ্ন Root: Related words: casual , nonchalant(উদাসীন) , apathetic(উদাসীন), alienate(উদাসীন) , aloof, dispassionate, carefreeness , lightheartedness , lightsomeness, insouciant(উদাসীন) , uninterested, indifferent , Mnemonic:


Example: 1. The young model married an elderly billionaire thinking she'd be set for life, but she ended up living in penury after her husband died and his middle-aged children held up the probate case for years, keeping her from receiving any money whatsoever. Meaning: Extreme poverty or scarcity, Severe poverty; stinginess বাংলা অর্থ: অভাব Root: Related words: impoverished( pover comes from poverty ), Insolvent, exiguity ( স্বল্পতা,দীনতা), dearth(অভাব, দুর্ভিক্ষ) , scarcity, scant(অপ্রচুর, অত্যল্প , নিতান্ত অপ্রতুল), paucity(অভাব), Modicum(সামান্য পরিমাণ, অল্প পরিমাণ, যত্কিঁচিৎ), Scintilla(স্ফুলিঙ্গ,a tiny trace), penury(দীনতা), indigent(অভাবী), impecunious(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত), destitute(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত) Mnemonic: pen+ru(pee) rupee to buy a pen


Example: 1. This is a way to gain adulation, but also to sow (বপন করা) enmity. Meaning: excessive praise; intense adoration বাংলা অর্থ: টাল, চাটুবাক্য, তোষামোদ, তোষণ, মনোরঁজন Root: Related words: Abstruse: Ablation: (অপসারণ)(removal of growths, etc., by surgery or other mechanical means) vs Ablution: স্নান বা হাত-পা ধোওয়া vs Adulation: টাল, চাটুবাক্য, তোষামোদ, তোষণ, মনোরঁজন Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Though chastised for eating the snacks for the party, Lawrence shrugged off his mother's harsh words, and continued to plow through jars of cookies and boxes of donuts. Meaning: to reprimand harshly বাংলা অর্থ: তাড়ন করা, শাস্তি দেত্তয়া Root: Related words: castigate , chasten , correct , objurgate Abstruse: Chasten=সংশোধন করার উদ্দ্যেশ্যে শাস্তি দেয়া, VS Chastise= গুরুতর শাস্তি দেয়া VS Chaste=কুমারী, সতী Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Though the man could have at least alerted the police, he crouched cravenly in the corner as the old woman was mugged. Meaning: pathetically cowardly Cowardly - Very cowardly, lacking courage বাংলা অর্থ: কাপুরূষ Root: Related words: Minatory(ভয়প্রদর্শক), Macabre(ভীতিপূর্ণ), trepid(সোপান), pusillanimous(দুর্বলচিত্ত), recreant(উত্সবকারীগণ), timorous(ভীরু), timid(ভীতু), tremulous(ভীরু), trepidation(কাঁপুনি), tremor(শিহরন), baleful(বিপর্যয়কর), forbidding, threatening, ominous(অশুভ), sinister(অশুভ), inauspicious((অশুভ), Gruesome(ভয়ঙ্কর), lurid (উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, রোমাঁচকর, বিকট , উৎকট , ভীতিপ্রদ ), menacing(ভয়প্রদর্শনকারী), Craven(নীচ, কাপুরূষ কাপুরুষ, ভীরু) Abstruse: Coven=সমাবেশ, সভা, একটি গোষ্ঠী বা ডাইনিদের সমাবেশ যা নিয়মিতভাবে পূরণ হয় VS Raven=দাঁড়কাক, রাক্ষসের মত খাওয়া VS Craven=নীচ, কাপুরুষ Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Todd was noble after the divorce, choosing to say only complimentary things about Barbara, but Barbara did not hesitate to vilify Todd. Meaning: to defame; to characterize harshly, spread negative information about বাংলা অর্থ: নিন্দা করা (V), মানহানি করা (V) Root: vil means base, mean Related words: rail , revile , vituperate, Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক), inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Truly penurious, Mary had nothing more than a jar full of pennies. Meaning: lacking money; poor বাংলা অর্থ: নগণ্য, অল্প, স্বল্প, অত্যল্প, অনুদার, ব্যয়কুণ্ঠ Root: penu means lack of money Related words: Parsimony(কার্পণ্য), Thrift(মিতব্যয়িতা), penurious( অত্যল্প, অনুদার, ব্যয়কুণ্ঠ), Stingy(কৃপণস্বভাব), Frugal(মিতব্যয়ী), Miser, niggardly, close-fisted, stinting( কৃপণতা করা, থামান, অভাবে রাখা), sparing (মিতব্যয়ী), economical , prudent Mnemonic: A person who has to spend a PENNY and is FURIOUS about it is called PENURIOUS.


Example: 1. Tyler was the consummate musician: he was able to play the guitar, harmonica, and the drum at the same time. 2. The restoration of the ancient church was only consummated after a twenty years of labor. Meaning: highest point of perfection, having or revealing supreme mastery or skill,to make perfect and complete in every respect বাংলা অর্থ: সুসম্পূর্ণ , নিখুঁত , সর্বাঙ্গসুন্দর , অনিন্দ্য , অনবদ্য Root: Related words: masterful , masterly , virtuoso Mnemonic:


Example: 1. While we elect our leaders in the hope that every word they speak will be veracious, history has shown that such a hope is naive. Meaning: Truthful বাংলা অর্থ: সত্যপরায়ণ Root: ver means true Related words: Truthful Abstruse: Voracious: খাইয়ে, অতিশয় লোভপূর্ণ, অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী vs Vociferous:চিৎকারকারী , গোলমালকারী vs Veracious:সত্যপরায়ণ, সত্যবাদী Mnemonic: Mendacious is the opposite of veracious


Example: 1. Unremitting overcast skies tend to lead people to create bleak literature and lugubrious music - compare England's band Radiohead to any band from Southern California. Meaning: having a depressing or gloomy outlook বাংলা অর্থ: নিরানন্দ Root: Related words: morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), lugubrious(নিরানন্দ), ennui(মানসিক ক্লান্তি), saturnine(বিষণ্ণ মেজাজসম্পন্ন), damp(স্যাঁতসেঁতে, কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন, ভিজা) Sullen(গোমড়া-মুখো) Bleak(নিরানন্দ) Stark(সম্পূর্ণ, পুরোদস্তুর, সাধারণ এবং অপ্রয়োজনীয় সাজসজ্জা ছাড়া) Glower(কটমট করে , ভীতিজনকভাবে তাকানো, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, ক্রুদ্ধভাবে তাকান), bare , barren , desolate , stark Abstruse: Bilk: ফাঁকি দিয়ে কেটে পড়া vs Bleak:নিরানন্দ vs Balk: প্রতিবন্ধকতা vs Blight:Disease that kills plants rapidly. vs Blinkered:to have a limited outlook or understanding,ঢাকনা vs Blithe:প্রফুল্ল , ফূর্তিবাজ Mnemonic:


Example: 1. We don't have many resources, so we'll have to work with some very tight constraints. Meaning: something that limits or restricts বাংলা অর্থ: বাধ্যতা, অবরোধ,বিব্রতভাব Root: Related words: restraint Mnemonic:


Example: 1. What seemed like incessant nagging and carping about my behavior from my mother turned out to be wise and useful advice that has served me well. Meaning: persistently petty and unjustified criticism বাংলা অর্থ: অভিযোগের সুরে কথা বলা, ছিদ্রান্বেষী, ক্রুরহৃদয়, দোষগ্রাহী Root: carp means দোষারোপ করা, blame Related words: Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক), inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা) Abstruse: Carping:অভিযোগের সুরে কথা বলা, ছিদ্রান্বেষী, ক্রুরহৃদয়, দোষগ্রাহী, carp means দোষারোপ করা, blame vs Capricious: চঞ্চল , অনিয়মিত , অনির্ভরযোগ্য Mnemonic:


Example: 1. When asked by a reporter if rumors of his infidelity were true, the candidate parried, answering that he had always supported legislation bolstering the sanctity of marriage. Meaning: Deflect or avoid (esp. a blow or attack); skillfully evade (a question) বাংলা অর্থ: ঠেকান, ব্যাহত করা, এড়ান Root: Related words: Abstruse: harry: নিপীড়ন করা, লুণ্ঠন করা vs parry: ঠেকান, ব্যাহত করা, এড়ান Mnemonic: avoid করতে parry

Coagulate [ coh-AGG-yoo-layt ]

Example: 1. When making jam, use pectin to get the fruit to coagulate. Meaning: Cause a liquid to become solid or semisolid জমাট বাঁধা , তঞ্চন ঘটা বা ঘটানো বাংলা অর্থ: ঘনীভূত করা Root: Related words: thicken; congeal; clot Mnemonic:


Example: 1. When the teacher asked the obstreperous student simply to bus his tray, the student threw the entire tray on the floor, shouted an epithet, and walked out. Meaning: noisily and stubbornly defiant; willfully difficult to control বাংলা অর্থ: দুরন্ত (Adj.), দুর্দান্ত (Adj.), অবাধ্য (Adj.), গোলমালেভরা (Adj.), গোলমাল Root: Related words: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Abstruse: Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), vs Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) vs ostracize/ostracise(নির্বাসিত করা, বহিষ্কৃত করা) , Mnemonic: the word can be broken into ob+STREET+PERU..streets in peru are very noisy because of traffic.


Example: 1. While the CFO carefully explained all the reasons for the cuts in benefits, after the meeting employees bemoaned the cuts as further evidence that management was against them. Meaning: express discontent or a strong regret বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: lachrymose(ক্রন্দনশীল), dirge(গীত), Dolor(sadness), Doleful(বেদনাপূর্ণ, করুণ, শোকপূর্ণ), weep (ক্রঁদন, কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), wail(বিলাপ করা, দুঃখপ্রকাশ করা, উচ্চ কণ্ঠে ক্রন্দন), grieve(শোক করা) , Lament(কান্নাকাটি, ক্রঁদ), Bemoan(বিলাপ করা), Elegy(শোকসঙ্গীত, অন্ত্যোষ্টিকালীন গান), Threnody(শোকগাথা) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. While the grand jury cleared the senator of all criminal charges, in the public mind he was still complicit in the corruption. Meaning: involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: Abstruse: complacent=আত্নসন্তুষ্ট VS Complaisant=অন্যকে খুশি করতে আগ্রহী, সুশীল, বিনয়ী vs Compliant:বিনয়ী vs Compliance: সম্মতি, প্রতিপালন, অনুবর্তিতা, বশ্যতা,consent, assent vs Complicit: involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing. Mnemonic:


Example: 1. While the other teams in the division actively vie for the championship, this team seems content simply to go through the motions of playing. Meaning: compete for something বাংলা অর্থ: জুঝা, ক্রীড়া করা, কুশ্তি লড়া, পাল্লা দেত্তয়া, প্রতিযোগিতা করা Root: Related words: compete , contend Mnemonic:


Example: 1. Winston Churchill is famous for many apothegms, but this might be his most famous: "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." Meaning: a short, instructive saying, a concise saying or maxim; an aphorism. বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Related words: apophthegm , apothegm terse(বাহুল্যবর্জিত), coda(summarizes or concludes ), compendium(সংক্ষিপ্তসার), succinct(সংক্ষিপ্ত), Sententious(নীতিগর্ভ, সংক্ষিপ্ত অথচ অর্থপূর্ন), Aphorism(সংক্ষিপ্ত ব্যাখ্যা), Epitome(সংক্ষিপ্তসার), pith, pithy ( মজ্জাপূর্ণ, কর্মশক্তিপূর্ণ, precise), concise, synoptic(সারসংক্ষেপিত) Mnemonic:


Example: 1. With the presidential primaries well under way, the air is thick with calumny, and the mud already waist-high. Meaning: making of a false statement meant to injure a person's reputation বাংলা অর্থ: মিথ্যা অপবাদ , কলঙ্ক , বদনাম Root: Abstruse: Fulminate=সশব্দে ফাটান, নির্ঘোষ তোলা, উচ্চনাদ তোলা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া VS Culminate=সর্বোচ্চ সীমা পৌঁছান vs culinary: রন্ধনসম্পর্কীয় vs calumny: অপবাদ, দুর্নাম, কলঙ্ক, নিন্দা, vs calamity: strom, Related words: calumniation , defamation , hatchet job , obloquy (ob+loquy ভর্ত্সনা ) , aspersion , slander , denigration , traducement asperse , calumniate , defame , denigrate , slander ,Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) Mnemonic: calu means black


Example: 1. You know that vinegar-like liquid teens put on their faces in order to tighten their pores and dry up their pimples? That's astringent. An astringent personality, on the other hand, is perceived as bitter and perhaps even a bit toxic. Meaning: having a tightening effect on living tissue; harsh; severe বাংলা অর্থ: harsh; severe Root: Related words: Contemptuous(ঘৃণাপূর্ণ), sardonic (তিক্ত, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ, ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ, অবজ্ঞা-মিশ্রিত ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ), disdainful(তাচ্ছল্যপূর্ণ, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ) , insulting , scornful(ঘৃণাপূর্ণ), Caustic, Astringent(কষাটে, সম্বন্ধক, সঙ্কোচক, দেহজ কলাসমূহের সঙ্কোচনসাধক, কঠোর), Vitriolic, Acerbic, Audacious, Sardonic, Satiric, Pungent, Saturnine, Sarcastic, Impudent, Acrimony Abstruse: intransigence= একগুয়েমি VS Transgression=পাপ, সীমা লঙ্ঘন vs astringent=ধারক,harsh; severe Mnemonic:


Example: 1.Could the inside of this mascot costume be any more abrasive? It's rubbing my skin raw! 2.I have some seriously abrasive remarks for whoever designed this thing. Meaning: Rough, suitable for grinding or polishing (such as sandpaper); causing irritation or annoyance বাংলা অর্থ: ঘষিয়া তুলিয়া ফেলিতে সক্ষম Root: Related words: Mnemonic: sounds like aggressive,which means harsh/ rough behavior.


Example: 1.Her countenance said it all—the look on her face was pure terror. 2. I saw you cheating off my paper, and I can't countenance cheating—either you turn yourself in or I'll report you. Meaning: Facial expression or face (noun); approve or tolerate (verb) বাংলা অর্থ: প্রসন্ন/ অপ্রসন্ন মুখভাব; (আনুষ্ঠা) সমর্থন Root: Related words: Brook (suffer or tolerate), Condone (overlook or tacitly approve) Mnemonic: Countenance shares a root with continence, meaning "self control." The use of countenance to mean "approve or tolerate" makes sense when you think about a similar expression: "I cannot look you in the face after what you did." (We would usually say "I cannot face you" when the speaker is the guilty party).


Example: 1.Her enthusiasm for the diva's new album only waxed with each song; by the end of the album, it was her favorite CD yet. Meaning: to gradually increase in size or intensity wax বাংলা অর্থ: মক্ষিমল, মোম, মোমতুল্য পদার্থ Root: Related words: climb , mount , rise Mnemonic:


Example: 1.In the summer months, conflagrations are not uncommon in the southwest, do to the heat and lack of rain. Meaning: big, destructive fire, a very intense and uncontrolled fire বাংলা অর্থ: ব্যাপক ও বিধ্বংসী অগ্নিকাণ্ড Root: flagr means shine, burn Related words: inferno, infernal=নারকীয় ( infern /inferno means fire. destructive ) Abstruse: conflate: mix vs conflagration: ব্যাপক ও বিধ্বংসী অগ্নিকাণ্ড Mnemonic:


Example: 1.It abuts the Olkaria geothermal power plants, from which plumes of steam pour into the sky Meaning: to touch, to be in contact with বাংলা অর্থ: সমসীমাযুক্ত হত্তয়া, সীমানার সঙ্গে সংলগ্ন বা লাগোয়া হওয়া Root: Related words: Mnemonic:


Example: 1.Making a momentous life decision with great uncertainty, like enrolling in clown college, might feel like jumping into the abyss. Meaning: a deep void or chasm — either literal or figurative. বাংলা অর্থ: রসাতল, নরক Root: Related words: Chasm(ফাটল, গহ্বর, শূন্য গভীর খাদ, অনেক তফাৎ), Crevasse(হিমবাহের বরফে গভীর ফাটল, হিমদরী, নদীর বাঁধে ভাঙন), Fissure(ফাটল), Gorge (ঘাট)are all words for deep openings in the earth, and can be used metaphorically(রূপক অর্থে) (a fissure in a personal relationship, the chasm between cultures, etc.). Mnemonic:


Example: 1.The storm flashed into existence above us and lasted only a short time - an evanescent turbulence of wind and cloud. Meaning: tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing adjective: tending to vanish like vapor বাংলা অর্থ: বিলীয়মান, চপল, অস্থির, অধরা, পলায়নপর, Root: Related words: Ephemeral and Fugacious are synonyms. Transient can mean "lasting only a short time, temporary" or "staying only a short time," or can be a noun referring to homeless people, temporary workers, or others who move often Abstruse: effluvium:পচা জিনিস হইতে উদগত বিশ্রী বাষ্প vs effulgent: দীপ্তিশীল, দিদীপ্যমান, অত্যুজ্বল vs effervescent: বুদ্বুদপূর্ণ, উদ্যমী vs evanescent: বিলীয়মান, ক্ষণস্থায়ী vs evasive: ছলনাময় Mnemonic:


Example: Both Los Angeles and New York are known for callow out-of-towners hoping to make it big. Meaning: young and inexperienced বাংলা অর্থ: অনভিজ্ঞ, অজাতশ্মশ্রু, পক্ষহীন, অজাতপক্ষ, অপরিপক Root: Related words: fledgling , unfledged Mnemonic:


Example: Despite an auspicious beginning, Mike's road trip became a series of mishaps, and he was soon stranded and penniless, leaning against his wrecked automobile. Meaning: favorable, the opposite of sinister বাংলা অর্থ: সুপ্রসন্ন, অনুকূল, মঙ্গলজনক, মঙ্গলকর, শিব, শুভলক্ষণযুক্ত Root: Related words: Mnemonic: a+uspiciousâ€"sounds like “a suspicious†any thing suspicious is not favorable, so a(not ) suspicious means favorable .


Example: Earlier in the week, Trump alleged that Amazon is bilking the U.S. Meaning: Cheat or defraud বাংলা অর্থ: ফাঁকি দিয়ে কেটে পড়া Root: Related words: Abstruse: Bilk: ফাঁকি দিয়ে কেটে পড়া vs Bleak:নিরানন্দ vs Balk: প্রতিবন্ধকতা vs Blight:Disease that kills plants rapidly. vs Blinkered:to have a limited outlook or understanding,ঢাকনা vs Blithe:প্রফুল্ল , ফূর্তিবাজ Mnemonic:


Example: Far from being atypically bawdy, this limerick is a paradigm of the form—nearly all of them rely on off-color jokes Meaning: Model or pattern; worldview, set of shared assumptions, values, etc. বাংলা অর্থ: দৃষ্টান্ত Root: "Para" means "beside." Paradigm comes from two Greek word parts meaning "beside" and "show" and combined into the Greek "paradiegma" for "pattern or example." Related words: Prototype (original model serving as the basis for future copies or versions), Exemplar (example, item that is representative or typical, something worthy of imitation) Mnemonic:


Example: Secondly, rules that may lead to counter-intuitive results are explicitly removed. Meaning: Against what one would intuitively expect বাংলা অর্থ: অজানা, অজ্ঞাত, অপরিচিত Root: counter ( against) + intuitive( স্বজ্ঞাত) intuit: যুক্তি তর্কের সহায্য নিয়ে প্রত্যক্ষ অনুভবের মাধ্যমে জানা Related words: Abstruse: counterintuitive: অজানা, অজ্ঞাত, অপরিচিত vs diminutive: সঙ্কুচিত, হ্রাসপ্রাপ্ত আকারযুক্ত, অতি ক্ষুদ্র্র্র্র Mnemonic:


Example: The baseball player's contract negotiations are in abeyance while doctors try to determine whether his injuries will heal in time for the season. Only the actual construction of a uranium separation plant was be held in abeyance without a further order from the White House. Meaning: Temporary suspension, inactivity বাংলা অর্থ: সাময়িক অক্রিয়তা, স্থগিতাবস্থা Root: Related words: Hiatus(বিচ্ছেদ, ফাঁক) (break or gap in an activity), Dormant(সুপ্ত, অন্তর্নিহিত, রহিত) (inactive, resting), Deferment or Deferral (postponement) Mnemonic: Suspended action - ; ##mnemonic: remember "abey" in hindi... abey mat karo... do it later! Abey thaam (সাময়িক অক্রিয়তা)


Example: The efforts of the firefighters running into the burning building were commendable. Meaning: worthy of high praise বাংলা অর্থ: প্রশংসনীয় Root: Related words: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা), acclamation(প্রশংসা), acclaimed (প্রশংসিত) hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) Mnemonic:


Example: The manager spent an hour objurgating the employee in the hopes that he would not make these mistakes again. Meaning: express strong disapproval of বাংলা অর্থ: তিরস্কার করা, ভর্ত্সনা করা, গালিগালাজ করা, গালাগালি করা Root: Related words: decry(সমালোচনা করা), excoriate(কঠোর সমালোচনা করা), objurgate(নিন্দাকারী), broadside(strong verbal attack), snub(তিরস্কার), condemn(নিন্দা), reprobate(দোষারোপ করা, নিন্দা করা , প্রত্যাখ্যান করা), Pillory(মানুষের সামনে কাউকে অপমান করা, কাষ্ঠানির্মিত শাস্তিস্তম্ভবিশেষ), Lambaste(গালাগালি দিয়ে ভূত ভাগিয়ে দেওয়া , বেশ করে দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া), Censure(নিন্দা, তিরষ্কার) Abstruse: objurgate: অপমান করা, গাল দেয়া VS Abjure= শপথপূর্বক পরিত্যাগ করা Mnemonic:


Example: The officers, led by the Captain waving his cap from the bridge, joined in the paean. Meaning: a song or hymn of praise and thanksgiving বাংলা অর্থ: বিজয়গাথা Root: Related words: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা),acclaimed (প্রশংসিত) acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) Mnemonic:

Avaricious ( 150th )

Example: The rich man's avarice was annoying to everyone who wanted to lay hands on some of his money. Meaning: greed; excessive love of riches বাংলা অর্থ: লালস, ধনলোভী, অর্থলোভী, লোভী Root: avarus means greed. Related words: Covetous, avaricious(অর্থলোভী, লোভী), rapacious(অর্থলোভী , অর্থপিপাসু), Cupidity(লোভ, ধনলোভ), Voracious(অতিশয় লোভী, অতিভোজী), Ravenous(লোলুপ, গোগ্রাসে গেলে এমন) Mnemonic: To be avaricious is to love wealth above all else and not to share it with other people. avarice : noun: greed (one of the seven deadly sins )


Example: The whole country seems to be affected by the ennui of winter. Meaning: boredom, lack of interest and energy বাংলা অর্থ: অবসাদ, মানসিক ক্লান্তি, ক্লানি্ত Root: Related words: morose(বিষণ্ণ, বিশুষ্ক, কঠিন গোমড়া মুখ, রুক্ষ), lugubrious(নিরানন্দ), ennui(মানসিক ক্লান্তি), saturnine(বিষণ্ণ মেজাজসম্পন্ন), damp(স্যাঁতসেঁতে, কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন, ভিজা) Sullen(গোমড়া-মুখো) Bleak(নিরানন্দ) Stark(সম্পূর্ণ, পুরোদস্তুর, সাধারণ এবং অপ্রয়োজনীয় সাজসজ্জা ছাড়া) Glower(কটমট করে , ভীতিজনকভাবে তাকানো, একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, ক্রুদ্ধভাবে তাকান) Mnemonic:


Example: the last vestiges of colonialism Meaning: Trace or sign of something that once existed বাংলা অর্থ: কণা, পদচিহ্ন, সাক্ষ্য, পদ, অনুমাত্র Root: Related words: Mnemonic: think of in + vestigate, where we look for traces or remains of something.


Examples: Meaning: A person's general or natural mood; tendency বাংলা অর্থ: বিন্যাস , সন্নিবেশ , স্বাভাবিক প্রবণতা , কর্তৃত্বাধীনতা , বিধান Root: Synonym: Mnemonics:


Examples: Meaning: to move or act confusedly or without clear purpose বাংলা অর্থ: শিহরিত হওয়া , ইতস্তত করা , উত্তেজিত হওয়া , শিহরণ , অনিশ্চিত অবস্থা. Root: either Synonym: Abstruse: didactic= শিক্ষামূলক, জ্ঞানগর্ভ VS dither=ইতস্তত করা Mnemonics either this or that (to be undecisive)

Pervade [per-veyd]

Examples: 1. A terrible smell pervaded the apartment building after the sew er main exploded. Meaning: verb: to spread throughout বাংলা অর্থ: ব্যাপা, ব্যাপ্ত করা, পরিব্যাপ্ত করা, অনুপ্রবেশ করা, জুড়া, খচিত করা Root: per means completely Synonym: permeate, spread through, fill, suffuse, be diffused through, imbue, Pervious(প্রবেশ্য), pregnable(জেয়, ভেদ্য, ভেদনীয়,), Pervasive(পরিব্যাপক), Pervade(খচিত করা), vulnerable(জেয়, ভেদ্য, ভেদনীয়, সমালোচনার যোগ্য), penetrable(প্রবেশ্য), permeable Mnemonics Sounds like SPREAD

Immure(v) [ih-myoo r]

Examples: Meaning: to keep someone or something within certain limits and prevent them or it from developing freely, to enclose, usually in walls বাংলা অর্থ: জেলে দেত্তয়া, জেলে পাঠান, কারারূদ্ধ করা, কয়েদ করা, প্রাচীরবেষ্টিত করা, নিজেকে অবরুদ্ধ করা Root: You may recognize the -mur- in immure as the root for "wall," as in mural, which is a painting on a wall, or intramural, literally "inside the walls," as, for instance, the walls of a school — intramural sports are played among teams from the same school. You don't need a jail to immure someone. Rapunzel was immured in her tower. At the end of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the lovers are immured in the tomb Synonym: gaol , imprison , incarcerate , jail , jug , lag , put away , put behind bars , remand Mnemonics sounds like I M YOURS....please enclose me within the walls of your heart

Discretion [dih-skresh-uh n]

Examples: 1. "Can you trust him with this?" "Yes, he's the soul of discretion (= he will not tell other people). 2. she knew she could rely on his discretion 3. I leave the decision to your discretion (= for you to decide) Meaning: noun: 1. the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information. 2. the right or ability to decide something:, ability to make responsible decisions বাংলা অর্থ: ১। বিচক্ষণতা ২। সুবিবেচনা , ইচ্ছাধীনতা Root: Synonym: carefulness, caution, wariness, chariness, guardedness, tact choice, option, preference, disposition, volition, pleasure, liking, wish, will, Abstruse: Discrete=পৃথক VS Discreet= careful বিচক্ষণ VS Discretion=বিচক্ষণতা vs Discrepancy: অনৈক্য, অমিল, মতভেদ, ভেদ, বৈসাদৃশ্য, গরমিল, Mnemonics 2. discrete... means separate..that is we are separate & are not dependent on any one, hence we have the FREEDOM OF ACTION OR JUDGEMENT...

Impervious(adj) [im PUR vee us]

Examples: 1. A raincoat, if it is any good, is impervious to water. It is made of an impervious material. 2. I am not impervious to your insults; they cause me great pain. Meaning: not allowing anything to pass through; impenetrable বাংলা অর্থ: অভেদ্য Root: Pervious(প্রবেশ্য), pregnable(জেয়, ভেদ্য, ভেদনীয়,), Pervasive(পরিব্যাপক), Pervade(খচিত করা), vulnerable(জেয়, ভেদ্য, ভেদনীয়, সমালোচনার যোগ্য), penetrable(প্রবেশ্য), permeable Synonym: Abstruse: empirical= practical VS imperial=সাম্রাজ্য-সংক্রান্ত vs imperious:জাঁদরেল,দাম্ভিক , vs impertinent:অপ্রাসঙ্গিক vs Imperil: বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা ( peril means danger) vs Impermeable:অপ্রবেশ্য vs Impervious: অভেদ্য অপ্রবেশ্য vs Imperturbable: স্থির, শান্ত ( perturb means disturb/not quiet ) Mnemonics "i m pervez(pervez musharraf)" matter wat u say, i won't be affected!!


Examples: 1. After a week of inclement weather, we finally are able to go outside and enjoy the sun. 2. Marcus Aurelius, though a fair man, was inclement to Christians during his reign, persecuting them violently. Meaning: (of weather) unpleasant, stormy, used of persons or behavior; showing no mercy বাংলা অর্থ: প্রচণ্ড, উগ্র, ঝটিকাপূর্ণ, ঝড়ো, কঠোর Root: clem means cool / calm Synonym: cold, chilly, bleak, wintry, freezing, snowy, icy, wet, rainy, drizzly, damp, stormy Mnemonics bosses are always incleament when theres time of increament

Pristine [pris-teen]

Examples: 1. An antique in pristine condition is one that hasn't been tampered with over the years. It's still in its original condition. 2. A pristine mountain stream is a stream that hasn't been polluted. Meaning: adj: original; unspoiled; pure, Characteristic of earlier times; primitive; বাংলা অর্থ: আসল, যেটা এখনো নষ্ট হয় নি, আদিম Root: Synonym: Abstruse: Pristine: আসল, যেটা এখনো নষ্ট হয় নি, আদিম vs Philistine: সঙ্কীর্ণমনা ব্যক্তি Mnemonics 1. ounds like priest(ine) means pertaining to priests which is to remain in pure state. 2. Read it PRIS(Pre)+tine(Time). Before time which is something of earlier time.

Raillery (1350th ) [rey-luh-ree]

Examples: 1. Apparently, it therefore equates to humorous ridicule in the general sense, or good-honoured raillery . 2. she was greeted with raillery from her fellow workers Meaning: noun: joking or laughing at someone in a friendly way, good-humored teasing. বাংলা অর্থ: ফ্রেন্ডলি ভাবে কাউকে টিজ করা বা কাউকে নিয়ে হাসাহাসি করা। Root: Synonym: teasing, mockery, chaff, ragging, banter, badinage, leg-pulling, joshing, ribbing, kidding Mnemonics Suppose that you tease one of your friend by uttering out a nickname "RAIL" to his Girlfriend and whenever you see her coming on the start making fun by uttering out RAIL+AYI+RE=RAILLERY

Raffish [raf-ish]

Examples: 1. Artists enjoy seeing themselves as raffish outsiders, people of dubious morality. 2. The men found him raffish, but the women adored his smart clothes and casual attitude. Meaning: adj: not following usual social standards of behaviour or appearance, especially in a careless and attractive way: বাংলা অর্থ: কুখ্যাত, নিন্দিতচরিত্র, উচ্ছৃঙ্খল Root: raffish comes from raff Synonym: rakish, unconventional, Bohemian, devil-may-care, casual, careless, louche, Mnemonics sounds like "rough"ish so somthing which is rough in behaviour, that reminds of youngsters and they are carefree

Importune(v) [im-pawr-toon]

Examples: 1. As a tourist, you are importuned for money the moment you step outside your hotel. 2. He was arrested for importuning a young boy outside the station. Meaning: 1. to make repeated, forceful requests for something, usually in a way that is annoying or causing slight problems: 2. to ask for sex with someone in return for payment: বাংলা অর্থ: জেদী, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা Root: The original Latin term actually meant something closer to "to bother." Bear that in mind when you're deciding whether to use importune Synonym: harass, pester, press, Mnemonics Im (not) + portune (fortune). Someone who doesn't have fortune BEGS PERSISTANTLY.

Tawdry [taw-dree]

Examples: 1. But using donors to enrich oneself is as an old and tawdry practice that is about getting rich, not famous. 2. Carol expected to find New York City magical, the way so many movies had portrayed it, but she was surprised how often tawdry displays took the place of genuine elegance. Meaning: adj: looking bright and attractive but in fact cheap and of low quality বাংলা অর্থ: রূচিহীন , অসারভাবে জাঁকাল, চটকদারভাবে শোভিত Root: Synonym: gaudy, flashy, showy, garish, loud, tasteless, vulgar, trashy, junky, Mnemonics TOWEL+DRY......In a public locker room, a person who dries his body with a towel in front of everybody is vulgar and gaudy.

Pine [pahyn]

Examples: 1. Carter died in 1904 after an accident and Leno pined away and died six months later 2. Standing forlornly by the window, she pined for her lost love. Meaning: verb: to become increasingly thin and weak because of unhappiness, especially after the death of a loved person; Have a desire for something or someone who is not present there বাংলা অর্থ: প্রিয় কারো মৃত্যুতে কষ্ট পেয়ে পেয়ে শুকিয়ে যাওয়া, কাউকে পেতে চাওয়া যে সেখানে অনুপস্থিত, আকুল আকাঙ্ক্ষা, আকুল আকাঙ্ক্ষা অনুভব Root: Synonym: languish, decline, weaken, waste away, wilt, wither, fade, sicken, droop, brood, Mnemonics বউয়ের মৃত্যুতে বন্ধ কষ্ট পেয়ে wine খেতে খেতে শুকিয়ে গেলো

Ubiquitous [yoo-bik-wi-tuh s]

Examples: 1. Leather is very much in fashion this season, as is the ubiquitous denim (মোটা সুতির কাপর) 2. his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family Meaning: adj: seeming to be everywhere: বাংলা অর্থ: সর্বব্যাপী, সর্বত্র বিদ্যমান Root: Synonym: omnipresent, ever-present, everywhere, all over the place, pervasive, universal omnipotent(সর্বশক্তিমত্তা), omniscient(সর্বজ্ঞ), ubiquitous(সর্বব্যাপী) Mnemonics pronounce it as follows: you(u)+ be(bi)along with me EVERYWHERE until u say+QUIT +TO US...(U+BI+QUIT+TOUS)

Inconsequential(adj) [in-kon-si-kwen-shuh]

Examples: 1. Changes in the stock market were pretty inconsequential during the past week. Meaning: Most of what she said was pretty inconsequential. insignificant; unimportant বাংলা অর্থ: তুচ্ছ, মামুলি, নগণ্য, গতানুগতিক, Root: Synonym: banal(গতানুগতিক, তুচ্ছ, বস্তাপচা), trite(মামুলি, গতানুগতিক), hackneyed(বস্তাপচা, গতানুগতিক), cliched, platitude(মামুলি মন্তব্য), vapid(স্বাদহীন), bromide(নীরস মন্তব্য) commonplace(সাধারণ, প্রচলিত, মামুলি) inanity(অসারতা) Humdrum(একঘেয়ে , গতানুগতিক) monotonous: একঘেয়ে Prosaic: গতানুগতিক, গদ্যময়, বেরসিক Insipid(স্বাদহীন),Inconsequential(তুচ্ছ, মামুলি) Mnemonics 1. consequence means result- we are never worried about the result of inconsequential or worthless things. 2. Not essential

Prognostication [prog-nos-ti-key-shuh n]

Examples: 1. DNA analysis will help doctors offer better prognostications. 2. When the Senator was asked about where the negotiations would lead, he said that any guess he could make would be an unreliable prognostication. Meaning: noun: the action of foretelling or prophesying future events. বাংলা অর্থ: ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা বা পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া , পূর্বলক্ষণ দেখা Root: gno means know Synonym: Omen, portent(লক্ষণ, পূর্বলক্ষণ), Presentiment(পূর্ব লক্ষণ, পূর্বাভাস), Augur(ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী), Prognostication(ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা বা পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া), foreboding(পূর্বলক্ষণ), Abstruse: Agnostic= a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena VS Gnostic=অবগত, জ্ঞানসম্পন্ন VS Prognostication: ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা বা পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া , পূর্বলক্ষণ দেখা Mnemonics PROgKNOWsticate. a PRO KNOWS enough to make a prediction


Examples: 1. German farmers used spike-tooth harrows extensively to control weeds in small grains fields before the coming of herbicides Meaning: Farming tool that breaks up soil (noun); painfully disturb or distress (verb) বাংলা অর্থ: মই, জমিতে দিবার মই, হয়রান করা Root: Synonym:

Inscrutable(adj) [in-skroo-tuh-buh l]

Examples: 1. Guy looked blankly inscrutable 2.His speech was so dense and confusing that many in the audience found it inscrutable. Meaning: impossible to understand or interpret, not showing emotions or thoughts and therefore very difficult to understand or get to know বাংলা অর্থ: বোঝা অসম্ভব, impossible to understand or interpret, enigmatic, mysterious, unreadable, inexplicable Root: Synonym: Impassive (not having or not showing physical feeling or emotion), Inscrutable (not able to be scrutinized, mysterious), Stolid (showing little emotion), enigmatic, mysterious, unreadable, inexplicable, cryptic , cryptical , deep , mysterious , mystifying Abstruse: Inscrutable:বোঝা অসম্ভব, impossible to understand or interpret, enigmatic, mysterious, unreadable, inexplicable vs Unscrupulous: বিবেকবর্জিত, অবিবেকী, ন্যায়-অন্যায় বিচারহীন vs Scrupulous:বিবেকী, খুঁতখুঁতে, সতর্ক, দ্বিধাগ্রস্ত, যথাযথ vs Scurrilous:অশ্লীল কৌতুকপূর্ণ Mnemonics IN(not)+SCRUTINY(critical observation or examination)....a thing that cannot be examined or understood is inscrutable..... adjective: not easily understood; unfathomable

Squelch [skwelch]

Examples: 1. He got out of the car and squelched (sound) through the mud to open the gate. 2. A spokeswoman at the White House has squelched (stop) rumors about the president's ill health. 3. The senator thoroughly squelched (silence) the journalist who tried to interrupt him during his speech. Meaning: verb: 1. to make a sucking sound like the one produced when you are walking on soft, wet ground 2. to quickly end something that is causing you problems; us to silence someone by criticizing them: বাংলা অর্থ: পচ পচ শব্দ করে হাটা; দমন করা Root: Synonym: Crush, squash; suppress or silence; walk through ooze or in wet shoes, making a smacking or sucking sound, quell , quench Abstruse: Squalid: দারিদ্র্যপীড়িত, নোংরা vs Squander: অপচয় vs Squelch:পচ পচ শব্দ করে হাটা; দমন করা vs quench:থামান, বন্ধ করা, শীতল করা, তৃপ্ত করা Mnemonics Very close to 'Squeeze' in both spelling and meaning.

Stint [stint]

Examples: 1. He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service. 2. Don't stint yourself - take another slice of cake. Meaning: noun: a person's fixed or allotted period of work. verb: supply an ungenerous or inadequate amount of (something) বাংলা অর্থ: একজন ব্যক্তির নির্দিষ্ট কাজ, অপর্যাপ্ত পরিমাণ সরবরাহ Root: Synonym: Abstruse: Stingy:কৃপণস্বভাব, vs Stint: একজন ব্যক্তির নির্দিষ্ট কাজ, অপর্যাপ্ত পরিমাণ সরবরাহ Mnemonics 1. STUNT means to LIMIT growth. STINT means to LIMIT supply.

Stratagem [strat-uh-juh m]

Examples: 1. He was a master of stratagem. 2. Her stratagem for dealing with her husband's infidelities ( having extramarital sex) was to ignore them. Meaning: noun: a carefully planned way of achieving or dealing with something, often involving a trick: বাংলা অর্থ: কৌশল Root: Synonym: plan, scheme, tactic, maneuver, ploy, device, trick, ruse, plot, machination, dodge, Mnemonics 1. strategy to deceive some one 2. STRATEGY+GEM(costly stone like diamond) order to steal gems, thieves had strategy for gems i.e stratagem....

Stolid [stol-id]

Examples: 1. He's a very stolid, serious man. 2. Elephants may appear stolid to casual observers, but they actually have passionate emotional lives. Meaning: adj: (of a person) calm and not showing emotion or excitement, or (of a thing) not interesting or attractive: বাংলা অর্থ: অবিচলিত Root: Synonym: : impassive, phlegmatic, unemotional, cool, calm, placid, dull; impassive Abstruse: Stoic: নির্বিকার vs Stolid: অবিচলিত Mnemonics stone like It becomes 'T' SOLID. So someone very SOLID against 'T'(ears) or emo'T'ions.

Quisling [kwiz-ling]

Examples: 1. He's undermined our ability to stand up - we'll just be seen as potential traitors and quislings . 2. History looks unfavorably upon quislings; indeed they are accorded about the same fondness as Nero—he who watched his city burn down while playing the violin. Meaning: verb: a person who helps an enemy that has taken control of his or her country বাংলা অর্থ: প্রতারক, বিভীষণ, স্বদেশদ্রোহী Root: Synonym: collaborator, colluder, sympathizer, traitor, turncoat, backstabber, double-crosser Abstruse: Quisling: প্রতারক, বিভীষণ, স্বদেশদ্রোহী vs Quixotic: বাস্তবজ্ঞানহীন Mnemonics split like QUIT+LINK means a culprit quits and collaborate (link)with enemy

Turpitude [tur-pi-tood]

Examples: 1. His actions amounted to an act of moral turpitude . 2. During his reign, Caligula indulged in unspeakable sexual practices, so it not surprising that he will forever be remembered for his turpitude. Meaning: noun: a corrupt or depraved (চরিত্রহীন) or degenerate act or practice বাংলা অর্থ: অসচ্চরিত্রতা , লাম্পট্য, নীচতা Root: Synonym: depravity; wickedness,inherent vileness, foulness, Abstruse: Turpitude:অসচ্চরিত্রতা , লাম্পট্য, নীচতা vs Torpor:অক্রিয়তা, অসাড় vs Torrid: উষ্ণ, উষ্ণপ্রধান, তিগ্ম Mnemonics

Trenchant [tren-chuh nt]

Examples: 1. His most trenchant criticism is reserved for the party leader, whom he describes as "the most incompetent and ineffectual the party has known" 2. Jill presented a rather superficial treatment of sales in Asia, but her trenchant analysis of sales in Europe inspired a number of insights into how to proceed in that market.. Meaning: adj: severe, expressing strong criticism or forceful opinions: বাংলা অর্থ: তীক্ষ্ন, তীব্র, দৃঢ় সমালোচনা বা জোরালো মতামত প্রকাশ: Root: Synonym: incisive, penetrating, sharp, keen, insightful, acute, focused, shrewd, razor-sharp, Abstruse: penchant=টান, আসক্তি, প্রবণতা, ঝোঁক VS Trenchant=মর্মভেদী, তীক্ষ্ণ, কষ্টকর, তীব্র VS Enchant: পুলকিত, মোহিত করা VS Recant: পূর্বেকার ধারণা, মতামত পরিত্যাগ করা VS Chant: স্তব করা sing by a crowd Mnemonics


Examples: 1. I hope I won't be considered presumptuous if I offer some advice 2. Many felt that Barney was presumptuous in moving into the large office before the management even made any official announcement of his promotion Meaning: adj: A person shows little respect for others by doing things they have no right to do বাংলা অর্থ: বেয়াদব Root: Synonym: brazen, overconfident, arrogant, bold, audacious, forward, familiar, impertinent, Impudent Mnemonics Pre+assuming something means you are overly forward and thinking this way

Supplicate [suhp-li-keyt]

Examples: 1. I knew I could not go on supplicating for more. Meaning: verb: to ask for something in a humble way: বাংলা অর্থ: বিনীতভাবে কিছু চাওয়া, মিনতি বা সনির্বন্ধ আবেদন করা Root: Synonym: entreat, beg, plead with, implore, petition, appeal to, call on, urge, enjoin Abstruse: Supplant: পরিবর্তন করা VS Suppliant=মিনতিকর ( suppli means মিনতি) vs Supplicate: বিনীতভাবে কিছু চাওয়া Mnemonics if u SUPPLICATE Allah will SUPPLY

Precipitate [pri SIP uh tay]

Examples: 1. I must apologize for my staff—their actions were precipitate 2. Any silver ions present form a white precipitate (silver chloride). verb 3. the incident precipitated a political crisis Meaning: cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely. adj: done, made, or acting suddenly or without careful consideration. noun: a substance precipitated from a solution. বাংলা অর্থ: হুট্ করে কোনো হওয়া ( negative ) Root: Synonym: hasty, precipitous Abstruse: Percipient=বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী VS incipient=in an initial stage, প্রাথমিক পর্বের বা স্তরের VS Precipice= খাড়া ও উঁচু গিরিচূড়া, Extreme vs Precipitous: অত্যন্ত খাড়া; দুরারোহ; দুররোহ। vs Precipitation=বৃষ্টি, VS Precipitate=হুট্ করে কোনো হওয়া ( negative ) VS precipice=খাড়া ও উঁচু গিরিচূড়া Mnemonics Precipitate -> Pre + anticipate. That means you dont think/anticipate before you do something. You do it in RASH or HASTE.

Quandary [kwon-duh-ree]

Examples: 1. I've had two job offers, and I'm in a real quandary about/over which one to accept. 2. Steve certainly is in a quandary: if he doesn't call Elaine, she will blame him for everything, but if he does call her, the evidence of where he currently is could cost him his job. Meaning: noun: a state of not being able to decide what to do about a situation in which you are involved, dilemma বাংলা অর্থ: মুশকিল, সঙ্কট Root: Synonym: predicament, plight, difficult situation, awkward situation, trouble, muddle, mess, confusion, difficulty, dilemma, mare's nest, sticky situation Mnemonics quantary relates to quantum physics,which is so complex that it leaves you in DILEMMA about the UNCERTAINITY of photon

Posit [poz-it]

Examples: 1. If we posit that wage rises cause inflation, it follows that we should try to minimize them 2.the professor posits Cohen in his second category of poets Meaning: noun: a statement that is made on the assumption that it will prove to be true. verb: put in position; place. বাংলা অর্থ: সত্য বলিয়া মানিয়া লত্তয়া, য্থাস্থানে রাখা Root: pos means put Synonym: Mnemonics Posit is short of positive, so we assume (posit) that something is true without being completely positive

Incense(v) [in SENS]

Examples: 1. Jeremy was incensed when I told him that even though he was stupid and loathsome, he would always be my best friend. 2. an incense burner/stick Meaning: 1. to make very angry 2. a substance that is burnt to produce a sweet smell, especially as part of a religious ceremony বাংলা অর্থ: ১। কাউকে রাগান্বিত করা। ২। ধূপ, ধূপধূনার গন্ধ, ধুনা Root: The Latin root of the word incense is incendere, meaning "to set on fire." Synonym: cense, exasperate, infuriate Mnemonics incense~>insensible... insensible people infuriate(incense) me

Ignominious(adj) [ig nuh MIN ee us]

Examples: 1. Lola's plagiarizing(লেখাচুরি) of Nabokov's work was an ignominious act that got her suspended from school for two days. 2.Since the politician preached ethics and morality, his texting of revealing photographs was ignominious, bringing shame on both himself and his party. Meaning: Low in character or purpose; dishonorable বাংলা অর্থ: কলঙ্কজনক, অপমানজনক, লজ্জাজনক, মানহানিকর, অসম্মানজনক, সুনামহানিকর Root: Synonym: humiliating, undignified, embarrassing, mortifying, ignoble, inglorious, disgraceful Abstruse: ignoble: not honorable in character or purpose. হীনজাত baseborn, lowborn, ignoble, mean, plebeian vs ignominious: কলঙ্কজনক, অপমানজনক, লজ্জাজনক, Mnemonics IGNORANT+MINUS(negative personality)....imagine your teacher is saying that you are an ignorant and negative person...what will happen?? will cause public disgrace and shame....

Unflappable [uhn-flap-uh-buh l]

Examples: 1. Malati, a sedate old female, was a placid soul, unflappable even in a crisis. 2. The house shook and the ground quaked, but my dad was unflappable and comforted the family. Meaning: adj: having or showing calmness in a crisis. বাংলা অর্থ: উদ্বেগহীন, অচঞ্চল, সংকটে অবিচলিত, অনুদ্বিগ্ন Root: Synonym: imperturbable, unexcitable, cool, calm, 'calm, cool, and collected', self-controlled Mnemonics a person who cannot FLAP in difficult situation is unflappable


Examples: 1. Many adults think that they can lie to children, but kids are smart and know when people are disingenuous. Meaning: Lacking genuine candor; insincere - বাংলা অর্থ: কৃত্রিম Root: Synonym: artful Abstruse: ingenuous=অকপট, ছলাকলাহীন comes from genuine VS ingenious=প্রতিভাসম্পন্নcomes from genius VS Disingenuous:কৃত্রিম VS Ingenuity: অকপটতা, উদ্ভাবনী দক্ষতা Mnemonics:


Examples: 1. Many plants use attractive fruits to disseminate their seeds—animals eat the fruit and excrete the seeds, allowing new plants to grow Meaning: to scatter widely, to spread, promulgate বাংলা অর্থ: প্রচার করা, বিকীর্ণ করা, প্রচারিত করা Root: sem means spread Synonym: Scatter, spread about, broadcast Synonyms : broadcast , circularise , circularize , circulate , diffuse , disperse , distribute , pass around , propagate , spread, disperse, diffuse, proclaim, promulgate, propagate, publicize Mnemonics: DIStribute by a SEMINAr


Examples: 1. Many readers find it tough to read Moby Dick since the author is discursive, often cutting the action short to spend 20 pages on the history of a whale. Meaning: (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point বাংলা অর্থ: অপ্রাসঙ্গিক, বুদ্ধিগত, তর্কদ্বারা লভ্য, এলোমেলো Root: Synonym: irrelevant, digressive , excursive , rambling Mnemonics

Piquant [pee-kuh nt]

Examples: 1. More piquant details of their private life were revealed. 2. a piquant mixture of spices Meaning: adj: interesting and exciting, having a pleasant sharp or spicy taste বাংলা অর্থ: তীব্র স্বাদযুক্ত, কৌতুহল উদ্দিপক Root: Synonym: spicy, intriguing, salty, engaging, zesty Abstruse: picayune: অল্প গুরুত্বের ব্যাপার vs piquant: তীব্র স্বাদযুক্ত, কৌতুহল উদ্দিপক vs peccadillo: Small sin or fault Mnemonics PI+QUANT Quant in GRE is more attracting and delighting than Verbal

Unfettered [uhn-fet-er]

Examples: 1. Poets are unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure. 2. his imagination is unfettered by the laws of logic Meaning: adj: not limited by rules or any other controlling influence: বাংলা অর্থ: বন্ধনমুক্ত, কারামুক্ত Root: Synonym: free, unrestrained ( free from jail ) Mnemonics U feel better(fetter) when u r not bound Mnemonic:

Inchoate(adj) [in-koh-it]

Examples: 1. She had a child's inchoate awareness of language. 2. an inchoate mass of ideas on the subject Meaning: only recently or partly formed, or not completely developed or clear, recently begun; rudimentary; elementary বাংলা অর্থ: সদ্য-আরদ্ধ , অনতিস্ফুত , অপরিণত , অসংহত , অনির্দিষ্টাকার Root: Synonym: tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) Mnemonics choate seems like "chote"..for example "chote bachche" means not fully grown up or in the initial stage of life.

Presentiment [pri-zen-tuh-muh nt]

Examples: 1. She had had a presentiment of what might lie ahead. 2. On the night that Lincoln would be fatally shot, his wife had a presentiment about going to Ford's Theater, but Lincoln persuaded her that everything would be fine. Meaning: noun: a feeling that something, especially something unpleasant, is going to happen, a feeling of evil to come বাংলা অর্থ: পূর্ব লক্ষণ, পূর্বাভাস Root: sent means to feel, to be aware Synonym: Omen, portent(লক্ষণ, পূর্বলক্ষণ), Presentiment(পূর্ব লক্ষণ, পূর্বাভাস), Augur(ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী), Prognostication(ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা বা পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া), foreboding(পূর্বলক্ষণ), intuition(স্বজ্ঞা, অনুভূতি) Abstruse: Conscience=বিবেক, ন্যায়পরতা VS Prescience=দূরদর্শিতা vs Presentiment:পূর্ব লক্ষণ, পূর্বাভাস Mnemonics sentiment means feeling or perceiving. presentiment means feeling before hand about the future.

Surmise [ser-mahyz]

Examples: The police surmise (that) the robbers have fled the country. Meaning: verb: to guess something, without having much or any proof: বাংলা অর্থ: অনুমান Root: Synonym: guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, infer, conclude, theorize, speculate Abstruse: surmise: অনুমান vs subsume: অন্তর্ভূত করা Mnemonics Mice can guess where the cheese is kept even though they do not know where exactly it is kept.

Qualm or Qualms [kwahm]

Examples: 1. She had no qualms about lying to the police. 2. While he could articulate no clear reason why Harkner's plan would fail, he neverless felt qualms about committing any resources to it. Meaning: noun: an uncomfortable feeling when you doubt if you are doing the right thing: বাংলা অর্থ: সংশয়, বিবেকের দংশন, Root: Synonym: misgivings, doubts, reservations, second thoughts, worries, concerns, anxiety, Abstruse: Quail: ভয়ে পিছাইয়া পড়া vs Qualm or Qualms:সংশয়, বিবেকের দংশন, Mnemonics

Profligate [PRAHF luh git]

Examples: 1. She is well-known for her profligate 2. The composer Wagner, while living on a limited salary, was so profligate as to line all the walls of his apartment with pure silk. noun: someone who spends resources recklessly or wastefullyspending habits. Meaning: adj: spending money in a way that wastes it and is not wise; Completely and shamelessly immoral, or extremely wasteful বাংলা অর্থ: উড়নচন্ডি ব্যক্তি , অসচ্চরিত্র বা লম্পট বা লক্ষ্মীছাড়া ব্যক্তি , Root: pro means much, for, a lot Synonym: thriftless, Prodigal(অমিতব্যয়ী), Profligate(লক্ষ্মীছাড়া), Spendthrift(অপব্যয়ী লোক, অমিতব্যয়ী লোক), recklessly wasteful, improvident(অবিচক্ষণ, বেহিসাব) Abstruse: Proliferate: প্রচুর সংখ্যায় স্বীয় বংশবৃদ্ধি করা ( here poli == poly for mnemonics ) vs Profligate: উড়নচন্ডি ব্যক্তি , অসচ্চরিত্র বা লম্পট বা লক্ষ্মীছাড়া ব্যক্তি , Mnemonics 1. Profligate= spend Profusely like bill Gates 2. split it like prof(professor)+li(lee)+g+ate(past f. of eat).. your Professor whose son Lee spent all of his father's money .. eating at all five stars hotels...what a wasteful use of your Professor's money....

Prodigious [pruh-dij-uh s]

Examples: 1. She wrote a truly prodigious number of novels. Meaning: adj: extremely great in ability, amount, or strength: বাংলা অর্থ: বিস্ময়কর , অস্বাভাবিক রকমর বিশালকায় , মস্ত বড় , দৈত্যাকার Root: Synonym: enormous, huge, colossal, immense, vast, great, massive, gigantic, mammoth, Abstruse: prodigal=অপচয়ী, অমিতব্যয়ী VS Prodigy/ Prodigious=বিষ্ময়কর, পরম বিষ্ময়কর ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু Mnemonics 1. The root PRO- means 'in favor of'.The root DIGI- (e.g., digit) refers to numbers or quantity. So, PRODIGIOUS refers to a favorable (or great) number. 2. pro+Dj=> professional DJ is extra ordinary

Prattle [prat-l]

Examples: 1. She'd have prattled on about her new job for the whole afternoon if I'd let her. 2. Stop your prattling and go to sleep! Meaning: verb:as like chatter Talk in an idle, simple-minded, meaningless, or foolish way; chatter, babble বাংলা অর্থ: বৃথা বাক্য, কিচিরমিচির করা, নিরর্থক কথা বলা, জল্পনা করা, বুলি আত্তড়ান, কপচান Root: Synonym: idle talk, prate, chin music Abstruse: chattel:অস্থাবর সম্পত্তি vs chatter:অনর্থক কথা বলা, কিচ্মিচ্ শব্দ করা, বৃথা কথা কহা, vs chortle: খলখল শব্দ vs prattle: কিচিরমিচির করা, নিরর্থক কথা বলা Mnemonics prattle- think of cattle, they walk around aimlessly, with no meaning. -meaning less.

Timorous ( 1600th ) [tim-er-uh s]

Examples: 1. Since this was her first time debating on stage and before an audience, Di's voice was timorous and quiet for the first 10 minutes 2. And he timorously puts up his hand and asks the drill sergeant when they get their rifles. Meaning: adj: showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence. বাংলা অর্থ: ভীরু, সশঙ্ক, সংশয়ী Root: Synonym: Minatory(ভয়প্রদর্শক), Macabre(ভীতিপূর্ণ), trepid(সোপান), pusillanimous(দুর্বলচিত্ত), recreant(উত্সবকারীগণ), timorous(ভীরু), timid(ভীতু), tremulous(ভীরু), trepidation(কাঁপুনি), tremor(শিহরন), baleful(বিপর্যয়কর), forbidding, threatening, ominous(অশুভ), sinister(অশুভ), inauspicious((অশুভ), Gruesome(ভয়ঙ্কর), lurid (উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ, রোমাঁচকর, বিকট , উৎকট , ভীতিপ্রদ ), menacing(ভয়প্রদর্শনকারী), Craven(নীচ, কাপুরূষ কাপুরুষ, ভীরু) Mnemonics Taimur was fear full for that reason he was timorous is now fearful.

Preempt [pree-empt]

Examples: 1. State laws preempted local governments from restricting newspaper displays. 2. One station preempted its Friday night schedule to televise the high school playoffs. Meaning: verb: 1. to prevent something from happening by taking action first: 2. If a broadcast is preempted, it is replaced by another, usually more important broadcast: বাংলা অর্থ: প্রথম পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণের মাধ্যমে কিছু ঘটতে বাধা দিতে অগ্রক্রয়াধিকারবলে কেনা বা পাওয়া Root: Synonym: leash ( শিকল ), forestall(প্রতিরোধ) , Impede(ব্যাহত করা), Deterrent(প্রতিবন্ধক), Trammel(প্রতিবন্ধক, মাছ ধরা জাল ,শিকল), Occlude(বন্ধ করিয়া দেত্তয়া, to obstruct or block), Preempt(to prevent something from happening by taking action first), balk Mnemonics 1. PRE+EMPTY = force to empty a place in order to occupy a prior right to buy. 2. PREEMPTIVE MEASURES :measures taken b4 sth gets worse or to prevent mishap

Hegemony(n) [hi-jem-uh-nee, hej-uh-moh-nee]

Examples: 1. The BRICS Bank looks, for all its founding rhetoric, like a platform for Chinese hegemony instead 2.The hegemony of a single member state is not incompatible with a genuine confederation Meaning: leadership or predominant influence exercised by one nation over others, as in a confederation. বাংলা অর্থ: কর্তৃত্ব, নেতৃত্ব Root: Synonym: authority, dominance, domination,leadership, lead, leading, command

Imbroglio(n) [im-brohl-yoh]

Examples: 1. The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio. 2.The chef cook-off featured one gourmand (পেটুক, খাইয়ে, অতিভোজী, ভোজনবিলাসী) who had the unfortunate distinction of mixing the wrong broths, creating an imbroglio that diners would not soon forget. Meaning: an unwanted, difficult, and confusing situation, full of trouble and problems: বাংলা অর্থ: জট, জটিল অবস্থা, বিশৃঙ্খলা, ঝগড়া, ঝগড়াঝাঁটি, বিবাদ Root: Synonym: complicated situation, complication, problem, difficulty, predicament, trouble, confusion, quandary, entanglement, muddle, mess, quagmire, morass, sticky situation, bind, jam, pickle, fix, corner, hole, scrape Abstruse: Imbroglio:জট, জটিল অবস্থা, বিশৃঙ্খলা, ঝগড়া, ঝগড়াঝাঁটি, বিবাদ vs Embroiled:কলহলিপ্ত করান, বিজড়িত করা, ঝামেলায় জড়ান vs Embryonic:আদিম, প্রাথমিক, ভ্রুণ সংক্রান্ত, বিকশিত হয় নাই এমন vs Embargo=নিষেধাজ্ঞা Mnemonics broglie ... equation is very complicated to understand 2.IM+brog(=frog)+lio(=lion). Suppose in a play, you have to choose between characters of frog and lion, you will be in a complicated situation.

Steadfast [STED fast]

Examples: 1. The group remained steadfast in its support for the new system, even when it was criticized in the newspapers. 2. A good captain needs to be steadfast, continuing to hold the wheel and stay the course even during the most violent storm. Meaning: adj: staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly: বাংলা অর্থ: একনিষ্ঠ, অবিচলিত Root: Synonym: loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, true, Mnemonics steadfast~stood + first ; One who has always STOOD with you and is the FIRST one to help you is a LOYAL friend. Another meaning - Always STEADY so unswerving

Incumbent(n/adj) [in-kuhm-buh nt]

Examples: 1. The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took 2. it is incumbent on all decent people to concentrate on destroying this eviloffice. Meaning: 1. the holder of an office or post.(n) 2. necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility (adj) বাংলা অর্থ: আরোপিত, অবশ্যপালনীয় Root: Synonym: Mnemonics INCUM + BENT = OFFICIALS are BENT on(determined) to bring an INCUM home, as it is NECESSARY to survive

Hobble(v) [hob-uh l]

Examples: 1. The last time I saw Rachel she was hobbling around with a stick 2. Bad weather has hobbled rescue efforts, making it difficult for crews to find bodies in the wreckage. Meaning: to walk in an awkward way, usually because the feet or legs are injured. বাংলা অর্থ: প্রতিবন্ধক, খোঁড়াইয়া খোঁড়াইয়া বা জবুথবুভাবে চলা, Root: Synonym: fetter Mnemonics

Imminent(adj) [IM uh nunt]

Examples: 1. The pink glow in the east made it clear that sunrise was imminent 2. Patrice had a strange feeling that disaster was imminent, then the jumbo jet crashed into her garage Meaning: just about to happen বাংলা অর্থ: আসন্ন Synonym: close (at hand), near, (fast) approaching, coming, forthcoming Mnemonics imminent sounds similar to immediate. so imminent means about to occur immediately.

Illicit(adj) [i LIS it]

Examples: 1. The police interviewed hundreds of witnesses, trying to elicit(প্রকাশ করা) clues that might help them stop an illicit business. 2. Though Al Capone was engaged in many illicit activities, he was finally arrested for income tax evasion, a relatively minor offense. Meaning: illegal or disapproved of by society বাংলা অর্থ: অবৈধ, নিষিদ্ধ, বেআইনী, বিধিবিরুদ্ধ Root: Synonym: illegitimate , outlaw , outlawed , unlawful Abstruse: Elicit: টানিয়া বাহির করা , প্রকাশ করা vs Illicit: বৈধ, নিষিদ্ধ, বেআইনী, বিধিবিরুদ্ধ vs Explicit:স্পষ্ট, পরিষ্কারভাবে বর্ণিত, সুব্যক্ত, স্পষ্টভাষিত, স্ফুট, কবুল vs implicit:অন্তর্নিহিত vs implicate:একত্র জড়ান, অর্থপ্রকাশ করা , কোন খারাপ কাজে সংশ্লিষ্ট করা Mnemonics

Portentous [pawr-ten-tuh s]

Examples: 1. The problem with the book is that it sometimes descends into portentous philosophizing. 2. The report contains numerous portentous references to a future environmental calamity. Meaning: adj: 1. too serious and trying to be very important 2. Portentous events, statements, or signs are important because they show that something unpleasant is very likely to happen, ominously prophetic (ভবিষ্যদ্বাণীপূর্ণ) বাংলা অর্থ: ১। খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হতে চেষ্টা: ২। পরম, পূর্বলক্ষণমূলক, পূর্বলক্ষণসূচক, অস্বাভাবিক, Root: Synonym: Omen, portent(লক্ষণ, পূর্বলক্ষণ), Presentiment(পূর্ব লক্ষণ, পূর্বাভাস), Augur(ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী), Prognostication(ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা বা পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া), foreboding(পূর্বলক্ষণ) Abstruse: pretense=ভন্ডামি, pretend Pretentious:ভণ্ডামীপূর্ণ, অতি দাম্ভিক VS portent=লক্ষণ, পূর্বলক্ষণ Portentous: ভবিষ্যদ্বাণীপূর্ণ Mnemonics ১। কোন কিছুকে ইম্পর্ট্যান্ট করে দেখা যদিও সেটা তা না ২। যাদের potential আছে ভবিষ্যত দেখার তারাই portentous

Stratum [strey-tuh m]

Examples: 1. The report shows that drugs have penetrated every stratum of American society. Meaning: noun: 1. a level or class to which people are assigned according to their social status, education, or income 2. One of many layers (such as in a rock formation or in the classes of a society) বাংলা অর্থ: স্তর Root: Synonym: level, class, echelon, rank, grade, group, set, caste, station, Mnemonics Stratum ~ stratosphere : A layer of earth !

Haughty(adj) [haw-tee]

Examples: 1. The soccer forward felt pretty haughty when she scored the goal despite it being an accidental shot. Meaning: Having or showing too much pride in oneself and scorn(অবজ্ঞা) for others, disdainfully proud বাংলা অর্থ: উদ্ধত, গর্বিত, অহংকারী, ধৃষ্ট, অবিনয়ী, অবিনীত Root: aughty-haughtier-haughtiest Synonym: Vaunt(বড়াই), Flaunt(বাতাসে দোলা), Ostentatious(জাঁক করে এমন), Overweening(দাম্ভিক), Hubris(ঔদ্ধত্য), Pretentious(দাম্ভিক), pompous(জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ, আত্মম্ভরী, গুলজার), Haughty(উদ্ধত, গর্বিত), Imperious(জবরদস্ত , মেজাজি , দাম্ভিক), Supercilious(নিজেকে সবার থেকে সেরা ভাবা)

Sublime [suh-blahym]

Examples: 1. The soup at the restaurant was sublime. I've never tasted anything so good. 2. They're sublime in their beauty, like four matching pitchers of cream, visions of fluid, bobbing grace. Meaning: adj: awesome; extremely exalted; lofty; ma jes tic বাংলা অর্থ: মহিমান্বিত, সর্বোচ্চ Root: Synonym: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা),acclaimed (প্রশংসিত) acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) Mnemonics Lime juice makes us feel joy exalted

Ponderous ( 1250th ) [pon-der-uh s]

Examples: 1. The wedding cake was a ponderous blob of icing and jelly beans. 2. He had a slow and ponderous manner. 3. Laden with 20 kilograms of college text books, the freshman moved ponderously across the campus. Meaning: adj: so large as to be clumsy; massive; dull , slow and awkward because of being very heavy or large: বাংলা অর্থ: ভারী, ত্তজনদার Root: Synonym: clumsy, heavy, awkward, lumbering, slow, cumbersome, ungainly, Abstruse: ponderous=ভারী, শক্ত, মুশকিল VS Ponder=চিন্তা করা, ভাবিয়া দেখা, ওজন করা, বিবেচনা করা vs Imponderable:ভারহীন, অনির্ণেয়, অতিলঘু Mnemonics 1. POUND is a unit of weight , we often calculate weight in pounds! 1 Pound = 480 grams 2. আম্মুর নানা বাড়িতে Ponderous pond পুকুর আছে

Thrifty [thrif-tee]

Examples: 1. They have plenty of money now, but they still tend to be thrifty. 2. He was economical, spending his money thriftily and on items considered essential. Meaning: adj: showing a careful use of money, especially by avoiding waste: বাংলা অর্থ: মিতব্যয়ী Root: Synonym: Parsimony(কার্পণ্য), Thrift(মিতব্যয়িতা), penurious( অত্যল্প, অনুদার, ব্যয়কুণ্ঠ), Stingy(কৃপণস্বভাব), Frugal(মিতব্যয়ী), Miser, niggardly, close-fisted, stinting( কৃপণতা করা, থামান, অভাবে রাখা), sparing (মিতব্যয়ী), economical , prudent Mnemonics Thrifty and Safety go hand in hand. It is for our own safety to be thrifty (to use resources thoughtfully).

Immaterial (adj)(800th ) [im-uh-teer-ee-uh l]

Examples: 1. Whether the book is well or badly written is immaterial (to me) - it has an important message. 2.The judge found the defendant's comments immaterial to the trial, and summarily dismissed him from the witness stand. Meaning: not important, or not relating to the subject you are thinking about বাংলা অর্থ: গুরুত্বহীন Root: material( প্রাসঙ্গিক,উপাদান) Synonym: extraneous , impertinent , orthogonal, incorporeal Mnemonic im(means Not) + material - Not Having Material


Examples: 1. Will she take umbrage if she isn't invited to the wedding? 2. Since he was so in love with her, he took umbrage at her comments, even though she had only meant to gently tease him. Meaning: noun: a feeling of anger caused by being offended, to feel upset or annoyed, usually because you feel that someone has been rude or shown no respect to you: বাংলা অর্থ: অপমানবোধ, ক্ষতিবোধ Root: umbr means shadow Synonym: deleterious(ক্ষতিকর), noxious(বিনাশসাধক), detrimental(ক্ষতিকারক), excrable, Umbrage(অপমানবোধ, ক্ষতিবোধ ), Undermine(গোপনে ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Virulent(অত্যন্ত ক্ষতিকর, অতীব প্রবল, অত্যন্ত বিধপূর্ণ, অতীব তীব্র), Derogative(ক্ষতিকর),Fulsome(গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর), Impair(দুর্বল করা,ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Inimical(ক্ষতিকর, শত্রুভাবাপন্ন), nocuous (ক্ষতিকর), Mar(নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা) , Noisome(ক্ষতিকর, কুদর্শন, ক্ষতিকারক), prejudicial(অনিষ্টকর) Abstruse: adumbrate: অস্পষ্ট আভাস দেত্তয়া vs umbrage:অপমানবোধ, ক্ষতিবোধ Mnemonics 1. notice the last 4 letters...RAGE.And then umbrella =shade, rage=anger and resentment. 2. umbrage == angrez ..who ruled India subcontinent for a 100 years were very insulting to us.

Prologue [proh-lawg]

Examples: 1. With cold indifference, Mark knew it was only a prologue to what was to come later. 2. The brief prologue to Love is a Treasure shows a veterinarian caring for a badly injured guinea pig. Meaning: noun: Introductory part to a book, play, etc. বাংলা অর্থ: প্রস্তাবনা, ঐকতান-গায়কদলের রঙ্গমঞ্চে প্রবেশের পূর্ববর্তী অংশ , প্রস্তাবনা , মুখবন্ধ , প্রারম্ভিক পরিচয় দেওয়া Root: log means word or speech Synonym: introduction, foreword, preface, preamble, prelude, intro, lead-in, exordium, proem, prolegomenon Mnemonics The first Dialogue of a play is always the Prologue


Examples: 1. Your shoplifting arrest has disparaged this family. Meaning: Belittle, put down; bring shame upon, discredit বাংলা অর্থ: সম্মানহানি করা Root: rage means violent and uncontrollable it can destroy The root "par" means "equal" and appears in peer and parity, meaning "equivalence or equality," as well as disparate, meaning "distinct, different." Synonym: Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া) Abstruse: Disparage: সম্মানহানি করা vs Disparate: অসম, বিসদৃশ, distinct Mnemonics

Puissance [pyoo-uh-suh ns]

Examples: 1. a King of high degree, a lord of power and puissance 2. Over the years of service, and quite to his surprise, he became a puissant advisor to the community. 3. David McPherson on Sheerwater Baghera won the Puissance, the only one of three finalists to clear a 6ft 9in wall. Meaning: noun: 1. great strength, power, or influence: 2. a competition in the sport of showjumping that tests how high horses can jump over special fences or walls: বাংলা অর্থ: প্রভাবশালী; ঘোড়ার লাফ প্রতিযোগীতা Root: Synonym: Power, might, power to influence or coerce Mnemonics to satisfy the pussy.... u need to be powerful...haha... no hard feelings

Hedge(n/v) [hej]

Examples: 1. a garden hedged with yews 2. experts usually hedge their predictions, just in case 3. the company hedged its investment position on the futures market Meaning: 1. a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, especially when forming a fence or boundary, any barrier or boundary 2. limit or qualify (something) by conditions or exceptions 3. protect oneself against loss on (a bet or investment) by making balancing or compensating transactions." বাংলা অর্থ: প্রতিবন্ধক, নিরাপত্তার ব্যবস্থা, রক্ষা করা Root: Synonym: surround, enclose, confine, restrict, limit, safeguard, protect, shield, guard. Mnemonics: hedge impede

Pervasive [per-vey-siv]

Examples: 1. a pervasive smell of diesel 2. The influence of Freud is pervasive in her books. Meaning: adj: spreading or spread throughout বাংলা অর্থ: অনুপ্রবেশপ্রবণ. পরিব্যাপক, অনুপ্রবেশপ্রবণ, ব্যাপ্তিশিীল Root: Synonym: Pervious(প্রবেশ্য), pregnable(জেয়, ভেদ্য, ভেদনীয়,), Pervasive(পরিব্যাপক), Pervade(খচিত করা), vulnerable(জেয়, ভেদ্য, ভেদনীয়, সমালোচনার যোগ্য), penetrable(প্রবেশ্য), permeable, ubiquitous, omnipresent, universal, Mnemonics something that pervade is pervasive

Plodding [plod]

Examples: 1. a plodding comedy drama 2. We plodded through the mud. 3. Charlie may seem to run at a plodding pace, but he is an ultra marathoner, meaning he runs distances of up to 100 miles, and can run for ten hours at a stretch. Meaning: adj: slow-moving and unexciting. verb: walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps. বাংলা অর্থ: ভারী পদক্ষেপ সঙ্গে ধীরে ধীরে এবং ধীরে ধীরে হেঁটে, শ্রমশীল Root: Synonym: trudge, walk heavily, clump, stomp, tramp, tromp, lumber, slog, leaden Abstruse: plod=কষ্টসহকারে থপথপ করিয়া চলা, Walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps VS Ploy=এমন কিছু যা একটি সুবিধা পাওয়ার জন্য করা হয় বা বলা হয়, প্রায়শই অসাধুভাবে,সেবা, চাকরি। Mnemonics think of PLOTTING which moves slowly

Precedent [PRES uh dunt]

Examples: 1. a precedent case 2. there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training Meaning: adj: preceding in time, order, or importance. noun: an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances; an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time বাংলা অর্থ: পূর্ববর্তী বস্তু বা বিষয়, উদাহরণ, নজির Root: precede means to come before root cede means go. precedent-"before + go"= earlier example. Cessation-end of an action. Synonym: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior instance/example Abstruse: precedent= পূর্ববর্তী বস্তু বা বিষয়, উদাহরণ, নিদর্শন an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances; vs Unprecedented: অভূতপূর্ব, never having happened or existed in the past: VS antecedent= পূর্বগামী,অগ্রদূত Mnemonics precedent == pre(before)+ cedent(incedent), an incident happened before which will decide the following incedent.

Precipitous [pri-sip-i-tuh s]

Examples: 1. a precipitous mountain path 2. Over the past 18 months, there has been a precipitous fall in car sales Meaning: adj: 1. steep 2. If a reduction or increase is precipitous, it is fast or great: বাংলা অর্থ: অত্যন্ত খাড়া; দুরারোহ; দুররোহ। Root: Synonym: sheer, perpendicular, abrupt, sharp, vertical Abstruse: Precipitous: অত্যন্ত খাড়া; দুরারোহ; দুররোহ। vs Precipitation=বৃষ্টি, VS Precipitate=হুট্ করে কোনো হওয়া ( negative ) VS precipice=খাড়া ও উঁচু গিরিচূড়া Mnemonics

Raft [raft, rahft]

Examples: As kids, we were always on the water in canoes or rowboats or homemade rafts . a raft of government initiatives Meaning: noun: a fixed, flat floating structure that swimmers can use to land on or dive from, a large amount of something. বাংলা অর্থ: ভেলা, কিছু একটা বড় পরিমাণে. Root: Synonym: Abstruse: Raft:ভেলা, কিছু একটা বড় পরিমাণে. vs Rife:প্রচুর পরিমাণ , বহুসংখ্যক vs Rift:ফুটা, চিড়, ফাট vs Rile: annoy, bother Mnemonics

Imperious(adj) [im-peer-ee-uh s]

Examples: 1. an imperious manner/voice 2. She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand. Meaning: unpleasantly proud and expecting to be obeyed, having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy বাংলা অর্থ: জাঁদরেল , জবরদস্ত , মেজাজি , দাম্ভিক , অতিমাত্রায় কর্তৃত্বপরায়ণ Root: Synonym: Vaunt(বড়াই), Flaunt(বাতাসে দোলা), Ostentatious(জাঁক করে এমন), Overweening(দাম্ভিক), Hubris(ঔদ্ধত্য), Pretentious(দাম্ভিক), pompous(জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ, আত্মম্ভরী, গুলজার), Haughty(উদ্ধত, গর্বিত), Imperious(জবরদস্ত , মেজাজি , দাম্ভিক), Supercilious(নিজেকে সবার থেকে সেরা ভাবা) Abstruse: empirical= practical VS imperial=সাম্রাজ্য-সংক্রান্ত vs imperious:জাঁদরেল,দাম্ভিক , vs impertinent:অপ্রাসঙ্গিক vs Imperil: বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা ( peril means danger) vs Impermeable:অপ্রবেশ্য vs Impervious: অভেদ্য অপ্রবেশ্য vs Imperturbable: স্থির, শান্ত ( perturb means disturb/not quiet ) Mnemonics imperial(emperor) imperial army wil be alway have "ghamand" so they aare arrogant,overpower

Implacable(adj) [im-plak-uh-buh l]

Examples: 1. an implacable enemy 2. implacable hostility Meaning: unable to be placated(নির্দয়), used to describe (someone who has) strong opinions or feelings that are impossible to change: বাংলা অর্থ: নির্দয়,নির্মম,ক্ষমাহীন Root: plac means please Synonym: unappeasable, unforgiving, unsparing, inexorable, intransigent, inflexible Mnemonics 1. Sounds like IMPLEASABLE -- some one who cannot be pleased or appeased -- not pacifiable 2. IM(Not) + PLAC(Place) + ABLE = You will not a place in her heart

Uncanny [uhn-kan-ee]

Examples: 1. an uncanny feeling that she was being watched 2. Reggie has an uncanny ability to connect with animals: feral cats will readily approach him, and sometimes even wild birds will land on his finger Meaning: adj: strange or mysterious; difficult or impossible to explain: বাংলা অর্থ: ভুতুড়ে, অস্বাভাবিক, অলৌকিক ধরনের, রহস্যময় Root: canny: মিতব্যয়ী, চতুর, সাবধান Synonym: eerie, unnatural, unearthly, preternatural, supernatural, otherworldly, ghostly Mnemonics un + cann(CAN'T).....something which you CAN'T understand and explain, is always mysterious to you.

ILk(n) [ilk]

Examples: 1. he and all his ilk. 2. the veiled suggestions that reporters of his ilk seem to be so good at Meaning: a particular type, family, class, or kind, a type of people or things similar to those already referred to বাংলা অর্থ: একই ধরণের বা গোত্রের বা রকমের Root: Synonym: type, sort, class, category, group, set Abstruse: irk=ক্লান্ত করে তোলা, বিরক্তি উতপাদন করা VS ilk=মত,একই ধরণের বা গোত্রের বা রকমের vs ire: ক্রোধ VS inkling=আভাস, সামান্য ধারনা Mnemonics Ilk can be re arranged as 'lik'.. shortform of like..

Unctuous [uhngk-choo-uh s]

Examples: 1. he seemed anxious to please but not in an unctuous way Meaning: adj: (of a person) excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily. বাংলা অর্থ: তোষামদ Root: Synonym: toady(পা চাটা), fawn(তোষামোদী, খোশামুদে), kowtow(সাষ্টাঙ্গ প্রণাম), obsequious(চাটুকার), adulator(চাটুকার), sycophant(চাটুকার, চামচা), blandishment(চাটুবাক্য), ingratiate(অনুগ্রহ ভাজন করান), unctuous(তেলা), minion(চাটুকার), bootlicker(খয়েরখাঁ), slavish(দাসসুলভ), grovel(পদলেহন) Mnemonics Un + cute = not cute so that is oily

Petulant [PECH uh lunt]

Examples: 1. he was moody and petulant 2. The petulant waiter slammed down our water glasses and spilled a tureen of soup onto Roger's kilt. Meaning: adj: rude; cranky; ill-tempered ; easily irritated or annoyed বাংলা অর্থ: বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে, ক্রোধপূর্ণ Root: Synonym: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Mnemonics পেটুক রা খাবার না পেলে খিটখিটে, রাগি হয়ে যায়

Spearhead [speer-hed]

Examples: 1. he's spearheading a campaign to reduce the number of accidents at work 2. Soon it was literally raining spearheads on the assassin. Meaning: verb: lead (an attack or movement). noun: the point of a spear. বাংলা অর্থ: নেতৃত্ব দেওয়া(একটি আক্রমণ বা আন্দোলন), বর্শার মাথা Root: Synonym: lead, head, front, lead the way, be in the van, be in the vanguard, spear tip, spear point Mnemonics

Hedonism(n) [heed-n-iz-uh m]

Examples: 1. hedonism is often practiced by people who go to parties every weekend without fail. Meaning: the pursuit of pleasure; living and behaving in ways that mean you get as much pleasure out of life as possible, according to the belief that the most important thing in life is to enjoy yourself বাংলা অর্থ: আনন্দবাদ, ভোগসুখ বা আনন্দই শ্রেয়ঃ বিধান Root: Synonym: self-indulgence, pleasure-seeking, extravagance, luxury, high living Mnemonic hedonist: Person devoted to pleasure hey..don... is.. hedonist...don enjoys all the pleasures of life so he believes in pleasure as the aim of life

Incisive(adj) [in-sahy-siv]

Examples: 1. incisive questions/comments 2. she was an incisive critic 3. The lawyer had an incisive mind, able in a flash to dissect a hopelessly tangled issue and isolate the essential laws at play. Meaning: 1. expressing an idea or opinion in a clear and direct way that shows good understanding of what is important, (of a person or mental process) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking. 2. penetrating; cutting; biting; trenchant: বাংলা অর্থ: বুদ্ধিমান বিশ্লেষণাত্মক এবং পরিষ্কার চিন্তা, ছেদন, কর্তন, Root: root cis means cut. Incisive-"into + cut"= cutting to the heart of a matter, direct. Synonym: : penetrating, acute, sharp, sharp-witted, razor-sharp Mnemonics incisive can be correlated with our incisor teeth. which is very sharp both in human and animal, and they use it to cut food thus incisive= incisor= cutting

Predisposed [pree-di-spohz]

Examples: 1. lack of exercise may predispose an individual to high blood pressure 2. The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis. Meaning: verb: make someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition বাংলা অর্থ: যেটা মানুষকে নির্দিষ্ট কোণ কিছুর দিকে ঠেলে দেয় Root: Synonym: inclined, prepared, ready, of a mind, disposed, minded, willing; make susceptible, Mnemonics

Porous [pawr-uh s]

Examples: 1. porous soil with good drainage 2. The border in this region is porous and many refugees have simply walked across. Meaning: adj: Something that is porous has many small holes, so liquid or air can pass through, especially slowly; not protected enough to stop people going through বাংলা অর্থ: ঝাঁঝর, সচ্ছিদ্র Root: pore/pores means ছিদ্র Synonym: permeable, penetrable, pervious, cellular, holey, absorbent, absorptive, spongy Mnemonics pour-(porous)sounds like pour, so to pour we need a hole

Spurious [spyoo r-ee-uh s]

Examples: 1. separating authentic and spurious claims 2. Some of the arguments in favour of shutting the factory are questionable and others downright (একেবারে) spurious. Meaning: aadj: false; fake বাংলা অর্থ: কৃত্রিম, ভেজাল, মিথ্যা, ঝুটা, জাল-করা, ভান-করা Root: Synonym: bogus, fake, false, counterfeit, forged, fraudulent, sham, artificial, imitation, Mnemonics s-PURE+ious...pure means true...spurious means the opposite of it..which is FALSE,CONTERFEIT

Prostrate [pros-treyt]

Examples: 1. she prostrated herself on the bare floor of the church 2. she was prostrated by a migraine that she could scarcely get up the stairs Meaning: adj: 1. lying with the face down and arms stretched out, especially as a sign of respect or worship 2. having lost all strength or all determination because of an illness or an extremely bad experience বাংলা অর্থ: মাথা নিচু করে কাউকে শ্রদ্ধা বা পুজার জন্য শুয়ে পরা; সব শক্তি বা আশা হারিয়ে বা অসুস্থ হয়ে পরা, শায়িত ,অসহায় হইয়া পড়িয়াছে এমন , ধরাশায়ী Root: Synonym: venerate(শ্রদ্ধা করা), kudos(খ্যাতি,শ্রদ্ধা), reverent(সশ্রদ্ধ), august(মহিমান্বিত), deference(সশ্রদ্ধ বাধ্যতা), Deferential:শ্রদ্ধাবনত, Homage(আনুগত্য-স্বীকার,সম্মান), Prostrate(মাথা নিচু করে কাউকে শ্রদ্ধা বা পুজার জন্য শুয়ে পরা) respect, honor, Mnemonics 1. pro+strate...lay straight on the ground If prostrate glands are removed, male will be enervated. just to remember

Tarnish [tahr-nish]

Examples: 1. silver tarnishes too easily 2. By this time a series of scandals had severely tarnished the candidate's image/reputation. Meaning: verb: 1. to make or (especially of metal) become less bright or a different colour 2. to make people think that someone or something is less good: বাংলা অর্থ: মরিচা, ম্লান করা, কলঙ্কিত করা Root: Synonym: Defame(নিন্দা করা, মানহানি করা, কুত্সা করা) (attack the reputation of), Belittle (put down,) disparage(অবজ্ঞা করা সম্মানহানি করা, তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা), abase,Make dirty, defile,to soil, stain; taint Denigrate (belittle, attack the reputation of) Besmirch(কলঙ্কিত করা, মলিন করা, বিবর্ণ করা, নোংরা করা ) Sully(নোংরা করা, নোংরা হত্তয়া) Tarnish(কলঙ্কিত করা, মরিচা ধরা, ম্লান করা মলিন করা, অনুজ্জ্বল করা, নিষ্প্রভ হওয়া)blacken Mnemonics opposite of barnish ( burnish )

Imbue(v) [im-byoo]

Examples: 1. the entire performance was imbued with sparkle (ঝিকিমিকি) and elan(প্রাণবন্ততা) 2. Her poetry was imbued with a love of the outdoors. Meaning: to fill something or someone with a quality or feeling, to impregnate or inspire, as with feelings, opinions বাংলা অর্থ: অনুপ্রাণিত করা, আদ্র করা , রঞ্জিত করা , Root: Synonym: permeate, diffuse, hue, soak Abstruse: imbibe: absorb, হজম করা, পান করা, শুষিয়া লত্তয়া, শোষণ করা vs imbue: অনুপ্রাণিত করা, আদ্র করা , রঞ্জিত করা Mnemonics 1. very close to imbibe. imbibe means to drink. imbue means drink so thoroughly that you soak everything. 2. imbue i m b(l)ue (color of water)= so in cartoon when some 1 soaked you in water u become blue and u say I M Blue

Proselytize [PRAHS uh luh tyze]

Examples: 1. the program did have a tremendous evangelical (ধর্মপ্রচারক, যীশুর বাণী বা সুসমাচার-সংক্রান্ত) effect, proselytizing many 2. Lisa loves her Mac but says little about it; by contrast, Jake will proselytize, interrogating anyone with an Android about why she didn't purchase an iPhone. Meaning: verb: to try to persuade someone to change their religious or political beliefs or way of living to your own: বাংলা অর্থ: ধর্মান্তরিত করা Root: Synonym: Mnemonics 1. relate it to hypnotize....changing someones religion by telling them prose(epics)and hypnotizing 2.pros+sel+ytizeâ€" PROStitutes CONVERT THEIR RELIGION into SELing their body

Tenet [ten-it]

Examples: 1. the tenets of classical liberalism. 2. It is a tenet of contemporary psychology that an individual's mental health is supported by having good social networks. Meaning: noun: a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy. বাংলা অর্থ: তত্ত্ব বা বিশ্বাস Root: ten means to hold Synonym: axiom, dogma,tenet,principle, doctrine, precept, , belief, creed, credo, article of faith, Abstruse: Tenable: ধরিয়া রাখা যায় এমন, রক্ষা করা যায় এমন, নির্দিষ্ট মেয়াদবিশিষ্ট vs Tenacious:সংসক্ত, কঠিন, অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা vs Tenacity:জিদ, সংসক্তি vs Tendentious: বিতর্কিত বিষয়ের প্রতি আগ্রহ বা সমর্থন vs Tenet: তত্ত্ব বা বিশ্বাস,axiom, dogma, precept vs Tenuous: পাতলা, অতি সূক্ষ্ম , কৃশ Mnemonics teen + net. teen should not be allowed to sit in interNET for long time. this is the common PRINCIPLE or DOGMA among parents

Standing (stan-ding)

Examples: 1. their standing in the community 2. You know you have a standing invitation to come and stay anytime you're in town. Meaning: noun: position, status, or reputation. adj: permanent, rather than formed or created when necessary: বাংলা অর্থ: স্থায়ী, সামাজিক মর্যাদা Root: Synonym: status, rank, ranking, position, reputation, estimation, stature, station Mnemonics we often say standing committee Status, rank, reputation (noun); existing indefinitely, not movable (adj) খাড়া, ঠাড়, ঢালাও

Impair(v) [im-pair]

Examples: 1.A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament. 2.drug use that impairs job performance Meaning: to spoil something or make it weaker so that it is less effective বাংলা অর্থ: দুর্বল করা,ক্ষতিসাধন করা Root: Synonym: damage, harm, diminish, reduce, weaken, lessn deleterious(ক্ষতিকর), noxious(বিনাশসাধক), detrimental(ক্ষতিকারক), excrable, Umbrage(অপমানবোধ, ক্ষতিবোধ ), Undermine(গোপনে ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Virulent(অত্যন্ত ক্ষতিকর, অতীব প্রবল, অত্যন্ত বিধপূর্ণ, অতীব তীব্র), Derogative(ক্ষতিকর),Fulsome(গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর), Impair(দুর্বল করা,ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Inimical(ক্ষতিকর, শত্রুভাবাপন্ন), nocuous (ক্ষতিকর), Mar(নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা) , Noisome(ক্ষতিকর, কুদর্শন, ক্ষতিকারক), prejudicial(অনিষ্টকর) Mnemonics Opposite of Repair.Repair is to mend, Impair is to Injure

Inquest(n) [in-kwest]

Examples: 1.An inquest is always held if murder is suspected. inquest into the department's poor performance Meaning: official process to discover the cause of someone's death examination of or discussion about the reasons for someone's or something's failure: বাংলা অর্থ: আইনগত অনুসন্ধান Root: Synonym: Mnemonics N+QUEST(search) find out the murderer, you had to quest for the proof hence you started INQUESTING.....

Imbibe(v) [im-bahyb]

Examples: 1.Have you been imbibing again? 2. Plato imbibed Socrates' teachings to such an extent that he was able to write volumes of work that he directly attributed, sometimes word for word, to Socrates. Meaning: to drink, especially alcohol, to receive and accept information বাংলা অর্থ: হজম করা, পান করা, পান করিয়া লত্তয়া, আত্মভূত করা, শুষিয়া লত্তয়া, শোষণ করা Root: Synonym: absorb , draw , soak up , sop up , suck , suck up , take in , take up Abstruse: imbibe: absorb, হজম করা, পান করা, শুষিয়া লত্তয়া, শোষণ করা vs imbue: অনুপ্রাণিত করা, আদ্র করা , রঞ্জিত করা Mnemonics im+bibe...sounds like pipe...and u need a pipe to drink in sth

Heretic(n) [her-i-tik]

Examples: 1.I am English, born in Britain, but I am referred to as a heretic , unbeliever, infidel, etc., because I am a Pagan. 2.I felt like a heretic because I did not agree with the opinions of the rest of the people at the party. Meaning: anyone who does not conform to an established attitude, doctrine, or principle, a person who is guilty of heresy(বৈধর্ম্য, প্রচলিত মতের বিরূদ্ধ বিশ্বাস),violating accepted dogma or convention বাংলা অর্থ: প্রচলিত মতের বিরুদ্ধ লোক Root: heretical Synonym: apostate, freethinker, iconoclast, agnostic, atheist, nonbeliever, misbeliever , religious outcast Mnemonics: opposite of homotic is heretic. heretic is paradox homotic - orthodox here first o is similar.

Insinuate(v) [in SIN yoo ayt]

Examples: 1.When I told her that I hadn't done any laundry in a month, 2.Valerie insinuated that I was a slob ( fool ) Meaning: to suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true. to hint; to creep in বাংলা অর্থ: ঠেস দিয়ে মন্তব্য করা, আভাসে-ইঙ্গিতে বলা, কটাক্ষ করা Root: sine means ups down Synonym: imply, suggest, hint, intimate, indicate, let it be known, give someone to understand Mnemonics IN(not)+SIGN....without any signal i.e indirectly hint or imply .... in + sinuate

Phlegmatic [fleg-mat-ik ]

Examples: As a football player, his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner. Meaning: adj: not easily excited to action or display of emotion; apathetic; sluggish; self-possessed, calm, or composed বাংলা অর্থ: সহজে উত্তেজিত হয় না এমন, কুঁড়ে, মন্দ, মন্থর Root: Synonym: calm, cool, composed, 'calm, cool, and collected', controlled, serene, tranquil, Lethargic(অলস), Indolent(অলস), Torpid(হতবুদ্ধি, মন্থর, মন্দগতি) , phlegmatic(কুঁড়ে, মন্দ, মন্থর) , sluggish, idle Abstruse: Pragmatic: practical vs phlegmatic:(কুঁড়ে, মন্দ, মন্থর) Mnemonics Sounds like PRAGMATIC(practical) --> practical people think with logic and show little emotion.

Inadvertent(adj) [in-uh d-vur-tnt]

Examples: inadvertent insult. 2.All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people's ideas Meaning: not intentional: বাংলা অর্থ: অনিচ্ছাকৃত, অসাবধানী Root: Synonym: Meticulous(অতিসতর্ক), Advertently(সাবধানী)_, scrupulous(বিবেকী, খুঁতখুঁতে, সতর্ক), Vigilant(সজাগ, অতন্দ্র, জাগ্রদবস্থ, সতর্ক), wary, Chary, Circumspect(সতর্ক , সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Fastidious(খুঁতখুঁতে) : unintentional, unintended, accidental, unpremeditated, unplanned, innocent Abstruse: Advertently(সাবধানী,সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ,) vs Avert=প্রতিহত করা, নিবারণ করা Mnemonics in + advertent ; it sounds like in(not ) advertent(advertisement) , as adds are intentionally displayed .

Impute(v) [im-pyoot]

Examples: 1.the crimes imputed to Richard 2. For purposes of the company's violations, the conduct of its officials and employees may be imputed to the firm. 3. The Treasury imputes a notional income(ধারণাগত আয়) from such interest-free loans of 8% a year. Meaning: 1. to say that someone is responsible for something that has happened, especially something bad, or that something is the cause of something else 2. to calculate something when you do not have exact information, by comparing it to something similar বাংলা অর্থ: দোষী করা , অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ চাপানো , আরোপ করা Root: Synonym: inculpate(দোষী করা), impose(দোষী করা), ascribe(আরোপ করা), accuse(অভিযুক্ত করা), delate, incriminate, charge, indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Abstruse: Impunity: release, মুক্তি, অব্যাহতি vs Impute: indict, দোষী করা , অভিযুক্ত করা Mnemonics im(put)e... put the blame to somebody

Telltale [tel-teyl]

Examples: 1। She found lipstick on his shirts - the telltale sign that he was having an affair. 2. Additional reinforcement was provided by a pair of 1/2-inch diameter, black iron pipes which were used as telltales 3. The many telltale signs of chronic smoking include yellow teeth, and a persistent, hacking cough. Meaning: noun: 1. a person, especially a child, who reports others' wrongdoings or reveals their secrets. 2. a device or object that automatically gives a visual indication of the state or presence of something বাংলা অর্থ: ১। যে ব্যক্তি পরের অন্যায় জানায় ২। এমন জিনিস যেটা কোন কিছুর উপস্থিতি সম্পর্কে ইঙগিত দেয়। Root: Synonym: revealing, revelatory, suggestive, meaningful, significant, meaning, Mnemonics TELL her scandal TALE

Transmute [trans-myoot]

Examples: A few centuries ago alchemists thought they could transmute lead into gold. Meaning: verb: to change something completely, especially into something different and better বাংলা অর্থ: কোন জিনিস অধিকতর ভালো জিনিসে রুপান্তর করা। Root: Synonym: change, alter, adapt, transform, convert, metamorphose, morph, translate Mnemonics mutation we know is a change in genes, so transmute

Unimpeachable [uhn-im-pee-chuh-buh l]

Examples: A spokesman said the Bishop was a man of unimpeachable integrity and character. Meaning: adj: not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy. বাংলা অর্থ: অনিন্দ্য, নিখুঁত, অনবদ্য Root: Synonym: Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক), inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা) Abstruse: peevish=খিটখিটে, বিরক্তিপ্রকাশক, স্বেচ্ছাচারী VS impeach=সন্দেহ করা Mnemonics

Inequity(n) [in-ek-wi-tee]

Examples: After decades of racial inequity, the "separate but equal" doctrine was successfully overturned Meaning: the fact that a situation is not fair, or something that is not fair in a situation: বাংলা অর্থ: অন্যায় Root: Synonym: unfairness, injustice, unjustness, discrimination, partisanship, partiality, favoritism, Mnemonics

Torpid [tawr-pid]

Examples: All the members called him Sloth, which perfectly reflected his sluggish and torpid personality. Meaning: adj: not active; moving or thinking slowly, especially as a result of being lazy or feeling that you want to sleep: বাংলা অর্থ: অবশ, হতবুদ্ধি, মন্থর, মন্দগতি, অব্যক্ত, অস্পষ্ট Root: torp means অসাড়, ঠাড়মোড় Synonym: lethargic; sluggish; dormant Lethargic(অলস), Indolent(অলস), Torpid(হতবুদ্ধি, মন্থর, মন্দগতি) , phlegmatic(কুঁড়ে, মন্দ, মন্থর) , sluggish, idle Mnemonics tor-pid like a tor-toise, we all know they-are-slow..

Syncopation [sing-kuh-pey-shuh n]

Examples: And over all the American jazz music boomed and whanged its syncopation. Meaning: noun: temporary irregularity in musical rhythm, music (especially dance music) that has a syncopated rhythm বাংলা অর্থ: তালপরিবর্তন Root: Synonym: Abstruse: Sycophant:চাটুকার, চামচা vs Synoptic: সারসংক্ষেপি, synopsis vs Syncopation:তালপরিবর্তন Mnemonics syncope: temporary loss of consciousness caused by a fall in blood pressure. রক্তচাপের নিম্নতাহেতু সাময়িক সংজ্ঞাহীনতা, শব্দের হ্রস্বীকৃত বানান বা উচ্চারণ

Preclude [pri KLOOD]

Examples: Ann feared that her abysmal academic career might preclude her becoming a brain surgeon Meaning: verb: to prevent something from ever happening বাংলা অর্থ: নিবারণ করা, প্রতিরোধ করা Root: Synonym: orbid , foreclose , forestall , prevent Mnemonics 1.preclude-"before + close"= prevent, rule out beforehand. 2.PRECLUDE is to EXCLUDE or keep out, whereas INCLUDE which is its opposite means to take in as part of a group.

Insipid(adj) [in SIP id]

Examples: Barney's jokes were so insipid that no one in the room man aged to force out so much as a chuckle. Meaning: Lacking in flavor; dull বাংলা অর্থ: স্বাদহীন Root: Synonym: bland , flat , flavorless , flavourless , savorless , savourless , vapid banal(গতানুগতিক, তুচ্ছ, বস্তাপচা), trite(মামুলি, গতানুগতিক), hackneyed(বস্তাপচা, গতানুগতিক), cliched, platitude(মামুলি মন্তব্য), vapid(স্বাদহীন), bromide(নীরস মন্তব্য) commonplace(সাধারণ, প্রচলিত, মামুলি) inanity(অসারতা) Humdrum(একঘেয়ে , গতানুগতিক) monotonous: একঘেয়ে Prosaic: গতানুগতিক, গদ্যময়, বেরসিক Insipid(স্বাদহীন), Inconsequential(তুচ্ছ, মামুলি) Mnemonics in+sip+id(it) in-'not, -ve prefix', so when you do not sip it, i.e a juice ,then it means the juice lacks flavor.

Hubris(n) [hyoo-bris]

Examples: Bill Clinton was criticized for his hubris, since he believed he could get away with anything once in the White House. Meaning: excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance. বাংলা অর্থ: ঔদ্ধত্য Root: Synonym: Vaunt(বড়াই), Flaunt(বাতাসে দোলা), Ostentatious(জাঁক করে এমন), Overweening(দাম্ভিক), Hubris(ঔদ্ধত্য), Pretentious(দাম্ভিক), pompous(জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ, আত্মম্ভরী, গুলজার), Haughty(উদ্ধত, গর্বিত), Imperious(জবরদস্ত , মেজাজি , দাম্ভিক), Supercilious(নিজেকে সবার থেকে সেরা ভাবা) Mnemonics 1. sounds like iblish(devil) who has excessive pride of its own

Phalanx [fey-langks]

Examples: Bodyguards formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get close. Meaning: noun: a large group of people standing very close to each other, usually for the purposes of defence or attack: বাংলা অর্থ: সংঘবদ্ধ বা সংগঠিত দল, সৈন্যশ্রেণী Root: Synonym: Mnemonics Remeber Gerard Butler's movie.. 300. The way those 300 sartans fought is Phalanx. Hoo Hoo Hoooooo

Pertinent [pur-tn-uh nt]

Examples: Chapter One is pertinent to the post-war period. Meaning: adj: relating directly to the subject being considered; having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand বাংলা অর্থ: প্রাসঙ্গিক, সম্পর্কযুক্ত, অধিকারভুক্ত, উপযুক্ত, যথাযথ Root: tin means to hold opposite word is impertinent অপ্রাসঙ্গিক Synonym: apposite(বিশেষ), apropos(প্রসঙ্গত), apt(কার্যক্ষম), germane(সঙ্গত), Felicitous(যথাযথ, সুখপূর্ণ, মনোরম), pertinent(প্রাসঙ্গিক, সম্পর্কযুক্ত, অধিকারভুক্ত, উপযুক্ত, যথাযথ), relevant, suitable, fitting, fit , material( প্রাসঙ্গিক,উপাদান), appropriate Abstruse: Renitent:একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য, জেদী VS Penitent:অনুতপ্ত, contrite VS Pertinent=সাময়িক, প্রাসঙ্গিক VS Pertinacity=একগুয়েমি, জেদ vs empirical= practical VS imperial=সাম্রাজ্য-সংক্রান্ত vs imperious:জাঁদরেল,দাম্ভিক , vs impertinent:অপ্রাসঙ্গিক vs Imperil: বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা ( peril means danger) vs Impermeable:অপ্রবেশ্য vs Impervious: অভেদ্য অপ্রবেশ্য vs Imperturbable: স্থির, শান্ত ( perturb means disturb/not quiet ) Mnemonics can brake into pert(read like part)+in it. to take part in. it(something) must be suitable.

Quail [kweyl]

Examples: Charlie quailed at the sound of his mother's angry voice. Meaning: verb: to feel or show fear; to want to be able to move away from something because you fear it: বাংলা অর্থ: ভয়ে পিছাইয়া পড়া Root: Synonym: cower, cringe, flinch, shrink, recoil, shy (away), pull back, shiver Abstruse: Quail: ভয়ে পিছাইয়া পড়া vs Qualm or Qualms:সংশয়, বিবেকের দংশন, Mnemonics when whale comes to you u will quail

Impunity(n) [im-pyoo-ni-tee]

Examples: Criminal gangs are terrorizing the city with apparent impunity. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: মুক্তি, অব্যাহতি Root: Synonym: exemption (from punishment), freedom from liability, redemption, release Abstruse: Impunity: release, মুক্তি, অব্যাহতি vs Impute: indict, দোষী করা , অভিযুক্ত করা


Examples: Even in the midst of a lousy sales quarter, Debbie remained Pollyannaish, never losing her shrill voice and wide smile, even when prospective customers hung up on her. Meaning: extremely optimistic বাংলা অর্থ: Root: Synonym: cheerful , upbeat Mnemonics pollyannaish= pollyanna+ish "Pollyanna," the heroine of Eleanor H. Porter's famous novel "Pollyanna" (1913), whose outlook on life was one of absolute optimism and whose problems were always straightened out in the end.

Splenetic [spli-net-ik]

Examples: Ever since the car accident, Frank has been unable to walk without a cane, and so he has become splenetic and unpleasant to be around. Meaning: adj: used to describe a person who easily becomes angry or annoyed, or their behaviour : বাংলা অর্থ: খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি Root: Synonym: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Abstruse: Seraphic:ভাল এবং বিশুদ্ধ seraph (উচ্চতম শ্রেণীয় দেবদূত) vs Serendipity:অপ্রত্যাশিত সাফল্য, লাভজনক vs Serene:নির্মেঘ, শান্ত, মেঘশূন্য vs Splendid:চমত্কার vs Splenetic: খিট্খিটে Mnemonics SPLENETIC ,when u have a pain in the spleen,u get ILL-TEMPERED

Inimical(adj) [ih-nim-i-kuh l ]

Examples: Excessive managerial control is inimical to creative expression Meaning: harmful or limiting. বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষতিকর, শত্রুভাবাপন্ন, বাধা বা ক্ষতি করার জন্য চলমান Root: amical means বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ , so inimical means harmful / বাধা বা ক্ষতি করার জন্য চলমান Synonym: deleterious(ক্ষতিকর), noxious(বিনাশসাধক), detrimental(ক্ষতিকারক), excrable, Umbrage(অপমানবোধ, ক্ষতিবোধ ), Undermine(গোপনে ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Virulent(অত্যন্ত ক্ষতিকর, অতীব প্রবল, অত্যন্ত বিধপূর্ণ, অতীব তীব্র), Derogative(ক্ষতিকর),Fulsome(গর্হিত, ন্যক্কারজনক, ক্ষতিকারক, আধিক্যপূর্ণ, আতিশয্যপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকর), Impair(দুর্বল করা,ক্ষতিসাধন করা), Inimical(ক্ষতিকর, শত্রুভাবাপন্ন), nocuous (ক্ষতিকর), Mar(নষ্ট করা, ক্ষতি করা, বিকলাঙ্গ করা) , Noisome(ক্ষতিকর, কুদর্শন, ক্ষতিকারক), prejudicial(অনিষ্টকর) Abstruse: inimical=ক্ষতিকর, vs amical :বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ VS inimitable=অতুলনীয় vs imitate: emulate অনুকরণ করা vs initimate: অন্তরঙ্গ Mnemonics inimi=enemy, and enemies cause damage. So inimical means something damaging.

Ineluctable(adj) [in-i-luhk-tuh-buh l]

Examples: For those who smoke cigarettes for years, a major health crisis brought on by smoking is ineluctable. Meaning: impossible to avoid: বাংলা অর্থ: অপরিহার্য, এড়ান যায় না এমন, অনিবার্য Root: Synonym: inescapable , Ineluctable(অপরিহার্য), peremptory(সুদৃঢ়), inevitable(অনিবার্য), perse (জন্মগতভাবে, সহজাতভাবে, অপরিহার্যভাবে, নিজ বৈশিষ্ট্য, স্বয়ং), Cogent(প্রবল, অনিবার্য, অকাট্য), relentless(নির্দয়, নিষ্ঠুর), unavoidable, Inexorable(অনিবার্য, কঠোরহৃদয়, নির্দয় ), Irrevocable(অনড়, প্রত্যাহার করার অসাধ্য), Mnemonics 1. ineluctable -- in +luc(k)+table.. So, a person will be lucky or unlucky in his work on a particular day as per his luck-table, he can't escape from it, it's unavoidable. 2. Suppose a course is compulsory in a particular semester. So you are unable to 'elect' another course.

Perquisite [PUR kwuh zit]

Examples: Free access to a photocopier is a perquisite of most office jobs. Meaning: noun: a thing regarded as a special right or privilege enjoyed as a result of one's position বাংলা অর্থ: উপরি, উপরিলাভ, উপরি পাত্তনা, দস্তুরি Root: Synonym: exclusive right , prerogative , privilege Mnemonics perquisite---->perks---->something u get apart from salary.

Implicate(v) [im-pli-keyt]

Examples: Have they any evidence to implicate him in the robbery? Meaning: convey meaning, o show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has happened: বাংলা অর্থ: অর্থপ্রকাশ করা,কোন খারাপ কাজে সংশ্লিষ্ট করা, একত্র জড়ান, একত্র পাকান, বিজড়িত করা, সংশ্লেষ করা, Root: Synonym: incriminate, involve in, entail Abstruse: Elicit: টানিয়া বাহির করা , প্রকাশ করা vs Illicit: বৈধ, নিষিদ্ধ, বেআইনী, বিধিবিরুদ্ধ vs Explicit:স্পষ্ট, পরিষ্কারভাবে বর্ণিত, সুব্যক্ত, স্পষ্টভাষিত, স্ফুট, কবুল vs implicit:অন্তর্নিহিত vs implicate:একত্র জড়ান, অর্থপ্রকাশ করা , কোন খারাপ কাজে সংশ্লিষ্ট করা Mnemonics impli(implying)+cat(pussy cat).In indiam religion cat means something bad. so implicate is implying something involving bad.

Indolent(adj) [IN duh lunt]

Examples: Having worked all his life, the CEO was constantly frustrated with his indolent son, who used his inherited wealth as an excuse to sunbathe and party. Meaning: showing no real interest or effort, habitually lazy, idle বাংলা অর্থ: অলস Root: Synonym: lazy, idle, slothful, loafing, do-nothing, sluggardly, Lethargic(অলস), Indolent(অলস), Torpid(হতবুদ্ধি, মন্থর, মন্দগতি) , phlegmatic(কুঁড়ে, মন্দ, মন্থর) , sluggish, idle Abstruse Insolent:উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর vs Indolent:অলস Mnemonics

Prevaricate [pri-var-i-keyt]

Examples: He accused the minister of prevaricating. Meaning: verb: to avoid telling the truth বাংলা অর্থ: কৌশল সত্যকে এড়াইয়া যাওয়া Root: Synonym: Stray from the truth, mislead, lie quibble(টাল, বাক্চাতুরী, শ্লেষ আসল কথাটি এড়াবার জন্য কথার মারপ্যাঁচ). equivocate(বাক্চাতুরী করা), circumlocution(বাগাড়ম্বর), periphrastic(পরোক্ষ উক্তিমূলক ), waffle(বকবকনি, বকবক করা) Prevaricate(কৌশল সত্যকে এড়াইয়া যাওয়া) Mnemonics 1. Pre (Before) + Vari (Verification) Cate (Ket) (কেটে পরা). Hide/Lie before verification. 2.pre(before) varicate (varying) i.e varying the truth b4 bcomz a lie

Imprudent(adj) [im-prood-nt]

Examples: Hitler, like Napoleon, made the imprudent move of invading Russia in winter, suffering even more casualties than Napoleon had. Meaning: unwise, by failing to consider the likely results of your actions বাংলা অর্থ: হঠকারী, অবিজ্ঞ, অবিচক্ষণ, অবিমৃষ্য, অবোধ Root: prudent বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী, সমীচীন, প্রাজ্ঞ, বিবেচক Abstruse: impudent=লজ্জাহীন, বেহায়া VS pudent: লজ্জাশীল vs imprudent= অবিচক্ষণ VS prudent=বিচক্ষণ vs Prurient: অস্থির কৌতূহলী , বিকৃত কামনা-পীড়িত Synonym: unwise, injudicious, incautious, indiscreet, misguided, ill-advised, ill-judged

Querulous [kwer-uh-luh s]

Examples: He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his old age. Meaning: adj: often complaining, especially in a weak high voice; habitually complaining বাংলা অর্থ: অসন্তুষ্ট, অনুযোগকারী Root: que means to seek; quer means ask Synonym: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Mnemonics QUERULOUS=QUARREL-ous

Propinquity [proh-ping-kwi-tee]

Examples: He found himself disgusted with their close propinquity . Meaning: noun: nearness , the fact of being near something বাংলা অর্থ: নিকটবর্তিতা , নৈকট্য Root: Synonym: proximity, closeness, He found himself disgusted with their close propinquity, close kinship. Mnemonics Propinquity has PIN in it. If you pin two things together they are close together


Examples: He must have had some inkling of what was happening. Meaning: a feeling that something is true or likely to happen, although you are not certain বাংলা অর্থ: আভাস, ফিস্ফিসানি, সামান্য জ্ঞান, সামান্য ধারণা Root: Synonym: presentiment, dea, notion, sense, impression, conception, suggestion, indication, whisper, glimmer, (sneaking) suspicion, fancy, hunch, feeling, hint, clue, intimation, sign, the foggiest (idea), the faintest (idea) Abstruse: irk=ক্লান্ত করে তোলা, বিরক্তি উতপাদন করা VS ilk=মত,একই ধরণের বা গোত্রের বা রকমের vs ire: ক্রোধ VS inkling=আভাস, সামান্য ধারনা Mnemonics a wINK can give us a hint

Supercilious [soo-per-sil-ee-uh s]

Examples: He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice. Meaning: behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others. বাংলা অর্থ: নিজেকে সবার থেকে সেরা ভাবা Root: Synonym: Vaunt(বড়াই), Flaunt(বাতাসে দোলা), Ostentatious(জাঁক করে এমন), Overweening(দাম্ভিক), Hubris(ঔদ্ধত্য), Pretentious(দাম্ভিক), pompous(জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ, আত্মম্ভরী, গুলজার), Haughty(উদ্ধত, গর্বিত), Imperious(জবরদস্ত , মেজাজি , দাম্ভিক), Supercilious(নিজেকে সবার থেকে সেরা ভাবা) Abstruse: Supercilious: নিজেকে সবার থেকে সেরা ভাবা vs Superfluous:অতিরিক্ত Mnemonics split it like SUPER+CILI(sounds like SILLY) think of our SUPER SENIORs in our college . ..who were very ARROGANT IN NATURE..and were very keen to exhibit their superiority over us hence treated us in a very silly way..

Punctilious [puhngk-til-ee-uh s]

Examples: He was always punctilious in his manners. Meaning: adj: very careful to behave correctly or to give attention to details: বাংলা অর্থ: শিষ্টচারসম্পন্ন Root: punc means to point, to prick Synonym: meticulous, conscientious, diligent, scrupulous, careful, painstaking, rigorous Meticulous(অতিসতর্ক), Advertently(সাবধানী)_, scrupulous(বিবেকী, খুঁতখুঁতে, সতর্ক), Vigilant(সজাগ, অতন্দ্র, জাগ্রদবস্থ, সতর্ক), wary, Chary, Circumspect(সতর্ক , সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Fastidious(খুঁতখুঁতে) Mnemonics it is very close to word PUNCTUAL...and you pay attention to even a person who is 1 second late, that shows that you care for even very minute things too.

Prolific [pruh-lif-ik]

Examples: He was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation. Meaning: adj: producing a great number or amount of something: বাংলা অর্থ: উর্বর Root: Synonym: productive, fertile, fecund, prolific Mnemonics "Production Lifted"--> They produced large amounts of the product = Their production was lifted up in amount = They were PROLIFIC.

Inculpate(v) [in-kuhl-peyt]

Examples: He was unwilling to tell what he had seen, lest it inculpate someone. Meaning: to charge with fault; blame; accuse. বাংলা অর্থ: অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া , দোষারোপ করা , অপরাধী করা , কোনো অপরাধে জড়ানো Root: opposite of exculpate Synonym: Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক),inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা), inculpate(দোষী করা), impose(দোষী করা), ascribe(আরোপ করা), accuse(অভিযুক্ত করা), delate, incriminate, charge, indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), impute (অভিযুক্ত করা, আরোপ করা, দোষী করা) Abstruse: inculcate:বারবার বলে কোনো ধারণা , অভ্যাস ইঃ মনে ঢুকিয়ে দেওয়া , বদ্ধমূল করে দেওয়া , দৃঢ়ভাবে গেঁথে দেওয়া , সংস্কার জন্মিয়ে দেওয়া vs inculpate:অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া , দোষারোপ করা , অপরাধী করা , কোনো অপরাধে জড়ানো vs Exculpate=দোষক্ষালন করা vs Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক) Mnemonics sounds like In+culprit....there is a culprit in are accusing or blaming

Ingratiate [in-grey-shee-eyt]

Examples: He's always trying to ingratiate himself with his boss Meaning: to make someone like you by praising or trying to please them বাংলা অর্থ: নিজেকে কারো অনুগ্রহভাজন করা , তোষামোদ করে নিজেকে কারো নেকনজরে আনা Root: comes from grateful Synonym: toady(পা চাটা), fawn(তোষামোদী, খোশামুদে), kowtow(সাষ্টাঙ্গ প্রণাম), obsequious(চাটুকার), adulator(চাটুকার), sycophant(চাটুকার, চামচা), blandishment(চাটুবাক্য), ingratiate(অনুগ্রহ ভাজন করান), unctuous(তেলা), minion(চাটুকার), bootlicker(খয়েরখাঁ), slavish(দাসসুলভ), grovel(পদলেহন) Abstruse: ingrained: স্বভাবের গভীরে প্রোথিত,মজ্জাগত vs ingratiate: তোষামোদ করে নিজেকে কারো নেকনজরে আনা vs ingrate:অকৃতজ্ঞ vs grate: reduce (something, especially food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.শ্রুতিকটু, কর্কশ, কটু, দারূণ, খর্খরে Mnemonics 1.IN+GRADUATE...In graduation state you get favor of people because you are educated and all and all that crap 2. ingratiate, take the word as intake of you do something to gain gratitude of others

Stingy [stin-jee]

Examples: He's really stingy and never buys anyone a drink when we go out. Meaning: adj: unwilling to spend money, Not generous with money বাংলা অর্থ: কৃপণস্বভাব, Root: Synonym: Parsimony(কার্পণ্য), Thrift(মিতব্যয়িতা), penurious( অত্যল্প, অনুদার, ব্যয়কুণ্ঠ), Stingy(কৃপণস্বভাব), Frugal(মিতব্যয়ী), Miser, niggardly, close-fisted, stinting( কৃপণতা করা, থামান, অভাবে রাখা), sparing (মিতব্যয়ী), economical , prudent Abstruse: Stingy:কৃপণস্বভাব, vs Stint: একজন ব্যক্তির নির্দিষ্ট কাজ, অপর্যাপ্ত পরিমাণ সরবরাহ Mnemonics stingy ________sting in punjabi mean miser or thrifty person

Incontrovertible(adj) [in-kon-truh-vur-tuh-buh l]

Examples: Her logic is utterly incontrovertible. Meaning: not able to be denied or disputed. বাংলা অর্থ: অকাট্য, তর্কাতীত Root: controvert-"against + turn"= dispute in argument, engage in controversy. বিতর্ক করা , সত্যতা অস্বীকার করা , প্রশ্ন তোলা , বিরোধিতা করা Synonym: indisputable, incontestable, undeniable, irrefutable, unassailable, beyond dispute, inevitable, irresistible, unavoidable, imminent, inexorable, cogent, Incontrovertible Mnemonics

Phantasmagorical [ fan-taz-muh-gawr-i-kuh l]

Examples: Hidden in the woods the fairy tale park is a truly phantasmagorical experience. Meaning: adj: a confused group of real or imagined images that change quickly, one following the other as in a dream বাংলা অর্থ: পরাবাস্তব, অলীক Root: fantasy, phantasy: কল্পনা, উদ্ভট কল্পনা, খোশখেয়াল Synonym: illusive; unreal, dreamlike, psychedelic, kaleidoscopic, surreal, unreal, hallucinatory, fantastic, fantastical, Mnemonics Sounds like Fanta (Drink) Magic Or Real

Insidious(adj) [in-sid-ee-uh s]

Examples: High blood pressure is an insidious condition which has few symptoms. Meaning: of something unpleasant or dangerous) gradually and secretly causing harm: বাংলা অর্থ: ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Root: Synonym: sneaky , devious , fallacious(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) Hoodwink (প্রতারণা) ছলনাপূর্ণ, প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ Circumvent(ফাঁদে ফেলা, পরিবেষ্টন করা, প্রতারণা করা), Duplicity(প্রতারণা), Finagle( প্রতারণা করা) , Elusive(প্রতারণাপূর্ণ), traitor (বিশ্বাসঘাতক ), insidious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ), Perfidious(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), treacherous(বিশ্বাসঘাতক), Fleece( ধোঁকা দিয়ে লুঠে নেওয়া), deceive (ছলা, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা) Mnemonics insidious= inside+ hideous. think of something terrible, like a disease, hiding inside of the body.

Perspicacious [pur-spi-key-shuh s]

Examples: His perspicacious grandfather had bought the land as an investment, guessing that there might be gold underground Meaning: noun: quick in noticing, understanding, or judging things accurately; acutely insightful and wise বাংলা অর্থ: স্বচ্ছদৃষ্টিসম্পন্নতা, তীক্ষ্নদৃষ্টি,বিচক্ষণ Root: Synonym: sapient(বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ) , savant (মহাপণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি), Prudent(বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী), Circumspect (সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), sage(ঋষি, মহাজ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি), Perspicacious (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ স্বচ্ছদৃষ্টিসম্পন্নতা, তীক্ষ্নদৃষ্টি acutely insightful and wise ) , pundit, Politic (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ), Judicious (সুবিজ্ঞ, সুবিচারপূর্ণ, বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী ), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Provident(মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ), sane ( opposite of insane , বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী) Abstruse: Perspicuity=সুস্পষ্টতা প্রমাণ করা VS Perspicacity=স্বচ্ছদৃষ্টি acutely insightful and wise Mnemonics pers (PURSE) + picacious (relate to PEEK) : Just looking at a PURSE, without PEEKing inside, she can tell how much money it has . How insightful/penetrating sight !!

Propensity [pruh-pen-si-tee]

Examples: Jessie has a propensity for saying stupid things: Every time she opens her mouth, something stupid comes out. Meaning: noun: a natural inclination or tendency; the fact that someone is likely to behave in a particular way, especially a bad way বাংলা অর্থ: যেমন দাঁত দিয়ে নখ কাটা , প্রবণতা, প্রবৃত্তি Root: Synonym: tendency, inclination, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, readiness, liability, Mnemonics now a days people are inclined towards "CITY" dats y thery r migrating from villages....


Examples: I first knew him as an impecunious student living in a tiny apartment Meaning: poor, having no money বাংলা অর্থ: গরিব, নির্ধন, দরিদ্র, অর্থসম্বলশূন্য, টাকাকড়ি নাই এমন, নি:স্ব Root: pecu roots money Synonym: impoverished( pover comes from poverty ), Insolvent, exiguity ( স্বল্পতা,দীনতা), dearth(অভাব, দুর্ভিক্ষ) , scarcity, scant(অপ্রচুর, অত্যল্প , নিতান্ত অপ্রতুল), paucity(অভাব), Modicum(সামান্য পরিমাণ, অল্প পরিমাণ, যত্কিঁচিৎ), Scintilla(স্ফুলিঙ্গ,a tiny trace), penury(দীনতা), indigent(অভাবী), impecunious(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত), destitute(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত) Mnemonics IM(MEANS NOT)+PECUNE(MONEY)..SOMEONE WITHOUT MONEY..


Examples: I wouldn't have expected them to enjoy a film of that quality anyway - they're just a bunch of philistines! Meaning: adj: narrow-minded person, someone lacking appreciation for art or culture বাংলা অর্থ: সঙ্কীর্ণমনা ব্যক্তি Root: Synonym: uncultured, lowbrow, anti-intellectual, uncultivated, uncivilized, uneducated, unenlightened, commercial, materialist, bourgeois, ignorant, crass, boorish, barbarian, Related words: arcadian , bucolic, provincial , pastoral , peasant(গ্রাম্য, গ্রামীণ, অসভ্য ছোট কৃষক, গেঁয়া লোক),rustic, Idyllic(সরল শান্ত ত্ত মনোরম, charming in a rustic way ) unsophisticated, rough, rude, savage(অসভ্য, বর্বর), barbarian, bearish, unenlightened (অসভ্য), brusque(অসভ্য,)errant(ভ্রমণরত, অসভ্য), boorish, Philistine(সঙ্কীর্ণমনা ব্যক্তি) Abstruse: Pristine: আসল, যেটা এখনো নষ্ট হয় নি, আদিম vs Philistine: সঙ্কীর্ণমনা ব্যক্তি Mnemonics break it into PHIL(feel)+TINE(tiny)...those who feel over tiny things are NARROW MINDED.

Ingrate(n/adj) [in-greyt]

Examples: If you mean I am an ingrate, that is an unpleasant word, Aunt Mary Meaning: an ungrateful person. বাংলা অর্থ: অকৃতজ্ঞ Root: Synonym: Abstruse: ingrained: স্বভাবের গভীরে প্রোথিত,মজ্জাগত vs ingratiate: তোষামোদ করে নিজেকে কারো নেকনজরে আনা vs ingrate:অকৃতজ্ঞ vs grate: reduce (something, especially food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.শ্রুতিকটু, কর্কশ, কটু, দারূণ, খর্খরে Mnemonics ingrate: antonym of grateful


Examples: In a tremendous display of tact, Shelly was able to maintain a strong friendship with Marcia, even though Marcia's husband, Frank, confessed to finding Shelley more attractive than Marcia. Meaning: consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense বাংলা অর্থ: কৌশলের সূক্ষ্মতা পরের মন বুঝিয়া চলার ক্ষমতা Root: Synonym: tactfulness Mnemonics:

Staid [steyd]

Examples: In an attempt to change its staid image, the newspaper has created a new section aimed at younger readers. Meaning: adj: serious, boring, and slightly old-fashioned: বাংলা অর্থ: গম্ভীর, রাশভারী , অবিচলিত Root: Synonym: sedate, respectable, quiet, serious, serious-minded, steady, conventional, traditional Abstruse: Staid:গম্ভীর, রাশভারী , অবিচলিত vs Stasis: অপরিবর্তনীয় ( change) vs Static: অপরিবর্তনীয় ( opposite of dynamic ) Mnemonics Staid--sounds like "STAYED"--Imagine you have always maintained your dignity and propriety in the place where you have stayed for so many years!

Impudent(adj) [im-pyuh-duh nt]

Examples: In an impudent move, the defendant spoke out of order to say terribly insulting things to the judge. Meaning: rude and not showing respect, especially towards someone who is older or in a more important position বাংলা অর্থ: লজ্জাহীন, বেহায়া, নির্লজ্জ, উদ্ধত, ধৃষ্ট, বেআদর Root: pudent means লজ্জাশীল Synonym: impertinent, insolent, cheeky, cocky, brazen, bold, audacious, presumptuous Abstruse: impudent=লজ্জাহীন, বেহায়া VS pudent: লজ্জাশীল vs imprudent= অবিচক্ষণ VS prudent=বিচক্ষণ vs Prurient: অস্থির কৌতূহলী , বিকৃত কামনা-পীড়িত Mnemonics

Indigent(adj) [IN di junt]

Examples: In the so-called Third World, many are indigent and only a privileged few have the resources to enjoy material luxuries. Meaning: a poor or needy person বাংলা অর্থ: অভাবী , গরিব , দরিদ্র , অকিঞ্চন Root: Synonym: impoverished, Insolvent, exiguity ( স্বল্পতা,দীনতা), dearth(অভাব, দুর্ভিক্ষ) , scarcity, scant(অপ্রচুর, অত্যল্প , নিতান্ত অপ্রতুল), paucity(অভাব), Modicum(সামান্য পরিমাণ, অল্প পরিমাণ, যত্কিঁচিৎ), Scintilla(স্ফুলিঙ্গ,a tiny trace), penury(দীনতা), indigent(অভাবী), impecunious(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত), destitute(নিঃস্ব, সর্বস্বান্ত) Abstruse: indignant= ঘৃণামিশ্রিত ক্রোধযুক্ত VS indigent= অভাবী, অতি দরিদ্র vs indigenous: দেশীয় Mnemonics Indian gents are very poor as compared to other countrymen.

Inasmuch(conj) [in as much]

Examples: Inasmuch as you are their commanding officer, you are responsible for the behaviour of these men. Meaning: used to introduce a phrase that explains why or how much something described in another part of the sentence is true, to the extent that; insofar as. বাংলা অর্থ: যেহেতু , যে কারণে Root: Synonym: Mnemonics

Poignant [poin-yuh nt]

Examples: It is especially poignant that he died on the day before the wedding. Meaning: adj: causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness: বাংলা অর্থ: গ্লানিকর, তীব্র, মর্মভেদী Root: poign means to point, to prick Synonym: affecting , touching Mnemonics sounds like "pregnant", think what the situation of a woman would be who is pregnant and watching a video of a "woman giving birth".. obviously gr8 but painful as well

Pertinacious [pur-tn-ey-shuh s]

Examples: Like most successful politicians, she is pertinacious and single-minded in the pursuit of her goals. Meaning: adj: very determined and refusing to be defeated by problems: বাংলা অর্থ: একগুঁয়ে, স্থিরপ্রতিজ্ঞ, স্থিরসঙ্কল্পের, অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ, অদমনীয় Root: tin means to hold Synonym: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Abstruse: Pertinent=সাময়িক, প্রাসঙ্গিক VS Pertinacity=একগুয়েমি, জেদ Mnemonics pertinacious = pre(before) + teenage : The age before teenage is where a person shows a childish behaviour and is very stubborn in a negative sense.

Improvident(adj) [im-prov-i-duh nt]

Examples: Marty was improvident, never putting money aside for the future but spending it on decorating the interior of his home. Meaning: lacking prudent foresight; careless,not given careful consideration বাংলা অর্থ: অপরিণামদর্শী, অদূরদর্শী, অবিচক্ষণ, বেহিসাব Root: prov means test, provident means মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ Synonym: thriftless, Prodigal(অমিতব্যয়ী), Profligate(লক্ষ্মীছাড়া), Spendthrift(অপব্যয়ী লোক, অমিতব্যয়ী লোক), recklessly wasteful, improvident(অবিচক্ষণ, বেহিসাব) Mnemonics যার Provident fund নাই সে অদূরদর্শী

Progenitor [proh-jen-i-ter]

Examples: Marx was the progenitor of communism. Meaning: noun: a person who first thinks of something and causes it to happen: বাংলা অর্থ: জনক, পূর্বপুরুষ, বংশের আদিপুরুষ, জনিতা, জন্মদ, জন্মদাতা Root: Synonym: ancestor,originator, forefather, ancestor in a direct line, forefather, forebear, parent, primogenitor, stirps, begetter Mnemonics 1. Pro + Genesis 2. Pro + Genes >> the genes before us.. our ancestors.. 3. Pro + Genes >> the genes before us.. our ancestors..


Examples: Mozart's music follows a clear pattern that, anyone could imitate, but his music gives an overall sense of effortlessness that is inimitable. Meaning: not equal , very unusual or of very high quality and therefore impossible to copy: বাংলা অর্থ: অননুকরণীয়, অতুলন, অতুল, অতুলনীয় Root: imitate means emulate অনুকরণ করা Synonym: incomparable, unparalleled, unrivaled, peerless, matchless, unequaled Abstruse: inimical=ক্ষতিকর, vs amical :বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ VS inimitable=অতুলনীয় vs imitate: emulate অনুকরণ করা vs intimate: ঘনিষ্ঠ, অন্তরঙ্গ, Mnemonics imitable comes from imitation that means campared to gold

Incarnate [adjective in-kahr-nit, -neyt; verb in-kahr-neyt]

Examples: One survivor described his torturers as devils incarnate Meaning: in human form,embodied in flesh; given a bodily, especially a human, form বাংলা অর্থ: দেহধারী, দেহী, মূর্তি Root: carn means flesh Synonym: in human form, in the flesh, in physical form, in bodily form, made flesh, corporeal Abstruse: incarnate:দেহধারী, দেহী, মূর্তি vs incarnadine: রক্তিম, রক্তের ন্যায় লাল, রক্তবর্ণ actually dine denotes color Mnemonics Incarnate=In+Carna(l)te thus in carnal or in flesh as carnal=flesh.... so something in flesh or given bodily form, or personified

Inculcate(v) [in-kuhl-keyt]

Examples: Our coach has worked hard to inculcate a team spirit in/into the players Meaning: instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction, to fix beliefs or ideas in someone's mind, especially by repeating them often: বাংলা অর্থ: বারবার বলে কোনো ধারণা , অভ্যাস ইঃ মনে ঢুকিয়ে দেওয়া , বদ্ধমূল করে দেওয়া , দৃঢ়ভাবে গেঁথে দেওয়া , সংস্কার জন্মিয়ে দেওয়া Root: Related words: inculcate, engraft, ingraft, engrain, infix, introduce, inure ( negative sense ) Abstruse: inculcate:বারবার বলে কোনো ধারণা , অভ্যাস ইঃ মনে ঢুকিয়ে দেওয়া , বদ্ধমূল করে দেওয়া , দৃঢ়ভাবে গেঁথে দেওয়া , সংস্কার জন্মিয়ে দেওয়া vs inculpate:অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া , দোষারোপ করা , অপরাধী করা , কোনো অপরাধে জড়ানো Mnemonics IN + CULCATE (calculate). IN school, teachers inculcate (teach) the students how to calculate.

Precarious [pri-kair-ee-uh s]

Examples: People smoke to relax and forget their cares, but ironically, in terms of health risks, smoking is far more precarious than either mountain-climbing or skydiving. Meaning: adj: in a dangerous state because of not being safe or not being held in place firmly: বাংলা অর্থ: নিরাপত্তাহীন , অনিশ্চিত, পরের ইচ্ছাধীন , দৈবাধীন , Root: Synonym: Unstable, insecure, dangerous Mnemonics read it Pre+Catious. Pre + Caution. There are some pre-cautions in a risky machine, product or factor.

Supplant [suh-plant,]

Examples: Printed books will soon be supplanted by e-books. Meaning: verb: to replace বাংলা অর্থ: পরিবর্তন করা Root: Synonym: supersede(replace রহিত করা), supplant(পরিবর্তন করা,উচ্ছিন্ন করা); make obsolete Abstruse: Supplant: পরিবর্তন করা VS Suppliant=মিনতিকর ( suppli means মিনতি) vs Supplicate: বিনীতভাবে কিছু চাওয়া Mnemonics sub + plant....i.e substitute + plant... it is taking the place of the other plant or superseding it. Root out one plant and grow another

Preen [preen]

Examples: Roald always spends ages preening (himself) before he goes out Meaning: verb: to spend time making yourself look attractive: বাংলা অর্থ: পরিপাটি করা, গুছাইয়া সাজান, Root: Synonym: to dress up; to primp; to groom oneself with elaborate care Mnemonics ১। প্রেম করতে যাওয়ার সময় মানুষ সাজুগুজু করে যায়। ২। Preen ~ Rin; commonly used detergent bar in India used for cleaning clothes.. hence preening clothes.

Impetuous(adj) [im PECH oo wus]

Examples: Samantha was so impetuous that she never took more than a few seconds to make up her mind. Meaning: likely to do something suddenly, without considering the results of your actions, acting or done quickly and without thought or care, relating to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc বাংলা অর্থ: দ্রুত এবং চিন্তা বা যত্ন ছাড়া সম্পন্ন Root: Synonym: impulsive, rash, hasty, overhasty, reckless, heedless, careless, foolhardy abstruse: impetuous: her friend was headstrong and impetuous vs impetus: a force that encourages a particular action or makes it more energetic or effective Mnemonics im(not)-pet-tuo(to)-us...a dog which is not our pet will be very VIOLENT and RASH. hut hat kamor diye dite pare

Stalwart [stawl-wert]

Examples: She has been a stalwart supporter of the party for many years. Meaning: adj: loyal, reliable, and hardworking. বাংলা অর্থ: সাহসী, অদম্য, বলিষ্ঠ, স্থিরসঙ্কল্প, অদমনীয় Root: sta means to stand, to be in a place Synonym: staunch, loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, Mnemonics STALL+WAR- He alone can stall the war because he is a stalwart.

Plait [pleyt]

Examples: She plaited the horse's tail. Meaning: verb: to join three or more pieces of hair or string-like material by putting them over each other in a special pattern বাংলা অর্থ: বেণী, ভাঁজ,বিনুনি , বিনুনি করা Root: Synonym: Abstruse: Plausible: বিশ্বাসযোগ্য VS Plaudit=প্রশংসা VS Placid=শান্ত vs Plait=ভাঁজ করা, বেণী করা, Mnemonics

Surreptitious [sur-uh p-tish-uh s]

Examples: She seemed to be listening to what I was saying, but I couldn't help noticing her surreptitious glances at the clock. Meaning: adj: done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing: বাংলা অর্থ: গুপ্তভাবে কৃত Root: Synonym: secret, secretive, stealthy, clandestine, sneaky, sly, furtive, concealed, hidden Mnemonics Surreptitious sounds like suspect someone if they are hiding secrets

Spurn [spurn]

Examples: She spurned my offers of help. Meaning: verb: reject with disdain or contempt. বাংলা অর্থ: অপমান বা অবমাননার সাথে প্রত্যাখ্যান করা। Root: Synonym: disdain , freeze off , pooh-pooh , reject , scorn , turn down Mnemonics Spurn = s + purn. S = sex!! Purn = porn ; we disdainfully reject "sex + porn"

Stasis [stey-sis]

Examples: She was bored - her life was in stasis. Meaning: noun: 1. a state that does not change: 2. a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium. বাংলা অর্থ: অপরিবর্তনীয় Root: sta means to stand, to be in place Synonym: Abstruse: Staid:গম্ভীর, রাশভারী , অবিচলিত vs Stasis: অপরিবর্তনীয় ( change) vs Static: অপরিবর্তনীয় ( opposite of dynamic ) Mnemonics change..

Propriety [pruh PRYE uh tee]

Examples: She was careful always to behave with propriety. Meaning: noun: correct moral behavior or actions, properness; good manners বাংলা অর্থ: যথাযথতা, সঠিক নৈতিক আচরণ বা কর্ম, উপযুক্ততা Root: Synonym: decorum, respectability, decency, correctness, protocol, appropriateness, suitability, Mnemonics 1. divide the word as propr+iety ..propr(sounds like PROPER)..hence it refers to being PROPER or CORRECT IN CONDUCT.. 2. PROPER + APPROPRIATE = PROPRIETY proprieties Meaning the rules of polite social behaviour: Example They'd invited us to dinner so we thought we'd better observe the proprieties and invite them back.

Pyrrhic [pir-ik]

Examples: She won the court case, but it was a Pyrrhic victory because she had to pay so much in legal fees. Meaning: noun: a victory that is not worth winning because the winner has lost so much in winning it: বাংলা অর্থ: একজন বিজেতা যাকে বিজয়ের জন্য চড়া মূল্য দিতে হয়েছে যার কারণে তার জয় টা ম্লান হয়ে গিয়েছে। Root: Synonym: Mnemonics

Plaudit [plaw-dit]

Examples: She's received plaudits for her work with homeless people. Meaning: noun: praise: বাংলা অর্থ: প্রশংসা, তারিফ Root: Synonym: Plaudit(তালি শুনতে), laud(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), extol(উচ্চপ্রশংসা করা, encomium(স্তুতিবাদ), estimable(শ্রদ্ধেয়), Accolade(প্রশংসা), Eulogy(প্রশংসা, প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি বা লেখা), Panegyric(প্রশংসামূলক), Paean(বিজয়গাথা),acclaimed (প্রশংসিত) acclamation(প্রশংসা), hail , Commendable(প্রশংসনীয় ), applaudable , laudable , praiseworthy, exalt (মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা),glorify, Sublime(মহিমান্বিত), exalt(মহিমান্বিত করা, উচ্চে স্থাপন করা, উন্নত করা) , Seraphic(স্বর্গীয়) Abstruse: Plausible: বিশ্বাসযোগ্য VS Plaudit=প্রশংসা VS Placid=শান্ত vs Plait=ভাঁজ করা, বেণী করা, Mnemonics laud means praise

Tome [tohm]

Examples: She's written several weighty tomes on the subject. Meaning: noun: a large, heavy book: বাংলা অর্থ: বৃহৎ গ্রন্থখণ্ড Root: Synonym: Abstruse: epitome: সংক্ষিপ্তসার, abstract vs tome: বৃহৎ গ্রন্থখণ্ড Mnemonics when you are asked to read a really Large Book, Then you say with surprise "TO ME"??? .. ;

Proliferate [pruh-lif-uh-reyt]

Examples: Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years. Meaning: verb: to increase a lot and suddenly in number বাংলা অর্থ: প্রচুর সংখ্যায় স্বীয় বংশবৃদ্ধি করা Root: Synonym: Grow rapidly; spread; multiply Abstruse: Proliferate: প্রচুর সংখ্যায় স্বীয় বংশবৃদ্ধি করা ( here poli == poly for mnemonics ) vs Profligate: উড়নচন্ডি ব্যক্তি , অসচ্চরিত্র বা লম্পট বা লক্ষ্মীছাড়া ব্যক্তি , Mnemonics life rate=its always increasing

Subsume [suh b-soom]

Examples: Soldiers from many different countries have been subsumed into the United Nations peace-keeping force. Meaning: verb: to include something or someone as part of a larger group: বাংলা অর্থ: কাউকে বা কোন জিনিসকে আরোও বড় কোন কিছুতে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা, অন্তর্ভূত করা Root: Synonym: Abstruse: surmise: অনুমান vs subsume: অন্তর্ভূত করা Mnemonics 1. subsume -- sub + sum + e. Sum -- summing. summing something means adding up and hence to include everything. 2. Subsumed resume মানে contain/include resume.

Innocuous(adj) [ih-nok-yoo-uh s]

Examples: Some mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact poisonous Meaning: completely harmless (= causing no harm) বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষতি করে না এমন Root: noc means harm Synonym: harmless, safe, nontoxic, innocent, edible, eatable; inoffensive, unobjectionable, Mnemonics in(not)+nocuous(noxious)........ means not noxious......something which is not noxious is harmless...


Examples: Surprisingly, Hank had become a high-powered CEO; his high school friends remembered him as "Hanky Panky", who shrugged off each failed class with insouciance. Meaning: lack of care or concern; indifference বাংলা অর্থ: ঔদাসীন্য, অনাসক্তি, ঔদাস্য Root: Related words: nonchalant(উদাসীন) , apathetic(উদাসীন), alienate(উদাসীন) , aloof, dispassionate, carefreeness , lightheartedness , lightsomeness, insouciant(উদাসীন) , uninterested, indifferent Abstruse: Insouciance: ঔদাসীন্য, অনাসক্তি, ঔদাস্য vs Insolent:উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর vs Indolent:অলস VS insularity=সংকীর্ণচিত্ততা Mnemonics

Indignant(adj) [in-dig-nuh nt]

Examples: Ted became indignant when the policewoman accused him of steal ing the nuclear weapon. Meaning: feeling anger over a perceived injustice, angry, especially as a result of some thing unjust or unworthy; insulted বাংলা অর্থ: ঘৃণামিশ্রিত ক্রোধযুক্ত Root: dignity means সম্মান, so indignant means অসম্মান, অসম্মান, অপমান, অমর্যাদা, অবজ্ঞা, অসম্ভ্রম, কদুক্তি Synonym: aggrieved, resentful, affronted, disgruntled, displeased, cross, angry, mad, Abstruse: indignant= ঘৃণামিশ্রিত ক্রোধযুক্ত VS indigent= অভাবী, অতি দরিদ্র vs indigenous:দেশীয় Mnemonics indignant = in + dig + n + ant; while you are busy IN DIGging earth- expecting treasure, you find an army of ANTs! you will treat them SCORNFULLY and with ANGER....

Potentate [poht-n-teyt]

Examples: The Dutch tried to put it together and were able to keep it together through playing sultans and local princes and potentates off against one another for several centuries. Meaning: noun: a monarch or ruler, especially an autocratic one. বাংলা অর্থ: ক্ষমতাবান ব্যক্তি Root: poten means power Synonym: ruler, monarch, sovereign, king, queen, emperor, empress, sultan, shah, raja, Mnemonics potentiality means ক্ষমতা, শক্তি

Indict(v) [in-dahyt

Examples: The bankrobber was indicted on several major charges, including possession of a firearm. Meaning: If a law court or a grand jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime: বাংলা অর্থ: অভিযুক্ত করা Root: Synonym: Carp(দোষারোপ করা), impeach(নিন্দা করা, সন্দেহ করা, অভিযুক্ত করা), indict(অভিযুক্ত করা), Vilify(নিন্দা করা), Inculpate(অভিযুক্ত করা , দোষ দেওয়া ), Culpable(নিন্দনীয়, অপরাধমূলক), inculpate(দোষারোপ করা ), Exculpate(দোষক্ষালন করা) Abstruse: interdict=নিষিদ্ধ করা VS Indict=অভিযুক্ত করা Mnemonics 1. if you push your dick in a girl without her permission she will accuse you of rape 2. Rhymes with VERDICT

Striate [strahy-eyt]

Examples: The canyon walls were striated with colour. Meaning: adj: having long, thin lines, marks, or strips of colour: বাংলা অর্থ: দীর্ঘ, পাতলা লাইন, চিহ্ন, বা রং এর ঝালর Root: Synonym: striped,Marked with parallel bands; grooved Mnemonics striate = STRIp of diferent colour.. বিলেখিত (Adj.) - বিলেখিত Mnemonic: STRIp of diferent color

Impeccable(adj) [im PEK uh bul]

Examples: The children's behavior was impeccable; they didn't pour dye into the swimming pool. Meaning: flawless; entirely without sin বাংলা অর্থ: অনবদ্য, নিষ্পাপ, অপাপবিদ্ধ, নিরপরাধ, নিখুঁত, অনিন্দ্য Root: Synonym: flawless, faultless, unblemished, spotless, immaculate, pristine, stainless Mnemonics Picking on somebody means to finding faults. Hence Im Pickable means, no fault can be found

Surfeit [sur-fit]

Examples: The country has a surfeit of cheap labour. Meaning: noun: an amount that is too large, or is more than is needed, Excess, excessive amount, overindulgence বাংলা অর্থ: প্রয়োজনের চেয়ে অতিরিক্ত Root: Related words plethora(আধিক্য), excess(বাড়তি), overabundance(প্রয়েজনাতিরিক্ত), superfluity, superabundance(অত্যধিক প্রাচুর্য), surplus(উদ্বৃত্ত), glut(অতিরিক্ত সরবরাহ), surfeit(প্রয়োজনের চেয়ে অতিরিক্ত), inordinate(অতিরিক্ত) excess, surplus, abundance, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, glut, avalanche, deluge, overdose, bellyful Abstruse: forfeit:খোয়ানো , খেসারত দেওয়া , অধিকার হারানো, বাজেয়াপ্ত vs surfeit: an excessive amount of something. Mnemonics surfeit = SIR is he eats a lot than required until he is full.

Tableau [ta-bloh]

Examples: The film is composed of a series of tableaux , with scenes reminiscent of detailed paintings. Meaning: noun: an arrangement of people who do not move or speak, especially on a stage, who represent a view of life, an event, etc, vivid description, striking incident or scene, (noun) any dramatic scene বাংলা অর্থ: মূকনাট্য, যে নাটকীয় দৃশ্যে কথা কওয়া হয় না Root: Synonym: picture, pageant, scene, tableau vivant Mnemonics

Insolent(adj) [IN suh lunt]

Examples: The ill-mannered four-year-old was so insolent that even adults were tempted to raise their voices at him Meaning: rude and not showing respect: বাংলা অর্থ: উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর Root: Synonym: Peevish(অবাধ্য, খিট্খিটে), Obstreperous(দুরন্ত , অবাধ্য), Fractious(খিটখিটে , বদমেজাজি), intractable(অবাধ্য), Obstinate(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য) Stubborn, Pertinacious(অদম্য, জিদপূর্ণ), Obdurate(একগুঁয়ে), Renitent(একগুঁয়ে, অবাধ্য), Refractory(অবাধ্য, বেয়াড়া), Recalcitrant(অবাধ্য, একগুঁয়ে), Adamant(একরোখা), Tenacious(অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা),Cantankerous(ঝগড়াটে), petulant(বিরক্ত, খিট্খিটে), Splenetic(খিট্খিটে, বদমেজাজি), Contumacious(একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার), Contentious(কলহপ্রিয়), Irascible(একরোখা , খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম), choleric, belligerent, querulous, Altercate(কথা কাটাকাটি করা), Brazen(নির্লজ্জ), Insolent(উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর) Abstruse: Insouciance: ঔদাসীন্য, অনাসক্তি, ঔদাস্য vs Insolent:উদ্ধত, দুর্বিনীত, অপমানকর vs Indolent:অলস VS insularity=সংকীর্ণচিত্ততা Mnemonics sounds like insult-ent => A person who insults evryone is UNRESTRAINED, IMPRUDENT AND SHAMELESS

Inexorable(adj) [in EK sur uh bul]

Examples: The inexorable waves pounded the shore, as they have al ways pound ed it and as they always will pound it Meaning: continuing without any possibility of being stopped বাংলা অর্থ: অনিবার্য, কঠোরহৃদয়, নির্দয় Root: Synonym: Ineluctable(অপরিহার্য), peremptory(সুদৃঢ়), inevitable(অনিবার্য), perse (জন্মগতভাবে, সহজাতভাবে, অপরিহার্যভাবে, নিজ বৈশিষ্ট্য, স্বয়ং), Cogent(প্রবল, অনিবার্য, অকাট্য), relentless(নির্দয়, নিষ্ঠুর), unavoidable, Inexorable(অনিবার্য, কঠোরহৃদয়, নির্দয় ), Irrevocable(অনড়, প্রত্যাহার করার অসাধ্য), unstoppable, inescapable, unavoidable,unalterable, persistent, continuous, nonstop, steady, interminable(অন্তহীন), incessant(নিরবচ্ছিন্ন), unceasing, unremitting, unrelenting Abstruse: exonerate: দোষক্ষালন করা vs Inexorable:অনিবার্য, কঠোরহৃদয়, নির্দয় Mnemonics exor is logic gate which changes. so in exorable is that cannot be changed or stopped

Inordinate(adj) [in OR duh nit]

Examples: The math teacher paid an inordinate amount of attention to the grammar rather than algebra Meaning: excessive; unreasonable বাংলা অর্থ: অতিরিক্ত Root: Synonym: excessive, undue, unreasonable, unjustifiable, unwarrantable Related words plethora(আধিক্য), excess(বাড়তি), overabundance(প্রয়েজনাতিরিক্ত), superfluity, superabundance(অত্যধিক প্রাচুর্য), surplus(উদ্বৃত্ত), glut(অতিরিক্ত সরবরাহ), surfeit(প্রয়োজনের চেয়ে অতিরিক্ত), inordinate(অতিরিক্ত) Mnemonics you are in ordinate(y-axis) and y axis goes upwards without limit

Picayune [pik-ee-yoon]

Examples: The misery suffered in this war makes your own problems seem pretty picayune. Meaning: adj: having little value or importance: noun:a small coin of little value, especially a 5-cent piece. বাংলা অর্থ: অল্প গুরুত্বের ব্যাপার Root: pica/ pecca means small Synonym: fiddling , footling , lilliputian , little , niggling , petty , piddling , piffling , trivial Abstruse: picayune: অল্প গুরুত্বের ব্যাপার vs piquant: তীব্র স্বাদযুক্ত, কৌতুহল উদ্দিপক vs peccadillo: Small sin or fault Mnemonics picayune: relate it to pico, which means small. so picayune->pico->small or petty things

Imprecation(n) [im-pri-key-shuh n]

Examples: The old woman walked along the street muttering imprecations. Meaning: Curse; prayer for harm to come to someone , an offensive word বাংলা অর্থ: অভিশাপ , শাপ , অমঙ্গল কামনা Root: Related word: anathematize, ban, beshrew, imprecate, Execrate Mnemonics IMPRECATION=IM-PRAY-cation. The prefix IM- means opposite. The opposite of PRAY is CURSE (The latin root word "precari" means pray)

Indigenous(adj) [in-dij-uh-nuh s]

Examples: The plants and animals indigenous to Australia are notably different from those indigenous to the U.S Meaning: originating in a certain area বাংলা অর্থ: দেশীয়, দেশী, স্বদেশজাত Root: comes from indian>> indi Synonym: endemic Abstruse: ingenuous=অকপট, ছলাকলাহীন comes from genuine VS ingenious=প্রতিভাসম্পন্নcomes from genius VS Disingenuous:কৃত্রিম VS Ingenuity: অকপটতা, উদ্ভাবনী দক্ষতা vs indigenous: দেশীয় vs indignant= ঘৃণামিশ্রিত ক্রোধযুক্ত VS indigent= অভাবী, অতি দরিদ্র Mnemonics

Tenuous [ten-yoo-uh s]

Examples: The police have only found a tenuous connection between the two robberies. Meaning: adj: very weak or slight. বাংলা অর্থ: পাতলা, অতি সূক্ষ্ম , কৃশ Root: Synonym: slight, insubstantial, meager, flimsy, weak, doubtful, dubious, questionable, suspect, Abstruse: Tenable: ধরিয়া রাখা যায় এমন, রক্ষা করা যায় এমন, নির্দিষ্ট মেয়াদবিশিষ্ট vs Tenacious:সংসক্ত, কঠিন, অনমনীয়, জিদি, জিদপূর্ণ, নাছোড়বান্দা vs Tenacity:জিদ, সংসক্তি vs Tendentious: বিতর্কিত বিষয়ের প্রতি আগ্রহ বা সমর্থন vs Tenet: তত্ত্ব বা বিশ্বাস,axiom, dogma, precept vs Tenuous: পাতলা, অতি সূক্ষ্ম , কৃশ Mnemonics Remember like Tennis & and all female tennis players are Slim like Maria Sharapova :)

Ineffable(adj) [in EF uh bul]

Examples: The simple beauty of nature is often so ineffable that it brings tears to our eyes. Meaning: বাংলা অর্থ: অবর্ণনীয়, অনির্বচনীয়, অপ্রকাশ্য, অনুচ্চার্য Root: Synonym: unnameable , unspeakable , unutterable,indefinable , indescribable , unspeakable , untellable Abstruse: Affable=ভদ্র, VS effable=able to be described in words vs Ineffable:অবর্ণনীয়, অনির্বচনীয়, অপ্রকাশ্য, অনুচ্চার্য VS efface=মুছিয়া ফেলা Mnemonics in+ef+ fable. fable means story. story can be told. in-fable means something which can not be uttered such as the name of Lord Voldemort (from Harry Potter).

Imponderable(adj) [im-pon-der-uh-buh l]

Examples: There are too many imponderables to make an accurate forecast Meaning: something that cannot be guessed or calculated because it is completely unknown বাংলা অর্থ: অনির্ণেয়, অধরা Root: Synonym: Abstruse: ponderous=ভারী, শক্ত, মুশকিল VS Ponder=চিন্তা করা, ভাবিয়া দেখা, ওজন করা, বিবেচনা করা vs Imponderable:ভারহীন, অনির্ণেয়, অতিলঘু Mnemonics

Ploy [ploi]

Examples: There are various ploys we can use if necessary. Meaning: noun: something that is done or said in order to get an advantage, often dishonestly, a clever plan to turn a situation to one's advantage বাংলা অর্থ: এমন কিছু যা একটি সুবিধা পাওয়ার জন্য করা হয় বা বলা হয়, প্রায়শই অসাধুভাবে: Root: Synonym: ruse, tactic, move, device, stratagem, scheme, trick, gambit, plan, maneuver, Abstruse: plod=কষ্টসহকারে থপথপ করিয়া চলা, Walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps VS Ploy=এমন কিছু যা একটি সুবিধা পাওয়ার জন্য করা হয় বা বলা হয়, প্রায়শই অসাধুভাবে,সেবা, চাকরি। Mnemonics ploy sounds like you employ people in your company to gain advantage over other companies.

Prodigal [prod-i-guh l]

Examples: There have been rumours that he has been prodigal with company funds. Meaning: adj: spending large amounts of money without thinking of the future, in a way that is not wise: বাংলা অর্থ: অপব্যয়ী Root: pro means much, for, a lot Synonym: thriftless, Prodigal(অমিতব্যয়ী), Profligate(লক্ষ্মীছাড়া), Spendthrift(অপব্যয়ী লোক, অমিতব্যয়ী লোক), recklessly wasteful, improvident(অবিচক্ষণ, বেহিসাব) Abstruse: prodigal=অপচয়ী, অমিতব্যয়ী VS Prodigy/ Prodigious=বিষ্ময়কর, পরম বিষ্ময়কর ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু Mnemonics 1. If you are a PRO (prod) with GIRLs (digal) then you must waste money a huge 2. prodigal = prodi (proud )+ gal (girl)= the girls who is having excessive proud is always wasteful or divide prodigal as PRO+DI+GAL, => PRODUCERS and DIRECTORS r using gals for means they are PROFLIGATE.

Subtle [suht-l]

Examples: There is a subtle difference between these two plans. Meaning: adj: small but important, difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze বাংলা অর্থ: অস্পষ্ট, সূক্ষ্ম, নিগূঢ়, চতুর, কৃশ, ধূর্ত, সরু Root: Synonym: not obvious; elusive; difficult to discern Mnemonics sub+tle(title) without subtitle it is difficult to understand the other languages

Innuendo(n) [in-yoo-en-doh]

Examples: There's always an element of sexual innuendo in our conversations. Meaning: (the making of) a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly বাংলা অর্থ: কটাক্ষ, শ্লেষ, বক্রভাষণ, বক্রোক্তি Root: Synonym: indirect and subtle criticism, insinuation Abstruse: innuendo=কটাক্ষ, বক্রভাষণ, বক্রোক্তি VS inundate=উপচাইয়া উঠা, Overwhelm, Overflow Mnemonics

Quibble [kwib-uh l]

Examples: There's no point quibbling about/over a couple of dollars. Meaning: adj/noun: argue or raise objections about a trivial matter. বাংলা অর্থ: ছোটখাট ব্যাপার নিয়ে ঝগড়া করা Root: Synonym: quibble(টাল, বাক্চাতুরী, শ্লেষ আসল কথাটি এড়াবার জন্য কথার মারপ্যাঁচ). equivocate(বাক্চাতুরী করা), circumlocution(বাগাড়ম্বর), periphrastic(পরোক্ষ উক্তিমূলক ), waffle(বকবকনি, বকবক করা) Prevaricate(কৌশল সত্যকে এড়াইয়া যাওয়া) criticism, objection, complaint, protest, argument, exception, grumble Mnemonics

Unscrupulous [uhn-skroo-pyuh-luh s]

Examples: These unscrupulous rulers violated every principle of Islam to survive in power Meaning: adj: having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair, without scruples or principles বাংলা অর্থ: বিবেকবর্জিত, অবিবেকী, ন্যায়-অন্যায় বিচারহীন Root: scrupulous Synonym: unprincipled, unethical, immoral, conscienceless, shameless, reprobate, exploitative Abstruse: Inscrutable:বোঝা অসম্ভব, impossible to understand or interpret, enigmatic, mysterious, unreadable, inexplicable vs Unscrupulous: বিবেকবর্জিত, অবিবেকী, ন্যায়-অন্যায় বিচারহীন vs Scrupulous:বিবেকী, খুঁতখুঁতে, সতর্ক, দ্বিধাগ্রস্ত, যথাযথ vs Scurrilous:অশ্লীল কৌতুকপূর্ণ Mnemonics Un + School i.e without school or the things taught at school (principles)

Prospective [pruh-spek-tiv]

Examples: We've had three sets of prospective buyers looking at the house. Meaning: adj: people who are expected to buy something, employ someone, become parents, etc.: বাংলা অর্থ: প্রত্যাশিত, সম্ভাব্য বা প্রত্যাশিত ভবিষ্যত্সংক্রান্ত Root: Synonym: potential, possible, probable, likely, future, eventual, -to-be, soon-to-be, Mnemonics opposite of retrospect

Idyllic (adj) [eye DIL ik]

Examples: They built their house on an idyllic spot. There was a babbling brook in back and an unbroken view of wooded hills in front. Meaning: charming in a rustic way; naturally peaceful, (especially of a time or place) like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque. বাংলা অর্থ: সরল শান্ত মনোরম Root: Related words: felicitous(যথাযথ, সুখপূর্ণ, মনোরম), halcyon( শান্ত, শান্তিপূর্ণ, সুখপূর্ণ) , Idyllic(সরল শান্ত মনোরম), perfect, wonderful, blissful, happy, ideal, idealized, heavenly, paradisal, utopian, Elysian, peaceful, picturesque, bucolic, unspoiled, picture-perfect, Arcadian, Abstruse: idyllic:সরল শান্ত ত্ত মনোরম vs idle: অলস vs idol: প্রতিমা vs idolatrous: পৌত্তলিক,প্রতিমাপূজাসম্বন্ধীয় vs idolatry: প্রতিমাপূজা Mnemonics 1. Sounds like being idle. when we are idle without work we are jolly 2. something that is ideal is excellent and delightful in all respects,.. like ideal place for research

Iniquity(n) [ih-nik-wi-tee]

Examples: They fought long and hard against the iniquities of apartheid (বর্ণবাদ) Meaning: Injustice, wickedness, sin, a very wrong and unfair action or situation বাংলা অর্থ: পাপকার্য , অন্যায়, শায়তানি , চূড়ান্ত অবিচারপূর্ণ Root: Synonym: Peccadillo (small sin or fault), wickedness, sinfulness, immorality, impropriety, vice, evil, sin, villainy, criminality, Abstruse: Antiquity=অনাদিকাল VS Iniquity=অপরাধ, দুষ্কর্য, দুষ্কর্ম, দোষ vs Inequity: lack of equality, unfairness Mnemonics: Iniquity sounds like inequality;lack of justice. hence iniquity is injustice

Phony / phoney [foh-nee]

Examples: They were accused of submitting phony claims to insurers, including Medicare. Meaning: adj: represented as real but actually false; intended to deceive বাংলা অর্থ: নকল, অপ্রকৃত, জাল Root: Synonym: bogus, false, fake, fraudulent, spurious, counterfeit, forged, feigned, pseudo, Mnemonics phone+money--think if someone calls u on phone and asks for money..surely is a fraud.

Squander [skwon-der]

Examples: They'll quite happily squander a whole year's savings on two weeks in the sun. Meaning: verb: to waste money or supplies, or to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage: বাংলা অর্থ: অপচয় Root: Synonym: waste, misspend, misuse, throw away, fritter away, spend recklessly, spend unwisely Abstruse: Squalid: দারিদ্র্যপীড়িত, নোংরা vs Squander: অপচয় vs Squelch:পচ পচ শব্দ করে হাটা; দমন করা Mnemonics SQUANDER rhymes with if you keep wandering, you are ultimately wasting time in life.

Quixotic [kwik-sot-ik]

Examples: This is a vast, exciting and some say quixotic project. Meaning: adj: having or showing ideas that are different and unusual but not practical or likely to succeed, unrealistic and impractical. বাংলা অর্থ: বাস্তবজ্ঞানহীন Root: Synonym: visionary, utopian, extravagant, starry-eyed, unrealistic Abstruse: Quisling: প্রতারক, বিভীষণ, স্বদেশদ্রোহী vs Quixotic: বাস্তবজ্ঞানহীন Mnemonics quixotic== quick + exotic, if you desire something exotic to happen quickly in your life it is just a daydream.

Precept [PREE sept]

Examples: This policy goes against common precepts of decency. Meaning: noun: a rule for action or behaviour, especially obtained from moral thought: বাংলা অর্থ: নীতি Root: Synonym: axiom, dogma,tenet,principle, doctrine, precept, , belief, creed, credo, article of faith, principle; law Mnemonics its a rule to PRE SET(cept)the oven before cokking

Substantiate [suh b-stan-shee-eyt]

Examples: We have evidence to substantiate the allegations against him. Meaning: verb: provide evidence to support or prove the truth of, Establish by evidence; verify; support বাংলা অর্থ: কোন সত্য প্রকাশের বা সমর্থনের জন্য প্রমাণ দেওয়া Root: Synonym: prove, show to be true, give substance to, support, uphold, bear out, justify আদালত সংক্রান্ত subpoena: আদালতে হাজিরা দেওয়া, Substantiate: provide evidence to support or prove the truth of, litigation: মামলা-মকদ্দমা, suit Abstruse: substantiate=প্রমাণ করা VS Substantive= বাস্তব, আসল, বাস্তবিক, সত্য Mnemonics

Symbiosis [sim-bee-oh-sis]

Examples: We see how plants and animals live together in symbiosis ; as we breathe out carbon dioxide the plants take it and give us back oxygen. Meaning: noun: interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both. বাংলা অর্থ: পারস্পরিক নির্ভরতার মধ্যে দিয়ে দুটি জীবের সুষ্ঠ জীবনযাপন Root: Synonym: mutualism Mnemonics split it like sym(simi) two sis(ters)..who are sharing BIOlogically similar.body...are living by mutually helping each other.

Provident [prov-i-duh nt]

Examples: We were provident with our limited food supplies, knowing that the winter ahead would be long and cold. Meaning: adj: making arrangements for future needs, especially by saving money বাংলা অর্থ: মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ Root: Synonym: sapient(বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ) , savant (মহাপণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি), Prudent(বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী), Circumspect (সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), sage(ঋষি, মহাজ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি), Perspicacious (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ স্বচ্ছদৃষ্টিসম্পন্নতা, তীক্ষ্নদৃষ্টি acutely insightful and wise ) , pundit, Politic (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ), Judicious (সুবিজ্ঞ, সুবিচারপূর্ণ, বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী ), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Provident(মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ), sane ( opposite of insane , বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী) Mnemonics to remember this, think about 'LIC PROVIDENT FUND POLICY'which is kept for future use.

Travail [truh-veyl]

Examples: While they experienced nothing but travails in refinishing the kitchen, they completed the master bedroom in less than a weekend. Meaning: n/v: painful or laborious effort, use of physical or mental energy; hard work; agony or anguish বাংলা অর্থ: পরিশ্রম, যন্ত্রণার সঙ্গে পরিশ্রম Root: Synonym: ordeal, trial, tribulation, trial and tribulation, trouble, hardship, privation, Abstruse: Nontrivial:Important or big enough to matter vs Trivial= নগণ্য VS Travail= পরিশ্রম, খাটুনি Mnemonics Travel+rail....when you travel a long distance in a railway full of people you suffer from travail....

Synoptic [si-nop-tik]

Examples: a synoptic outline of the contents Meaning: adj: giving a short description of, Relating to a synopsis or summary; giving a general view something বাংলা অর্থ: সারসংক্ষেপি Root: Synonym: terse(বাহুল্যবর্জিত), coda(summarizes or concludes ), compendium(সংক্ষিপ্তসার), succinct(সংক্ষিপ্ত), Sententious(নীতিগর্ভ, সংক্ষিপ্ত অথচ অর্থপূর্ন), Aphorism(সংক্ষিপ্ত ব্যাখ্যা), Epitome(সংক্ষিপ্তসার), pith, pithy ( মজ্জাপূর্ণ, কর্মশক্তিপূর্ণ, precise), concise, synoptic(সারসংক্ষেপিত) Abstruse: Sycophant:চাটুকার, চামচা vs Synoptic: সারসংক্ষেপি, synopsis vs Syncopation:তালপরিবর্তন Mnemonics something like synopsis

Turgid [tur-jid]

Examples: a turgid and fast-moving rive Meaning: adj: swollen and distended (ফা[পা বা ফোলানো) or congested. excessively ornate or complex in style or language; grandiloquent বাংলা অর্থ: স্ফীত, ঘন Root: Synonym: Distend(ফাঁপা, ফোলান, ফোলা স্ফীত হওয়া বা করা), Balloon (বেলুন, আকাশযান, ব্যোমযান)(swell or puff,out) Turgid (স্ফীত, রসস্ফীত স্ফীট, বর্ধিত, শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ)or Tumid (স্ফীত, বর্ধিত, গালভরা শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ) (swollen, inflated; or, metaphorically "inflated," such as in overblown, pompous speech) Abstruse: Turbid=ঘোলা, অস্বচ্ছ cloudy, opaque, or thick with suspended matter. VS Turgid=স্ফীত VS Tumid= স্ফীত swollen vs Turpitude: লাম্পট্য, নীচতা Mnemonics People always tell tragedies by overblowing them

Piety [PYE uh tee]

Examples: acts of piety and charity Meaning: noun: The state of being pious বাংলা অর্থ: ধর্মানুরাগ, ভক্তি Root: Synonym: devoutness; reverence for God Mnemonics Pie+tea if we get a pie and a tea when we are hungry we thank god and devout to him. Or else when we need them we devout to god...

Impromptu(adj) [im-promp-too]

Examples: an impromptu party/performance Meaning: without preparation; on the spur of the moment,done or said without earlier planning or preparation বাংলা অর্থ: উপস্থিতমত, বিনা প্রস্তুতিতে, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতি ব্যতীত Root: Synonym: Impromptu(উপস্থিতমত, বিনা প্রস্তুতিতে, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতি ব্যতীত), Improvise, Extemporaneous(তত্ক্ষণিক, পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন, অচিন্তিতপূর্ব, আকস্মিক, ), unscripted Mnemonics

Stipulate [stip-yuh-leyt]

Examples: he stipulated certain conditions before their marriage Meaning: verb: to say exactly how something must be or must be done: বাংলা অর্থ: চুক্তির শর্ত করা Root: Synonym: specify, set down, set out, lay down, demand, require, insist on, make a condition of Mnemonics staple+it-- Staple the documents, so that it GUARANTEES that they stay together permanently!

Impassive(adj) [im-pas-iv]

Examples: impassive passersby ignore the performers Meaning: not feeling or showing emotion বাংলা অর্থ: অনুভূতিশূন্য Root: Synonym: pas means suffer : expressionless, unexpressive, inexpressive, inscrutable, unreadable, blank Mnemonics Impassive-> A person saying-"I m Passive(Not Active)", that means he has no feelings,emotions.

Presumptive [pri-zuhmp-tiv]

Examples: presumptive signs of pregnancy Meaning: adj: believed to be something, or likely to be true, based on the information that you have: বাংলা অর্থ: আনুমানিক, প্রত্যক্ষ প্রমাণহীন Root: Synonym: conjectural, speculative, tentative, theoretical, unproven, unconfirmed Mnemonics

Incipient(adj) [in-sip-ee-uh nt]

Examples: signs of incipient public frustration Meaning: just beginning বাংলা অর্থ: প্রারম্ভিক Root: Synonym: tyro(শিক্ষানবিস), inchoate(অপরিণত), incipient(জায়মান), germinate(অঙ্কুরিত করা), burgeon(কুঁড়ি, মুকুল, কলি), nascent(জায়মান, বর্ধনশীল), rudimentary(প্রাথমিক) novice(শিক্ষানবিস) neophyte(নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি) Fledgling(অনভিজ্ঞ লোক) embryonic(rudimentary) Abstruse: Percipient=বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী VS incipient=in an initial stage, প্রাথমিক পর্বের বা স্তরের VS Precipice= খাড়া ও উঁচু গিরিচূড়া Mnemonics inci(INITIAL)+pie(nt)(PAYment)...wen only d initial payment is given, ur house wil be partially constructed!

Incessant(adj) [in-ses-uh nt]

Examples: the incessant beat of the music Meaning: uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing বাংলা অর্থ: নিরবচ্ছিন্ন, একটানা, অবিশ্রান্ত, অবিরাম, ক্রমাগত, অবিরল Root: french cessent means ক্ষান্তি Synonym: ceaseless , constant , never-ending , perpetual , unceasing , unremitting Mnemonics

Plangent [plan-juh nt]

Examples: the plangent tones of the baritone sax Meaning: adj: (of sounds) deep, low, and expressing sadness: বাংলা অর্থ: অনুনাদশীল , শব্দায়মান, প্রতিধ্বনিপূর্ণ, Root: Synonym: melancholy, mournful,Plangent ( শব্দায়মান, প্রতিধ্বনিপূর্ণ, অনুনাদশীল ((of a sound) loud, reverberating, and often melancholy.) sonorous (গমগমে, loud ) Abstruse: Plangent:অনুনাদশীল , শব্দায়মান, প্রতিধ্বনিপূর্ণ, ((of a sound) loud, reverberating, and often melancholy.) vs Pungent:কটুগন্ধ,তীব্র Mnemonics when PLANing GENTs make a lot of noise

Tacit [tas-it]

Examples: your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement Meaning: adj: understood without being expressed directly, understood or implied without being stated. বাংলা অর্থ: সোজাসুজি বা স্পষ্ট বলা হয় নাই এমন, Root: taciturn comes from tacit Synonym: implicit, understood, implied, hinted, suggested, unspoken, unstated, unsaid, Mnemonics tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room.

Discreet [dih-skreet]

Examples:: 1. The family made discreet enquiries about his background. 2. To make discreet inquiries is to ask around without letting the whole world know you're doing it. Meaning:: adj: careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping something secret বাংলা অর্থ:: সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক, সতর্কভাবে কিছু করা যাতে কোন লজ্জায় পরতে না হয় বা কারো মনোযোগ আকর্ষন না হয়, গোপনে করা Root:: Synonym:: sapient(বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ) , savant (মহাপণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি), Prudent(বিচক্ষণ, দূরদর্শী), Circumspect (সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন), sage(ঋষি, মহাজ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি), Perspicacious (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ স্বচ্ছদৃষ্টিসম্পন্নতা, তীক্ষ্নদৃষ্টি acutely insightful and wise ) , pundit, Politic (বিজ্ঞ, বিচক্ষণ), Judicious (সুবিজ্ঞ, সুবিচারপূর্ণ, বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী ), Discreet (সতর্ক, বিচক্ষণ, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ বিবেচক,), Provident(মিতব্যয়ী, বিচক্ষণ), sane ( opposite of insane , বিচক্ষণ, জ্ঞানী) Abstruse: Discrete=পৃথক VS Discreet= careful বিচক্ষণ VS Discretion=বিচক্ষণতা vs Discrepancy: অনৈক্য, অমিল, মতভেদ, ভেদ, বৈসাদৃশ্য, গরমিল, Mnemonics diSECRET. "You must be discreet about our SECRET Don't confuse discrete with discreet, which means "secretive, undercover."

coup de grace

Finishing stroke, death blow, শেষ কোপ দেয়া deathblow intended to end the suffering of a mortally wounded victim. It can also be used figuratively to refer to a finishing touch of any sort. literal meaning: last এ নরমালি/ অনুগ্রহ দয়া দেখানো হয় , ঐটাও না করা মানে একবারে শেষ করে দেয়া, Finishing stroke, death blow শেষ কোপ দেয়া <Death gives the coup-de-grace to a drunken fellow who had fallen down stairs.> <The elven hero, upon seeing his former nemesis struggling for breath, performed a quick coup de grace, ending its suffering. > <George had never had much luck with these matters, and after all that'd happened, losing his wallet was the coup de grace that spurred him to tears.>

as such

In its current manner. in the exact sense of the word. এমন যে , এরকম , যেমন <The position, as such, does not appeal to him, but the salary is a lure.> < Do you like this version as such, or should I make revisions?> 2. Exactly. <I didn't get an A as such, but I still did really well in that class!>


Someone very experienced in something; expert having been involved in a particular activity for a long time: She's also a veteran campaigner for human rights.


Something given up or yielded

the lion's share

The largest part or most of something <Reputable charities spend the lion's share of donations on aid and a tiny fraction on administration.>

tipping point

The time at which a change or an effect cannot be stopped দেয়ালে পিঠ থেকে গেছে , এমন অবস্থায় চলে গেছে যে ওইখান থেকে ফেরানো সম্ভব না literally: tip means ডগা, শেষ প্রান্ত । অর্থাৎ , tipping point বুঝায় কোন কিছুর শেষ অবস্থায় যখন আর পরিবর্তন সম্ভব না । <Every infected person brings us closer to the tipping point, when the outbreak becomes an epidemic.> <North Korea and Iran represent tipping points in their regions.> <Employee anger over pay violations in the restaurant industry may have reached a tipping point.> < The earth has already passed the tipping point in terms of global warming. >

the very idea the very notion

This expression is used to express a strong contrast. that is preposterous, unreasonable, etc an exclamation of disapproval or disagreement. তীব্র দ্বিমত পোষণ করা <You can't stay out until one in the morning - the very idea!> <The author conjures up a drifting yet haunting word picture that challenges one's very notion of what constitutes a story. (This means that the author's strange "word picture" story goes against the most basic things that we think must be true about stories)>

at once X and Y at once

This is a funny construction. It is intended to show that two totally different qualities are present at the same time or in the same thing. এরকম থাকলে X and Y দুইটা বিপরীত হয় সাধারণত , একই সময়ে দুইটা বিপরীত কিছু বুঝাচ্ছে । 1. immediately, 2. at the same time. <You have to call him at once> <Everything happened at once - she graduated, got a job, and got married, all in June!> <We re received three proposals that are all excellent, but we can do them at at once (here, at once means at the same time)> <His life story was at once sad and inspiring—he had come from the most impoverished background, yet he found away to become wealthy.> <At once pioneering and derivative, her research draws on others' work while expanding the theoretical domain.> <He was at once hysterically funny, making people roll on the floor in laughter, and overly serious, as soon as the conversation turned to politics.> Hysterically funny = X; overly serious = Y

to show one's hand

To allow people to know about intentions that you had previously kept secret. literal meaning: মুষ্টিবদ্ধ হাতে secret কোন কিছু আছে , সেটা কাওকে দেখানো । অনেকেটা হাতে কি বল দেখির মত । হাতে মিল্ক ক্যান্ডি আছে এটা প্রকাশ করা। প্রকাশ করা <Keep the names of the team secret - don't show your hand until the day of the game.>

shy away from

To avoid someone or something. < I shy away from confrontation because I just don't like conflict.> < Are you mad at me? You've been shying away from me all day.>

to go up in smoke

To be destroyed by burning আগুনে ধ্বংসে পরিণত হওয়া literally: আগুনে পুড়ে ধুয়ায় পরিণত হওয়া <Because of the fire, hundreds of houses went up in smoke.> Something that goes up in smoke fails to produce the result that was wanted <When the business went bankrupt, 20 years of hard work went up in smoke.>

put your cards on the table lay your cards on the table

To be honest and not hide what you are thinking or doing reveal something that one has kept hidden, such as one's motives, intentions, opinion, etc.; to be very candid. be very open, state exactly what your position is সরাসরি কোন জিনিস গোপন না করে বলা , সহজসরল স্বীকার , উক্তি , সহজসরল ভাবে বলা literal meaning: খেলার সময় কার্ড দেখানোর অর্থ , কোন কিছু গোপন না রাখা , সরল মনে সব কিছু দেখানো <I'm going to lay my cards on the table here, and say that I don't know what to do.> <I thought it was time I laid my cards on the table, so I told him that I had no intention of marrying him.>

to throw cold water

To be negative about someone's ideas or plans literal meaning: কোন কিছুতে ঠাণ্ডা পানি দেয়া ভালো কোন প্লানেও নেগাটিভ ভাবা , যেমন camp fire করার সময় জলন্ত আগুনে ঠাণ্ডা পানি দেয়া জিনিসটা নষ্ট করা , negative হওয়া । < I've had lots of ideas about how to improve sales but my manager pours cold water on all my suggestions.> <You're always throwing cold water on my suggestions.>

to rule the roost

To be the person who makes all the decisions in a group to be in charge or control; dominate: to be master কোন কিছুর উপর নিয়ন্ত্রন করা , বস হওয়া literal meaning: roost a place, such as a branch of a tree, where birds rest or sleep. সুতরাং ওই সব জায়গা নিয়ন্ত্রন করে যে । সে আসলেই বস । মাস্টার <It was only too apparent that his grandfather ruled the roost.> <In that family it is the grandma who rules the roost.>

to flog a dead horse

To continue to focus on something—especially an issue or topic—that is no longer of any use or relevance. বৃথা চেষ্টা , বৃথা পরিশ্রম , অপ্রাসঙ্গিক literally : flog ( আহরণে বাধ্য করা, বিক্রি বা বদলাবদলি করা, চাবুক বেত প্রভৃতি দিয়ে প্রচণ্ডভাবে মারা ) , মানে মরা ঘোড়াকে চাবুক দিয়ে পিটাইলেও সামনে যাইতে পারবে না , কোন বিষয় এখন প্রাসঙ্গিক না ওই বিষয় নিয়ে মনোযোগ দেয়া । <We've all moved on from that problem, so there's no use flogging a dead horse.> <I don't mean to flog a dead horse, but I still don't understand what happened.> <He keeps trying to get it published but I think he's flogging a dead horse.>

make the best of a bad bargain make the best of it

To deal with and create the best possible outcome of a bad, unfortunate, or unpleasant situation or set of circumstances Adapt as well as possible to a bad situation, bad luck, or similar circumstances খারাপ পরিস্থিতির সাথে যতটা সম্ভব নিজেকে মানাইয়া নেয়া , ভালো থাকার চেষ্টা করা <Jeff ended up in a cabin without his friends, but decided to make the best of it,> <She got the worst possible position, but Dad told her to make the best of a bad bargain. > < I know this data entry job isn't what you wanted for a career, but for the time being, try and make the best of a bad bargain.>

take the wind out of one's sails

To diminish one's enthusiasm, excitement, or positive outlook (about something). to cause someone to lose confidence or energy উৎসাহ হারিয়ে ফেলা , নিস্তেজ হয়ে যাওয়া , উৎসাহ নষ্ট করা literal meaning: সাধারণত বাতাস পালের অনুকুলে থাকলে উৎসাহ দেয়া হয় , যদি বাতাস না হয় (wind out) তাহলে উৎসাহ নষ্ট হবে । <The team's star player was injured and it really took the wind out of their sails.> <She thought she'd won, but when I told her the letter was a scam, it really took the wind out of her sails.> To deprive one of an advantage; to make a situation unfavorable or detrimental for one <Learning that the boss was letting Jenny give a proposal for the project as well really took the wind out of my sails.>

to pour oil on troubled waters

To do or say something in order to make people stop arguing and become calmer. to try to make peace between people who are arguing To calm a disturbance: literally : ময়লা / ভেজাল পানিতে তেল ঢেলে ঠাণ্ডা করা । পরিস্তিতি নরমাল করা । কোন কাজ করে পরিবেশ ঠাণ্ডা করা <His ideas caused real dissension within the party at first, but he poured oil on troubled waters in last night's speech.> <My husband's always arguing with my father, and I'm the one who has to pour oil on troubled waters.>

take the bull by the horns

To do something difficult in a brave and determined way literal meaning: যারা নাকি শিং ধরে bull আনা নেয়া করে , তারা খুব সাহসের সাথে কঠিন কাজ সম্পন্ন করে। সাহসী এবং কৃতসংকল্প, দৃঢ়প্রতিজ্ঞ <Colleges want the applicants who will take the bull by the horns and the campus by storm!> <I took the bull by the horns and confronted him about his mistreatment of the workers.> <Why don't you take the bull by the horns and tell him to leave?>

to pay the piper

To face the results of one's actions; to receive punishment for something, To bear the consequences to pay the cost of something. to bear the unfavorable consequences of one's actions or pleasures: literal meaning: মূল্য দেয়া, <Someday he'll have to pay the piper for all that gambling.> <You can put off paying your debts only so long. Eventually you'll have to pay the piper.>

take umbrage

To feel upset or annoyed, usually because you feel that someone has been rude or shown no respect to you অপমানবোধ করা <Will she take umbrage if she isn't invited to the wedding?>

to build on sand to build upon sand build a sandcastle

To have a poor base, or not sufficient preparation To create, provide, or use an unstable or impermanent foundation for something তাসের ঘর , যেটার ভিত্তি মজবুত না <In hindsight, I guess our relationship was kind of built on sand, since we didn't really have much in common to begin with.> <If you buy nothing but high-risk stocks, your portfolio will be built on sand.>

sway or hold sway over

To have or exert great control or influence (over someone). প্রভাব বজায় থাকা literally : sway means শাসন, প্রভাব , দোলা । সুতরাং মানে অনেক প্রভাব বজায় রাখা । <My father retired from politics years ago, but he still holds sway in the town to this day> <It is suspected that the president's wife holds a lot of sway over the administration's policy.>

to have at one's fingertips

To have something physically within one's reach or in one's hand. especially of information) readily available; accessible. fingertips(নখদর্পণে) , হাতের নাগালেই <until we have more facts at our fingertips, there is no use in speculating> < I always have a glass of water at my fingertips when I sleep, because I hate waking up thirsty.> To be able to easily or conveniently access, accomplish, or achieve something < With our new 24-hour phone service, you have quality customer care at your fingertips.>

to lionize a person

To make a big fuss over someone To see them as important as a lion. বড় করে তোলা <Republicans continue to lionize Ronald Reagan as their ultimate hero>

to raise cain

To make a lot of trouble. literally: cain means গোলমাল. comes from the first son of Adam and Eve, who murdered his brother Abel. <He'll raise Cain when he finds out I lost his watch.> <The students raised Cain while the teacher was out.> < The customer has been raising Cain about the service charge we included on his bill.>

to split hairs

To make or focus on trivial or petty details, differences, or distinctions. to argue about small details of something If you say that someone is splitting hairs, you mean that they are making unnecessary distinctions between things when the differences between them are so small they are not important. literal meaning: কাজের কথার সময় চুল ছড়িয়ে রাখা । মানে তুচ্ছ কাজ করা, কাজের জিনিস বাদে তুচ্ছ জিনিস নিয়ে পরে থাকা কথা বলা । <Don't split hairs. You know what I'm getting at.> < I'm sorry to split hairs, but your portion of the bill is $25.97, not $25.79.>

to feather your (own) nest

To make yourself rich, especially in a way that is unfair or dishonest grow rich by taking advantage of circumstances enrich oneself by taking advantage of one's position literal meaning: নিজের পালকশোভিত করা, মানে নিজের ঘাট গুছানো । অবৈধ ভাবে টাকা আত্মসাৎ করা । <The congressmen feathered his nest through his connection with big business> <The CEO was fired following allegations that he was feathering his own nest with donations to the company's charitable fund.>

(to be) under a cloud

To not be trusted or popular because people think you have done something bad under suspicion of wrongdoing in a depressed or troubled state of mind বিপদাপন্ন , খারাপ কাজ করে বিপদে literally: মেঘের নিচে থাকা , মানে আসন্ন বিপদের মুখে থাকা <The cabinet minister left office under a cloud after a fraud scandal.> <The military are under a cloud for killing civilians while breaking up a demonstration.>

to bring/take down a peg (or two)

To reduce or damage one's ego or pride; to humble or humiliate one. literally : take down means abase, chasten, cheapen, debase, degrade, demean take up means boost, crane, elevate, up, rise so take down a peg ( মদ খাওয়ার পেগ ছোট করা , অপমান করা , একজনের pride ছোট করা ) < He was so rude that someone was bound to knock him down a peg or two.> <It's about time that someone took Sarah down a peg. Her snotty rich-kid arrogance is intolerable!>

in (or by) comparison

When compared. <I thought I was badly treated but my experiences pale in comparison with yours.> <It was a tame film in comparison to some that she's made.> '<the Prime Minister's support staff is tiny in comparison with that of a US President'>

gray area

an ill-defined situation or field not readily conforming to a category or to an existing set of rules. an area or situation in which it is difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong literal meaning: সাদা হলে ভালো , কালো হলে খারাপ কিন্তু gray কে ভালো না খারাপ judge করা যায় না , difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong <There are no gray areas in the rules.> <grey areas in the legislation have still to be clarified> <The difference between gross negligence and recklessness is a legal grey area.>

In contrast to / In contrast with

an obvious difference between two or more things In contrast to X, Y is A, we can draw the conclusion that X is not A. <For instance: In contrast to our competitor's product, our product is made with organic material> <In contrast to last year's profits, the company is not doing very well.>

opening salvo

an opening salvo is sth that starts a fight Salvo: a simultaneous discharge of two or more guns in military action or as a salute a sudden burst <a salvo of cheers> <the first salvo of a political campaign>

on pins and needles

anxious and tensed প্যারায় থাকা to be nervously waiting to find out what is going to happen literal meaning : পিন এবং সূঁচ উপর রাখলে যে কেউ খুব চিন্তিত এবং উদ্বিগ্ন থাকবে , প্যারায় থাকা <Don't keep Margaret on pins and needles - give her a call.> <"She's waiting for the doctor to call with her test results, so she's been on pins and needles all day.">

sword of Damocles

any imminent danger any situation threatening imminent harm or disaster. আসন্ন বিপদ literally: Damocles এর তলোয়ার মানেই আসন্ন বিপদ , সে সবার ক্ষতি করত তার তলোয়ার দিয়ে <But he knew all too bitterly under what a sword of Damocles he was standing.> <The threat of a cut in funding is hanging over the Opera House like a sword of Damocles.> <Above the head of every editor the law of libel hangs like the sword of Damocles.>

only looks (adj) X only looks like Y.

appears but isnt really literally only looks means শুধুমাত্র দেখায়। কিন্তু আসলে সে তার বিপরীত । < She only looks homeless - she is actually a famous and wealthy artist who lives eccentrically> X really isn't Y, or like Y, The cake looks like a chocolate one. I'm not sure what kind of cake it is, but I think it's chocolate. But if you heard me say, well, the cake looks like a chocolate one, but then you'd know I'm saying: it resembles a chocolate cake, but it isn't or might not be.

verge on

approach, to come close to to be almost a particular state, quality, or feeling, especially one that is very bad or very good literally: verge means কোনও জিনিসের প্রান্ত, কিনারায় থাকা, কাছাকাছি থাকা অর্থাৎ verge on মানে হল ভালো বা মন্দের একবারে কাছে থাকা , প্রায় <At times, his performance verged on brilliance, but at others it was nothing special.> <His behavior verges on rudeness.>

more or less

approximately, roughly mostly: <The project was more or less a success.> ​ approximately: <It's 500 kilos, more or less.> ​ almost: <He more or less admitted he'd done it.>


coming; arrival; the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event আবির্ভাব, অভ্যাগমন, অভ্যাগম Ex: The ~ of the automobile greatly increased the demand for petroleum. Usage Tips: ~ is usually followed by an of phrase.


humanitarian; benevolent; relating to monetary generosity

tounge in one's cheek

as a joke, though seeming or appearing to be serious sarcastic statement expressed in a mock serious manner. statement may have a double meaning, some sort of inuendo or is witty in some way, particularly to the speaker. literal meaning: সিরিয়াস মুডে জোকস করা <He said that he was a huge fan of the president, although I suspect it was tongue in cheek.> < The zombie movie, very much with its tongue in its cheek, gives a clever criticism of American consumerism.>

paid dearly

at a great cost suffer for a misdemeanor or failure. চড়া মূল্য দেয়া । <He drank too much and is paying dearly for it.> <The Republican candidate's admissions about his failure to pay taxes cost him dearly.> <his master must have paid dearly for such a magnificent beast"> <"they paid dearly for wasting goalscoring opportunities">


at a very fast rate Ex: In Turkey, the value of the lira has decreased ~ in the last several decades. in a way that becomes quicker and quicker as something that increases becomes larger: Malthus wrote about the risks involved in the world's population increasing exponentially. Usage Tips: ~ is taken from mathematics, where an ~+ is a number indicating how many times something is multiplied by itself. For example, 43 contains the ~+ "3", indicating 4 × 4 × 4.

On face On the face of it

at first appearance, superficially, expect the real story later on. apparently, seemingly, when first considered: literal meaning: আপাতদৃষ্টিতে , স্পষ্টত, প্রথম দেখায় , এর মুখে ( দেখিবামাত্র ) The story seems simple on the face of it, but it's really pretty complicated.> < On its face, the donation seems like a selfless act of philanthropy. However, the wealthy donor mainly made the donation for the tax benefits> <On the face of it that seems to make sense. But the figures don't add up.> <It is, on the face of it, a difficult point to grasp.>

at best

at the most, interpreted in the most favorable way. even if the best possible result happens: under the most favorable circumstances বড় জোর, নাহয়, <At best, you will earn back what you paid in.> <He's an average writer at best.> <If he drops the course now, at best he'll get an incomplete, and he could fail.> <My college algebra teacher can barely factor a polynomial! He is qualified to teach elementary school math, at best>


at the same time as যেখানে <I read it while you were drying your hair.> compared with the fact that; but: <He gets £50,000 a year while I get a meagre £20,000!> <Tom is very extrovert and confident while Katy's shy and quiet.>

look a gift horse in the mouth

be ungrateful for what you are given, To show a lack of appreciation or gratitude when receiving a gift. to be ungrateful to someone who gives you something; to treat someone who gives you a gift badly. literal meaning: মুখের ভিতরে ঘোড়া দেখা , হাতের গিফট ছোট মনে করে ভাবা যে মুখের ভিতরে ঘোড়া আছে । কোন কিছু গিফট করার পরেও ওইটা নিয়ে অসন্তুষ্ট থাকা । <Never look a gift horse in the mouth. I advise you not to look a gift horse in the mouth.> <I can't believe you're looking a gift horse in the mouth, especially since you can't afford to buy a car on your own!">

now that

because , now that as You use now that to give an explanation of a new situation inasmuch as; since: literal meaning: এখন যেহেতু, এখন কারণ <Now that she is rich and famous, she is constantly being besieged by appeals for aid.> <Now that I live only a few blocks from work, I walk to work and enjoy it.>

on account of

because of something else, especially a problem or difficulty for the sake of : because of <The game was cancelled on account of rain.> <On account of the rain, we'll have to postpone the game until next week.>


common; easy to find because it exists in great amounts ব্যাপক, প্রভাবশালী, বিজয়ী, প্রাদুর্ভূত, লক্ষণীয়ভাবে বিদ্যমান, প্রভাববিস্তারক Ex: Distrust of elected officials was ~ in our county because many of them were friends with certain candidates.

go down the tubes

become much worse, fail. One theory is that this expression is about the plumbing attached to toilets to fail completely; fail utterly. to fail or become ruined , to be wasted or lost literal meaning: টিউবএর নিচে যান , মানে fail completely তাই লজ্জায় মুখ লুকাইতে টিউবএর নিচে যান। গোল্লায় যাওয়া । <His health is going down the tubes.> <All my hard work went down the tubes.> <If business doesn't pick up soon, the company will go down the tubes.> <the country is going slowly and surely down the tubes>

by then

before a time in the past or future এর পূর্বেই , দুইটা ঘটনা মধ্যে একটি ঘটার আগেই আরেকটি করা <I will graduate in 2020, by then , I hope to have found a job.>

on the carpet

being scolded In a position to be facing reprimand. Under discussion or consideration. literally: কার্পেটে বসতে বলা , অপমান করা <When my team lost that big client, the boss called me on the carpet.> <We don't have time to discuss those issues, but don't worry, they'll be on the carpet the next time we meet.>

besides / beside / aside

besides: in addition to, also, moreover. <I have five history books here besides the four that I left at home. beside: next to. < There is a small table beside the bed.> aside: to one side. <Harry sets money aside every payday for his daughter's education.>


bothersome; doing small things that others don't like আপত্তিকর, বিরক্তিকর, জঘন্য, দূষণীয় Ex: My ~ neighbor keeps talking to me while I'm trying to read in my backyard.

can't help (but)

can't stop;to not be able to control or stop something can't help but = must Must, cannot stop something from happening; to be unable to stop yourself from doing something. to be unable to refrain from or avoid; be obliged to <Still, you can't help but admire her.> <Her parents live nearby, so she can't help but go there on holidays.> <He can't help talking so loudly> < I can't help thinking about you.> <I can't help but think about you.>


characteristic of a teenager; not fully grown up Ex: In policy meetings, George refuses to reason with anyone and just scowls in an ~ way.

word/rumor has it

claim, according to. the information or story that is going around is used to refer to something that is generally thought to be true although not official or known to be a fact <Word has it that the neighbors are moving next month.> <Rumor has it that he quit the job.( According to rumor, he quit the job)> <Word has it (that) they may separate.>

toe the line toe the mark

conform to a policy or way of thinking, follow the rules. কঠোরভাবে নিয়ম মেনে চলা to obey or stick to a rule or policy literally: toe(পদাঙ্গুলির ভর দিয়া দাঁড়ান ), অর্থাৎ লাইনের বরাবর আঙ্গুল দিয়ে চলা , কঠোরভাবে নিয়ম মেনে চলা To adhere to the rules of something <If you want to get ahead, you'd better learn to toe the line.> <From now on, I plan to toe the line and do exactly what Gram tells me, to avoid getting in any more trouble.> <I expect you to toe the line at all times if you want to remain at this firm, Jonathan.>


confusing, often because you do not know how to solve something: They find the company's attitude perplexing and unreasonable. The rise in childhood mental illness is perplexing.

successive / consecutive

consecutive: indicates an uninterrupted sequence. <Today is the tenth consecutive day of this unbearable heat wave.> successive: indicates a series of separate events. <The united states won gold medals in two successive Olympic games. >


consider one's own internal state of feelings অন্তর্মুখ

red-letter day

day of happiness, time for rejoicing a special, happy, and important day that you will always remember আনন্দের দিন <The day I first set foot in America was a red-letter day for me.>


deformation of materials in response to stress a force or influence that stretches, pulls, or puts pressure on something, sometimes causing damage: The hurricane put such a strain on the bridge that it collapsed. As you get older, excess weight puts a lot of strain on the heart. Their constant arguments were putting a strain on their marriage.

in the doldrums

depressed; dull and listless, despondency doldrums: নির্জীব অবস্থার <Dean's in the doldrums for most of every winter.> < I've been in the doldrums ever since my grandfather died last month. >

in face (or the face) of

despite in spite of; notwithstanding: literal meaning: মুখে (অথবা মুখ) , অর্থাৎ মুখের উপর সত্ত্বেও , মানে একজনের মুখের উপর বলতে সে যা বলছে সেটার বিপরীত <She persevered in the face of many obstacles.> when confronted with: face-to-face with : DESPITE <fearless in the face of danger> <They were steadfast in the face of disaster.> <She left home in the face of strong opposition from her parents.>

notwithstanding withstanding

despite the fact or thing mentioned: in spite of, despite, regardless of, for all nevertheless, however literal meaning: withstanding সাথে দাঁড়ানো, একমত হওয়া , পূর্বের উল্লেখিত বিষয়ের সাথে একমত , another withstand বিরোধিতা করা, প্রতিরোধ করা notwithstanding সাথে দাড়ায় না , একমত না , পূর্বের উল্লখিত বিষয়ের বিপরীত , in spite of , despite <The soldiers withstood the attack.> <The house withstood the storm.> <Although there are some who oppose the plan, we will go through with it notwithstanding.> <Notwithstanding a brilliant defense, he was found guilty. She went to the game anyway, doctor's orders notwithstanding.> <Notwithstanding some members' objections, I think we must go ahead with the plan.> <Injuries notwithstanding, the team won the semifinal.>


despite the fact that: <She hasn't called, even though she said she would.> in spite of the possibility that : even if <though I may fail, I will try> but: <They're coming next week, though I don't know which day.> as though: as if <You look as though you've been running a marathon!>


despite; not being affected by something নির্বিশেষে, মনোযোগ বা পাত্তা না দিয়ে despite the prevailing circumstances. <they were determined to carry on regardless> <The plan for a new office building went ahead regardless of local opposition.> <She knew it was dangerous to visit him except at night, but she set out regardless (of the risk). This job is open to all, regardless of previous experience.>


direct denunciation or name-calling. আক্রমণমূলক, তিরস্কারপূর্ণ ভাষা, কটুক্তি, নিন্দাবাক্য

take exception

disagree with, object to ভিন্নমত পোষণ করা , একমত না হওয়া <I take exception to that remark about unfair practices. > <But I take exception to one point Mr. Ruckelshaus made that minimized the seriousness of the situation.> <Unsurprisingly, women took exception to being treated like farm animals.> To be offended or made angry by something or someone <Why did you take exception to what he said? He was only joking.> To disagree with something <The manager took exception to the statement about having only three employees.>


hatred, contempt; disgrace or infamy resulting from hateful conduct

vim and vigor

energy; enthusiasm; literally: vim (তেজ, বীর্য, জীবনীশক্তি, বলিষ্ঠতা ) and vigor (প্রাণশক্তি, পুরুষত্ব, বীর্য, তেজ) <Though she's no longer young, she's still full of vim and vigor.> <He was full of vim and vigor after that swim. >

lock, stock, and barrel

entirely, completely including everything; completely. including all or every part of something literally: The effective portions of a gun (or more specifically a musket) are the lock (used to hold ready the sparking mechanism), the stock (the portion held), and the barrel (the aiming guide and conveyor for the explosive-driven projectile). Collectively they are the whole weapon, and therefore everything. <We had to move our things lock, stock, and barrel to the other side of the country.> <the place is owned lock, stock, and barrel by an oil company>


excessively overweight Ex: More Americans are ~ now because U.S. culture encourages overeating and discourages exercise.


exclusion from a society or group

run the gamut

experience, display, or perform the complete range of something literally gamut means স্বরগ্রাম . so run the gamut means রেঞ্জের মধ্যে সব কিছু করা a complete scale of musical notes; the compass or range of a voice or instrument. to include the whole range of possible things within a group or type: <Their projects run the gamut from mobile homes to luxury condos.> <wines that run the gamut from dry to sweet> <Owen runs the gamut of emotions in the space of the film> <Her emotions ran the gamut from joy to despair.>


extremely unattractive, in a way that catches a lot of attention; comically or repulsively ugly or distorted অদ্ভুত, উদ্ভটি, অসম্ভব Ex: Spending $3.5 million to redecorate the governor's house is a ~ misuse of public money.

worth one's weight in gold

extremely valuable, very useful very useful or helpful , খুবই কাজের , খুবই উপকারি literal meaning: একজনের ওজনের সমপরিমাণ স্বর্ণের মূল্য এর সমান দামের যোগ্য <John's been extremely helpful; he's worth his weight in gold> <That tractor's been worth its weight in gold.> <This recipe book is worth its weight in gold - it tells you everything you need to know.> <Boys who can sing like that are worth their weight in gold to the choir.>


fawning; showing servile complaisance; flattering; deferent ; polite and obedient in order to gain something চাটুকার, ক্রীতদাসতুল্য, তোয়াজ, খোশামুদে পদলেহী, জোহুজুর, বংশবদ, অতিমাত্রায় আজ্ঞাবহ


fear or worry about what is going to happen: We view future developments with some trepidation.


feeling/ expressing sorrow for; empathizing with; pity দয়া করা, সহানুভূতি প্রকাশ করা

gloss over / paper over / whitewash

gloss over: to avoid considering something, such as an embarrassing mistake, to make it seem not important, and to quickly continue talking about something else literal meaning: উপর চকচকে ভিতরে সদরঘাট , কোনো কিছু ভুল / অসঙ্গত( embarrassing mistake) হলেও ঐটা এড়িয়ে যাওয়া whitewash: a book that tries to whitewash the country's past, কোন কিছু মুছে ফেলা, একদম মুছে ফেলা to cancel defects, to give a falsely virtuous appearance to something paper over: to hide an unpleasant situation, especially a problem or disagreement, in order to make people believe that it does not exist or is not serious: literal meaning: উপরে কাগজ, কোনো খারাপ কিছু ঢাকতে উপরে কাগজ ব্যবহার করা হয় <the differences between the two factions are too great to be papered over in the name of party unity> <the company tried to paper over its red ink, issuing assurances that it was still financially sound> <He tried to paper over the country's deep-seated problems.> refused to whitewash the governor's chronic disregard for the truth <She glossed over the company's declining profits.> <The documentary glossed over some important issues.> <He glossed over the accident.> <The problems were ignored or glossed over.>


having the ability to call forth memories or other responses স্মৃতি জাগানিয়া

versed in

highly experienced, practiced, or skilled; very knowledgeable; learned literally: versed পণ্ডিত, বিশারদ, সুদক্ষ, জ্ঞাত কুশল, দক্ষ literally verse means শ্লোক, চরণ, পঙ্‌ক্তি, স্তবক, কবিতা, to know a lot about a particular subject or be experienced in a particular skill: <I'm not sufficiently versed in XML to understand what you're saying.> <He is a well-versed scholar on the subject of biblical literature.>


illustrating innermost thoughts and emotions চিন্তাশীল, প্রতিক্ষেপক, প্রতিফলক, প্রতিফলনকারী, চিন্তামূলক, প্রতিফলিত করে, প্রতিবিম্বিত করে, চিন্তাপ্রধান After hearing the news they sat in a quiet, reflective silence.

Steeped in

immersed in, saturated with. If something or someone is steeped in something, they are completely surrounded by or involved in it, or know a lot about it নিমগ্ন থাকা , চারদিকে জড়িয়ে রাখা , <The college is steeped in history/tradition.> <These ancient scholars were steeped in poetry and painting, as well as maths and astronomy.> <A teabag steeps in hot water>. <A person steeped in classic literature probably thinks about almost everything in terms of old, famous books>

out on a limb

in a dangerous or exposed position In a position that lacks evidence, certainty, or support in a dangerous position to do something; at risk. literally: সীমার বাইরে , কোন কিছু মাত্রা অতিরিক্ত করা যেটা নেগেটিভ এবং কারও সমর্থন নাই , limb means an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or a bird's wing. <She's going out on a limb in criticizing her own party leadership.> <risk: I don't want to go out on a limb, but I think we can afford to do it.> <dangerous: It's okay to climb the tree, but don't go out on a limb and fall off.> <lack of evidence: Her hypothesis is really out on a limb—the facts don't support it at all. That politician is out on a limb after publicly questioning the views of his party. I went on a limb getting my contacts at the company to give you a chance, so don't blow it.>

straight from the shoulder

in a direct, open way With no extraneous details or embellishments; simple, direct, and forthright. An allusion to boxing, in which a punch straight from the shoulder carries maximum force. < The president is looking for staff who will give him advice straight from the shoulder.> If you say something straight from the shoulder, you say it directly and with complete honesty. <If you say something straight from the shoulder, you say it directly and with complete honesty.> In boxing, a blow that is straight from the shoulder is a direct and powerful blow, delivered with a straight arm.


in a quiet, hard-to-notice way চতুরভাবে Ex: By ~ changing the soft drink's formula, we improved its taste and made production cheaper.

on tenterhooks

in a state of anxiety literal meaning: one of the hooks or bent nails that hold cloth stretched on a tenter(যেটায় কাপড় নাড়া হয় ). অর্থাৎ কাপড় নাড়ার হুক, ঝুলন্ত। উদ্বেগপূর্ণ অনিশ্চিত অবস্থা, ঝুলন্ত সিদ্ধান্ত <he was on tenterhooks waiting for the director's decision> <The movie keeps one on tenterhooks until the very last moment.> <the waiting kept us on tenterhooks> <China's tech businesses have been on tenterhooks in recent months.>

on the one hand / on the other hand

in a way that is different from the first thing you mentioned used to introduce statements that describe two different or opposite ideas, people, etc. <On the one hand, I think the price is fair, but on the other (hand), I really can't afford to spend that much money.> <He's a good guy. His brother, on the other hand, is a very selfish man.> <My husband likes classical music - I, on the other hand, like all kinds.>


in a whole or complete manner Ex: Writing and spelling are taught ~ as part of the reading program.

at odds

in conflict., contradictory, self-contradictory, conflicting মতভেদ not agreeing with each other : in a state of disagreement <The teachers' union and the state government are always at odds> <The two groups have long been at odds with each other.> <The results of the study are at odds with our previous findings.> <his behaviour is at odds with the interests of the company>

so as to

in order to literal meaning: সুতরাং এটা হিসাবে , যাতে <The captain often delegated responsibility to his subordinates, so as to have time to do the important tasks himself.> <We took off our shoes so as to avoid scratching the newly finished floors> <We'd gone without breakfast so as to enjoy our meal more - and we were starving.>

to this end

in order to achieve a particular aim so as to achieve this goal. নির্দিষ্ট কোন লক্ষ্যে অর্জনের জন্য । অভীষ্ট লক্ষে <We need to cut costs if we're going to stay in business. To this end, I suggest a suspension of bonuses and a freeze on all raises across the company.> <Art thrives when collaboration is plentiful, so, to this end, we have created a new co-operative studio for all kinds of different artists.> <He wanted to discuss his position, and arranged a meeting to this end.>

in apple pie order

in very good order; very well organized., good condition to be perfectly arranged and tidy arranged neatly or perfectly : in perfect order সুসজ্জিত literal meaning: apple কে খুব সুন্দরভাবে পিস পিস করে কাটা যায় , সুন্দর করে সাজানো যায় <Everything in the cupboard was (arranged) in apple-pie order.> <Their house is always in apple-pie order.> <Please put everything in apple-pie order before you leave.> <I always put my desk in apple-pie order every evening.> < I've put my entire life into apple-pie order.>


intense, a sincere state of mind আন্তরিক, বাগ্র, সাগ্রহ, বায়না He was a very earnest young man.


intentionally ভেবেচিন্তে, জেনেশুনে, ইচ্ছাপূর্বক, জ্ঞাতসারে, ইচ্ছেমত <the fire was started deliberately> <I'm sure he says these things deliberately to annoy me.> ​ slowly and carefully: <Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one.>

in conclusion

lastly; to sum up. finally, lastly, in closing, to conclude, last but not least; <in conclusion, it is clear that the market is maturing> <In conclusion, I would like to thank you for inviting me to speak tonight.> <So, in conclusion, the "recognition" of Impress does not change much.>


left behind after most of a thing has gone Ex: In the airplane, agents found ~ traces of heroin. Usage Tips: ~ is often followed by trace, amount, or some other word referring to "quantity."

Just cause

legally sufficient reason. আইনানুক কারণ literal meaning: শুধুমাত্র পর্যাপ্ত কারণ , মানে কোন কিছু করার জন্য আইনানুক পর্যাপ্ত কারণ <In some legal codes, an employer must show just cause for firing an employee> < When the police pull you over, search you, arrest you, etc. with out having any just cause>

legions or is legion

legions are large military units (a few thousand soldiers). means large. large numbers of people <He failed to turn up for the concert, disappointing the legions of fans waiting outside.> <legions of photographers and TV cameras> <Surely, the developers could have foreseen that legion of Mac users would protect>

come/get on your high horse , come/get (down) off your high horse

literally: get on high horse উচু ঘোড়ায় উঠা , নিজেকে বড় ভাবা , রুক্ষ ( ঘোড়া ), arrogant হওয়া get off high horse উচু ঘোড়া থেকে নামা , কম রুক্ষ হওয়া , কম arrogant হওয়া come/get on your high horse: In an arrogant or condescending manner. <When they started talking about music, David got on his high horse and said that classical music was only fit for museums and archives. > come/get (down) off your high horse : Similarly, off one's high horse means "less arrogantly, more humbly," <I wish she'd get off her high horse and be more friendly.> <It's time you came down off your high horse and admitted you were wrong.>


loyalty, commitment, আনুগত্য, বশ্যতা শাসকের প্রতি প্রজার অথবা দেশের প্রতি নাগরিকের কর্তব্য, যথাযোগ্য সম্মানবোধ Ex: My ~ to my country is based on respect for its principles. Usage Tips: ~ is commonly followed by a to phrase.


not concrete and realistic; not obviously related to every-day experience Ex: ~ painting became popular partly because early photography was very realistic. theoretical without reference to specifics সারাংশ, সংক্ষিপ্তসার, বিমূর্ত, অবাস্তব, ভাবমূলক, ভাবগত, নির্বস্তুক, অকার্যকর, নিগূঢ়, দুর্বোধ্য

save save for save that

not including (someone or something) : except for (someone or something) save(preposition): but or except. As a verb, of course, save means keep safe, store up, set aside save except <No one, save perhaps his wife, knows where he is.> save for: <The room was completely dark, save for one candle burning in the corner.> save that: <We know little about his childhood, save that his family was poor.> <They found all the lost documents save one.> <Watching T.V. was mama's favorite activity, save for eating chocolate cream puffs.> <Randy did not consider any of the class ruffians friends, save for Donald, who once came to his defense in a playground scuffle.>


not very much, barely, scarcely খুব বেশী না, কমই বটে <the little house in which he lived was hardly bigger than a hut> <He wore a big hat that covered his head and you could hardly see his face. (you could only see a small part of his face)> <At first, hardly anyone came. (almost no one came)> <There was hardly anything to eat.> <We hardly ever (= almost never) go to concerts.>

hold the line

not yield to the pressure of a difficult situation To firmly uphold a certain position Maintain the existing position or state of affairs. to maintain the status quo literally: লাইন ধরে রাখা , মানে কোন জিনিস ওই অবস্তায় ধরে রাখা , কোন কিছু বজায় রাখা <We'll have to hold the line on spending until our profits rise.> <France's central bank would hold the line> <We're trying to hold the line on prices.>


personal honesty and good character Ex: We don't have a problem with our employees stealing from the store because we hire only people with a lot of ~.

often / oftentimes

often times: on many occasions: < Oftentimes a company will contribute toward an employee's moving expenses.> <He would oftentimes prefer to be alone. many times> <I don't cook meat very often.> <It's often quicker to travel across country and avoid the major roads altogether.> <She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stopped altogether.> *বাংলা অর্থ*: প্রায়ই, প্রায়শ, ঘনঘন, অনেকবার, বহুবার, হামেশা, নিয়ত, অকসর, দণ্ডে দণ্ডে, পুন:পুন, ঘড়ি-ঘড়ি

a wet blanket

one who spoils the fun literal meaning : শীতের দিনে হুট্ করে ভেজা কম্বল দিলে সব আনন্দ মাটি হয়ে যাবে , প্রস্তাবিত পরিকল্পনা বা ব্যবস্থা-সম্বন্ধে যে নিরুৎসাহিত করে, যে সমীপস্থ সবাইকে নিরুৎসাহ করিয়া তোলে a person who spoils other people's fun by failing to join in with or by disapproving of their activities A negative person who tends to ruin other people's good times. <Don't be a wet blanket> <Don't let Joseph come on the Vegas trip, he's only going to be a wet blanket and take the fun out of everything.>

nothing more than

only; literal: কোন কিছুই শুধুমাত্র ঐটা থেকে বেশি না , only If you say that someone or something is nothing more than a particular thing, you are emphasizing that they are only that thing, and nothing more interesting or important. <The newly discovered notes are nothing more than Lang's personal journal.> <He dismissed Bryan as nothing more than an amateur.> <He is nothing more than a second-rate musician, busking at a bus stop; his friends are always happy to escape his warbling falsetto.>


organization wherein the topic sentence is stated and then followed by the details উদাহরণ, চিত্রণ, দৃষ্টান্ত, ব্যাখ্যা, চিত্র, ছবি আঁকা, বিশদীকরণ, নিদর্শন, চিত্রালংকরণ, ছবি

in the lap of the gods

out of one's own hands, beyond one's control, in the hands of fate literal meaning: lap means কোল , অর্থাৎ কোন কিছু খোদার কোলে থাকার মানে হলে খোদার হাতে আছে । মানুষের কন্ট্রোল নাই , ভাগ্য <the result is in the lap of the gods now> <The doctors have done everything possible for him, so his recovery now is in the lap of the gods.> <She's done what she can to expedite matters; now it's in the lap of the gods.>

ivory tower

out of touch with life a state of privileged seclusion or separation from the facts and practicalities of the real world. To live or be in an ivory tower is not to know about or to want to avoid the ordinary and unpleasant things that happen in people's lives: literal meaning: ivory tower হচ্ছে আইভরির রাজকীয় টাওয়ার যেখানে মানুষ কম , সমাজ থেকে দূরে , সাধারন মানুষ থেকে দূরে <Academics sitting in ivory towers have no understanding of what is important for ordinary people.> <the ivory tower of academia> <The book was written by some college professor who's spent her entire professional life in an ivory tower.> <But economists are super-slow to learn — way too ivory towered.>

out of

out of: to lack , to be without. < The departmental store was out of milk.> out of date (old) out of work ( jobless) out of the question ( impossible) out of order (no functioning)


overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, নীতিবাগীশী, বিচারবুদ্ধিহীন পণ্ডিতসুলভ, পাণ্ডিত্যাভিমানী, গোঁড়া, স্কুল-শিক্ষকসুলভ আচারসর্বস্ব


overly decorated



due diligence

research or analysis done before taking action (such as investing); care that a reasonable person would take to prevent harm to others the care that a reasonable person exercises to avoid harm to other persons or their property reasonable steps taken by a person to avoid committing a tort or offence. literal meaning: due(যথাযথ, উপযুক্ত, ঠিকমতো, পূর্বনির্দিষ্ট,) diligence( অধ্যবসায়, পরিশ্রম), কোনো কিছু করার আগে যথাযথ অধ্যাবসায় / এনালাইসিস করা <failed to exercise due diligence in trying to prevent the accident> <If the client group undertakes due diligence, they may check references and visit similar projects, including ones completed by your firm.>


risk a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business: He holds (= owns) a 40 percent stake in/of the company.


rock fragments and pebbles


serious misbehavior; not doing what one should do; minor crime, esp. that committed by young people কর্তব্যে অবহেলা, ত্রুটি, দোষ কুকর্ম, খারাপ কাজ, অপকর্ম Ex: Because of his laziness and ~, Lefty was an unreliable friend. Usage Tips: A common combination is juvenile ~, meaning "criminal behavior by a teenager."

set forth set forward

set forth ( কোন কিছু প্রকাশ করা ) 1. To present for consideration; propose: set forth a sound plan. 2. To express in words: She has set forth her ideas. set forward ( কোন কিছু শুরু করা ) To begin a journey. begin a journey. literally: forth সামনের দিকে, সমুখপানে , অ্যান্ড forward কোন কিছু সম্মুখপানের জন্য সেট করা মানেই তো কিছু শুরু করা , ভ্রমণ শুরু করা <we set forth to enjoy the countryside"> delineate,

set/put/lay great store by/on set/put/lay little store by/on

set great store by: to believe that something is very important কোন কিছুকে খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভাবা To have much faith, confidence, or belief in someone or something Regard as valuable or worthwhile, <Our family sets great store by/on tradition.> <Martina sets great store by physical strength and fitness.> <I've never set much store by money and possessions.> set/put/lay little store by/on: underestimate কোন কিছুকে কম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভাবা

redolent of

smelling strongly of something or having qualities (especially smells) that make you think of something else: redolent: সুরভিত reminiscent of fragrant or sweet-smelling <"the church was old, dark, and redolent of incense (ধূপ)"> <The album is a heartfelt cry, redolent of a time before radio and television.> <The mountain air was redolent with the scent of pine needles.>


soft, delicate, unmanly মেয়েলি

ST is lost on SB

to have no effect or influence on to be beyond the comprehension of কোন কিছু আক কান দিয়ে শুনে আরেক কান দিয়ে বের করা , হারিয়ে যাওয়া <Her advice was lost on me.> <The lecture was lost on us.>

it's an ill wind it's an ill wind (that blows nobody any good)

someone usually benefits from another person's misfortune said to show that even a very bad situation must have some good results Even misfortune can benefit someone or something.; A calamity for one person usually benefits somebody else. কারও পৌষ মাস কারও সর্বনাশ । ( কারও জন্য খারাপ হলেও অন্য জনের জন্য ভালো ) <They lost everything when that old shed burned down, but they got rid of a lot of junk as well—it's an ill wind.> <The rain caused flooding, but it may help the farmers. It's an ill wind, as they say.> <The tremendous hailstorm left gaping holes in most of the roofs in town, so many families were homeless. The roofing companies, however, made plenty of money fixing those holes. It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.> <They lost everything when that old shed burned down, but they got rid of a lot of junk as well—it's an ill wind.>

a red herring

something that diverts attention from the main issue literal meaning: যখন সমুদ্রে মানুষ যায় তখন হাঙ্গর কিংবা তিমি তাকে খেয়ে ফেলতে পারে ঐটার দিকে মনোযোগ না দিলে আর a red herring (ক্ষুদ্র সামুদ্রিক মত্স্যবিশেষ) দিকে মনোযোগ দেয়া মানে , আসল কাজের জিনিস বাদ দিয়ে আজাইরা জিনিস নিয়ে পরে থাকে , diverts attention from the main issue something that distracts attention from the real issue <the argument about women's choices is largely a red herring> <The police investigated many clues, but they were all red herrings.>


something that incites or provokes

bitter pill to swallow

something that is very unpleasant but must be accepted literal meaning : অনেক সময় তিতা ওষুধ গিলতে হয় , মানে তিতা হলেও এটা গ্রহণ করতে হয় <Losing to a younger player was a bitter pill to swallow.> <It was a bitter pill for her brother to swallow when she married his enemy.> <We found his deception a bitter pill to swallow.

a feather in one's cap

something to be proud of A symbol of honour and achievement <Harry's appointment to this important post was a feather in his cap.> <Being chosen class president is a feather in her cap.>

short of sort of

sort of: প্রকার, রকম , অনেকাংশে in some way or to some degree <I feel sort of sorry for him, even though I know he's not a nice person.> <I was sort of hoping to leave early today.> <It's sort of silly, but I'd like a copy of the photograph.> short of : ঘাটতি , অভাব , কমতি not reaching as far as. without going so far as (some extreme action). <"he died at sixty-one, four years short of his pensionable age"> <"a rocket failure left a satellite tumbling in an orbit far short of its proper position> <short of putting out an all-persons alert, there's little else we can do>


speak slightingly; depreciating; belittling অপমানজনক, মর্যাদাহানিকর


spoken, carried out, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought উপস্থিতমত

burn the midnight oil

study or work late into the night working over normal capacity. literal meaning: সারাদিন কাজ করেও রাতে কাজ করে মদ্ধরাতের তেল / শক্তি শেষ করা , late night study or work <Do you write best in the morning or do you burn the midnight oil?> <After months of burning the midnight oil, he really needed a vacation.> <I hate study, and I will not spoil my looks by burning the midnight oil.>


studying, thinking, reflecting on an issue চিন্তাশীল, ধ্যানপরায়ণ, অধ্যয়নশীল, ভাবুক, চিন্তামগ্ন, চিন্তাপ্রবণ involving quiet and serious thought for a period of time: <Her mood was calm and contemplative.> <People began to listen to music in contemplative silence.>

rise to the occasion

succeed in dealing with a difficult situation succeed অবস্থা, পরিস্থিতি ইত্যাদির যথাযথ মোকাবিলা করা literal meaning: অনুষ্ঠানে ওঠা, মঞ্চে উঠে ওই সময়ের পরিস্থিতি মোকাবেলা করা <In the exam she rose to the occasion and wrote a brilliant essay.> <No one was sure if he could handle the pressure of making a speech, but he rose to the occasion and did an excellent job.> <When the company needed to increase its sales, its employees rose to the challenge.>


suspicious, unlikely, questionable, as in a fishy story, this expression probably arose because fish smell very bad when they start to spoil সন্দেহজনক, প্রতারনামুলক <I'm convinced there is something fishy going on> <There's something fishy going on here.>

couldn't have come at a better time, could hardly have come at a better time, couldn't be worse/better.

the same as "could hardly have come at a better time", this expression means that sth happened at the best possible time, such as a very convenient moment or just in time to prevent disaster literal meaning: এর চেয়ে better সময় নাও আসতে পারে মানে এটাই বেস্ট সময় , happened at the best possible time. ( have আছে ) (One's well-being or the state of something) is perfect, exactly as desired, or better than expected. couldn't be worse: এর চেয়ে খারাপতর হতে পারে না , মানে এটা অনেক খারাপ couldn't be better: এর চেয়ে ভালো পারে না , মানে এটা অনেক ভালো ( have নাই ) <: "Oh, couldn't be better! My job is great, and I just bought a house!" Oh, the project couldn't be better—we're actually ahead of schedule.>


the way one holds one's body; a pose or position


the whole range of things that can be included in something: range, spectrum, span In her stories she expresses the whole gamut of emotions, from happiness to sorrow.

reap and sow

there are metaphors related to farming, and specifically the idea that the seeds that you plants (or reap) determine what you will later harvest (or sow). You eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions. যেমন কর্ম তেমন ফল <You reap what you sow. > <Pete is also reaping what he has sown.> < He worked night and day in the strange new country, never stopping to rest, for he knew he would reap his reward when his family greeted him as a hero for all the money he had sent back home.>


therefore consequently; hence for that reason : because of that ওই কারণে , সেজন্য <Craig likes Rod, we like Rod, ergo we like Craig.> <Models are thin, ergo clothes come in model sizes.'> <The British are uptight; ergo, they go on holiday to chill.>


think over, ponder, deliberate মনোনিবেশ to spend time thinking very carefully about a subject She cogitates on questions like: What if she is making a choice she will always regret?

so much as

this phrase is used an adverb to intensify. ততটা, যতটা but rather: <I didn't listen so much as survive the conversation.> <he sat down without so much as a word to anyone>

just as

to an equal degree as এই রকম, ঠিক একই রকম <Our house is just as nice as theirs. This one is just as good as that one.> <She performs just as well as he does.> in the same way as <Just as we hope to be forgiven, so we should forgive others. > <Just as I thought/suspected, the door is locked>

put/get one's back up

to annoy someone <Just ignore him - he's only trying to put your back up.> To become or cause to become angry, hostile, defensive, or irritable. <John got his back up when his parents brought up the subject of college. Election season always gets my dad's back up.>

to rub a person the wrong way

to annoy someone. literally উল্টা পাল্টা জায়গায় রাবার দিয়ে ঘষলে যেকেউ বিরক্ত হবে , Irritate, annoy, হবে Irritate, annoy, <His remarks about welfare rubbed a great many people the wrong way> <He was known as an arrogant player who rubbed his teammates the wrong way.>

make bricks without straw

to attempt to do something without having the necessary materials to plan or act on a false premise or unrealistic basis to create something that will not last প্রয়োজনীয় প্রস্তুতি ছাড়া কাজে নেমে পড়া , পাতে দই নিয়ে খই খুঁজা <To form governments without the consent of the people is to make bricks without straw.> <They don't give us nearly enough time or support to get these projects to the standards they should be, so we end up making bricks without straw.> <You're never going to have a championship team unless they start recruiting players who are actually any good. You can't make bricks without straw.>

keep a low profile

to avoid getting attention or publicity literal meaning: low profile থাকলে এমনি মানুষের কম মনোযোগ আকৃষ্ট হবে । <Like many celebrities, she started ____ after she had children.> <He's been in a little trouble recently so he's trying to keep a low profile.>

steer(keep/stay) clear of

to avoid someone or something unpleasant or dangerous No one mentioned the divorce, so Lisa decided to steer clear of that subject.


to be a hidden cause of or strong influence on something: Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders.

watch out for

to be careful about , to be vigilant or alert সতর্ক থাকা vigilant warning someone of danger or an accident that seems likely to happen: <Watch out for that last step - it's a lot steeper than the others.> <While driving through that development, we had to watch out for the little children playing in the street. >

left holding the bag left holding the baby

to be left to suffer the blame To have the blame or responsibility thrust upon literally: চোর বা ছিনতাইকারী যখন ব্যাগ চুরি করে নিয়ে যায় , সে ভিতরের সব টাকা পয়সা রেখে দিয়ে শুধু মাত্র ব্যাগ ফেলে দেয় । তখন যে ব্যাগ টা নিবে অথবা যার কাছে পাওয়া যাবে তাকেই সবাই দোষী করবে। ব্যাগ নিয়ে পরেছিল দোষী বেক্তি । <When his partner skipped town, Harry was left holding the bag.> <The other investors pulled out of the project and we were left holding the baby.> <My partner had been cooking the books for years, but I was left holding the bag when the business collapsed.>

insinuate yourself into (Something)

to become part of something unpleasantly to use clever, secret, and often unpleasant methods to gradually become part of something কোন কিছুতে জড়িয়ে পড়া <Over the years she insinuated herself into the great man's life.> <years were needed for the agent to insinuate himself into the terrorist organization>


to break up, disturb interrupt


to cause resentment; to provoke বিরূপতা, বিদ্বেষ, শত্রুতা, বিরক্তি, মান, বিরূদ্ধ মনোভাব a feeling of anger, especially caused by someone damaging your feeling of being proud of yourself: <He stormed from the room in a fit of pique, shouting that he had been misunderstood.>


to cause someone to experience something, usually an emotion or a pain, less strongly than before: Seeing too much violence on television can desensitize people to it.


to cause to stop for a period; to hang as to allow free movement Ex: The trial was ~+ when the judge learned that one of the jury members knew the defense lawyer. Ex: The circus acrobat was ~+ in midair.

to twist around one's finger

to control completely do anything you want, usually because they like you so much literal meaning: আঙ্গুলের ইশারায় নাচানো , মানে কাউকে সম্পূর্ণ বশীভূত করা । <He'd do anything for you. You've got him twisted around your little finger> <Alison could twist just about every man around her finger.>

keep/hold (someone or something) at bay

to control something and prevent it from causing you problems: দূরে সরাইয়া রাখা , অপছন্দের জিনিস/কাজ দূরে রাখা literal meaning: কোন কিছু দূর সমুদ্রে রাখা , সমুদ্রে গেলে তো দূরে থাকবেই । কোন কিছু দূরে ঠেলা <He held the police at bay for several hours.> <She fought to keep her unhappiness at bay.>


to desire something belonging to another

petered out

to diminish gradually and stop; dwindle to nothing If something peters out, it gradually comes to an end. literal meaning: peter means সম্পূর্ণরূপে নিঃশেষিত হওয়া <His campaign started really strong, but following a series of scandals, public support for the candidate petered out and he never got off the ground.> <The light on my bike began to peter out, so I had to stop and change the batteries.>

hold forth (on something or someone)

to discuss; to talk about or explain at length to talk about a particular subject for a long time, often in a way that other people find boring বিস্তারিত দীর্ঘ সময় আলোচনা করা <She held forth all afternoon about/on government incompetence.> <If Grandpa starts holding forth about the weather, we'll be hearing about the Farmers' Almanac all night.>

wear one's heart on one's sleeve

to display ones feelings openly, not hiding feelings make one's feelings apparent. to show one's emotions very openly literal meaning: হাতের মধ্যে হৃদয় (sleeve) রাখা ,হাতে হৃদয় রাখলে সবাই দেখতে পাবে । হৃদয়ের আবেগ লুকিয়ে রাখা যাবে না । emotions open হবে । <He wears his heart on his sleeve.> <I know he wears his heart on his sleeve and I know he's a good manager.> <He is not pretentious in any way, he wears his heart on his sleeve and I think that projects to anyone listening to his music>

cold shoulder

to disregard or ignore to snub; show indifference to. to deliberately ignore someone in an unfriendly way literal meaning: ঠান্ডা কাঁধ, নিরুত্তাপ, পাত্তা না দেওয়া <He found himself being cold-shouldered by his former colleagues.> <I wanted to be friends with my ex, but she gave me the cold shoulder.>

to pull one's own weight

to do a fair share of the work To work as hard as other people in a group একটি দলের মধ্যে নিজের কাজটা অন্তত করা literal meaning: যখন পর্বতে উঠে তখন দল বেঁধে উঠে । একজনের সাথে একজন দড়ি বেঁধে উঠে । উঠার সময় যার যার নিজের ভার বহন করলে কোন সমস্যা হয় না । ওইটা থেকে ই আসছে নিজে ভারটা যেন বহন করেন, অন্তত নিজের কাজটা যেন করে । <The others had complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her weight.>

(to get) cold feet

to hesitate because of fear or uncertainty loss of nerve or confidence. to get nervous and change your mind literally : ঠাণ্ডার সময় ঠাণ্ডা পা নামাইতে অনেক hesitation, confusion হয় । তাই cold feet মানে hesitation, confusion <If the Spurs stay patient and refuse to make a move with Leonard right away, maybe James gets cold feet about jumping to Los Angeles.> <I am getting cold feet about this nickname i picked>

to take a leaf out of someone's book

to do something in the way someone else would do it; to behave or act like someone else. imitate(copy) or emulate someone in a particular way. literally the word 'leaf' here refers to a page from a book. Therefore, when you take a leaf from someone's book, you are copying what the individual has written. The original meaning of this idiom was therefore to 'plagiarise'. Nowadays, the expression has lost its negative connotation and is used only in a positive sense: to imitate someone. <I took a leaf out of Suren's book and started submitting my assignments on time.> <worm-watchers should take a leaf out of Darwin's field craft book and sit still to observe the action> < I think I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and start going for a run first thing in the morning.>

bring home the bacon

to earn a living, to succeed to provide for material needs; earn a living. to accomplish a task; be successful or victorious literal meaning: বাসার জন্য খাবার ( beacon ) bring করা , সফল হওয়া <Our governor went to Washington to appeal for disaster relief and brought home the bacon—$40 million.> <I have to go to work because it brings home the bacon> <you don't have to be in a high-tech industry to bring home the bacon>

pass the buck

to evade responsibility, to leave a difficult problem for someone else to deal with shift the responsibility for something to someone else. কাজ বা রেস্পন্সিবিলিটি এড়িয়ে চলা <She's always trying to pass the buck and I'm sick of (বিব্রত) it!> <elected political leaders cannot pass the buck for crisis decisions to any alternative source of authority> <Politicians have two skills: making empty promises and then passing the buck when they fail to deliver on them.>

meet with

to experience something, usually something unpleasant encounter সংঘর্ষ , হুট করে কিছু হওয়া <I heard she'd met with an accident.> <If you meet with any difficulties, just let me know.> <the proposal met with opposition>

to tilt at windmills

to fight imaginary enemies কাল্পনিক শত্রুর সাথে যুদ্ধ করা literally: tilt( কাত হত্তয়া, উলটাইয়া যাত্তয়া, ঢালু করা) , মানে দেখেই কাত হওয়া , অনেকটা জাহাজ এর মত লাগে তখন শত্রু জাহাজ মনে করে কাত হয়ে আক্রমণ করা মানে আজাইরা কাল্পনিক শত্রুর সাথে যুদ্ধ করা <The CEO seems to be tilting at windmills lately, flinging accusations at members of the press for no reason.>


to fool yourself into believing something is true because you want it to be true, when it is actually not true He's deluding himself if he thinks he's going to get that promotion.


to force; to put pressure on someone to do something বাধ্য করা, নিগৃহীত করা, দমন করা বল প্রয়োগ করে বাধ্য করা Ex: A criminal's confession is not usable in court if the police ~ him or her into giving it.

make a (or one's) fortune

to get a large amount of money by doing something acquire great wealth by one's own efforts. অনেক সম্পত্তির অধিকারী হওয়া , অনেক টাকার মালিক হওয়া <he had come from Wales to make his fortune as a pop singer> <He made a fortune buying and selling nineteenth-century paintings.> <We'll make a fortune if we can manage to secure a trading partner in China.> <I hear Sarah is making a fortune with sales from her latest novel.>


to get away from something that tries to catch you কৌশলে পরিহার করা Ex: The robbery suspects tried to ~ the police by fleeing to Canada.

to throw the book at someone

to give maximum punishment To punish someone as severely as possible. literal meaning: বই ছুড়ে দেয়াই একজন শিক্ষকের দেয়া give maximum punishment , <The judge was not lenient - he threw the book at him.> <You may have gotten off lightly in the past, Benny, but this time we're going to throw the book at you.>


to greatly decrease the supply of a resource or material Ex: The prolonged war ~+ the country's national treasury. to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money, etc.: নিঃশেষিত করা, শূন্য করা If we continue to deplete the earth's natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment. The illness depletes the body of important vitamins.


to have a strong desire for

have a field day

to have an enjoyable time to take advantage of an opportunity to do something you enjoy: to get a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from doing something —used especially to describe getting enjoyment from criticizing someone, making fun of someone, etc. literal meaning: খেলাধুলা করতে আছি , তাই আনন্দে আছি <If word of his involvement in this scandal ever leaks out, the newspapers are going to have a field day> <Journalists have had a field day with this scandal.> <The newspapers had a field day when the wedding was announced (= they wrote a lot about it and printed many photographs of it).>

make ends meet make (both) ends meet

to have enough money to buy what you need to live To earn just enough money to pay one's bills. manage, cope, get by, survive, exist, subsist literal meaning: আখের (ends) জোগাড় (meet) করা , বাঁচার জন্য শেষ অবলম্বন সংগ্রহ করা , manage করা এক কথায় " বাঁচার জন্য " <even with no children to support, she couldn't make ends meet> < To make ends meet, Phil picked up a second job delivering pizzas. >

hobson's choice

to have no choice at all কোন বিকল্প নাই literally : অনেক গুলা অপশন দেখালেও আসলে কোন কোন বিকল্প নাই । বিচার মানি কিন্তু তালগাছ আমার । an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative <He jokingly referred to dinner as a Hobson's choice between soup and salad or salad and soup.> <It's a case of Hobson's choice, because if I don't agree to their terms, I'll lose my job.>

let sleeping dogs lie

to let well enough alone, to avoid stirring up old hostilities to ignore a problem because trying to deal with it could cause an even more difficult situation to leave a situation alone so as to avoid worsening it. literal meaning: ঘুমন্ত কুত্তাকে শুয়ে থাকতে দাও , উঠলেই ঘেউ ঘেউ করবে। মানে ওইটা ( পুরান শত্রুতা নিয়ে ) ঘাটাঘাটি না করা ভালো কারণ ওইটা পরিস্থিতিকে খারাপ করে দিতে পারে। <Oh, don't mention that fight they had months ago—let sleeping dogs lie!> <I thought about bringing up my concerns but decided instead to let sleeping dogs lie.>


to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something: High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze. Her progress certainly hasn't been hindered by her lack of experience.

hear (someone) out

to listen to someone and try to understand allow someone to speak fully to listen to someone until the person is finished speaking. to listen to (someone who wants to tell something) literal meaning: out means শেষ , কাউকে সম্পূর্ণ কথা শেষ করতে দাও <I know you don't agree but hear me out.> <Hear me out and then tell me what you think of the plan.> <Please hear me out before you jump to any conclusions.>

with a grain of salt a pinch of salt

to maintain a small amount of skepticism. সন্দেহ করা , সম্পূর্ণ সত্য বা ঠিক নয় বলে ধারনা করা literal meaning: আগে ধারনা করা হত এক চিমটি লবণ বিষ নষ্ট করতে পারে । এজন্য যে খাবার "সন্দেহ করা" হত ওইটায় এক চিমটি লবণ মিশিয়ে খাওয়া হত। ওইখান থেকে আসছে with a grain of salt মানে সন্দেহ করা <Take a novice's advice with a grain of salt.> <Anything free should be taken with a grain of salt> <Take the consultant's advice with a grain of salt - the software he's recommending is produced by a company that is also a client of his> <I heard that you can get a free movie ticket if you wear red, but Kevin told me that, so I'm going to take it with a pinch of salt. > <Take whatever that paper publishes with a pinch of salt—it's really a tabloid.>


to make a person or group poor Ex: The collapse of the steel industry ~+ several counties in eastern Ohio.


to make an expression of pain, strong dislike, etc. in which the face twists in an ugly way: He tried to stand and grimaced with pain.


to make bigger or better by adding to Ex: In some types of popular cosmetic surgery people ~ parts of their bodies. Ex: The college ~+ its course offerings because students complained that there were too few choices.

bury the hatchet

to make peace/to stop fighting each other literal meaning : bury(কবর দেত্তয়া) hatchet (ক্ষুদ্র কুঠারবিশেষ), মানে ঝগড়াঝাটি কবর দেয়া and make peace to stop an argument and become friends again. to agree to end the disagreement that has divided two people or groups: <After years of fighting over who should have gotten Dad's money, my brothers finally buried the hatchet.> <Can't you two just bury the hatchet?>


to make someone very embarrassed: The thought of the incident still mortified her.


to make something (usually land) part of another unit আত্মসাৎ করা পরিশিষ্ট, বাড়তি, বর্ধন অন্তর্ভূত করা, অধিকার করা, আসঁজিত করা Ex: Bardstown grew by ~+ several farms at the north edge of town.


to make something less effective than usual দুর্বল করা, ক্ষতিসাধন করা, ক্ষতি করা Ex: The snow ~+ John's ability to hear anyone's footsteps. Usage Tips: The object of ~ is often [someone's] ability to.

give teeth to ST = put teeth into ST

to make something powerful; to give something a real effect. to deal with something or become involved in something with great energy and enthusiasm: To make something stronger or more effective, especially a rule or piece of legislation. literal meaning: দন্তহীনকে দাঁত প্রদান করা , মানে শক্তিশালী করা , make something powerful <I'm so bored at work, I wish they'd give me something I could really get my teeth into.> <The severe penalty really gives teeth to the law.> <Strong enforcement puts teeth in the regulation.> <to put teeth into the law.>

see to it that

to make sure that something is done to make sure that sth happens কোন কিছু নিশ্চিত করা , <you see to it that everyone gets a copy of this memo?> <His government will see to it that "justice and security are suitable sisters", he said.> <We want to see to it that there are no bad elements in our city.>


to make worse; to anger or intensify Ex: Running will ~ your sore knees. to make a bad situation worse: Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.

wash dirty linen in public

to openly discuss private affairs To discuss very private, personal matters, especially that which may be embarrassing, in public or with other people. literal meaning: জনসম্মুখে (লিনেন অন্তর্বাস ) ধোয়া , যেটা নাকি নরমালি গোপনে ধোয়া উচিত । মানে পাব্লিক প্লেস এ গোপন জিনিস নিয়ে কথা বার্তা বলা । <She decided not to take the family dispute to court as she feared it would only lead to a lot of washing of dirty linen in public.> <My parents taught me not to wash my dirty laundry in public that the reason I only discusses private issues with family.> <I never understand why you wash all your dirty linen in public in your group discussions.>

fish or cut bait

used to tell someone to take action or to stop saying that they will: cut bait means give up, abandon an activity. Often part of the expression "fish or cut bait", to "cut bait" is to stop fishing. To give up on something. Taken from the phrase "fish or cut bait," meaning to either work productively or else stand aside. literal meaning: মাছ ধরো নাহয় টোপ (বর্শী) কেটে ফেলো , মানে আজাইরা বসে না থেকে একটা সিদ্ধান্তে পৌঁছানো , কাজ করলে ভালোমতো কর না হয় ছেড়ে দাও . to either work productively or else stand aside. <He's been promising voters that he'll support gun control, now it's time to fish or cut bait.> <After three years of hating medical school, Sean decided it was time to cut bait and try something different.> <As much as he wanted to be an entrepreneur, after a year of struggling, he cut bait and asked his former boss for his old job back> <Steve has been dating Marva almost six years, and his parents think it's time for him to fish or cut bait.>

more often than not

usually, frequently, most probably most of the time happening more than half the time <He wins more often than not.> <More often than not, I stay home instead of going out.> <More often than not, a student will come up with the right answer.> <food is scarce and more often than not they go hungry> *Abstruse*: more than not থাকলেই ধরে নিতে হবে most More times than not (=most times) More frequently than not (=most frequently) More likely than not (=most likely/probably) More days than not (=most days) More often than not(=most often means most time)


yet is used to indicate that something hasn't happened at an specific time. ( negative sentences and questions) <We haven't written our reports yet.> মাঝে মাঝে আবার এটা দিয়ে ঘুরিয়ে বাক্য লিখা হয় তখন এটা দেখতে পজিটিভ মনে হলেও আসলে এটা নেগেটীভ বাক্য। < John has yet to learn the material = John hasn't learned the material yet.> still; until the present time <He hasn't finished yet.> <We haven't needed extra staff as yet, but we may in the future.> (and) despite that; যখন এটা conjunction হিসেবে বেবহার করা হয় তখন এর অর্থ দাড়ায় but, despite <My neighbors never have the time, yet they always want to do something on Saturday night.> <He's overweight and bald, (and) yet somehow, he's attractive.>


অকপটতা the quality of being honest, sincere, and kind in dealing with other people: "We want to help but really don't know how," she said with surprising candor.


অকার্য, অকার্য, বিশৃঙ্খলা verb জেবড়াভাবে সম্পাদন করা, চরম বিশৃঙ্খল করা, ধেড়ান, খুব করা, তালগোল পাকান তালগোল পাকানো, মারাত্মক ভুল to do something badly, or spoil something: <The police bungled the investigation.>


অখ্যাতি the quality of being famous for something considered bad: The president described the attack as "a day that will live in infamy". ​ a bad and shocking act or event: For the relatives of those who had died in the war, the final infamy was the pardoning of the draft-dodgers.


অগ্রবর্তী হত্তয়া He is one of the foregoers of modern helicopter technology and sees an especially bright future for tilt rotor designs. The fact that the bishops were prepared to forego their opposition was not unknown in Rome. abstruse: forgo: to give up or do without


অচপল, (esp. of women and girls) quiet and well behaved: <Two demure little girls sat near their mother.>


অচিন্তিত রচনা a performance that an actor, musician, etc. has not practised or planned: There are classes in movement, dance, and improvisation.


অট্টালিকার সদরের বহির্ভাগ the front of a building: The façade is made of limestone. ​ A person's façade is the image that person presents to others: Behind her façade of gentleness was a tough competitor.


অতিনাটকীয় tending to behave or show emotion in ways that are more extreme than usual: I've always been a little melodramatic.


অত্যধিক উদ্বেগ a show of anger, worry, or excitement that is unnecessary or greater than the situation deserves She made such a fuss when Richard spilled a drop of wine on her blouse!


অনস্বীকার্য But she's also indisputably one of the smartest candidates running to be president.


অনাচারী, unscrupulous She was angry and resented her neighbors for doing something clearly unprincipled.


অনির্ণেয় impossible to see, see clearly, or understand: an indiscernible change/shape/reason


অনুজ্ঞাসূচক extremely important or urgent: The president said it was imperative that the release of all hostages be secured. It's imperative to act now before the problem gets really serious.


অনুরোধ pleas; petitions; requests an attempt to persuade someone to do something: She refused to become involved with him despite his passionate entreaties.


অনুলিপি an exact copy, especially of a document: a facsimile of the original manuscript


অনুশোচনা a slight guilty feeling about something you have done or might do: I wouldn't have any compunction about telling him to leave.


অন্তরায় Trump clearly sees the law as an impediment to achieving his goals.


অন্তর্ভুক্তি the act of including someone or something as part of a group, list, etc., or a person or thing that is included She is being considered for inclusion in the Olympic team. The book's value stems from its inclusion of multiple viewpoints.


অন্যান্য মানুষের কোম্পানীর এড়ানো; নির্জন withdrawn, hermit-like


অপরিচ্ছন্ন করা, দূষিত করা, মলিন করা, কলুষিত করা, বিকৃত করা, নোংরা করা to spoil something or someone so that that thing or person is less beautiful or pure: It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump. The soldiers deliberately defiled all the holy places.


অপ্রয়োজনীয় unnecessary because it is more than is needed: In the sentence "She is a single unmarried woman", the word "unmarried" is redundant. To keep the company alive, half the workforce is being made redundant. figurative New technology often makes old skills and even whole communities redundant.




অবর্ণিত very ordinary, or having no interesting or exciting features or qualities: Their offices are in a nondescript building on the edge of town.

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